How to open a sportswear store: a short business plan. Gym premises and equipment

Nowadays a healthy lifestyle is being widely promoted, so more and more people are starting to play sports and take care of their health. According to statistics, in European countries and the USA the percentage of people leading a healthy lifestyle has reached 40, while in our country it is still at 10%, but continues to grow rapidly. Based on this, opening a sports store can be considered a relevant and profitable business.
It is very important in this matter to choose the right concept for a new sporting goods store. There are several of them, and each option involves its own business plan and business development.

At the moment, the following types of sports stores are the most popular:

  • Universal ones are the majority, about 75% of all existing retail outlets.
  • Specialized - about 15%.
  • Boutiques with luxury branded items

A department store is the most expensive to open because it requires a large assortment of products. That is why beginners are not advised to start from such a retail outlet. As for boutiques, such a sports store is worth opening if there is an opportunity to become a dealer of a luxury brand and there is no similar store in the region.

The easiest place for a novice businessman to open is a specialized sporting goods store. You can focus on goods for practicing one or two sports, you can sell only sports shoes, or you can focus on selling clothes for active pastime.

Who can open a sports store?

We have already found out that a highly specialized store is most promising for development, but this is provided that its owner is well versed in sports, that is, he himself is a keen skier or roller skater, for example, regularly visits gyms, often plays tennis with friends or golf or enjoys active sports. In this case, there are always people around who are passionate about sports, and among them it is not difficult to find a partner or staff for your new sporting goods store. This allows you to avoid training employees in the specifics of selling sports equipment.

In addition, businessmen-athletes also have fame among people leading an active lifestyle, which means they will be the first clients and they will provide advertising in the circles of interest.

If you are not an athlete and you are opening a sporting goods store based on the profitability of this type of business, you will still have to understand this area in order to correctly determine the needs of potential customers. To do this, you can read specialized sports publications or chat on sports forums on the Internet. You can also attract a knowledgeable person from the sports “get-together” and even add a marketing specialist position to the staff. This, of course, will increase initial costs, but will also allow you to more accurately determine the range of goods and avoid unnecessary expenses.

First steps

But before you draw up a business plan for a sports store, you need to clearly understand the market situation. Its 50% is held by the Sportmaster chain of stores, which is the market leader. It is simply unrealistic to displace him, especially if you start a business from scratch. But this industry shows one of the highest growth rates, so everyone has a chance to win their place in the sun. It is only important to correctly build a marketing strategy for doing business.

So, first of all, you need to analyze the market in Russia as a whole and in your region in particular. Determine who is already present on the market, what format these stores are, what assortment they sell, what their pricing policy is. The most important thing is to identify the pros and cons of their work and take them into account.

Define your target audience. To do this, it is advisable to conduct monitoring in the area where you are going to trade. Find out what type of goods people in this area need, what their ability to pay, interests, etc.

It is also important to determine an advertising strategy for business development. You can advertise in the media. Pay special attention to printed publications. You can also distribute fliers with the opening promotion in advance. Don't forget to collect your clients' contact information. This will help you further form a customer base and inform them about new products and promotions.

Required Documentation

First of all, the business plan for a sporting goods store must include the stage of official registration of the company and other permitting documentation. This will take a good chunk of time and nerves. Therefore, you need to be prepared for a long, persistent journey through the authorities.


To register a sportswear and equipment store, you need to prepare the necessary constituent documents. If you are registering an LLC, you will need a charter that includes:

  • name of company;
  • legal address;
  • the type of her activity;
  • founders, chief accountant;
  • authorized capital and other information.

With this document, as well as with the minutes of the meeting of founders, you must register in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, having previously selected a suitable taxation system. If all documents are completed correctly, you will be issued a certificate of registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, as well as a certificate of assignment of a TIN.

Then you will need to open a current account in any bank, make a stamp, register with the social insurance fund, medical and pension funds.

