Reporting concert of the vocal group. Maybe the river knows

Scenario of the Report Concert “Lighting up the Stars!”

1) Hello, celebrant!” (performance of the song).

1 Presenter : - Good afternoon, dear guests!

2 Presenter: - Good spring day!

3 Presenter : - Hello, friendly connoisseurs

vocal creativity!

4 Presenter:With great joy we We greet you -

our loved ones are the closest people in the world!!!

1 Presenter : - Today we present to your attention

program of the reporting concert vocal studio

"Droplets" of the technical creativity center "Dream"

2 Presenter: - Ask me where my home is.

And I'll take a look

And the slope, and the forest, and the valley.

I’ll say, “Yes, here he is, nearby!”

3 Presenter: - Ask me where my home is,

Desired and beautiful.

My house is three willows over a pond

And the whole of Russia.

4 Presenter: - On stage – vocal studio “Kapelki”! –

2) "Brothers Russians" (performance of the song).

Presenter: - It turns out that the birth of stars is not only

astronomical phenomenon. The stars may turn out to be

very close to you! After all, our vocal

the team is a wonderful constellation of talents

different sizes!

Presenter: - Some stars have already managed to open and ignite themselves and

therefore they are seen and known by many, while others only

begin to light their starlight and have not yet

so noticeable.

Presenter: - That is why"Let's light up the stars!" - this is not the motto

only for today's concert, but also for the entire creative

life of our team.

Presenter - Like the song of boundless Russia,

They sound city ​​names,

Leading - But still the most beautiful

I have a city, friends!

Leading - Author's song of the head of our studio –

Vasyuchkova Svetlana Valerievna"The city where

I live! performed by Bogdan Kaletinsky – who is in this

year he lit his own solo star in our team,

becoming a Laureate and Diploma holder of International and

City competitions!

3) “The city where I live” (performance of the song).

Presenter: - Family joy

Happy faces!

We wish all families

Glow with love!

Presenter: - Love flourishes

Around the Earth!..

Peace to your home

And every family!

Presenter: - Meet!Mixed Star Vocal Group

school No. 116 with the song “Family”.

4) “Family” - school 116 sings

1 Presenter: - Stars are a symbol of success,

A symbol of talent, joy, laughter.

2 Presenter: - And children, like stars, also burn!

No wonder there is such a shower of stars today!

3 Presenter: - On stage - budding stars - guests of our


4 Presenter: - Meet me! Choreographic association


5) “My guardian angel.”

Leading : - It's no secret that vocal lessons are not easy.

entertainment - but hard, but pleasant, work.

Leading: - From activity to activity for our boys and girls

studios reach the heights of vocal mastery.

Leading: - And how many interesting and informative things we learned

guys for this academic year! How many victories are they

won in competitions! Star victories!

Leading : - And now, behind the stage, all the guys are very worried about

this crucial moment.

Leading: - Therefore, let's support all our artists

friendly applause!

Presenter: - Meet - on stage - middle group our

team together with the choreographic association

"Smile" -"Lazy cat"

6) "Lazy cat" (performance of the song)

Leading: Each of us, looking into the night sky, dreams of seeing a falling star and making a cherished wish. But, as comic statistics say, 90 percent of those who see this phenomenon only have time to say: “Wow!” as the star immediately disappears.

Leading: But today, on this stage, we will see not a fall, but a birth nova. And not just stars - but a star duet!!!

Leading: We can only hope that you will have time not only to enjoy the light of our stars, but also their singing!

Leading: Meet! Soloists of the vocal studio “Kapelki” - Veropakha Elizaveta and Kaletinsky Timur - “Soul”!

7) "Soul" (performance of the song).

Ved: How easily and beautifully our artists perform today! It seems that you know how to sing - go on stage and dare - surprise the audience! Right?

Ved: Of course not, talent alone is not enough! Rehearsals, rehearsals and rehearsals! And how much courage it takes to come out on stage here! Adult artists' knees are shaking! And what can we say about young, very little stars?!…

Ved: But all the participants in this concert are already real artists!

Let's greet our youngest vocalists with thunderous applause!

8) "Red cat". (performance of the song).

Leading: And now another group of emerging artists will appear on this stage.

Leading: The guys studied for the whole school year, tried, overcame difficulties, laziness, fatigue, and not always everything worked out the first time.

Leading : But if you firmly believe, really, really want and try hard... then everything will definitely work out. Remember, everything is in your hands, believe in luck and it will definitely come.

Leading: So, welcome! First-graders singing on stage

9) “Five Lazy Frogs” (performance of the song).

Leading : You know, I have one cherished wish, and for it to come true, I need to see a shooting star and have time to make a wish.

