Scenario of the concert of the department of folk instruments. Miscellaneous

Host: Good afternoon, Dear friends, colleagues, students, guests. We are glad new meeting with you. We called today's program "Musical Pictures about Russian Folk Instruments"
The Russian people have always surrounded their lives with songs and music pouring from the Russian folk instruments..... then everything sings in the soul, and nothing is as close to a person as the sound of a native, familiar from childhood, instrument. This extraordinary palette of sounds will spread today in the hall performed by the Laureate of international and interregional competitions, the orchestra of folk instruments of the Krasnoyarsk College of Arts. P.I. Ivanov-Radkevich. Artistic director– Olga Grinberg

1). Host: We all know that music heals. And, no matter how good our lives are, we sometimes have to feel anxiety. To get rid of this feeling, we are advised to listen to the music of Chopin, Strauss Waltzes and a specific work by Anton Rubinstein - "Melody" If now in the hall, someone has even the slightest anxiety, it will pass as soon as we hear these enchanting sounds performed by Victoria Fedorova
Class of teacher Lilia Vladimirovna Tsvetkova, accompanist - student international competition Maria Ivanovna Morozova

2). Presenter: Megül "Sonata" 1-part. Performed by Stud, __ Course Galina Kulak. Class of the teacher Alexei Nikolaevich Nepomnyashchikh

3). Presenter: Guitarist John Richards expressed his love for the instrument through poetry.

The strings tremble
Fingers on the neck are worn,
In search of a harmonious fret,
pours legato,
Hitting the reefs
Stately chords of the major row.
The performer is hidden by consonant unity,
With my sweet-voiced guitar,
The heart is spinning like a wave,
Musical tango of the hymns of Orpheus.
Improvisation, wind, freedom,
In the fingers of the master awaken delight,
Hearing with the chime of harmonies,
Sowing appendages by word of mouth, like God.

Germal. "Baden Jazz Suite" part 1. Use Student _________ of the course Elizaveta Lavrentieva, Class of the teacher Natalia Yurievna Zamyatina

4). Rossini. Figaro's Cavatina from the opera " Barber of Seville". Performed by Stud, __ Course Ivan Ekimenko, Class of teacher Yuri Vasilyevich Dunaev

5). Presenter:

Domra, like a forgotten queen,
that once lived in Rus'.
Balalaikas older sister,
sound right in the blue sky.
Spread to the amusement of the world,
in mischievous hands
Folding songs sonorous satire,
in old fairy tales, fables and poems.
But the slander is insidious and spiteful,
wanted to get rid of the sounds of domra,
Like a pitiful and cowardly enemy,
that wants to forget his shame.
He is silence to those cherished strings,
prophesied with a bold hand,
To make their songs a stream of light,
flowed like a river of timelessness.
But the slander of the domra is not a barrier,
through the centuries its wonderful sound,
As a worthy reward of fate,
again pours joyful song.

On stage - Domra Trio: Student_4_ Course Alena Cherkova, 2nd year students - Anastasia Solomatina, Shonchalai Mizhit-Dorzhu. Class of the teacher Oksana Igorevna Strelchenko, accompanist - Olga Chernoyarova. Artemiev, "Romance"

6). Host: It's no secret that "Rumba" is a dance, a dance of LOVE. Rumba appeared in Havana in the 19th century in combination with the European country dance. In Spain, the word "rumbo" means "way", in Russian, the marine analogue of "rumba" is the direction.
Lucio "Rumba". Performed by Stud,_2_ Course Nachin Biche-ool, teacher's class Elena Vladimirovna Moderova

7). Presenter:
I'm not afraid of storms or reefs,
If in the string sound you can hear
Near the guitar reef pier
The cries of seagulls and the rustling of the waves.
I want the guitar to sound
Touching the soul with every string,
Like a life without end and beginning
And nothing will happen to me.

Vinitsky "Merci". Performed by Stud, _2_ Course Mikhail Popov, class of teacher Ivan Nikolaevich Afanasiev

8). Presenter:

The balalaika was rasterlying:
So it pours - terli-terli ...
Come on, honey, play along
Yes, speak Russian!
Balalaika simple sounds,
Let not immediately, and not suddenly,
The memory of blood will be revealed to grandchildren,
To bring them to the circle.
The balalaika played out
Have fun and dance people!
Burn, darling, let's try
and the Orchestra - will not let you down!

Ermochenkov. Concerto for balalaika and orchestra, 1st movement. Performed by Stud, _4_ Kursa, Nikita Krasnov. Lecturer - Diploma winner of the international competition - Andrey Nikolaevich Shakorin. Concertmaster - Laureate of the All-Russian and Diploma of International Competitions - Yulia Balabanova

9). Bogoslovsky, sl. Rodionov "Song of the old cabman".
Performed by Elena Moderova. Accompanying - Galina Sharavina. Concertmaster class of Vladimir Viktorovich Shakhov.

