Maintenance of engineering systems of buildings and structures.

Today, the operation of facilities by specialized companies is becoming increasingly popular among property owners. However, the number of such transactions in Russia remains relatively low. This is due to the fact that Russian managers are accustomed to independently monitoring all issues related to the work of companies, as well as the lack of uniform standards for formalizing such relations. Meanwhile, in developed European countries, in 95 cases out of 100, property owners enter into contracts with operating companies.

On the Russian market, professional services for the operation of real estate are offered by , whose qualified specialists have many years of experience in ensuring the uninterrupted operation of communications, maintaining the temperature and humidity conditions of premises, replacing systems and structures as they wear out, as well as the serviceability of load-bearing and enclosing structures.

Effective operation is necessary when working with any real estate. A professional approach to solving this issue can significantly reduce the cost of maintaining buildings and utilities, as well as increase the level of safety.

An organization with the necessary experience and technology is able to ensure the construction of engineering infrastructure at a higher level. Modern managers are mostly professionals in the field of managing people and production resources. In this case, it is advisable to entrust issues of maintenance and operation to a third-party consultant.

"Engineering Company "2K" has all the capabilities to organize the successful operation of the Customer’s facilities. Thanks to the presence in our staff of professionals of all necessary engineering specialties, as well as the use of the most modern equipment, our Company is one of the leaders in the domestic construction market.

The Company’s specialists take on the function of the operating organization already at the stage of building construction, which subsequently significantly increases the efficiency of the facility’s operation, and also avoids additional costs when finalizing ill-conceived solutions.

"Engineering Company "2K" provides a range of facilities operation services, which includes:

  • technical supervision at the stage of design and installation of utility networks;
  • installation of engineering equipment and communications and performance of commissioning works;
  • constant supervision of the operation of utility networks;
  • performing scheduled repairs, seasonal and preventive maintenance;
  • preparation of technical documentation.

"Engineering Company "2K" is ready to ensure the uninterrupted functioning and operation of your facilities.

Maintenance of engineering systems- this is a kind of foundation for the efficient and continuous operation of any building. Obviously, it is much easier to prevent an “accident” from happening than to fix a problem when it has already occurred. Work aimed at preventing malfunctions in the technical equipment of a building depends on documents in which all equipment indicators are recorded directly by the manufacturer.

Architectural solutions and technical equipment of real estate objects change, develop, and are supplemented from year to year. As a result, their maintenance becomes more complicated. Therefore, an integrated approach to the maintenance and operation of buildings, combined with cost optimization, is a pressing need for property owners today. Solving this problem requires high professionalism and extensive experience in this field. This makes it possible to ensure the operation and maintenance of buildings at a high level of quality, regardless of the number, type and location of buildings.

Maintenance can be carried out either on a periodic basis, as preventive work, or on a permanent basis in the form of continuous video surveillance of the work process of engineering systems. Seasonal maintenance is carried out to adapt the equipment and transfer it to the winter or summer season.

The choice of type of service directly depends on the structure and its characteristics, and the cost of such services depends on:

  • type of service;
  • size of the facility territory;
  • availability of engineering systems.

Repair work is carried out in case of accidents and breakdowns, and planned repairs are aimed at blocking such problems. But not one of these processes is complete without maintenance, because components may need to be replaced after an accident or in case of poor installation. Major repairs are carried out at the end of the deadlines that record the process of using the building.

Equipment repair procedure

Effective operation of equipment is impossible without timely maintenance and repair in certain volumes and established quality. Long-term preservation of equipment operability and reduction of the amount of costs for its maintenance and losses of main production associated with equipment downtime due to malfunctions require rational organization of operation and the mandatory implementation of a set of work on its maintenance.
Maintenance and repairs of technological (mechanical) equipment are carried out on the basis of the Unified System of Scheduled Preventive Maintenance and Rational Operation of Technological Equipment of Machine-Building Enterprises, which includes:

  • identification of repair work by type and their description;
  • planning preventive operations (adjustment, tightening of bolted joints, etc.) and monitoring their implementation;
  • establishing the duration of repair cycles and interrepair periods;
  • determination of repairability categories for all types of equipment;
  • organizing a service for carrying out repair work;
  • the use of modern equipment repair methods that simplify the technology and methods for restoring worn parts;
  • organizing the purchase of finished spare parts, introducing advanced technological processes for manufacturing spare parts, their storage and accounting;
  • maintenance of lubrication facilities;
  • organizing material supplies for the repair service;
  • organization of quality control of equipment repair and maintenance.