Leading : It would be great if all dreams came true! Only there may not be enough shooting stars for everyone...

Leading : Imagine if, looking into the starry sky, we see not a fall, but the birth of a new star?

Leading : Yes, I know one of our soloists who, it seems, managed to light his star! After all, during this academic year alone he received 5 diplomas as Laureate of various International competitions, and became a Diploma winner in city competitions 6 times!

Leading : Oh yeah! He lit up a lot bright star in our team!

Leading : Meet Timur Kaletinsky with the song “Music of the Sea”!

10) “Music of the Sea” (performance of the song).

Presenter: - Listen!

After all, if the stars light up -

So does anyone need this?

Presenter: - This means it is necessary

So that every evening above the rooftops

Did at least one star light up?

Leading: I know that the next participant in our concert with early childhood there is a cherished dream: she, like many girls, dreams of becoming a star.

Leading: And I know that she not only dreams, but also tries very hard to fulfill her dream herself. Meet! Panasenko Ulyana with the song “I want to go south”

Leading: Panasenko Ulyana with a song

11) “I want to go south” (performance of the song)

Leading: What do you think, (name of co-host), the path of a star - what is it like?

Leading: I think – bright!

Leading: But it is probably very difficult and responsible - to be

a bright star and always shine for everyone!

Leading: I think it's very difficult when you're at the top

everyone can see you - every step you take! Both successes and mistakes!

Leading: - Yes, bright Star Trek can only pave the most

talented stars!

Leading: - And it will depend only on them how long their life will be.

star trek and how high!

Leading: – Meet – the bright soloist of the vocal studio Droplets,

multiple International and City Laureate

competitions – Arina Drozdova – “The Way”!

12) "The Path" (Performance of the song)

Leading: The alleys have become quieter,

All the yards are empty,

The rain drums on the roofs:

Tam-taram, taram - tara.

Leading: With every sound the note is higher,

The rain beats down, sparing no effort.

Everyone is running, hurrying under the roofs

Listen to rain music.

Leading: The beginning soloist is a little star of our team

Leading: Shakirova Alisa with a song"Man in the Rain" Meet!

13) “Man in the Rain.” (performance of the song)

Leading: - When the soul strives to fly,

When the soul can't help but sing,

Leading: She needs to become a free bird

And fly away like a bird into the sky.

Leading: Meet - on stage - the soloist of the group -

Leading: laureate International competition in Novosibirsk - Nikonova

Tatyana - “How to become a bird.”

14) “How to become a bird " (performance of the song)

Presenter 2: - What do you think, friends, what will happen if you invite two pretty girls on stage now who can sing well, dance great and be strong friends? –

Presenter 1: This will make a wonderful duet.

15) “I will find a way” - performed by Veropakha Elizaveta and Semchenko Polina.

Host: Yes, Stars... How many times have we looked at them and couldn’t stop admiring them! Sometimes we want to get up and take a closer look at them, but, unfortunately, this is not given to us.

Leading: And then we look for the stars among us and light them.

Leading: And also - when the stars themselves light up, they help other stars around to light up - there is no more beautiful and brighter light in the world!

Leading: Meet the duet on stage - Arina Drozdova and Bogdan Kaletinsky with a song "I'm with you"!

16) "I'm with you" (performance of the song)

Leading - You know, ... (name of co-host) - it seems to me that the smartest and most talented children in the world live in our city!

Leading – Of course, I completely agree with you! Moreover, all the smartest and most talented children study inour team! And now you will see this!

Leading – meet on stage – the junior preschool group of the vocal studio “Kapelki”

Leading "Fashionista" !

17) "Fashionista" (performance of the song)

Leading: Well done! Such young and such bright stars!

Leading: And not in heaven, but on our stage!

Leading: Yes, but there are just so many stars in the sky! And on stage... alone,


Leading: Well, you don’t think that you have already counted all our stars?

Leading: Is there anyone else?

Leading: Well, of course! And we definitely need to watch the next issue! Because now we will see a whole constellation!

18) “Sweet tooth” (performance of the song)

Leading : During this school year, the students of the studio experienced many interesting events.

Leading : Our guys participated in city, district and international festivals and competitions

Leading : And they always became laureates and diploma holders as in solo performances and in the ensemble!

Leading : The guys not only studied, they made friends, met and parted, quarreled and made peace, fantasized, dreamed and made their dreams come true!

Presenter - There is a place for everyone in this world, since you were born - then live!

Presenter - The world will become joyful and bright with friendship, laughter and love!