10). Tsintsadze "Sachidao". Performed by Duet domra: Students, _2_ Course Elena Zhukova and Anna Katryuk. Class of the teacher Lilia Vladimirovna Tsvetkova, Concertmaster - diploma winner of the international competition, Maria Ivanovna Morozova
(The full composition of the orchestra is preparing, and, on the text of the presenter, enters the stage)

2nd part of the concert

eleven). Host: K late XIX century, art was inaccessible to the broad masses of the people. The advanced people of that time could not put up with such a situation. Among these people was Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev. One day, he heard the peasant Antipas playing an old balalaika. The sound of this instrument delighted Vasily Vasilyevich so much that he decided to create an ensemble of balalaika players and developed designs various kinds tools. A little later, Andreev decided to create an orchestra. Master Nalimov made musical instruments, with which everything sounded in a new way: bright, colorful.
The orchestra of Russian folk instruments has become a unique phenomenon not only in our country, but throughout the world. musical culture. Today, it is a special synthesis of Russian folklore and European academic art ... at the same time, it has a unique characteristic timbre, which has become, to a certain extent, a musical symbol of Russian national culture.

Fog shrouded in a gray veil,
The earth is a fertile bed,
What are you singing about, clear-eyed Bayan?
Your voice disturbs my heart.
A song flows like a stream, the motive is so gentle,
So sweetly the gusli play,
What seems thin fingers your
Souls caress my strings.
And, as if waking up from long sleep,
They line up in front of me
Those distant, glorious times
Where everyone lived in peace with the Earth.

Russian folk song"At the dawn, at the dawn" arranged by Vera Gorodovskaya. The conductor is a 4th year student - Victoria Fedorova, class of the teacher Oksana Igorevna Strelchenko

12). Presenter: Grieg's music for Ibsen's drama "Peer Gynt" received the meaning of independent, works of art. The full score of "Peer Gynt" includes twenty-three numbers. Now one of them will sound - a bright and colorful dynamic play.
At the conductor's stand - Artistic director of the orchestra
— Olga Grinberg.

Edward Grieg. "In the Hall of the Mountain King"

13). Presenter: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov said:
Sow reasonable, good, eternal. Sow!
The heartfelt Russian people will thank you..........

Sergei Rachmaninoff. "Russian song"

14). Host: Argentine musician and composer of the second half of the twentieth century, whose compositions revolutionized the traditional tango, presenting it in modern vein, which absorbed elements of jazz and classical music, known and recognizable by many.

Astor Piazzolla Tango "Mietro del Angel" soloist Anastasia Paramonova,

15). Presenter: Valenki, they are also felt boots, volnushki, antics, pimas, wire rod and chesanki - a relatively recent invention, it is only about two hundred years old. Figuratively speaking, people already drank champagne, but felt boots were not yet known. The homeland of real felt boots is considered to be the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl province, whose craftsmen in the 18th century were the first to make full felt boots, with a top. From time immemorial, they have been an integral part of the Russian costume, the Russian way of life, the Russian winter and even the Russian character. “It is as simple as a felt boot”, “Roly rolls”, “Do not wash it like that by rolling” - these sayings have forever entered our language. And no one needs to explain what they mean: boots are rustic, like a Russian peasant, but also strong, solid and reliable, like him, they won’t let you down. Hard time!

At the end of the concert, Alexander Shirokov's variations on the theme of R.N.P. "Felt boots"
Encore number: (non-stop)
Presenter: (if necessary, say, after the performance) Yury Zatsarny's Kuban fantasy "Brynkovsky Cossack" sounded
Moderator: Thank you for your attention.
Our concert is over.







APPROVE Deputy Director for BP _______O.S. Sluzhevenkova

"___" _____________ 2013

Methodical development

Party in Russian style

"Our hut is rich in fun"

Done: educator

Second qualification category

Lozovaya Tatyana Viktorovna

Moscow 2011


  • acquaintance with old songs, customs and traditions of the Russian people.


  • increasing students' interest in the origins of the Russian people;
  • upbringing moral qualities students;
  • team building.


the scene is brightly decorated in the style of "Russian hut": embroidered tablecloth, samovar, treats, painted dishes, Russian folk costumes, yarn for knitting, floss threads for embroidery, hoops.

The target audience:

students of 1, 2, 3 courses.

Event progress

(Leaders and participants of the holiday are dressed in Russian folk costumes).

Presenter 1: Hello good fellows!

Host 2: Hello red girls!

Presenter 1: We are glad to see you at our holiday!

Host 2: To eat a seagull and listen to an accordion, you are welcome!

(On a beautiful towel, a girl takes out a loaf)

He bows low on all sides and brings bread and salt in a circle.

Having bypassed all those present, he bows to the leaders, puts the loaf on the table.

Presenter 1: Russian comic dance "Maria", performs dance group"Gems"

Host 2: And even here, in moments of rest, did not stop peasant labor. Girls knitted, embroidered, sang songs, danced round dances.

Host 2: Round dance "Birch", performed by students of the 1st and 2nd courses, dance group "Gems"

Presenter 1: The life of people is marked by a century, has changed old world. Our leisure is sometimes shallow, and what can I say, it's boring to live without gatherings, they should be revived.

Host 2: The Russian people have many wonderful melodious songs, beautiful incendiary dances, ancient customs and traditions. And in what kind of people you live - you keep such customs. Perhaps the most beautiful and interesting of them is village gatherings!

