How to make a wish come true. We are writing a letter to the heavenly office

The technique of making wishes come true is not magic or sorcery. Unfortunately, none of us has a magic wand, a genie, or a goldfish. Therefore, we have to act using other methods, more mundane, but no less effective.

The fastest, easiest and most common way to make your wish come true is to write it down on a piece of paper. Too easy? But it's effective! At the end of the last century, students at Harvard University took part in an experiment. Psychologists conducted a survey, the purpose of which was to identify students’ plans and goals for later life. 84% of young people did not have clear plans, 13% had plans. Only 3% of respondents said that they have clear goals that they not only formulated, but also wrote down on paper.

Ten years later, psychologists summed up the results of this experiment. Those students who set goals achieved success. And those 3% who wrote down their desires, plans and goals on paper amazed with their success and income. Those who did not have clear plans achieved less or nothing. Draw your own conclusions.

Try to write down your desires and plans for, say, one year. There are several conditions for the fulfillment of desires:

I only recently began to think about why some people live calmly and happily, while others have to constantly struggle. There was a lot of time to think, rummage through books, listen to authoritative people. Sleepless nights, thoughts, arguments, disagreements. At some point, I realized that I had finally gotten to the bottom of the truth, that I had come to the very essence. Maybe just a millimeter.

In the book of Solomon it is written: “as he thinks in his soul, so is he.” I find this phrase, twisted hundreds of times, in the works of eminent psychologists, charlatans, doctors, physicists, laureates Nobel Prize. Do they repeat or let this thought pass through themselves? Do they measure their glory on themselves or try to help others understand themselves? Are they creating a bestseller for money or a book that teaches? Hundreds of questions that I can't answer. I'm afraid of making a mistake or missing a grain of truth.

And then I realized that you can check and believe by the example of your own life, it was not lived by Mr. Jones or some doctor from Texas, as the authors of books often write, referring to people unfamiliar to us. Why should I believe that since it helped the housewife from the neighboring house, it means that it will definitely help me? Statements and examples of famous, world-famous people give much more weight to the words they speak. But still…

“Imagine, draw or describe your dream,” this hackneyed expression only recently irritated me with its simplicity. How can they change my life regular drawing or an essay on the topic “How do I see my life”?
I poured myself a cup of hot green tea. I sat down near the computer and, typing, I thought.

I remember how, while going through my old archive, I found one of my first works, thick sheets of paper on which I described my own life. Or rather, a short segment. Re-reading, I smiled at the main character’s phrase: “And my daughter was born. Sometimes it seems to me that she is very similar to you.” I smiled because I wrote such nonsense fifteen years ago. How could someone else's child be like me? I read it and forgot.

Only a few years later this very phrase will be uttered by an old friend of mine. I remember that I was dumbfounded when I heard her. And not because his child in some incomprehensible way looked like me, but because I wrote about it a long time ago.

One day I came across an article by Tatyana Ustinova that if you want something in life, write it on paper, and your plans will definitely come true. I went through children's profiles in which we dreamed of our adult life, and when the Odnoklassniki website appeared, she just silently compared the coincidences in the lives of her friends. Without even being surprised.

“Imagine, draw or describe your dream.” As a child, I mostly drew flowers, houses, princesses, but my friend liked to draw herself most of all. Lena graduated art school, went to live in another city. Our paths diverged. And a year ago we met and closer to the morning, when we told each other completely about our lives, I drew attention to the picture that hung in her living room. Rain, on a black background, a woman in a raincoat presses against a birch trunk.

We went to bed. I lay in bed and thought about my friend. All her life, beautiful, smart Lenka was afraid of losing her husband. She always forgave him for his infidelities, his departures for other women, his incessant phone calls and threatening letters from mistresses. She forgave everything, probably because that’s what her mother did. She lived alone against a black background with a constant, incessant rain of tears.

I got out of bed, took down the picture and put it down reverse side to Wall.
In the morning Lenka looked at me in surprise.
-Why did you do this?
-Throw it in the trash.
-What are you doing? This picture was painted by my mother. It is like a family inheritance, passed on from generation to generation.
-Lenka, do you want to live happily?
-Write what you want, not what you have. You are an artist.
Lenka turned the picture over and looked at it thoughtfully.
-Mom has always been lonely. That’s how I stood in the evenings near the window and waited for dad. She hid her tears from us so that we wouldn’t worry,” Lenka looked at me. “You know, this picture has always been a part of my life, but I always wanted to live differently.”

When Lenka’s children returned from school at lunchtime, they found two happy adult aunts near the painting that Lenka painted in just a few hours.
And we took that one to the landfill.

You can believe me, you can, or not, but imagine Lenka’s surprise when, going to her neighbor’s for the notorious matches, she saw her once-thrown-out painting. During this time, Lenka's husband stopped going out, and the neighbor's husband suddenly left her. The ending of the story became even more unusual, and if I had not witnessed this story, I would never have believed that it was true.

A couple of months later, my friend’s neighbor moved to another city, having forgotten the painting in the apartment in her haste. Lenka, in order not to tempt fate, again threw it into the landfill, and literally at the end of the month the neighbor again made peace with her husband.

