Business plan for a beauty salon, budget option. Description of products and services offered

Fashion for certain types of business comes and goes. Vape shops open at tremendous speed, occupying all available rental space like an infection, and then close at the same speed. But there are services that people will always use, regardless of fashion. Today we will look at a business plan that will tell us how to open a hairdressing salon from scratch and avoid all the pitfalls.

Is it profitable to open a hairdresser?

The payback period for this business varies from 1 to 2.5 years, which is quite good indicators. One hairdressing salon can passively generate high profits, and in the future, creating a network of hairdressing salons, at least at the city level, can increase income even more.

However, like any other business, there are pros, cons and risks.


  • People's hair and nails will never stop growing. Therefore, this business has stable demand and will generate profit even in a crisis. Of course, in a crisis people have less money, they will prefer cheaper services and you must adapt to your clients.
  • There is room to grow. You can always expand your existing hairdressing salon by opening additional rooms, for example, for manicure, or launch the same hairdressing salon in another area of ​​the city.
  • If the business stays afloat for the first 3 years, then most likely you have hit the mark and it becomes a cash cow. Most hair salons close in the first year because entrepreneurs make mistakes. They make a terrible design for a room that you never want to return to, they make a mistake with the location or with something else. If you managed to survive for 3 years, most likely your business will continue to survive.
  • Regular customers can make up the lion's share of your profits.


  • Large upfront costs that may never pay off
  • Very complex business organization
  • Big competition
  • A nice design is important for this type of business, so you will have to spend money on renovations

Some aspiring entrepreneurs wonder Is hairdressing a risky business? The answer to this question will be more positive than negative. Any business is a risky business. A huge number of external factors can burn all your investments, or, on the contrary, increase them many times. The only question is how much money you are willing to risk.


  • Unqualified employees. If you select personnel who do their work poorly, you will immediately destroy your business. Word of mouth will do its job.
  • Lack of clients. This can be caused by an incorrectly chosen type of hairdresser or an incorrectly defined target audience.
  • You may not have enough money. Very often, development eats up your savings. If you are planning to launch a large establishment and your budget is calculated back to back, you may not have enough money to break even.

Types of hairdressing salons

First of all, you need to decide whether you want to open an economy class hairdresser or a large beauty salon? Let's look at the pros and cons.

Economy class

These hair salons are usually located in residential areas, shopping centers or somewhere else. They do not differ in anything original from the gray mass of competitors, either inside or outside.


  • Minimum investment
  • Easy to find staff

Disadvantages and risks:

  • Small profit
  • People have been living in their areas for years, and when you open your establishment next to their houses in a residential area, it is not at all a fact that they will come to you. Very often they continue to go to other trusted establishments. Therefore, it is very important not to make a mistake with the place.

Economy class hair salon

Beauty saloon

Elite hairdressing salons are already a more serious business and they require full commitment from the entrepreneur when starting up. You can’t just take a room with a leaking roof and a stench and raise the price tags. The client should receive positive emotions from everything: a beautiful sign, interior, comfortable chairs, well-groomed hairdressers and a sweet smiling girl at the reception. Only then will he be ready to pay a lot for a haircut and come back again.


  • High profit
  • Loyal customers will come to you across the city

Disadvantages and risks:

  • Very complex organization
  • Large expenses for absolutely everything
  • You cannot hire unqualified employees without work experience
  • It is necessary to come up with a general concept and make a beautiful renovation
  • Without due diligence, there is a high probability of losing your entire investment.

Large beauty salon


If you want to sharply narrow your target audience and are figuring out how to open a children's hairdresser, then the essence here is exactly the same as in adult establishments.

You can open a cheap, simple and not very profitable one. Or you can invest a huge amount of money and launch an entire beauty salon for children.

The only distinguishing feature is that you need to find a place where a large number of children and their parents will intersect. It wouldn't make sense to open a children's hair salon in some office district. Your reference points should be kindergartens, schools and various children's clubs.

At home

Opening a hairdresser at home is a very interesting option for those who are tired of their bosses and want to start working for themselves. All you need is regular loyal customers who will regularly come to you and invite their friends.

Since you work from home, you won't have a big sign that will let people know that this is a hair salon. Therefore, you need to create profiles on social networks and try to promote them.

As for the official operation of the business and paying taxes, difficulties may arise here. The fact is that in order to operate legally, hairdressing salons must meet sanitary and epidemiological requirements. It is very difficult to do this at home.

What does it take to open a hairdresser?

First of all, to open a hairdressing salon from scratch, you need to register an individual entrepreneur. We recommend registering an individual entrepreneur because it is much faster and cheaper than an LLC. In the future, when things get better and you want to create a large chain of hairdressing salons, you can return to this issue.

To provide services to hairdressers and beauty salons, when registering, you must select OKVED 93.02.

Necessary stack of documents

To officially open a hairdressing salon, you need to obtain the following documents:

  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur
  • Certificate of ownership or lease agreement
  • Conclusion on sanitary and hygienic requirements from the SES
  • Permission from Rospozhnadzor
  • Permission from the local administration
  • Project documentation with communication systems
  • Agreements with utility organizations

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements

Hairdressing salons are under the control of the SES, so to start our business we need to pass certain sanitary and epidemiological requirements. These requirements can be found in document SanPiN, which was approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2010 No. 59.

Requirements, availability of separate premises for:

  • Storage of equipment and waste
  • Bathrooms and rest rooms for staff
  • Equipment cleaning room with hot and cold water

Linen that is used more than once, for example, towels, capes, rags, must be washed. To meet the requirements of the SES, dirty linen must be handed over to the laundry under an agreement, or you need to equip a separate room for laundry in your hairdressing salon.

You can download the official document of the sanitary and epidemiological requirements of the hairdresser from our website.

List of services provided

In order to open a small or large hairdressing salon, we must clearly understand what services will be provided to visiting clients.

The larger your establishment, the more services from this list you will provide. It should be understood that there is no point in organizing hair spa treatments for an economy class hairdresser. And the lack of opportunity to wash your hair will clearly not be a plus for an elite beauty salon.

Standard services that ideally should be provided even in an economy class hair salon:

  • A haircut
  • Model haircut
  • Laying
  • Perm
  • Manicure
  • Shaving

Hair salon services for middle class clients:

  • Cosmetologist services
  • Pedicure
  • Beautiful nail painting
  • Braiding
  • Modern haircuts
  • Lamination
  • Bioperm

Services of large beauty salons:

  • Stylist services
  • Creating an individual image
  • Author's haircuts
  • Professional make-up
  • Hair spa treatments

Step-by-step instructions on how to open a hair salon from scratch

Below you can see the approximate plan for launching your own hairdressing salon. Business planning is influenced by many different factors: the city, your budget, competition and others. Of course, the few steps presented below are not some kind of paradigm. Always go beyond and do not strictly follow other people's plans. Ours will show you only an approximate route.