Presenter 1: Russian folk song "Woo the Bride", performed by

2nd year students

Make way, honest people,

Enough space for everyone.

It's a pleasure to watch -

They marry the bride.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

It's a pleasure to watch -

They marry the bride.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

It's a pleasure to watch -

They marry the bride.

For oak tables

Weddings took place

Yes to the bride's family

Words were spoken.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

Yes to the bride's family

Words were spoken.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

Yes to the bride's family

Words were spoken.

Your goods, and our merchant,

See for yourself.

Cheerful fellow

With brown eyes.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

Cheerful fellow

With brown eyes.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

Cheerful fellow

With brown eyes.

The mother-in-law winked,

Unfolded the three-row

Waved a glass of vodka

And he went for a ride.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

Waved a glass of vodka

And he went for a ride.

The mother-in-law went out to the circle of guests,

Started a ditty

And the party went

Oh, to the fullest.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

And the party went

Oh, to the fullest.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

And the party went

Oh, to the fullest.

Let's celebrate the wedding of the young,

Here they decided.

The whole village, the whole family

They were invited to visit.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

The whole village, the whole family

They were invited to visit.

Daria, you are the soul

Daria is good.

The whole village, the whole family

They were invited to visit.

Host 2: At gatherings, fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, games were born, which to this day live in people's memory.

The story has a beginning
This is the first line.
Starts from the pier
Sailor's path on the sea.
The twist has a reason
Poems have a string of words.
Begins with the beginning:
Fairy tale, song and love.

Presenter 1: Ensemble "Gems" will perform a round dance "Russian Patterns"

Host 2: As once in the old age, in those distant years, quizzes were held, "What? Where? When?". As then, friends, we will conduct it for you now.

Host 1: And so, quiz game. A bagel is awarded for a correct answer.

  1. What are folk paintings?
  2. The song "In the field stood a birch" Russian folk?
  3. In the old days, they painted paintings with watercolors or oil paints?
  4. What games were played at the gatherings?
  5. Did they drink tea from a samovar at Russian gatherings or warm up the kettle?
  6. What types folk art You know?
  7. Who knows what a gathering is?

Presenter 1: Well done!!! They answered our questions well.

Presenter 1: Who knows how to sew, knit, sing and dance songs ...., we are waiting for you to our Russian gatherings !!!

Host 2: Gatherings were a holiday of village girls and boys. But not always parents let them go. You had to work hard at home to deserve it. Yes, and let them go - they will definitely give work: for girls - to spin yarn from wool, to knit lace. The young men also did not sit idle: they weaved bast shoes, cut the bottom out of wood, cut combs for combing hemp.

Presenter 1: Oh, sang, danced, now it's time to rest.

Host 2: We invite you to play Russian folk games.

Russian game "Boyars"»

(The guys invite the girls to the circle for the game. A Russian folk game"Boyars", The girls sing. Six boys and girls come out.)


"Boyars, why did you come,

Young, why did you come?

Guys: "Princesses, yes, we choose a bride,

Young, yes, we choose a bride.

Girls: "Boyars, what is dear to you, Young, and how dear to you?

Guys: "Princesses, this is dear to us, Young, this is dear to us"

Girls: "In our regiment, it's gone, gone" ( 2 times )

Guys: "In our regiment arrived, arrived" ( 2 times)

(The game continues until all the girls go over to the side of the boys)

Host 2:

In the sky, as if whitewashed, the milky way lit up

Noisy gatherings in our festive light,

Where we had to rest.

Presenter 1: "The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies!" 6 students are invited to the stage. Each of them now has to beautifully decorate one of the proposed dishes. You have 5 minutes to complete this task.

(During the assignment, Russian folk melodies sound. At the end of the competition, the presenters sum up the results)

Presenter 1: "Come, come! Take a treat! Drink tea!

Remember us with a kind word!"

Host 2: I'm waiting for my dear friends
Visit during the week.
I want you to mine
They ate pies.
The pies are fluffy and delicious.
With meat, with cabbage.
Let's sing songs
I'm standing on the ledge.
Let's dance "Lady"
With exit from the oven.

Presenter 1: Russian folk dance"Lady" is performed by second-year students

Presenter 1: We shared the news, we tried to entertain you, We say goodbye to friends, saying:(together ) Until we meet again!!!

Host 2: The skill of Russian cuisine, the strength of Russian chefs will not go out, will not go out on the mountains of the seven winds. It will not go out, it will not go out if you are neither dumb nor deaf ( together). The brightest, clearest gatherings of the Russian spirit.

Presenter 1: With this, our holiday came to an end. We are waiting for you at our tea party.

(All guests take part in a Russian-style party: this is Russian embroidery, knitting, painting. Students look at crafts. At the end of the gatherings, they all drink tea together and try Russian pastries.)

