Theater of the Soviet Army Aibolit. Aibolit




















Good Doctor Aibolit!

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And the bug and the worm

And a bear!

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone,

Good Doctor Aibolit!

And came to Aibolitu fox : “Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!”

Aibolit : “Oh, poor thing, you fox! Where did the wasp bite you?”

Fox: in the paw, doctor Aibolit and it hurts, it hurts.

Aibolit :

Don't cry, little fox! Just be patient a little. I'll take a bandage and cotton wool and bandage it

Your paw.

Bear- Oh oh oh! My stomach hurts, I have appendicitis!

Aibolit- Don't worry, don’t rush, tell me everything in detail.

Remember, Misha, what did you eat?

And when did you get sick?

Bear- I only ate apples. Ate about six

or maybe seven,

and then I got sick.

Aibolit - Yes , did you wash the apples?

Bear- Here's another! Why wash them?

He picked it from the tree and ate it.

Aibolit - Guys , How do you think,

Why does the bear have a stomach ache?

(dialogue with children)

Aibolit - I, I hope that now everything has become clear to Misha.

Bear - Yes, thank you guys.

Wolf- I - Gray wolf, teeth click!

Aibolit- What hurts you?

Wolf- I probably have the flu.

My paws are very itchy,

and there is also a rash on his paws.

Aibolit - Come on , show me palms. (looks)

Wolf, Yes, you have scabies!

Wolf- Why did I get sick?

I go in for sports, brush my teeth, and strengthen myself.

Fox- And you forget to wash your face.

Here goes to Aibolitu Barbos : “A chicken pecked me on the nose!”

Aibolit: Poor, poor our Barbos! Let's cure a swollen nose!

Here's cotton wool, here's iodine - just apply it to your nose and everything will go away! "heals"

And the hare came running and screamed: “Ay, ah! My bunny got hit by a tram. He was running along the path and his legs were cut, and now he is sick and lame, my little bunny.

Aibolit: "No problem! Serve it here! I’ll sew new legs on him and he’ll run along the track again.” And they brought to him a bunny, so sick and lame.

And the doctor sewed his legs back on, and the little bunny jumped again. And with him the mother hare also went to dance

And she laughs and screams : "Well, thank you,Aibolit

And came to Aibolit GOAT : « Aibolit, heal my eyes! For some reason I started to look poorly, I couldn’t keep an eye on the kids! « Aibolit examines the eyes»

Well, you’ll have to put on the glasses, and don’t forget to put some drops in your eyes. I’ll also tell you to eat carrots, and your eyes will become sharp again.

Oh, thank you, as you can see around! Aibolit, my best friend. Who can cure you better, I am forever in your debt! I will treat you with milk, goat cheese, and cottage cheese.

The inscription in the background " Hospital of Doctor Aibolit" On the stage,

how Doctor Aibolit treats animals: applies ointment, sets thermometers. Animals

may be bandaged..)

Presenter: Once upon a time there lived a Doctor. He was kind. And his name was Aibolit.

The doctor treated animals, everyone who came to him.

Presenter: One day a monkey came to him.

(A monkey enters.)

CHI CHI: Good Doctor! Help me. I ran away from the evil Barmaley.

He beat me, tortured me and dragged me everywhere with him on a rope.

AIBOLIT: Poor monkey. I will help you. There are marks on your neck from

ropes. Let me apply some ointment to your neck. (Rubs. Pause.)

Here you go. Now everything will pass. What is your name?

CHI CHI: Chichi.

AIBOLIT: Stay with me and live.

CHI CHI: Thank you, good doctor.

(Suddenly Barmaley runs in. He can shake a robber’s knife.)

BARMALEY: Give me back the monkey! This monkey is mine!

AIBOLIT: No, I won't give it to you. Leave immediately, otherwise I'll call the dog

Abba, and she will bite you.

(The dog Ava runs out.)


Aww! Get out of here!

BARMALEY: Well, nasty doctor!

I'll get even with you!

(Barmaley runs away.)

Presenter: And the monkey Chichi stayed to live with Doctor Aibolit.

And she even became his little assistant.

(Monkey Chichi helps Aibolit treat animals)

Presenter: One day a swallow flew to Aibolit.

(The Swallow appears. She can flap her wings. She will dance for now

cannot, because she needs to speak the text.)

MARTIN: Good doctor! Go to Africa soon. They got sick there

little monkeys.

They lie and cry.

AIBOLIT: Okay, I'll definitely help them. Chichi, get ready to go.

We are going to Africa.


Africa, Africa,

Lovely edges.

Africa, Africa

My motherland.

AIBOLIT: But how will we find Africa? After all, she is far away, and I am not

I know the way there.

MARTIN: I'll show you the way. You will sail on the ship, and I will

fly and show you the way.

(The swallow flaps its wings, you can depict a dance

Flight to music.)