Procedure for performing maintenance and repair work

The head of the repair service at the end of each year for the next year develops an annual schedule of preventive maintenance. The annual schedule is written out by month and issued to the managers of production areas. Inspections and all types of repairs are carried out by repairmen and electricians of the repair service (hereinafter referred to as personnel). Repair, duty and operational personnel are required to know and comply with the rules for the technical operation of equipment set out in the equipment maintenance instructions, know and follow the current job descriptions. Equipment maintenance instructions must be located at the workplace where the equipment is installed.
The head of the production site assigns the equipment to the operating personnel, whose names are written on special tablets placed on the equipment. The head of the production site regularly records comments on the technical condition of the equipment in the journal of his site. Site operating personnel are involved in the maintenance and repair of equipment assigned to them. Equipment is brought out for repairs in accordance with approved PPR plans.

Types of maintenance and repairs of technological equipment:

  • Type I - intra-shift maintenance - current repairs;
  • Type II - inspection;
  • III type - minor repairs;
  • IV type - medium repair;
  • Type V - major repairs.

In-Shift Maintenance carried out by site operating personnel, duty and maintenance personnel during process downtime, and lunch breaks of site process personnel. The basis for intra-shift maintenance is the shift acceptance and transfer log, where all equipment malfunctions, technological stops, and downtime are recorded; the log is kept by the production site manager. All operating personnel, through the management of the production site, are provided with maintenance instructions developed by the head of the repair service, which regulate their functions and scope of work during the shift. All types of repairs of technological equipment in production areas are carried out by repair service personnel and, if necessary, by contractors. The issuance of tasks to repair personnel is documented in a journal.

Inspections are performed by maintenance personnel to check the condition of equipment, correct mechanical and electrical problems, and determine the scope of preparation for future maintenance or scheduled repairs. Inspections are carried out by engineering and technical workers of the repair service and the corresponding production site. The inspection is carried out in accordance with the annual PPR plan.

Small repairs
Minor repairs are a type of planned repairs in which, by replacing or restoring worn parts and adjusting mechanisms, the normal operation of the equipment is ensured until the next scheduled repair. Minor repairs are carried out in accordance with the annual and monthly maintenance schedules. Minor repairs are carried out by repair teams under the leadership of the head of the repair service with the involvement of operational personnel of the production site. After carrying out minor repairs, the head of the repair service records the results in the unit log.

Medium renovation
Medium repair is a type of planned repair that involves partial disassembly of equipment, major overhaul of individual components, replacement and restoration of major worn parts, assembly, adjustment and load testing. During a medium repair, the repair service personnel, with the involvement of production site personnel, check the equipment for technological accuracy. After the average repair, the repair service manager records the results in the unit log.

Major renovation
Overhaul is a set of works that includes complete disassembly of equipment, replacement of all worn components and parts, repair of basic parts and assemblies, assembly, adjustment and testing of equipment under load. During a major overhaul, the geometric accuracy of the equipment provided for in regulatory documents for maintenance and repair is restored for the period until the next scheduled repair. Equipment shutdown for major repairs is carried out in accordance with the annual maintenance plan. Major repairs are carried out on the basis of entries in the shift logs, unit logs and equipment passport data.

The procedure for transferring equipment for repair
Equipment shutdown for repairs is carried out in accordance with the maintenance plan. Postponement or cancellation of repairs is permitted only with the permission of the head of the enterprise. Before starting repair work, the customer (manager of the production site) must provide the equipment in a clean form, clear the area of ​​foreign objects, ensure that the equipment is disconnected from power networks and communications, and hand over the equipment according to the certificate of transfer of equipment for repair.

