Scenario for initiation into young musicians “In search of notes. Scenario for the celebration of a first-grader at a music school “initiation as a musician”

Scenario of the festive event

"Dedication to young musicians»

  1. Song "A melody is born." Arr. d/c "Sunday Day"

Good afternoon, dear guys, hello, dear adults! On October 1, International Music Day is celebrated all over the world.

Today is a special day, of course - Music Day - an international day!
After all, music will definitely live forever, As long as there are musicians on Earth!

Let on this day, looking for a moment
To our kind, cozy and joyful home,
Inspiration will enter as a beautiful muse,
And Happiness will dwell in him forever!

Let's congratulate each other apl-mi!

Dear guys, today newcomers are joining our friendly family of musicians. From today day you will be called young musicians. But before this happens, we will tell you a fairy tale. Music is playing

It was in a cheerful kingdom, a skillful, smart state.

Once upon a time there lived a Queen - a very strict girl,

And she had a son - Tsarevich Konstantin.

No one can sleep in the kingdom - the prince of light has matured,

You know, the time has come to learn - everyone has been called to the council!

Fanfares sound, they come out The Queen and the Tsarevich-son

Queen: Come, son, to mom, we have a serious conversation,

Finish the gingerbread quickly and don’t listen to the nannies’ nonsense!

In general, you’re already an adult, you’ll get down to business soon,

But being a king is not easy, it requires training!

We need to arrange a holiday and gather all the masters,

And be ready to learn from those who will be the best!

Tsarevich: I don’t understand you, mom. Why all the chaos?

After all, we have every master here! For example, I am an expert at sleeping!

How do we choose what we need, how do we decide who is best?

Queen: In the kingdom the audience will help, their applause and laughter!

Presenter: Having signed the resolution,

We sent out invitations to universities, muses and bags!

We are waiting for all those who have learned and are ready to teach others!

Queen: I will speak without a piece of paper. It’s not in vain that we gathered here!

We are all first-graders in some ways on this October holiday!

We will open the holiday with a dance and see, so to speak,
Will our prince be able to learn to dance too!

  1. Dance “Unusual Jam”

Tsarevich: Eco miracle! I can dance hopak like that too!

Queen: It's not easy to learn these dances!

Tsarevich: Mother, don't get distracted! What's next for you?

The song of the little Nanais or the miracle of October?

Queen: Well, you say! Simply amazing! Well, what do the Nanais have to do with it?

We will ask the masters who stood there to sing a song!

  1. Song "Take care of adults"

Queen: Learn to read music, you have to be more serious!

If you can excel, everyone will be your friend!

Tsarevich: Mom, I heard from the nanny that once over the hill,

There lived a very famous musician, either Bach or Bohm.

He played the harpsichord, drum and trumpet.

Tell me, is this how I could learn?

Queen: Well done, son, but you've gone too far with the pipe!

Bach played the piano and wrote melodies,

All sorts of plays for the organ and were famous in the world,

We'll show you the real game now!

Who is the game master there? Let the kids play!

  1. Piano. "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" Esp. Lyalyaeva Natasha and Chesnova Sasha

Music Day is a holiday for all gifted people, for those who create and play it!
We can’t count all the melodies and plays we’ve written, which we’ll perform or sing!

  1. "Orange Song" Spanish Sonya Mortina. The prince comes out giggling

Queen: You, my son, are restless, you are ready to laugh at everything.

By the way, you will soon be able to play for us too!

Tsarevich: I would listen to the guitar and play along with it!

Maybe I'm destined to become an accordionist in life?

  1. Guitar. "Waltz". Spanish Daria Romashova
  2. Balalaika
  3. Accordion-V. Vlasov “Favorite cartoon”. Spanish Vladislav Mitrofanov.

Tsarevich: Tools are awesome! I just started to get tired...

And everyone dances beautifully, but I want to play...

It doesn’t matter what kind of game it is, just to make it more fun, You can play cards...

Queen: I'm bloated right now! As if there is no smarter game...

You'd better try and solve the riddles.

Well, if you can’t, then the gym will help you.

Presenter: Yes, guys, we are ready to accept you as musicians,

But try to solve all the riddles first!

Which instrument has both strings and a pedal? Who is this? Undoubtedly, this is our sonorous... piano.- Here is a large piano, rows of keys and a pedal. We admire the artist who is called... pianist.

Young people from different countries dance wildly to ... button accordion.

- He looks like a brother to the button accordion, where there is fun, there he is. I won’t tell you, everyone knows it ... accordion.

Oh, she rings and rings, making everyone happy with her play, but she only needs 3 strings for music. Who is she, guess? This is our... balalaika.

This stringed instrument will ring at any moment -

And on stage in the best hall, and on a camping trip... …. Guitar.

Our giant is louder than flutes, louder than violins, louder than trumpets. He is rhythmic, he is different, our cheerful … drum

The magic happens there, where he moves the bow along the strings, we hear either laughter or crying, he was a virtuoso......... violinist.

He waves his hands smoothly and hears every instrument.

He is the most important person in the orchestra, he is the president of the orchestra! ( Conductor.)

Guitar strings, patience, talent plus inspiration equal... ( Musician.)

Sleep and rest are forgotten: a song is written... (Composer.)

Chaliapin sang to the envy of everyone, He had enormous talent,

All because I studied the Art that is called... (Vocals.)

Tsarevich: What smart children they are, they know everything in the world!

Yes, guys, we tried, we solved all the riddles,
The music is ringing again, the Russian song is playing!

