Sonar fight elj. How did Eljay start his career and what does “sayonara boy” mean? year: new track with MiyaGi and Endgame, albums "Catacombs", "Sayonara Boy", "Library"

Allj ( Eljay) - this is Alexey Uzenyuk, he was born in the city of Novosibirsk on July 9, 1994. Alexey studied at a regular Novosibirsk school. He graduated from 9th grade and entered medical school, but soon quit studying.

At about 13 years old, Eljay first comes to rap battle platform. One of his friends brought him to this battle party. After which Alekha Eldzhey realized that he could do better. I tried to battle on Novosibirsk battle sites and several times on Internet sites.

LJ began his career as a rap artist, but in 2016 he refocused his style, and his image as a formulaic rapper faded into the background.

Eldzhey's creative path began in 2009. Allj records his first tracks and posts them on VKontakte. Receives the first laudatory comments from social users. networks.

  • In 2013 Allj releases his debut album with rapper MAL, called " Gundezh».
  • In 2014 releases second album " The heads are smoking", then the rapper gains first fame.
  • In 2015 releases the album " A gun", which contains eight tracks.
    • These years he begins to give his first concerts in cities.
  • At the end of 2015 the album " Catacombs».
  • In 2016 the album " Library».

At this point, Eljay gives up the image of a rap artist and begins to make dance tracks, moving on to a club sound.

In September 2016, he recorded a joint track (fit) with Kravets and releases the song " Disconnect».

At the end of 2016 he talks about his past work “Sayonara” (goodbye Japanese) and releases a corresponding album, “SayonaraBoy,” which hits the top spot on iTunes.

Allj begins to appear in public wearing white lenses, which make his pupils completely white and thereby create a performer individual image. Many fans are starting to ask Eljay questions “what’s wrong with your eyes?” The singer releases a song appropriately titled “What’s wrong with my eyes?”

In 2017, matches with rapper Feduk and releases the hit “Rose Wine.”

Eljay (Allj) - musician performer. Real name Alexey Uzenyuk. Born on July 9, 1994 in Novosibirsk. At the beginning of his career he took part in rap battles, but after that he focused on creating tracks. Since the beginning of his career, the style of the tracks has also changed: from underground rap to more popular destination, which we can see in the album called " Sayonara Boy"Unfortunately, there is no page about Eljay’s biography on Wikipedia, so we have collected information for you from different sources, including an interview, which you can watch at the end of the article.

Detailed biography

The creative career of rap artist Allj begins at the age of 13. It was at this age that Alexey got into a rap battle, after which it all began. It seemed to him that he could do the same or even better. He decided not to give up this idea and began to take part in competitions, where he received his first victories.

Quote from the interview:

"The guys were reading something from the stage. The people liked it all. I didn’t like what the guys performed on stage at all. I thought: “Why am I worse?” I came to this party a month later. It was some kind of battle "I won. So off we go. I started doing this."

He tried his hand at online battles several times, but soon realized that this was not exactly what he wanted to do. Eljay did not want to move in the direction of rap battles. That experience remained only the start of his career.

The beginning of a musical career. First album "Gundezh".

LJ's musical career began in 2009. Then Alexey bought the necessary equipment and began recording his first tracks, which he posted on the Internet. He was immediately noticed, as is often the case with talented performers. Eljay himself says that gaining popularity was not very difficult:

Quote from the interview:

“Well, of course, I had to work. I had to build myself hardware. Equipment on which to record myself. Learn to mix it all. Because no one wanted to just help me do all this... I began to release tracks, put them on the network. It all happened somehow quickly. Literally 3 tracks were posted and the statistics flew up. I thought: “Oh, cool”... People started flocking to my page, writing to me something, contacting me... "

Thus, young performer The first fans began to appear who searched for him on VKontakte, added them as friends and wrote their positive reviews about his work. The rapper's first listeners called his style "evil lyrics."

At the same time, Alexey is studying at the Novosibirsk Medical School. There was not enough time for music, so he decided to quit studying and working in order to completely devote himself to his creative self-expression. [this information is not confirmed].