AIBOLIT: But what will we sail on? Where will we get the ship?

CHI CHI: Yes, where will we get the ship?

(Doctor Aibolit thinks about it).

AIBOLIT: I know where. I have a friend, sailor Robinson. He will give me

Presenter: Sailor Robinson gave Aibolit a ship and they sailed to Africa.


Africa, Africa,

Lovely edges.

Africa, Africa

My motherland.


Presenter: And at this time the poor sick monkeys were lying on the ground and


Well, why isn't he going?

Well, why isn't he going?

Our kind, kind, kind

Dr. Aibolit!

(The monkeys continue to cry.)

Presenter: And at this time Doctor Aibolit and his friends were sailing on

ship through the wind and fog.


Leading: And finally, Doctor Aibolit and the animals swam to Africa.

Africa. On stage Doctor Aibolit and his friends.

They walk across the stage holding hands. You can go around the circle.)


Africa, Africa

Lovely edges.

Africa, Africa

My motherland.

(Suddenly Barmaley runs out along with the robbers. They wave

robber knives.)

BARMALEY: a-ah! Nasty Doctor! Grab them!

(Barmaley and the robbers grab Doctor Aibolit and his friends and

Presenter: So, Barmaley and the robbers captured Doctor Aibolit

and his friends and took them to Barmaley’s house.



Doctor Aibolit and his friends are sitting in a group.

Barmaley and the robbers stand around Doctor Aibolit and his friends and

brandishing robber knives.

BARMALEY: Well, what about the nasty Doctor, with his nasty animals?

Now I'll kill you!

(Barmaley thinks.)

BARMALEY: No! Now we will sleep!

And tomorrow I will deal with you! Gradually Barmaley and the robbers fall asleep.)

AIBOLIT: What to do? How do we get out of here? After all, the poor

the monkeys will die if I don't cure them.

(Doctor Aibolit thinks about it.)

AIBOLIT: Monkey Chichi, maybe you can sneak up on

Barmaley and pull out the key from him?

CHI CHI: I'll try, good Doctor.

(Monkey Chichi sneaks up to Barmaley, takes the key from him,

opens the door and everyone quietly runs away. Barmaley wakes up.)

BARMALEY: Ahh, nasty Doctor! (Pushes away the robbers.)

Robbers, follow me!

(The robbers wake up and, together with Barmaley, rush in pursuit.)


Presenter So, Doctor Aibolit and his friends ran away from the evil one

Barmaley and his robbers!

Now they need to quickly get to the poor sick monkeys!

Forward and only forward! Doctor Aibolit and his friends appear. They are in a hurry.

Presenter: But what is it? They see a river ahead. This is the Limpopo River.

How to get over it?

Presenter: But then monkeys appear...

These are the moms and dads little monkeys who are sick and who

They've been waiting for Doctor Aibolit for a long time!

But what are they doing? Look!

They grab their friend by the tail and make a bridge!

Doctor Aibolit and his friends run over their backs as if across a bridge!

Presenter: But what a misfortune!

The evil Barmaley appears with the robbers and they also run across this bridge!

What to do? How to escape from the evil Barmaley?

Presenter: But what is it? Look!

Suddenly one monkey uncouples from the other and the bridge collapses!

Barmaley and his robbers fall into the river!

Hooray! Doctor Aibolit and his friends are saved!

Now we need to quickly rush to the sick monkeys!


Presenter: And finally, Doctor Aibolit was brought to the patients


(On the stage they lie

little sick monkeys. They moan and cry.

The doctor comes in with his friends and begins to treat the sick monkeys.)

Presenter: And Doctor Aibolit begins to treat little patients


Ten nights Aibolit

Doesn't eat, doesn't drink and doesn't sleep.

Ten nights in a row

He heals unfortunate animals

And he sets and sets thermometers for them.

(While the text is going on, it is necessary to show how Doctor Aibolit treats patients

monkeys. He listens, puts thermometers on them, applies ointment, gives them medicine.)


So he cured them.

So he cured the sick.

Limpopo. And they went to laugh.

Limpopo.And dance and play around.

Leading: And now Doctor Aibolit with his friends,

Having said goodbye to the monkeys, they set off on their way back.

(You can show how Doctor Aibolit and his friends

set off on their way back: pack a bag of medicine, say goodbye to

The play Aibolit will tell children and their parents about the incredible African adventures of the famous animal doctor. As his faithful sister and sailor friend will tell us, the doctor went to this distant and dangerous country to help monkeys and other animals recover from serious illnesses. He went there not alone, but with his best friends and assistants - a dog and a monkey. Will the doctor be able to cure the animals? And what adventures await him in distant and full of surprises Africa?

