Alexey Lev Tolstoy what relationship. Mikhail Tolstoy: “The Tolstoy family at one table is not a romantic story at all

Famous descendants of the great Russian writers

descendants of the great Russian writers

Our contemporaries are the descendants of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy and Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky.

Descendants of Leo Tolstoy

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910)

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy had 13 children (although five of them died in infancy or early childhood).

Today, more than 300 of his descendants live all over the world, many of whom keep in touch with each other and meet regularly in Yasnaya Polyana.

In Russia, two great-great-grandsons of the great writer are most famous.

Pyotr Tolstoy

Pyotr Tolstoy - great-great-grandson of Lev Nikolaevich

Pyotr Olegovich Tolstoy is the great-great-grandson of Leo Tolstoy.

He graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, worked on television for many years, among other things, was the host of the program " Evening time"on Channel One.

In the fall of 2016, he left journalism for politics: he became deputy chairman of the State Duma as a member of the United Russia party.

Fyokla Tolstaya

Fyokla Tolstaya - great-great-granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy

Fyokla Tolstaya, the second cousin of the newly appointed deputy, is also the great-great-granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy and also a journalist.

She graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University and the directing department of GITIS. Speaks five foreign languages: English, French, Italian, Serbian and Polish.

She worked as a presenter on radio "Mayak", "Echo of Moscow" and "Silver Rain", as well as on the TV channels "Culture", "Russia" and NTV. She also films documentaries. For example, on the Culture channel in 2013, the eight-episode series “Fat” was released, where she talked about her most famous ancestors.

Descendants of Alexei Tolstoy

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1883-1945)

Alexey Nikolaevich and Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy had a common ancestor - however, they were only very distant relatives of each other.

Today, the granddaughter and great-grandson of Alexei Tolstoy are famous in Russia.

Tatiana Tolstaya

Tatiana Tolstaya - granddaughter of Alexei Tolstoy
(photo: Vodnik)

Tatyana Tolstaya is the granddaughter of Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy and also a writer, a philologist by training. Perhaps her most famous novel is the dystopia "Kys", published in 2000.

In addition, Tatyana Tolstaya became known as a TV presenter: for more than ten years she, together with journalist Avdotya Smirnova, hosted the “School of Scandal” program (first on the “Culture” channel, and then on NTV).

Artemy Lebedev

Artemy Lebedev - great-grandson of Alexei Tolstoy
(photo by Alexander Plushev)

Artemy Lebedev is the son of Tatyana Tolstoy and the great-grandson of Alexei Tolstoy.

Lebedev is a designer, founder and co-owner of the fashionable Artemy Lebedev Studio, which, for example, created the logo Bolshoi Theater and Yandex.

Lebedev is also one of the most popular bloggers in Russia, known, among other things, for his abundant consumption expressive vocabulary and often with quite provocative texts.

Descendants of Vladimir Mayakovsky

The poet Vladimir Mayakovsky was never married, but had many affairs. In 1925 he committed big Adventure in America, where he met an emigrant from Russia from a family of Russified Germans, Elizaveta Siebert (in the USA, after her marriage, she began to be called Ellie Jones).

In 1926, after the poet left for his homeland, Ellie Jones gave birth to a daughter, Helen Patricia. Mayakovsky met her only once in his entire life - in 1928 during a short trip to Nice.

Helen Patricia Thompson

Helen Patricia Thompson - daughter of Vladimir Mayakovsky

Helen Patricia Thompson is an American writer, philosopher and teacher. Her most famous book- "Mayakovsky in Manhattan, a love story", written based on the stories and unpublished memoirs of her mother.

Thompson also taught philosophy at Lehman College in New York.

Helena Patricia Thompson died in 2016 at the age of 89.

Pedigree of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910)GENEALOGY OF LEV NIKOLAEVICH
TOLSTOY (1828-1910)
Lev Nikolaevich
Nikolai Ilyich
Count Tolstoy
Pelageya Nikolaevna
Princess Gorchakova
Ilya Andreevich
Count Tolstoy
Ivan Petrovich
Count Tolstoy
Maria Nikolaevna
Princess Volkonskaya
Nikolay Sergeevich
Prince Volkonsky
Ekaterina Dmitrievna
Princess Trubetskoy

Coat of arms of the Tolstoy family

The coat of arms of the Tolstoy nobles is common to all
descendants of Indris. In a shield having
blue field depicting gold
saber and silver arrow threaded
pointed crosswise through
gold key ring and above the key with
silver visible on the right side
wing outstretched. Marking on shield
blue, lined with gold. Coat of arms included
in General armorial of noble families
Russian Empire,

Ekaterina Alexandrovna Lukina

Paternal great-grandmother of Leo Tolstoy, wife of Nikolai
Ivanovich Gorchakov.

Yuri Yuryevich Trubetskoy

Second son of boyar Yu. P. Trubetskoy, nephew
"the great Golitsyn" Began court service
room steward of Tsars Fyodor Alekseevich and Peter
I. Later he joined Peter’s amusing army, under the Kozhukhovskys
maneuvers (1694) was already captain of Preobrazhensky
During his 18-year stay in Swedish captivity
elder brother Ivan Yuryevich (later Field Marshal), the inconspicuous Prince Yuri walked along
military service through a number of steps and was promoted to
March 1719 to brigadier. The family chronicle says
that he distinguished himself during the capture of Derbent by the Russians in 1722
year. He took part in the construction of Petropavlovskaya
fortresses; The Trubetskoy bastion is named in his honor.
In 1720 he was appointed president of the Magistrate - the highest
city ​​government body in Russia. Catherine I
granted him the rank of lieutenant general. In 1727
put in charge of the newly formed Belgorodskaya
After Anna Ioannovna ascended the throne, Prince
Trubetskoy was appointed senator (March 4, 1730) and
thereafter granted the status of actual secret
advisers (April 28 of the same year). Died in 1739
buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Olga Ivanovna Golovina

Great-grandmother of Leo Tolstoy, sister
great-grandmother of Alexander Pushkin,
Evdokia Ivanovna Golovina, Yuri's wife
Yuryevich Trubetskoy.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Volkonsky

Prince Fyodor Mikhailovich Volkonsky - neighbor
okolnichy and racketeer master from the Volkonsky family. Prince's son
Mikhail Andreevich.
Granted the rank of room steward on December 24, 1692. By
Spiridov, was in the Azov campaign of 1696, and in which
positions are not said. On January 16, 1721 he was granted
roundabouts; in 1727, on January 28, he was appointed racketeer master.
He was married first to Ekaterina Matveevna
Eropkina, and his second marriage to Princess Anastasia
Afanasyevna Solntseva-Zasekina; had a prince's son
Semyon Fedorovich.
At the dacha of 1705 for the room steward, Prince Fedor
Mikhailovich Volkonsky owned estates in Klinskoye,
Ryazan and Pereyaslav districts.

