Lip massage with a toothbrush speech therapy. What will be needed to complete the complex? Main types of speech therapy massage

Speech therapy tongue massage helps develop speech in children. For a child with an obvious speech disorder, articulation and breathing exercises alone are not enough to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly. By massaging your tongue, you stimulate the speech apparatus, nerve endings on the face and blood vessels. By following the massage technique exactly, the tone of the facial muscles increases and it is easier for the child to learn to pronounce sounds correctly. The advantage of this procedure is the ability to perform it at home.

If children have acquired or congenital speech defects, they are prescribed speech therapy massage. The most common types of speech development disorders are:

  • Voice transmission is impaired or partially lost;
  • Various speech defects;
  • Violation of the innervation of the speech apparatus ();
  • Violation of the tone of the facial muscles;
  • Difficulties in the development of muscles that provide articulation;
  • Any of the types.

Tongue massage is prescribed for 100% of cases. After all, this disease causes speech impediments in children, and the procedures performed can have a positive effect on the restoration of impaired functions. This should be done for children with cerebral palsy, starting from a very early age. Take the time to watch videos that cover this topic.

What are the benefits of massage?

When children reach the age when they begin to talk, clear articulation is necessary. She is responsible for how pronunciation is formed, because facial muscles are involved in articulation.

Speech therapy massage will help reduce muscle strain during the formation of the pronunciation of sounds and speech in children. It activates muscles with weakened ability to contract.

The massage technique helps the muscle fibers become active and gives them elasticity, giving the child a chance to overcome existing disorders. The main tasks facing the massage procedure are:

  • Correct the pronunciation of letters and sounds;
  • Improve voice and cords;
  • Eliminate breathing problems when speaking;
  • Normalize the motor skills of articulatory muscles;
  • Increase the duration and force of inhalation.

This massage improves the muscles and speech apparatus, which affects the quality of speech in children. Completing the course, it becomes clear how the throat reflexes have strengthened. A set of exercises helps to correctly form a clear line for the movement of articulatory organs.

Exercises for children provide a chance to correct, to a certain extent, deviations in the development of the speech apparatus. This massage technique is used for deviations that are not even listed in the main list of indications.

Execution technique

Language training assigned to children of various age categories are exercises developed “down to the smallest detail.” If there is any deviation, you need to use one precise set of exercises that will help the child eliminate the detected defect. Moreover, parents can perform such exercises completely freely on their own at home; This is very convenient if the child is still very small. Older children can perform the procedures themselves, without the help of their parents.

Preparing for a massage

As practice shows, such procedures can be carefully performed when the baby has reached the age of two months. If a child has poor speech, exercises can be prescribed from the age of 2.

Perform the prescribed manipulations every day. One session does not exceed 3 minutes.

The massage technique provides for the following conditions:

  • The environment must be completely hygienic and comfortable;
  • The procedure cannot be performed on children if they have contraindications;
  • All movements must be performed by mom or dad who have carefully studied the methods of professional massage.

For young children, it is advisable to perform tongue massage in communication with the child. Sing children's songs, tell stories, and what is important: smile. During the session, turn on a beautiful, quiet melody.

Basic Techniques

The technique for performing speech therapy exercises includes:

  • General massage of the face, moving to the lips;
  • Gradually the massage moves to the oral cavity.

When performing these manipulations, you need to focus your attention, because not every child will positively perceive the actions that are carried out in his mouth. Exercises should be done in such a way that children are charged with positive emotions and sensations during the procedure. Otherwise, such manipulations can lead to increased tone and increased sensitivity of the oral areas. And also actions carried out against the child’s wishes can push the reflex sphere into activity. Another child may automatically bite you or begin to vomit. The techniques combine stroking movements with slight vibration. It helps to relax muscles that are in an excited state.

  1. Stroking should be done barely perceptibly, with gentle movements on the face, without collecting the skin into folds. You need to start by moving your hands in the nasolabial area. Next, the manipulations should be slightly intensified, affecting the thick layers of the skin.
  2. Do in-depth stroking with your palms or with your fingers held together like tongs, or by bending your fingers at the joints 90 degrees and stroking with the back.
  3. Continuous vibration is done with phalanges: they are placed on the skin and begin to “shake” it. Imagine that you are sifting something with a sieve.
    Do sets two to four times. Be sure to swap vibration and stroking.

When doing manipulations at home for children of the older age group, perform them for up to 20-25 minutes. But initially the procedure lasts no more than 7, gradually increasing over time. For infants, the period does not exceed 2-3 minutes.

Massage with a toothbrush

When performing speech therapy massage, use objects that are present in your home. Try using a soft toothbrush. When using them, place a napkin under the tongue and replace it as often as possible. Perform movements in circles or in spirals, without applying force when pressing. When using a toothbrush, apply vibration.

Be sure to do the listed manipulations in a warm place, with clean and warm hands.

The quality of speech correction and the final result of the procedure depend on how you perform speech therapy massage. Without following the rules and ignoring contraindications, massage can cause a negative reaction to the health of children and have unpredictable consequences.

For children with significant speech disorders (alalia, dysarthria, dyslalia caused by a shortened hyoid frenulum, etc.), articulation and breathing exercises alone are not enough to correct sound pronunciation. Speech therapy massage is required.

Taking the massage system of E.F. Arkhipova as a basis. for children with cerebral palsy and the knowledge gained in regular therapeutic massage courses, I have prepared detailed material both for specialists, teachers, and for parents of children with severe speech impairments. This will greatly facilitate the correction of sound pronunciation and allow you to achieve certain results.

Currently, I use various types of logomassage in my classes to correct speech disorders. I introduce parents to the methods and techniques of speech therapy massage for further massage at home. The recommendations also provide indications for the use of massage for various speech disorders, and systematize speech therapy massage techniques.

Massage of the articulatory apparatus and articulatory
exercise not only improves motor function
lagging brain systems, but also involve in work
nearby brain systems.
M. E. Khvattsev

About speech therapy massage

- an active method of mechanical action that changes the condition of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and tissues of the peripheral speech apparatus. Speech therapy massage is one of the speech therapy techniques that helps normalize the pronunciation side of speech and the emotional state of people suffering from speech disorders.

Massage is used for dysarthria (impaired muscle tone), including its erased forms, stuttering, and voice disorders.

Benefits of massage

Massage has a beneficial physiological effect on the body. Massage improves the secretory function of the skin, activates its lymph and blood circulation. And therefore, it improves her nutrition and increases metabolic processes. Under the influence of massage, capillaries expand, gas exchange between blood and tissues increases (oxygen therapy of tissues). Rhythmic massage movements facilitate the movement of blood through the arteries and accelerate the outflow of venous skin.

Massage has a reflex effect on the entire lymphatic system, improving the function of lymphatic vessels. The state of the muscular system changes significantly under the influence of massage. First of all, the elasticity of muscle fibers, the strength and volume of their contractile function, muscle performance increase, and their activity is restored after exercise.