Meet! Multiple Laureate of International, city and regional competitions - the brightest constellation of our star team -

Senior group vocal studio "Droplets" with a song

19) “Let the world be beautiful” (performance of the song).

Leading: And so, song by song, our concert came to an end.

Leading: We hope you weren't looking at your watch, remembering the tale of wasted time?

Leading: And yet, I wonder how to become a star?

Leading: Yes, very simple! Love Her Majesty Song...

Leading: ANDLet this love lead you to our Creativity Center...

Leading: This is where you can show and develop your talents!

Leading: Take part in concerts, win competitions...

Leading: And your star will definitely light up and shine, warming with its light people close and dear to your heart.

Leading: So, year after year, the light of our stars shines brighter and brighter, uniting us all into one big, friendly, talented family!

20) “This is my family.”

(performance of the final song by all groups of the group).

(When creating the script, materials from Internet sources were used)


We are pleased to welcome you to our cozy hall of the Togliattiazot Palace of Culture.

Our guys have been preparing since the fall, trying to ensure that today you get great pleasure and incredible emotions from our concert...

LEADING: And the notes sweetly intertwined,

Jazz breaks my soul

Everywhere - wherever you look -

Everything is drowning in languid blues.,

Blues notes caress

Suddenly you close your eyes,

And you see the music of beauty

They are all here for you.


2. "AFTER DARK" ( Vitaly Nesvizhsky and ensemble soloists ballroom dance"EMPILS" Sasha and Katya )

3. “IT’S DAWN OUTSIDE THE WINDOW”(Rustam Zagrtdinov, Vitaly Nesvizhsky, Anna Evshparova)

LEADING : One fate is destined for us mortals:

All of us, as we are - with glory and without glory -

Let's disappear like the grass disappears

In the fall, leaving the seeds...

And the generations that will come to replace

They will pave their own paths in the Universe.

It is not death that these generations bring us,

But our life is eternally extended.

4."MOON DANCES"(Ksenia Fedotova, Polina Lisman)


5. "CHILDHOOD"(Leonid Rodygin, Alina Filippova)

6. "SINK"(Evgenia Arefieva, Anna Romashkina, Vitaly Nesvizhsky,)

HOST: She dreamed of love, she waited

And in that dream I forgot about the present

She understood everything, but she was lying to herself.

And he remained coming as before.

How little happiness there is in this illusory love,

And you can’t add gloomy dreams.

And she had fabulous dreams at night,

In which he gave her fabulous roses.

4. “YOU GAVE ME ROSES”(Anna Romashkina, Rustam Zagrtdinov, Vitaly Nesvizhsky)

5. "I KNOW"(Maria Artamonova, Vitaly Nesvizhsky)

6. "YOU ARE MY TENDERNESS"(Irina Solovyova)


KERNASOVSKAYA: Well, dear friends, Irina brought to you a little sadness and memories of unfulfilled hopes and lost love. But this sadness, I hope, is as bright as in Pushkin’s immortal poems. And in order to somehow compensate for the sadness and melancholy that the previous performer inspired you, we invite a guest from a European country to the stage, but guess which one from yourself.

He is in Tolyatti on an official visit at the invitation of the city club “Those over 40”. Naturally, he will sing in his own native language. And so that you can understand what this respected burgher will rumble about, I will immediately give you a line-by-line translation.

RODYGIN: Natasha, what are you saying, there should be a line-by-line translation after each line!

KERNASOVSKAYA: And we will have it right away! So, line-by-line translation : “I had a girlfriend - I loved her, she ate a piece of ... oh, sorry, I gave her a cactus for Thanksgiving that I brought from Honduras itself. But one day she sat down on him unsuccessfully.

And the more the cactus needles dug into her beautiful body, the faster her love for me disappeared from her. And here I am standing, preparing strudel with pickled onions and smoked sausages and thinking: why didn’t I bring her a wild orchid?”

7. "CACTUS"(Vitaly Nesvizhsky)


Well, dear friends, did you like our exhibit? Brutal-virtual, creative-exclusive. Many of our distinguished guests would not mind having one of these in their kitchen. Friends! Our European comrade is on this stage for a reason. He's heard a lot about our Russian women, their beauty, dedication, kindness and all those qualities that make up the impression of our country.

Naturally, he would like to have such a life partner. So, despite all the sanctions that Russian beauties have imposed on European tolerant male feminists, who hold gay pride parades and all that kind of rubbish in high esteem, we decided to meet our romantic friend halfway and help him fulfill his passionate desire to acquire a Russian soul mate. We are holding an auction and maybe among you there will be a compassionate heart that will take pity and warm the soul of this unfortunate poor fellow. Proceeds from the auction cash we will send personally to Mrs. Magherini at European Union to support real men, of whom there are practically none left in the Old Lady. Starting price …

If the auction is going slowly, cheer up the audience with the words: “Courage, gentlemen! We assure you that if the auction had been held in Europe, some cute little guy would have long ago paid a decent amount for this nice exhibit, so to speak, for internal use.”

