What does the name Raisa mean and character traits. Powerful and energetic raisa


The name Raisa is of Greek origin according to the main version. According to this version, it could have come from the name Iraida. According to the second version, it may be of Arab origin. In this case, the root contains the word “rais”, which is interpreted as “leader” or “chief”.

The female name Raisa is not very popular today, although in the recent 90s it was in incredible demand. Almost every fifth newborn girl was given the name. Nowadays it is rare, but it sounds proud and beautiful, and its energy is very strong...

Popularity: Today the name Raisa is not listed among the rating names and is not even included in the hundred most popular variations. Accounts for no more than 1 girl out of 5-6 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Raya, Rayechka, Rayusya

Modern English analogues: Raisya

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Raisa can endow the bearer with such traits as activity, noisiness and mobility, and precisely due to her origin. Usually this is a girl who has adored animals since childhood, kind and honest, and sociable. Raisa is stubborn, which helps her achieve success in any endeavor. But unfortunately, sometimes this trait can play a cruel joke on her.

Raisa, like all bearers of this name in general, craves adventure, but not noisy fun. She has many hobbies and interests, pays maximum attention to them, but is not assiduous - she gives up many things halfway, although she may return to them later. She loves to fantasize, has a developed imagination and expresses herself in cooking, design and similar areas - she has a subtle and sophisticated taste.

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all bearers of this name lies in their developed imagination and readiness to experiment. Courage and determination, self-confidence and self-sufficiency contribute to Rais’s personal development and achievement of success in everything.

Raisa has a bad attitude towards people who are trying to push her around, manipulate her, or use her for their own selfish purposes. And the bearers of this name cannot withstand competition in terms of communication and leadership.

The name Raisa is not listed in the Orthodox name book according to the Saints, but at the same time it has always been popular in countries with a Slavic population.

Character of the name Raisa

The character of the name Raisa, or rather the bearer of this name, is such that others think that this is a two-faced person. On the one hand, it may seem that the girl named after Raya has an angelic character - she is responsive, kind, generous, friendly, positive, always in a good mood and tries to communicate with everyone on an equal footing. She seems to have no flaws or shortcomings, but this is not so. On the other hand, Raya is a very principled, uncompromising, stubborn, assertive, uncompromising and persistent person, a woman with obvious leadership inclinations, while refusing the title of leader by all available means. It is difficult to understand what she wants and what goals she pursues with this or that action. Raya's character is such that it promises her excellent imagination and bright creative potential, but she does not try to use them in public, only when alone. She wants to seem like a charming and sweet flirt to everyone around her, but in reality this is not the case. Her inner world is full of confrontations and disputes, her character is complex, and her behavior is completely bewildering.

However, this is all just a theory. And in general, it is quite difficult, or even impossible, to guess what the character will be, focusing only on the characteristics of the name. Character depends on upbringing and a bunch of additional factors, including astrological ones.

Early childhood

In early childhood, a girl to whom her parents decided to give the beautiful rare Russian name Raisa may have a rather interesting character, the nature of a noisy, restless and disobedient girl, but with a unique mindset. A girl named Raisa has many good qualities, she is sociable, eloquent, kind and generous, sociable and easy to make contact with, she cannot sit idle for a minute, she always needs to move towards something, do something. With all this, being so mobile and active, Raisa is also very restrained in moments. When it is necessary - for example, this concerns parental refusals of something, when children usually begin to be offended. Raisa will not be offended or throw a tantrum, but, on the contrary, will show maximum calm.

The meaning of this name can bestow the bearer of the name Raisa with such an important quality as integrity. It is thanks to him that Raisa never breaks her own promises and never goes against her own will. But this quality can manifest itself especially strongly in an adult woman, Rai. Another equally important trait is perseverance. Thanks to the innate perseverance that the meaning of this name can bestow on Raisa, she will be able to achieve a lot, both in childhood and in adulthood. Raisa will never give up the work she has started, will never give up responsibility, and will in no case resist difficult tasks - you can rely on her, she will bring any work she starts to completion and overcome any obstacles, no matter what they may be.