Anastasia Afanasyevna Sontsova-Zasekina

Great-great-grandmother of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, wife of Fyodor
Mikhailovich Volkonsky.
Comes from the Sontsov-Zasekin family - a branch of the Zasekin princes.
Its founder was Dmitry Ivanovich Sontse Zasekin.

Sergei Fedorovich Volkonsky

Volkonsky, Sergei Fedorovich (1715-
1784) - major general, first
owner of Yasnaya Polyana.

Maria Dmitrievna Chaadaeva

CHAADAEVA (???-1775)
Great-grandmother of Leo Tolstoy on the maternal side,
wife of Sergei Fedorovich Volkonsky.

10. Dmitry Yuryevich Trubetskoy

Prince Dmitry Yurievich Trubetskoy (c. 1724-1792) -
guard captain-lieutenant from the Trubetskoy family, rich
Moscow gentleman of Catherine's era, estate builder
Znamenskoye-Sadki, ancestor of the younger branch
Trubetskoy (“Trubetskoy-Chest of Drawers”). Great-grandfather of Leo Tolstoy.
Born into the family of Prince Yuri Yuryevich Trubetskoy and his
second wife Olga, daughter of Admiral I.M. Golovin. By
mother had cousin L. A. Pushkin -
the poet's grandfather. Inherited a plot of land from relatives in
The Kremlin, which was purchased by the treasury for the construction of the Senate,
and suburban estates Neskuchnoye and Znamenskoye. In more
in the remote Moscow region he owned the Prokhorovo estate.
Upon completion of the construction of the palace in Znamensky, he received
on June 23, 1787, returning from the Tauride voyage
Catherine II with her grandchildren. The estate has preserved the built
according to his order, a two-light hall with a painted ceiling and
lush stucco decoration. In 1772 he bought
newly built “house-dresser” on Pokrovka and right there
set about remaking it. He was known as an amateur musician (he played the cello). His serf theater
was popular in Moscow.

11. Varvara Ivanovna Odesskaya

Wife of Dmitry Yurievich Trubetskoy,
great-grandmother of Leo Tolstoy.

12. Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya

Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, married Countess Tolstaya (10
November 1790 - August 4, 1830) - mother of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
Born in Yasnaya Polyana, the Volkonsky family estate, in the family
General Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky and his wife Ekaterina
Dmitrievna. To her mother’s father, Prince D. Yu. Trubetskoy,
belonged to a luxurious palace on Pokrovka. After an early death
mother (in 1792) was raised in the family of her brother, Prince Ivan
Trubetskoy, until Nikolai Sergeevich came out in 1799
resignation and did not settle with his daughter in Yasnaya Polyana.
Under the guidance of her strict father, Princess Marya received good
home education. She played the clavichord and harp very well,
knew five languages, studied Russian literature, music, history
arts, mathematics, physics, geography, logic, universal
history, natural sciences.
Maria Nikolaevna’s outward closeness and caustic disposition
the father was scared away from the family by potential suitors, and the princess by the age of 30
Over the years I have practically resigned myself to the fate of an old maid. She had
large facial features that Leo Tolstoy inherited, and, according to
in his opinion, she was “not pretty.”
Although Lev Nikolaevich did not remember his mother, he idolized her,
I studied her diaries in detail. According to his wife,
Tolstoy spent every morning in the lower garden of Yasnaya Polyana - there,
where Maria Nikolaevna often rested and there were many trees
planted by herself. The bright image of the mother is reflected in the story
Tolstoy's "Childhood". In many ways, Tolstoy’s mother became the prototype
Princess Marya Bolkonskaya from the novel “War and Peace”.

13. Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky

Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky (March 30, 1753 - 3
February 1821) - infantry general from the family
Volkonskikh, grandfather of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Prototype
old Prince Bolkonsky from the novel “War and Peace”.
Son of Major General Prince Sergei Fedorovich Volkonsky
(1715-1784) and Maria Dmitrievna, born. Chaadaeva (d.
1775). Married Ekaterina Dmitrievna (1749-99), daughter
Prince D. Yu. Trubetskoy, granddaughter of Prince I. V. Odoevsky,
one of Elizabeth Petrovna's favorites.
The only daughter born in the marriage was Princess Maria.
Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, married Countess Tolstaya
(1790-1830) - mother of Leo Tolstoy, prototype of Princess Marya
in "War and Peace".
The old Prince Volkonsky owned the Yasnaya Polyana estate,
which passed as a dowry to the daughter Mary,
when she married Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy.

14. Ekaterina Dmitrievna Trubetskaya

Ekaterina Dmitrievna - youngest daughter
Prince Dmitry Yuryevich Trubetskoy,
wife of General Prince Nicholas
Sergeevich Volkonsky, they have a daughter
Maria is the mother of Leo Tolstoy.
The Trubetskoy family belonged to
ancient Russian aristocracy,
famous for its liberalism and
broad cultural interests. U
The Volkonskys had two daughters: Varenka,
who died in childhood, and Maria. Catherine
Dmitrievna died when she
Mary's daughter was barely two
of the year.

15. Praskovya Mikhailovna Rtishcheva

Great-great-grandmother of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
paternal line, wife of Ivan Petrovich Tolstoy.