It is not difficult to guess that the basis for this production was the famous poetic tale of the famous Soviet children's poet and writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Its plot does not need retelling, since it is perfectly familiar to everyone. And this should not be surprising, since on this sad and funny story Many generations of domestic and foreign children have grown up. During all this time, it has been used more than once in theatrical and cinematic art, and has also received many original and unusual interpretations. All those who want to order tickets for the Aibolit performance can get acquainted with one of them. Here in the famous plot outline New details and characters were amazingly woven in, making the story even more exciting and exciting. It is full of sparkling humor and funny episodes. But at the same time, this wonderful fairy tale also very instructive. She teaches kids friendship, support, mutual assistance, as well as a friendly attitude towards animals.

The premiere of this performance took place on the famous capital stage in 2003. It immediately attracted the attention of both young and adult viewers with its original solutions and unusual interpretation. famous story. Now the well-known fairy tale has become even more colorful, modern and funny. The production features excellent musical design and magnificent dance and vocal numbers performed by talented actors.

Doctor Aibolit, as interpreted by the young director Greta Šuščevičiute, is a new Russian superhero. Together with his children, he goes to Africa to save the lives of sick monkeys, but something goes wrong. The hot continent meets the brave doctor with a series of adventures, the worst of which is a meeting with a real pirate, robber, and robber Barmaley. Whether good or evil will win in a fierce battle depends only on the audience!

Greta Šuščevičiute– stage director, actress. Graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Drama and VGIK named after S. A. Gerasimov (VGIK), faculty of film directing. Greta Šuščevičiute’s performance “The Seagull” ( Theater project « Open stage") - winner of a diploma from the Guild of Cinema Actors of Russia, a special jury prize of the 33rd international festival VGIK “For creative courage and courageous independence in artistic search” and the “Creative Perspective” prize of the S.A. Foundation. Gerasimov and T.F. Makarova.

Other theater works:

  • “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, G.G. Marquez, Central House of Actor named after A.A. Yablochkina
  • “Purple Clouds”, A. Chetvergova, Moscow Theater “School of Modern Play”
  • “Tenant of the Peaks”, V. Khlebnikov, Stas Namin Theater
  • “New York. 80s. We", M. Shemyakina, Stas Namin Theater

A.- M. P. Cipollini




V A R V A R A, his sister

B A R B O S, dog



CH I-CH I, monkey




D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Yes! Have you arrived yet? Very good! Let's start now
welcome! Wait, please, one minute! (Leaves.)


V A R V A R A (behind the stage). What is this?! A?! Not a moment of peace! Neither
day or night! Will this ever stop or not?! (~Comes out with a candle and
with a towel tied around your head.) Shut up immediately! Head from you
is splitting! Who let you in here? It is too early!

B A R B O S. It's not too early.

V A R V A R A. I know better! Still talking! This is not a house, but a menagerie
some kind! (Leaves.)

B A R B O S. U, harmful Varvara!...

KHAVRONYA. She is always like this.

P O P U G A Y. Poor Aibolit!

V A R V A R A (behind the stage). But they inherited it, but they inherited it! Who's to clean up?
will it be you? It is unbearable!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. What happened, Varvara?

V A R V A R A. They came ahead of time again!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. No, Varvara, not ahead of time. I'm just
I'm starting the appointment.

V A R V A R A. No reception! Now you will immediately give me drops from
headaches from these obnoxious beasts!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Yes, yes, of course, Varvara, I’ll give it to you right away
drops! Here! (Gives her drops.) But, Varvara, they are very good animals.

V A R V A R A. Not good! (Drinks drops.)

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Good.

V A R V A R A. Don't argue with me!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. I don’t argue. But they are good. And they need
our help.

V A R V A R A. Oh so? Then I'm leaving this house! Once you have your animals
more expensive than me, then live with them!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Varvara, animals are dear to me, but so are you
road. Please stay!

V A R V A R A. No! Do not even ask! It's decided! I'm leaving! (Leaves.)

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T (to animals). Nothing, nothing. She always does. She
gets angry, gets angry and stops.

B A R B O S. We know!

KHAVRONYA. She is like that!

V A R V A R A (behind the stage). I'm leaving forever!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Oh!...

P O P U G A Y. But this is not good!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Well, what can we do, what can we do. She is good,
But she's just not in the mood right now. Now she will calm down a little and be good again!

B A R B O S. It won't.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Well, well... Let's see what we have,
dear Barbos? Did the chicken peck on your nose again?

B A R B O S. No. I wanted to jump over the fence as a bet.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay! How could this be possible?
act. You'll have to get an injection! Are you afraid of injections?

B A R B O S. N-no...

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Well done! Of course, it hurts a little, but...
that you decided to show willpower and endure is good. I quickly.

B A R B O S. Ay!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. That's all! Well done! Really, well done?

All Yes!


V A R V A R A (passes along). Where's my umbrella?

Varvara leaves.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Well... And what about our dear pig?