Store sign

To make your clothing and equipment store visible from afar, you need to hang a sign at its entrance. However, by law it is considered as advertising space. Therefore, you will need special permission for it. To do this, you need to submit a corresponding application, sketches of the sign, copies of the rental agreement and a certificate of registration. The last two documents are notarized. If you are renting, you may be required to provide a document confirming that the placement of the sign has been agreed upon with the landlord.

Fire safety

For the normal functioning of a sportswear and equipment store, it is necessary to issue a report from the fire department. You need to submit the following documents to the fire inspectorate:

  • corresponding application;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • certificate of registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • agreement on installation of a fire protection system;
  • BTI floor plan.

Remember that one of the employees will have to be appointed responsible for fire safety.

Cash machine

Your sportswear and equipment store must operate a cash register, and you must also obtain the appropriate permit for it. To do this, you will need a standard package of documents from the registration certificate and the lease agreement for the premises where the device will be installed. But in addition to these documents, you must provide:

  • certificate of registration with the Internal Revenue Service;
  • state register holograms;
  • cash register passport;
  • conclusion of a technical specialist.

This issue is easiest to leave to law firms. They know all the intricacies of its solution and will charge about 30 thousand rubles for services.

Sanitary report

One of the most important conclusions is sanitary. To obtain it you need to prepare the following documents:

  • relevant statement;
  • document on registration with the Tax Inspectorate
  • employee medical records;
  • lease contract;
  • list of products;
  • certificates for goods;
  • certificate of registration of an organization or individual entrepreneur;
  • contracts for waste removal.

Only after receiving all the above-described permissions can you, with peace of mind, engage in the design of a sportswear and equipment store and the search for suppliers.

Forming a concept

The next question that a sports store business plan must solve is to decide on the concept of the store. It can be implemented in three options:

  • special shop;
  • brand store;
  • supermarket.

Most of the initial funds will be needed for a department store. But there are big risks here. Firstly, you may not guess the public’s preferences and end up with large quantities of unclaimed goods. Secondly, you will have to compete with the luminaries of this niche, who, as a rule, already have more favorable agreements with suppliers. The same applies to the company store of a particular brand.

It is recommended to open a store of specialized sportswear and accessories for one or two similar sports. True, in this case it is desirable that the owner himself is passionate about these sports. Then it is easier for him to navigate the market conditions.

Place and premises

As with most commodity trading, a good location with a constant and large flow of people will ensure the success of your business. It is best to locate the store on the main street of the city or in a shopping center. But it is better to open a sports store near those establishments for which it specializes in selling goods. These could be swimming pools, gyms, sports complexes, stadiums.

You can also always consider the option of locating a store in places where people with income live.
The area is usually 50-70 square meters. meters, but if you plan to sell sports equipment, then this product category will require more space.

Then you need to pay attention to the room itself. If you plan to sell small goods, 50-70 sq. m. is enough. m. If the assortment includes large equipment, for example, inflatable boats, punching bags, trampolines, you need to look for a larger room. Also decide in advance whether you will rent or purchase it. The ideal option is to rent the premises with the option to buy. Then, if things don’t work out, you won’t have to deal with selling the premises, and if everything goes well, you can buy it back.

The premises must be zoned into a hall and warehouses. In the hall it is necessary to provide a place for a cash register and a fitting room.

Retail store equipment

The type of retail equipment depends on the format in which your store will operate: self-service or trade over the counter. But in any case, it is desirable that it be combined with the interior. Although experts say that you shouldn’t think too much about interior design - you can safely save on this expense item. It is much more important to have a good selection and competent and polite staff.

At a minimum, you will need:

  • security frame for detecting goods, which is installed at the exit from the sales area - from $1,400;
  • barcode label printer – $400;
  • barcode scanner – from $100;
  • mannequins - from $200 per piece;
  • mirrors – from $50 per piece;
  • busts – from $100 per piece;
  • racks – from $90 per piece;
  • racks and hangers - from $50 each.