Step 1 - defining the type

The first thing we must do is decide what audience we are counting on and how much money we have in our pocket. We have two options: an economical hairdresser or a large beauty salon. Based on your budget, strength and self-confidence, you need to make a choice.

Step 2 - IP registration

We have already talked about this above, so we will not focus too much on it. Registering an individual entrepreneur
with OKVED 93.02.

Step 3 - choosing a location and premises

You need to select a room for a hairdresser taking into account that one workplace takes up about 6 sq.m. Therefore, you need to think in advance about how many employees will work for you.

Economical hair salon Beauty saloon
It is usually located in residential areas and does not require large expenses. A small room of about 50 sq.m. will do.
Also, some minor cosmetic repairs and a fresh sign are needed.
Before selecting a room, you first need to think through the general concept and approximate design. This is what we will base our choice on.

It is best to locate somewhere in the city center so that people from different areas can get to you relatively quickly. The ideal option would be a room with parking.

Expensive repairs will be required.

Rent 30,000r/month Rent 150,000r/month
Repair RUR 70,000 Repair RUR 1,500,000

One workplace occupies 6 sq.m.

Step 4 - purchase of equipment

The larger the hairdresser we open, the more equipment we will spend.

Economical hair salon Beauty saloon
Name Price Qty Total Qty Total
Chair for client 7.000 4 28000 20 140.000
Mirror 4.500 4 18.000 20 90.000
Washing 10.000 2 20.000 4 40.000
Tool shelf 3.000 4 12.000 20 60.000
Tools 100.000 100.000 500.000
Administration desk 25.000 1 25.000 1 25.000
Sofa in the waiting area 16.000 1 16.000 3 48.000
Coffee table 5.000 1 5.000 4 25.000
Hanger 8.000 1 8.000 5 40000
Total: 232.000 968.000

After preliminary calculations, the cost of equipment for a small hairdressing salon will be 232,000 rubles, and for a large beauty salon 968,000 rubles.

In our calculations, average indicators were used. In some cases, the cost, for example, of a mirror can be 15,000 rubles for an elite salon, or 1,500 rubles when purchased on Avito for an economical establishment.

Step 5 - recruitment

Your employees are your most important asset, after your customers, of course. Many clients choose approximately the same hairstyles, the same hair salons and the same hairdressers from year to year.

It is important for you to do everything to ensure that the client returns to you a second time. It might even be worth holding promotions “First 5 visits with a 20% discount”

But that’s not about that now. Your employees have the biggest impact on your customers. Therefore, before hiring a new employee, you need to understand what emotions the client will have after communicating with him.

For both expensive beauty salons and economical salons, it is important to hire the most professional, positive and sociable employees.

Hairdressers' salaries are usually 20%-40% of revenue

In the future, it is necessary to monitor which specialists are most often booked for an individual appointment and draw certain conclusions.

In addition to the craftsmen, you will need a couple more employees.

  • Cleaner with a salary of 11,000 rubles
  • Administrator with a salary of 25,000 rubles

Step 6 - advertising and attracting clients

At the last step, you need to turn on your imagination to the maximum and try to remember what you read in books about marketing.

It seems that creating beauty salons has recently become as fashionable as vacationing in Courcheville and driving a Hummer there. Every month, 2-3 new establishments appear here and there. Cosmetology exhibitions have responded sensitively to the beauty boom. Among the stands with new cosmetic lines and equipment, signs appeared that read “consultations on opening beauty salons.” Most of the visitors at the last exhibition crowded where the usual drawing board stood and dozens of projects of new showrooms opened over the past year were hung.

From my conversation with consultants, it turned out that only every fourth beauty salon is opened by the owner with the desire to make money, in other cases it is either a beautiful toy as a gift for a beloved woman, or an inheritance for a daughter, or a desire to have a “pocket salon” for yourself and for friends. Quite often, a salon business begins with a man running his own business giving money to a woman so that she can do a beautiful job, not get bored at home, and feel happy and grateful to her benefactor. Many newcomers to the salon business do not have management experience in the beauty industry, and do not even imagine what is happening “on the other side of the barricades” of salon life. As a result, a quarter of salons go bankrupt in the first year of life, and another quarter never becomes profitable, barely making ends meet, periodically replenishing funds from sponsorship purses.

Of course, for those who view the salon business in advance as a non-refundable investment, a toy for the woman they love, then this article will not help. But if you take the opening of a beauty salon seriously and immediately start playing by the rules, then you can consistently receive more than thirty percent of the invested capital from your new business.

Let's evaluate the market

The salon business belongs to the fast-growing category. Remember, from Soviet times we only inherited hairdressers and the only Beauty Institute on Novy Arbat. Today in Russia there are more than 3,000 beauty salons that, in addition to banal haircuts, also provide a variety of cosmetic procedures. Is it a lot or a little? In little Italy, 110,000 beauty salons get along quite well, and they even passed a law prohibiting the opening of a new salon within two hundred meters of existing ones. With the growth of the middle class of Russians, whose standard of living is approaching Western standards, in terms of our population, tens of thousands of new salons are required.

The growth in the number of beauty salons is facilitated by the fact that in society it has become indecent to appear unkempt, unkempt, and old. Now Russians not only cut their hair, dye their hair, and take care of their nails, but also en masse have begun to shape their figure, rejuvenate their skin, and fight stress and cellulite. Up to a quarter of today's beauty salon clients are previously unusual visitors - men, puzzled by the fight against hair loss, beer belly and chronic fatigue. Young people also flocked to salons, seeking to tidy up the blooming skin of adolescence. Over the past two years, thirty percent of women aged 30 to 40, who previously visited beauty salons only as clients of a hairdresser, for the first time took courses in expensive cosmetic procedures - skin rejuvenation, figure correction, etc. Clients have come to understand that home care in terms of effectiveness cannot be compared with salon procedures; moreover, the salon saves time, effort and adds positive emotions from communicating with beauty masters.

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How much milk does a cow give?

The revenue of modern beauty salons ranges from twenty to fifty thousand dollars a month, and after deducting expenses, the owners can have from three to twenty thousand dollars in net profit. The size of the beauty salon matters. The smaller the size of the salon, the less profit is made, because according to SES standards, each salon must have auxiliary areas that do not bring in money. A cabin size of 120 to 180 meters is considered to be quite optimal.