KHAVRONYA. I wanted to sing better than the nightingale.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Well, no, this is no good! You can not do it this way! Well,
Tell me, please, why do you need to sing better than the nightingale? You have the most beautiful
a pig's voice and you grunt charmingly, and not a single nightingale in the world,
By the way, he can’t grunt like that, can he, my friends? (Gives her a potion.)
You will take a tablespoon three times a day.

V A R V A R A (walks across the stage). Where are my galoshes?

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Hmm, hmm...

Everyone is waiting for Varvara to leave.

Varvara leaves.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. And who came to us? Parrot? It's been a while
you didn't visit us! Does your beak hurt? Or are the feathers falling off? Or is your tail itchy?

P O P U G A Y. Nothing hurts me. I'm just with a pig and with Barbos

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Nothing? Maybe I can still give you some
a pill?

P O P U G A Y. No.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Maybe I can give you some medicine?

P O P U G A Y. No.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Or maybe I can make you some small

P O P U G A Y. No! I just came!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Well, good! (Looks towards Varvara,
won't she come out? Varvara doesn’t come out.) So!...


V A R V A R A (behind the stage). Guard!

B C E. What is it?

Varvara runs out.

V A R V A R A. Save! Help!

Chi-Chi runs out.

V A R V A R A. What kind of scarecrow is this?

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Yes, it’s a monkey!

B C E. Monkey! Monkey!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T (to the monkey). Don't be afraid! What's happened? How you

B S E. Don't be afraid! What is your name?

CH I-CH I. Chi-Chi...

V S E. Chi-Chi! Chi-Chi!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Chi-Chi! Her name is Chi-Chi! (Varvara.) Her name is
Chi-Chi!... Ahem, ahem... (To the monkey.) What happened to you? Why are you shaking all over?

CH I-CH I. I ran away...

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Who did you run away from?

CH I-CH I. From the evil robber Barmaley!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. From the evil robber Barmaley?!

V S E. From the evil robber Barmaley!!!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. How?! Do they still exist in our time?

CH I-CH I (crying).

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Well, don’t cry, don’t cry. What's that on you?
neck?! Scoundrel! Did he really put a collar on you?! Barbos! Sow! Parrot!
Immediately bring water, iodine, cotton wool and bandages! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. But you
You will recover and no one will put a collar on you again. So-so...

P O P U G A Y (helps Doctor Aibolit). So! Fine! (Barbos and
Khavronye.) Don't interfere! Carefully!

CH I-CH I. Ay!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Everything, everything. It won't hurt anymore. Like this! And you
became beautiful again. (Ties a bow on her.) Why are you so sad?

CH I-CH I (blinks).

B A R B O S. Where should she go now? Barmaley will grab her again!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. No! This cannot be allowed! (Goes to
excitement.) Chi-Chi! Stay live here! And you will help me treat animals. You

CH I-CH I. Yes!

V S E. Hurray!

V A R V A R A (To Doctor Aibolit). No cheers! You must send her away immediately!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. But why?

V A R V A R A. Because I don't want her to stay here!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. But how can I drive her away? You heard that she
Barmaley will be captured again!

V A R V A R A. Let him grab it! And I don't want her to stay here! Not
Want! Don't want!

B A R B O S. Rrr...

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. But, Varvara... I can’t send her to
certain death. She's staying!

V A R V A R A. Oh so? Then I'm leaving!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Ahem, ahem... Varvara!...

V A R V A R A. Where is my suitcase?

Varvara comes out with a suitcase, an umbrella and galoshes.


Barmaley and two robbers with pistols enter.

The monkey is hiding.

move! Hands behind head! Don't talk!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Excuse me? But what does all this mean?

FIRST AND SECOND ATTACK. I said to be silent! Not

B A R M A L E Y. Hello, my dears!


B A R M A L E Y. Then my monkey ran to you.

FIRST AND SECOND RAZE B OYNIK I. It’s not clear? Where's the monkey?

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. We don’t have any monkey!

B A R M A L E Y. I don’t understand. Won't they give me my monkey?

FIRST AND SECOND RACE B OY N I K I. Where is the monkey?

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. We don’t have any monkey!

B A R M A L E Y. Not good, doctor, not good.

V A R V A R A. That is, how come we don’t have any monkey?!

pistols). Where's the monkey?

V A R V A R A (lost speechless from fear).


V A R V A R A (same game).

The robbers put away their pistols.

V A R V A R A. ...Monkey!... (The robbers point their pistols at
Varvara, Varvara is speechless.)

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. You have no right to behave like that!

B A R M A L E Y. We don’t have the right to behave like this?! We don't have the right to do that
behave?!!! Ha ha ha!...

B A R M A L E Y. Ha-ha-ha!!!...

B A R M A L E Y. Give back the monkey!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. I won’t give it up!

B A R M A L E Y. Oh so!