The differentiated use of various speech therapy massage techniques makes it possible to reduce tone in case of muscle spasticity, and, on the contrary, increase it in case of flaccid paresis of articulatory muscles. This helps the formation and implementation of active voluntary, coordinated movements of the organs of articulation.

Speech therapy massage is carried out after.

There is a complex relationship between the force of massage and the body's response. With light, slow stroking, the excitability of the massaged tissues decreases.

The effectiveness of speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage has an overall positive effect on the body as a whole, causing beneficial changes in the nervous and muscular systems that play a major role in the speech-motor process.

In children with speech disorders receiving speech therapy massage, the following is observed:

  • Normalization of muscle tone of general, facial and articulatory muscles,
  • Reducing the manifestation of paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus,
  • Reduction of pathological motor manifestations of the muscles of the speech apparatus (synkinesis, hyperkinesis, convulsions, etc.),
  • Increasing the volume and amplitude of articulatory movements,
  • Activation of those muscle groups of the peripheral speech apparatus that had insufficient contractile activity,
  • Formation of voluntary coordinated movements of articulation organs.

Objectives of speech therapy massage

The main objectives of speech therapy massage are:

Normalization of muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus (in more severe cases, a decrease in the degree of manifestation of motor defects of the articulatory muscles: spastic paresis, hyperkinesis, ataxia, synkinesis);

Activation of those muscle groups of the peripheral speech apparatus in which there was insufficient contractility (or inclusion in the process of articulation of new muscle groups that were previously inactive);

Stimulation of proprioceptive sensations;

Preparing conditions for the formation of voluntary, coordinated movements of the organs of articulation;

Reducing hypersalivation;

Strengthening the pharyngeal reflex;

Afferentation into the speech zones of the cerebral cortex (to stimulate speech development with delayed speech formation).

Contraindications for speech therapy massage

Contraindications for speech therapy massage are infectious diseases (including ARVI, influenza), skin diseases, herpes on the lip, stomatitis, conjunctivitis. Massage should be used with great caution in children with episyndrome (convulsions), especially if the child cries, screams, breaks out of his hands, his nasolabial “triangle” turns blue or there is a tremor of the chin.

Logomassage is performed in a warm, well-ventilated room. Typically, massage is recommended to be carried out in cycles of 10-15-20 sessions, preferably every day or every other day. After a break of 1-2 months, the cycle can be repeated. Under certain circumstances, when massage cannot be done often and regularly, it can be carried out for a longer time, but less frequently.

The duration of one procedure can vary depending on the age of the child, the severity of the speech-motor disorder, individual characteristics, etc. The initial duration of the first sessions is from 1-2 to 5-6 minutes, and the final duration is from 15 to 20 minutes. At an early age, massage should not exceed 10 minutes, in junior preschool - 15 minutes, in older preschool and school age - 25 minutes.

Correct body position during speech therapy massage

Before starting a massage session, the child’s body must be brought into the correct position. Correct posture helps normalize muscle tone (usually relaxation) and makes breathing more free.

For speech therapy massage, the following positions are most optimal:

  1. In the supine position, a small cushion is placed under the child’s neck, allowing him to slightly raise his shoulders and tilt his head back; arms extended along the body; the legs lie freely or are slightly bent at the knees (you can also place a cushion under the child’s knees);
  2. The child is in a half-sitting position in a chair with a high headrest;
  3. The child is in a semi-sitting position in a reclining highchair or a stroller.

Main types of speech therapy massage:

Classic manual massage.

Therapeutic classic massage– is used without taking into account reflex effects and is carried out close to the damaged area of ​​​​the body or directly on it. The main techniques of manual classic massage are: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

To perform these techniques when massaging the tongue, speech therapists often use soft-bristled toothbrushes, spatulas, pacifiers, etc.

Acupressure– a type of therapeutic massage, when locally a relaxing or stimulating effect is applied to biologically active points (zones) according to the indications for a disease or dysfunction.

Hardware massage carried out using vibration, vacuum and other devices.

Probe massage(according to the method of Novikova E.V.)

Novikova E.V. created her own set of probes and developed a special massage of the tongue, lips, cheeks, cheekbones, and soft palate with their help. The purpose of probe massage is to normalize speech motor skills. The method is simple and effective. It makes it possible to purposefully influence the affected areas of the articulatory organs, activating and restoring their activity. Normalization of sound pronunciation is faster.


The definition of massage follows from its name. The child does the massage himself. This can be either a facial massage with your hands, or, for example, a tongue massage with the help of your teeth (the articulation exercise “Combing the tongue”, when the child forcefully pushes the tongue through closed teeth).

Recommendations for performing speech therapy massage

1. Relaxing massage of articulatory muscles.

It is used in case of increased tone (spasticity) in the speech muscles (facial, labial, lingual muscles).

Carrying out facial massage contributes not only to the formation of facial means of communication, but also to the development of the oral sphere, which is necessary for the child’s normal nutrition and subsequent speech development.

Important: Place the child in positions in which pathological tonic reflexes would manifest themselves minimally or not at all.

Relaxation of the neck muscles (passive head movements).

Before starting a relaxing massage of the articulatory muscles, especially in the case of a significant increase in muscle tone of the upper shoulder girdle and neck, it is necessary to relax these muscles.

The position of the child is on the back or half-sitting, the head hangs slightly back:

a) support the child’s neck from behind with one hand, and with the other make circular movements of the head, first clockwise, then counterclockwise;

b) with slow, smooth movements, turn the child’s head in one direction and the other, rock it forward (3-5 times).

Relaxation of the neck muscles causes some relaxation of the root of the tongue. Relaxation of the oral muscles is achieved by lightly stroking and patting the muscles of the face, lips, neck, and tongue. Movements are carried out with both hands in the direction from the periphery to the center. Movements should be light, sliding, slightly pressing, but not stretching the skin. Each movement is repeated 5-8 times.

Relaxation of facial muscles:

Stroking from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
stroking from the eyebrows to the scalp;
stroking from the forehead line around the eyes;
stroking the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the sides to the edge of the hair, continuing the eyebrow line;
stroking from the forehead line down across the entire face along the cheeks, chin and neck;
stroking from the lower edge of the auricle (from the earlobes) along the cheeks to the wings of the nose;
light pinching movements along the edge of the lower jaw;
Pressure massage of the face from the hair roots down.

Relaxation of the labial muscles:

Stroking the upper lip from the corners of the mouth to the center;
stroking the lower lip from the corners of the mouth to the center;
stroking the upper lip (movement from top to bottom);
stroking the lower lip (movement from bottom to top);
stroking the nasolabial folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips;
acupressure of the lips (light rotational movements clockwise);
lightly tapping your lips with your fingers.

In case of asymmetry of the facial muscles, we perform articulation massage with hypercorrection of the affected side, that is, perform a greater number of massage movements on it.