A source of information

  1. Bondarenko O.E. Holidays of Christian Rus'. / O.E. Bondarenko. M., -1996. – 274 p.
  2. Dmitrieva L.G. Methodology musical education At school: tutorial/ L.G. Dmitriev. - M, 2000. - 274 p.
  3. Zavolokina Anastasia Play the accordion / A. Zavolokina. - Novosibirsk, 2002. - 72 p.
  4. Isabella Shangina Russian holidays. From Christmas time to Christmas time / Shangina I. SPb., 2004. - 270 p.
  5. Kapitsa F.S. Slavic traditional beliefs, holidays and rituals. / F.S. Kapitsa. - M. 2003. - 257 p.
  6. Kolobanov V.A. Calendar-ritual poetry of the Russian people. / V.A. Kolobanov. - Vladimir. M. - 1994. - 241 p.
  7. Mikhailova N.G. Folk culture in modern conditions. / N.G. Mikhailov. M. - 2000. - 216 p.
  8. Nekrylova A.F. Lessons of education through the program of history. / A.F. Nekrylov. - St. Petersburg. -1992. – 30 s.
  9. Saulsky Yu. Folk holiday calendar. Summer - Autumn / Y. Saulsky. - M., 1999. - 295 p.
  10. Sokolova L. Education of children in Russian traditions. / L. Sokolova. M., 2003. - 196 p.
  11. Yakubovskaya E.I. Traditional holidays in educational institutions. / E.I. Yakubovskaya. - St. Petersburg, 2005. - 282s.

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Shrovetide evening script for first grade students and their parents. Attached is a photo of previous evenings of 2011-2016.

Explanatory note to the scenario reporting concert"Shrovetide Evening" folk folklore ensemble"Azure Dawns"

As part of the folklore ensemble "Azure Dawns", four teachers are engaged in the study of traditional Russian culture:

1. Evgenia Malkevich - early development teacher;

2. Vitaly Malkevich - teacher additional education DSHI at the Center Orthodox culture"Tenderness" (village Zaplavnoye, Leninsky district, Volgograd region);

3. Valentina Konyukhova - teacher primary school School No. 30 in Volzhsky;

4. Olga Kubarova - early development teacher.

The main activities of the ensemble are the study of the song tradition Don Cossacks, solo and ensemble performance of works of different genres folk culture(frequent dance and lyrical lingering songs, old romances, spiritual poems, as well as songs of the calendar cycle - carols, christoslavs, chants, etc.) and author's song compositions. The ensemble regularly demonstrates the results of its work, taking part in various city events, concerts and show programs.

In field creative interest members of the team lies a huge layer of folk culture, represented by rituals, games, dances, round dances, quadrilles, which are difficult to put on stage form. At the same time, the value of this material is especially high, since familiarity with the listed species cultural heritage implies the emotional involvement of the viewer in creative process. The need to demonstrate the studied material led to the idea of ​​holding parties of various thematic directions, during which the audience becomes direct participants in the event - they play, dance and sing along with amateur artists.

For a children's audience, this form of leisure is a real find. Students not only have a pleasant and fun time, but also get acquainted with folk tradition, with song folklore. The experience of holding such events since 2001 shows that the evenings are a success among people of all ages and any "level of immersion" in folk culture.

The script uses the texts of folk (including game) songs, chants. Poetic and prosaic forms of greeting the participants of the party, descriptions of games, etc. - author's using well-known phraseological turns, metaphors, jokes. The style of poetry is folk, colloquial, "chastushechny", in oral speech features of the dialect of the Don Cossacks will be imitated. Polushkina's poem "Goodbye winter!" is used in the script. ( edited by Malkevich E.

The leading evenings are teachers, members of the Azure Dawns ensemble, as well as the head of the ensemble, Tatyana Faizova. The event takes place to the accompaniment of the button accordion.

Purpose of the event- to increase students' interest in traditional Russian culture.

Event objectives:

  • to introduce students to the song folklore of the Russian people;
  • teach Russian folk games;
  • educate traditional dances;
  • talk about carnival rites.

Forms of organization of children's activities- outdoor games, a quiz, dancing, listening to song material, singing a song.

Shrovetide Scenario

The background music is loud. The music is muted, the call is pronounced, during the call, the Azure Dawns enter the hall.

Oh, you are a goy, good people!
Good fellows, red girls!
Fathers, mothers, little children!
We call you in a circle, get ready!
Let's start round dances and games
We are already spending the frosty winter
Let's call the spring-girl red
Rise up, rise red sun
Illuminate, warm the mother earth
Turn around for spring!

The accordion flirts, a round dance song is performed "Green Sycamore" , "Azure Dawns" start a round dance and invite spectators and participants in the party to it. By the end of the round dance, everyone lines up in a large circle.

Tatyana Andreevna:
And now everyone is splitting into pairs!
Gather, people, start a round dance!
Let's play games, sing songs
And we will joyfully dance at our holiday.
Let's heat up the fun!
Each of you, find a mate!
Don't sit on the bench like an old dude.
Come out in a circle, dance Krakowiak .

The leading couple from among the members of the Azure Dawns ensemble enters the center of the circle, which later shows everyone the movements in the Krakrviak dance.

Tatyana Andreevna:
We have guys - not poor, not rich.
Dressed in new clothes and dancing deftly!
The figures will tell, they will show themselves.
Look at them, repeat, do not yawn!
Figure one! "From myself to myself"

The accompaniment is played by the Krakowiak dance. IN slow pace the leading pair shows the first figure, together with everyone we repeat 4-5 times.