Quote from the interview:

"School, university, work - this, of course, cool thing All. I tried everything, both work and university. By the way, it ended for me this year... Those who cannot find themselves definitely need to do work, university. I still found myself an asshole. I had something to occupy my head, something to strive for. And still I see the path to which I need to go."

In 2013, Eljay and rapper Mal recorded a joint album called “Gundezh,” which contains 11 tracks.

Album "Gundezh"

2014: album “Boshki are smoking” and new singles

Released in 2014 new album- "The heads are smoking." The album includes joint tracks with such performers as Chet, Tetris, Montblunt and Dom1no. The album turned out to be quite successful, and the track ‘Bosses are smoking’ received a lot of positive feedback from the listeners.

Album "Bosses are smoking"

This same year we can see many singles from Allj, which only contributed to the growth of the popularity of the new rap artist.

2015: album "Cannon"

After the release of the next album, Lesha begins to do concerts, because he has already collected enough large audience listeners.

Album "Cannon"

2016: new track with MiyaGi and Endgame, albums “Catacombs”, “Sayonara Boy”, “Library”

On February 3, 2016, the new album “Catacombs” is released. It consists of 8 tracks, 2 of which are collaborations. In the track "Moths" we can hear Montblunt. But the track ‘Music’, which was recorded with the duet MiyaGi & Endgame, became more popular. (Biography of MiyaGi / Biography of Endgame).

Album "Catacombs"

Six months later, in September, Alexey presented to his listeners working together with Kravets, which was called “Disconnect”. And already in October the album “Sayonara Boy” was released, which doubled Eljay’s popularity! But this is nothing compared to the current (2017) popularity of the artist.

The album "Sayonara Boy" was for a long time in the top “iTunes” among works of a similar genre. It is worth saying that this work became a kind of transition from one style to another. And, as we will see later, Eljay made the right choice.

Album "Sayonara Boy"

Quote from the interview:

“Sayonara means “goodbye” in Japanese. On this release, I say goodbye to many moments, periods of life that... well, not that I liked them - I didn’t like them, they just were there, and now they’re gone. The second meaning, I guess this is all that Sayonara Boy is 'goodbye, kid'. No boundaries, nothing like that."

The next work of the artist Eldzhey was released on October 28, 2016. The album "Library" consists of the usual number of tracks: 8, among which one was recorded together with 4atty aka Tilla. The artist himself says that this album is a compilation of previously recorded tracks (approximately 2012-2015).

Album "Library"

Since 2016 was a year of change for rap artist Allj, his fans perceived it differently. The changes affected not only music, where tracks acquired more modern sound, but also the appearance of the artist. Some people reacted positively to this, others did not like it very much.

2017: new style

In 2017, Eljay released another album entitled "Sayonara Boy ろ", which, like previous albums, consists of 8 tracks. A new style the artist radically changed his popularity. Here is an image that shows the release dates of the albums and the artist's popularity accordingly. As you can see, now (09.2017) information about Allj is searched on the Internet many times more than it was in 2016.

Album "Sayonara Boyろ"

Along with the release of the album, Eljay and Kravets presented their fans with the video “Disconnect”.

On August 4, the undisputed hit from Eljay and rapper Feduk is released - the track “Pink Wine”. At the time of writing, this track was in the top of many charts, including in the tab of the most popular songs according to social media. VKontakte network.

In September, rapper Elejey starred in one of the videos of popular blogger Amiran Sardarov in the project “Khach’s Diary”. From this interview we can say that everything is fine with Alexey financially. One of his concerts can cost about 1 million.

As you can see from the interview, Alexey Uzenyuk (aka Eldzhey) is quite modest and taciturn, so there is not much information about him. Do you know anything else or think this article contains false information? - Write it in the comment.


What's wrong with Eljay's eyes and why do he have white eyes?

The white eye effect appears when using special lenses. Alexey doesn’t take them off at concerts and sometimes even walks down the street wearing them.

Where can I see Eljay's photo?

