Analysis and significance of folk tales in children's reading. Review of the read work “Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf

Analysis and meaning folk tale on the example of the RNS "Chanterelle - sister and gray wolf" in children's reading

Zhmurenko Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU d / s No. 18 "Ship", Razvilka village, Leninsky district, Moscow region.
Description: given material addressed to educators kindergarten, teachers primary school, and may also be of interest to parents in organizing children's reading.
The significance of the Russian folk tale in the process of upbringing and the formation of the child's personality is undeniable, for modern children born and growing in urban conditions, it is even more relevant - the child does not know, finds it difficult to answer what it means "threshing floor", "bottleneck", "forest", "rags" and the like, because he is not familiar with the elements of rural life. The so-called "archaisms" or obsolete words folk tales open richest world great Russian language.
Russian folklore original, exists outside of traditions and time, it embodies the experience accumulated by many generations of our ancestors and the basis of the Russian mentality, the value system of our people, which it is certainly important for us to pass on to our children. Repertoire of children's reading modern child Undoubtedly, it should include works of oral folk art, along with nursery rhymes, pestushki, jokes, songs, lullabies and simple good tales.
A folk tale unobtrusively forms a healthy moral perception of the surrounding reality in a child, corresponding to the traditions, mental attitudes that are accepted in a given country. Reading and rereading Russian folk tales "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Ryaba the Hen" and many others to the baby, we gradually offer the child the experience and wisdom of the Russian people.
Expressive, bright, eloquent, original plots of Russian folk tales obey a number of rules: multiple repetitions, a large number of symbolism, hidden and explicit meaning, the alternation of "punishments" and "encouragements" of the hero of a fairy tale, depending on his actions. Thus, our ancestors formed a model of right and wrong behavior, laying down an understanding of the possibility of correcting a mistake, which allows the child, when reading a folk tale, to independently draw conclusions accessible to children's understanding. Thus, the child develops thought processes and forms the correct life, moral attitudes.
Fairy tales are a kind of moral code of the people, and the actions of the heroes of a fairy tale are an example of a model of human behavior in reality.

Literary and artistic analysis of the work (fairy tale)

1. Title of the work, genre (type for a fairy tale) (author for copyrighted works)
2. Topic (about whom, what - according to the main events)
3. Idea (for what, for what purpose)
4. Characteristics Ch. heroes (quotes from the text)
5. Artistic originality works (features of composition, techniques and methods of depiction, characteristics of the language - examples from the text)
6. Conclusions - value in working with children

Analysis of the RNS "Chanterelle - sister and gray wolf".

By genre:"The Chanterelle - Sister and the Gray Wolf" is a Russian folk tale about wild animals.
Fairy tale theme: This tale tells about intelligence and stupidity, about cunning and straightforwardness, about good and evil, about kindness and greed.
Fairy tale idea: The fairy tale teaches to distinguish good from evil, says that not all beautiful and flattering speeches are worth listening to. The tale says that no matter how much you would like to special efforts get what you want, not always the fastest and easiest way is the most correct one. For achievement good results Do not cheat, you need to try and work to achieve your goal.
The main characters of the fairy tale- this is a fox - a sister and a gray wolf.
Little fox-sister:
- cunning cheat, deceiver: 1). "lies to herself as if dead"; 2). “Oh, brother,” says the fox-sister, “at least you bled, but I have a brain, they nailed me more painfully than yours; I am dragging myself.”;
- smart, dexterous, thief: “... the chanterelle seized the time and began to throw everything out of the cart lightly for fish and for fish, everything for fish and for fish. She threw out all the fish, and left herself. ”;
- greedy, ruthless: 1). “And the fox:“ Freeze, freeze, wolf tail! ”;
2). Here the fox-sister sits, and slowly says: “The beaten unbeaten one is lucky, the beaten one is lucky.”
- gullible, stupid: 1). “The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole and sits”; 2). “The wolf is tired of sitting. He wants to pull his tail out of the hole, and the fox says: “Wait, top, I’ve caught a little more!” And again they began to sentence each to his own. And the frost is getting stronger and stronger. Wolf tail and froze. The wolf pulled, but it was not there.;
- kind: “And that’s true,” says the wolf, “where are you, sister, to go; sit on me, I'll take you. The fox sat on his back, and he carried it.)
Artistic originality of the work:
Saying (“Grandfather and woman lived for themselves”), exposition (“Grandfather says to the woman: “You, woman, bake pies, and I will harness the sleigh and go for fish.” I caught fish and brings a whole cart home”), the plot (“And the chanterelle seized the time and began to throw out lightly from the cart everything for the fish and for the fish, everything for the fish and for the fish. She threw out all the fish, and left herself.” ), the development of the action (in this tale it is a combination of several episodes, arranged in ascending order: There are three episodes in the tale (three plot motifs) - “The fox steals fish from the sleigh”, “The wolf at the ice hole”, “The beaten unbeaten one is lucky.”), culmination (“The morning has come. The women went to the ice hole for water, saw a wolf and shout: “Wolf, wolf! Beat him! Beat him!” They ran and started beating : some with a yoke, some with a bucket, some with anything. The wolf jumped, jumped, tore off his tail and started running without looking back") and the denouement ("... So, sister, so!").
Animism(the animal looks and behaves like an animal, but it seems to think, think, worry), for example, 1. “And the fox runs around the wolf and says: “Clear, clear the stars in the sky! Freeze, freeze, wolf tail! 2. ““That's how many fish fell! the wolf thinks. “And you won’t pull it out!”
Anthropomorphism(humanization), for example, “What are you talking about, little fox? - asks the wolf. “I’m helping you, top, I say: catch, fish, and even more!”
The tale is written narratively with short dialogues of the characters. Old Russian words are used: full, profit, matting, eka, rocker, tub.
Sentences used:“Catch a small and big fish”, “The beaten unbeaten one is lucky ...”