This series ended with an unexpected phrase from Lenka.
-But I painted almost the same picture for Natasha! Do you remember? Amazon with a lioness at her feet.
I remember. I also know that, having suffered with her drunkard husband for more than ten years, Natasha left him in what she was wearing.

We immediately rushed to the phone. We still had an old number.
Natasha’s husband, without choosing any expression, yelled into the phone, calling Natasha all the words known and hitherto unknown to our ears.

“Yur,” Lenka said, having managed to interject herself into the drunken man’s unintelligible speech. “Did she leave the painting with the Amazon or did she take it with her?”
“Why the hell does she need this picture?” Yura did not understand, confused by such a question.
“It’s true,” Lena answered and was about to hang up when she heard Yura’s voice.
-She gave it to her niece a couple of months ago. She constantly asked her. Every time I came to visit: “Give me everything!” Beautiful picture. You write well, friend.
Lena hung up. We looked at each other.
Pure detective.

I’m generally a distrustful person, and I check the depth a hundred times before I climb into it. But for some reason, after that story, I came home, took out a box of markers and, as best I could, drew the real me, the way I want to be. This may sound absurd, but every time I look at her, it’s like I get a second wind, and I know for sure that I will succeed. Or rather, everything is already working out.

Recently, while re-reading the autobiographical novel “I am 40 years old...” by my favorite writer Maria Arbatova, I came across funny story from her life. Take the time to read how one of her sons got an expensive music setup for just pennies. How? Just by drawing it on paper.
This does not mean that you have to fold your arms and wait for a dream that has come true in an incomprehensible way to fall into your hands. “God has no other hands but yours.”

My stories came true because I believed they were true. And an inept picture on the wall makes it possible to remember the chosen path and act in the right direction.

As the final finishing touch to this story-reflection, I want to give a very witty formula for success from the famous American psychologist Martha Beck:

I translate literally: “if A stands for success, then the above formula is as follows: X is Job, Y is a game, Z- keep your mouth closed.

If you hope for a miracle, then stop talking too much and start working. When you get tired, stop and play. Then get back to work. Continue persistently, and miracles will begin to happen, even more amazing because you create them yourself.”

So when I'm tired, I start playing: I imagine my life the way I want it to be. I sit down at the computer and write a story about her. Or I take out a pack of markers and draw.
As Joseph Murphy rightly said, “When you feel discouraged, turn within and feel yourself as you want to be.”

Do you want to live better? To be beautiful, happy, rich?
My advice to you: “Write, draw, or just imagine. Just don’t sit idly by.”

Copyright © 2008 Veronika Kolesnichenko

Secret knowledge has long ceased to be the property of a select few. Schools of Feng Shui and other esoteric teachings can be found in every city today. Wonderful techniques that promote it are found on most women's sites. One of the most popular ways to change your life for the better has become a letter to the Universe for the fulfillment of a wish, a sample of which is offered by many Internet resources. Should you trust such a strange way to achieve your goal, or is it nothing more than self-hypnosis?

It works!

Skeptics are confident that only people with an unhealthy psyche can try to achieve what they want using this method. Meanwhile, experts suggest not to draw hasty conclusions. In a letter higher powers There is nothing mystical, and a miracle message can really do a lot to implement the plan:

It helps to formulate a desire. It is impossible to build a house without a drawing. If you don't know how many floors there will be in a building, what materials will be used, what design is possible, construction will never begin. The same applies to your dream. Until the brain receives a clear command about what exactly the result should be, movement towards the goal will not begin. You can wait your whole life for the fulfillment of desires like “I want a lot of money.” A letter to the Universe to fulfill your cherished desire, a sample of which you will find at the end of the article, will help your dream take shape, for example: “My monthly income is 70 thousand rubles.”

It makes it possible to believe in the reality of what you want to receive. A dream voiced out loud no longer seems so fantastic. And if the desire is fixed on paper, it will bring its implementation even closer in reality.

It helps to launch proven mechanisms. A person is accustomed to the fact that in order to receive, one must ask. This has been the case since childhood, when a child saw a toy or sweet he liked and asked his parents to buy it for him. In most cases, children get what they want. Psyche little man gets used to the scheme: “If I ask, they will definitely give it to me.”

Compose a message

There are many recommendations on how to write a letter to the abundant and loving Universe for the fulfillment of a wish. The sample message includes not only the request itself, but also gratitude for help in fulfilling previous desires. You should not ask to harm other people, even if you are sure that they deserve it. Formulate the message in a positive way without the “no” particle. Write about what you want to, not about what you you do not want. An example might be:

Hello, dear Universe!

Thank you for everything you do for me, for your love and support. I believe that this time you will help my wish come true. Help me get a job Good work close to home, so that the team is friendly and the boss is kind and fair.