2. Stimulating massage of articulatory muscles.

It is carried out in case of muscle hypotonia in order to strengthen muscle tone.

Techniques: Energetic and fast movements.

Massage movements are carried out from the center to the periphery. Strengthening the facial muscles is carried out by stroking, rubbing, kneading, pinching, vibration. After 4-5 light movements, their strength increases. They become pressing, but not painful. The movements are repeated 8-10 times.

Strengthening facial muscles:

Stroking the forehead from the middle to the temples;
stroking the forehead from the eyebrows to the hair;
stroking eyebrows;
stroking along the eyelids from the inner to the outer corners of the eyes and to the sides;
stroking the cheeks from the nose to the ears and from the chin to the ears;
squeezing the chin with rhythmic movements;
kneading the zygomatic and buccal muscles (spiral movements along the zygomatic and buccal muscles);
rubbing the cheek muscle (index finger in the mouth, the rest outside);
pinching cheeks.

Strengthening the labial muscles:

Stroking from the middle of the upper lip to the corners;
stroking from the middle of the lower lip to the corners;
stroking the nasolabial folds from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose;
tingling lips;
slight tingling of lips.

3. Massage of the lingual muscles.

Perform the massage lying down before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meals for 5 minutes.

Gum massage begins with movements in a horizontal direction on one side of the gum. This increases salivation, so after 2-4 weakening movements the child should be given the opportunity to swallow saliva. Then a similar massage is carried out on the other side of the gum. Next, the gums are massaged with vertical movements.

The palate is massaged with a finger along the midline, starting from the front with a slight lifting of the soft palate. This movement is repeated 10-15 times. During the massage, the child can pronounce the vowels A and E.

The tongue is massaged from front to back until the gag reflex occurs. This involves stroking, light patting, and vibration for 15 seconds.

Massage to relax the tongue muscles:

Acupressure in the area of ​​the submandibular fossa, which is carried out for 15 seconds, vibrating movements with the index finger under the lower jaw;

Vibration with two index fingers of both hands at the angles of the jaw (15 seconds).

The movements used are straight, spiral, circular, while holding the tongue with the fingers of one hand, and performing massage movements with the fingers of the other. They should be sent:

From the middle of the tongue to its tip and back.
- From the center of the tongue to the left and right (“herringbone”),
- From the left edge of the tongue to the right and vice versa (across the tongue),
- Rolling a finger over the tongue in different directions,
- Pinching and stretching of the edges of the tongue.
- Stroking the tongue from the hyoid frenulum to the tip of the tongue and back.

Working to overcome drooling

1. Teach children to chew well - first with their heads thrown back.

2. Teach how to suck up saliva and often swallow saliva with one push,
especially before doing exercises.

3. Rotate your tongue in front of your mouth, then swallow saliva.

We wish you success!!!

Speech therapy massage of the lingual muscles with speech accompaniment

Tongue massage We accompany you by reading nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, and poems. Finger movements imitate events and actions occurring in the poem. This distracts the child from possible unpleasant sensations.

“Rain”: point tapping with the index finger along the edges of the tongue clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Rain, rain, more fun
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Just don't kill us!
Don't knock on the window in vain
- Splash more in the field:
The grass will become thicker.

“Road”: hold the tip of the tongue with the thumb and forefinger of one hand, and slide up and down along the lateral edges of the tongue with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand.

From the city the road is uphill,
And from the city - from the mountain.
From the village there is a road from the mountain,
And to the village - up the mountain.

“Legs and legs”: point pressure with the index finger (slightly vibrating) on ​​the tongue from the root of the tongue to the tip, then from the tip to the root.

Big feet
We walked along the road: Top, top, top, Top, top, top.
Little feet
They ran along the path: Top, top, top, Top, top, top.

“Firewood”: with the index finger lying horizontally, perform transverse chopping and patting movements.

There is grass in the yard,
There is firewood on the grass:
One firewood, two firewood, three firewood.
Don't chop wood
On the grass of the yard!

“Wolf”: the tongue is raised on the upper lip. Using your thumbs, massage (knead, press) the sublingual area.

The rain is pouring and pouring.
The wolf hid under the horsetail.
Tail under the tail,
And myself in the rain.

“Puppy”: rub the side edges of the tongue longitudinally between the index and thumb of one hand.

I'm cleaning the puppy with a brush.
I tickle his sides.

“Soap”: rub your tongue between your thumb and forefinger in a circular motion.

Dear Mila
I washed myself with soap.
Lathered up, washed off
- This is how Mila washed herself.

“Chatter”: perform spiral movements with your index finger from the middle of the tongue to the edges clockwise, then counterclockwise; then the same movements from the edge of the tongue to its middle in different directions.

Little chatterbox
The milk was chatting, chatting,
She chatted, she chatted,
I didn’t blurt it out.

“Ram”: hold the front edge of the tongue with your thumbs and index fingers. Perform turns (twisting) of the tongue left - right.

The ram has horns
Twisted - twisted,
Turned over - overturned.

“Accordion”: use your index fingers and thumbs to hold the side edges of your tongue. Stretch (flatten) the tongue in different directions at the same time, then compress it towards the middle - imitation of playing the harmonica.

Merry Paramoshka
Plays the harmonica.

“Wasp”: press the index finger on the middle of the tongue 8 - 10 times.

The wasp stung the snake.
I really feel sorry for him.

“Snake”: perform snake-like movements with the index finger from the root of the tongue to its tip, then from the tip to the root.

A snake crawls through the grass
The snake brings gifts:
Snake and snake
Green pants.

“Drum”: perform longitudinal patting movements with horizontally lying index fingers.

The ram is happy
- The ram has a drum,
And the ram drums on the drum,
A ram drums on a drum.
And the ram rattled and knocked
- Suddenly the drum broke!

“Lightning”: move your index finger from side to side longitudinally and in a zigzag manner from the root of the tongue to the tip, and vice versa, from the tip of the tongue to the root.

Lightning flashes brightly,
Clouds of arrows are being sent.
The sky glows with fire
Sparks rain down.

“Grapes”: use your thumb and index fingers to perform sliding movements along the edges of the tongue from root to tip and back.

On Mount Ararat
Varvara tears grapes.

“Broom”: use your index finger to perform “sweeping” movements to the right, then to the left.

Valya sweeps with a broom,
Valya sings a song:
- I sweep, sweep, sweep,
I don't want to be a slob!

“Pies”: the child smiles, inserts the wide, flat tip of his tongue between his front teeth, and slightly bites his tongue from the tip to the middle.

Ate well done
Thirty three
Yes, everything with cottage cheese.

“Herringbone”: use your thumbs and index fingers to perform sliding movements in a “herringbone” pattern from the center of the tongue to the edges from top to bottom.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest.
Slim in winter and summer
It was green.