8. "GOODBYE, MOM"(Rustam Zagrtdinov, Vitaly Nesvizhsky, Evgenia Evshparova)

9. "PARACHUTE"(Alina Baybekova, Vitaly Nesvizhsky)

10. "DUSYA-UNIT"(Svetlana Kuryatkova, Vitaly Nesvizhsky, Rustam Zagrtdinov)

11. "WHAT DID YOU MEAN"(Rustam Zagrtdinov, Vitaly Nesvizhsky)

You remember never forget

Bloody was its price

Do you remember the graying mothers

Maybe the forest knows

How many secrets does heaven have?

Maybe the river knows

How many tears are in the clouds...

16. "MAYBE THE FOREST KNOWS"(common song)

Our Magnificent has come to the end musical festival. Where not only gorgeous voices sounded, but also the beautiful souls of our soloists and musicians.

The following took part in the Spring Concert:

Zong group "Like Band":

Bass guitar – Alexey Kochergin

Drums – Sergey Goryushkin

Rhythm guitar – Rustam Zagrtdinov

Leader Guitar – Oleg Golubev


Anna Romashkina

Anna Evshparova

Vitaly Nesvizhsky

Soloists of Leonid Rodygin's vocal studio:

Ksenia Fedotova

Polina Lisman

Evgenia Arefieva

Maria Artamonova

Irina Solovyova

Alina Baybekova

Vitaly Dmitruk

Svetlana Kuryatkova


Spectators are invited to concert hall. The stage is not brightly lit, but enough for the audience to understand what is happening.

All the concert participants are on stage, some are communicating with each other, some are learning the text from a piece of paper, some are chanting. In short, a normal working environment, like before a rehearsal. The leader appears. After talking a little with the participants, he invites them all to come to the piano (synthesizer), and he sits down at the instrument. The chant begins on the theme “Intermezzo” by ABBA. Everyone sings very hard. Then he invites the soloists to prepare for their performances. The Like Band musicians take their places. The minute-long intro to “Nothing for Money” begins. "NOTHING FOR MONEY"(Vitaly Nesvizhsky, Rustam Zagrtdinov, Anna Evshparova)

Good evening Ladies and gentlemen!

Explanatory note


Development of interaction between teacher, children and parents in the process of education creative personality child, creating favorable conditions for attracting parents to actively participate in the activities of the studio.



1. To improve children’s ability to expressively and intonationally accurately perform various works accompanied by a “minus” phonogram, and to use a microphone correctly.

2. Expand your horizons of knowledge about hometown, history of Russia.


1. Develop the ability to control your own performance, listen carefully and analyze the performance of your comrades.

2. To increase the level of stage performance in children, to feel confident and free on stage.


1. Foster a feeling of love for the Motherland, a sense of camaraderie and collectivism.

2. Fostering children's interest in concert activities.


1. Coffee table, computer, multimedia screen.

2. Microphone, sound amplification equipment.

3. Attributes and prizes for the game.


1. Learning songs with children and parents.

2. Selection of slides.

3. Creating a presentation “Studio Business Card”.

4. Work with parents on decorating the hall, purchasing prizes and souvenirs.

Event scenario

Children and guests are in the hall. A solemn melody sounds. The presenters come out.

Presenter 1:

Dear children and distinguished guests! Our concert is dedicated to peace, friendship and love for the Motherland, the country where you and I play, study, work and simply live. Do you know the name of our country? (children's answers).

For clear dawns, washed with dew, for a Russian field with tall ears of corn,

For the rivers flowing in blue flames, you were called Russia in Slavic.

Presenter 2:

I love you, my Russia, for the clear light of your eyes,

I love your meadows and fields, the transparent sound of your plains.

Willows bending towards the water, the tops of flaming rowan trees.

I love and deeply understand the pensive sadness of the steppes.

I love everything that I call in one great word - Rus'!

Presenter 1:

My dear side, how good you are!

Ah, Rosinochka - Russia! How your soul sings!

Song “Rosinochka - Russia”, E. Zaritskaya - Spanish. junior vocal ensemble

(During this and subsequent vocal performances, slides are shown on the screen about children performing and vocal studio classes)

Presenter 1:

Do you know the name of the capital of our Motherland?