Let's make an economic calculation of a small beauty salon with an area of ​​120 sq.m., which contains:

  1. The client reception area (hall), which also serves as a mini-store selling home care cosmetics, is 12 square meters.
  2. Hairdressing salon for two chairs - 15 sq.m. meters.
  3. Combined manicure and pedicure room - 8 sq. meters.
  4. Three universal cosmetologist’s offices, where equipment for figure correction, ultrasound peeling, and oxygen mesotherapy is also installed - 12x3 = 36 sq. meters.
  5. Massage room, where body wraps are also performed - 9 sq. meters.
  6. Solarium - 6 sq. meters.
  7. Auxiliary premises (sterilization room, warehouse, director's office, staff rest room) - 26 sq. meters.

Why such large offices and auxiliary areas, you ask? Look at the SES standards issued in June 2003!

Monthly income of a beauty salon, USD

Service Max quantity per day Service price Revenue per month Consumption of materials, % Consumption in USD Profit from the service
Hairdresser 2 chairs 24 40% 15 4320 15% 648 3672
Mani Pedi 12 30% 25 3000 15% 450 2550
Cosmetologist 8 50% 30 3600 30% 1080 2525
Massage 12 30% 25 3000 5% 150 2850
Peeling 12 20% 40 2880 5% 144 2736
Solarium 48 20% 10 2880 20% 576 2304
Complex for correction 20 30% 30 5400 0,50% 27 5373
Ultrasound peeling 12 10% 30 1080 5% 54 1026
Wraps 12 20% 30 2160 5% 108 2050
Mesotherapy 30 10% 50 4500 25% 1125 3375
Selling cosmetics in the lobby 3000 66% 2000 1000
Total: avg.28% 35820 6362 29458

Staff payment

Speciality Salary Payment amount* Qty Total*
Cosmetologist 25-60% from turnover 1000 2 2000
Doctor 100 USD + 2% from turnover 1000 2 2000
Aestheticians 80 USD + 1% from turnover 400 4 1600
Massage therapists 20-50% from turnover 600 2 1200
Manager 200 USD + 4% on profit 1000 1 1000
Administrator 150 USD + 1% from turnover 600 2 1200
Accountant 200 USD (part-time) 200 1 200
Cleaning woman 150 USD 150 1 150
Manicure 40-45% of turnover 500 2 1000
Hairdresser 20-40% from turnover 500 4 2000
Total: 21 12350

* - average for Moscow beauty salons

Total operating costs

The monthly net profit of the beauty salon (excluding taxes) is 5,746 USD.
Per year – 68952 USD

Directors of beauty salons will object to me that the indicated figures for salon occupancy are underestimated. I did this on purpose. It’s better that the new salon earns more than what is written here. If, of course, he manages to attract more clients, and most importantly, retain them, then he will earn a lot more. Of course, for each region the figures for prices, salaries and salon occupancy vary. Use these tables, plug in your numbers and get a prototype of a business plan for your future salon.

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Step number zero. Where to begin?

Have you decided to open a beauty salon? Then the first thing you should do is go to the Canaries. This is not a joke, because the next six months will pass in your troubles. Once you've returned to activity, rested and tanned, it's time to get started.

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Step 1. It all starts with an idea

If you were opening a restaurant, where would you start? Is it with the selection of premises, equipment or with the search for personnel? Of course not! First, you decide what kind of cuisine you will offer to the consumer - Russian, European, Georgian or some exotic one.

Likewise, a beauty salon starts with choosing the treatments you are going to offer to clients. There are hundreds of options, but they can be roughly divided into three groups:

  1. Image (hairdressing services, manicure, pedicure, tanning, tattoo, piercing, etc.).
  2. Medical (correction of facial and figure imperfections, rejuvenation, anti-cellulite programs, etc.).
  3. Relaxation (massage, thalassotherapy and SPA, light therapy, aromatherapy, etc.).

In the late 90s, salons focused mainly on image procedures, that is, on creating immediate visual appeal for clients. They offered hairdressing services, manicures, pedicures, make-up and several cosmetology programs for the face - mainly superficial or deep cleansing of the skin or, in everyday language - “cleaning”, as well as massage, masks according to skin type (or age) and professional cosmetic lines (salon and home care). There were almost no body programs offered in salons. We only learned about the existence of cellulite in the 90s, so body care in many salons was limited to massage.

Modern trends in the beauty market, in addition to the above “classical” components, require the presence of a larger number of medical and relaxation procedures in the salon:

  1. Areas related to therapeutic and preventive manipulations of the face and body (mesotherapy, peelings, anti-aging programs, anti-cellulite programs).
  2. Manipulations aimed at non-invasive sculptural correction of the face and body (volume reduction, modeling of facial and body contours, tissue tightening, bust lifting, etc.).
  3. Measures to reduce the amount of fat deposits (non-invasive and needle electrolipolysis).
  4. SPA procedures.
  5. Massage with various types of wraps.
  6. Solarium, which is a good addition in terms of expanding the range of services, but is by no means the procedure on which they relied.

Hairdressing and related services today are classified as important, but not essential. As life has shown, salon owners are reducing the number of hairdressing chairs, because medical and physiotherapeutic procedures have turned out to be much more profitable than classical ones. Practice has shown that every square meter occupied by figure correction or mesotherapy brings three times more than a meter of a hairdressing salon.

Most beginners stumble at the first step. The motive for an erroneous choice of salon concept is often copying the price list of services from your favorite beauty salon, your own preferences for certain procedures, and the desire to follow the latest fashion in the beauty industry.

In the first case, the remake is always worse than the original, which means it is not able to drag clients to the new salon, because they simply have no reason to change their usual place. In the second case, something like a tanning studio is born, where the unlucky owner installs about five solariums and nothing else, and then is surprised that they are ten percent occupied. In the third case, at the last exhibition, several overseas miracle units of space design are purchased, which, as a rule, are able to perform well only a few individual procedures, but not a complete program for eradicating some problem of the body or face. And the client, as Arkady Raikin said, does not need a well-sewn button, but for the suit to fit.

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Step 2: Highlight

Modern salons benefit from a wide range of services, so that a busy client does not have to run around to other establishments, but can get all the services in one place. But a new salon definitely needs to acquire one or two “zest” that no one else around has. That is, add something to the range of services designed to become the “highlight of the season” in the list of services. To do this, they choose an area of ​​specialization, and, of course, equipment and specialists who can comprehensively solve these problems. For example, having chosen figure correction as the main feature of the salon, you should acquire equipment that can provide myostimulation, lymphatic drainage, isometric shaping, vacuum massage, etc. Each of these elements complements and enhances the correction process. And vice versa - the absence of one of these elements can nullify attempts to achieve results. Non-surgical methods of figure and face correction using Izojay class devices are very effective as a “highlight”, such as:

  • breast lift by several centimeters;
  • formation of the “Brazilian butt”;
  • elimination of double chin.