Fight. Barmaley is driven away.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. That's it! Like this! Otherwise, you understand!... Here
So! Don't be afraid, Chi-Chi, you're safe now. Barmaley won't dare come here
return. No one will hurt you here... (Looking at Varvara.) Hmm, hmm...
(To the animals.) Thank you, my friends, without your help we would not have defeated Barmaley.
Now come on, let’s get ourselves in order and show the monkey his new room.


V A R V A R A. Oh so? Do you think you have won and are you happy? Well, I do not! We
Let's see who wins!

~Aria of Varvara.


Barmaley and the robbers. They sit and cry.

V A R V A R A. Here you are, my dears!

FIRST AND SECOND ROUGH BOOTERS (getting scared). No! No! No!

B A R M A L E Y. Quiet!!!

V A R V A R A. Why were you afraid of the bobtailed puppy and the dairy

B A R M A L E Y. We weren’t afraid of anything, it’s just that the doctor had this... with


V A R V A R A. Syringe? Why are you afraid to give injections?

B C E. No! No! No!

V A R V A R A. I see. I take it upon myself. A couple of injections won't hurt you.

B A R M A L E Y. How about a couple of injections for us? We don't need a couple
pricks. There just wasn't a monkey there, so we left.

V A R V A R A. How could it not have happened when she was in the next room!

FIRST TIME B OYNIK. Why were you silent before?

V A R V A R A. If they pointed a gun at you, you would say a lot of things!

SECOND TIME B OYNIK. I would like to, I said.

V A R V A R A. Yes?! (Takes the gun away from the robber and points it at him.)

SECOND TIME B OYNIK (Can’t say anything.)

V A R V A R A. Well?!

SECOND R A B O Y N I K. (Can’t!)

V A R V A R A. That's it! (Hands over the gun.)

SECOND R A Z B O Y N I K. Wow! (Points gun at First

SECOND R A Z B O Y N I K. Wow! And now you!

FIRST ROIVER. (Points the pistol at the Second Robber.)


SECOND TIME B OYNIK. And now me! (Points gun at First


B A R M A L E Y. Enough! I want a monkey!

V A R V A R A. Well done! This is what I came for! I have a plan! I
I will lure the monkey to you in a cunning and insidious way and you will grab it!

V S E. Hurray! Hooray!

V A R V A R A. But with one condition! You promise to help me steal everyone
other animals!


B A R M A L E Y. Everyone?!

V A R V A R A. Otherwise, you won’t be able to see the monkey like your ears!

FIRST AND SECOND RECEPTIONS (They rush to look at the soybeans

B A R M A L E Y (seeing the result). We agree...

V A R V A R A. That's the same! Don't go too far! (Leaves.)


Barmaley and the robbers without Varvara.

FIRST RAZ O B OYNIK. And for something we owe everyone else
steal animals?

SECOND R A Z B O Y N I K. There is such a dog. And even a pig.

FIRST TIME B OYNIK. And even a parrot.

SECOND RACE B OYNIK. Why should we steal them?

FIRST TIME BOYNIK. Why do we need them?

SECOND TIME B OYNIK. And she also wants to give us injections.


B A R M A L E Y. And this is what we will do! We'll take the monkey and the animals
We won't steal! Ha ha ha!


B A R M A L E Y. Now let’s hide, just in case.


V A R V A R A. Chi-Chi, little one, where are you? Chi-Chi! CHI-Chi! Where are you,
stupid! Why aren't you responding? Let's go, Doctor Aibolit asked you to do
healing procedures. You will recover immediately and your sore throat will go away.

H I-H I. A...

V A R V A R A. And they will wait for you. Let's go, let's go.


Barmaley and the robbers.

V A R V A R A. Hey! Where are you there?

FIRST R A B O Y N I K. Monkey!

SECOND R A Z B O Y N I K. Monkey!

B A R M A L E Y. No one else?


B A R M A L E Y (runs out). Monkey! (Puts a collar on her.) Well
you, stupid, ran away? Don't you like it with daddy? Stop! Where?

CH I-CH I. Aibolit!

B A R M A L E Y (grabs her). I'll give you - Aibolit!

V A R V A R A. Oh!

B A R M A L E Y. What are you doing? Again? Look at me!

Barmaley and the robbers leave.

V A R V A R A. Stop! Wait! What about other animals? I'll bring them now!

B A R M A L E Y. Ah-ah-ah... Mmm-mm... And we'll do better tomorrow. Let's do it tomorrow?


B A R M A L E Y. Otherwise, we don’t have any time right now.

V A R V A R A. Tomorrow?... Or maybe...

B A R M A L E Y. No, no! Now it won't work! We don't have much time

V A R V A R A. Honestly - tomorrow?

B A R M A L E Y. Honestly! Of course, honestly!

word! How else? Honestly! Ha ha ha!

V A R V A R A. And you won’t deceive? You gave your word!