  1. Song "Like Ivan's Daughters." Spanish ensemble "Gold Placers".

7 notes create magical songs

and are always ready to serve for the guys!

Did you manage to find out the names of the notes?

Try to guess riddles about them!

On a piece of paper, on a page, there are either dots or birds.

Everyone sits on the ladder and chirps songs. (Notes.)

Day and night he tirelessly stands at the beginning of the camp

And he says to all the notes: “The way for music is open!” (Treble clef)

The musicians are having fun, the conductor smiled,

The scale we play is called……………………… Major.

If there are clouds in our play, the rain is pouring down at full speed,

This mode is terribly sad, it’s called……………………… Minor.

Our notes have a mother, her name is Aunt……………………… Gamma.

I see, I see, these children with musical notation friendly!

Our music studio needs these!

  1. "Lost and Found" - Bravy guys plus.

There is screaming, squealing, loud music. Greedy and Yabeda run onto the stage. They run around the hall, bullying children.

Queen: What kind of miracles are these? Who are they? The name of?

Greedy: They haven’t recognized us yet, now we’ll tell you, they’ll understand everything!

I'm a Greedy Beef Pickle!

I am strong, like Schwarzenegger, I am an experienced fighter!

Even Van Damme won't be able to take my toy.

And even if he tries, I still won’t let him!

Snitch: I am Yabeda-Koryabeda! I know everything about everyone!

About adults and about little ones, about these and about those!

Just touch me with your finger and I’ll tell you everything right away!

It’s not for nothing that I’m called a sneak, I’m not friends with you!

Greedy: Well, now everything is clear to you? Mother, give me back your son!

We will train him completely free of charge...

Queen: What a problem! Whoever let the villains in here, we have no use for them!

Drive away the villains! How did you sneak in? I don't understand!

There is no place for them in our kingdom, do not take their example!

Beautiful music is heard.

Tsarevich: Mom mom. What kind of song? What style? What size?

The Queen of Music Appears

Queen of Music: I was in a hurry to see you for the holiday, I was still afraid of being late,

But the prankish wind managed to convey one piece of news.

As if evil forces have wandered into your state

And they almost took the prince’s son with him!

Your Majesty, Queen of Music, help us!

Drive Greedy and Yabeda away from the holiday!

Queen of Music: I'll probably help you.

But you also help me, repeat the spell!

Turn up the music louder
Drive away the evil forces!

The guys repeat. The music becomes louder, the sneak and the greedy disappear.

Queen of Music: You watched a lot of masters today -
Musicians and singers!

If you try and work hard,

Then master science and there will be no boredom in life!

Tsarevich: I decided to start studying to distinguish myself with my talent!

Queen: Well done, dear son, we will be proud of you!

Queen of Music: And now it’s time to take the Oath to everyone!

We initiate you into musicians on your life's journey!

You promise to go through life with music and not stray from your chosen path! (Yes!) - You promise to overcome melancholy and laziness and make music every day! (Yes!) - You promise to strive for creativity so that we can be proud of you! (Yes!)

And now I will consecrate you with my magical musical elixir, and from now on you will become real young musicians!

Music. The Queen splashes the children with water.

Queen:-Dear guys, now you are not just boys and girls, now you are young musicians! We congratulate you and hope that you will bear this title with honor. And now the song is playing again.

11. Final song"Planet of Childhood"

This concludes our holiday. All the best! See you at classes and concerts!

“Initiation into young musicians!”

(concert - game program)

(The song “Music is Calling!” is sung by a student from the Children’s Art School)

(leaders come out)

Ved.1 : Good afternoon! We are glad to see you in this class! We are glad to meet you!

Ved.2: Did you hear what Tanya sang to us?

Children: Yes, about music

Ved.1: Indeed, she is calling us too!

Ved.2: And for what reason does Music gather guests?

Ved.1 : Today is our solemn, festive day! Today special holiday– initiation into musicians!

Ved.2 : Dear first-graders! You have begun your difficult journey into the world of beauty, which is full of secrets and mysteries. Let our art school become for you that “golden key” with which you can easily open this Magic world music!

Ved.2 : Humanity has been familiar with music since ancient times. Ancient people began to speak and sing at the same time. Then they learned to extract sounds from various objects.

And the first very primitive musical instruments appeared.

Ved.1 : What musical instruments do you know?

(children's answers)

Ved.2 : What great fellows you are, how many musical instruments you know!

Ved.1 : And we invite you to guess riddles about musical instruments.

    I have wheels, I have pedals;

But no matter how much you press them,

I will not move from my place, but into the distances of the world

I can take you away with music...

Tell me, do you already recognize me? (PIANO)

2. I’ll put the phone to my lips

A trill flowed through the forest

The instrument is very fragile

Called ...(PIPE).

3. He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where there is fun, there he is.

I won't give any hints

Everyone knows ….(Accordion).

But I am louder, more beautiful and younger.

I don't lie like a fiddle on your shoulder,

I play standing up, not lying down. Cello

5. Louder than a flute, louder than a violin,

Our giant is louder than trumpets.

It is rhythmic, it is different -

Our cheerful (drum).

6. The smooth movements of the bow make the strings tremble,
the tune murmurs from afar, sings about the lunar wind.
How clear the sounds are overflowing, there is joy and a smile in them
a dreamy tune sounds, it plays (violin)

7. Six-String Alien,
Romantic Spanish girl
This sonorous instrument
They love the bard, the soldier, the student,
And Honored Artist,
And a loaded tourist. (Six-string guitar.)