The procedure for accepting equipment after repair
Acceptance of equipment into operation after repair is carried out by the corresponding production site. Acceptance of equipment after repair is carried out after its inspection and testing within 72 hours. Putting equipment into operation is permitted after the execution of the equipment transfer certificate for operation, which is one of the documents confirming the quality assurance of maintenance and repairs of process equipment.

Interaction with related organizations

In the process of operating a real estate property, it becomes necessary to interact with various related organizations, government agencies and authorities, organizations that provide goods and services. To solve these problems, a separate direction of the real estate operation process is formed, which is called technical consulting. This area includes representing the interests of property owners before utility providers, interaction with government control and supervision authorities, coordination and provision of warranty obligations, as well as management of construction projects (working with contractors and design organizations).

State control and supervision is carried out in order to ensure the safety of life and health of people, the sustainable functioning of engineering equipment and systems of the facility, compliance with operating and safety rules.

Interaction with government control and supervision bodies causes the greatest difficulties in the work of engineering and technical services during the operation of a real estate property. This is facilitated by frequently changing requirements, difficulties in preparing documentation, obtaining permits and approvals, and unfounded claims made during inspections.

State control and supervision bodies include:

  • Fire supervision;
  • Gosgortekhnadzor;
  • Energy Supervision;
  • Energosbyt;
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
  • State Property Management Committee;
  • Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture;
  • Land Resources Committee;
  • Natural Resources Committee.

The main task that the operating organization sets for itself in the field of interaction with government control and supervision authorities is to specify and simplify the process as much as possible in order to obtain a positive result when coordinating and approving design and technical documentation.

Interaction with control and supervisory authorities includes:

  • renewal of contracts;
  • re-registration/receipt of admission certificates;
  • preparation of technical documentation packages;
  • obtaining optimization of technical conditions;
  • recommendations and consultation on changes in the project;
  • reaching agreements on a compromise basis regarding regulations and acts, including holding negotiations and meetings in order to reduce implementation costs.

Before receiving approval, you need to evaluate your chances. Chances are assessed subjectively and this assessment is made up of legal feasibility, technical feasibility and the availability of similar examples. After the assessment, possible outcome options are predicted.

Before contacting a government agency, it is also necessary to take into account certain risks that may arise when receiving documents. unplanned extension of deadlines for receiving documentation or receiving an incomplete package of documents. Risks are taken into account using the model forecasting method.

When assessing the cost of obtaining results, it is necessary to take into account the wage fund for specialists and consultations, the cost of the “state duty” and other costs. Then a comparison needs to be made with the estimated economic impact.

When operating real estate, it is necessary to have a list of all approval documents and know their regulatory basis. When interacting with control and supervisory authorities, the task of operation management comes down to predicting the exact timing of approval. It is necessary to model the predicted result as accurately as possible.

Representing the interests of the owner before utility service providers involves interaction with representatives of Vodokanal, Energosbyt and Fuel and Energy Complex. Interaction involves:

  • keeping records of utility consumption;
  • control of the timing of issuance and maintenance of invoices for payment;
  • correctness and compliance with contractual obligations of issued invoices;
  • quality of services provided;
  • reconciliation of the correspondence of issued invoices with actual consumption of utilities.

Representing the interests of the owner before energy supply organizations implies two important aspects: control over the energy supply organizations’ compliance with the terms of the contract and control over accounting and statistics of energy costs. In the first case, this is the protection of the rights of the owner as a consumer, in the second case, it is the opportunity to compare, evaluate and analyze the qualitative, quantitative and cost indicators of the owner’s costs in order to optimize them and effectively use energy resources.

The owner has the right to demand from the operating organization proposals for optimization and efficient use of resources, and the latter is obliged to provide such proposals. A competent cost analysis and the use of both the latest energy-saving technologies and seemingly primitive measures (insulating window openings and installing energy-saving light bulbs) can significantly save money.