You can also choose some newfangled trend as a “trick”. At first, local clients will confuse the SPA with a regular sauna, in which there is only a “sauna-swimming pool-beer-girls”, but then they will see many differences between a sauna and a SPA:

  • instead of a font, swimming pool or low-power jacuzzi - a SPA hydromassage bath with powerful jets massaging the right points of the body;
  • instead of random music or radio - a carefully selected relaxing music program;
  • instead of the smell of dampness - aromatherapy;
  • instead of beer - a large selection of herbal teas and mineral water;
  • instead of a random massage therapist - highly professional massage programs (manual and hardware).

In addition, in the SPA area, clients will enjoy thalassotherapy procedures (mud peeling, wraps, VICHI shower and much more). When clients feel that a visit to the SPA allows, without leaving anywhere, as if to spend a day in Baden-Baden and Karlovy Vary, forget about the passage of time, about worries, about stress, to make the body and soul as light as a feather, most of them will forever remain a fan of the new salon.

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Step 3. Think about yourself

We're going to make money, after all. Therefore, when choosing a set of services for a future salon, let’s choose those on which you can make money. The profitability of hairdressing services, for example, cannot be compared with medical ones. And we would like to see as much profit as possible from every meter of the salon, right?

Compare for yourself:

A haircut lasts about forty minutes, for which the client will pay an average of 300 rubles, of which the hairdresser takes 100 rubles, plus shampoo, conditioner, electricity, water, etc. are consumed. There are also administrative expenses, advertising costs, etc. With the average daily workload of a hairdresser being 30-40 percent, the monthly income of one chair is unlikely to be more than 30 thousand rubles.

During the same time, one mesotherapy session brings in revenue of three thousand rubles. After deducting consumables and wages, the salon owner’s income will be one and a half thousand rubles. Ten times more than from a haircut! Even if a mesotherapist is on average three times less busy than a hairdresser, the salon owner will receive not 15, but 45 thousand rubles at the end of the month. In addition, at a time when the mesotherapist does not have registered clients, various other procedures can be performed in the same office.

Thus, a meter of a cosmetology salon, by definition, brings in several times more profit than a meter of a hairdressing salon.

In order to determine which of the procedures can bring greater returns per square meter, you need to take the profitability of each of the services and divide them by the square footage of the office, taking into account SES standards. Since in some offices we can purchase and install several types of equipment at once (just as in a hairdressing salon you can do not only haircuts, but also hair coloring, and a manicure salon can do nail extensions), this simple technique can tighten the work schedule of the offices. In other words, if there is no appointment for a massage room, but a client appears for a body wrap, then the room will make a profit for a related procedure.

How much profit can a meter of area give under various procedures?

Salon Mani Pedi Massage Cosmetologist's offices (2) Body correction room
Revenue 4320 3000 3000 3600
2880 peeling
4500 meso
Material costs 648 450 150 1080
Staff costs 2000 1000 1200 2000
Overheads* 1118 596 671 1788 894
Profit 554 954 979 4043 3679
Number of meters of area 15 8 9 24 12
Profit per meter 37 120 108 168 306
Rating, place 5 3 4 2 1

* Overhead costs (7,000) are distributed for each meter of working space plus the hall (94 sq. m.)
* As a result, each meter carries a load of $74.5 per month.

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Step 4. Buy or rent?

There are many arguments for purchasing premises for a beauty salon. Let's start with the fact that investing in real estate is already a profitable investment. In the worst case scenario, even if your salon business fails, the premises will always remain your property. In addition, a simple calculation shows that in two to three years of rent you will pay the landlord the same amount as if you had bought these spaces.
But there are other arguments:

  • the most difficult permits to obtain, such as a sanitary certificate, firemen's permit and medical license, are issued in relation to the salon address indicated on them. When you change location, you lose several months to get new approvals.
  • if you change your address, you will lose the lion's share of clients.
  • the landlord understands that you are “on the hook”, and you become completely dependent on him. The rest is a matter of the landlord’s conscience.

Are there any conscientious landlords? Dating.

Having selected the premises, you need to return to the concept and adapt the developed idea for the future salon to the needs of local clients. Chances are your concept will change. Ask yourself:

  • If there are several banks located near you, are anti-cellulite programs necessary? After all, the age of bank employees, as a rule, does not exceed 25 years?
  • If you are located near a university, would you offer anti-aging treatments to students rather than solutions to youthful skin problems?
  • if your salon is located in a business center, would you offer piercings and tattoos rather than a SPA area?

These questions may seem funny, but, alas, very often salons open without any research. Few people try to identify target groups and choose the set of services that is dictated by demand.

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Step 5. Competitive environment

The concept of the salon needs to be adjusted depending on the competitive environment. Find all the beauty salons in your three-kilometer area (take a map, draw a circle and plot all the salons). Next, under the guise of a resident who has recently moved to the area, visit each competitor and ask the administrator to show you the salon, write down:

  • service list;
  • price list;
  • evaluate advertising activity;
  • evaluate the level of service;
  • appreciate the politeness and training of the administrator.

Don’t be fooled if you don’t see clients in the salon - in good salons, clients do not wait for their turn, but, having arrived by appointment, immediately go to the offices.
Don’t be lazy to call each salon and listen to how they talk to the client on the phone. Try signing up for some procedures (then you can cancel the registration - “changed your mind”). If convenient (usually evening) hours are busy, then the salon is doing well.

Make a brief description of each salon. Overlay the list of services of your future salon with the lists of competitors, and identify similar procedures in which the client most likely will not see the zest for which he would come to a new salon.

The first paragraph contains basic project data.


Activities: beauty services.
Location: indicate the city and district in which the enterprise is opening, and the population.
Area: 70 square meters.
Ownership form: rent
Schedule: 9:00-21:00 , seven days a week.


  • Hairdressing salons (including hair extensions);
  • Manicure and pedicure (including nail extensions);
  • Epilation;
  • Cosmetology, including hardware;
  • Body care (wraps, massage);
  • Tanning in the solarium.

Market analysis

Target audience: people aged 18-45 years. At the same time, most of the clientele are women 20-35 years old (about 70%), about 20% of visitors are people 35-45 years old, the remaining 10% are elderly people and teenagers.

The most successful choice of location is a residential area, built up with multi-storey buildings. In this case (subject to placement in a large city), approximately 30-40 thousand people will become potential clients of the establishment.