8. I don’t dare boast about myself, I only have three strings.
I don't play languidly, I'm mischievous... domra.

Ved.1 Well done guys, let’s play different instruments too.

Game "I am a musician"

(each student is given a noise instrument, one player did not have enough and he becomes a conductor. R.N.P. sounds, the conductor conducts, the musicians play musical instruments, the music changes abruptly, the students put their instruments on the floor and start running in circles, as soon as the music stops, everyone takes a noise instrument, those who are not enough to become a conductor.)

(sounds sound - tuning musical instruments)

Ved.2 : I hear some strange sounds!
Ved.1 :I'm scared, I'm scared!
Ved.2 : In my opinion, it was the old woman Shapoklyak who was late for the holiday.
False: Me, old woman? Yes, I am a great artist known all over the world: soloist, violinist, folklorist and pianist. And my name is FALSE.
Ved.1 :You probably got to the wrong place? We have a holiday today.
False: Just there! Look how many people gathered to listen to me! What adorable kids! Admit it, have you already been taught the rules? Forget everything! For concerts you need to stock up on sweets and a phone.
Ved.2 : Falsehood - how to understand it?
False: Oh, this is if someone is playing and presses the wrong string, key, button. And it sounds false - it’s me!
Ved.1 :We don’t need such a guest, don’t spoil our holiday!

(Drags Falsehood from the stage)

Ved.2 : Finally, we got rid of this enemy of music - falsehood, and now everything will sound clean and beautiful.

Ved.1: Meet _____________________________________________________

Ved.2 They will perform “Pastoral” by Georgy Sviridov.

G. Sviridov “Pastoral”

(a song appears along with the music)

Song: I am your friend, I am your traveling companion.
Nothing will work out on the journey without me.
With me, friends, you are always interested.
Did you find out who I am? Well, of course... a song!

Ved.1 : Song is our friend and comrade

Life is more fun with her.

With her, caring is not caring:

There is so much generous power in it!

Arguing with a song is work,

Holidays are brighter and brighter!

Ved.2 : “A Song about a Song” performed by the choir of the Children's Art School

"Song about a song"

Song: Well done guys, you made me happy! And now I want to check how well you know songs from fairy tales and cartoons.
1. A song in which it is sung about a blue vehicle that takes friends to a bright future (blue carriage)
2.Song of a swamp dweller who had no friends (water)
The song is either a toy or an unknown animal. (Cheburashka)
The song is about the most joyful day, which unfortunately is celebrated only once a year. (song of the crocodile Gena)
5. A song about a pet that called on everyone: “Let’s live together” ( Leopold's song)

6. A song about an insect that was eaten by a frog. (Grasshopper)

7. Song of the girl who wore a red headdress . (Little Red Riding Hood's song)
Song: Yes, you are good experts on songs, real musicians, thank you very much for that.

Look, guys, how many guests have come to you!

To congratulate you, talented children, on the holiday!

And I didn’t come here empty-handed! In my magic box are certificates for our first graders. Now we’ll open it... (he starts to open it, but it starts to creak and won’t open.)

(A creaking sound appears, as if from adjusting instruments, Squeaky.)

Squeaky: ( with a sneer and a grumble) Oh, well, there’s talent right away! What talents are they? So kids it’s simple and that’s it!

Song: Who are you?

Squeaky: I am the Creaky Old Woman! But who are you?

Song: I am Song.

Ved.1: Song! What's happened? Who is this?

Squeaky: I am an old woman - Squeaky! But these (points to the hall) she (points to Song) calls musicians and talents! Oh, it's hilarious! Oh, I can't!

Ved.2: It's nothing funny, in our hall there really were little people gathered talented musicians!

Squeaky: Yes, musicians must know sheet music! And what's that? Yes, baby!

Song: And I’m sure that the guys already know all the notes (addresses the guys)

Guys! Do you know the notes?

(shows notes on stave, first graders answer)

Song: I am very glad that you know all the notes well. From now on and forever they are your faithful friends and helpers!

Squeaky: Just think! They know the names! ( tease t Do. Re. Mi)…You’ll never guess my task

(He makes puzzles for the audience):

Just two notes and an excuse to build a house in the country (house)

The first syllable is a note, the second is also a note, and the whole looks like a bean (bean)

The first syllable is a note, and the second is a note. Add two letters - it will bloom in the garden in spring!

(The audience guesses puzzles, Skripuh gets angry)

Squeaky: In general, why do they need to know these notes? Press the keys and play! Like this!

(rattles on the instrument, hits the keys)

Song: You're not playing, you're making noise! Why are you knocking on the piano? Listen to how our first-graders can already play!

Squeaky: (grumbles) Just think, I need your piano! ( sit down to listen)

(concert of first-graders)

Song: You see, Skripukha, what great fellows our little musicians are!

Ved.1: Yes, our first-graders have already made friends with sheet music and now music will always be with them.

Squeaky : Well done! You're good for school! I wish everyone: study well!

Ved.2: The most solemn moment of our holiday has come. Now I will ask all first-graders to stand up!

Ved.1: In order to bear the title of “First Class of the School of Art” you must take a solemn oath.

(Leaders they read the oath, the children say “We swear”):

First-graders' oath:

    By joining the ranks of students at the School of Arts, we solemnly swear:

    We proudly bear the title of Student of the Children's Art School, we swear! (I SWEAR!)

    Never rest on your laurels! We swear!

    (I SWEAR!)

    Say goodbye to laziness, indifference and ignorance forever! We swear! (I SWEAR!)

