How to transform a red car to look like a man. Is there a connection between the color of a car and a person's character? Gray or silver car

A car is not just a vehicle, but also a message from its owner to the world, not too veiled. By what criteria do we choose a car? Price, reliability, comfort, maneuverability, safety, efficiency? Not only. The image that she creates is important. We talk with psychotherapist and NLP trainer Andrei Metelsky about how women and men choose a car.

The years of rebound have been translated into darker and brighter tones. The key to producing a color that wins on any level is achieving something that makes people feel at home inside the car. It should complement other colors that are on consumers' minds, whether in their refrigerators, sofas or rugs.

"Colors look old when people can't relate to other products and things in their lives," says Crossley. In Mexico City, where your own car is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Choosing the color of your car is not a simple choice of tastes, according to the psychology of color, the color you choose for your vehicles says a lot about you.

– What can you tell about a person by looking at his car?

– With men everything is simple. When choosing a car, they can be divided into two groups. The first group is healthy people, they choose the car as the tool they lack. If a man, for example, needs to often travel outside the city, he will choose an all-wheel drive car. If there is a need to transport a lot of things, a station wagon would be his choice. If he just needs to drive home from work, he realizes that an SUV will be inconvenient - its large dimensions do not make it easy to find a parking space in small yards, and fuel consumption is unreasonably high.

It's not the same small compact, sports car familiar to the big pick-up. It's not a matter of ego, however, having a dedicated vehicle for two like a Corvette will always be ideal for a conquest date. If you usually bring a jagged body, you are saying that you are a bad driver, but also that you are worth your car's peanuts. To project good picture, your car should always be clean and shiny.

The same thing happens with the interior, women don't like to get into a man's car where we don't have space and we don't feel comfortable. Not to mention the waste hamburger you ate 3 weeks ago or the vinegar-smelling can of beer. It's no use bringing the latest technology and impeccable sound if the inside of your device is dirty and neglected.

There is another group of men: they choose a car, unconsciously working out their inhibitions. “The smaller the penis, the larger the car” is a crude saying, but there is a rational grain in it. In this case, the car is often more expensive than a person can objectively afford, and the loan worsens the financial situation of his family. It is known: nothing is so expensive and nothing is so illiquid as show-offs.

Now you know that if you want to project yourself in a certain way with people and especially with women, pay attention to the color, type and appearance your car. First, according to the results of this survey, the people who claimed to own a car in Argentina are 52 percent men and 36 percent women. In addition, 53 percent of Argentine motorists believe that color is a key factor when buying a car.

Car color red

On the other hand, when searching for the "perfect" color for a car, red is mentioned first, chosen by almost a quarter of the population, with white close behind. Because the other options appear to be black and silver gray and blue. And with lower levels of choice come taupe, embroidered, green and beige.

As for women, everything is much more complicated here, because a woman is not a logical creature. For her, the dimensions of the car or its functionality are less important than for a man. She thinks less often about technology; the comfort that these technologies provide is important to her. Even the most modern women first choose a car with their heart, not their mind. This is a kind of romance: for a woman to be satisfied, she must fall in love with this particular car. The car, or rather its creators, must find the key to her heart. Men like to say that a woman chooses a car “to match the color of her handbag.” There is some truth here: the color and appearance of a car is very important for women.

In addition, this color has greater recognition in small and rural cities in relation to medium and large ones, as well as among those who do not have cars. On the other hand, many choose it to be a striking tone against those who lean towards more conservative reasons, such as "dirty less", reserved.

Car color black

However, although red is the most desirable color, the proportion of Argentines who choose it for their cars remains low, as only 12 percent claim to have it in this vein, while 2 in 10 people claim that they exist. they are silver-gray and 16 percent white. Then yellow 2 percent, green 1 percent and other colors 2 percent.

A romantic person, a woman whose anima (feminine) predominates, will most likely choose a car with smooth outlines. If the animus (masculine principle) predominates in a woman’s character, she will choose a car with masculine features and a powerful engine. Such women prefer to evaluate a car in motion. But for any woman it is extremely important that her car is her personal comfort zone. Hence the soft toys hanging from the rearview mirror and other “feminine things.” However, all this can only be speculated; no serious research has been conducted on this topic.

Men prefer red cars, women prefer silver ones

He added: It's interesting to see how trends are changing and tastes are starting to lean towards bright colors as well. It's exciting to see the growing interest in a bright and bold color like red. And he discovered a curiosity in our country: the favorite color of Argentines is red. But when buying a car, your favorite is gray or silver.

According to the results of this survey, the people who claimed to own a car in Argentina were 52% men and 36% women. In addition, 53% of Argentine motorists believe that color is the main factor when buying a car. When searching for the "perfect" color for a car, red is mentioned first, chosen by almost a quarter of the population, and the target is nearby. A little further back the black and silver gray and blue ones appear. And at the lower end of the selection are dark grey, embroidered, green and beige.

– Then let's rely on the facts. And the facts are this: today the tastes of women drivers have evolved. If before women chose small cars, then more and more often they preferred to drive large ones, but today the most common choice of the fair sex is medium-sized cars...