Tatyana Andreevna: Figure two! "Fraction".

The leading couple, to the accompaniment, shows the second figure, together with everyone we repeat 4-5 times.

Tatyana Andreevna: Figure three! "Doves".

The leading couple, to the accompaniment, shows the third figure, together with everyone we repeat 4-5 times.

Tatyana Andreevna: Now let's connect the whole dance! The first figure: "From myself - to myself", the second figure "Fraction", the third figure: "Stuffed cabbage".

The whole dance is repeated by the participants to the accompaniment 2-3 times. The dance ends with the voices.

We do not sit on the benches, we get up in a round dance!
We hold hands, we sing a song!
First, first hear the words:
« Tetera walked, walked in the field
At a distance, at a distance
She herself passed, she spent the children
And left the very last!

"Azure Dawns" line up the participants of the evening in a round dance, two pairs from among the participants of the "Azure Dawns" become "gates".

As the song ends, the gate closes.
Didn't manage to get out? - The gates have eaten you!
Come out of the round dance, but stand at the gate yourself!
Come on, isho once, so that you know the rules by heart:
These gates catch people from the round dance.
You ran, you ran - the gate caught you.
Did you understand the rules of the game?
Then, come on, let's go!

The game song plays, the accompaniment enters. The game takes place in several rounds. The winner is determined - the one who has never hit the "gate".

One hero remained, no one got it.
Strong, brave, agile, skillful!
You are great today!
Here's your prize: pickle!

The winner is awarded a pickled cucumber, accompaniment sounds, a song is played "Oh, you are a wide carnival" . To lose, "Azure Dawns" stand in a circle between the audience.

Tatyana Andreevna:
Oh, carnival is good!
Have fun, dance soul!
Who doesn't want to dance
Please us with a song.
Here are the lyrics to this song
- the further, the more interesting.
We do not stand, we do not yawn, we read the text, we sing along!

"Azure Dawns" hand out the lyrics to the audience "Pancakes buttered" , the accompaniment plays, the song is performed with the audience.

Tatyana Andreevna:
The people have reached the desired state!
Went, as they say, festivities!
As they say, I love to sing in the choir:
Everyone is yelling, and I'm yelling!
The next issue of our program!
Here are the gentlemen, here are the ladies.
We build along the hall across,
Starting "Brook" !
Out of nowhere - these guys again!
These are the ones, remember? Not poor, not rich.
They don't say anything
But we carefully look at what they show.
The figures here are pretty good.
Begin! Let's have fun from the heart!

Participants line up in a "stream", flirting with the loss of "Katya-Katerina" (figures "in different sides”, “Boys escort girls”, “stream”, “stream with back”, “street - tough”, “street - wheel”). At the end of the last figure, the leading couple leads everyone into a round dance.

Olga spends quiz on the topic “Shrovetide” (What is the main Shrovetide dish? What does the straw effigy symbolize? What is the name of the first day of Shrovetide week? What is customary to do on Shrovetide on Thursday? Shrovetide festivities?). Those who answered the questions correctly are awarded cockerels on a stick.

Valentine: Now we offer adults to relax, and with our young participants we will play the old folk game of “catching up”, which is called "Drake and Duck" . First of all, you need to join hands and make a wide and even circle. Who is a duck, everyone knows that. Now let's find out who is a drake? In our game, these are the main characters. I choose a drake, and the drake chooses a duck to chase. And you and I must help the duck escape or we must help the drake to catch it. While the song is playing, the game continues. If the drake managed to catch the duck, we shout “Hurrah!” to the drake, if the song is over, and the drake did not catch the duck, we shout “Hurrah!” to the duck. The words of the song are: “Drake, young, chases a duck, chases gray. Go home, duck, go home gray. She has seven children, the eighth drake, the ninth duck, the tenth goose, she has not been at home, she has lost her children! Started!

The game "Drake and Duck" takes place to the accompaniment of several circles.

Valentine: Well, did you run? Now the children will have a little rest on the benches, and our mothers, fathers, as well as grandparents come out here.

Vitaly: We will also play catch-up. You and I need to split up into pairs, stand in the "gates", like this and randomly place ourselves in a circle. We will have two leaders, one of them with a belt is catching up with the other. As soon as he caught up - he beats with a belt! Then he began to run away. As he was tired of running away, he stood in the gate to rest. And the one whose place he took is now running away.

The music plays, the game goes on "Strap" . The host monitors the implementation of the rules of the game, punishes the violators, stops and changes the “long-running”. At the end of the game, a song is played "Kashnya".

They danced, they played, they sang,
They showed themselves, they looked at others.
Next number - Listen in both ears!
Everyone's favorite dance - Cool !
Everyone takes a girlfriend
Becomes with a friend in a circle.
We look at the leading couple
Hey, harmonist, turn up the heat!

The leading couple stands in a circle and shows the movements. As soon as the movements are mastered by the majority of the participants, the host stops the music.

Olga: And now the girls go counterclockwise to the next gentleman. Maestro, play!

The music sounds for another circle of dance, after which the leader stops the accompaniment again and asks to change the partner. The dance resumes. The next time, the music does not stop, but simply the exclamation of “Transition!” sounds. Gradually the pace increases.