Story conclusion: Life is well traced through this tale. village life. And also in the classroom on a fairy tale, you can touch on the idea of ​​various situations in which you need to listen and act as we are told, and where you need to think about whether it is possible to do so. You can analyze situations with children: Fox and grandfather, fox and wolf, etc.

  • Russian folk tales Russian folk tales The world of fairy tales is amazing. Is it possible to imagine our life without fairy tales? A fairy tale is not just entertainment. She tells us about the extremely important things in life, teaches us to be kind and fair, to protect the weak, to resist evil, to despise the cunning and flatterers. The fairy tale teaches to be faithful, honest, makes fun of our vices: boasting, greed, hypocrisy, laziness. For centuries, fairy tales have been passed down orally. One person came up with a fairy tale, told another, that person added something from himself, retold it to a third, and so on. Each time the story got better and better. It turns out that the fairy tale was invented not by one person, but by many. different people, people, that's why they began to call it - “folk”. Fairy tales originated in ancient times. They were the stories of hunters, trappers and fishermen. In fairy tales - animals, trees and herbs talk like people. And in a fairy tale, everything is possible. If you want to be young, eat rejuvenating apples. It is necessary to revive the princess - sprinkle her first with dead, and then with living water ... The fairy tale teaches us to distinguish good from bad, good from evil, ingenuity from stupidity. A fairy tale teaches not to despair in difficult moments and always overcome difficulties. The tale teaches how important it is for every person to have friends. And the fact that if you do not leave a friend in trouble, then he will help you ...
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  • Russian folk tales are known not only to children, but also to adults. Each of us was read at night cautionary tales about people and animals. The fairy tale "The Fox and the Wolf" is written in the usual folklore style, it follows the traditions of Russian folk narration.

    Tricky "fur coat"

    This funny story tells us about a trusting wolf and a resourceful fox. The cheat showed her cunning from the very first minutes.

    The tale "The Fox and the Wolf" begins with how the grandfather and grandmother decide to eat a fish. To do this, the old man goes to the river for a catch. After catching a whole cart of fish, he returns home. Suddenly he sees a dead fox curled up by the road. The old man's joy knew no bounds: now he would not only treat the grandmother with fish, but also bring a chic collar! He put the find in the cart and hurried home. But it was not there. The cheat turned out to be more alive than the living! Not only that, she also ate all of grandfather's fish. Returning home, he was surprised to find that the "collar" had disappeared. And with him, the fish was gone.

    This is how we first meet our red-haired cunning.