    (I SWEAR!)

    It is worthy to carry the magical Light of Art through your entire life! We swear! (I SWEAR!)

Song: We are all happy to dedicate you to first-graders today, to congratulate you all from the bottom of our hearts, and to present you with certificates! (opens the box)

Ved.2: The floor for congratulations and presentation of diplomas is given to the teacher of the art school ___________________________

(congratulations and presentation of diplomas)

Children sit down, falsehood appears

Ved.1: You came to us again, do you want to ruin the holiday?

False: Guys, forgive me, I decided to improve. I also want to perform with everyone.

Ved.2: Well, shall we forgive her?

Children: Yes!

False: Hurray, thank you guys! And as a sign of reconciliation, I want to dance with you!

Dance (If you like it, then do it)

Ved.1: We congratulate you on the honorary title of First Grader!

Hardworking guys!

Ved.2: Talented, beautiful, perky and cheerful!

Rhythmic, musical, uniquely singing, brilliant actors!

Falsity : Long live future musicians!

Song: We welcome you to the house of joy!

Squeaky : Name to whom ( Together) DSHI!

Concert script-dedication to "Young Musicians".

Opens the program Marchenko Sergey with a song "I am cool"

1 Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, dear parents, guests, as well as all students of our class! We are very glad to see you in our hall once again. Today our concert is dedicated to first-graders, those who decided to learn to play their favorite instrument.

2 Presenter: Guys! How beautiful and elegant you are today. Like real artists. Today is your first concert, your first performance at big stage, real musical festival! The door will open for you beautiful world music. But first, you have to pass a series of tests and show us how ready you are to bear the title Young musician.

1 Presenter: We are all happy to accept you as musicians,

But try to solve all the riddles first!

He stands in the concert hall.

I was a harpsichord player at first.

Maybe “forte” and “piano”

Perform you tirelessly.

It sounds major and minor.

Everyone has known for a long time,

In the world of sounds, he is the king.

"F sharp" and "B flat"

They live there very friendly.

Standing next to him they sing,

Sitting next to him they play,

The keys are moving,

Press the pedal.

This tool is (PIANO)

2 Presenter: A first-grader will play this “royal” instrument Kulishova Daria(reads out poetry):

Look, the piano has a lid and pedals,

On the back there is a large wing, like a sail over a wave.

There are a lot of black and white keys – you can’t count them right away!

Performs children's song "Bunny"

1 Presenter: Next riddles guys:

How do we know from the notes where to play on the keys?
On the second line of the waist there is a beautiful curled sign.
He is our excellent assistant, and is called the key (violin )

What other musical key do you know? (bass). Well done!

2 Presenter: On the right is our piano,

On the left are buttons from the button accordion.

And the furs are like an accordion.

This is clear even to a cat,

Well, of course, it’s him.


The modern accordion is a relatively young musical instrument, the most advanced harmonica instrument in which sounds are produced by freely sliding metal reeds driven by an air stream. A similar principle of sound production was known in countries South-East Asia a long time ago. 2-3 thousand years BC. e. In Laos, Tibet, China, and Japan, musical instruments ken, sheng, chonofui and others were widespread, the sound production of which was based on the vibration of a small metal reed cut into a thin plate. In the 18th century, this principle began to be used in Europe. In 1822, the first hand-held harmonica was invented in Berlin, and in 1829 in Vienna, a harmonica with chord accompaniment on the left side appeared, which became known as the accordion. Like this interesting story origin of the accordion. And now he will perform a Russian folk song on this wonderful musical instrument "Like under uphill, under the mountain" the youngest participant in our concert Koshkin Maksim

1 Presenter: We continue to solve riddles

Oh, how everyone lives together,
They sing songs loudly

Very busy with work
These joyful... (Notes)

Guys, tell me what notes you learned?... Well done!

All of you have already learned the notes and now, like real musicians, you have learned to play the notes. We meet another first grader - Fedotushkina Andrey, in his performance it will sound "Children's Song"

2 Presenter:

And again riddles about tools

And only three strings
The game makes everyone happy!
Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing,

She needs it for music.
Who is she? Guess it...
This is our... (Balalaika)

1 Presenter:

The smooth movements of the bow make the strings tremble,
The motif murmurs from afar, sings about the lunar wind.
How clear the sounds are overflowing, there is joy and a smile in them.
A dreamy tune sounds and is played by... (Violin)

2 Presenter:

We all love to listen
How Tamara sings with us,
And in her hands she is obedient
Six string… (Guitar)

Well done, you did a great job, and now we invite you to the stage with a performance “Little Waltz” by A. Mirek another first-grader Sviyazov Irina.

1 Presenter: Second-grader Perminova Evgenia, D Kabalevsky “Waltz” will perform musical congratulations for you.

He can play both forte and piano,
For this they called it a piano.

2 Presenter: We invite a first-grader to the stage Bully Danilo with Polish performance folk song « Cheerful shoemaker".

Reads poems about the piano Kurushkina Anastasia

We lived in an old piano
Seven cheerful ringing notes.
They sang for a whole year,
But one day they fell ill.

The note “MI” wheezed,
I started quarreling with people.
Not with your own voices
They played "FA" and "SO"

"RE" did not play with us -
She has a toothache.
“LA” became silent, fell silent,
“DO” moaned terribly,
"SI" crowed the rooster -
Disturbed the whole house.

We didn't know what to do
We felt sorry for the sisters.
We called the tuner
To cure the piano.