B A R M A L E Y. No! How is it possible? Tomorrow! Honestly, tomorrow!


V A R V A R A. That means tomorrow!... (Chi-Chi ties a bow for himself.)

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Chi-Chi!... Varvara! Have you seen Chi-Chi?

V A R V A R A. Chi-Chi? Which Chi-Chi? Ah, Chi-Chi... No, I didn’t see it.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Where did she go? Just now she was
Here. A-yay-yay! A-yay-yay!

B A R B O S. She's not here!

KHAVRONYA. She’s not here either!

P O P U G A Y. She is nowhere to be found!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. I don’t understand anything!

V A R V A R A. Or maybe she went for a walk and got lost. And then her
caught Barmaley and took him to him.

B A R B O S. Rrrrr!!!...

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Varvara! Where's Chi-Chi?

V A R V A R A. I don’t know where your Chi-Chi is. And there's no point in sniffing me,
nasty dog! And if your stupid monkey is lost, then it serves her right.

B A R B O S. Av! Aw! Aw! (Tears off Chi-Chi’s bow from Varvara.)

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Varvara! How could you!

V A R V A R A. Yes? Why is she jumping everywhere?

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. She will disappear from Barmaley!

V A R V A R A. It will not be lost.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Forward, friends! We must save the monkey!

~Anthem of animals and Aibolit’s aria.

V A R V A R A. Oh so?! Very good! Go, go, my dears! Good
welcome to Barmaley!

Goes the other way.


Barmaley, robbers and Chi-Chi.

B A R M A L E Y. What is this, huh? Completely out of hand! Been alone
a day of freedom, but what does he allow himself to do? Why, have you forgotten how bullets are near your ears?
do they whistle? I’ll quickly remind you now!

V A R V A R A. Stop, stop! Wait!

B A R M A L E Y. Varvara?! What's happened?! Animals?! Where are the animals?!

V A R V A R A. What animals? Nobody here!

V S E. Ooof!

V A R V A R A. But now they will. All the animals come here with Aibolit,
to free the monkey.

B S E. Aaah!

B A R M A L E Y. I won’t give it to you! I'm not giving it!

V A R V A R A. This is a very convenient opportunity to grab everyone else
animals, as we agreed.

B A R M A L E Y. Agreed?

V A R V A R A. Yes. Barmaley, please grab them. Such a convenient opportunity
no longer.

B A R M A L E Y. Grab it?

V A R V A R A. Yes. All at once.

B A R M A L E Y. Now?

V A R V A R A. Yes. But I won’t tell you anything about injections!

B A R M A L E Y. Better tomorrow.

V A R V A R A. How is tomorrow? Tomorrow is not possible! Tomorrow it may not work out!

B A R M A L E Y. Tomorrow...

V A R V A R A. If they take your monkey away from you today, they will take me away tomorrow
they won't listen!...

B A R M A L E Y. Will they take it away from me?!!!

V A R V A R A. They will take it away.

B A R M A L E Y.!!!


The same, Doctor Aibolit and the animals.

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Here they are! Varvara, what are you doing here?

V A R V A R A. I... so... I was walking...

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Eh, Varvara, Varvara!

B A R B O S (to Varvara). Woof!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. No need, Barbos. Barmaley, let me go immediately

B A R M A L E Y. I won’t let you go!

B A R M A L E Y. I won’t let you go!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Let go!

B A R M A L E Y. I won’t let you go!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Will you let go?

B A R M A L E Y. No!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Barbos! Sow! Parrot! Let's help


Fight. The monkey is freed.

V S E. Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!


Barmaley grabs Doctor Aibolit.

B A R M A L E Y. Yeah! Well? Whose did you take? Ha ha ha! Take this one now
poor monkey. And I will take a ransom for Aibolit and buy myself a hundred monkeys.

~Barmaley's Aria.


V A R V A R A. Well, why are you standing there? Save my beloved Aibolit!

B A R M A L E Y. Don't move! Otherwise your beloved Aibolit will die! Ha ha ha!


Varvara goes alone against the robbers, but when they point pistols at her, she loses

B A R M A L E Y. Ha-ha-ha!


V A R V A R A (suddenly begins to speak). Release Aibolit immediately! By
By what right do you hold him? Aren `t you ashamed? Who are you? Are you in
did you go to school?

B A R M A L E Y. N-no.

The robbers are surprised to find that the pistols do not work.

V A R V A R A. It shows! Look who you look like! Increased,
healthy forehead, but no intelligence!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T (reproachfully). Varvara!...

V A R V A R A. And you shut up! Even though you graduated from university, you too
here... the glasses have slipped down my nose! (Adjusts Aibolit’s glasses.) (To the robbers.) And with you
the conversation will be separate! Come on, give it here! (Takes it from the robbers
pistols and puts them in the reticule.) There is no need for you to have such serious things! This
not toys!