Before starting work, analyze all institutions located in the area, their list of services and pricing policy. Develop your own advantage for each competitor. For example, a “protection” from a large establishment will be a service that only you offer, a bright sign, and affordable prices.

Business organization

This paragraph provides a description of registering business activities, obtaining permits, and choosing a taxation system.

We open an individual entrepreneur with simplified taxation. OKVED codes:

  1. 93.02 Providing services in hairdressing and beauty salons (this includes standard hairdressing procedures, makeup, manicure).
  2. 93.04 Physical education and health activities (massages, solarium).
  3. 85.14 Other health activities.
  4. 52.13 Other retail trade in non-specialized stores.
  5. 52.33 Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumes.

A package of documents with which you can start working: permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, State Fire Inspectorate. For cosmetic procedures, hair removal, massage, a medical license is required. When calculating how much it costs to open a beauty salon, start with these costs.

Marketing plan

To get clients to come to you, develop competitive advantages. For example, an average price segment with high quality, a wide range of procedures, discounts and bonuses for regular customers.

Image and advertising

To start such a business from scratch, you will need:

  • Outdoor sign (about $500);
  • Development of corporate identity, logo ($100-150);
  • Website development and promotion ($150-350);
  • Printed handouts: leaflets, business cards ($150);
  • Placement in a popular women's magazine (about $300).

Promotion channels

You can effectively promote your establishment using a website and communities on social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram). The most important channel is the clients themselves, “word of mouth”.

Sales promotion methods

You can increase demand and attract attention with promotions:

  1. Opening ceremony with a drawing of gifts and distribution of certificates with discounts.
  2. Sale of gift certificates. Especially relevant for the holidays - February 14, March 8, New Year. The target audience is men who want to give a gift to their beloved, and women who choose a gift for a friend.
  3. When ordering a set of procedures, the first procedure is free of charge. This will help the visitor to be convinced of the effectiveness of your methods and will not be deterred by an “unreasonable price.”


Taking into account the establishment’s orientation towards the average (and slightly above average) price category, we are developing a price list. Let's give an almost ready-made example with the most profitable and popular services (prices are indicated in dollars):


  • A haircut. Women's - 7-8, men's - 5;
  • Laying - 4-5;
  • Toning - 8;
  • Highlighting - 13;
  • Lamination - 15;
  • Hair straightening - 23;
  • Perm - 30-38;
  • Hair extensions - 70-120.


  • Daytime - 13;
  • Evening - 23;
  • Wedding - from 25;
  • Eyelash extensions - 23;
  • Eyebrow extension - 30;
  • Eyebrow correction – 4.

Nail care

  • Manicure – 5;
  • Pedicure – 11;
  • Paraffin therapy – 4;
  • Nail extension – 12-30 depending on the technology.

Depilation and hair removal

  • Depilation of the lower leg – 8;
  • Depilation of thighs – 8;
  • Hand depilation – 8;
  • Armpit depilation – 6;
  • Classic bikini – from 8;
  • Deep bikini – 18;
  • Electrolysis – 16/hour;
  • Laser hair removal - 4.5/1 sq. cm;
  • Photoepilation – from 55.


  • Ultrasonic facial cleansing – 26;
  • Whitening with vitamin C – 15;
  • Facial massage – 12;
  • Facial peeling – 30-60;
  • Correction of facial wrinkles (Botox, Relatox, Xeomin) - 4/unit;
  • Anti-rosacea program – 29-38;
  • Lip augmentation with Botox - 5/unit (about 150 - full course).

Body care

  • Massage – from 13;
  • Lymphatic drainage massage – from 23, general – 70/hour;
  • Vacuum roller massage – 15/session;


  • Honey – 20;
  • Algal – 23;
  • Chocolate – 23;
  • Thermal wrap – 46.


3-4/10 minutes.

Production plan

In order for an institution to generate good income, it is necessary to place as many jobs inside as possible.

Premises requirements:

  • Separate entrance;
  • Water supply is cold and hot. Water should flow not only into utility rooms, but also into the work area;
  • Good lighting - daylight plus artificial light - only about 30-35 lamps;
  • Flow ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • Fire safety system.

The project provides for the correct division of the premises into zones:

  1. Reception, wardrobe – 9 sq.m. m;
  2. Hairdressing salon – 15 sq.m. m;
  3. Makeup artist area – five square meters;
  4. Manicurist area – 6 sq. m;
  5. Massage room – 11 square meters;
  6. Cosmetology room – 10 sq.m. m;
  7. Solarium – eight square meters;
  8. Utility room – 3 sq.m. m;
  9. Shower room - three square meters.

Renting such a space will cost about $900 per month.

Technical base

The most important investment is equipment. Opening a beauty salon requires the purchase of the following equipment and furniture for the establishment (prices in dollars):

The waiting area

  • Reception desk – 300;
  • Cash register – 180;
  • Computer, telephone – 300;
  • Wardrobe for things – 230;
  • LCD TV – 240;
  • Sofa – 150;
  • Coffee table – 70.

Hair salon

  • Two armchairs– 300-400. A good selection of inexpensive hydraulic seats is provided by the Image Inventor brand.
  • Workplace with mirror(two) – 300. Image inventory or Panda.
  • Suchoir– 150. An inexpensive one can be purchased from the Profreshenie company, a more expensive and better quality option is from the Italian company Vision.
  • Climazon(two) – 550. In the middle price category, Polish “Harmony”, Italian EGG, Ceriotti are popular.
  • Armchair with sink– 240. The best and inexpensive manufacturers – Image-master, Image-inventor.
  • Washing– 130. Recommended and high-quality for little money - Italian Laguna, “Sonata” from Image Inventor.
  • Sterilizer– 55. Sanity, Germix.
  • Cart(two) – 96. Modus, Artecno.

Nail care salon

  • Manicure table – 90. The best options are offered by Artecno, Madison, Euromedservice.
  • Stand – 110. Artecno.
  • Manicure machine – 300. Saeshin, Euromedservice.
  • Manicure hood – 60. Ultratech.
  • UV lamp – 50. Germix, Yoko.
  • Chairs (two) - 330. Lemi, SalonISPA.
  • Wax melters, equipment for paraffin therapy – 100. Yoko, Madison.
  • Shelves – 75. Lemi, Armando.
  • Pedicure bath – 30. Polaris, Freezing.
  • Pedicure machine – 1000. Podomaster, Unitronic.


  • Armchair – 40. Image master, Lemi.
  • Mirror and table – 230. SalonISPA, J-Mirror.