(children's answers). That's right, this is Moscow, does anyone know how old she is? (865) What is the name of the city where you live? (children's answers). How old is he? (408) Russia has many fabulous places, Russia has countless cities! It may be more beautiful somewhere, but it won’t be more dear than here!

Presenter 2:

Like the song of boundless Russia, the names of cities sound,

But still, my friends, I have the most beautiful city!

Presenter 1:

Raise your hand those who were born in the city of Tomsk! Now raise your hand, those who think they know their city and its surroundings well! Now we will check it!

Game - quiz “Excursion to native places”

(show slides on the screen: “Views of the city and its environs”, for the correct answer - sweet prize(if children find it difficult to answer, parents help)

Presenter 1: There are many smart and talented children living in the city of Tomsk, some of them study in our creativity house, which is called... (children answer). And although they don’t even go to school yet, they are already performing like real artists!

Song “One palm, two palms” music. E. Zaritskaya - Spanish Maria G.

Song "About kindergarten» I. Ponomareva - Spanish. Zlata P.

Presenter 1: Now we will conduct another small quiz on knowledge and attention. Let's invite three girls of the same age onto the stage and ask them four questions. The one that gives the most correct answers will win.

Game - quiz “Did you know?”

1. What is the name of the country in which we live?

2. What is the name of our region: Far East, Siberia, Kamchatka?

3. What is the name of the capital of the Tomsk region?

4. What are the people of our city called?

5. What is the name of the street where you live?

6. What floor do you live on?

7. When is your birthday?

8. Name, patronymic, profession of father and mother?

(accompanied by a slide show; at the end of the quiz, children receive sweet prizes)

Presenter 1: For everyone who participated in the game and those who listened carefully, our following speeches:

Song “Harmonist Timoshka” by T. Morozova - Spanish. Alena Sh

Song “Tired” by A. Petryasheva - Spanish. Ekaterina Ch.

Presenter 1: Let's talk a little about the city, about what is in it, what moves and what stands still, what happens sometimes and what always happens. As you probably already guessed, there will be riddles now. You answer in a civilized manner, don’t shout loudly from your seat, quickly raise your hand!

Presenter 2:

1. Small houses are running along the street,

The houses are transporting boys and girls... (bus)

2. In two rows of houses there are 10, 20, 100 in a row

And everyone looks at each other with square eyes... (street)

3. Made of metal - a giant good deed he got carried away

It lies across the river, and people cross the river along it, forgetting about the miracle... (bridge)

3. To help you pass the dangerous path,

We are on both day and night - green, yellow, red... (traffic light)

4. She drives quickly along the road, she is in a hurry to fight the fire,

Give way to her, or everything will burn to the ground... (fire truck)

5. Splashes of light are pouring everywhere, this is a festive...(fireworks)

Presenter 1: Well done, you have again shown your extraordinary abilities! Let's ask your parents what they think you are like! (parents use adjectives: smart, talented, kind, etc.) Well, now tell us about yourself with an entertaining game!

Game "Make a word"(Children with posters in their hands, on which numbers are written on one side for any dance music moving around the hall. With the end of the music they are placed in a row in digital order. At a signal, the posters are unfurled and adjectives are written on them in vertical order, defining positive features character. The upper letters are in bold and form the name of the studio - Domisolka).

Presenter 2: A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases us, we are having fun this morning,

The day gives children a ringing holiday and chief guest there's a game on it!

Song “Visiting a Fairy Tale” by V. Dashkevich - Spanish. Sofia D

Song “Colorful Game” by B. Savelyev - Spanish. senior vocal ensemble.

Presenter1: We again continue to talk today about our Motherland, about native history, and again you are offered a small quiz “Do you know Russian folk proverbs and sayings." Here we will call our parents for help.

Game “Finish the Proverb”

1. Proverb - flower, proverb…..berry

2. Good proverb not in the eyebrow, but in…..the eye

3. In the sun it’s warm, in the mother’s presence... good

4. Labor feeds, but laziness...spoils

5. The master’s work... is afraid

6. Alone in the field is not...a warrior

7. Where the needle goes and ... the thread

8. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without... a song

Presenter 1: Now it’s time for us to get up and stretch our arms! Keep your back straight and stretch out your arms together! Barely, barely, barely the carousel began to spin! And then faster, faster, stronger and stronger! Hush, hush, don’t rush, stop the carousel! Now sit up straight, stretch your legs forward! Barely, barely, barely the carousel spun, and then, then, then, still running, running, running! Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel! (children in their seats move their arms and legs alternately at a given pace) One - two, one - two, that's the end of the game! It's time to perform again!

Song “Colored Peas” by A. Varlamov - Spanish. junior vocal ensemble.