I sincerely believe in your help,

Psychologists recommend writing a letter to the Universe for the fulfillment of a wish, a sample of which is presented above, every day. The fact that the method will help is the main condition for its high effectiveness. Scientists cannot give exact scientific explanations success of the message. Many people believe that the law of attraction (“like to like”) works. The effectiveness of working on desire will also depend on your personal activity. Having made a new wish workplace, look for vacancies in newspapers and on specialized websites, submit your resume to companies that interest you, take any measures available to you, and your dream will definitely come true.

Hello, dear readers. In an effort to change their lives for the better, many resort to such a method as: writing a letter to fulfill their desires, a sample of which can be found on various Internet portals. Will this letter help you fulfill your deepest desires and achieve your cherished goals? How to write a message to the Universe correctly so that the result does not take long to arrive? There are some rules that help with this.

We have already talked on the blog about how to make a wish so that it will definitely come true. Today we’ll talk about letters of wishes, how to write a letter of wishes correctly.

How does a wish letter work?

Most people are skeptical about this kind of request, thinking that the whole miracle message technique is just self-hypnosis.

Formulate a specific desire

1. It is impossible to start building a house without knowing the number of floors in the building, what building materials will be needed, how much time and money it will take to construct the building.

2. The same thing will happen with your dream.

3. After the brain receives a clear command about what the future result will be, active movement towards the set goal and, as a result, a justified result will begin.

5. You need to clearly know what your income will be in a certain year and what needs to be done to achieve this.

Makes it possible to believe in the reality of what you desire

Having voiced your dream out loud, it will no longer seem so unrealizable and prohibitive to you, and if you write down your desire on paper, this will further speed up the process of its implementation.

Launches proven mechanisms

1. Since childhood, a person has become accustomed to receiving what he asks for.

2. Having noticed a toy he liked, the child began to beg his parents for it by all means.

3. Children almost always get what they really want.

4. As an adult, a person acts according to the same scheme and always tries to achieve what he wants.

How to write a letter of wishes to the Universe correctly

To write a letter of desire, you should keep the following points in mind:

1. The desire must be written down on a piece of paper

The most important thing is to correctly compose the message and write it down.

Desires like: “I will buy new car”—may not come true.

Clear deadlines for implementation need to be set. From this the following rule is formulated.

2. Set a due date

Would you like to purchase new apartment— indicate the period of purchase.

For example, “I will buy a new home by such and such a date” .

If the date is not specified in the message, then the wish will certainly come true, but it is not known when.

3. Be sure to follow the writing form

When making a wish, rely on the header of a regular statement.

Write down to whom you are making the request, from whom, put the date and sign.

All fields on the envelope must be filled in.

In the column to whom indicate the Ecumenical Office, where cherished dreams come true. You can also add: right into the hands of the Universe.

In the line from whom - yours original name. For example, Successful Woman. You should not write real initials, because the letter will be taken to the post office.

4. Make clear and clear requests that do not contain a “no” part.

You can ask, demand, absolutely everything, the main thing is not to add the particle “not”.

For example, “I don’t want to be fat.”

Sounds better: " I will become slim."

Let it be a specific desire: a trip to the sea, travel, work in a prestigious position.

When concluding your message, do not forget to use the phrase: “Give me that or something better” .

5. Pay attention to details, describe the request emotionally

Perhaps you have chosen to travel to a specific country. Describe in a few words the mountains or beach of the place you have in mind.

If you dream of a new home, indicate the details of the future construction. Accompany your letter with the emotions and delight that you will experience after realizing your dream.

6. It is recommended to end each composed message with a certain amulet phrase:

“Let the plan or something more firmly enter my life and help all those who are involved in the plan.”

It is worth focusing on the phrase “something more.” Sometimes the Universe can give what you want so badly, but not much in another context.

For example, you want to visit England, and our World will consider that you are worthy of a trip to France.

7. Make sure that the message is only for the benefit of you and other people

Don't wish bad things on anyone. Act of your own free will with your soul and heart.

8. Subtleties in design

It is preferable to choose white for writing album sheet and bright ink of different colors.

Handwriting should not only be beautiful, but also legible so that it can be easily read.

Please number your wishes if there are many of them.

Imagine that your messages have already come true. Please thank the World for the realization of your plans.

At the end add: “Let it be so for me and for the happiness and goodness of others.”

Sample letter writing:

Hello dear Universe!

First of all, I want to thank you for everything that I have today, because it all happens according to your will! I, who am part of you, my beloved Universe, wish that you will help me realize the following of my cherished dreams:

— Become a more successful specialist at my workplace and join high position with a salary of at least $3,000 so that I could help my parents and make them happier.

— Enroll in the correspondence department at the university of my choice, and get an additional profession that will be useful to me in life.

Thank you for all this or something even better!

Thank you very much!

Let it be so!

Number and signature.

You can formulate a desire and write a letter for anything, on.

9. Act actively, do not get hung up on desire

And finally, the most important rule, on which the outcome of what is planned will depend - this is not to get hung up on desire alone, but to begin to actively act.

A correctly composed desire is only half the battle; everything else depends only on you, on your actions and deeds.

Let go of your message, you can forget about it for a while.

10. Believe that your wishes will come true

Don't worry or fuss - everything has its time. Be open to the surprises of the Universe, do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the chance given to you.