It is more profitable for the operating company to join the project at the construction stage, and ideally at the design stage. This is not only reasonable, but also meets the European standard of doing business. The owner, when building a facility, often does not even think that he will need premises for storing equipment or for placing a control room. Non-rentable areas are used for these needs. Otherwise, you will have to occupy premises that could be rented out and generate income. The opinion of operating organizations should be taken into account when planning a building, placing elevators or escalators, laying out offices, using specific technologies or materials - all this can simplify further operation.

Connection to the operating organization at the design stage allows the owner to experience cost savings in the first year of operation. Connection at the construction stage does not give such an effect (not all construction companies are able to have a flexible approach to operational issues), but this is a more effective and properly planned solution than connecting the operating organization later. In world practice, buildings begin to be built with the participation of the chief engineer of the operating company. Then, as roofs, boiler houses, and so on appear, operating services appear, which serve as a kind of counterbalance to the builders. This area of ​​real estate operation is called construction project management, the main task of which is to interact with construction contractors and carry out technical control of construction and installation work.

When interacting with contractors (construction project management), it provides:

  • concluding subcontract agreements with specialized service organizations;
  • preparation of tender documentation and holding tenders for design, construction and installation works, as well as for the supply of equipment and construction materials.

One of the most important and expensive activities when interacting with related organizations is ensuring warranty obligations. When accepting a property for operation from the previous owners and after repair and construction work, the operation service or the involved operating organization must monitor the fulfillment of warranty obligations. To monitor compliance with guarantees by construction contractors, suppliers of building materials, installers and suppliers of engineering and technological equipment, it is necessary to obtain the following data for all concluded contracts:

  • subject of the contract;
  • name of the contractor;
  • contact numbers of performers, management, accounting;
  • duration of contracts;
  • acts of completed work, as-built documentation;
  • warranty periods;
  • the text of the article “Warranty obligations” in accordance with the contract;
  • detailed delimitation of areas of responsibility between the contractor and the customer for construction work and engineering equipment:
  • for construction work - a warranty period of at least 1 year;
  • All engineering equipment requires technical passports with warranty cards;
  • agreement with the contractor on the availability and composition of a repair kit for engineering equipment;
  • contact information about all service centers for warranty and post-warranty maintenance of engineering equipment:
  • - Services;
  • - form of service;
  • - estimated time frame for completing the work;
  • - address and telephone number;
  • - operating mode;
  • - The contact person.

It is also necessary to determine the rules of interaction and division of responsibilities between the owner, contractor and operating service. Main provisions of the regulations:

  • definition of “emergency situation”;
  • organizing the elimination of the causes and consequences of an “emergency situation”;
  • information field and information flows;
  • decision-making scheme;
  • activation procedure;
  • determination of financial responsibility;
  • determination of the compensation procedure.

Interaction with related organizations is an integral part of real estate management. When interacting with organizations of various levels and purposes, problems are solved to minimize the risks possible during the operation of a real estate property, and the parameters of the efficiency of operation processes are determined.

Sanitary measures

Sanitary maintenance of real estate- a set of measures aimed at ensuring established sanitary and hygienic requirements for premises and territory. Includes work on cleaning premises and common areas, cleaning and clearing the surrounding area, maintaining garbage chutes, deratization and disinsection of real estate. Carrying out sanitary and technical measures can be carried out either in-house or with the involvement of contractors.

It is estimated that it is cheaper to carry out cleaning activities on your own than with the help of third-party organizations. The same cannot be said about special work to ensure the sanitary condition of the facility. This includes deratization and disinsection. It is not profitable to keep such specialists on staff, since work is carried out infrequently.

Cleaning and sanitary maintenance of real estate

Cleaning (professional cleaning)- a complex service industry, including comprehensive care of real estate and surrounding areas, produced by a specialized organization.
Cleaning- an operation carried out in order to preserve the operational properties and maintain in a clean condition surfaces that differ in type, purpose and materials from which they are made, depending on the degree of contamination. Care- measures aimed at restoring the appearance and performance properties of surfaces related to protecting the surface from aging or protecting it from damage.
Classification of cleaning according to characteristics:


  • Preservation of the operational properties and appearance of surfaces, objects, premises, buildings and structures, territories;
  • Restoring performance properties and appearance, protecting surfaces, objects, premises, buildings and structures from aging (for example, polishing, dry cleaning, priming, varnishing, cleaning, grinding);
  • Other services (pest control, deratization, landscaping, etc.).