Display of goods

Pay special attention to the display of goods. Place the smaller ones on the shelves at eye level, the larger ones on the lower shelves. Oversized items must be placed separately. It is extremely important that the buyer has the opportunity to independently come up and inspect the product of interest.

If something is offered at a reduced price, the price tag should be highlighted so that it immediately catches the eye. Price tags for inexpensive goods should always be visible and strictly correspond to the product. For expensive items, you can hide the price tags a little. The point of this is to allow the buyer to get used to an expensive product while he is looking for a price for it.

The store should have good lighting so that everything can be clearly seen. Select appropriate music for the background sound in the hall.

We are looking for suitable personnel

It is important to find an honest and conscientious seller, which is not easy. He must be sociable and be able to sell a product, use various sales strategies, since a significant part of buyers do not always know exactly what they need and what they want. The seller must help the client decide on a purchase and not regret it later.

It is advisable that your sellers be young people from 20 to 40 years old. Sports equipment and clothing are specific products, so sellers of this age group will have more confidence.

One of the most important requirements is that the seller must be passionate about the sport to which your product belongs. Then he will be able to accurately understand the buyer’s needs, explain to him all the details of the product and give the necessary recommendation.

Formation of product range

When forming an assortment of goods, you must proceed from the circle of buyers you are targeting and what their needs are. It is important to keep abreast of all the new products in your chosen niche and gradually expand the range of your offers. It’s easy to follow this if you yourself are interested in the sport you have chosen for business.

But it’s still worth relying on statistics. And she claims that T-shirts and T-shirts are the most popular. They account for 35-40% of the total sales volume of sports stores. They are followed by tracksuits with an indicator of 28.3% and sports shoes – 20-25%. Trousers and shorts account for 3-4%, jackets – 1-2%, and swimsuits – no more than a percent.

As for brands, it is better to choose leading brands that have already gained trust in the market: New Balance, Nike, Columbia, Reebok, Adidas, Puma and others. Please note that exclusive items may be overpriced. There will definitely be a buyer for them. Therefore, even with low traffic, the store can turn a profit due to such sales. The range can be expanded with sports nutrition and various additional accessories.

Financial questions

As practice shows, to open a store you will need at least 50 thousand dollars. Moreover, the bulk of it will be spent on purchasing the initial batch of goods. The only way to find that kind of money on your own is by taking out a bank loan. Alternatively, you can find a companion or several who are also passionate about this sport and willing to risk their money. The markup on goods in a store is usually set at 30-60%, so you can return your investment in just a year and a half.

However, the most important condition for a successful business is the entrepreneur’s passion for this sport and an excellent understanding of the market.

Tracksuits and shoes, equipment, food - all this is in demand. You can consider several options for a sports store and choose to specialize in one sport, a certain brand of clothing, or luxury items.

The sports boom has gripped Russia no less than other countries. One in 10 Russians today is actively involved in sports, and the number of lovers of a healthy lifestyle is growing rapidly from year to year.

The growth reserves are impressive: in developed countries, up to 30% of the population is actively involved in sports. The United States can be considered the record holder here: 40% of Americans cannot imagine life without playing sports.

Experts estimate the volume of the Russian sports market at 1% of the global one. The figure is not impressive, however, even it suggests a financial market capacity of a billion dollars per year.

Today it is fashionable and prestigious to be sporty - life itself, dynamic and eventful, dictates this. In fact, even people far from sports do not deny themselves sports goods and equipment: today every Russian has a tracksuit and sneakers, and a ball or tennis racket can be seen in almost every home.

Opening a sports store in such conditions seems to be a promising type of business. Let's take a closer look at this topic, figuring out what is needed to open such a store and what prospects you can count on with its opening.

Choice of concept

First you need to decide in which consumer segment you would like to work. Conventionally, all sports stores can be divided into three categories: universal, specialized and sports boutiques of luxury branded clothing.