Anastasia performs “Study-rehearsal” by K. Czerny

1 Presenter: And the first grader performs again Marchenko Sergey- sailor dance "Bullseye"

Congratulations to you, dear guys Shibanov Yuri execution Russian folk song “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”

2 Presenter: And now he will tell us poems about his favorite musical instrument. Balykov Vladimir:

Signor accordion sounds,
He is a distant brother of the organ.
He carries keys and buttons,
And his disposition is not at all timid.

Then it spreads its folds,
Then he quickly moves them again.
And myriads of new sounds
The space is filled again.

The sounds are melodious, loud,
They are solemn and beautiful.
Now violins, now cellos,
Then you can hear trilling flutes in them.

Beautiful in his craftsmanship,
The whole orchestra sounds in it.
Accordion - like magic
All sounds are collected in it.

Will perform with a musical gift Shmelkov Vadim

A. Ivanov “Polka”

1 Presenter: Poems reads about the harpsichord Alasheev Maxim

Good old harpsichord -

Grandfather of the piano

Invited the musicians

To play.

So that every string

Got down to business

So that the silence rings,

For the echo to sing.

Rastorguev Maxim will perform on a synthesizer "Prayer" from the repertoire of the Bi-2 group. The synthesizer is a unique and versatile instrument that can replace the sound of many instruments. And now we will listen to how Maxim uses two timbres in his playing - harpsichord and violin.

2 Presenter: On stage with musical congratulations Balykov Vladimir-Russian folk song"Peddlers."

1 Presenter:

Ensemble is a French word. In Russian it means "together". In music, this word means that several people play, sing or dance together.

Ensemble members must do everything harmoniously, together. Dancers must dance synchronously, that is, perform the same dance moves simultaneously. The musicians must play harmoniously, at the same tempo and rhythm, each must listen to the other, otherwise the music will not work.

Guys, what is the name of an ensemble of 2, ...3...., 4..., (duet, trio, quartet). And when there are a lot of participants (orchestra)

Now he will perform for you trio: Alasheev Maxim, Balykov Vladimir and Shmelkov Vadim- Czech folk song "By the berries"

Will read poetry Rastorguev Maxim.

He is as fragile as hair
He is as strong as a typhoon
Has a voice within itself
A million invisible strings!

It has so many different keys,
Hammers and pegs,
What you can't imagine
Until the end of time!

Someone's natural
It's magical, golden,
But hard work
Be in love with this beauty.

Kuznetsova Maria with a song "Pa-la-la"

When playing the piano you need to be able to accompany and listen main party, will show us his skill in this matter Kurushkina Anastasia. A Russian folk song will be played on the piano. « Boat on the sea floats"

1 Presenter: Another mystery:

I am your friend, I am your traveling companion,

Nothing will work out on the road without me

With me, friends, it’s always interesting,

Did you find out who I am? Surely: (song)

Song of G..Petersburgsky "Blue scarf" will perform on the accordion Kuznetsova Maria.

2 Presenter: Gives you his musical gift Alasheev Maxim - V.Platonov “Little Waltz”

Reads poems about music Shmelkov Vadim

I can't live a day without music! She's in me. She's all around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities, in the silence of grass and in a rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth... She is my companion everywhere and forever,

Everything is subject to her: joy and melancholy, in her there is just a moment and long centuries.

It will make you think, fall in love and fall out of love.

But can she live without us for even a day, half a day? At least an hour!

Without our thoughts and earthly joys, without funny and unfunny little things?

We thank her for everything! We speak and believe in its triumph - we create!
P. Tchaikovsky “New Doll” will be performed Fomina Oleg.

1 Presenter: Reads poetry about the organ Marchenko Sergey

The organ sounds solemn and clear.

In the old church the tune sounds again.

The melody is divine, beautiful...

I freeze, bowing my head.
What is this? Mozart, Bach or Beethoven?

Sonata, Requiem, stars in flight?

The beautiful world of music is huge!

What power ordinary notes have!
Candles flicker... The sounds become quieter...

Music floats like a magic bird.

And froze somewhere in the clear starry distance

My soul's exalted flight!

The organ is a keyboard-wind musical instrument, the largest of all musical instruments, one of the oldest. Its history goes back thousands of years. Nowadays he can be seen and heard in concert halls Philharmonic. The accordion has many registers that display the sound different instruments, one of which is the organ. And now we'll listen "Aria" by J.S.Bach performed Rastorgueva Maxim.

A duet of accordionists performs: Rastorguev Maxim and Kuznetsova Maria -A.Verschuren “In the style of a musette”

2 Presenter:

Our holiday is coming to an end…..Until recently, you, our first-graders, did not know the rules in music. Now you have entered the wonderful world of music, you have learned the school rules. We experienced the first difficulties and did not retreat, were not afraid. We passed our first exam with excellent marks.

We think each of you deserves the title "Young musician"

You can be called real students and let into a country called Music.

1 Presenter:

But guys, this title obliges a lot.

I ask all first-graders to stand up, go to the center of the hall and in a solemn atmosphere make promises as “young musicians” (confirm with the word “I promise”) Do you promise to go through life with music?

2 Presenter: And don’t turn away from your chosen path!

1 Presenter: Defeat melancholy and laziness

And make music every day!

2 Presenter: Strive for creativity

So that we can be proud of you!

1 Leader and 2 Leader(along with a chorus of "yes")

And so, we declare you young musicians! And we give you memorable gifts!

We wish you success in this difficult, but interesting work, musical victories in competitions, Young musicians! Once again, congratulations to you, as well as to your parents.