    The tale "The Fox and the Wolf" teaches us that you should not trust your eyes so immediately. And miracles do not happen as often as we would like.

    trusting wolf

    The tricks of the fox do not end there. She sits, eating the fish stolen from her grandfather. A wolf ran past, saw a fox and asked to treat her. But our cheat is not so simple! She did not want to share the booty. And again she deceives: she offers the wolf to go fishing himself. And not just on the bait, but on the tail in the hole to catch, but longer. The wolf did not understand her mockery, turned out to be too gullible, for which he paid. He sits, freezes, lowered his tail into the hole and sentences him to catch both a large and a small fish. And next to him, a cheat runs, and whispers, so that the frost is stronger. The whole night the stupid wolf had to sit like that. In the morning I decided to collect the catch, but I can’t get up! He thought that this was his great booty. But then women went to his misfortune for water. Seeing such a beast, they began to beat him and drive him away. By force he, the poor man, carried off his legs.

    The meaning of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Wolf" is simple: there may be cunning among friends. It is worth thinking and weighing everything before blindly believing the words of another person.

    And again deceit

    But even after that, the cunning one does not spare her friend. It turned out that while the wolf was being beaten because of her advice, the fox went to steal pancakes, but hit her head in the dough. She runs towards the wolf and laments that she is ill. The wolf began to complain about what he got after her tips. But the fox turned out to be more cunning and turned the situation in his favor. She told him that she, too, had been beaten all over. Yes, so that the brains flowed. Our naive hero and this time believed the cheat.

    The tale "The Fox and the Wolf" continues with the fact that the beaten poor fellow put a cunning fellow on his back and took him. She would rejoice, but she also scoffs. She sits on a wolf and whispers that the beaten wolf is dragging her unbeaten. He asked again what a friend was saying quietly, and she was deceiving him, that she felt sorry for them, beaten.


    What does this story teach us? First, be smarter. More than once the wolf fell for the bait of his friend, but did not notice the catch. Children, reading this fairy tale, of course, feel sorry for the grey. But everything that happens to him is pretty predictable. It is not known how many more times he will fall for her bait.

    Trust, but verify - a proverb expressing the meaning of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Wolf".

    In dealing with people, you need to be more prudent and always think about your actions. Perhaps, if the wolf had not been so stupid, he would have understood that no one would fish on his tail. And when the brains flow from the head, and the fox runs around at the same time, the gray one definitely needed to guess about her tricks.

    The image of the wolf in this tale is not quite familiar to us. Here he is kind and trusting. And the fox is still the same cunning cheat!

    Lesson topic : Russian folk tale " Chanterelle sister and wolf"

    Lesson Objectives: introduce the Russian folk tale about animals

    "Fox-sister and wolf", creating a favorable environment for perception.

    Planned results:

    P subject: to teach to perceive a fairy-tale text, to determine the theme and genre of the work; to tell a fairy tale according to plan, to read expressively, to make a description of the characters.

    M metasubject:

    regulatory: determine the purpose of the lesson with the help of the teacher; develop the ability to analyze and generalize; retell according to the proposed plan;

    cognitive: expand knowledge about the works of oral folk art; draw conclusions about the results joint work class and teacher;develop imagination when working on a fairy tale;

    to consolidate the concepts of "folk tale" and " author's fairy tale»;

    learn to highlight the features of a folk tale;

    communicative: listen and understand the speech of others, develop the oral speech of students,take part in joint activities;

    personal: learn to express attitude towards the heroes of the fairy tale and their actions,

    foster a sense of mutual assistance, mutual assistance;

    Equipment: L.A. Efrosinina. Literary reading. Listening lessons. Educational reader for grade 1 students, L.A. Efrosinina. Literary reading: Workbook for 1st grade students.

    Computer presentation of the lesson.

    Exhibition of books "Folk and author's tales".

    Props for staging the fairy tale "Teremok": dolls - a frog and a mouse, a teremok. Illustrations for a fairy tale for drawing up a plan (Appendix 3), cards with words for compiling the characteristics of heroes, models for compiling a cover, a table “Rules for working in pairs, a group”, “clouds” for reflection.

    Technical means: personal computer, multimedia projector, acoustic system (speakers), screen.

    Software: computer presentation Microsoft power point with sound, Windows Media Player.

    During the classes

    Teacher activity

    Children activities

    1. Organizational moment

    The bell rang for us.
    Everyone walked quietly into the classroom.
    Everyone got up at their desks beautifully,
    Greeted politely.
    Sit quietly, back straight.
    I see our class at least where.
    We will start the lesson friends.

    Let's smile at each other and wish you good mood.