A teenage girl, who is protected by the meaning and energy of the name Raisa, may have a more complex nature. The biggest problem of the girl Raisa is that she never gives in to anyone, and, moreover, in nothing, even where it would be worth giving in. Unyielding, assertive, self-sufficient and self-confident, always one step ahead of everyone, tries to stand out from the crowd and be cooler and brighter than everyone else, desires respect and power, loves to dominate other people, but at the same time never demonstrates her dominance, is a little selfish and cunning - This is what she is, Raisa, who is patronized by the meaning and energy of this Russian female name. But you should not think that only all these traits can characterize the nature of a teenager, over whom the meaning of the name Raisa dominates, because this is not so, and among other things, this girl can also become the owner of a bunch of important and necessary advantages...

One of these virtues is hard work and the absence of even the slightest laziness. The meaning of this name can give the girl Raisa’s nature such a hard work ethic that almost no teenager possesses - she is always ready to work hard, is ready to start a new task at any moment, cannot sit still without doing anything, and moves all the time. And the meaning of this name can also reward such important traits as openness and responsiveness, thanks to which the popularity of the girl Raisa in society will grow at incredible speed. Raisa will never betray or deceive a friend, and everyone around her will appreciate this.

Adult woman

The adult Raisa can be rewarded with an even more unique nature by the meaning of this nominal form. On the one hand, it may seem that this is an overly self-confident and self-sufficient person, who does not care about the opinions of the people around him and tries to take advantage of the weaknesses of his friends for his own good. But in fact, this is only the image that Raisa herself wants to live up to, no matter how stupid it may seem. In fact, the meaning of a mature Raisa usually bestows such traits as friendliness, sociability, openness and responsiveness, honesty and good nature, kindness and attentiveness, caring and friendliness, eloquence and sociability, selflessness and lack of conflict. The meaning of this name creates a kind and benevolent nature, one who will never intentionally commit a bad act towards anyone, will never engage in deliberate betrayal or lies, and will not allow himself to treat anyone unfairly.

At the same time, the meaning can also bestow a strong adherence to principles, and moreover, most likely, the adult Raisa will become too unyielding. Such a person will never give in to anyone in a dispute, even if she feels that she is wrong. It is useless to argue with her; she will still prove that she is right, even where it seems ridiculous. Plus, the meaning can endow the adult Raisa with such a trait as arrogance, because of which her relationships with people from her environment may sometimes worsen. However, all this is only a superficial description of the nature of a woman, over whom the meaning of the nominal form Rais protects.

Interaction of Rais's character with the seasons

Spring is sweet, attractive, charming, but not without important characteristics. She is hardworking and persistently pursues her goal, does not know how to relax and have fun, but needs support and attention. A sensible girl, not selfish, but selfless. She stands out from the crowd - her clothes and behavior are bright, and her talkativeness leaves no one indifferent.

Leto is a summer lady named Raisa, she is a loner, but ambitious and intellectually developed, loving movement. She is prone to making rash decisions on her own, often makes mistakes, and all because of her refusal to trust people and listen to advice. Sometimes she is quick-tempered and aggressive, but on the whole she is kind and generous, and is unlikely to offend.

Autumn is persistent, persistent, and impetuous by origin of the soul, trying to follow the right path and not commit bad deeds. Demanding of herself, wants to be the best. She is open, friendly, does not tolerate boredom and is constantly looking for fun. There are few friends, but all are proven, faithful, coming from childhood. Her goals are order and strict adherence to the plan. Good hostess.

Winter - and a newborn born under the power of the meaning of the winter season usually grows up to be reasonable, serious, restrained, delicate and polite, but quick-tempered. You can anger her with any criticism and rudeness, even playful. He has a difficult character - he wants peace and entertainment at the same time. It is difficult to predict her mood - only a patient and compliant hubby can cope with this.

The fate of the name Raisa

The fate of the name Raisa in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in love and marriage is such that it suggests a very stormy personal life in adolescence, and, on the contrary, a very modest one in adulthood. As a teenager, Raisa can be very popular with guys, such is her destiny, but it is unlikely that any of them will become the one with whom Raya will truly fall in love. And in general, it’s quite difficult to please the teenager Raya; even the leader guy won’t be able to please her.