May music give you joy and always be your life companion!

To the music, we give memorable gifts to first-graders.

Back forward

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10 minutes before the start of the holiday, 1 presentation slide is projected on the screen, music plays; guests, teachers, parents, students are seated in the concert hall.

Presenter: Our dear first-graders! Dear parents! Good evening! Today we welcome you, our first-graders, into the family of young musicians - pianists, violinists, cellists, wind players. Students from these departments came to our celebration. Our music school is one of the oldest music schools in the region, it is already forty years old. It employs creative and experienced teachers and has hardworking and talented students. In all departments there are students who have mastered their musical instrument well and can perform at concerts and various competitions - school, municipal, regional, and international competitions. Quite a few students became laureates and diplomats of these competitions, i.e. occupied top places. Some graduates continued their musical education and became music teachers, orchestra artists; they work in various cultural institutions of our large country. Many of our former graduates work as music teachers in our school and in our city. We are proud of our students and hope that music will take an important place in your life. Now I invite the teacher of the piano department, our former student, to the stage. He will perform “Prelude” by the Great Russian composer Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov.

(During the presenter’s story, photographs of pianists, composers, and further in the text are projected onto the screen via a modem device)

The piano has been the favorite instrument of many famous musicians. Thanks to the work of I. Haydn, W. Mozart, L. Beethoven, R. Schumann, F. Chopin, Russian composers P. Tchaikovsky, A. Scriabin, S. Rachmaninov, it has become the most popular instrument. It was played by wonderful Russian pianists known throughout the world - Svyatoslav Richter, Sergei Rachmaninov, Vladimir Horowitz, Emil Gilels and others. The most observant of you have probably heard the recordings of our contemporary, the famous piano virtuoso Denis Matsuev.

Last year marked the 300th anniversary of the invention of the piano. His name comes from two Italian words - forte and piano. Translated into Russian it means: “loud - quiet” - piano. But the piano also has two other names. Concert instrument- piano means "Royal". Concert halls are indispensable without a piano. We open the lid - and in a distant place you can hear every sound; but such a bulky instrument will not fit in a room or classroom; there it will be replaced by a piano - with the same keyboard, but smaller in size. If we take an interest in the pedigree of the piano, we will find out that it crossed three types of musical instruments: the string type, the percussion type and the keyboard type. From the noble harpsichord (which reigned at a time when men wore powdered wigs and ladies wore crinoline dresses with iron hoops on corsets), the piano inherited its appearance and keyboard mechanism, although the heart of the harpsichord beat more restrainedly and dispassionately - from plucking the strings with feathers.

First keyboard instruments(clavichord, harpsichord, spinet) had a weak, quiet sound, but were quite popular instruments for home music playing. They, as a rule, were richly decorated and therefore were the same decoration of the house as beautiful furniture. And what names were they given in different countries! It was probably called an English chessboard because the spinet looked like a tabletop box, a casket. The harpsichord had the nicknames wing and giraffe - (a modern piano also resembles the wing of a huge bird).

From the ancient stringed musical instruments (and in each country they had different names: cymbals, kantele, ringing harps) - the piano inherited strings, from percussion instruments- hammers. In Russia, the ringed harp is still preserved as a folk instrument. When people learned to pull steel wire, they pulled it with gigantic force onto a cast iron frame. They wrapped several layers of strings and got a full, deep sound. This is how the piano and grand piano came into our lives. In 1709, the Italian Bartolomeo Cristofori, who worked on musical instruments of the Medici family, invented the first piano. Translated into Russian, his invention was called: “a keyboard instrument that plays gently and loudly.” This name was then shortened and the instrument began to be called "piano". The design of the Cristofori piano was very simple. It consisted of a key, a felt hammer and a special returner.

Stringed instruments are no less popular.

In Rus', according to the testimony of the most ancient monuments, bowed instruments were known for a very long time, but none of them developed enough to later become an instrument symphony orchestra. The oldest ancient Russian bowed instrument is the gudok. At its most pure form it had an oval, somewhat pear-shaped wooden body, with three strings stretched over it. They played the whistle with an arched bow, which had nothing in common with the modern one. The time when the whistle originated is not known exactly, but there is an assumption that during the time of Ivan the Terrible there were “buffoon orchestras”.

In other countries, medieval musicians - minstrels played pear-shaped rebecs and fidels, moving a bow along the strings, and kings kept entire orchestras of these instruments, they accompanied dances and provided musical accompaniment during the kings' trips. Italy was the forefather of the art of making strings. For 200 years, the Amati, Guarneri, and Stradivarius families sawed wood, glued it together and added gloss to this miracle of musical craft. They made violins, cellos, viols and guitars. Translated from Italian - viola - pansies(violets). It turns out that the cello is a big violet. In the string family, the cello is second in size only to the double bass. The whole world knows the name of the cellist - Russian musician Mstislav Rostropovich. Now I invite a student to the stage with a cello, an instrument that has such a beautiful name and an equally pleasant, beautiful sound. L. Van Beethoven "Ecosaise" Spanish. cello student

Who knows when and why did primitive man blow into a piece of bamboo, a reed reed, or a twig of elderberry without a core? But it was the pipe that became a musical instrument when holes were made along the length of its body: this is how the first pipes and pipes appeared, capable of singing beautiful melodies. It took European masters a lot of ingenuity to improve the first wind instruments for the sake of a beautiful voice. This is how the following appeared: flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, saxophone.