Cosmetology salon

  • "Toplazer" for photoepilation - 4600.
  • Vacuum roller massage device "Diflexi" — 5300.
  • Pressotherapy device "Bloomoon" — 2300.
  • Ultrasonic peeling device SILVER FOX – 320.
  • Master's chair – 75. Madison, Gezatone.
  • Couch – 200. Madison, Image Inventor.
  • Cosmetologist's table – 120. Lemi.

Body care

  • Thermal blanket SILVER FOX – 300.
  • Electric massage couch – 200. Cesare Qaranta, Belberg.
  • Massage therapist table – 40. Belberg, Diakoms.
  • Wrap couch (spa couch) – 1800-2000. Relatively inexpensive and convenient options are Libya, SPA SUITE, SAVONAGE, SMERALDO.


Vertical - 8000. Optimal and time-tested options - Luxura, MegaSun, SmartSun.
Horizontal – 9000. Luxura, MegaSun, ErgoLine.

In addition, there are still a lot of smaller acquisitions that need to be made.. These include cosmetics, tools, consumables, and uniforms for workers (three sets per person).

Most often, craftsmen come to work with their own set of tools. But in any case, it’s worth knowing which brands offer the highest quality tools and consumables in the beauty industry. The “face” of an enterprise greatly depends on the brands whose products it works with.

Hair cosmetics and hair care tools:

  • Schwarzkopf;
  • Loreal;
  • London;
  • Goldwell;
  • Estel;
  • Wella;
  • Dickson;
  • BaByliss;
  • Moser;
  • Hairway.

Cosmetics and makeup tools:

  1. Divage;
  2. Faberlic;
  3. INGLOT;
  4. Clinique;
  5. L'Oreal;
  6. Max Factor;
  7. Maybelline;
  8. Yves Rocher;
  9. SIGMA;
  10. Mary Kay.

Nail tools and supplies:

  • Mertz;
  • LaFrez;
  • Solingen;
  • Zinger;
  • Redmond;
  • Vitek;
  • Scarlett.

Cosmetics for body wraps:

  1. Algotherm;
  2. Bleu
  3. Arabia Organic.

Organizational plan

The staff includes:

  • Administrator;
  • Manager;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • 4 universal hairdressers (work in shifts);
  • 2 manicurists;
  • Cosmetologist;
  • Masseur.

Accounting is outsourced. All employees must have a document confirming their professional level; specialized education is required for a cosmetologist.

Only the administrator, manager and cleaning lady receive a salary. All craftsmen receive a percentage of the work performed - 30% from the cost of the service + tip.

Launch plan

It will take 4-6 months to open a business. Work on its launch consists of the following stages:

  1. Business registration;
  2. Rent and renovation of premises, finishing;
  3. Technological and engineering design, carrying out necessary communications;
  4. Obtaining permits and licenses;
  5. Purchase of equipment and consumables, installation of equipment;
  6. Personnel search;
  7. Advertising campaign.

Also by, for completeness.


Before the beginning it is worth assessing the possible risks and develop ways to overcome them.

  • Emergence of new competitors. It is necessary to maintain a high level of service, improve quality and expand the range of procedures.
  • Deteriorating market situation, decreased solvency. It will help to develop additional proposals, introduce special programs, and conduct promotions. It is important to build a base of regular customers. In any situation, a woman will want to be beautiful, so you won’t lose visitors.
  • Theft. Security alarms and property insurance will help you avoid this.

Financial plan

Let's understand the financial model of the business.

Capital costs ($)

  • Registration with the Federal Tax Service, obtaining permits – 1000;
  • Rent for a year in advance – 11 thousand;
  • Interior design development – ​​1500;
  • Engineering design – 700;
  • Process design – 400;
  • Repair of the building, premises – 2500;
  • Installation of communications, fire safety systems, video surveillance systems, lighting – 3000;
  • Decoration, purchase of decorative items – 3000;
  • Appliances, furniture, equipment – ​​38 thousand;
  • Purchase of consumables – 3000;
  • Advertising – 1500;
  • Unforeseen expenses - 2000.

Total– 68 thousand dollars.

Monthly costs (USD)

  • Payroll fund – 1500 (masters work piecework);
  • Accounting – 250;
  • Purchase of consumables – 1000;
  • Advertising – 200;
  • Utility bills (including garbage removal) – 100;
  • Unforeseen expenses – 150.

Total– 3200 dollars.

Efficiency and income

Efficiency calculations are carried out based on the fact that in the first months the salon will be occupied by 30-40%. This figure increases to 50-60% by the end of the first year and to 85% by the middle of the third as the establishment’s popularity grows. Peak sales are spring and December. The decline is observed in the summer due to the holiday season.

Based on the above prices, the average check is about 20-40 dollars. Revenue in the first 4-6 months will be about 7 thousand dollars, and the net profit (including the salaries of the craftsmen) will be about 2000 $. Positive development dynamics allow us to reach revenues in the region of 24-30 thousand dollars in two to three years.

Only a detailed plan can begin to act. All events must be scheduled literally week by week. and stick to the schedule. Then the return on business will be optimal.

Today, people are increasingly striving to have a beautiful appearance. This becomes a great incentive for opening new beauty salons. In terms of demand, the salon business is highly promising. A business plan for opening a beauty salon indicates the possibility of attracting a large number of clients, subject to certain conditions of professional management.

Objective of the project: making a profit by providing beauty services to the population.

Key success factors for a beauty salon:

  1. The steadily increasing desire of Russians for Western standards of beauty.
  2. Improving the service.
  3. Increasing the number of services
  4. Increase in the number of male clients (1/4 of salon visitors are men).
  5. Opportunity to attract high-class specialists, training in the best foreign workshops.
  6. Understanding the difference between home care and professional beauty treatments in a salon.

The initial investment amount is 945 000 rubles

Break-even point is reached On the second month of work.

The payback period is 10 months.

Average monthly profit of the 1st year of project implementation 127 600 rub.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Salon business- a fast-growing direction.

A novice businessman should know that in a newly opened salon there is no need to immediately offer visitors all possible services. Such innovations are being introduced gradually. You need to be able to delight customers with new services every time. If you implement everything at once, then, firstly, it will be difficult to figure out which services are in great demand, and secondly, you can simply confuse visitors.

This salon is located in a residential area, within walking distance from houses. It is convenient to visit both after work and on weekends. The room has a cozy, warm atmosphere. The beauty salon is part of the economy segment and has a relatively low investment and quick payback. The average bill for such a salon is 700-900 rubles. It has a large flow of clients and is not susceptible to economic crises.