But in adult life, fate can confront Raya with a huge number of relationships that will fall apart precisely because of her personal fault. Rai, without exception, love to dominate their significant other too much, they love henpecked people in relationships, but leaders in society, and such guys are rare. As a result, fate may push Raya into a bunch of different relationships, and all of them will turn out to be unsuccessful.

Fate also suggests several marriages, but in none of them will Raya be truly happy. She will always be unsatisfied with something in her partner; she is too demanding. Plus, fate does not imply that Rais will become ideal mothers - usually the children of Rais are left practically unattended.

Love and marriage

Raisa is a very passionate and temperamental woman, she is self-sufficient and self-confident, but at the same time she has a simple and kind character. At a younger age, she perceives her many fans quite favorably, changing them from time to time. However, having met her true love, she dramatically changes her values. Raya will choose a principled, passionate, educated, but at the same time flexible and calm man.

In her marriage, Raisa is a wonderful housewife and a faithful, caring wife. She approaches the issue of housekeeping so skillfully and practically that her house is always in perfect order. She knows how to save money, but her house, as they say, is full. Raya treats her husband with reverence and tenderness, and often brings something new, unusual, and romantic into their relationship. Even after many years of family life, he is ready to carry her in his arms and spend as much time with her as possible.

She behaves wisely and tenderly in her relationship with her husband. It is assumed that Raya will be the unspoken leader in the family, but due to her feminine wisdom, she behaves in such a way that her husband has no doubt that he is the head of the family. Raisa also carefully monitors her own appearance, never missing the opportunity to visit a beauty salon or update her wardrobe. It is important for her that her husband can support his family, but self-realization is also important for her, so most likely she will skillfully combine family and work.

Raisa as Mother

Not every woman is capable of becoming a truly good mother, because motherhood is hard work. To look after, raise, take care of, educate and love - all this requires a lot of strength and responsibility. Unfortunately, not every woman has such qualities. However, Raisa is distinguished by a high level of responsibility, patience, ability to care, affection and tenderness. This suggests that she is likely to become a good mother.

Raya spends a lot of time with her children, clearly planning the process of raising them. She tries to provide them with the most comprehensive development possible even before they go to kindergarten or school. No one can doubt that she is a loving, affectionate and caring mother. Despite her reverent feelings for children, Raisa is not often inclined to spoil her children. On the contrary, she prefers to use strictness in the educational process, not allowing children to sit on her head.

Raisa will not give up building a career, but family values ​​and maternal instinct will be more important to her. She will always devote more time to family rather than work. By the way, the education of children, as well as the development of their talents, also plays a very important role for her, so they are guaranteed rich educational and creative activities. Presumably, she will have a closer connection with her daughter due to common interests and everyday topics, but she will love her son no less.

Compatibility with male names

The issue of compatibility with male names of the name Rais bothered researchers even during the existence of the Soviet Union, but in turn it was solved, and now it is known that...

In terms of feelings and passion, the best would be August, Alexander, Ermolai, Igor, Pankrat, Julius, Fedor, Rostislav and Robert.

A strong and lasting marriage can be formed with such variations as Nikita and Ostap, Vsevolod, Izyaslav, Taras and Kazimir.

And there is no connection at all with Arkady and Arseny, Isaac and Rodion.

This woman, unable to concentrate, needs a partner who can add at least a little seriousness to her life.

Meaning of the name Raisa: This name for a girl is translated from Greek as “lightness”, “carelessness”. The meaning of the name Raisa in the Arabic version is “chief”.

Origin of the name Raisa: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Raiska, Raya, Rayusya, Rayusha, Rasha, Aya.

What does the name Raisa mean? The girl has a masculine character, she is brave, independent and energetic. Raya chooses a profession related to activity and travel. Family life is not always rosy. The awareness of the partner is of great importance.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Raisa celebrates her name day once a year: September 18 (5) - The Holy Martyr Raisa, after suffering for Christ, was beheaded.

Signs: Thunder on Raisin's day foreshadows a warm autumn.