    Children greet each other. Wish you a good mood.

    2.Motivation to learning activities


    Literary listening is a wonderful lesson
    Lots of good stuff in every line.
    It will be a verse, a fairy tale, a story -
    You teach them, they teach you.

    Children today we will go on a journey through amazing country, which is not on any map of the world. We will go to the land of fairy tales.

    Let's go on a trip
    Let's go to the land of fairy tales
    Listen, think, observe
    Guess our story.
    You will fall into this fairy tale.
    On the carpet, on the plane.
    Close your eyes together
    Skip the story.
    And until I say five
    You don't open your eyes. (I count to 5, the children open their eyes).

    Showing an excerpt from the fairy tale "Teremok"

    (puppet show)

    The heroes of what fairy tale met us in fairyland?

    Why is this tale called a folk tale?

    Also, what are fairy tales?

    Children close their eyes.

    The guys open their eyes, a theatrical screen appears, an excerpt from the fairy tale "Teremok" is played out

    Prepared guys go out to show an excerpt from a fairy tale

    "Teremok" (Annex 1)

    These are the heroes of the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

    Compiled by the people.

    3. Updating knowledge

    Pair work. (slide 2)

    Repetition of the rules of working in pairs.

    Table "Rules for working in pairs"

    Children, look at the books on the desk.

    What do all these books have in common?

    Divide the books into two groups.

    What groups did you divide all the fairy tales into.

    Name folk tales, author's.

    Work with an exhibition of books.

    Arrange books in groups on shelves. Author's tales on the top, folk tales on the bottom.

    What fairy tales appeared earlier, author's or folk? Why?

    Let's go back to the story, the passage you saw.

    Who is this tale about?

    Do you think you have read all the fairy tales about animals?

    Do you want to get acquainted with such a fairy tale today?

    To get acquainted with such a fairy tale, what should we do?

    What personal qualities of the student can be useful to you in the lesson.

    Children name the rules:

    Both should work.

    One speaks, the other listens.

    Express your disagreement politely.

    If you don't understand, ask again

    These are stories about animals.

    Folk: “Cockerel and Bobok”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Fox with a rolling pin”.

    Folk. Because earlier people they did not know how to write and could only tell each other different stories, supplementing or changing them. Fairy tales were transmitted in a stable form, so it is impossible to determine who the author is and when it was created.

    About animals



    Find such a fairy tale in the library and read it. Read in an anthology.

    Children call: activity, curiosity, patience, attentiveness, honesty.

    4.Staging learning task

    Think about what kind of fairy tale will be discussed in our lesson? Who will be the heroes? (show book)

    I propose to listen to a new Russian folk tale, in which animal heroes will meet, this is the fairy tale "Fox-sister and wolf"

    About the folk tale.


    Open the textbook with 111.

    5. Discovery of new knowledge

    Listening to a fairy tale. (slide 3)

    Sit comfortably. Get ready to listen.

    The telling of a Russian folk tale is close to the text.

    The children are listening.

    Fizminutka (slides 4-12)

    6. Primary fastening

    vocabulary work. (Annex 2)

    Did you like the fairy tale? How?

    Did you understand all the words in the story?

    How do you understand the meaning of these words:


    Smeknut, hole, yoke,


    Guys, from which book did I learn about the meaning of these words? To explain the meaning of words, I turn to explanatory dictionary Ozhegov.

    Essay on the content of the story.

    Can the Wolf and the Fox be called the main characters of the fairy tale? Why?

    Why did the fox run into the road?

    Who did grandfather see on the road?

    How was the fox?

    Was the fox really lifeless?

    What did grandfather think when he took the fox?

    What did the fox do while the grandfather was driving?

    Did she start doing it right away?

    Did grandfather bring the fish and the fox home?

    What did the grandfather guess then?

    What did the fox do with the discarded fish?

    And then he approached the fox ...

    Did the fox tell the truth about where she got the fish from?

    What did the fox advise the wolf?

    And with what words did the fox walk around the wolf?

    How long did the wolf sit at the hole?

    How many fish did the wolf catch?

    Why was the wolf left without a tail?

    What was the fox doing at that time? What happened to her?

    How did you meet again?

    How did the fox outsmart the wolf again?

    What did she say?

    Drafting verbal portrait heroes.

    What do you think of the fox?

    How often in other fairy tales is the fox called? Why?