The dance ends, the game continues.
We stand in a circle, give each other hands,
There are no losers and no winners here.
This game is for kids and their parents.
At first, we just go in a circle and sing such words.
Let's sing along, don't forget to walk!

The accompaniment plays "Like Uncle Tryphon" , the song begins and movement in a circle. At the end, one of the players (from among the members of the Azure Dawns ensemble) exclaims: “That's it!” and shows a new movement (hold on to the elbows, knees, ears, etc.).

Valentine: So we repeat, we go in a circle.

Let's sing along, don't forget to walk!

The game starts anew and goes through several circles.

Valentine: So we played, scattered like peas.

Let's pat ourselves on how good we are!

Applause sounds, the audio recording “the sound of a blizzard” is turned on, a poem is read, men carry a straw scarecrow into the center of the hall, girls tie ribbons, rags, scarves on a scarecrow and line up in a round dance.

Farewell winter! Goodbye!
Step into your snow house
Rest today
And come later.
The soul sang with happiness
On frosty days.
People got up boldly
On skis and skates.
The children played in the snow.
Such a mess.
You are the best in the world,
Beauty - Winter!
For unearthly joy
Thank you, we say.
You, such beauty
Winter thank you.
Farewell Winter, farewell.
We will be waiting for you.
Promise us a meeting
By the end of November.

Ritual song plays "We saw off the butter" , the girls dance alternately for one verse in one direction, for the next - in the other. The men carry the effigy inside the round dance in the opposite direction. By the end of the song, the scarecrow is taken away from the hall.

Tatyana Andreevna: The Maslenitsa holiday ends with the burning of a straw effigy, with which frosts and blizzards leave us, and, of course, everything old and unnecessary. And our evening is coming to an end.

Evgeniya: And whoever came to our house - bow to him!

Olga: Who danced and had fun with all his might - to that merci!

Valentine: Who else will come to our party will be lucky!

Vitaly: Whoever sings a cheerful song loudest of all - success awaits!

Accompaniment plays, loss to the song "Pancakes butter."

Tatyana Andreevna: Let's play our song together again.

The song “Oiled Pancakes” is performed together with the audience, everyone dances, echoes sound. At the end of the song, background music sounds, everyone is satisfied and happy and goes home.

The table is bursting with delicious treats, groovy music and endless Slavic fun dizzy. Fun, noisy and so cordial! Glorious fellows and red girls, a party in Russian folk style in no way inferior to any newfangled theme. And what bright and colorful photos will remain as a memory of a birthday, a bachelorette party or just a party in a friendly company!


There are no special difficulties, but there are a lot of details. Ask your friends to sort out the mezzanines and country supplies - for sure there is something suitable for decorating in Russian folk style.

If not, arm yourself with cardboard and paints, print and glue the images. Buy wallpapers, paper, napkins and fabrics with national patterns. Suitable for decor:

  • wild flowers, sunflowers, poppies, straw, bouquets of ears;
  • bundles of bagels, onions and garlic, rowan beads, aromatic herbs in bouquets or bags;
  • wicker, earthenware and wooden utensils, barrels and tubs, pots and, of course, a painted samovar;
  • to hide unsuitable wallpapers, Pavlovo-Posad shawls and Zhostovo trays are ideal;
  • Bast shoes can be hung on the walls or used together with felt boots as vases for compositions;

  • nesting dolls, wood carvings (toys, dishes, paintings), real Khokhloma and Gzhel will not only add Russian folk flavor to the room. But they will certainly attract the attention of party guests, so you can arrange a mini-exhibition;
  • cardboard "claws", eyes from an old soft toy, a few cheap rugs with a long pile. Cut, sew from the inside - bear skins are ready;
  • weave a decorative fence from twigs. Miniature, as part of the compositions;
  • ask your friends "grandmothers" striped rugs. They will fit perfectly, and they will divert attention from modern parquet;
  • balalaikas, psaltery, spoons, bells, bayan, etc. Of course, finding real tools is difficult, but making cardboard and coloring is easy. Useful for photos and artistic scenarios - they will add entourage.

The stove is a chic photo zone for theme party in Russian folk style! For example, cardboard, painted or photo wallpaper. But we recommend a partially functional option:

  • Rectangular table, the most common. Cover the perimeter to the floor with thick cardboard or plywood on all sides;
  • Cut out from the "facade", near the floor, a semicircle-furnace. Attach a paper "fire", put a few logs, put a cast iron;
  • Make a pipe out of the box, glue it to the table top with tape;
  • Paste everything with white wallpaper under stone, plaster;

On such a stove, you can pose for a photo (lying straight or sitting, like Emelya!) Or put treats on it. It will turn out well, very atmospheric!


Of course, in the Russian folk style - an imitation of the ancient Slavic font and the appeal of the prince-princess or the boyar-boyar, the synonyms are party - festivities, contests - fun, dancing - dancing to ditties.

And it's possible like this:

We sincerely ask you to visit us,
Come, honest people!
We will sing and dance until the night
Al until morning, how will it go! (time, place and dress code on the back).