There are not so many photos on the Internet (at least at the time of writing this article). You can see all available materials on Eldzhey’s photo page

Does Lyokha have a brother or sister?

Yes. At Eljay's official page VK says that he has younger brother Danil. He maintains a video blog on YouTube, where you can sometimes see Eljay.

Eljay. Interview.

But there is still a way - you need your own authenticity. Our cover hero is very successful at this. I remember the day when we were just about to start working on the issue: I was going to the editorial office by subway in a carriage, as usual, packed like a can of canned food. Everyone around was terribly serious and gloomy, and some even said nasty things under their breath. The mood deteriorated, the desire to do anything was carried away at the speed of a train. But then a sound attracted me - I pulled out my headphones and turned around. Students with heavy bags at the ready and notes in their hands laughed loudly and discussed the upcoming test. But this is not the main thing - from a large portable speaker in the hands of one of the guys, Eldzhey sang his collaboration with Feduk “Rose Wine”. And the people around, grumbling, suddenly began to smile and even dance slightly. And so did I – at the same time smiling at the fact that I came up with a hero for the cover.

On Eva: dress, Sportmax On Eldzhey: pullover, trousers, everything – adidas Originals; jacket, H&M

Photo by Igor Klepnev

EG: Lesha, hello! Let's start from the very beginning, this is an excursion for those who know you from “Rose Wine” and “Ripped Jeans” at parties. When and why did you take the pseudonym Eljay?

Eljay: Firework! When I was still small, my boys and I “bombed” the walls, that is, painted graffiti, and everyone had their own “tag” - this is the name that is written on the wall, their own nickname. Eljay was my nickname then and remains to this day.

EG: At what point did Sayonara Boy appear and what does it mean? So you have two pseudonyms?

Eljay: The choice of a new name was deliberate, and it is no longer just a pseudonym. I was 21 years old, and there was one very important turning point in my life, after which it was divided into before and after.

Sayonara translates to “goodbye” in Japanese. Then I said goodbye to people and things that prevented me from developing and kept me from pushing off from the bottom.

Pullover, Iceberg

Photo by Igor Klepnev

Pullover, Iceberg

Photo by Igor Klepnev

Pullover, Iceberg

Photo by Igor Klepnev

EG: Speaking of battles. Now this topic is wildly popular. Did you have a desire to do this again, well, at least once, to remember where it all began, so to speak?

Eljay: There was a lot of hype around battle rap and it became mainstream for a long time. But it's not mine. Creative interest I don’t see this, I won’t do it for the sake of hype. So it's unlikely.

EG: In general, do you watch Versus and its variations? Do you have a favorite battler? How do you feel about the guys who are doing this: Oxy, Slava CPSU and others?

Eljay: I've probably already answered this question. I have other interests.

Pullover, trousers, everything – adidas Originals; sneakers, Alexander Wang x adidas Originals; socks, adidas

Photo by Igor Klepnev

EG: The peak for you happened with the release of “Rose Wine” - the song is cool, no doubt. But what happened to Feduk? He recently visited Yura Dudya and told his version. We are sure you have your own view on this situation.

Eljay: Nothing special happened, the boys were just in a hurry, they released the video unfinished, and I didn’t like it. I don’t treat my material that way. I think that if you do it, then squeeze out the maximum quality.

I was focused on doing it well, and the guys were focused on the speed of releasing the video. We did not agree on this.

EG: Most of your tracks have such peppy beats and crazy lyrics. The latest release is the song “Minimal”. Cool, by the way, but suddenly sad. Is there something wrong?

Eljay: Just another episode from my life. You just need to listen to the song, everything is very clear there.

On Eva: dress, Sportmax On Eldzhey: pullover, Topshop,

Photo by Igor Klepnev

EG: By the way, how do you write your songs? What inspires you? How do words appear? Do you also write your own music?

Eljay: Always in different ways and in different places: on the plane, in the hotel - it doesn’t matter. Anything can inspire. I don’t write music myself, I can sketch out a beat, but in general writing music is not my thing.

EG: Name five performers who, in your opinion, are really cool.