16. Leo Tolstoy

Outstanding Russian prose writer, playwright and public
activist Born August 28 (September 9), 1828 in
Yasnaya Polyana estate Tula region. Maternal
line, the writer belonged to a distinguished family of princes
Volkonsky, and on his father’s side - to the old family of counts
Tolstykh. Great-great-grandfather, great-grandfather, grandfather and father of Leo Tolstoy were
military. Representatives of the ancient Tolstoy family
Ivan the Terrible served as governors in many cities of Rus'.
The writer spent his childhood in Yasnaya Polyana, an ancient
family estate. Tolstoy's interest in history and literature
originated in his childhood: while living in the village, he saw how
the life of the working people was going on, from them he heard
a bunch of folk tales, epics, songs, legends. Life
people, their work, interests and views, oral creativity -
everything alive and wise - Yasnaya Polyana revealed to Tolstoy.
Youth. Young Tolstoy saw not only the open side
life big city, but also some hidden, shadow
sides. On his first stay in Moscow, the writer
connected the end of the earliest period of his life,
childhood, and the transition to adolescence.

17. Leo Tolstoy

The first period of Tolstoy's Moscow life continued
not for long. In the summer of 1837, having gone to Tula on business,
his father died suddenly. Soon after death
Tolstoy and his sister and brothers had to survive their father
new misfortune: the grandmother, whom everyone was close to, died
considered the head of the family. Sudden death became a son for her
a terrible blow and less than a year later carried her to her grave.
A few years later, the first guardian of the orphans died
Tolstoy's children, father's sister, Alexandra Ilyinichna OstenSaken. Ten-year-old Leo, his three brothers and sister
taken to Kazan, where their new guardian, auntie, lived
Pelageya Ilyinichna Yushkova.
Tolstoy lived in Kazan for more than six years. It was time
the formation of his character and choice of life path.
Living with his brothers and sister at Pelageya Ilyinichna’s, young
Tolstoy spent two years preparing to enter Kazan University.
university. Having decided to enroll in the eastern department
university, he paid special attention to preparing for
exams on foreign languages. On exams
mathematics and Russian literature Tolstoy received
fours, and in foreign languages ​​- fives. On exams
in history and geography, Lev Nikolaevich failed
- He received unsatisfactory grades.
Failure on entrance exams served for
Tolstoy with a serious lesson. He devoted the whole summer
thorough study of history and geography,
passed additional exams on them in September
In 1844 he was enrolled in the first course of Eastern
Department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Kazan
university in the category of Arab-Turkish
literature. However, learning languages ​​did not excite me
Tolstoy, and after summer holidays in Yasnaya Polyana he
transferred from the Faculty of Oriental Studies to the Faculty of Law.
But in the future, university studies will not
awakened Lev Nikolaevich's interest in the studied
sciences Most of the time he is alone
studied philosophy, compiled the “Rules
life" and carefully wrote notes in his diary. TO
the end of the third year of Tolstoy's studies
finally became convinced that the then
the university order only got in the way
independent creative work, and he accepted
decision to leave the university. However
he needed a university diploma to
obtain rights to enter the service. And to
get a diploma, Tolstoy survived
university exams externally, spending on
preparation for them takes two years of living in the village. Having received
at the end of April 1847 in the office
university documents, former student
Tolstoy left Kazan.

18. Ivan Petrovich Tolstoy

Ivan Petrovich was born in 1685 in
Moscow in the family of Pyotr Andreevich
Tolstoy and Solomonida Timofeevna
Dubrovskaya, granddaughter of Bogdan Minich
Dubrovsky. In 1702 he accompanied
father on a diplomatic trip to
Constantinople. Subsequently served
captain in the guard. In a number
compilations contain information (apparently erroneous) that he
headed the Patrimonial Collegium.

19. Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy

The only son to reach adulthood
Count Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy, Kazan
governor, and his wife Pelageya Nikolaevna. C 6
years was enlisted in the civil service. K 16
For years he held the rank of collegiate registrar. At 17
years old he transferred to military service.
He retired in 1824 with the rank of colonel.
Having spent his youth cheerfully, he lost huge
money and completely ruined his affairs. N.I.
Tolstoy is depicted quite close to
reality in "War and Peace", where he
served as the prototype for Nikolai Ilyich Rostov. IN
in his memoirs, Lev Nikolaevich writes that
father's were "sanguine red neck", "cheerful
quick step”, “cheerful, gentle voice”, “kind,
beautiful eyes", "graceful, courageous

20. Pelageya Nikolaevna Gorchakova

Wealthy heiress of the village
Nikolskoye-Vyazemskoye - got married
"hopeless old maid" By
according to Leo Tolstoy, “she was
narrow-minded, poorly educated, like everyone else
then, I knew French better than
in Russian (and this was limited to her
education), and very spoiled."
Shown quite close to
to the original in Tolstoy's stories
"Childhood" and "Adolescence". Married
had four children.

21. Alexandra Ivanovna Shchetinina

Princess Alexandra Ivanovna Shchetinina
married Count Andrei
Ivanovich Tolstoy (1721 - 1803),
grandson of Peter's associate Peter
Andreevich. Her grandson is Count Fedor
Petrovich Tolstoy (1783 - 1873), vice-president of the Academy of Arts,
excellent draftsman
(graphic works and watercolors) and
Another great-grandson of Princess Shchetinina
was Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

22. Andrei Ivanovich Tolstoy

Born into the family of Ivan Petrovich Tolstoy,
eldest son of P. A. Tolstoy, associate of Peter I.
Mother Praskovya Mikhailovna - granddaughter
niece of the benefactor F. M. Rtishchev. Through
seven years after Andrei's birth, his father and grandfather
fell into disgrace and were exiled to Solovki, where
died soon after.
Andrei Ivanovich began serving in the army at the age of 18 as an ordinary soldier. Participated in
war with the Swedes. In 1754-59. consisted of
Kazan garrison, in 1761-64 he ruled in
Sviyazhsk. Took part in the work of the Laid
commission as a representative of Suzdal
During the reign of Catherine II he moved to live in
Moscow, where he was headed by the city magistrate.
He ended his career as vice president of the Moscow
Palace reserve office. Resigned
with the rank of actual state councilor.

23. Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy

Son of A.I. Tolstoy, brother of F.A. Tolstoy. Studied at Morskoy
body, but his education was extremely superficial,
so in official documents he signed
"Brigadir" instead of "Brigadier". Leo Tolstoy considered his
ancestor, a stupid man, prone to scams and
project-making. The features of Ilya Andreevich are given in “War and
world" to the good-natured, impractical old count
Served as a midshipman in the navy, later transferred to
Life Guards, in the Preobrazhensky Regiment. After marriage in
1791, a wealthy heiress could afford to go out in
resignation, which he did two years later with the rank of brigadier. In
during the Napoleonic wars he was among the elders
English Club. The Tolstoy couple owned estates in
Tula province (about 1200 souls) and Moscow
mansion in Krivoy Lane, between Tverskaya and Nikitskaya,
but preferred to live in Polyany, a vast estate in
Belevsky district, where the local nobility elected Ilya
Andreevich as a judge of the conscientious court. In 1803-10 he held
wine farms in the Kaluga and Oryol provinces and for
supply of alcohol, he opened three distilleries on his estates

24. Nikolai Ivanovich Gorchakov

(1725 – 1811)
Great-grandfather of Leo Tolstoy on the paternal side,
husband of Ekaterina Alexandrovna Lukina.

Table VI.

Click on the picture to enlarge


The painting of the descendants of L. N. Tolstoy was compiled on the basis of the personal research of S. L. Tolstoy. Among the descendants of L. N. Tolstoy, only persons born during the life of L. N. Tolstoy were included in the painting. Information about them (except for dates of death) is given also ending in November 1910.

Dates through 31.XII. 1917 are given in the old style, from January 1, 1918 - in the new style.

1. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy born 28. VIII. 1828 in Yasnaya Polyana, Krapivensky district, Tula province; died at 6.5 am on 7.XI. 1910 in Astapov (now Lev Tolstoy station of the Ryazan-Ural railway) Dankovsky district. Ryazan province. Fuck it. 9. XI. 1910 in Yasnaya Polyana.

Married since 23. IX. 1862 on Sofya Andreevna Bers (b. 22. VIII. 1844, d. 4. XI. 1919 in Yasnaya Polyana, buried in the village of Kochak near Yasnaya Polyana), daughter of the state physician Andrei Evstafievich Bers (b. 9. IV. 1808, d. 30. V. 1868) and Lyubov Alexandrovna Islavina (b. 26. II. 1826, d. 11. XI. 1886).


2. Sergei Lvovich Tolstoy(1), p. 28.VI. 1863 in Yasnaya Polyana.

Married for the first time on July 9th. 1895 to Marya Konstantinovna Rachinskaya (b. 29. IX. 1865, d. 2. VII. 1900), daughter of Konstantin Aleksandrovich Rachinsky (b. 21. III. 1838, d. 30. VI. 1909) and Marya Alexandrovna Daragan (b. 16. V. 1844, d. 15. VI.

Second marriage on 30.VI. 1906 on gr. Marya Nikolaevna Zubova (b. 5. VIII. 1867), daughter of gr. Nikolai Nikolaevich Zubov (b. 29. I. 1832, d. 12. XII. 1898) and gr. Alexandra Vasilievna Olsufieva (b. 23. II. 1838, d. 1. IX. 1913).

3. Tatyana Lvovna Tolstaya(1), p. 4. X. 1864 in Yasnaya Polyana.

Married since November 14th. 1899 for Mikhail Sergeevich Sukhotin (b. 1. I. 1859, d. 4. VIII. 1914), son of Sergei Mikhail. Sukhotin (b. 18. V. 1818, d. 25. V. 1886) and Marya Alekseevna Dyakova (b. 3. X. 1830, d. 10. I. 1889).

Mich. Serg. Sukhotin was married for the first time on 27.IV. 1877 per bar. Marya Mikhailovna Bode (b. 9.III. 1856, d. 23.VI. 1897), daughter of a bar. Mikhail Lvovich Bode-Kolychev (b. 17. XII. 1824, d. 22. III. 1888) and Alexandra Ivanovna Chertkova (b. 16. VI. 1827, d. 5. I. 1898).

4. Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy(1), p. 22. V. 1866, in Yasnaya Polyana, d. 12. XII in the USA 1933.

Married for the first time on 28. II. 1888 to Sofya Nikolaevna Filosofova (b. 28. VII. 1867, d. 1934), daughter of Nikolai Alekseevich Filosofov (d. 2. XII. 1895) and Sofya Alekseevna Pisareva (b. 16. IV. 1847, d. 31. III . 1901).

5. Lev Lvovich Tolstoy(1), p. 20. V. 1869 in Yasnaya Polyana.

His first marriage was married on May 15, 1896 to Dora Fedorovna Westerlund (b. 5/17. XI. 1878), a Swedish citizen, daughter of the doctor of medicine Ernst Westerlund (b. 10/22. X. 1839, d. 15/28. I. 1924) and Nina Oluderus (b. 26. II/10. III. 1839, d. 10/23. III. 1922.)

6. Marya Lvovna Tolstaya(1), p. 12.II. 1871 in Yasnaya Polyana; mind. 27.XI. 1906 in the same place, fuck. in the village Kochakakh near Yasnaya Polyana.

Married since 2.VI. 1897 per book. Nikolai Leonidovich Obolensky (b. 28.XI. 1872), son of Prince. Leonid Dmitrievich Obolensky (b. 28. I. 1844, d. 4. II. 1888) and gr. Elizaveta Valeryanovna Tolstoy (b. 23. I. 1852).

Book Nick. Leon. Obolensky's second marriage, from January 1908, was to Natalya Mikhailovna Sukhotina (b. 16. January 1882, d. 11. November 1925), daughter of Mikhail Sergeevich Sukhotin (b. 1. January 1850, d. 4. VIII. 1914) and bar. Marya Mikhailovna Bode (b. 9.III. 1856, d. 23.VI. 1897).

7. Pyotr Lvovich Tolstoy(1), p. 13.VI. 1872 in Yasnaya Polyana, died 9.XI. 1873 in the same place, fuck. in the village Kochakakh near Yasnaya Polyana.

8. Nikolai Lvovich Tolstoy(1), p. 22. IV. 1874 in Yasnaya Polyana, d. 20. II. 1875 in the same place, fuck. in the village Kochakakh near Yasnaya Polyana.