The choice will also be influenced by the financial capabilities of the owner: with a modest investment, you need to count on a small specialized store for one or two sports. Most likely, a businessman starting a business will belong to this group of entrepreneurs.

Opening a luxury clothing boutique is possible if you become a dealer of a certain well-known brand, but in this case you need to make sure that this brand is not already offered by any of its competitors. In addition, sport fashion is not a consumer product due to its steep prices. Avoid exclusive goods: if you do not match the demand, then expensive items may not be sold, and working capital may be frozen.

Organizing a universal sporting goods store will require maximum effort and financial resources, so starting a business with this is hardly correct. Competition in this segment is very fierce, and you will have to compete with the powerful department stores of sporting goods, equipment and supplies currently available in every major city.

So, we stop at a small specialized store. You can choose your specialization yourself, based on your own knowledge and preferences. You can focus on popular sports (hockey, football); stores with equipment and special nutrition for bodybuilding, fitness, extreme sports, etc. are promising.

Choosing premises for a store

The area of ​​the store depends on the range of goods it will offer: you cannot get by with a small area if you plan to sell large equipment or exercise equipment. The minimum area of ​​a sporting goods store with a limited assortment (mainly clothing and shoes) is 60-70 square meters. m.

The location of the store on one of the central city streets or in a large shopping center will attract the maximum number of customers. It is convenient to locate such a store near large sports complexes, swimming pools, and places of mass physical education and sports.


Choosing the right store staff is not just “off the street”. Selecting people who love and know exactly those sports that make up the specialization of your store is the key to your success in business. You will simply save on advertising if friends and acquaintances of those who work in your store become regular customers of your store.

Trade equipment, inventory

Standard set of equipment for trade:

  • Hangers, racks.
  • Trade racks.
  • Mirrors.
  • Mannequins, busts.
  • Cash machine.

It would be nice if the store is equipped with modern retail equipment: an output frame for detecting unlabeled goods, barcode scanners, and a barcode label printer. It will cost you a few thousand dollars extra, but the impression it makes on a serious buyer is certainly worth it.

Assortment of sporting goods store

To determine the assortment, you need to decide on the circle of consumers you are counting on. In addition, you must be constantly aware of new products in those product groups that you have identified as constantly offered.

Recently, completely new groups of goods have appeared, the interest in which is growing. These include fitness products, sports nutrition (see “”), special equipment for martial arts, multifunctional sports equipment and a number of other products.

Small stores usually offer sportswear and shoes. Statistics indicate the constant interest of buyers in such product groups as tracksuits, T-shirts, T-shirts and shoes. The sales structure includes up to a quarter of the total volume of sports shoes, another quarter - tracksuits, up to 40% - T-shirts and T-shirts, the remaining 10% is shorts, trousers and swimsuits.

A large department store, as a rule, can offer a variety of products from prestigious brands Puma, Adidas, New Balance, O`Neil, Reebok, Columbia, Nike, etc. If you open a small store, do not chase a wide range of famous world leaders. Select several groups of quality products that, in your opinion, will definitely find their buyer. Gradually, you will be able to determine the assortment that is in maximum demand among customers, and you will work with this assortment.

It is very good if you, as a business owner, turn out to be a non-random person in sports, and the names of sports brands will not be unfamiliar words to you. But, if this is exactly what happened, then you will have to hire a good consultant, since, alas, it is impossible to successfully trade something that you do not understand.

Financing. Profitability. Payback

Nothing original: from own funds (possibly in shares with a partner) to a bank loan. Considering the markup of 50-60% and profitability of up to 25-30% (according to experienced businessmen and sporting goods market experts), it will be possible to repay the loan in one and a half to two years.

Of course, the period is very approximate and depends on many factors: the location of the store (respectively, the amount of rent or purchase of premises), the size of the store and assortment, the volume of trade turnover, etc.