Song "Rain" music. Yu. Verizhnikova - Spanish. Victoria D.

Presenter 1: Love for the Motherland for each of us begins with love for the native places where you were born and live. Big love to a small Motherland begins in childhood. What is childhood? Let's listen together!

1 child:

Childhood is a magical kingdom, the joy of funny pranks!

It's a pity that people don't know about this medicine yet.

But no problem, thank God, instead of busy days

Adults will benefit from the laughter and smiles of children.

Adults! If you're sad, cats scratch your soul,

Ask for childhood in the pharmacy in drops or pills!

2nd child:

Take care of your children and don’t scold them for pranks,

Never take out the evil of your bad days on them!

And while children's laughter from toys in the house has nowhere to go,

You are the happiest in the world, take care of your childhood as adults!

Song “Welcome to Childhood” by A. Pavlovsky - Spanish. Sophia S.

Song “Me and the Sun” by A. Ermolov - Spanish. Elizabeth L.

Song “Friendship” by V. Shainsky - Spanish. Victoria S.

Presenter 1: There are different children in our city - smart and very smart, kind and angry, serious and cheerful, but the most creative and talented of them gathered in this hall. So let the ringing voices ring again and again today and let the good songs never cease!

Song “Summer” by A. Kudryashov - Spanish. Elizabeth P.

Song “Yabeda-koryabeda” by E. Krylatov - Spanish. Alina K.

Song “The World of Art by A. Petryasheva - Spanish. senior vocal ensemble

Presenter 1: Today we talked a lot about our Motherland - Russia, but in order to be completely tolerant, I would like to say that our planet is so beautiful! It has so many rainbow colors, it becomes richer with hundreds of faces and voices!

Presenter 2: There is a place for everyone in this world, since you were born, then live,

The world will become joyful and bright with friendship, laughter and love!

Let him live on the planet and make him happy again, let’s all say together:


Presenter 1: Another school year has ended, but we are not sad, because summer is waiting for us, and soon a fine September day will call everyone back to a vocal lesson! At the end of our concert, we invite all performers to the stage!

The general song “The Stars Are Lighting Up” from the repertoire of children. show groups“Smile” - Spanish. children and parents of the studio (during the performance of the song, the presentation “Studio Business Card” is shown on the screen)

Presenter 1: The holiday is over, the candles are extinguished, but do not be sad, children. Summer will fly by, then we'll see you here again, kids!

(Organizational part with the presentation of certificates, souvenirs and gifts).

Used Books:

1. V. Viktorov “Poems for children.” M.: Bustard-Plus, 2004.

2. G. F. Vikhareva. “Song, ring!” St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 1999.

3. L. E. Streltsova. "Literature and Fantasy". M.: Education, 1992.

4. E. T. Borovik. "From words to music." Education, 1991. Minsk, 1995.

Video “From the life of the ensemble.” The intro from “Song of the Year” plays, the presenters come out

INriding 1: Hello, dear friends!

INriding 2: Hello Center children's creativity"Childhood"

INriding 1: We were entrusted with the great honor of hosting today's concert! The presenters of today's concert are …..........

INriding 2: And …..................

INriding 1: We congratulate you sitting in this hall on the New Year! And Congratulations on the start of the main competition, the main festival, the final concert “Song of the Year 2014”!

INriding 2: Throughout 2014, hundreds of radio stations received and carefully studied thousands of your letters, telegrams, SMS, calls and emails...

INriding 1: and they did this with only one goal - to determine the best New Year's songs, to determine the most favorite performers... Do everything so that these New Year's songs are heard today here, in this hall, the Children's Creativity Center "Childhood", at the "Song of the Year 2014"!

INriding 2: Therefore, everything that you will see and hear today has been selected by you, dear friends!

Presenter 1: Well, with your help and support, we are starting!!!

INriding 2: Tell me............what do you think? What is better to sing or dance?!

Presenter 1: I can't answer your question......But I know for sure that the guys from vocal ensemble“The Firebird” manages to combine both singing and dancing!

Presenter 2: M....Interesting to see!

Presenter 1: At our “Song of the Year 2014” competition, meet the famous and beloved vocal ensemble “Firebird” with the song "Dance and Sing"

The song "Dance and Sing" is playing

Presenter 2: To congratulate and reward the participants of our competition, I invite the head of the vocal ensemble “Firebird” Elena Vladimirovna Melkozernova to the stage !

Music from the song of the year sounds, E.V. comes out.

Awards the children from the vocal ensemble "Firebird" 1st grade:



Presenter 1: The vocal ensemble “Merry Keys” has been practicing at the Children’s Children’s Center for 5 years now. They are the favorite performers of the residents of the Crimea microdistrict and school No. 63.