9. Varvara Lvovna Tolstaya(1), p. and mind. 1. XI. 1875 in Yasnaya Polyana, ex. in the village Kochakakh near Yasnaya Polyana.

10. Andrey Lvovich Tolstoy(1), p. 6. XII. 1877 in Yasnaya Polyana, d. 24. II. 1916 in St. Petersburg, ex. at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

His first marriage was from 8. I. 1899 to Olga Konstantinovna Diterichs (b. 27. IX. 1872 in Kyiv), daughter of Konstantin Aleksandrovich Diterichs (b. 18. I. 1825, d. 22. XII. 1899) and Olga Iosifovna Musnitskaya (b. 8. XI. 1841, d. 28. III. 1893). Divorced 1907

Married for the second time on November 14th. 1907 on Ekaterina Vasilyevna Goryainova (b. 14. I. 1876), daughter of Vasily Nikolaevich Goryainov (b. 5. II. 1849, d. 25. I. 1912) and Maria Alexandrovna Brown (b. 1. II. 1852, d. 15.IV. 1926).

With her first marriage, Ekaterina Vasilievna Goryainova was married on January 11, 1895 to Mikhail Viktorovich Artsimovich (b. 7.VI. 1859), the son of Viktor Antonovich (b. 19.IV. 1820, d. 2.III. 1893) and Anna Mikhailovna Zhemchuzhnikova (b. 4. V. 1832, d. 4. VII. 1908).

11. Mikhail Lvovich Tolstoy(1), p. 20.XII. 1879 in Yasnaya Polyana.

Married from 31. I. 1901 to Alexandra Vladimirovna Glebova (b. 15. IV. 1880), daughter of Vladimir Petrovich Glebov (b. 7. VIII. 1850, d. 16. II. 1926) and kzh. Sofia Nikolaevna Trubetskoy (b. 7. XI. 1854). We separated.

12. Alexey Lvovich Tolstoy(1), p. 31. X. 1881 in Moscow, d. 18. I. 1886 in the same place, ex. at the cemetery near the village. Nikolsky near Pokrovsky-Streshnev, near Moscow.

13. Alexandra Lvovna Tolstaya(1), p. 18 . VI. 1884 in Yasnaya Polyana.

14. Ivan Lvovich Tolstoy(1), p. 31.III. 1888 in Moscow, d. 23. II. 1895 in the same place, fuck. at the cemetery near the village. Nikolsky near Pokrovsky-Streshnev near Moscow.


15. Sergei Sergeevich Tolstoy(2), p. 24. VIII. 1897.

16. Tatyana Mikhailovna Sukhotina(3), p. 6. XI. 1905.

17. Anna Ilyinichna Tolstaya(4), p. 24.XII. 1888.

Married for the first time since I was 16 . VII. 1908 for Nikolai Andreevich Kholmberg (b. 30. III. 1887), son of Andrei Andreevich Kholmberg (b. 8. XI. 1826, d. 14. XII. 1900) and kzh. Marya Sergeevna Gorchakova (b. 30. III. 1841).

18. Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy(4), p. 22.XII. 1891, d. 2. XII. 1893.

19. Mikhail Ilyich Tolstoy(4), p. 10. X. 1893, d. 28.III. 1919.

20. Andrei Ilyich Tolstoy(4), p. 1. IV. 1895, d. 3. IV. 1920.

21. Ilya Ilyich Tolstoy(4), p. 16.XII. 1896.

22. Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy(4), p. 18. IV. 1899.

23. Vera Ilyinichna Tolstaya(4), p. 19.VI. 1901.

24. Kirill Ilyich Tolstoy(4), p. 18. I. 1907, d. 1. II. 1915.

25. Lev Lvovich Tolstoy(5), p. 8.VI. 1898, d. 24.XII. 1900.

26. Pavel Lvovich Tolstoy(5), p. 20. VII. 1900. Swedish subject.

27. Nikita Lvovich Tolstoy(5), p. 22.VII. 1902. Swedish subject.

28. Pyotr Lvovich Tolstoy(5), p. 8. VIII. 1905. Swedish subject.

29. Nina Lvovna Tolstaya(5), p. 23. X. 1906. Swedish subject.

30. Sofya Lvovna Tolstaya(5), p. 5. IX. 1908. Swedish subject.

31. Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya(10), p. 12. IV. 1900.

32. Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy(10), p . 3. II. 1903.

33. Marya Andreevna Tolstaya(10, from second marriage), b. 17. II. 1908.

34. Ivan Mikhailovich Tolstoy(11), p. 10. XII. 1901.

35. Tatyana Mikhailovna Tolstaya(11), p. 22. II. 1903.

36. Lyubov Mikhailovna Tolstaya(11), p. and mind. IX. 1904.

37. Vladimir Mikhailovich Tolstoy(11), p. 11. XII. 1905.

38. Alexandra Mikhailovna Tolstaya(11), p. 11. XII. 1905.

39. Pyotr Mikhailovich Tolstoy(11), p. 10. X. 1907.

40. Mikhail Mikhailovich Tolstoy(11), p. 2. IX. 1910.


41. Sergey Nikolaevich Holmberg(17), p. 7. XI. 1909.

S. L. Tolstoy and M. A. Tsyavlovsky

Many people know such talented writers as Lev Nikolaevich, Alexey Nikolaevich and Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy. Some wonder who they are to each other after all. Their relationship is often questioned.

Upon careful examination of the Tolstoy family, one can notice that the writers Lev and the two Alekseevs have family ties. They all descended from the Tolstoy noble family, whose roots began in Germany. In the mid-14th century, their ancestor Indris left this country and was baptized in Chernigov.

Pedigree of the Tolstoys

The lineage of the Tolstoy family itself begins with his great-grandson, whose name was Andrei Kharitonovich. After living in Chernigov, he settled in Moscow. His first descendants were military personnel, which was a kind of tradition. However, in subsequent generations, state politicians and great literary figures began to appear in the Tolstoy family.


The closest ancestors of Lev and Alexey Nikolaevich and Alexey Konstantinovich are Peter Andreevich Tolstoy. He had two sons. One of them could not have children, and the second became the father of several sons, among whom Ilya and Andrei should be highlighted. It was they who produced the closest relatives of these three great writers.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in 1828 in the Tula province. His father was Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, who was the son of Ilya Andreevich.