The estimated investment in a sports store will be about $1,000 per square meter of area, and most of this amount will come from merchandise purchases. If you are going to open a sporting goods store, try to start in the spring, when the seasonal assortment will not force you to fork out as much as possible.

Opening a sporting goods store can be a promising type of business if you approach the business with imagination, follow and offer new products in the assortment, and also have staff capable of competently advising the buyer.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Sports are now popular among Russians, analysts say. A business selling sports goods can be very profitable and promising. However, it has its own specifics, which must be taken into account by entrepreneurs planning to open their own sporting goods stores.

Sporting goods market in Russia

About 10% of our compatriots lead a healthy lifestyle and engage in various sports. Each of them purchases sports goods, clothing and equipment for an average of 10 thousand rubles a year. For comparison, according to the Sport communication group, sales of sporting goods per person in the United States are $330, in the EU – $85, and in Russia – $21. The total share of the sporting goods market in our country is estimated at about $4.5 billion. And this is more than thirty times less than the American one. So the potential for growth is very large. As experts say, elite fitness has come to Russia to replace mass physical education, which was promoted during the Soviet era. Although the Russian sports goods market lags significantly behind the American market in terms of volume, its growth rate is significantly faster than the markets of the USA and European countries and reaches 30% per year! Some experts estimate the market potential at $9 billion.

However, it is unlikely to expect such volumes in the near future. The economic crisis had an unfavorable impact on the development of this market. Now the rate of its growth is estimated at 10-15% (that is, it has decreased by at least half). On the one hand, there is a certain advantage in this: if the previous pace of development were maintained, the market would have already reached saturation. On the other hand, the current economic situation has led to a sharp decrease in demand for sporting goods. If at the end of the 2000s in the USA 40% of citizens were involved in active sports, in Germany - 60%, then in the Russian Federation - about 12% (data from ABARUS market research). Now the number of people who are actively involved in sports has decreased to 10% in our country. An additional negative factor in the sporting goods market that confuses investors is the high cost of entry into the sporting goods market.

Experts attribute the state’s attention to the problem of the nation’s sports development as a positive trend. In particular, the federal target program “Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015.” assumed that by 2015, 30% of citizens would be actively involved in sports, and the expenses of one Russian citizen on sports goods would double. Unfortunately, the unfavorable economic situation did not allow these forecasts to come true.

But the market for sporting goods itself in Russia remains very narrow. If you look at the structure of this market, then, according to RBC, Russians spend money “on sports” as follows: on clothes and shoes - 65%, on sports equipment - 25% and on exercise equipment - 10%. For comparison, an American spends his money in the following ratio: 45% on exercise equipment, 35% on sports equipment and 20% on clothes and shoes (data from the Sport & fashion group). In Russia, the most common are cheap game sports, as well as fitness. In America and Europe, expensive sports are noticeably more developed - golf, alpine skiing, tennis, etc.

Another significant nuance that negatively affects the sporting goods market is the demographic gap in the age group of 20-40, which is expected by 2020. Manufacturers of sporting goods are trying to smooth out the negative consequences of this phenomenon by promoting a healthy lifestyle among people of retirement and pre-retirement age. However, most experts believe that relying on sports pensioners to provide a sufficient level of sales to sports goods stores is hardly justified, especially considering the comparable increase in prices and pensions.

Ready ideas for your business

It is also worth mentioning the formats of stores that engage in retail sales of sports goods. According to ABARUS market research, about 40% of the sporting goods market is occupied by retail chains, department stores – about 17%, specialized individual sporting goods stores – 16%, and the remaining share comes from shadow trade. The latter phenomenon is most developed in regions where sports retailers are not yet present. The share of spontaneous markets in the trade of sporting goods in large cities has decreased from 70% to 10% over the past ten years, which is undoubtedly a positive trend.