Types of services:

  • Hairdressing services: coloring, highlighting, extensions, hair straightening, various hairstyles and styling, hair care;
  • Nail service: manicure, pedicure, gel polish, shellac, nail extensions;
  • Body depilation with wax, sugar (sugaring);
  • Classic, relaxing, anti-cellulite massage;
  • Facial tattooing, correction and coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes.

To maximize profits, the beauty salon sells related products:

  • Hair care products;
  • Body care products;
  • Decorative cosmetics.

3. Description of the sales market

The beauty market in Russia is still far from saturation. The demand for beauty services continues to grow; currently market saturation is no more than 50%. Market operators predict growth of beauty salons at least 10% per year. The beauty industry can withstand any crisis. Being well-groomed and attractive is a value for all time. In any economic situation, the services of hairdressers and cosmetologists will be in demand. Even during the last crisis of 2014, beauty salons continued to open. The main thing is to be consistent in your pricing policy and think through your strategy.

The target audience

The target audience of the project can be divided into two separate categories: potential target audience and real target audience.

To potential target audience This includes all people who need to visit a beauty salon from time to time. These can be people of any age and gender with average and below average income. The services of hairdressers are in greatest demand among consumers. Most of the remaining services are designed for women aged 27 to 45 years. As a rule, they are the ones who pay more attention to their appearance and make up the bulk of consumers and are real target audience salon

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

The main goal of the project is to open a beauty salon and maximize its profits.

Review of the real estate market to select the optimal premises.

Requirements for placing a beauty elephant:

  • Location: residential area;
  • Room area - 70-100 m2;
  • Separate entrance from the street or from the end;
  • It is desirable to have parking for 5 cars or more;
  • Preferably the first floor or semi-basement with windows. The basement is not considered. You can consider the second floor with a convenient and short flight of stairs. It is not recommended to consider the location of the salon above the second floor;
  • A place on the façade facing the street is required to place a sign; it is also advisable to have a place to place a banner.

Registration of a legal entity.

The activity can be carried out by either an individual - individual entrepreneur or a legal entity - LLC.

Conclusion of the SES.

To get it, you need:

  • Technical documentation for the premises;
  • Assortment list;
  • Agreement with an organization for waste and hair removal;
  • Agreement for washing negligees and towels;
  • Documents for sterilizers;
  • Agreement for disinfestation, disinfection, sanitary passport;
  • Contract for maintenance of the exhaust ventilation system;

In addition, a sample beauty salon business plan should indicate the need for the following list of documents:

  • Conclusion on work from the fire inspectorate;
  • Permission to carry out activities from the administration of the locality;
  • Permission to trade related goods (from the administration and SES);
  • Agreement with housing department for maintenance (electrical wiring, water supply, etc.);
  • Agreement with the organization for servicing the cash register;
  • Personnel documentation package;

6. Organizational structure


  • director - 1,
  • administrator - 2,
  • masters - 8.

The total number of employees is 11 people.

For a salon that is opening, the selection of employees is very important, because the entire business may depend on it. Testing the professionalism of craftsmen should only be carried out by a qualified specialist in this field. The oral interview must be combined with practice. During an interview with craftsmen, it is necessary not only to assess their level and work experience, but also to evaluate their behavior, sociability, and friendliness.

Ways to find employees: advertisements, employment exchanges, educational institutions, acquaintances, Internet.

The method of calculating wages for craftsmen is piecework. Craftsmen receive 40% of the work done. Administrators and directors receive a fixed salary.

Calculation of wages of employees, rub.

1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month


Hairdressing services


Administrator, 2 people



7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month


Hairdressing services


Administrator, 2 people



7. Financial plan

Investment costs for opening this business are 945,000 rubles.

Sales plan for the 1st year of project implementation, rub.


1 month of work

2 month of work

3 month of work

Number of clients (month)

Wed. We're standing. services (rub.)


Number of clients (month)

Wed. We're standing. services (rub.)


Number of clients (month)

Wed. We're standing. services (rub.)








Cosmetology total, incl.



Products for sale



4 month of work

5 month of work

6 month of work

Number of clients (month)

Wed. We're standing. services (rub.)


Number of clients (month)

Wed. We're standing. services (rub.)


Number of clients (month)

Wed. We're standing. services (rub.)


Total nail service, incl.



Total hairdressing services, incl.





Cosmetology total, incl.



Products for sale

Currently, the salon business is considered one of the most profitable and fastest growing. This can be explained by the fact that people always want to look good, especially women. Yes, of course, you can do without extended nails, but you can’t do without a hairstyle. Long hair is most annoying to men and pensioners. Therefore, a salon or even a small hairdresser will always be in demand, regardless of the financial health of the global economy.

Our business plan for opening a beauty salon will help novice businessmen make their start in this area very successfully. You will learn which registration form you will need to choose for the salon, which services are worth providing and which are not. We will present the most common financial plan for the purchase of equipment, indicate the criteria for choosing a suitable premises, and consider the profitability of a beauty salon and payback.

Relevance of a beauty salon business idea

Now we can confidently say that the salon business has firmly established itself in the services market. Everywhere you look there are salons! Moreover, sometimes you can even see several beauty salons located side by side with each other. Are their owners really so confident in themselves that they are absolutely not afraid of competition?

It should be noted that there has always been competition in this area. But when opening such a business, it is better to think not about competition, but about the quality of the services provided. Then your competitors will worry. If a salon has good advertising, experienced professionals and a full range of services, then it will always bring good profits (even at the initial stage).

But salon is different from salon. Nowadays even the most ordinary hairdressing salons call themselves “salons”, although, of course, the level is not the same. Therefore, you should not deceive customers with a proud sign.

If you are thinking about opening such an establishment, then first ask yourself a question. Who is the salon open for? If you are in a large metropolis with a huge number of residents and plan to provide a large number of business class services, then, of course, open a beauty salon and think carefully about its image name. But if services are provided mainly to pensioners who are more accustomed to hairdressing salons and are afraid to go into salons, then there is no need for a salon. We call the business the old fashioned way “hair salon”, otherwise it will scare away your potential clients. You can also divide salons into other categories, for example, animal salons, children's beauty studios, image studios, etc. The main thing is not to get confused in all this variety of names and be able to accurately indicate the categories of your salon.

Salon registration

Once the direction of the salon has been chosen, it’s time to think about registration. The best thing . in this case it will be 93.02.

To register a salon, the following documents are required.

  • Business plan.
  • Lease contract.
  • Conclusions from the fire and sanitary services.
  • Permission to carry out activities.
  • Agreement for the removal of waste materials (in this case, hair).
  • Maintenance agreement with the Housing Office.
  • Certificate of conformity.
  • Medical records for all employees.

Depending on the region, the package of documents may be supplemented.