– Previously, people, including women, often did not have sufficient funds, and they bought small cars. Then the population began to have more money, and girls started driving big cars. That's all. However, most girls, regardless of their financial situation, will most likely choose a small car as their first car. The fact is that a man, having received his license, is convinced: he was taught everything, now he is a driver. The woman doubts her driving skills for a long time, continues to learn and improve. And only after making sure that she can be confident in her abilities, she gets behind the wheel of large and medium-sized cars.

An important factor to consider in this study is that the attraction for this color varies depending on age. At the same time, by asking Argentines their reasons for choosing the perfect color, we can see the existence of those who want something “striking” versus those who are inclined towards more “conservative” reasons: it is less dirty, it is discrete. And the same thing, it simply indicates that you want this color because it relates to your "personality".

However, there is a long way to go from saying it to saying it. While red is the most desirable color, the proportion of Argentines who choose it for their cars remains low, as only 12% say they have it in this vein, while 2 in 10 people There is gray silver and 16% white. Then yellow 2%, green 1% and other colors 2%.

Women's love for big cars is also easy to explain. Any woman needs a reliable man's shoulder. But often there is no such thing in life. So at least let it be a reliable car!

And yet, we are gradually coming to a state where both women and men, for the most part, choose a car no longer as a luxury or a means of realizing complexes. And the fair sex demonstrates a more masculine, reasonable and rational approach to choosing a car. If you look at what girls and women drive on the streets of our cities, then... These cars combine comfort and maneuverability, while having a fairly compact size that allows you to easily park in yards.

Words that are written or spelled in a very natural way, so much so that they don't even seem like logical absurdity - where have you ever seen objects that have genres unless they are living things? This naturalness that we attribute to our relationships with things is the work of the functioning of our unconscious and the signs that it interprets based on the store of meanings that our culture brings. Not only culture, but the entire universe is made up of signs, especially nature.

Green and light green

It's surprising to know that cars can be deliberately designed to be more feminine or masculine, and that this way of working is almost never realized. However, in relation to drawing as a language, we hardly notice that the shapes of objects are full of signs. Curves and rounded shapes are now defined as "organic", that is, inspired by the elements of nature. But our unconscious often associates them with a female being, since in our species female beings are more rounded than male ones.

– According to one study, these days, even when a man buys a car, in 70% of cases the opinion of a woman (girlfriend, spouse) indirectly influences his choice...

– Yes, this is probably the case. This is a general trend in modern society. Unfortunately, as my psychotherapeutic practice shows, today there are many examples where a woman, after several years of marriage, successfully turns a man, as people say, “into a rag.” It is interesting that after this such a woman ceases to be interested in this man, and the couple breaks up.

Fiat kept the blue for the dark red in its logo because it is common to associate motorsport with passion - and is used to associate blue with logical, whereas red is associated with emotion. And this language of forms seems to have already been born as an engraved “factory” in the human database. The inexplicable attraction that a baby feels towards the round shape of its mother's breast as soon as it is born is her survival instinct. Women recognize the square as a form of translation of “feeling of security” precisely because human men are “square” in their bodily forms.

Yes, probably very often a man chooses exactly the car that his woman wants, and not he. Why is this happening? Most likely, he is afraid of losing the relationship. What would a wise woman do in such a situation? Having already chosen a car, she will bring her husband to the car dealership and make sure that he himself chooses the car that she needs. She will convince him that this is not her choice, but his choice. Thus, she will not deal a blow to his self-esteem and will get what she needs.

Car color green

It is natural in the search for opposites that the female sex is attracted to the male form and vice versa. However, consumer science is working to counter this "rule of attractions" and we are seeing objects being used as extensions of the wearers' bodies. This is why "round" cars tend to appeal to women more, while "squarer" cars tend to appeal to men more.

Not only in terms of car design, but also in terms of colors, there is big influence decisions of the unconscious. Color - next to shape - is the language most quickly decoded by living things. Something so primitive and instinctive that it spreads throughout nature, even among those organisms that are not aware.

– By the way, about the plush bunnies and cats hanging on the windshield of many women’s cars...

– And this phenomenon is akin to icons, which can also often be seen in car interiors. And it comes from the depths of the subconscious, from pagan times: all these toys are nothing more than amulets. Each of us has many fears hidden deep in our subconscious. Their set and combinations are strictly individual. In childhood, first the child sleeps with his mother, then there comes a time when the mother transfers the child to his own crib. And many children have a need for a “mother substitute”, which is a soft toy. Later, women's plush toys migrate to the interior of their car, to their desktop...

Insects, reptiles and venomous amphibians have bright colors in their bodies - such as chartreuse, yellow and orange - accompanied by stripes that seem to "get away from me!" And even without attending the same school, other animals instinctively know that it is wise to stay away. Color code in human world similar, precisely because it is so parallel to nature.