As an example of the relationship between the types of sporting goods stores, we can cite the capital. In Moscow, the number of sports stores exceeds 1000. At the same time, 75% of points are department stores, 13-14% are specialized, and the rest are stores selling premium sports goods. Thus, as we see, the highest competition is among department stores.

As for the assortment, about 90% of sporting goods sold in our country are produced abroad. We can only compete with foreign companies in the retail chains. At the same time, according to experts, Russian manufacturers of simulators are quite competitive, but the share of their products in the domestic market is very small.

Sporting goods store: organizational issues

The sporting goods market is highly competitive. Large federal chain stores are opening in the regions. Among the most active players on the market are Major League, Trial Sport, Sportmaster, Decathlon. It's quite difficult to compete with them. In a large city, you should think about opening a self-service store with an area of ​​at least 250-300 square meters. meters. The entire area is distributed as follows: at least 200 sq. meters is allocated for a shopping area, another 30 sq. meters - for fitting rooms and the remaining 20 sq. meters - premises for personal needs of personnel. In such a sales area you can place a fairly large assortment, which will include not only “compact” clothes or equipment, but also large equipment (bicycles, exercise equipment, etc.).

As for the location of the store, there are no strict requirements. It is best, of course, to open a sporting goods store in the center, but in a residential area it will also bring profit, especially if located close to various sports sections, fitness centers and gyms.

A self-service store is recommended primarily because the average check here is usually significantly higher than in a store where sales are carried out over the counter. The main reason for this is that in a self-service store the buyer can pick up the product he likes without the participation of the seller, and this, as we know, is almost 70% of success (that is, the probability of making a purchase). The high probability of making impulse purchases allows you to increase the turnover of a self-service store by at least 20% and by a maximum of 45% compared to a regular store where trade is carried out over the counter.

Ready ideas for your business

To open a sporting goods store, experts advise registering as an individual entrepreneur, choosing retail trade as the type of activity, and choosing the single tax on imputed income or the simplified tax system as a form of taxation. If you plan to open a chain of stores, it is better to register a legal entity (usually an LLC).

If you do not have much experience in selling sporting goods, are afraid of going broke and would like to have support from a well-known company, it makes sense to think about purchasing a franchise. For example, companies such as Reebok, Columbia, Sport Vision, Sportic2014, Adidas, O'Neil operate under the franchising system. However, keep in mind that the investment in opening a store operating under one of these brands will be considerable. If you do not have With a large starting capital, you can open a small store with cheap sports goods imported from China.

When compiling an assortment, you need to take into account, firstly, your target audience, and, secondly, have a good understanding of all the nuances of choosing sporting goods and equipment. The assortment of your store (if we are talking about a universal sporting goods store) must include fitness accessories, sports equipment, products for active recreation, sports nutrition, training equipment and clothing for martial arts, etc. Small stores usually sell special sports shoes and clothes. The greatest demand is for tracksuits, T-shirts, tank tops and sneakers. Large stores should stock clothing from well-known brands (for example, Puma, Adidas, Reebok, Columbia, Nike, New Balance, O`Neil). The retail markup on sporting goods in department stores is about 30-60%. The ideal option is if you can acquire exclusive rights to sell certain Western brands. They may not be as well known to a wide range of people as those listed above, and may be in demand only among amateurs and professionals in a particular sport. But you will get a competitive advantage and regular customers from among the most solvent - young people aged 20 to 35 who lead an active lifestyle. However, this direction is only suitable for large cities. On the periphery in a small town you are unlikely to find a sufficient number of buyers.