There are a lot of options for designing invitations. For example, you can print the basis for a Gzhel, Khokhloma or other type of Russian postcard. folk painting. Make a cardboard balalaika, oven, bast shoes. Or button accordion: two rectangles with an accordion of paper inside. Just write the text of the invitation first, and then fold the leaf.

Funny postcard-matryoshka, consisting of several pages(opens like a book, usually). The text is divided into parts: to read it, you need to scroll through the "matryoshka" to the end.


Perhaps this is the most time-consuming part, if you want not just styling, but Russian folk "historicism" in clothes. You will have to prepare for the party ahead of time, sew something, look for something in the shops. You can use the rental of costumes - contact the agency or local recreation center.

Do not forget to pick up shoes - closed shoes, short boots. Let the guys wear simple shoes. It is difficult to get bast shoes, and it is not convenient for everyone to walk in them. “Kirzachis” are also suitable, but it will be hot for your feet in them, especially if the party is held indoors (you can take a few photos and change shoes).

We offer the least labor-intensive options:

  • Modern clothes with patterns or ornaments in Russian folk style. Dresses, tunics, sundresses and even jumpsuits with a recognizable pattern;
  • Long plain sundresses of a free cut. Color to choose from - blue, red, green, yellow;
  • The same sundress, but with wide straps, ethnic ornament (can be sewn over the purchased clothes edging). Underneath is a tunic with wide sleeves gathered at the wrists with an elastic band.

Russian folk style is emphasized by large earrings and beads, long braid (own or artificial), headband. It is easy to make kokoshniks from the base cardboard and bright fabric (decorate with embroidery, ornaments, beads).

Clothing for guys - light summer or regular dark / striped trousers, a shirt for release, a belt or sash, a cap. Suitable linen or cotton men's tunics. At the end of the article, we will tell you how to easily sew a real blouse for a Russian folk party.

We sew a men's shirt-kosovorotka

  • linen or cotton, fairly dense;
  • buttons or lace on the collar;
  • braid with ethnic pattern. If you are sewing several shirts, for all men, then buy a different braid, you can match the color of the dresses of their companions. Belt - a strip of fabric (the same that goes on a shirt) or braid.

The shirt is loose, but you need to imagine the approximate size. The main thing is not to miscalculate with the length of the sleeves. You can sew without a machine, with a reverse seam (if there is no machine).

Pattern elementary:

Detail 1- rectangle, "body". Shirt length x 2. Width in dimensions (waist in the most “pot-bellied” place and an allowance so that the shirt sits freely). Fold the part in half, mark the neck, cut it out.

Details 2- sleeves, rectangles. Desired sleeve width, multiplied by two.

Line 3- a slit so that you can put on a shirt over your head. It must be on the side (that's why the shirt is called a kosovorotka).

  • Sew sleeves to part 1;
  • Fold the shirt along the line, as in the picture;
  • Sew on the sides of the "body", then the sleeves;
  • Decorate all sections (bottom, cuffs, neck) with colored braid;
  • Lace up or sew on buttons along the neckline (line 3). But first, decorate all sections (throat, sleeves and bottom) with colored braid. All! Your men will surely be glad that you have saved them from having to search for a costume for a Russian folk party!


Treats are hearty, plentiful and for every taste! The table should literally burst with variety in the menu of fish, meat and vegetable dishes - a traditional feast.

Several options for keeping the style (original Russian folk treats):

  • game, porridge with mushrooms or meat, roasted pig, okroshka, casserole, goose in apples, roast;
  • jellied or baked fish, caviar;
  • a variety of pickles and marinades (cabbage with cranberries, vegetables and mushrooms, pickled apples);
  • berries, jam and jam, pancakes and bagels, cheesecakes and pies, kalachi and kulebyaki.

If you are celebrating a birthday, order a cake in the Russian folk style - a chic surprise for the party guests and the birthday boy!

Enough and a couple of themed "crown" dishes. Or you can generally arrange a buffet table by spreading cereals, game and roasts in miniature baskets / tartlets. It will turn out interesting and very tasty! And on the "sing-dance" forces will remain.

Do not forget about table decoration - a samovar, painted or simple rustic dishes, national patterns on tablecloths, napkins. But the main decoration should be the dishes themselves.

Consider drinks too. to keep the theme. Certainly, mead(easy to make yourself, but it will take 5 days to ferment), vodka (change labels or pour into decanters) and kvass(in pot-bellied earthenware jars). If you can find an oak barrel and a traditional ladle, use it to pour beer at least at the beginning, for the atmosphere. From non-alcoholic - herbal teas, compotes and juices.


Noisy festivities until you drop - that's the whole scenario of a party in Russian folk style, and you don't need to invent any plots. Just alternate active contests and quizzes so guests can take a breath. We offer several activities.

Turnip(you just need something to grab on to).

This is a test of strength, traditionally for men. But, as they say, there are women in Russian villages. So optional.

"Turnip" grabs a pole (or something else that definitely can't be moved). One person grabs him by the waist and pulls the turnip from the garden. Everyone counts to five. Survived? Another clings to the waist of the first. The winner is the one who can withstand the longest line of "pullers" for five seconds.

Pan(on the floor or ground you need to designate a circle with half a meter in diameter).