Type of objects to be removed:

  • Residential, industrial, cultural and public facilities (inside and outside);
  • Adjacent areas.

Frequency of services:

  • Initial comprehensive cleaning;
  • Daily comprehensive cleaning and maintenance;
  • Weekly comprehensive cleaning and maintenance;
  • General cleaning and care.

Main cleaning and maintenance tasks:

  1. Ensuring a comfortable living environment for people:
  • Reducing exposure to substances harmful to human health (reducing the amount of dust in the air, complying with maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances);
  • Maintaining hygiene;
  • Improved appearance.
  1. Carrying out maintenance of surfaces of structures and materials:
  • Ensuring warranty and post-warranty obligations;
  • Maintaining the performance of structures;
  • Improvement of properties.

The main components of professional cleaning:

  • Professional management;
  • Quality Management System;
  • Qualified and trained personnel;
  • Introduction of innovative technologies;
  • Specialized equipment;
  • Use of quality materials and preparations.

Cleaning method- type of cleaning, taking into account industrial means and the use of cleaning machines (sweeping, vacuuming, shampooing, etc.).
In accordance with the work schedule of the staff, cleaning is distinguished:

  • During the daytime;
  • In evening time;
  • Around the clock.

Technical journal for the operation of buildings and structures

A technical journal is a document reflecting information about the condition of an object. The log should contain information about:

  • results of observations of the object and its structural elements;
  • periodic technical inspections;
  • instrumental observations of sediments and other deformations of structure elements;
  • facts of gross violations of operating rules and measures to suppress them;
  • major repairs carried out (in particular, the timing, location, volume and nature of the work are indicated);
  • carried out reconstructions of the facility.

1. Organization of work on the technical operation of buildings and structures

2. Types of repairs

3. Technical condition of the building

4. Types of wear

5. Lifespan of buildings

6. Operational requirements for buildings

7. Building capital

8. Acceptance of new buildings into operation

9. Methodology for assessing the technical condition of building structures


1. Organization of work on the technical operation of buildings and structures

The technical maintenance of buildings is a set of measures that ensure the trouble-free operation of all elements and systems of the building for at least the standard service life and the functioning of the building for its intended purpose.

The functioning of the building is the direct use of the building for its intended purpose, the performance of its specified functions. The use of a building for its intended purpose and its partial adaptation for other purposes reduce the efficiency of the building, since the use of a building for its intended purpose is the main part of its operation. The functioning of the building includes the period from the end of construction to the start of operation, and the period of repair.

Technical operation of buildings includes maintenance, repair system, and sanitary maintenance.

The building maintenance system includes ensuring regulatory regimes and parameters, setting up engineering equipment, and technical inspections of load-bearing and enclosing structures of buildings.

The repair system consists of current and major repairs. Sanitary maintenance of buildings consists of cleaning public premises, local areas, and collecting garbage.

The tasks of operating a building are to ensure trouble-free operation of its structures, compliance with normal sanitary and hygienic conditions, and the correct use of engineering equipment; maintaining the temperature and humidity conditions of the premises; carrying out timely repairs; increasing the level of improvement of buildings, etc.

The duration of trouble-free operation of building structures and its systems is not the same. When determining the standard service life of a building, the trouble-free service life of the main load-bearing elements, foundations and walls is taken into account. The service life of individual building elements can be 2 - 3 times less than the standard service life of the building.

Trouble-free and comfortable use of a building requires a complete replacement of the corresponding elements or systems throughout its entire service life.

Over the entire service life, the elements and engineering systems of the building require repeated adjustments, prevention and restoration of the introduced elements. Parts of the building cannot be used until they are completely worn out. During operation, work is carried out to compensate for normal wear and tear. Failure to carry out minor planned work can lead to premature failure of the structure.