The Ilya Tolstoy branch is famous for the appearance of Lev Nikolaevich and Alexei Konstantinovich. They are each other's second cousins. Alexey Nikolaevich appeared several generations later. Judging by kinship, then for Lev Nikolaevich he is a great-nephew in the fourth generation. The relationship, of course, is very distant, but still it indicates that they have common roots and can be considered their relatives, and not just namesakes.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in 1883. His place of birth was the city of Nikolaevsk. His father is Count Nikolai Alexandrovich Tolstoy.

Many biographers are studying the Tolstoy family, and quite detailed family trees. All of them confirm the fact that in this family there are three famous writers who appeared in different periods time. The oldest of these writers is Alexey Konstantinovich. He was born in 1817 in the city of St. Petersburg. His father was Konstantin Petrovich Tolstoy, who is the brother of the famous artist F.P. Tolstoy.

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The earthly history of Yasnaya Polyana is very extensive, as is the Tolstoy family itself. The surname “Tolstoy”, according to one version, comes from the fact that Lev Nikolaevich’s ancestor had a large head; people called him “fat head”. This is where the Tolstoy surname came from, in whose family everyone was distinguished by their remarkable intelligence. In addition to the folk story, there is a more noticeable story. There is a hypothesis that the Tolstoy noble family comes from an ancient German family. Their ancestor was Indris*, who in the middle of the 14th century left Germany and settled in Chernigov together with his two sons. Here he received Orthodox baptism and received the name Leonty. The ancestor of the Tolstoys was the great-grandson of Indris, Andrei Kharitonovich, who moved from Chernigov to Moscow and here, from Vasily the Dark, received the nickname Tolstoy, which later began to be passed on to his descendants. The first representatives of this family were military men. This tradition was preserved by all generations of Tolstoys, but later many Tolstoys glorified their family both as prominent government officials and as cultural figures.

A) information on the biography of Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy

Let us briefly look at the biography of the great direct ancestor writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, who can rightfully be considered the beginning of all beginnings - a real historical figure, ancestor and founder of the Tolstoy count family.

Tolstoy Peter Andreevich (1645-1729) was the most prominent government official Russia of the Petrine era. He was the son of Andrei Vasilyevich Tolstoy and Stepanida Mikhailovna Miloslavskaya, nephew of I.M. Miloslavsky - a close boyar-voivode of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. Since childhood, possessing a lively mind and cunning, with age he was skilled in court intrigue. Since 1682, Pyotr Andreevich served as steward at court. In the same year, the famous Streletsky revolt took place, in which Tolstoy took an active part, inciting the Streltsy to take decisive action against Peter 1 and spreading slanderous rumors that Peter’s relatives, the Naryshkins, strangled Tsar Ivan. The defeat of the rebellion and the fall of Sophia forced Peter Andreevich to take steps to save his position, and he went over to Peter’s side, not wanting to share the fate of the vanquished.

However, the tsar for a long time could not forgive Tolstoy for his participation in the rebellion and treated him with great distrust, while highly appreciating the intelligence and abilities of Pyotr Andreevich. Despite the fact that Tolstoy showed himself excellently in the Azov campaign of 1696, Peter 1’s attitude towards him did not change. Pyotr Andreevich chose to retire from the court for a while, so that in his absence his participation in the riot would be forgotten. In 1697, Peter 1 sent a group of young people to Europe to study “seamanship.” Tolstoy, no longer a young man, volunteered to go abroad to study and spent two years in Italy with great benefit.

In 1701, by order of the sovereign, Tolstoy changed his occupation and moved to the diplomatic service, representing the interests of Russian state in Constantinople as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Here, thanks to his natural abilities for diplomacy, he achieved considerable success. The result of his activities was the confirmation by the Turkish Sultan of a peace agreement with Russia. For his services, Pyotr Andreevich was awarded the title of Privy Councilor and received as a reward a portrait of the sovereign, decorated with diamonds. However, the next time Tolstoy failed to confirm the trust placed in him by Peter the Great. Pyotr Andreevich negotiated with the Turkish Sultan, the purpose of which was to convince the Turks not to give political asylum to the Swedish king, defeated near Poltava. Instead, war was declared on Russia.

Tolstoy's position was responsible and difficult, since any diplomatic failure caused displeasure, on the one hand, of Peter 1, and on the other, the Turks. In 1714, Tolstoy was allowed to return to Russia, where Menshikov began to provide him with patronage. Thanks to Menshikov, Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy became a senator, receiving a considerable amount of land into his possession. In 1717, he managed to win the full trust of the sovereign, fulfilling a very important and delicate assignment. Peter's son, Tsarevich Alexei, who fled from the trial, took refuge in Naples. Tolstoy, using his influence on Alexei Petrovich’s mistress, persuaded the prince to return to his homeland with threats and promises. Subsequently, Pyotr Andreevich took an active part in the investigation and conviction of Tsarevich Alexei. Grateful to Tolstoy, the sovereign generously rewarded him and appointed him head of the secret chancellery.

After the death of Peter I, Tolstoy, together with Menshikov, contributed to the enthronement of the sovereign's widow, Catherine I (the other heir was Alexei's son, Peter II). On the day of her coronation, he conferred the title of earl. However, differences with Menshikov on the issue of candidates for the Russian throne after the death of Catherine ultimately predetermined Tolstoy's downfall. His Serene Highness Prince Menshikov intended to marry his daughter to the Tsarevich. Tolstoy was an opponent of the accession of Peter II because he feared persecution on his part. However, Menshikov’s influence turned out to be stronger, and 82-year-old Tolstoy paid with exile to the Solovetsky Monastery, where he died and was buried near the walls of the monastery’s Transfiguration Cathedral.

Pyotr Andreevich had two children. From his marriage to Solomonida Timofeevna Dubrovskaya, Count Tolstoy had two sons. Pyotr Petrovich Tolstoy did not produce offspring, but for reference, we note that he was a colonel of the Nizhyn regiment and married to the daughter of Hetman I.I. Skoropadsky, and after his father’s disgrace, he was removed for permanent residence “to the villages,” where he died.