  • Zodiac – Virgo
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Color – gray
  • Auspicious tree - pine
  • Treasured plant - tulip
  • The patron of the name is the lark
  • The talisman stone is sapphire.

Characteristics of the name Raisa

Positive features: A woman named Raisa has a bright personality. She is gifted with a lively creative imagination. This girl is smart, witty, charming. She lacks only one thing - a sense of reality.

Negative features: often restless, nervous and emotionally unstable. Her selfishness becomes all the more painful, her intolerance towards people more acute, the more likely a successful career is.

Character of the name Raisa: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Raisa? She is a very strong person and has many masculine traits in her character. It is impetuous and uncontrollable by anyone or anything other than considerations of its own interest or benefit. Raisa does not succumb to anyone else's influence, but she loves to test her power on others. A girl with this name is demanding both of herself and of those around her. A woman named Raisa is unusually hardworking, always achieves her goal, and the scope of her activities and interests is very extensive. He does not believe in any intuition, considering it incompatible with intelligence and common sense. A young woman with a name can be a friend if this does not conflict with her interests. Uncontrollable in anger, vengeful - but so smart and talented that even her enemies, gritting their teeth, forgive her for her sins.

As a child, Rayechka is lively and cheerful, at the same time calm and silent. These seemingly incompatible qualities will determine her entire future life. She is very inventive, comes up with some games or can unite the children in the yard with some common cause. Raisa is always an authority figure for them, although she is not particularly heard in company; at first glance, she seems shy and quiet. A girl with this name can assert herself and, if necessary, apply pressure and force.

At school, Rayechka is hardworking, responsible and serious, an assistant to the teacher, but unobtrusive. She studies well, but she doesn’t have any particular favorite subjects.

The character of the adult Raisa has many masculine traits. She is demanding of herself and those around her, has a practical sense, will immediately determine whether something is beneficial to her or not, and acts in accordance with her own interests. Raisa is hardworking and persistent, although these qualities are not particularly striking, since everything she does happens without fanfare and unnecessary noise. Her firmness is combined with cheerfulness or good nature. Sometimes it seems that Raisa is happy with everything in the world, but little by little she achieves her goal and makes progress in her career.

The owner of this name is independent in making decisions, seemingly open, but also dangerous for those who get in her way. When angry, she is sarcastic, spiteful, and vindictive.

Raisa and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Gennady, Eugene, Epiphanius, Innocent, Merculus, Peacock, Paramon, Polycarp, Robert is favorable. The name Raisa is also combined with Sazon, Sidor. Complex relationships of the name are likely with the names Albert, Bartholomew, Veniamin, Dasius, Hippolytus, Kuzma, Longinus, Miron, Nestor, Severyan, Philo, Kharlampy, Yuri.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Raisa promise happiness in love? She often falls in love with two people at once and easily continues romances with two lovers for a long time, and sometimes her whole life.

She is very businesslike. She takes care of her husband and children, instructs, teaches, nurtures, regardless of their age and desire. If Raisa’s family life does not work out, she will transfer her passion to the children of her sister or brother, to her boss, if he is a man. In extreme cases, she will have a tendency to intrigue in the team. Therefore, it is better if Raya is married. A woman named Raisa is a good housewife and shapes the entire way of family life.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: This girl is the most wonderful conversationalist. She knows everything in the world and nothing really. She does not attach importance to insight into the essence of things; she has a rare talent as a storyteller. Her possible professions could be in the field of literary creativity, politics, linguistics, and electronics.

Business and career: In life, a girl often lacks material well-being, everyday comfort and just pocket money.

Rai's scope of activity is quite wide. The bearer of this name can be a doctor, pharmacist, agronomist, study exact sciences, languages, work in trade, in production. In any business, the person with the name Raisa occupies a leadership position and pays attention to professional growth.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Rais: As a child, Raechka quite often suffered from acute respiratory infections and was susceptible to pharyngitis and bronchitis. It easily becomes infected with infectious diseases; some diseases are carried on the legs, which is fraught with complications. Parents should be attentive to her ailments. The girl's immune system is good, so it is not always possible to recognize the disease. It can survive Botkin's disease, but it rarely has consequences in the future. The nervous system is balanced, the girl grows up calm, serious, like a little old lady. Raya, born in August, is sick less than her namesake. The meaning of the name Raisa suggests problems with the eyes; cases of congenital strabismus have been noted.