Eljay: 6lack, Black Cinema, a.chal, Travis Scott, the Blaze, ZHU. This is the first thing that came to mind.

EG: Which of them, or not of them, would you really like to work with?

Eljay: There are plans, but I won’t reveal them yet. In general, I’m already working with the group “Black Cinema”. They are cool.

On Eljay: pullover, Topshop,

Photo by Igor Klepnev

EG: You are wildly popular now. What are you striving for when so much has already been achieved? Describe the moment when you say: that’s it, life is good.

Eljay: On the one hand, my life was successful when I found myself in music, on the other hand, I don’t plan to stop for such thoughts in the near future. I definitely have room for improvement, and not just in music.

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 goodbye (58) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

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Who is Eljay / Allj

Real name— Alexey Uzenyuk

Date of Birth — 09.07.1994

Hometown— Novosibirsk

Nickname— Eldzhey / Allj

Activity— Rapper

Height— 176 cm

Eljay / Allj biography

So, Eldzhey is a young rap artist from Novosibirsk, who this year blew up the charts with his tracks, on for a long time stuck in your head.

Before he became famous

Alexey (this is the name of the performer) was born in 1994, in Novosibirsk, from childhood he had a craving for music, the guy attended a vocal class and was engaged in creativity. After graduating from school, he enters medical school and begins to work at the same time, but his desire to become a musician takes its toll and Eljay gives up routine classes and devotes himself to music, as you can see, not in vain.

Early creativity

Strangely enough, Eljay’s journey as a rapper began with battles. In his hometown rap battles were held, Alexey had a chance to attend one of them, impressed by this phenomenon, he understands that he can do better than the guys who performed there. At the age of 13-15, he even takes part in both offline and online battles, winning many of them.

In 2013, Allj released its first studio album together with rapper "Mal".

allj&mal – Gundezh

The sound of it is similar to “entryway lyrics”, underground, that is, completely different from the style in which we are used to hearing Eljay now.

In 2014, Alexey’s second album entitled “ The heads are smoking". The audience received the album with a bang, the sound became better and more interesting music. A main composition album, with the same name, was heard from every car, for the sake of it they even installed a subwoofer in order to impress the fairer sex. This was the performer's first success, but far from the last.

In 2015, LJ released the album “Pushka” and began to tour the country with concerts, thereby further expanding his audience of listeners.

In 2016 he publishes solo album“Catacombs” in which I would like to mention the rather hit track “Music”, recorded together with the performers MiyaGi & Endgame, and it already feels like a new sound, a departure from the old style.


The turning point in Eldzhey’s work can be noted in September 2016, it was then that the joint track with Kravets “Disconnect” was released, which instantly “shots”, takes first place in all charts and becomes a hit at all parties.

Eljay and Kravets

Then Alexey’s career rapidly took off, he released the album “Sayonara Boy”, which for a long time remained in the first positions in “iTunes” and “PlayMusic”
“Sayonara Boy” is a completely new sound, a new style.

In 2017, Eljay released another solo album, “Sayonara Boy ろ”. With the release of which one’s own style is formed, namely appearance, tattoos, and of course the universally recognizable white eyes, photos on Instagram are gaining popularity.

In our opinion, the peak of popularity is August 2017, that’s when the joint composition with “ Allj (Eldzhey) x – Rose wine”. Which, without any doubt, became the main hit of the summer of 2017.

What's wrong with Eljay's eyes?

Allj is fine with his eyes, there are no problems or diseases. And he wears white lenses like tattoos and provocative clothes, only to attract attention and create a memorable image. Due to frequent questions about the eyes, he even has a song called “What's wrong with my eyes.”

Eljay now


March 27 Eljay releases his new album with title LJ - “SAYONARA BOY X”. Eljay, as promised, released his new album entitled “ Sayonara Boy X" Two compositions " Suzuki" And " Minimal” the rapper posted on social networks before the release of the record. All tracks from the album are performed in the same style, so beloved by fans, even the themes of the compositions have not changed.

LJ Sayonara Boy X