Barmaley tries to resist.

V A R V A R A. What is it?! (Points a pistol at Barmaley and he loses
ability to resist.) That's it! (Takes pistols from Barmaley.) Yours
I will take care of the upbringing personally, and I will start with injections!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. What should we do with them now?

CH I-CH I. We must take their word that they will no longer commit robbery!

V A R V A R A (robbers). And give your word of honor that you won’t do it again
rob and lead an honest life!

R A Z B O Y N I K I. We give our word of honor.

V A R V A R A. Completely!

R A Z B O Y N I K I. We give our word of honor that we will no longer rob and
Let's lead an honest life!

V A R V A R A. Well done! Tomorrow at nine in the morning please welcome me to the injections. A
I will store the pistols in a glass medical cabinet next to the syringe.

The robbers suddenly try to attack Aibolit again.

V A R V A R A. What is it?! Have you given your word? I'm asking if you're honest

R A Z B O Y N I K I. Dali!...

V A R V A R A. Well, please, keep it up!

R A Z B O Y N I K I.!!!

B A R M A L E Y. But it’s so difficult!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. And no one says it’s easy!

FIRST RAZE B OYNIK. This is terrible!

SECOND R A B O Y N I K. This is unbearable!

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. Well, well, don’t exaggerate. We all gave our word
and we know what it is. Of course, it's not easy, but - I gave my word - hold on! But
then you will become completely different people.

B A R M A L E Y. When, tomorrow?

D O C T O R A Y B O L I T. No, not tomorrow and not the day after tomorrow. Need it right away
admit that this will not happen soon. Maybe in a month, or maybe
in a year. Everything will depend on how honest you want to be
people and how dishonest you don't want to be. But when you really
if you become honest, you will truly become strong, smart and brave; but not
when you offend those who are weaker than you.

Song and dance of animals.

Natalya Sulimskaya
Puppet show “Doctor Aibolit” for children of senior preschool age

Presenter - Hello, dear guys!

I'm glad to see your cheerful faces,

mischievous eyes and joyful smiles.

After all, this means that you are in excellent health.

Is not it?

Children - (answer)

Presenter - So you know what needs to be done in order to

to grow strong and healthy?

Children - (answer)

Presenter - Well done! Guys, let's go

to visit our forest friends.

Your advice will help them grow too

strong and healthy. Do you agree?

Children - (answer)

Host - Then hit the road, and so as not to get bored on the road,

Let's sing a funny song.

(song chosen by the music director)

The curtain opens

Host - Here we are. There is a house on the edge of the forest,

it has a hospital for animals.

Look - the nurse came out onto the porch,

She took off her white cap and sat down on a tree stump.

Lisa - I've been busy all day, I'm very tired,

the hares and squirrels got sick, even the bear got sick,

I can’t cope alone, what should I do? Here

Magpie - I know how to help you, Fox.

My mother told me that somewhere there is a tree,

and a kind man sits under a tree Dr. Aibolit.

Everyone goes to him for treatment, both the cow and

He was even in Africa, treating hippopotamuses there.

We need to find him, ask the animals to save him.

Lisa - Why are you sitting? Fly, miracle look for a doctor and

bring it here quickly.

(Magpie "flies away")

Fox - Hey, animals, everyone is here!

Soon the doctor will come to us, will help everyone,

will save everyone!

(animals approach the house : bear, squirrel, hare, wolf)

Animals - Well, when will he come? Why isn't he coming?

Fox - Dear ones, be patient, oh, here he is,


(included Aibolit)

Aibolit - Hello, my friends!

Animals - Hello, Dr. Aibolit!

Aibolit - Well, let's not waste time, in order

come over. What hurts you? Tell me.

Well, who's brave? Come out!

Fox - Misha, you will be the first.

Bear - Oh - oh - oh! My stomach hurts, I have appendicitis!

Aibolit - Don't worry, don’t rush, tell me everything in detail.

Remember, Misha, what did you eat?

And when did you get sick?

Bear - I only ate apples. Ate about six

or maybe seven,

and then I got sick.

Aibolit - Yes, did you wash the apples?

Bear - Here you go! Why wash them?

He picked it from the tree and ate it.

Aibolit - Guys, How do you think,

Why does the bear have a stomach ache?

(dialogue with children)

Aibolit - I, I hope that now everything has become clear to Misha.

Bear - Yes, thank you guys.

Aibolit - Well, who is next?

Belka - I.

Aibolit- What happened to you?

Squirrels - I really love nuts,

I just can't chew them.

Aibolit - How so?, and why?

Squirrels - My teeth hurt a lot. I don't know why.

Aibolit - Come on, open your mouth, I’ll look at your teeth.

Squirrels- Doctor, give me a pill.

Aibolit- You don't need pills,

You need to brush your teeth, baby.

Lisa - Guys, do you know what to do?

to keep your teeth healthy?