“Geese”: pinch the tongue with your thumb and forefinger.

Spanking in single file
Gander after gander.
Looked down on
Gander on gander.
Oh, it will pluck the sides
The gander is at the gander.

Combination of several massage movements

“Chicken”: perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

The chicken went out for a walk,
Pinch some fresh grass. Point tingling of the tongue with the index finger.
And behind her are chickens
- Little guys.
- Co-co-co, co-co-co,
Don't go far.
Row your paws,
Look for grains.
Sliding scraping movements from the middle of the tongue to the edges.

“Borsch”: perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Borya cooked and cooked borscht
I didn't finish cooking it. Circular movements with the index finger in the center of the tongue.
Borya salted borscht, salted it
Yes, I didn't add enough salt. Pinching the tongue with the index finger and thumb of one hand.
Tolya cooked and cooked borscht
Yes, I digested it. Circular movements with your finger.
Tolya salted the borscht, salted it
Yes, I over-salted it. Tongue tingling.

Massage aimed at stretching the hyoid frenulum

“Mole”: perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

There is a slide in the yard. Using your index fingers and thumbs, pull your tongue down by the tip.
There is a mink under the mountain. Use your index fingers and thumbs to pull your tongue upward by the tip.
In this hole
The mole is guarding the mink. With your index finger, forcefully stroke the hyoid frenulum from bottom to top, stretching it.

Teryokhina Elena Alexandrovna, ( 7 liked it, average score: 4,86 out of 5)

Speech therapy massage for children can be performed at home if the child has no contraindications. This type of massage allows you to achieve better results in correcting the activity of the speech apparatus and is an important part of a set of measures to eliminate the manifestations of speech dysfunctions.

Speech therapy massage for children at home has the following goals:

  • normalize general and articulatory muscle tone;
  • reduce the manifestations of defects in the articulatory apparatus;
  • form coordinated and voluntary movements of articulatory organs.

Indications for speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage for children at home is indicated for:

  • speech development disorders;
  • ineffectiveness of traditional speech therapy procedures;
  • a number of diagnoses, which include dysarthria, delays in mental and speech development, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech.

Parents can carry out speech therapy massage for children themselves, having previously received consultation from a specialist.

Limitations in speech therapy massage are:

  • capillary diseases;
  • thrombotic vascular diseases;
  • acute respiratory infection;
  • excessive tissue sensitivity;
  • infected wounds;
  • tonsillitis.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria

Speech therapy massage for children at home helps with dysarthria if traditional speech therapy methods do not bring the desired effect. In this case, massage is performed in addition to basic speech therapy and neurological procedures.

With dysarthria, the muscles of the organs of the articulatory apparatus are inactive, and the pronunciation of words or sounds is difficult, so a set of measures includes movements and exercises aimed at increasing the muscle tone of the tongue and adjacent organs involved in articulation.

The choice of exercises depends strictly on the state of muscle tone in the articulation zone.

Dysarthria can be successfully treated in early childhood, which consists of a set of procedures: restorative physical education, reflexology, speech therapy massage. Massage of the tongue in case of illness can stimulate muscle tone and make the child’s tongue more mobile and flexible, which makes it easier to pronounce sounds and words; The technique of sound pronunciation changes.

In addition, speech therapy massage for children with dysarthria expands the range of articulatory functions, and the most difficult to pronounce sounds become more accessible. The general positive effects of massage also include improved blood circulation.

Before starting systematic procedures, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and neurologist in order to exclude contraindications and assess the overall performance of the organs involved in the articulation process. The duration of the sessions depends on the age of the child and the serial number of the massage procedure in the cycle.

So, for a child under 5 years old, the first massage procedure should not exceed 6 minutes, for children 5-7 years old - no more than 10 minutes.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria is contraindicated if:

  • infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
  • labial herpes;
  • gag reflex.

The massage is performed in two main positions: lying and sitting. First, you should do a short warm-up for the neck and facial muscles. Next, the activity involves rotating the child’s tongue in two directions: clockwise and counterclockwise.

Then, using your index finger, make twisting movements, slightly stretching your tongue forward. In order to achieve the best result and make the tongue muscles more mobile, it is recommended to use special devices - speech therapy probes.

Massage for stuttering

Stuttering in children is usually associated with neurotic or physiological problems. In addition to articulatory gymnastics and general strengthening exercises, speech therapy massage is successfully used. The area to be massaged includes the upper back and chest, neck, shoulders and head.

Based on the type of impact, a distinction is made between segmental massage, which consists of massaging articulatory muscles, and acupressure (acupressure), which affects biologically active zones.

Segmental massage includes the following manipulations:

  • stroking, starting and ending the session;
  • rubbing, activating blood circulation and stimulating metabolic processes in the body;
  • kneading, activating muscle processes;
  • vibration affecting muscle tone;
  • pressure that stimulates metabolic processes.

Acupressure massage for stuttering affects the speech center, reducing its excitability. This is one of the most suitable types of massage at home, requiring only a short internship with a specialist. Acupressure works similar to acupuncture. Using your fingers, pressure of varying strength is applied to points located in the forearm, cervical region and face.

It is necessary to carry out 12 massage sessions over three weeks.

Speech therapy massage for children with stuttering at home is carried out in addition to a set of measures aimed at eliminating the disease (general strengthening procedures, professional help from a psychotherapist to identify the causes of stuttering).

Massage for ZRR

Speech therapy massage for children at home can help children with delayed speech development. It is usually indicated for children of older preschool age whose articulation skills do not correspond to their age. But You can start giving speech therapy massage to your child from infancy.

In this case, speech therapy massage will have a general therapeutic effect and will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which can serve as a powerful stimulus for the development of articulation skills. The massage consists of actions aimed at points of the face, mouth and neck; exercises take place in a relaxed atmosphere in the form of a game.

Regular classes include a set of massage movements that vary in intensity.

Massage technique:

Zone Movements Multiplicity of execution
LipsIntensive kneading with fingers in the direction from the middle of the mouth to the cheeks

Vibration and tapping with fingertips

NeckTurning the head from left to right, forward and backward

Gentle stroking

LanguageLight stroking

Light vibration and tapping



Speech therapy massage for cerebral palsy

When working with children with cerebral palsy, the following types of speech therapy massage are most appropriate:

  1. Classical
  2. Spot

Objectives of speech therapy massage for children with cerebral palsy:

  • act on nerves and muscles to stimulate the development of the nervous system;
  • stimulate physical activity;
  • improve autonomic function;
  • improve blood circulation.

Motor alalia

With the help of massage for motor alalia, you can achieve the following results:

  • improving the functioning of the articulatory apparatus;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • coordination of movement of facial muscles and tongue;
  • increased tissue sensitivity;
  • reduction of salivation.

The massage is performed with the fingers; its duration is 10-20 sessions. The technique includes tapping the lips, pressing, and circular movements along the cheeks.