On the other hand, according to experts and experienced entrepreneurs, beginning players should think about choosing their specialization: focus on sporting goods of one group and become a professional in this area. Such stores are focused on serving a rather narrow group of consumers who engage in a specific sport (for example, mountaineering, snowboarding, etc.). The small number of potential buyers is compensated by their willingness to pay a lot of money for an exclusive product. The average trade margin in specialized stores is about 30% and rarely exceeds 50%. This is noticeably less than in department stores. However, in general, the profits of a specialty sporting goods store are often even higher. The lower markup is compensated by the much higher cost of the goods, which are often brought to order. Even with a relatively small number of clients (most of whom become regulars), your earnings can be quite good. And this despite the fact that the costs of opening a specialized store are lower due to the smaller area and more limited assortment. For a store with a narrow specialization, 100 square meters is enough. meters.

Ready ideas for your business

Among specialized sports products, experts consider the segment of goods for extreme sports to be the most promising. The target audience in this case is young people and teenagers who are interested primarily in skateboarding and snowboarding. If the latter option is not the most common in some regions of our country due to climatic conditions, then skateboarding is very popular in almost all Russian cities (especially in large ones where there are climbing walls). It would seem, what product can be offered for skateboarders? But upon closer examination it turns out that the range is very wide. It includes special branded equipment (clothing, shoes, protection for elbows, knees and wrists), as well as boards and spare parts for them. Sales volumes of one chain, which specializes in goods for extreme sports, reach 20 thousand pairs of skateboarding sneakers! Snowboarding is much less common. This is due both to climatic conditions (for example, in the south of the country there is simply nowhere to snowboard) and to the higher costs of equipment for this sport. Although this area is also considered promising by experienced entrepreneurs, they believe that snowboarding is gradually “replacing” skiing, since it is less traumatic.

So the idea of ​​a specialized store deserves attention, but it is desirable that it works not only for one city, but also for other regions. This can be achieved if you open not only a regular store, but also its online version. An online store with the necessary functionality will be relatively inexpensive and, with the right approach, will bring considerable profit.

To display goods in a store, you will need special retail equipment. It includes display cases, racks, counters, mannequins, cash registers, security systems and scanners, fitting room mirrors. All necessary equipment will cost at least 500 thousand rubles.

So, you have the premises, the necessary equipment and even the goods. However, this is not enough for the success of your business. First of all, you will need qualified sales consultants. Do you think it won’t be difficult to find these? Then take into account the fact that your sales consultants should be, if not professionals, then great sports fans, well versed in all the nuances of the product presented, as well as brands. Ideally, your salesperson should know all regular customers by sight and name, be able to carry on a conversation on any “sports” topic and choose exactly what the client needs. Finding such specialists is not so easy. However, such a business is usually opened by people who themselves are fond of sports. In this case, a hobby turns into a job. Such entrepreneurs, as a rule, have their own social circle and acquaintances, among whom they can find suitable candidates for the role of consultants.

For a store with an area of ​​250-300 sq. meters will require one manager, at least six salespeople working in shifts, four cashiers and two cleaners. For a specialized store with an area of ​​up to 100 sq. meters is enough for one manager, four salespeople, two cashiers and a cleaner.

To open a universal format store, including renovation of the premises, purchase of retail equipment and inventory, you will need from 8 million rubles. Revenue in this case will be about 3 million rubles per month. The cost of production is 1.7 million rubles, and the gross profit is 1.3 million rubles. Expenses do not exceed one million; tax deductions will cost about 20 thousand rubles. With a profitability of 10%, net profit is 300 thousand rubles per month. Thus, with the above initial data, the payback period for this store will be two years. But you can get by with less investment. To open a specialized store you will need from 450 thousand rubles. And one small store in a residential area with an area of ​​up to 50 square meters. meters can be opened for only 250 thousand rubles. But, of course, one cannot hope for big profits in the latter case.

Selling sports goods is a seasonal business. To neutralize this seasonality factor, sports stores change their assortment depending on the time of year. In winter they sell ski suits, sleds, snowboards and skis, and in summer they sell clothes for tennis, beach holidays and golf. There are also “out-of-season” goods - for example, bicycles, as well as clothing and equipment for various types of martial arts. These products are in consistently high demand throughout the year.