    And in this fairy tale, can the fox be called a cheat?

    What do you think of a wolf?

    In this tale, I would like to call the wolf a simpleton. Why do you think?

    Why does the wolf at the end of the tale not abandon the fox, on the contrary, help her?

    Which of the heroes of the fairy tale is closer to you?

    Children express their opinion.

    Children say how they understand the meaning of these words.

    From the explanatory dictionary.

    It is possible, because all the events that take place in a fairy tale take place together with these characters. The wolf and the fox are present in the tale from the beginning to the end.

    Was hungry.


    like dead

    No, she pretended

    Took on the collar as a gift

    Started throwing fish


    The fox was not dead

    Gathered up and ate


    No, she deceived him, cheated, lied

    To go to the river and catch fish

    Freeze, freeze, wolf tail

    All night long


    The tail was frozen, and the women beat them with anything: buckets, yokes; Eli got out.

    She climbed into the hut, and smeared herself with dough.

    The fox saw the wolf and got scared. But what would

    to pity him, she also pretended to be beaten. She said

    "The broken one is lucky"

    Red, with small eyes, fluffy.


    Fox is smart.

    Yes. Because she outwitted her grandfather and the wolf.

    Children characterize the wolf.

    Because the wolf behaved stupidly, believing the fox.

    Because he is kind.

    7. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition (slide 13)

    Group work (slide 14-15)

    Repetition of the rules of work in the group.

    Table "Rules for working in a group"

    Children are divided into 5 groups of 4-5 people .

    1 task. Working with puzzles. Drawing up a picture plan.

    Name what stories from the fairy tale you got.

    What was at the beginning? What event happened next?

    What happened next?

    2 task. Drawing up the characteristics of the main characters. On the board are pictures of a fox and a wolf. Students are given epithets.

    Read the words. Think about what kind of hero you can say that?

    3 task. Preparation expressive reading an excerpt from a fairy tale.

    After reading the passage, the guys independently evaluate each other, choose the best readers.

    Children name the rules: 1. There must be a responsible person in the group.

    2. Everyone should work for the overall result.

    3. One speaks, others listen.

    4. Express your disagreement politely.

    5. If you don't understand, ask again.

    1. Each group puts together one illustration from the puzzles. Determines where events take place. Briefly retells his story according to the plan.

    1. How the fox outwitted his grandfather.

    2. Meeting of a fox and a wolf.

    3. The wolf is fishing on the river.

    4. Fox in the hut.

    5. The beaten one is not lucky.

    2. Distribute the words (kind, quick-witted, quick-witted, cunning, simpleton, gullible, stupid, smart, resourceful, good-natured) characterizing the main characters. Attach words to pictures of a fox and a wolf.

    3. Students read the passage on their own in groups. Select readers to read aloud. (Notebook p. 47 No. 2)

    8. Independent work with pattern checking.

    1. Modeling by students of the cover.

    Choose from the proposed conditional icons (substitutes for literary concepts-genres:

    brown circle, green circle, brown rectangle) correct and glue to the sheet. Sign.

    2. Collective verification.

    What did we listen to in class today?

    And what symbol exists for a fairy tale?

    Who is this story about?

    If talking about animals, what color is the circle?

    3. Self-test according to the sample. Mutual verification.

    Praise your neighbor if he did everything right, if he made a mistake, help correct him.

    Children choose from the proposed characters - the desired one. Glued to the sheet and signed.

    Perform on their own.

    fairy tale


    About animals.


    No. This is a Russian folk tale.

    Compare with a sample. They exchange models.

    9. Summing up the lesson

    Interview with students.

    Guys, what fairy tale did you meet in the lesson?

    Who is this tale about?

    Game "Collect popular expression"(Slide 16 )

    How do you understand the meaning of this expression: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson"

    What does this tale teach?

    Conclusion. In life there are people cunning, dodgy, like a fox; but there are gullible, stupid, like a wolf. I wish you to be smart, quick-witted like a fox and kind like a wolf. Any fairy tale teaches us communication, kindness, the ability to get out of difficult situations.

    Whoever remembers this tale can retell it to their loved ones. For those who wish to learn more about animal tales, please refer to our library.

    RNS "Fox - sister and wolf"

    About animals.

    Each group of cut words collects a catch phrase.

    Fairy tales teach us something.