Presenter 2: Vocal ensemble “Merry Keys” with the song “Dedication to Friends........”

Presenter 1: And now we will check which contestants are friendly and attentive. We will ask you riddles and you will answer in unison!

1) I have gifts in my bag
Caramels, chocolates
Round dance around the Christmas tree
What kind of holiday? … ( New Year)

2) We are waiting for him today
So let's call
He brought us gifts
Come on, come on together! … (Father Frost)

3) We are so tired today
Sang songs and danced
Even though it's winter, we're hot here
And in the bag they are waiting for us... (gifts)

4) Time to light the Christmas tree
Have fun and dance
Let's shout one, two, three
Together the Christmas tree... (burn)

5) All dressed up in toys
All covered in garlands and firecrackers
Not prickly at all
Well, of course it’s... (Christmas tree)

6) We are not afraid to freeze
We dance and sing
We laugh and have fun
And we are waiting for gifts
And around the decorated Christmas tree
We dance in a circle
We are not afraid to freeze
We are celebrating... (New Year)

7) The bear has a jar of honey
The cat has mice
There are Christmas tree needles.
The Christmas tree has... (cones)

8) She is not afraid of blizzards,
She's not afraid of a blizzard
She flew to us on a broom
Evil... (Baba Yaga)

Presenter 2: Well done, you guessed everything! We deserve a musical gift from the girls from vocal ensemble "Firebird" "At my Russia". Your applause!

Presenter 1: Once again I invite Elena Vladimirovna to the stage to award the next winners in the “Song of the Year 2014” competition

E.V. comes out. music from “Song of the Year” sounds. Awards 2nd class:_ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter you hear?!

Presenter 1: What!?

Presenter 2: Is someone crying loudly?! Maybe something happened?


presenter 2: Disorder - the New Year will come soon......... It is necessary that no one cry, it’s not in vain that they say: how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it! Let everyone smile and rejoice!

Presenter 2: I suggest asking her to sing for our viewers, maybe the girl will have fun?!

Presenter 1: Good idea! Princess Zabava, please come out and sing us your song!

The “Song of Princess Zabava” sounds in Spanish. Alena Sukhoi

Presenter 2: Let us thank Alena Sukhaya with thunderous applause for performing this wonderful song! And we continue main concert 2014 “Song of the Year”

Presenter 1: The vocal ensemble “Merry Keys” sings for you!

Song “Who else if not me” (performed by the vocal ensemble “Merry Keys”)

Presenter 2: And again we will invite to this stage the main member of the jury of our competition “Song of the Year 2014” Elena Vladimirovna.

The music “Song of the Year” sounds, E.V. comes out. awards 3rd grade_ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

presenter 1: Tell me, do you already feel the new year approaching?

Leadingth 2: Eh, strange question... of course! The smell of a Christmas tree, tangerine.........

Presenter 1: A holiday is good, there is no need to go to school and study!

Presenter 2: What are you doing!? School is the same most interesting place: lessons, assignments, communication with classmates....

presenter 1: And, guys, from the vocal ensemble “Firebird” will now tell us their story........

vocal ensemble "FIREbird" "Oh, this school"....

presenter 2:........we are leaving the studio urgently

presenter 1: What happened?

Presenter 2: It was just broadcast on the radio that an invasion of flying dragons awaits us at the end of 2014......

presenter got everything mixed up! It was reported that the girls from the ensemble would now perform “Bells” with the song “Drakosha”

Song "Drakosha"

Presenter 2: At our competition today there are truly talented children and wonderful parents......

Presenter 1:.............What are you talking about?

Presenter 2: I would like to congratulate all the children and parents on the New Year in some special way: for example, give them a trip to Veliky Ustyug to see Santa Claus or a trip to sunny countries...

Presenter 1: I think that the next contestant will give all the spectators such vivid emotions that no one will want to leave our hall. Meet Alena Sukhaya with the song “About Traces”

Song "About Traces"

Presenter 2: Meet Elena Vladimirovna again to award the winners of the “Song of the Year 2014” competition!