Fiat left blue for dark red in its logo because it is common to associate the engine with passion. Of course Blue colour is not a bright color like passion - it is often associated with blue with logic and red with emotion. But cars that are painted with strong or exotic colors, even though they signify "danger," play with another human emotion: challenge. Only humans have the ability to foresee danger and resist it, turning fear into joyful emotions. This is why sports cars are especially attractive in exotic colors.

– And when truck drivers paste posters of beauties in their cars or hang dolls in swimsuits from the rearview mirror – is this also a “mom replacement”?

– This is a different phenomenon. A fact known to all sexologists is that libido increases greatly after a hangover: when the body “thinks” it is dying, it urgently tries to reproduce. And truck drivers, by and large, have a very dangerous profession. Hence also the increase in libido and, as a consequence, all these pictures.

Since we were little, we have been bombarded with these signs, as our parents decorate our rooms with blue - if we are boys - or pink - if we are girls. When they tell us that dolls are toys for girls and also toys for boys. It's not written in any rule book, but everything called exhaustion turns out to be an inexorable truth.

Adding more straight and angular elements to the design without, however, disintegrating its personality, was an attempt to "masculinize" the car. The whole feel of the cabin was "masculinized", with straight lines and a more pragmatic design, without such poetry. Have you, the reader, wondered why the cars you like best attract you so much?

– On the Internet you can find many articles that “a man who buys a red car is easily excitable but easy-going, a woman in a red car is confident and independent, and black cars are bought by vain men striving for a high position in society, while while women driving a black car are by nature gamblers who love danger”...

Maybe the answer lies in your unconscious. A black car shows strength or power. Researchers say black car drivers are often aggressive, competitive and intimidating. Others may say that they are secretive and reserved. In my opinion, a black car gives a feeling of confidence and alertness.

Silver car owners like to demonstrate financial stability. Silver color drivers tend to reassure people with calm and spontaneous personalities. Red car owners are quite wild, passionate, independent people and have a "feverish" personality.

- Well, that would be too easy. No, it would be possible to derive some patterns. Thus, it is known that many girls at a certain age begin to like the color pink - in some cases it marks the subconscious readiness of the female psyche for marriage.

Almost all women go through the stage of love for the color red, as an indication that, having matured, a person strives not for romantic “Juliet”, but for more earthly, physical relationships with the opposite sex. Perhaps all this indirectly influences to a small extent the choice of car color.

White is a pure and beautiful color, so it is used in many places and cars cannot be excluded from it. Owners of white cars prefer comfort and cleanliness. When you see a dirty white car around you, it probably means that the owner has an indifferent and lazy personality.

This is a small color used in cars, but which has an orange car usually tall people, cheerful and with a good sense of humor. Of course, a gold car means wealth and pride. If you own a gold color, you'll probably want to be noticed. You want people to know that you don't need financial help and that they are independent.

It is no coincidence that child psychologists have noticed that during an association game, 9 out of 10 girls add the epithet “red” to the word “car”... But, in general, it is hardly possible to draw clear patterns here. I don’t think that psychologists are right when they try to reduce all our desires, aspirations, preferences and characteristics into one rigid system. We are all different, and thank God, because that is why life is so interesting!

Lovers white car- aesthetes who strive in life for purity and impeccability of relationships (at least they want to give such an impression). White is the color of dreams and ideals. Most often it is chosen by drivers who are prone to unsociability.

Driver gray car doesn't want to stand out. He is closed from the outside world. He is not interested in external gloss. This man will measure a hundred times before cutting.

Yellow car chosen by those who want to stand out at any cost. Choosing a yellow car also means a desire to be free from pressure, a desire to be happy.

If a man has a yellow car, it means he is striving forward, towards modernity, towards novelty. At the same time, he easily adapts to everything.

Gentle beige color cars are preferred by dreamers. However, many practical people choose this color because dust is not so noticeable on such a car.

A person who wants to seem special chooses silver car. You can’t just approach such a driver. He is selfish and stubborn.

The one who chose for his car Orange color, full of energy, movement, fire. But he has a tendency to feverish agitation.

Trip to blue car lifts the mood and creates a feeling of celebration. And the one who sits behind the wheel of such a car is carefree and cheerful man. You won't get bored with him.

Lovers blue cars They value peace and comfort most of all. For such drivers, spirituality and harmony come first. You can trust this car owner. He is faithful and reliable.

A non-conflict person who loves comfort and needs rest and comfort has a car. Brown.

Red- car strong personalities. Its owner is far from a gray mouse. He constantly strives for his goal, for success. Active and adventurous a man, but at the same time hot-tempered and domineering.

Green color the car indicates that its owner strives to please. But it also symbolizes a lack of energy, a passive desire to assert oneself, and a lack of temperament. This is the most non-aggressive of all colors. There is even a theory that gay men prefer this color.

Violet- the color of romantics. Automobile purple- a sign that its owner wants to produce a magical effect on others and is not averse to being subjected to magic. He creative person with developed intuition.

And finally, if a man has a car black color, which means he seeks to escape from fate. Although others see him as a confident person. It is also very important for him to be treated with respect.