    Be honest, kind;

    Respond to kindness with kindness, and if offended, never take revenge, respond with kindness.

    Reflection slide 17

    Continue suggestions:

    In class, I was...

    In class, I learned...

    What I liked the most about the lesson...

    What personal qualities of the student helped you today at the lesson?

    Express your attitude to the lesson by determining the place of the “cloud” near the sun: if you are satisfied with the lesson, attach the cloud without covering the sun, if not, the cloud covers the sun.

    Children express their opinion. They say that they liked the lesson, what was interesting, where the difficulty arose and how they coped with it.

    Name the personal qualities that helped them work in the lesson.

    Attach their "clouds" to the sun.

    Municipal budgetary educational institution "CLP and DO" Kazan.

    Educator: Shaidullina A.G. Kazan 2015

    Purpose: To learn to distinguish bad deeds, insidious advice, to understand that a beautiful, attractive appearance does not always correspond to good inner qualities, empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; arouse a desire to help them; develop thinking, ingenuity, fantasy; learn to compose fairy tales and new endings to famous fairy tales.

    Abstract of the lesson.

    Educator: Today we will talk about security. After all, unpleasant situation stories can happen to anyone at any time. Let's talk about this with the example of a fairy tale . Think about it, could grandfather, when he was driving home happy from a successful fishing trip, imagine that something bad would happen to him?

    Reading a fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" .

    Educator: You listened to the fairy tale "Fox - sister and gray wolf" . Remember those unpleasant situations that happened to her characters.

    Answers of the children: - Grandfather was left without a catch, the fox took all the fish from him by deceit.

    The wolf was beaten, he was left without a tail.

    The fox deceived everyone, and even rode a beaten wolf into the forest.

    Grandmother was left without a fish and without a collar.

    Another fox in the hut landed in a tub, spoiled the dough.

    Educator: Well done! Remembered all the bad deeds of the fox. She deceived everyone, outwitted everyone, harmed everyone. Which of you will describe the appearance of the fox?

    Children's answers:

    Red, fluffy.

    The fox is beautiful, the tail is long, fluffy, beautiful.

    The look is cunning.

    The muzzle is sharp.

    The fox is the most beautiful of animals.

    Educator: And if you didn’t know how much bad the fox did, could you follow her appearance understand that she is bad?

    Children's answers:

    No, she looks very beautiful and good.

    But she has a sly look.

    Educator: Right! In appearance, the fox is very beautiful and seems good, kind, but does bad deeds and gives insidious advice. Tell me: why did the fox deceive grandfather?

    Children's answers:

    Because she is smart.

    Because she is lazy. Hungry, but does not want to go hunting for mice.

    She knows how hard it is to chase a hare: the hare is fast, and even confuses the tracks - you can not catch up. Grandpa is easier to fool.

    Because my grandfather believed her.

    Grandpa should have checked better if she was dead or not.

    Educator: And what should the grandfather have done in order not to be in such a situation?

    Children's answers:

    Grandfather is old and knows that the fox is a liar. It was necessary to think before throwing the fox into the sled, and then he would have come up with something.

    It was necessary to pass by and not pay attention to the fox.

    It was necessary to carefully look into her eyes - he would have noticed that she was alive.

    The grandfather knew that the fox was cunning, but he really wanted a collar for the grandmother. It was necessary to put the fox in a bag and tie it tightly. And then there would be a fish and a collar.

    Educator: Right! Grandfather, seeing easy prey, forgot about the possible danger. Forgot. That the fox is insidious, cunning, can deceive. If grandfather had thought before he did, he would have had both a fish and a collar. And if I had passed by, I would have stayed at least with the fish. But the cunning fox was counting on the fact that the grandfather would be tempted by easy prey, be greedy and forget about caution. We discussed one situation. Now let's talk about how the fox punished the greedy and lazy wolf.

    Children's answers:

    The fox herself is often hungry, but she did not share her prey with the wolf, but sent him to certain death. It's good that he was left without a tail.

    The fox advised to fish in the hole, on the wolf's tail.

    She is greedy, did not share with the wolf, and even deceived him.

    She knew that the wolf was hungry, greedy, would sit for a long time and his tail would freeze.

    Educator: And how could a wolf do to stay with a tail?

    Children's answers:

    The wolf knows better than anyone what a godfather fox is, she constantly deceives him.

    Would say: "Show me how to fish with your tail" .