Two teams (for example, peasants and boyars). Give guests a minute to remember which team is on which, or tie two-color ribbons on the sleeves. Everyone stands around the “frying pan” so that the participants are distributed through one, friend-foreign-own player.

Everyone is dancing in a circle. The music stops. You need to quickly push the player of the other team to the "frying pan". Whoever gets in first is out. The team that has the numerical superiority of those remaining in the round dance wins.

Include Russian folk dances in the party script: Kamarinskaya, Trepak, Cossack, Kalinka, etc., there are more than two dozen of them, only the most popular ones! Don't forget to download the right music and watch the basic moves to show them to your guests.

Svayka(nail or dart, metal ring or styling)

This is a competition for accuracy, competition in teams or one at a time. Put a ring with a diameter of Big apple on the foam (if you are indoors) or on the ground. Three attempts, the goal is to throw the "spear" so that it sticks in the area indicated by the ring. First, they throw from two steps, then from three, etc., until the winner is revealed.

Swan, crayfish and pike(ropes or strong ropes)

According to the scenario, the party guests are divided into threes, and then - as you like. You can identify the winners in each trio. Or continue the game until the end until there is only one winner.

Make "folds" out of three ropes. Loose ends must be tied around the waist of each of the three participants. Now all three are "pulling the cart" in their direction. The winner will be the one who "dragged" two, i.e. dragged them along for a bit.

Three quizzes

  • Guess the fairy tale fairy tale character by description:
    • an elderly cannibal with a prosthesis (Baba Yaga);
    • individual blue blood together with an accomplice, a talking ancestor best friend a person violate article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the fairy tale Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf);
    • the hero of many fabulous "quests". He wins thanks to non-standard solutions, although by nature he is slightly deprived of intelligence (Ivan the Fool).
  • Guess the Russian folk instrument from the photo(musical, handicraft) and kitchen, household utensils. Print it out, title on the back. If the party guests find it difficult to answer, let them try to guess the purpose of the tool / household item;
  • Guess the meaning of the old Russian word. Use the online dictionary for selection. Examples: scolding - war, conversation - shop, admiration - kidnapping or theft. Choose with meaning, unexpected meanings (in general, not just furious something).

Do not forget about gifts / awards for all guests of the party. It can be any little things in the Russian folk style - amulets (herbal capsules, horseshoes, houses), painted dishes (cups, spoons), caskets or beads, etc.

Elena Astakhova
Scenario of the thematic holiday "Russian Folk Song"

The music is playing and the children are entering the room.

presenter: Russia ... How from songs word,

birch tender foliage,

Around forests, fields and rivers,

Expanse - Russian soul.

presenter: Russia… What beautiful word! And dew, and strength, and blue expanses ... All this is our Motherland. At Russian people their customs, music, songs, dancing. And how in Rus' they love festivities ! In ancient times, boys and girls gathered outside the outskirts, sang songs, danced.

Ensemble dance "Zadorinka"

presenter: Strongly loved and love Russia Russian people. They composed many songs about her, bravely defended their homeland from enemies.

Listen a song about defenders - Russian soldiers?

Song"Soldiers, bravo, guys".

presenter (says proverbs):

"Good the song invigorates the spirit»

"Where the song is being sung life is fun there"

"With good song and work argue»

presenter: And now we will sound good song.

Song"And I'm in the meadow".

presenter: Funny and mischievous, sad and sincere songs accompany a person throughout life. There are lullabies. Mothers sing them when they put their children to bed.

Russian folk lullaby"It's raining outside"

presenter: Children grew up in the family, taught them to work. The boys helped their father in the field, in the workshop and in the forge. Blacksmiths forge iron with a hammer, make horseshoes for horses. The boys are working and song helps them in their work.

Song"In the forge"

presenter: able Russian people to work. not without reason says: "Business before pleasure". Mothers taught their daughters to do housework. Listen song"In the mountain".

Song"In the mountain".

presenter A: Finished work, relax hunting. Come out of the gate and get up in a round dance.

Ensemble dance "Zadorinka".

presenter: Where one lives happily, there the song is sung. No one holiday did not do without a mischievous ditty. They were performed to an incendiary melody with a dance. Ditties are small funny stories, teasers.


presenter: Chastushki were also performed at the fair. was going to people on the marketplace - to show oneself, to look at people, buy, sell, play remote games.

Acrobatic number.

presenter: In many folk songs beauty was sung Russian nature: endless fields, green oak forests, full-flowing rivers, beautiful quiet evenings.

Song"Shining Moon"

presenter: Who dances with handkerchiefs, but plays the balalaika, he never gets bored.

Matryoshkas lined up in a row,

Their eyes sparkle cheerfully.

Flowers on sundresses

Unprecedented beauty.

Matryoshka round dance.

presenter: Known everywhere:

Go through the whole wide world

Russia is song,

Which has no end!

Song"Ah, duck, my meadow duck".

presenter: Russia, Russia - dear lands,

Here for a long time Russian people live,

They glorify native spaces,

Razdolnye Russian songs are sung.

potpourri Russian folk songs.

presenter: So our meeting with wonderful Russians folk songs but we don't say goodbye to them. May they be with us all our lives.

Music sounds, everyone leaves the hall.

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