During operation, the building requires constant maintenance and repair. Building maintenance is a complex of maintaining the good condition of building elements and the specified parameters and operating modes of technical devices aimed at ensuring the safety of buildings. The maintenance and repair system must ensure the normal functioning of buildings throughout the entire period of their intended use.

The timing of building repairs should be determined based on an assessment of their technical condition.

Maintenance of buildings includes work to monitor the technical condition, maintain serviceability, adjust engineering equipment, prepare for seasonal operation of the building as a whole, as well as its elements and systems. Monitoring the technical condition of buildings is carried out by conducting systematic scheduled and unscheduled inspections using modern technical diagnostic tools.

Routine inspections are divided into general and partial. During general inspections, it is necessary to monitor the technical condition of the building as a whole; during partial inspections, individual structures of the building are inspected.

Unscheduled inspections are carried out after hurricane winds, rainstorms, heavy snowfalls, floods and other natural phenomena, after accidents. General inspections are carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn.

During the spring inspection, the readiness of buildings for operation in the spring-summer period is checked, after the action of snow loads, the volume of work to prepare for operation in the autumn-winter period is established, and the volume of repair work on buildings included in the routine repair plan in the year of the inspection is clarified.

When preparing buildings for operation in the spring-summer period, the following types of work are performed: strengthening drainpipes, elbows, funnels; reactivation and repair of the irrigation system; repair of equipment of platforms, blind areas, sidewalks, pedestrian paths; open the vents in the socles; inspect the roof, facades, etc.

During the autumn inspection, you should check the readiness of the building for operation and the autumn-winter period, clarify the scope of repair work on buildings included in the next year’s routine repair plan.

The list of works when preparing buildings for operation in the autumn-winter period must include: insulation of window and balcony openings; replacing broken glass windows and balcony doors; repair and insulation of attic floors; strengthening and repair of parapet fences; glazing and closing of attic dormers; repair, insulation and cleaning of smoke ventilation ducts; sealing vents in building basements; conservation of irrigation systems; repair and strengthening of entrance doors, etc.

The frequency of scheduled inspections of building elements is regulated by regulations. When conducting partial inspections, faults must be identified that can be eliminated during the time allotted for the inspection. Identified defects that interfere with normal operation are eliminated within the time limits specified in the building codes.

2. Types of repairs

Building renovation is a complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral wear and tear, not related to changes in the main technical and economic indicators of the building.

The preventive maintenance system includes current and major repairs.

Maintenance- repair of the building in order to restore the serviceability of its structures and engineering equipment systems, maintaining operational performance.

Current repairs are carried out at intervals that ensure efficient operation of the building from the moment of completion of its construction until the moment of delivery for the next major overhaul. At the same time, natural and climatic conditions, design solutions, technical condition and operating mode of the building are taken into account.

Current repairs must be carried out according to five-year and annual plans. Annual plans are drawn up to clarify five-year plans, taking into account the results of inspections, developed cost estimates and technical documentation for current repairs, and measures to prepare buildings for operation in seasonal conditions.

Major renovation- repair of a building in order to restore its service life, replacing, if necessary, structural elements and engineering equipment systems, as well as improving operational performance.

Major repairs include troubleshooting all worn-out elements, restoration or replacement (except for the complete replacement of stone and concrete foundations, load-bearing walls and frames) with more durable and economical ones that improve the operational performance of mined buildings.

The most important part of organizing a major overhaul is developing a strategy. In theoretical terms, two repair options are possible: according to technical condition, when repairs begin after a malfunction occurs, and preventive-preventative, when repairs are carried out before a failure occurs, i.e. to warn him. The second option is economically feasible. Based on the study of service life and the probability of failure, it is possible to create a prevention system that would ensure trouble-free maintenance of premises. In the practice of technical maintenance of buildings, a combination of two strategies is used.

The reliability of buildings during their operation as the condition of individual elements, components or the building as a whole deteriorates can be ensured through preventive repairs. The main task of such prevention is to prevent failures. The system of scheduled preventive maintenance consists of periodically carried out repairs, the volume of which depends on the service life of structures and the materials from which they are made.