The family was continued by the eldest son of Count Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy - Ivan Petrovich Tolstoy (1685-1728) - an active state councilor, who was eventually exiled to Solovki with his father, where they both ended their earthly journey.

B) about the noble families and the history of the Tolstoy count title:
certificate from P.A. Tolstoy about his origin (1686).

All noble families in Russia were listed in a special book called
"Velvet". The Velvet Book is a genealogical book of the most noble boyars and noble families Russia. Compiled in 1687 in connection with the abolition of localism (1682) and after the cessation of compiling rank books.

The Velvet Book includes: “The Sovereign's Genealogist” 1555-1556, consisting mainly of genealogical records of the Rurikovichs and Gediminovichs (royal, princely, boyar families), as well as materials for the second half of the 16th-17th centuries from genealogical lists submitted by representatives of these families in 1682 -87 years. Despite numerous additions, not all famous and ancient Russian families are included in the Velvet Book.

In 1787, the “Velvet Book” was published by N. I. Novikov under the title “Genealogical Book of Russian and Traveling Princes and Nobles” and is a valuable document for genealogical research.

When compiling the Velvet Book in 1686, P.A. Tolstoy submitted to the Discharge Order the following certificate of his origin: “In the summer of 6861, a man of an honorable family named Indros came from the German and Caesar’s state with his two sons with Litvonis and Zigmonten, and with them came squads and their people, three thousand men and were baptized Indros and his children in Chernigov converted to the Orthodox Christian faith and gave their names to Indros Leontius and his son Litvonis Konstantin and Zigmonten Feodor; and from Konstantin a son was born, Chariton, and Feodor died childless, he writes about this in the Chernigov chronicler." Thus, the Great-grandson of Indris (or Indros) named Andrei Kharitonovich, according to Tolstoy's painting, left Chernigov to the court of Vasily the Dark, laying the foundation for the noble family of Tolstoy.

WITH early XVIII centuries, the descendants of Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy were awarded the titles of counts. As already indicated, the title of count was granted to P.A. Tolstoy.
On May 7 (18), 1724, by the highest decree of Emperor Peter I, the actual privy councilor Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy was elevated, with his descendants, to the dignity of a count of the Russian Empire.

But as a result of the struggle with Menshikov for influence, he lost and was forced to admit defeat, deprived of all privileges and further exile to the Solovetsky Monastery. By a personal Imperial decree of May 22 (June 2), 1727, Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy and his sons were deprived of ranks and the title of count.

The title of count was returned only in 1760. By a personal Highest decree of May 30 (June 10), 1760, the rights to the count's dignity of the Russian Empire were restored to the grandchildren of Count P. A. Tolstoy: collegiate councilor Vasily, Andrey, state councilor Boris, Fyodor and Pyotr Ivanovich, and guard captain Alexander and Ivan Petrovich Tolstoy. Thus, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna returned the count's dignity to the descendants of Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy.

C) direct ancestors and descendants of L.N. Tolstoy

Let's return to the pedigree of L.N.'s direct ancestors. Tolstoy. Ivan Petrovich Tolstoy, (the only son of Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy, who continued his family), was married to Praskovya Mikhailovna Rtishcheva, the grandniece of F. M. Rtishchev, a friend and favorite of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, educator and philanthropist. Their son Andrei is the great-great-grandfather of the writer Leo Tolstoy. Count Andrei Ivanovich Tolstoy (1721 - July 12, 1803) - actual state councilor from the Tolstoy family. Andrei Ivanovich got married on June 9, 1745 to a Muscovite, Princess Alexandra Ivanovna Shchetinina (05/26/1727 - 01/28/1812). Due to its numerous offspring, a total of 23 children were born, it was nicknamed the “Big Nest.” In 1757, the family of Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy continued - a great-grandson Ilya was born into this family, who, in turn, was the grandfather of L.N. Tolstoy and A.K. Tolstoy, F.I. Tolstoy and F.P. Tolstoy.

Count Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy (1757-1820), Privy Councilor, grandfather of L. N. Tolstoy. He was a kind, cheerful and frivolous man. He quickly squandered the considerable fortune of his ancestors and, in order to have the means to live, obtained for himself the position of governor of Kazan. In 1794, Ilya already had a son, Nikolai, the father of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. His wife, and therefore the writer’s mother, was Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, whose family male line went back to Yaroslav the Wise himself. It must be said that Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy was forced by his father’s choice to marry a rich princess, taking her dowry from the famous Yasnaya Polyana estate. However, he had no reason to regret this marriage - Maria Nikolaevna had such a meek, friendly and caring character. And the main miracle of the couple’s short life was their genius child Leo, who was the fourth in the family. The mother died in 1830, six months after the birth of her daughter, from “childbirth fever,” as they said then, when Leo was not yet 2 years old.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (August 28, 1828, Yasnaya Polyana, Tula Province, Russian Empire - November 7, 1910, Astapovo station, Ryazan Province, Russian Empire) - count, one of the most widely known Russian writers and thinkers, revered as one of greatest writers world, even during his lifetime recognized as the head of Russian literature. The work of Leo Tolstoy marked new stage in Russian and world realism, acting as a bridge between the classic novel of the 19th century and the literature of the 20th century. Educator, publicist, religious thinker, his authoritative opinion caused the emergence of a new religious and moral movement - Tolstoyism. Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (1873), honorary academician by category belles lettres(1900). The most famous works of Tolstoy are the novels “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”, autobiographical trilogy“Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”, the stories “Cossacks”, “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”, “The Kreutzer Sonata”, “Hadji Murat”, a series of essays “ Sevastopol stories", dramas "The Living Corpse" and "The Power of Darkness", autobiographical religious and philosophical works "Confession" and "What is my faith?"