Everywhere a person lives, works and rests, music sounds. Ancient musicians created a myth about the singer Orpheus. Orpheus' song did wonders. When he played the cithara and sang to the melodic ringing of its strings, the wind stopped swaying the leaves, distant rocks moved towards the song, the sea froze, wild animals got out of their lairs and humbly followed the amazing singer, enchanted by his music. This is how in ancient times people felt the power of his music. Music can express the most high feelings and the most subtle experiences of a person, can paint with his sounds what cannot be expressed in words.

4 first graders come on stage and read poetry:

Music is a crafty work:
To move people's hearts,
It’s not enough to learn a piece from notes -
We must learn to cast magic.

You need to understand the language of snowflakes,
write down what the drops are singing about,
or suddenly on the wings of a crane
fly to distant lands.

You have to turn into a bear cub
on a pine tree, climbing, grumbling,
or flutter a thin blade of grass
near a clear forest stream.

The one who knows and can do this
he brings happiness to every home!
Try to get there soon
a good musician - a sorcerer!

Leading: With the help of musical sounds, you can draw various musical pictures, imagine funny and sad musical stories, and experience deep human feelings. She can paint pictures of nature with sound colors, create portraits, reveal the character of people and tell entire stories, as well as invite people to dance. Guys, now another dance piece will be performed by a student, and listen carefully, maybe you can guess what kind of dance it is.

"Waltz" by W. Mozart, Spanish. violin student

Leading: Well, guys, did you guess what kind of dance it sounded like? Yes, of course, this is "Waltz". Well done, you recognized its 3-lobe size. There are many dance pieces, maybe you can tell them their names? Yes, that's right: polka, mazurka, quadrille, krakowiak; ancient dances minuet, country dance, ecosaise. And now, former graduates of the school, and now teachers of the piano department, will perform a play by composer Yu. Mayevsky “For the first time in first grade.”

During the sound of the 3rd part of the play, Mr. Major appears on stage dancing. Mr. Minor walks next to him, showing his dissatisfied and sad appearance, carrying a bag of musical instruments over his shoulders. After the end of the play, the music (“Polka”) is turned on, and 2 pairs of first-grade students dance.

Minor sits down on the rug, first-graders come out and fan him with fans. First-graders run out one by one and, taking lemonade, candy, books, toys from the table, offer it to him.

Leading: Guys! While the music was playing and the guys were dancing so beautifully, unusual guests arrived. Have you guessed who they are and why they came to our holiday? Look at their masks and you will immediately recognize their names. Yes, guys. You're right. These are Major and Minor. Two musical modes that are responsible for the relationships between sounds. And they came to us to check how you learned to get along with each other, how you studied for the first quarter at music school, what knowledge you acquired; to say hello from the Music Fairy.

Major: Girls and boys, dear children! Which of you, I want to know, loves to sing and dance?

Minor: Let's shake things up! Get up, let's warm up!

There is a dance, the teacher is at the piano. All the guys stand in a circle together with the Major and Minor, the teachers and dance.

Minor: Guys! Have you already learned to play musical instruments?

Now we’ll check what musical instruments you know.

Major and Minor take turns asking the kids riddles:

  • So that the strings can sing, quickly press it to your shoulder (violin).
  • Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, a raven sits on an oak tree, a raven sits on an oak tree, he plays (the trumpet). Oh, it rings, it rings, it makes everyone happy with its play, but it only needs three strings to have fun (balalaika).
  • Stands on a long leg in a wooden robe. They press her to the shoulder - hugging her, playing with a bow (cello).
  • If you touch it with your finger, a sound is born and rings - like a bird. There are pedals: from one the sound becomes dull, from the other it sounds long.
  • What is this? (piano).
  • He has a folded shirt and likes to dance in a crouch. He dances and sings if he gets his hands on it.
  • Forty buttons on it with mother-of-pearl fire.

Minor: My merry fellow, not my vociferous brawler (accordion).

Leading: I am a musical instrument, but people talk about me in houses where it is cold in winter, and where people light a stove (pipe).

Major: What an interesting team we have at school! Do you know what a very large group of musicians is called when they play various musical instruments all together? That's right, orchestra.

Minor: we have brought you very unusual instruments and we will ask you to play them, it will be interesting, there will be a real orchestra. (Children's toy and noise musical instruments are taken out and distributed from a bag).

Leading: Guys, don't be scared! Of course, you have never seen such instruments before, you haven’t learned to play them, but we will try to do this now together with the teachers of our Divertimento ensemble. They will perform music to which it is convenient to walk with an orderly step, and it is called:? That's right, March. The teachers will play the introduction for us, and you and I, at my command, will try to play the steps of the march - one-two, one-two. We'll have a real orchestra. Are you ready?

All participants of the holiday “play” noise musical instruments to the beat of the music.

Major: Aw, well done guys! How well everything turned out for us!

The Music Fairy sent us holiday greetings.

He opens a sheet of poetry and reads:

My dear first grader! Today is your holiday. The evening is very interesting.
The whole school friendly family gave you a lot of music and songs today.
Here I am, my friends, sending my congratulations from afar!
But first I ask you to solve the riddles for us.

Major and Minor take turns asking riddles:

On a piece of paper, on a page - either dots or birds,
Everyone sits on the ladder and chirps songs: (notes)

If you write music, you need to know the notes better, and for this a very musical notebook will do.