    The wolf could also punish the fox for being greedy - to take the fish.

    The wolf could divide the fish equally - it would be fair.

    The wolf and the fox are godfather and godfather, they are both lazy, wander, look out for something to profit from, but do not want to hunt. I don't feel sorry for the wolf. He is stupid, he is even too lazy to think what will happen to him if he lowers his tail into the hole.


    Can you come up with your own version of the tale or the ending of the tale?

    Children's answers:

    My grandfather was driving from fishing, and in a sleigh he was carrying a bag of fish. He sees a dead fox lying on the road. But in fact, she pretended. Grandfather at first wanted to take the fox, but then he thought: it’s not without reason that the fox is lying here. I looked closely and she was alive. Her grandfather drove her away, she did not manage to profit from the fish. The sad fox went into the forest and met there the same sad and hungry wolf. She told him about her failure. Then the wolf invited the fox to go and fish for himself. The fox advised the wolf to lower its tail into the hole and catch fish on it, like a bait. The wolf realized that the fox wanted to deceive him, and did not agree. He was offended by the fox and went into the forest. And the fox remained so hungry.

    Educator: Well done, Masha! She kept the instructive plot of the tale and taught the fox. Who else will try to come up with a fairy tale? Vanya, tell your story.

    On a winter day, my grandfather was returning from fishing. He rode with the fish he had caught. I was driving and saw a fox on the road. The grandfather stopped to look: is she alive? Looks at the fox fur beautiful, fluffy. He remembered his old woman: a good collar will turn out. He looked again at the fox, he sees: it seems to be dead. He put her on the sledge, next to the fish, and drove on. And the fox turned out to be cunning, pretending to be dead. She lies on a sleigh and watches: is her grandfather looking at her? Grandfather did not look at her and the fox began to throw away the fish. But the grandfather was also cunning. I looked back and saw that the fox had thrown the fish away. Grandfather took out a gun - the fox got scared, jumped off the cart and ran into the forest. Grandfather left, and the fish remained lying in the snow. A hungry wolf was walking behind. He saw a fish, was delighted and ate it. The fox returned to pick up a fish, but the fish are gone. Here is the end of the story.

    Educator: Well done, Vanya! Today, on the example of a fairy tale "Fox - sister and gray wolf" we have seen that trouble can happen at any moment. In life, as in a fairy tale, there are people like the fox - cunning and deceitful. In a fairy tale, the fox deceived the grandfather and the wolf. It is fashionable to remake the fairy tale into good mood so that bad things happen to the fox. And grandfather had to do differently - not to take the fox. It's the same in life. We are taught not to pick up, not to lift unfamiliar objects, things: they can be dangerous. And the wolf needed not to listen to the fox, but to think with his own head.

    We all need to try to avoid meeting with such people, or at least not to listen to their advice, to think with our own heads. Fairy tales were invented by the people to warn us from possible dangers and from bad people. Think: if you find any object, even a very beautiful one, even a toy, what will you do?

    Children's answers:

    You cannot touch him.

    It cannot be taken in hand.

    I'll tell my mom about it.

    Educator: Right! You should never pick up unknown objects, they can be dangerous and lead to misfortune.

    And yet, an attractive appearance does not always mean that the person himself is good. Do you remember similar examples from other fairy tales?

    Children's answers:

    The Snow Queen was beautiful, but cruel, cunning, heartless.

    In a fairy tale "ABOUT dead princess and about the seven heroes" beautiful but evil queen turned into "good" old woman to poison the princess with an apple.

    In a fairy tale "Wild Swans" a beautiful, but evil and treacherous queen turned the little princes into wild swans.

    Educator: Well done! Remembered fairy tales where appearance does not match spiritual qualities man, his intentions. But don't think that everything beautiful people bad or want to do bad things. This is wrong. With strangers, strangers, you always need to be careful, attentive.

    And most importantly, remember and follow the simple rules:

    Never go anywhere with strangers.

    Do not take anything from strangers: neither food nor toys.

    The main thing: before you commit any act, you need to think carefully about what it will lead to.

    This is what fairy tales teach. “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!” . They warn us by showing the possible consequences of rash actions. Fairy tales teach us, listening to them, and then reading them, to remember their lessons for life and not to get into trouble, not to get into those situations in which we find ourselves. fairy-tale heroes. Fairy tales want to protect you, protect you, warn you.