The “February” girl has been very weak since early childhood. She has poor immunity. Therefore, it must be taken to the sea every year. In addition, you should contact your pediatrician so that he can tell you how to improve the girl’s health. The name Raya often suffers from infectious and colds, which leads to nervous system disorders. Scarlet fever can cause complications in the eyes, legs and heart. Depending on her middle name, she may be prone to kidney disease.

In the “January” one, the metabolism may be impaired, and this leads to obesity. There may be malfunctions of the adrenal glands. Sometimes she has bile duct diseases. In this case, the girl needs to follow a diet.

“March” Raya is growing up as a suspicious girl, so it is not advisable to tell her about illnesses. Very rarely, a girl can suffer from hemophilia, a blood disease. By the age of sixteen she may be prone to heart disease and rheumatism.

In old age, she develops angina pectoris and various diseases of the legs and joints. Possible rheumatism. Sometimes my stomach bothers me. May react to magnetic storms and suffer from headaches these days. Some may experience polyarthritis and salt deposition.

The fate of Raisa in history

What does the name Raisa mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Raisa Petrovna Smetanina is a Russian athlete, multiple champion of the USSR, the Olympic Games, and the world in various types of cross-country skiing.
  2. Raisa Struchkova (born in 1925) is a wonderful Russian ballerina. She danced in 1950-1960. at the Bolshoi Theater. Her roles as Giselle and Juliet are known; a ballet film was made based on the play “Cinderella” with Raisa Struchkova playing the leading role. Most often she danced the roles of the second heroines. Raisa Struchkova is always faithful to her affections: from Nina Ananiashvili’s first steps at the Bolshoi Theater to this day, Struchkova is her mentor. The same is true in his personal life: a long-term happy marriage with Bolshoi Theater dancer Alexander Lapauri (they liked each other as children, when they were in the same school class) - truly the “romance of the century.”
  3. Raisa of Alexandria, Iraida of Alexandria, Antinopolis (martyr)
  4. Raisa Gorbacheva is the wife of USSR President M. Gorbachev.
  5. Raisa Lemberk - nee - Lifshits; Russian writer, publicist, translator, wife of translator Mikhail Lemberk.
  6. Raisa Akhmatova (1928 - 1992) - Chechen and Russian poetess, People's poetess of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1977).
  7. Raisa Kudasheva (1878 - 1964) - Russian and Soviet poetess, writer; author of the lyrics of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
  8. Raisa Linzer is a Russian translator, specialist in Spanish and French literature.
  9. Raisa Etush (born 1955) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia.
  10. Raisa Mamentyeva (1927 - 2001) - Soviet basketball player, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1952), four-time European champion (1950, 1952, 1954, 1956), champion of the USSR.
  11. Raisa Frichinskaya (1924 - 2010) - editor of the Soyuzmultfilm film studio, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1987).
  12. Raisa Kotova (born 1939) - Russian singer, mezzo-soprano, and in recent years - contralto.
  13. Raisa Kirichenko (1943 - 2005) - famous Ukrainian singer.
  14. Raisa Bloch (1899 - 1943) - married - Gorlina; poetess of Russian emigration, wife of the poet Mikhail Gorlin.
  15. Raisa Borovikova is a Belarusian writer and poet, editor-in-chief of the literary magazine “Maladosts”.
  16. Raisa Shabanova is a Russian radio presenter.
  17. Raisa Oblonskaya (1924 - 2010) - full surname - Volshonok-Oblonskaya; Russian writer, translator from English, Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1964).

The name Raisa has several versions of origin and meaning, the relevance of which often depends on the historical and national characteristics of perception.

In Western culture, the most popular version is the Greek one. The same version is also popular in Russia, because the name Raisa came to us from Greece, along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. According to this version The name Raisa means "most carefree" or "most frivolous", and comes from the word “reistos” (ρεϊστος). In turn, the word "reistos" is a superlative form of the word "radios" (ραδϊος), which is translated as "careless" or "frivolous".