Please note that you need to remember that some areas of the beauty salon activity must be licensed. Get a license if the salon will provide massage or cosmetology services. That is, these are all those services that involve violation of the skin.

How to open a beauty salon from scratch?

Premises for a beauty salon

First you need to think about where to carry out this activity. That is, what kind of room will be needed for this. It can be of any size, but most likely you will not own it. There are two ways: either rent the premises or buy it. The second option, of course, is acceptable only for very wealthy citizens, since commercial real estate nowadays costs a lot of money. Therefore, most will have to be content with renting space for a beauty salon. Of course, God knows what, and the dependence on the landlord is great, but rent always pays off.

The main thing when choosing a room is to ensure that there are all the necessary conditions for work. The salon will definitely need a utility room, a bathroom, and sinks. If the plumbing is not installed, be sure to agree with the landlord about installing it.

Purchase of equipment and furniture

To carry out the type of activity of a beauty salon, you will need to purchase the following equipment (sample list):

  • mirrors,
  • tables for hairdressers,
  • manicure table,
  • reception desk,
  • barber chairs,
  • cabinets and bedside tables.


For a salon that is opening, the selection of employees is very important, because the entire business may depend on it. All tests of the skill of "recruits" must be carried out only by a qualified specialist in this field. Under no circumstances should you draw any conclusions during an oral interview. Note that it is better to immediately combine an oral interview with practice. During interviews with foremen, it is necessary to evaluate not only their level and work experience, but also their behavior and sociability.

Calculating employee wages is also a simple matter. Usually the master receives percentage of work done. If an employee is just beginning to gain experience in this field (trainee), then he is given a fixed salary.

You can search for employees in different ways: through advertisements, employment exchanges, in educational institutions, through friends and the Internet.

Description of the activities of the beauty salon

A novice businessman should know that in a newly opened salon there is no need to immediately offer visitors all possible services. Such innovations are being introduced gradually. You need to be able to delight customers with new services every time. If you immediately dump the entire arsenal on them, then, firstly, it will be difficult to figure out which services are in great demand, and secondly, you can simply confuse visitors.

In addition, when choosing a set of services, you need to rely on the category of clients that you are going to serve. Naturally, piercings and trendy hairstyles will not be popular among pensioners, but you can introduce inexpensive spa treatments or your own anti-aging program.

We offer a small list of beauty salon services:

  • SPA treatments,
  • mesotherapy,
  • figure correction programs,
  • cleansing the face and nose,
  • manicure and pedicure,
  • thalassotherapy,
  • solarium,
  • massage, etc.

If you want to distinguish yourself, then you can try to arrange in your salon something that your competitors do not have. For example, doing afro braiding, piercing, curling and eyelash extensions, depilation, henna drawings. The main thing here is the imagination of the business owner.

Financial plan: how much does it cost to open a beauty salon?

The minimum amount to open the simplest salon is about 60,000 rubles. But, as practice shows, not everyone manages to meet it. For a medium-sized salon opened from scratch, you will need about 400,000 rubles. This is a more realistic cost of such pleasure.

The sources of profit in this case are all employees. It is best if they receive their salary as a percentage of their work. Then they will not be included in the initial costs of opening a salon. After all, if there are no clients at the initial stage, then a fixed fee for labor may become an unplanned expense item.

It’s more difficult with sources of expenses, because there will be much more of them. These are expenses for renting premises, salaries, utilities, garbage removal, consumables, telephone communications, security, etc. These are the main sources. You may have more or less of them - the main thing is to take into account everything possible when making calculations, because then you won’t have to expect unforeseen troubles.

Approximate calculations

  • from 1 hairdresser - 40,000 rubles. per month (this is minus the master’s salary);
  • from 1 manicurist - 30,000 rubles. per month;
  • if we have two hairdressers and a manicurist, then the total profit for the month will be 110,000 rubles.
  • rent - 20,000 rubles;
  • utility bills - 5,000 rubles;
  • garbage removal - 3,000 rubles;
  • purchase of consumables - 10,000 rubles;
  • alarm (security) - 15,000 rubles;
  • telephone conversations - 3,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 5,000 rubles.

Total: expenses amount to 61,000 rubles.

110,000 - 61,000 = 49,000 rubles. net profit from one salon per month.

Business selling dresses for brides and other wedding services:

Beauty salon payback

To decide whether it is profitable to open a beauty salon, you need to make average calculations of the salon’s profit. Of course, income may vary over different periods of time. For example, on holidays there is more profit, but during the holiday period it may be completely zero.

Experts recommend this formula for calculating profits. We take, for example, hairdressers. We estimate the average price of the service (since they can be different) and multiply it by the average number of clients per day, then multiply by working days. We subtract 40% of the employee’s salary from this and get a profit from this category of craftsmen for the month. In order to obtain net income, it is necessary to subtract the costs of rent, materials, etc. from the resulting amount.

As a rule, the average salon pays off in one to two years; in rare cases, the payback period may be shorter.

If we take the above example, then at a cost of 400,000 rubles. to open a salon, it will pay for itself in 10 months. Why 10 months and not 8 months? It's simple. We take into account how much more money we will have to spend on initial expenses in the form of renovation of the premises, and also subtract from the net income a certain amount that we will spend on ourselves every month.

Beauty salon advertising

Advertising of salons should be highlighted as a separate item, because this is usually where all novice salon owners stumble. Just a sign is not enough here. After all, modern salons are so diverse in their services that just by the sign “Beauty Salon” it is completely unclear whether they are offering a service that we have been looking for for a long time, or whether they are just doing a haircut here.

Outdoor advertising

These could be billboards. But a shield is an expensive proposition, especially for large cities. Therefore, in our advertising the main thing will not be its size, but information. Outdoor advertising must attract attention with its unusualness - it does not need to be done like everyone else.

Advertising in periodicals

Advertising in newspapers and magazines still bears fruit; one should not treat it with disdain. But you shouldn’t advertise there for business class. Information in magazines is sought by those who need good discounts, as well as graduates of educational institutions.

TV and radio advertising

Internet advertising

A very popular method now. You can advertise your salon everywhere: on forums, in groups, on social media. networks. However, it will be most effective if you make your own website or start a blog.

Active advertising

Active advertising is now called advertising that specifically encourages visitors to visit you. This could be flyers that you hand out on the street, or even a person with a bullhorn shouting information about promotions. A very good way. But it is not recommended to hire a special person for this.

In addition, the salon owner himself should not be involved in active advertising. An owner running down the street with leaflets (even at the opening stage) will give his business a bad reputation. It is best to send masters one by one to advertise the salon, especially those who currently have no clients.