  • The staff is locked here. The key of the note "salt" is in your hand.
    Locks have different keys, but her key is:.. (violin)
  • Seven guys on the ladder started playing songs: (do re mi fa sol la si)
  • From the note "F" I stand to the right;
    Well, in the kitchen - the main seasoning (salt).
  • I lower the note. What's my name, friends? (flat)
  • There is some kind of symbol in a bar - if the whole bar is silent? (pause)
  • I'm the first to meet in any octave,
    Quickly remember what my name is? (before).
  • I am very pleased to inform you about my work:
    Friends, I raise the note by a semitone (sharp)
  • Oh, what an arc here! What do you say your name is? - In plays my role is important, the notes really need me. In order to teach them to walk with a smooth step. Well, guys, that step is called: (legato)
  • In order not to confuse the polka with a march or with a waltz, for example, be sure to always be on guard here (size)
  • Busts around all day, a cheerful bird fusses: (tit)
  • We are arranged according to the scale: find out our names for yourself -
    Each name here contains one of the notes:
    Two notes ended with a “but”, the game is called...(domino).
  • A long-legged heron stands in the reeds, swallowing drop by drop the swamp water.


These are the talents here - these wonderful musicians.
All the riddles were solved and the answers were given to us.
Soon both violins and pianos will sing without flaw!

Leading: Dear Guys! Today is your first school holiday- "Initiation as a musician." A month ago you came to our school without knowing its rules and laws. And now you have learned the school rules, plunged into the sea of ​​music, experienced the first difficulties and did not chicken out, did not ask to go home. You can be called real students. Let's all make a promise to treat our music school with love:

Let us love music, We will always serve it,
The proud and high title of a musician is to be treasured.

The school's anthem (music and words by our school teacher), learned in choir lessons, is performed by the first-grader choir.

After singing the song, students receive booklets with the school anthem, candy and gifts from their parents.

Leading: Guys, goodbye! May music always give you joy, hopes, dreams, good mood. Good luck in your studies!

Methodological support.

  • DVD player; screen; presentation in PPT format (photos of instruments, composers, performers, musical tips);
  • a set of noise musical instruments (tambourines, rattles, whistles, drums, plastic bottles filled with peas, etc.);
  • costumes for presenters (masks, jewelry).


  1. M.I. Glinka Dances from the opera "Ivan Susanin"
  2. M. Zilberkvit "The Birth of the Piano" M., 1973.
  3. E. Polyakova " Musical riddles"SPb, 2004

Celebration scenario at a music school for 1st grade

Fairy of Music
Treble clef
Puss in Boots
As well as concert participants playing instruments: domra, guitar, button accordion, vocalists, piano.

Music Fairy: Hello guys. My name is Fairy. But I'm not an ordinary fairy. I am a fairy of music, the amazing art of sounds.
Guys, raise your hands, those who love music? (children complete the task).

Thank you, I see that almost all of you love music.
Do you know how many wonderful musical melodies have been composed by composers all over the world? And in order to record their music, composers began to use unusual icons called notes. They are written on an unusual line consisting of 5 lines.
Guys, look at your palm. There are 5 fingers on it, as if on a line of music.
Notes are written on the rulers, between the rulers, under the rulers and even on special additional rulers (show).

A line of five lines, like the fingers of a hand,
And on every line
The icons are written.
And at the beginning of the line there is an unusual sign.
In music they know it - this is the treble clef.
Commander treble clef
Controls everyone
That's why this key note is respected

(waving the wand - the Treble Clef runs in to the music)

Treble clef: Hello guys, I'm a treble clef, I can command notes very well.
Come on, the notes, line up
Show yourself for the guys

(notes are built)

Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si.
With a hint of “Before” - we will build a house (Christina)
In the note “D” - a river flows (Liza)
With a hint of “Mi” - we feed the cat a delicious bowl of milk (Kira)
“Fa” - an owl screams in the forest (Sasha)
“Salt” - mom will add to the soup (Dasha)
“La” - the flowers will sing in the forest (Leysan)
“Si” - quickly bring us smiles and joy. (Nikita)

Fairy: Guys, guess the riddle
Who has a big mustache?
The paws are so soft
Mom is sewing something with a thread,
Does it catch the reel? (Cat)

Fairy: That's right, cat. But not simple, but magical, smart, speaking and playing different instruments.

Puss in Boots appears, takes off his hat, and bows.

Cat: Meow-meow! Who called me? Who wanted to see me handsome?

Fairy: This is us with the guys. We want you to help us learn about musical instruments.

Now the guys who have been studying music for the second year will show what they have learned during this time.

At the end of the concert, all first-graders fairy-tale heroes give gifts.

Anthem of first graders

For the first time in first class!
How many childish eyes are there -
Grey, brown, blue,
Such cheerful ones!

For the first time in first class!
So much new for us!
A world of wonderful beauty -
Your name is music!

This is us! This is us!
Musical guys!
This is us! This is us!
First graders - guys!

"The Young Musician's Oath"

As a young musician, now
I will solemnly take an oath in front of you:
First, exercise every day
Throw laziness out of my way.
And secondly, I will take my mistakes
Fix it immediately and therefore I SWEAR!
And thirdly, I must now say,
That I will immediately fulfill the teacher’s demands,
That I will always love my instrument,
That I couldn’t live a day without him.
Fourthly, I will be the first in solfeggio,
I will undertake to learn all the scales and arpeggios.
I’ll take on all the items right away,
Therefore, I solemnly SWEAR!
I'll never sleep for long
I will take a lot of knowledge from music.
I will become a real musician
I won't miss classes
And after much persistence and effort
And I will never get tired of studying.
And wherever I happen to be -
I won't forget the music.
I'll never be interested in anything else
And in this music