Massage for facial nerve paresis is prescribed after the patient has undergone a thorough examination, including consultations with a neurologist, ophthalmologist, and therapist. In this case, massage is prescribed in combination with therapeutic exercises. Facial massage for paresis improves blood circulation on the affected side of the face, restores muscle function, and prevents contractures.

The peculiarity of massage for this disease is that it is necessary to increase the muscle tone of the articulatory muscles. The first week of sessions is carried out only on the healthy part of the face. At the second stage, actions are redirected to the affected side, while limiting movements for the healthy area of ​​the face.

Apply rubbing and kneading massage movements.

The methods acceptable in this case include:

  • stroking;
  • very light vibrations;
  • light friction;
  • gentle kneading.


Children suffering from phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment are also at risk of dyslexia and dysgraphia, so it is important to promptly begin a set of activities, including home massage. With FFNR, sounds are distorted, replaced, omitted; sounds are poorly distinguished in the speech stream.

Speech therapy massage for children, carried out at home, can make articulation clearer and improve and automate pronunciation. This type of massage does not require special speech therapy tools. A tablespoon is used, less often a toothbrush.

Spoon massage technique for phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment:

  • stroking along the tongue with the convex side;
  • pressing on the central part of the tongue with the inside;
  • rolling from the base to the tip of the tongue;
  • pushes with the convex part from side to side;
  • tapping with the tip of a spoon.

Features of massage at home

When conducting corrective speech therapy work with a child with a speech disorder, speech therapy massage acts as an addition to classes with a speech therapist, speech pathologist, reflexology and drug therapy. To carry out speech therapy massage at home, you should consult a speech therapist or undergo a short-term internship.

A special feature of performing massage at home is that no speech therapy devices (probes) are used.

At home, massage can be done using toothbrushes or spoons of different sizes. It should be noted that such procedures cannot be carried out daily, as excessive irritation or even damage to the mucous membrane and tissues is possible. Speech therapists recommend massage with spoons and brushes every other day.

The procedure is carried out in a ventilated room in a comfortable environment for the child. After eating, at least two hours should pass.

Warm-up before speech therapy massage

The goals of warming up before speech therapy massage are:

  • creating an emotional mood;
  • warming up the muscles before massage;
  • preparing the speech apparatus for massage;
  • stimulated blood circulation;
  • activation of metabolic processes.

Warm up for a few minutes every day. Speech therapy warm-up consists of breathing exercises and logorhythmic tasks to activate facial muscles. An exercise that stimulates a child’s facial expressions is an imitation game.

Video with an example of an exercise for developing facial expressions:

The child portrays the characters specified by the speech therapist or parent using facial expressions. Gymnastics for the articulatory apparatus is also an element of speech therapy warm-up. The child is asked to do exercises to warm up the facial muscles.

Gymnastics actions include: retraction of the cheeks, a wide smile, movements of the lips and tongue.

Types of speech therapy massage:

  • classic massage; consists of two types of effects: relaxing and stimulating;
  • acupressure type of massage; affects those parts of the body where nerve endings and blood vessels are concentrated;
  • hardware massage; requires the use of vibration and vacuum tools;
  • probe type; carried out using speech therapy probes;
  • massage with spoons; carried out using tablespoons, tea spoons, and children's silicone spoons.
  • brush massage; carried out using parts of a toothbrush.

Classic speech therapy massage

Classic techniques include 4 main actions: rubbing, vibration, kneading and light stroking. The choice of techniques depends on the goals of the massage. If the goal is to relax the muscles, then stroking is used. If it is necessary to activate the work of the articulatory muscles, then the massage is carried out with energetic and intense vibrations, rubbing, and kneading.

Massage is carried out both with fingers and massage spatulas, nipples.

Hardware massage

The goals of this massage complex are:

  • elimination of manifestations of speech dysfunctions, motor alalia, delayed speech development;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • improving the pronunciation skills of the articulatory apparatus.

Hardware speech therapy massage at home requires speech therapy massagers that affect tissue with high-frequency vibrations. These instruments have removable parts and can have both a relaxing and activating effect on the muscles of the speech apparatus.

The results of hardware speech therapy massage are longer lasting than with manual massage.


The purpose of acupressure speech therapy massage is to influence acupuncture zones (BAP). Biologically active points contain clusters of nerve endings, massage stimulation of which causes a response. To detect active zones and points, you should move along the massage area with sliding movements.

Ripple serves as evidence of detection of BAP.

If muscle tone is increased, an inhibitory type of massage is used with a relaxing effect. In this case, smoothing movements are made with the pads of the fingers. If the tone is reduced, then a stimulating type of massage is indicated. Rhythmic and energetic movements are used to press and rub the active point.

Probe massage

Author of the technique E.V. Novikova has developed 8 speech therapy probes, with the help of which the speech therapist acts on the main areas of the face: lips, tongue, cheekbones and cheeks. Probes have different shapes, functions and effects. Using a set of probes, you can activate and relax muscles, relieve spasms, increase or decrease muscle tone.

Probe massage has a beneficial effect on the child’s speech and nervous system.

Massage with a toothbrush

This type of massage consists of the massage effects of a speech therapist on the child’s tongue using an individual toothbrush and napkin. The child's tongue is fixed with a napkin, and a toothbrush massages the tongue. The movements are accompanied by poetry reading and fairy tale therapy.

This massage is indicated for children with weak muscles and low tongue tone. At home, this massage serves as an alternative to probe speech therapy massage. It is important to massage the longitudinal muscles and the transverse muscle of the tongue.

Massage with spoons

Massage with spoons is an effective way to correct speech defects. This type of massage is performed by a speech therapist or a parent with the participation of the child himself. The child is given 2 spoons in both hands, and he repeats the movements shown by the adult. All exercises are performed while reading poetry.

The poem contains instructions, describes the order and method of performing the exercise. Movements include rubbing, pressing, tapping with different parts of the spoon (handle, convex side, inner side)

Home massage results

Speech therapy massage for children, performed at home, can cause a beneficial change in the state of the muscular system.

There is also progress in the development of the child’s nervous system. If speech therapy massage is performed for children with speech disorders, activation of muscles that previously had insufficient contractile strength is observed; with spasms and increased tone, a pronounced relaxing effect is observed.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about speech therapy massage for children

A story about effective acupressure for speech development in a child with cerebral palsy:

Massage speech therapy procedures are one of the methods of corrective intervention for various forms of speech development disorders. Speech therapy massage has a beneficial effect on the human body and stimulates the muscular and nervous systems, which is important for the speech-motor process. It can be part of a complex of medical and pedagogical rehabilitation for adults after strokes, children, and adolescents who are diagnosed with speech disorders and disorders (including stuttering).

Why do speech therapists prescribe massage?