3. Technical condition of the building

The technical condition of the building as a whole is a function of the performance of individual structural elements and the connections between them. A mathematical description of the process of changing the technical condition of buildings consisting of a larger number of structural elements is difficult. This is due to the fact that the process of changing the performance of technical devices is characterized by uncertainty and randomness.

Factors that cause changes in performance in general and individual elements are divided into 2 groups: internal and external.

The group of internal reasons includes:

Physico-chemical processes occurring in structural materials;

Loads and processes arising during operation;

Design factors;


The group of external reasons includes:

Climatic factors (temperature, humidity, solar radiation);

Environmental factors (wind, dust, biological factors);

Quality of operation.

During the operation of buildings, their technical condition changes. This is expressed in a deterioration in the quantitative performance characteristics, in particular, reliability. The deterioration of the technical condition of buildings occurs as a result of changes in the physical properties of materials, the nature of the interfaces between them, as well as sizes and shapes.

For any building owner, the issue of long service life and serviceability of his property is of great importance. But often, running your own business, and simply lacking knowledge in narrow areas, does not leave you the opportunity to do everything at once. In such cases, in order to ensure high-quality maintenance of buildings, companies specializing in outsourcing of real estate are involved.

Ovental FM LLC is ready to provide its clients with a range of high-quality services for technical and engineering maintenance of buildings. This area of ​​work has received the modern name Facility Management and implies a whole range of services:

repair work;
carrying out inspections of all life support systems of the building;
equipment maintenance and much more.

You can order building maintenance services at any time. The online application service on our website operates around the clock; you just need to leave a request in the feedback form or order a call back. Our specialists will assess the current condition of your building, give professional advice on maintaining its proper functioning and select the necessary services from a wide range of activities carried out by our company.

Outsourcing will take your business to a new level

Today, an increasing number of business owners are seeking to transfer the performance of non-core company responsibilities to third organizations that have relevant competence in a particular area. This approach ensures that the company’s employees can concentrate on their direct responsibilities without being distracted by related problems, which will significantly increase the productivity of each employee and the company as a whole.

The service maintenance of buildings and structures provided by our company provides a lot of undeniable advantages:

  • cost reduction - by ordering the services of the Owental FM company, you will not have to hire and maintain additional employees for maintenance of the premises - all work will be performed by us, quickly and efficiently. Also, outsourcing of buildings, according to a comprehensive real estate service agreement, eliminates the need to purchase special equipment and tools;
  • growth of labor efficiency indicators. Your employees will be able to fully engage in the process of performing their professional duties, without being distracted by troubleshooting minor problems. We will undertake all repair and preventive measures;
  • responsibility and focus on long-term cooperation. We care very much about the quality of our services, therefore we guarantee excellent service and professionalism of our employees. Partnership with us will bring only positive results and will help prosperity and increase the capital of your company;
  • high quality of work. For building maintenance, we use automated repair and maintenance systems, which guarantees the operation of the building at the highest level.

Services of the company Ovental FM LLC

Our company has more than 10 years of successful experience in the field of effective management and operation of facilities for various purposes (business centers, retail buildings, office premises, industrial facilities, etc.). Our list of building maintenance services includes the following:

  • competent technical and engineering maintenance of buildings of various types of structure;
  • installation and launch of video surveillance systems, fire safety systems, SCS, ACS;
  • maintenance of gas equipment, as well as hydraulic bridges, lifting platforms, electric forklifts, electric hoists;
  • installation of plumbing of any level of complexity;
  • various repair works:
    • dismantling of any complexity;
    • roofing;
    • laying floor coverings;
    • welding work;
    • finishing of buildings.

We always guarantee a flexible approach to each customer. To select the required range of services, the following will be taken into account: the specifics of the facility, its saturation with engineering equipment and communications, and their initial condition. We provide several options for the client to choose from - from “on-site control”, when only a dispatch engineer is regularly present at the enterprise, to round-the-clock monitoring of all relevant specialists.

By ordering the services of Ovental FM LLC, you will free yourself from unnecessary worries, and most importantly, excessive expenses that spontaneous unprofessional intervention in building maintenance entails.