The descendants of Count Peter Tolstoy include a whole galaxy of scientists and cultural figures, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the great Tolstoy, who have now found their peace in the Tolstoy family cemetery in the village of Kochaki, which is located next to Yasnaya Polyana. I would like to name two names of his famous great-grandchildren.
Nikita Ilyich Tolstoy (April 15, 1923, Vrsac, Kingdom of SHS - June 27, 1996, Moscow, Russia) - Soviet and Russian Slavist, philologist and folklorist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and then the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of several hundred works on the history of Slavic literary languages, dialectology of the Slavs, Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic languages, ethnolinguistics and lexicology. Laureate of the Demidov Prize in 1994.
Ilya Vladimirovich Tolstoy (June 29, 1930, New Becej, Yugoslavia - May 16, 1997, Moscow) - great-grandson of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, professor, candidate of philological sciences, head of the department of stylistics of the Russian language, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Posthumously awarded the M.V. Lomonosov Prize, 1st degree, for the book “Paths and Fates. Family chronicle of the Tolstoys"
The names of current government officials and journalists are widely known modern Russia, great-great-grandchildren of the great writer - Vladimir Ilyich, Pyotr Olegovich and Anna Nikitichna (alias Fekla) Tolstoy.

D) Family connections of the Tolstoys

Many people are interested in the question of whether Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy and Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, American Tolstoy, Fyodor Konstantinovich Tolstoy, medalist, etc. are relatives. Yes, of course, they are relatives. Look, they have a common ancestor, Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy. Lev Nikolaevich and Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy - of the same branch through their grandson Andrei.

Count Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy (August 24, 1817, St. Petersburg - September 28, 1875, Krasny Rog village, Chernigov province (now in the Pochepsky district of the Bryansk region)) - Russian writer, poet, playwright from the Tolstoy family. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1873. Creator of ballads, satirical poems, the historical novel “Prince Silver” (published in 1863), the dramatic trilogy “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” (1866), “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich” (1868) and “Tsar Boris” (1870). The author of heartfelt lyrics, with a pronounced musical beginning, psychological short stories in verse (“Among a noisy ball, by chance...”, “That was in early spring”). Father - Count Konstantin Petrovich Tolstoy (1779-1870) was the grandson of Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy’s only son Ivan. Mother - Anna Alekseevna Perovskaya, pupil ( illegitimate daughter) Count A.K. Razumovsky. His older brother F.P. Tolstoy was a famous Russian artist who participated in the design of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Ivan also had a middle son, Fedor. Count Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy - “American” (February 6 (17), 1782, Moscow - October 24 (November 5), 1846, Moscow) - one of the most controversial representatives of the first Russian aristocracy half of the 19th century century. He was distinguished by an extraordinary temperament, became famous for his passion for gambling, his passion for dueling (brothering) and his travels to America (hence his nickname). He was married to Anna Fedorovna Maykova (1761-1834) and had seven descendants-children, which included Maria Lopukhina, genius portrait which (V.L. Borovikovsky) we all know well.
His great-grandson Alexander was the grandfather of another famous writer Russian land - the “red count” Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy (December 29, 1882 (January 10, 1883), Nikolaevsk, Samara province, Russian Empire - February 23, 1945, Moscow), who wrote the great historical novel"Peter 1" and the incredible science fiction novel "Engineer Garin's Hyperboloid", as well as a trilogy of revolutionary days new Russia and much more. His father, Nikolai Alexandrovich Tolstoy (1849-1900), was married to Alexandra Leontyevna Turgeneva (1854-1906) - a writer, great-niece of the Decembrist Nikolai Turgenev, who had five children, and the child of one of them was Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy. When they ask what specific family ties Lev Nikolaevich and Alexey Nikolaevich have, you begin to clearly count, and then it turns out that the relatives are very distant - a second cousin, grandson, great-great-great-nephew of Lev Nikolaevich. It seems that this is, as they say, “the tenth water on the jelly.” In fact, they have a single ancestor, Peter Andreevich Tolstoy, and therefore, of course, all Tolstoys are relatives. For example, on the side of his daughter, the great-grandson of Peter Tolstoy was the Russian thinker Peter Chaadaev. The middle branch of the Tolstoys also gave the country Dmitry Andreevich Tolstoy, Minister of Public Education, Minister of Internal Affairs, President of the Academy of Sciences. Direct descendants of this outstanding writer are Tatyana Tolstaya, philologist Ivan Tolstoy.

The eldest, untitled branch of the family comes from the elder brother of the first Count Tolstoy, Ivan Andreevich, who was the brother-in-law of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. Ivan Andreevich Tolstoy (1644 - September 5, 1713) - Russian statesman Peter's time. He was married to Maria Matveevna Apraksina, the sister of Tsarina Marfa Matveevna.

It is interesting that the descendants of this branch tried with all their might to maintain their family affiliation with the Tolstoys. So, in 1859, a representative of an untitled branch, being the grandson of Prince Kutuzov, who had no sons, received permission to take the surname “Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Tolstoy” in memory of him. Count Osterman-Tolstoy (d. 1857) also belonged to the same branch. In 1910, representatives of the untitled branch of the clan, in memory of their descent (through the female line) from the extinct Miloslavsky family, received the right to be called Tolstoy-Miloslavsky.

This other - the senior untitled branch of the Tolstoys - gave Russia the poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (November 23, 1803, Ovstug, Bryansk district, Oryol province - July 15, 1873, Tsarskoe Selo). Ivan Andreevich Tolstoy was his great-great-great-grandfather. The poet's mother, Ekaterina Lvovna (October 16, 1776 - May 15, 1866), was the great-great-granddaughter of Ivan Andreevich Tolstoy. A descendant of a great family, poet-philosopher Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, created wonderful lyrical monologues about the meaning of life, the purpose of a poet and poetry. His original talent placed him on a par with the great poets.

Thus, the Tolstoys are an extensive Russian noble family. The nobleman Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy, having received the dignity of a count of the Russian Empire for special services, laid the foundation for the count branch of the Tolstoy family. The Tolstoy family is one of the most powerful genetic lines in Russia.



*Indris (Leonty), the mythical ancestor of the noble Tolstoy family, from which, in turn, descend the Fedtsovs (only three generations), the Molchanovs and Durnovs, and from the latter - the Danilovs and Vasilchikovs. Later, the Tukhachevskys began to trace their origins to Indris. In general, of the 540 service clans that submitted their genealogies to the Rank Order, only 35 recognized their original Russian origin; the rest attributed foreign ancestors to themselves. Often these ancestors (like Indris) have absolutely fantastic names. The authors of the Tolstoy genealogy, apparently, were not embarrassed by the fact that the names of the children of the “German of honest family” were given in the Lithuanian vowel. - approx. author.