Speech therapy massage is mechanical irritation (stroking, kneading) in the muscle areas of the upper shoulder girdle, neck, head, especially the area of ​​the tongue, soft palate, cheeks and lips. In practice, the physical procedure shortens the period of formation and normalization of the pronunciation side of speech under the influence of speech therapy, helps improve the condition of the voice, speech breathing, and stabilizes the emotional background of a person. This procedure is considered one of the tools for speech development - this is how you can characterize what speech therapy massage (LM) is.

But the reasons for speech that is incomprehensible to others can be not only violations of the tone of the organs of articulation (mobility of the muscle tissue of the lips, tongue), but also problems with the grammatical structure of speech and syllable structures of words, and underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. Consequently, a systematic approach is necessary to correct general and speech development.

The main objectives of speech therapy massage include activation and normalization of the peripheral speech and articulation apparatus, strengthening the pharyngeal reflex, stimulation of speech development, and reduction of drooling

About indications and contraindications for massage

There are certain indications for speech therapy massage related to articulatory motor disorders. These include:

– a state of dysarthria – when there are disturbances in the innervation (supply of nerves) to the muscles of the speech apparatus;

– mechanical dyslalia (shortened hyoid ligament);

– rhinolalia (impaired speech pronunciation due to defects in the structure of the speech apparatus).

To do this, a speech therapist examines the patient, excluding contraindications:

– conditions with acute inflammatory processes and elevated body temperature;

– presence of epilepsy, seizures;

– infectious diseases of the oral cavity;

– herpes rashes on the lips, skin diseases on the head;

– tendency to nosebleeds;

– vomiting, nausea;

– conjunctivitis.

There are cases of prescribing LM to a child with autism, motor alalia, or delayed speech development (SDD). Speech therapy massage for mental retardation is a dubious purpose, since it helps to correct sound pronunciation, and in this case the child does not speak. Therefore, it can not be used as the main method of correction, but only in combination with other methods.

Types of massage

It is necessary to understand for what purpose the massage course is prescribed, whether it will be activating or relaxing, and with what accompaniment it will be carried out (sound production, articulation gymnastics).

Types of speech therapy massage are classified into:

– classic – with a standard set of manual techniques;

– point – impact on bioactive points;

– hardware – a technique using vacuum and vibration devices;

– probe – massage using a special instrument according to the method of Novikova E.V.;

– massage developed by E.A. Dyakova – systematized and generalized methodology for various types of speech disorders;

– segmental-reflex – performed using the classic technique with segmental division into zones (face-head – cervical region – collar area).

About therapeutic classical massage

The traditional type of massage is performed on the damaged area of ​​the body directly or next to it, and the reflex effect is not taken into account. The procedure involves performing LM of the face and tongue, as well as gymnastics for the respiratory and articulatory apparatus. Classic massage techniques are used.

Speech therapy massage in pictures can be seen below.

  1. Working on the frontal part of the face: stroking movements from the middle of the forehead to the temple, to the hair from the eyebrows and light kneading of the frontal area.

  2. Cheek area: kneading, stretching along the cheeks from the corners of the mouth to the temporal part of the face, to the lower part of the chin from the cheekbones.

  3. Part of the nose: stroking and stretching movements of the wings of the nose, then stroking to the corners of the mouth.

  4. Mouth area: the lower and upper lips are stroked alternately with a stretch towards the corners.

  5. Chin area: work through stroking and kneading techniques from the center to the periphery.

This speech therapy facial massage for a child can be done at home. After this, massage the lingual muscles and, if necessary, gymnastics.

Briefly about acupressure

The effectiveness of acupressure largely depends on the correct determination of the localization of points of influence during palpation; pulsation is often noted on the face in such places. You should start a massage course by working on no more than four points, with a gradual increase in their number.

Acupressure speech therapy massage is carried out using complexes of bioactive points (BAP), depending on the goals pursued by the procedure (for example, to normalize articulatory muscles or tension in the muscle tissue of the vocal apparatus). Massaging of symmetrical points is performed simultaneously and in pairs, points of local and general action are worked out. Sessions are conducted every other day with a course of treatment determined by the doctor.

Probe massage method

The method of probe massage of the tongue was developed by Novikova E.V. The author created special techniques and special tools - a set of eight probes. Each of the probes used is intended for a specific area of ​​the soft palate, cheeks, lips, tongue and contributes to the gradual resuscitation of the treated area. During the examination, the doctor determines the degree of damage to the child’s facial muscles and the number of sessions required.

Such children's speech therapy massage at home can be performed subject to special training for parents. Carrying out probe LM requires training and experience, therefore it should be carried out by an experienced massage therapist-speech therapist. It is important that the child does not experience discomfort during this. This procedure is contraindicated for infants under six months.

About massage according to the method of Dyakova E.A.

Speech therapists use the method developed by E.A. Dyakova. She was able to systematize and present a description of the methods and techniques of LM, as well as justify the feasibility of its use in various forms of speech disorders.

In the book “Speech therapy massage” by E.A. Dyakova. outlined in detail the physiological aspects of the complex of massage procedures, the procedure for diagnostic examination of patients, detailed methods of differentiated and acupressure LM and the basic techniques of speech therapy massage.

With slow, light exposure, tissue excitability decreases, which has a relaxing effect. And with rapid movements, tissue irritability increases, therefore, muscles contract. The use of differentiated massage techniques helps to increase muscle tone in case of hypotension and decrease it in case of spasticity of the articulatory muscles.

Reduced muscle tone: techniques and massage techniques

Decreased muscle tone can be caused by Down syndrome, rickets, and other diseases that require activation of muscle groups. Speech therapy massage for low tone of the tongue is carried out using the classical technique, starting with the face. Each technique is repeated up to ten times.

The techniques of stroking and rubbing are performed, and finally tapping and pinching are used. A feature of the procedure will be an increasing pressure force, while the child should experience a comfortable sensation. Particular attention is paid to the muscles of the lips: each lip is massaged separately, and the nasolabial folds are carefully worked out.

Massage for increased muscle tone: basic techniques and methodology

Increased muscle excitation caused by hypoxia and birth injuries is relieved by a relaxing massage technique. Of the classical techniques, preference is given to stroking and vibration.

Speech therapy massage for increased tongue tone begins in the collar area, moves to the shoulders, then to the face, tongue and lips. To relax the tongue, lightly massage the neck with head turns left and right, counterclockwise and clockwise.

The massage is performed with slightly pressing, smooth, light movements. A series of smoothing techniques is carried out in the areas of the forehead, cheeks, eyes, chin, moving to the neck-clavicle area and returning to the face (earlobes).

A relaxing speech therapy massage involves working out the muscles of the tongue using swaying up and down and left and right, smoothly stroking the edges and center. The direction of movement along the tongue is towards the root from the tip. At the end of the session, the tongue is extended forward and movements are performed to the sides.

The procedure for performing massage of the tongue muscles

Massage of the tongue muscles should be done in a lying position two hours before or after meals. The procedure begins by working the gums with horizontal movements, then the movements along the gums change to vertical.