(dialogue with children)

Aibolit - Belochka, is it clear?

Belki- Yes, thank you guys.

Fox - Now it’s the bunny’s turn. Where is he?

Animals - He is there, hiding behind the tree.

He is afraid of! He's a coward!

Aibolit - Hey, little bunny, where are you? Well, don't be afraid, come out.

Bunny - My throat hurts very much, help me, Aibolit.

Aibolit - Oh what a little girl.

Bunny - I'm not a girl.

Aibolit - So, you are a boy?

Bunny - No.

Aibolit - Who are you??

Bunny - Bunny.

Aibolit - Bunny? Where are your ears?

Where is your ponytail?

Lisa - Let's undress you.

(undress the Hare)

Aibolit - Now I see that you are a bunny.

Open your mouth, say a-a-a (looks at throat)

Aibolit - You have, friend, sore throat,

you'll be there for two whole weeks

you are now lying in bed

and take medications.

Bunny - I’ll hide under the bed.

Aibolit - No, my friend, you need treatment.

And, so as not to get sick anymore,

I need to play sports

Bunny, you need to toughen up.

Do exercises in the morning.

Bunny - I don’t understand anything, I don’t even know such words.

Aibolit - And you Guys, do you play sports?

(dialogue with children)

Fox - Guys, can you teach the animals to do

Children - Yes!

(set of exercises to soundtrack)

Animals - Thank you guys

Now we will do exercises every morning.

Animals - And play sports, and harden yourself.

Aibolit - That's good. Who's next there?

Wolf - I am a gray wolf, click my teeth!

Aibolit- What hurts you?

Wolf: I probably have the flu.

My paws are very itchy,

and there is also a rash on his paws.

Aibolit - Come on, show me palms. (looks)

Wolf, you have scabies!

Wolf - Why did I get sick?

I go in for sports, brush my teeth, and strengthen myself.

Lisa - You forget to wash your face.

Aibolit - Guys, do you remember to wash your face?

Children - No.

Aibolit- Do you wash your hands with soap?

Children - Yes!

Aibolit - Smart girls! Soap and water are our best friends!

Let's teach the Wolf to wash himself.

Let's say it all together:

“Water, water, wash my face”

Children - (repeat)

Aibolit - Now you, Wolf.

Wolf - Why?

Aibolit - But why?.

("Song about water"- Z. Sirashova)

Well, do you understand now?

Wolf - Yes, thank you guys.

Masha - Hello!

Everyone - Hello.

Aibolit - Oh, what kind of animal is this?

Animals - We don't know.

Masha - I am the girl Masha.

Fox - Guys often come to the forest,

girls and boys.

but they don't look like you at all.

Aibolit - I I think I know what's going on.

You probably haven't washed your face for a long time

and didn’t comb my hair.

Fox - And you didn’t fasten your shoes.

Masha - I can’t.

My mother washes me, combs my hair and dresses me.

Lisa - How can that be?

A big girl like her has to do everything herself.

We'll have to help you.

(The animals comb the girl's hair)

Aibolit - And you Guys, do you know how to dress yourself?

(Dialogue with children)

Now Masha looks like a girl.

Masha - Thank you, I will definitely learn to do everything myself.

Aibolit - Correct, what are you doing in the forest?

Masha - I'm lost.

Aibolit - It's not a problem, I'll take you home,

What is your address?

Masha - I don't know.

Aibolit - Maybe, do you know the phone number?

Masha - No, I don’t know. (crying)

Aibolit - Don't be upset, Mashenka,

we will definitely help you.

Guys, do you know your home address?

and phone?

(answers children)

If anyone doesn't know,

Be sure to ask your mom and dad.

Grandmother - A – y! Mashenka!

Masha - This is my grandmother. Grandma, I'm here!

Fox - Run along this path, your grandmother is there

and don’t forget what you promised us.

Masha - I won't forget! Thank you!

(Song from the musical by G. Guseva

"Cats, Mouse and Pie")

Aibolit - I hear songs, ringing laughter.

It seems there are no patients here.

Animals - Glory, glory Aibolit! Glory to the good doctors!

Aibolit- I wish everyone good health and always be cheerful.

To do this, you need to remember simple rules.

Let us all repeat them together.

1 - to always be healthy be:

fruits, vegetables and berries before you eat,

don't forget, my friend, (wash).

2 - You need to play sports and, of course, (to harden).

3 - Brush your teeth, don’t be lazy,

Be sure to wash with soap.

Morning, evening and afternoon, before every meal,

after sleep and before bed.

4 You should always be neat

and, of course, neat.

5 - Everyone should be friendly and live as one family.

Fox - Good friends, they know everything, nothing is scary.

When it's always one for all!

Animals - And all for one!

Aibolit - Goodbye, don’t get sick, toughen up, get healthy!

Be full of joy, and healthy, and strong!