In many eastern countries where the Muslim population predominates, a version of the Arabic origin of the name is popular. According to this version, The name Raisa means "boss", and comes from the word “raisat” (رئيسة‎‎).

Another version is the Serbian version, but it is mainly popular only in Serbia. Some experts claim that the name Raisa comes from the Serbian name Raitsa, which in turn comes from the name Raya. Moreover, in Serbian culture, the name Raya is a shortened form of the names Radmila and Radoslav, but not an independent name.

The meaning of the name Raisa for a girl

Little Raya is a smiling and active child. She herself is endowed with positivity and knows how to share joy with others. Despite her mobility, Raisa knows how to be restrained and calm down easily, which is rare for active children. Raisa easily finds company for herself and often becomes a leader in it. She has a huge number of comrades and quite a lot of close friends. She is demanding of her friends, and even at preschool age her serious attitude towards the concept of friendship is noticeable.

Raisa studies quite successfully, and she is especially good at some disciplines. In her studies, Raisa shows her hard work and desire to be the best. Usually Raya finds a hobby that is completely unrelated to the school curriculum. She can dance, play in the theater, or find an argument to her liking. Raisa often achieves serious results in her hobby, which has a significant impact on her entire future destiny.

The girl’s health is quite good and does not cause any special problems. Of course, like most people, Raisa has weaknesses in her health. In her case, these are the digestive organs. She should be more careful about her diet and the regularity of her meals. If preventive measures are followed, she will not have any special health problems.

Short name Raisa

Raiska, Raika.

Diminutive pet names

Raisochka, Raisonka, Raisushka, Raechka, Rayushka, Rayulya, Rayunya, Rayusya.

Name Raisa in English

There is no name Raisa in English, which means you need to use the transliteration Raisa.

Name Raisa for international passport- RAISA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Raisa into other languages

in Belarusian - Raisa
in Greek - Ραΐσα
in Polish - Raisa
in Tatar - Rәisә
in Ukrainian - Raisa
in Finnish - Raisa

Church name Raisa(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Raisa. The name Raisa entered the Christian naming book thanks to the martyr Raisa of Alexandria, who is mentioned in earlier manuscripts as Iraida. It turns out that Raisa may have two church names, which are essentially identical.

Characteristics of the name Raisa

Adult Raisa can be described as an energetic, independent and driven person. She is moderately proud, but knows how to listen to other people's opinions. At the same time, Raisa’s leadership qualities, characteristic of her since childhood, only intensify. Raisa knows how to captivate people, because she always shares the result of success. Another strength of Raisa is her communication talent. She knows how to find a common language with almost everyone and her interest in the interlocutor is completely sincere. Of course people feel this and are drawn to Raisa.

What is most in demand in Raisa’s work is her analytical mind and unconventional thinking. She does not like template solutions, and the ability to calculate the result in advance successfully complements this. She is quite hardworking and diligent, but monotonous work is undesirable for her. Her character will certainly require a challenge.

Raisa builds family relationships based on mutual respect with her husband. She herself wants to be honest with her beloved and demands this from him. Raisa knows how to create an atmosphere of trust and support in the family, which of course will be appreciated by her life partner. At the same time, she reserves leadership in the family, but she does it so carefully and unnoticed that from the outside it seems absolutely the opposite. If we talk about the thriftiness of the owner of the name, then this is not her strong point. She is not particularly interested in everyday life, and therefore Raisa’s family prefers an active pastime.

The secret of the name Raisa

Raisa's secret can be called her ability to manipulate people, although she uses this extremely rarely. Raisa does not like to resort to this talent, but sometimes she is still forced to do it. Often after this, Raisa experiences remorse and mental anguish.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Lark.

Name color- Gray.

Tree- Pine.

Plant- Tulip.

Stone- Sapphire.