From the midline, the palate is massaged with a finger; during this technique, the child can pronounce the sounds E and A. The exercise is duplicated up to 15 times.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue is carried out with the fingers of one hand, and the phalanges of the second hand hold the massaged organ itself. To do this, they use the techniques of stroking, patting, as well as rubbing, vibration, tingling with a special probe, and spreading the tongue using an enema-syringe.

To relax the muscle tissue of the tongue, make vibrating movements under the lower jaw with the index finger in the area of ​​the submandibular fossa and at the angles of the jaw - 15 seconds each. Movements along the lingual muscles can be straight, circular, spiral, the directions of their movement are indicated in the figure.
Speech therapy massage of the mouth is a mandatory stage of preparation before starting tongue massage.

About speech therapy massage using spoons

A technique that uses ordinary spoons as a tool for LM is effective for the process of speech formation in a child. The procedure involves working on the surfaces of the face and neck with the convex side of spoons using stroking and rubbing techniques.

Speech therapy massage with spoons can be performed with children in a playful way. At the same time, massaging, which is performed by the child himself, has a pleasant effect, since the baby will not hurt himself. Different spoon temperatures can be used for stimulating or relaxing massage effects.

This method can serve as a preparatory stage for probe and classical massages, and for articulatory gymnastics. Also, during the procedure, the child learns the names of parts of the face and develops fine motor skills.

Once familiarized with the technique and rules of massage using spoons, parents will be able to perform it themselves at home, in particular if speech therapy massage is prescribed for two-year-old children.

Briefly about massage techniques for dysarthria

When eliminating dysarthria caused by damage to the nervous system, massage procedures on the lingual muscles and correction of sound pronunciation using articulatory and breathing exercises are required. LM will help normalize muscle tone and pronunciation of words, and help eliminate voice disorders. It is recommended to use differentiated speech therapy massage.

For dysarthria, massage sessions activate and strengthen the labial muscles using acupressure techniques. Before massaging the tongue, passive gymnastics is performed to relax and stretch the muscular basal tissues of the tongue. The duration of the procedure depends on the degree of the disease and the age of the patient.

Features of massage for alalia and rhinolalia

The group of speech disorders called alalia includes conditions in which a child’s speech appears with a severe delay (not formed). LM techniques will effectively help stimulate speech zones. To do this, the patient's face and hands are massaged to develop fine motor skills associated with speech function and brain activity.

Speech therapy massage for alalia begins with working on the face using classical techniques: frontal part - eye sockets - cheeks - interbrow space. Then the areas of the nose, mouth and tongue are massaged. After this, the hands are warmed up, starting from the back of the hand from the bottom up along the phalanges, moving to the inner side.

In case of changes in voice timbre with distortion of sound pronunciation caused by disturbances in the resonator function of the nasal cavity, massage procedures are also prescribed. Speech therapy massage for rhinolalia is aimed at activating the soft palate. To do this, using the index finger, stroking and rubbing are performed at the border of the soft and hard palate to reflexively contract the muscles of the palate and pharynx. Next, zigzag and point movements are made across the sky from right to left and back. Already in the early period, it is necessary to do speech therapy massage for infants and breathing exercises aimed at normalizing the muscle tone of the articulatory and respiratory organs. It is important to choose the optimal training program for the child and the position for manipulation.

Typically, differentiated relaxing LM is performed for the face and articulation apparatus. Using the method of light smoothing, the facial muscles and lips are worked out, including using acupressure and hardware (vibration) massages. To relax the neck, they resort to passive movements of the head, and this partially relieves tension from the root of the tongue.

Speech therapy massage for children with cerebral palsy is aimed at strengthening and activating the muscles of the tongue. To do this, use a wooden spatula, which makes stroking and vibrating movements.

Basic massage techniques are shown in the pictures.

During a relaxing massage, to enhance this effect, you can put a warm compress on the patient’s face five minutes before the procedure, for example, a towel soaked in 45℃ water and wrung out thoroughly.

You need to use tools and equipment correctly. This requires consultation with speech therapists where speech therapy massage is performed. The instrumental method is often used to massage the tongue, complementing manual massage techniques. But it is not worth replacing them completely, since only a speech therapist can determine the state of muscle tone, relying on his feelings during the procedure.

Speech therapist. Defectologist. Speech therapy massage of the face and organs of articulation: Video

Parents of children with speech disorders know firsthand what speech therapy massage is. With its help, you can not only activate the muscles of the speech apparatus, but also teach your child to pronounce sounds correctly. If the speech organs are ready to work, then complex sounds become easier to pronounce. Moreover, these classes help well in cases where it is difficult for children to pronounce a large number of sounds.

The list of speech disorders for which massage is prescribed is quite extensive. With delayed speech development and the right approach, it is possible to completely eliminate the problem if there are no other abnormalities. If the child’s speech lags significantly behind the norm, parents should be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of time to bring speech to normal.

Speech therapy tongue massage helps to cope with the following tasks:

  1. Correcting correct sound pronunciation.
  2. Normalization and formation of breathing (diaphragmatic, not upper or clavicular).
  3. Improving the condition and quality of the voice and vocal cords.
  4. Strengthening pharyngeal reflexes.
  5. Normalization of the correct trajectory of movement of the organs of articulation.

Contraindications for carrying out

Parents should be aware that there are a number of contraindications. They are temporary and require you to postpone the activity for a while. For example, pediatric speech therapy massage is not recommended under the following circumstances:

  • elevated temperature;
  • colds or acute respiratory disease;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • stomatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • lymphatic drainage disorders;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • if there is blood in the stool;
  • herpetic infection.

There are other contraindications, which our specialist will inform you about in detail before starting the course. The video below clearly shows how speech therapy massage is done with probes:

Features of the event

Before starting the procedure, the speech therapist examines the condition of facial and articulatory muscles, general and manual motor skills. Determines what state they are in: tense or passive, whether there are twitches, asymmetry in muscle function, and depending on this, selects the appropriate set of exercises. During the massage session, the specialist explains in detail and shows the intricacies of the procedure to the parents. They, in turn, conduct them at home to consolidate the results obtained.

Massage for speech development is recommended to be done in several cycles, each of which includes 10 sessions. Sessions are held either every day or every other day. The interval between cycles is 1–2 months. If it is not possible to visit a speech therapist frequently, it is possible to increase the distance between sessions, and it is necessary to increase their number.

Speech therapy massage is practically meaningless without simultaneous classes to correct existing speech disorders. Therefore, we provide it free of charge as part of individual lessons on sound pronunciation correction.

The duration of the first sessions should be about 5 minutes. Gradually the time and number of exercises increases. For children who have serious problems with the development of the speech apparatus, the duration of the first lessons is only 1–2 minutes, thereby we gradually accustom them to this process so as not to cause a negative attitude towards massage and achieve the desired result.