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How to find inexpensive and high-quality sporting goods in the city? The answer to this question is not known to everyone, because many people cannot afford expensive sports networks, and there are always not enough retail outlets with optimal prices and an excellent assortment. To fill this gap, you can open a sports store for this audience of buyers. It is better to start your own business from a retail outlet that will make sports accessible to everyone, and sporting goods one of the most popular in the city.

Where to begin?

There are probably already sports stores in your locality, and in order to compete with them, you will need to offer potential customers some original concept. You can create:

  • a general store with some original corner or unusual goods (for example, a corner for pregnant women, products for the elderly, etc.)
  • specialized store - you can focus on a specific sport or, on the contrary, sell sporting goods only for beginners
  • boutique – if you can open a luxury sporting goods store, and it will be in demand in your city, try to implement this idea

It should be borne in mind that the easiest way is to create a universal retail outlet, however, extremely high competition is always recorded in this market segment, so either be prepared for it, or still choose other types of trade.

Having decided on the concept of the retail outlet, select a room for it. If you are focused on a luxury store, it is worth opening it on the main streets. If you choose a different idea, the center of a residential area, as well as any shopping and entertainment complex where you can rent premises, will suit you. In general, for any type, an area of ​​50-70 square meters is sufficient. m (provided that you do not intend to diversify the assortment of the outlet with exercise equipment).

What to sell?

The assortment directly depends on the concept you choose, but remember that the greatest demand is for sports goods necessary for “adrenaline” sports, exercise equipment and various related products - dumbbells, mats, benches, etc. Along with these goods, you can also sell sportswear and shoes, or, on the contrary, you can open a sports store where sportswear will be the “main” and auxiliary products will be secondary.

However, no matter what you choose, before you open a sporting goods store, you will need to remember a few important rules:

  1. When deciding on a product, study the market well and have a clear idea of ​​what athletes need
  2. Thoroughly study your target audience and their interests (to do this, you can establish feedback with clients - surveys, communication through social networks)
  3. Never forget about new products - many products are regularly re-released, and not all athletes are ready to use outdated products

Is a sports store profitable?

You will immediately have to remember: the “sports” business requires larger investments than trading in other goods, so immediately get ready for fairly large expenses. You will need:

  • 50-80 thousand rubles for renting a premises of 50-70 sq. m (note that this expense will be monthly)
  • 50-70 thousand rubles for the installation of an electronic protection system for goods (frames that will be installed at the entrance, buttons and locks that will be put on the products themselves, etc.)
  • 80-100 thousand rubles for repairs at your retail outlet, as well as equipping it with the necessary equipment (display cases, racks, shelves, etc.)
  • 150-160 thousand rubles (minimum) - for the purchase of the initial assortment

To save on inventory costs, try to open a sports store closer to spring or summer - if you do it before winter, you'll have to spend a lot more.

In addition, there are also minor expenses. You will also need:

  • barcode scanners – 3.5-4 thousand rubles per 1 piece. minimum
  • printers for printing labels with barcodes – 14-16 thousand rubles per 1 piece.
  • mirrors – 2-3 thousand rubles per 1 piece.
  • hangers – 1-2 thousand rubles per set
  • mannequins and busts - will cost at least 5 and 3 thousand rubles, respectively

In general, to open such a retail outlet, it is better to have at least 500 thousand rubles in reserve. However, the investment can certainly be higher - especially if you choose a luxury store.

As for profit, you will receive it primarily from a well-established markup on the products sold. For sporting goods it is usually 30-60%, in which case the profitability of the outlet can be 20-25%. At the same time, you will need to study whether a sports store is profitable specifically in your locality, find out the main pitfalls of the business and learn how to properly replenish the range of goods, “throwing away” everything unnecessary and purchasing new types of products. If you can achieve this, your costs will pay off in 1-1.5 years. Well, during this time you will develop a main client base and begin to fight for new customers.