Meaning of the name Raisa - interpretation

The name Raisa causes a lot of controversy among experts trying to figure out its origin. There are many versions put forward, according to one of which it came from the ancient Greek language, where it meant “easy” or “careless.” Another option indicates Arab origin, in which the name is translated as “leader”. And the latest version is offered by those who know its analogue in the Orthodox calendar - Iraida. They believe that Raisa is a modified form of this name.

Astrology of the name Raisa (Iraida)

Favorable day: Wednesday

Years later

As a child, Raisa is quiet and calm, but has a strong character. Even being small, she seems courageous, capable of boasting a strong core. She does not pursue the role of leader, but has outstanding charm, which allows her to gather many people around her.

The girl is inventive, inclined to come up with some games or is able to unite the children in the yard with a common activity. For little ones, Raya is a very big authority, although her voice is not particularly audible in the company, which does not at all indicate the child’s shyness. If necessary, use force.

Young Raisa, as usual, is distinguished by good organization, a high degree of emotionality and real practicality. Parents should pay plenty of attention to her in order to prevent any serious psychological problems.

This girl is charismatic, has a unique style of behavior, feels attractive and has many fans, but keeps them at a distance. A strong-willed lady with a strong character will never allow herself to be offended and takes care of her reputation.

It should be noted that Raya is a wonderful conversationalist and has a rare talent as a storyteller. A young lady with this name makes her own decisions; she can be both open and dangerous for people who get in her way.

This woman never loses heart. She is assiduous, practical, has no complexes, and is very wise. He doesn’t like to take risks, but if there is such a need, he will do it. It neutralizes any conflict. He always acts effectively and tries not to waste his energy.

Raisa has a strong nature; no one can control her. The most important thing for her is to take into account her own interests; such a woman goes to great lengths for the sake of profit. She is usually smart, talented, hardworking and responsible.

Everything that needs to be done is done without unnecessary noise. To a person who doesn’t know her well, it may seem that Raisa is always happy with everything, but we must remember that this woman always pursues certain goals and tries to achieve more.

Character Raisa (Iraida)

Her main positive feature is her bright personality, which helps Raisa arouse keen interest among a variety of people. This lady is very attractive, witty, polite and easy to talk to, so she makes the most favorable impression.

A woman is able to present herself the way she wants. A performer, she attaches importance only to important details. Fate presented her with a magnificent gift - a vivid creative imagination. But there is a lack of sense of reality.

Raisa can become angry, nervous, even to the point of emotional instability. This, of course, at times can greatly interfere with the establishment of good neighborly and friendly relations with certain people.

She is selfish, tries to achieve success by any means, it is not easy to work next to such a woman. Her pride becomes all the stronger as her intolerance towards other individuals intensifies, and the more likely it is for her to have a successful career takeoff.

The fate of Raisa (Iraida)

Raisa has a fantastic work ethic and works hard throughout her life. But she will have few friends, since this woman is despotic, and sees enemies in those who contradict her. She is persistent, firm, cheerful, but at the same time dangerous for those who stand in her way. There will always be prosperity and order in her life.

Raisa (Iraida)

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Raisa has good speaking skills and is able to win over her interlocutor without any problems, so she achieves great success in business. She is very hardworking and can find herself in different fields of activity. By nature he is an excellent teacher and educator. Can achieve success in the field of literary creativity, politics, linguistics.

In any business she quickly moves towards a leadership position; professional growth for such a woman is very important. She values ​​money, constantly tries to earn more, it seems to her that there is no material well-being in life, although this is not the case. But it won’t be easy for her colleagues with this lady; Raisa sees almost every one of them as a rival, so she will easily step over anyone on the path to success.

Marriage and family

Raisa is a good wife who surrounds her household with care and attention, but tries to take a leading position in the family. She doesn’t really like to cook, but she knows how to do it and, if desired, can easily create an atmosphere of comfort in the house. He takes care of the children, constantly instructs and teaches, not paying attention to whether they need it or not. She values ​​her family, but it will not be easy for her spouse.

Raisa's autocratic character and unpredictability are qualities that her husband will have to come to terms with. She will be a faithful and devoted wife. She will not forgive her partner for deception; she has a superbly developed intuition that allows her to easily determine what state her husband is in. If troubles suddenly arise in the family, the spouse will always be blamed.