Depending on the speech impairment in children, the specialist chooses a certain type of massage (with hands, probes, spoons, etc.) and the technique for performing it. It should be borne in mind that speech therapy massage of the tongue with auxiliary means should not be carried out every day, as it can cause irritation of the tongue receptors. The best option is to do it every other day.

Probe massage is the most effective method, since the probes have different shapes and functions, which allows you to achieve the desired effect much faster.

You can speed up the process of correcting the disorder by performing a massage yourself. To practice with a child, you do not need to buy any special probes, which can be seen from a speech therapist when he performs the procedure. When working with a child at home, you can use the warm hands of an adult or ordinary spoons or a toothbrush.

How to do speech therapy massage yourself

Below are a few options that you can do at home yourself. The only thing is that we strongly recommend that you come to us once so that a speech therapist can check whether you are doing everything correctly. At the same time, the specialist will give recommendations specifically for your case.

Before doing speech therapy massage at home, you need to ventilate the room well. Another important point is the absence of any painful sensations - all manipulations should be painless.

Method of speech therapy massage according to E.Ya. Sizova

All manipulations are performed with clean, warm hands, at least twice a day (morning and evening). We take no more than 5-7 exercises. We begin and end the massage with stroking.

Lip exercises:

  • We stroke the upper lip from the middle to the corners of the mouth, without going back (5-7 times). Movements are performed slowly, without pressure.
  • We do the same with the lower lip;
  • We close our lips and stroke them from the middle to the corners of the mouth (5-7 times).
  • We lightly tap the lips from the middle to the corners of the mouth with both hands (3-4 times).
  • We perform spiral movements along the lips from the middle to the corners of the mouth (3-4 times). They can be done on each lip separately or on closed lips. We do not touch the nasolabial triangle.
  • “Duckling” - lips are closed and slightly extended. Lightly pinching the lips (5–7 times) is performed.
  • “Acupressure in the corners of the lips” - fingers are placed on the corners of the lips and circular movements are made in one place (5-7 times).
  • We close our lips and stroke them from the middle to the corners of the mouth (5-7 times).

For the lower jaw:

  • Lightly tap with two fingers from the middle of the lower jaw to the cheekbones (5-7 times).
  • Spiral movements with two fingers from the middle of the lower jaw to the cheekbones (5-7 times).
  • Lightly pinching with your fingers from the middle of the lower jaw to the cheekbones (5-7 times).
  • Stroking with two fingers from the middle of the lower jaw to the cheekbones (5-7 times).

For language:

  • Patting the protruding tongue from the middle downwards with the second and third fingers horizontally (5–7 times).
  • Tapping the protruding tongue and its lateral edges from center to middle (5–7 times).
  • Spiral movements along the protruding tongue from the middle to the tip of the tongue (5-7 times).
  • Pinching with light movements of the tip of the tongue (5-7 times).
  • Stroking the protruding tongue and its lateral edges from center to middle (5–7 times).

For the palate:

  • Lightly tap the palate from the teeth into the depths of the oral cavity to the soft palate (5–7 times).
  • Zigzag movements (right-left) along the center line of the palate (5-7 times).
  • Spiral movements along the central line of the palate (5–7 times).
  • Stroking the palate from the teeth into the depths of the oral cavity to the soft palate (5–7 times).

Massage with a toothbrush

It requires little preparation. First of all, you need to buy the toothbrush itself. It should be clean and specifically designed for activities, not for brushing teeth. The bristle of the brush should be soft. Additionally, you will need to buy a bandage. Before class you will need to make several swabs. They are placed under the tongue to collect saliva, which will be actively released during the massage. It is important to change tampons with new ones on time. This will need to be done approximately every 2 minutes.

If the mother of a small child acts as a massage therapist, in order to relax the baby, you need to carry out all the exercises in active contact and communication. You can hum a song, tell a fairy tale, turn on classical music, put out your favorite toys. You need to adapt to your child.

All massage exercises are based on stroking and light vibration. With the help of the latter, it is possible to achieve relaxation of muscles that are in hypertonicity. Stroking is performed with spiral or circular movements. The pressure should not be strong.

In the case when speech therapy massage is performed on a child with cerebral palsy, you need to choose the right position. It could be like this:

  1. Lying on your back. Be sure to put a cushion under your head. The lower limbs should be bent at the knees.
  2. Embryo position.
  3. On the stomach. A cushion is placed in the chest area.

When performing massage for cerebral palsy, the massage technique is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the tongue. Additionally, the zygomatic muscles, nasolabial fold and submandibular muscles are affected.

Massage with spoons

An important condition for any massage is the cleanliness of the hands and instruments that the specialist will use during the procedure. Speech therapy massage with spoons is performed using ordinary cutlery. The only condition: the absence of patterns and other protruding elements on the spoon that can injure the mucous membrane.

To perform the massage, you will need to take 2 teaspoons and a few in reserve in case they fall on the floor.

Parents should understand that if there are problems with speech, the tongue needs massage to a greater extent, but without activating the entire speech apparatus it is impossible to achieve the desired result. All exercises are repeated 8 times. The technique for performing speech therapy massage with spoons is as follows:

  1. Stroking the child's temples with the convex side of a spoon. Movements should be directed clockwise.
  2. Lightly stroking the eye sockets with the rounded side of the spoon. The spoon is initially guided along the brow ridge towards the outer corner of the eye. The spoon is returned under the eye.
  3. The convex side of the cutlery is used to stroke the child’s cheeks.
  4. Spiral movements with the convex side of the device in the temple area. Finally, you can do a few light presses (you need to be very careful).
  5. The chewing and mental muscles are kneaded in a circular motion with the rounded side of the spoon.
  6. Use the tip of the cutlery to “scrape” along the upper and then the lower lip. After this, make frequent presses.

When performing a massage, most children experience excessive salivation, so work is necessary to overcome drooling:

    Teach children to chew and swallow well first by example. You can first perform a passive movement, take the child by the chin and, as it were, make chewing movements up and down several times a day. You can use a pacifier to teach the swallowing process. First, we put it in the baby’s mouth, then we press on it so that the liquid flows out, we pull it out and make massaging movements in the neck area until the child swallows. Try to give your baby less pureed food, and more often boiled and dried meat.

    Teach how to suck up saliva and often swallow saliva in one push before doing exercises.

It is important to end the massage session correctly. To do this, you need to stroke your face with your hands and praise the child. A favorite game or a small surprise in the form of a sticker is considered a good conclusion to the procedure. The baby will be guaranteed a positive attitude, and next time he will agree to the procedure without any problems, knowing that a reward will follow.

In the presence of deep pathologies (rhinolalia, cerebral palsy) affecting the speech apparatus, it is not recommended to attempt to correct the defect on your own. Each child, as well as his clinical picture, is individual and requires a special approach for speech development, correction and treatment of disorders.