Sex and love

Raisa's love relationships are complicated. She wants mutual and pure love, but this woman rarely limits herself to relationships alone. Can acquire two partners at once, but cannot choose one among them.

Intimate life is of great importance to her, she devotes a lot of time to sex, loves variety, it is an outlet that allows her to get an emotional shake-up. In relationships, Raisa dominates, showing leadership qualities.

The name Raisa is derived from the Greek language and means - light. The meaning of the name Raisa, according to the second version, says that it comes from the biblical name Raya and translated means - darling. Whose name is this and what nationality is today, alas, impossible to say!

What does the name Raisa mean?

In the name Raisa At the same time, commitment and mobility are combined, and these two qualities accompany her throughout her life, starting from childhood. This name has a certain firmness, and it, in turn, is quite active, which leads to the fact that Raisa often shows indifference to the behavior of others, especially if they are people close to her. She has the power to influence people; if she wants, she can take on the role of a leader.

The energy of the name Raisa suggests some caution, so if she encounters resistance to her influence, she will slow down and do this using some indirect method. And the accuracy and agility characteristic of her mind will help her find a safer path, but no less effective. Raisa's tendency to analyze the situation will help her avoid a brewing conflict and emotional explosion.

What does a name mean for a little girl: As a child, Raisa is a kind of authority for the children. It’s not that she turns things on, it’s just that her presence and outgoing energy can unite children and engage them in a common cause.

At first glance, Raisa seems quiet and shy, although in reality she cannot be called an angel either. She is confident in herself, she will not let anyone snare her neck, she is independent. She is able to stand up for herself. She looks at life soberly and treats others kindly, but if she is deceived, she will not forgive this. She is not sentimental, but she cannot be called cruel. She is strict towards herself and others. Raisa is persistent and hardworking, although these qualities are not always noticeable, since she does everything without noise or strain. In general, we can say that Raisa is a person whose good nature is combined with firmness and cheerful fun.

The woman who has this name will not limit her life to just one thing. She loves to travel and relax in nature. Her character and nature will help you achieve success in your career. If for some reason fate limits her capabilities, then it is more likely that her thirst for activity will find its application in family affairs, but as for cheerfulness, her ardor may fade a little. To prevent this from happening, Raisa should calmly accept the vicissitudes of fate, and direct her sense of humor to her attitude towards failures and successes.

What does the name Raisa mean in a family environment: She would rather remain silent than become cunning and dodge. But she senses falsehood very well. She is not the kind of person who throws tantrums out of the blue. She is a good housewife, knows how to cook deliciously, and is a wonderful mother.

Great people with this name

Raisa's famous namesake was Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva (1932-1999) - the first lady of the USSR. Over many decades, she has shown that even a Soviet head of state can have a wife with whom he would not be ashamed to appear at a diplomatic reception. Before her, none of the wives of Soviet party members had expressed a desire to shoulder such a burden. And only Raisa Gorbacheva, the wife of the first and last president of the USSR, shared with her husband the hardships and successes of politics, she was always next to him - energetic, smiling and fit.

Raisa Maksimovna was not satisfied with second roles; she took on specific work. She was engaged in social activities and created, together with D. Likhachev, an academician, the Soviet Cultural Fund, which supported museums, returning chronicles that had previously been exported, archives, and libraries back to the Soviet Union. In addition, she accompanied her husband on trips.

She was a truly strong woman who made a huge contribution to the social and cultural life of her state.

Characteristics of the name Raisa: Communication with Raisa will not cause any difficulties; she takes the initiative into her own hands and conducts the conversation diplomatically and kindly. But at the same time, if you want to win her over to your side, it will be quite difficult to do so.

Name and astrology

The horoscope and the secret of the name Raisa are closely related, so below we will describe what the name means in astrology:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Leo;
  • Patron planet: Saturn;
  • Character Traits: Committed, active, persistent, logical;
  • Name colors: All shades of brown and red, steel;
  • Lucky Colors: Warm shades of orange, white;
  • Patron saints of the name: Raisa of Alexandria (September 18);
  • Talisman stone: Amber and Agate.