The music is playing from “Song of the Year” by E.V. awards 4th and 5th grades_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1: And now we will invite you to solve deception riddles from the evil Baba Yaga:

1) I fly in a mortar,
I kidnap children
In a hut on a chicken farm
I live on my feet
Golden-haired beauty
And my name is...
Vasilisa the Wise Baba Yaga

presenter 2: In a dense forest, in a swamp
You will certainly find it.
She's not a fish, she's not a frog,
My dear friend.
Slender figure
Her name is...
Snow Maiden Kikimora
Presenter 1: There is also one in the forest
Very important gentleman.
He's all overgrown with cones,
Only the nose is visible on the face.
Can be shy like a bunny
And his name is...
Dunno Goblin
Presenter 2: He lives in the wilderness of the forest,
Hero of my heart.
He rattles his bones
And everyone in the area is scared.
What kind of old man is this?
Well, of course,..
Piglet Koschey the Immortal

Presenter 1: Well done, have a great time and relax with the song of the vocal ensemble “Firebird” “In the grove of viburnum”.

Together: Meet!

"In the grove of viburnum"

Presenter 2: Several cool girls want to please us

from the ensemble “Firebird” with the number “Young Horse”.

The song "Young Horse" is playing

Presenter 2: Without promising complete success, I hope that the New Year
It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.

Presenter 1: I still hope for something else, and I believe in it fervently,
That happiness awaits us all like never before.

Presenter 2: Friendship, joy and laughter,
New knowledge, strength, success.

Presenter 1: Life in happiness and harmony,
We sincerely wish you

together: In the coming year!

The music “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays in the background.

reporting concert
Exemplary pop vocal association Zimfirinka

The stage is dark. Ilshat comes out.

Ilshat Good evening! We are pleased to welcome you to the reporting concert of the exemplary pop and vocal association Zimfirinka. Spring! The soul sings and the heart sings along. Today I decided to gather those who live by desire, talent and music!
Peace to everyone who lives according to the laws of kindness.
Peace to the one who sings the song of friendship and dreams.
Peace to those who live next to us in love.
Peace to you, people of the whole Earth!

1.Abdul Just love
2. Olya + Artem Inseparable friends
3. Dasha G. The word is impossible
4.Kamil Prostokvashino

Ilshat - Where is everyone? Well, for once I decided to gather everyone together and there is no one! (calls on the phone) and this one is not available! They probably haven’t returned from the competition yet. Yes, rehearsals, concerts, trips to festivals, and more performances, and rehearsals, rehearsals and rehearsals. This is the life of our team. It's nothing you can do. But thanks to this, the Zimfirinka Pop and Vocal Association is a multiple winner of International, All-Russian and Republican competitions. You can't count it on your fingers. And for the second year they have been participating in the International Competition of Young Performers New wave, try their hand and hope to win.

A cherished wish came true
What Zimfira Khamitovna dreamed many years ago:
Through labor, perseverance, skill, diligence -
In Zimfirinki everything we have is embodied!

5. Ilshat Tatarskaya
6.Artem Krokodil
7.Diana Korablik
8. Dasha Ch. Song about a little friend

Ved. But listen to another one funny story. You know, our Zimfira Khamitovna is a very emotional teacher.
Ved. Yes Yes.
Ved So, at the next reporting concert, the Mikoelyans brother and sister sing. Zimfira Khamitovna is worried about how they performed it correctly and sings along with them from the audience. And as usual, at the most inopportune moment the microphones are turned off and the whole hall can hear Zimfira Khamitovna soloing at the top of her voice.
Ved Yes. It really was fun.
Another presenter comes out.
Ved Guys, why are you telling stories to each other, Ilshat has been looking for us there for a long time. Today he gathers the whole team. He must have prepared some kind of surprise!
Ved Then let's go faster!

9. Lilya Balloon
10. Dinar Tatarskaya
11.Albina Boy Denis

Ved. The whole palace ran around, he was nowhere to be found.
Ved. Yeah, sometimes you can’t find an elephant in our huge building. While you are in one part, the elephant is in another, you run over to the opposite, the elephant already manages to move to the one where you were originally.
Ved. But, this is wonderful. After all, what is our palace? big house bustling, eager, creative, talented residents. Of people, creative life which brings joy, good mood, smile.
Ved. And Fatima Rashitovna Sultanova manages all this wealth. We ask you to come on stage.

12.Diana Music School
13.Archil + Kamil Comic composition

Camille comes out.
Kamil. One, one, check, click, click. Hello, my name is Kamil. I am 8 years old. I have been studying in Zimfirinki for a whole year now. I want to become a famous artist.
It comes out.
Ved. What kind of number is this? Why are you playing around with the microphone?
Kamil. I don't play around, I try my hand. I want to be an artist, like you, for example.
Ved. Well, commendable! And you know that you don’t become famous in a second.
Kamil. Well, I guess. I wasn't born on the moon.
Ved. For example, our friend Ilshat. He has been studying with Zimfira Khamitovna for many years. And over the years there has been so much pain of creativity, and luck, and falls, and work, persistent, daily, one might say, every minute. And look at the result, Ilshat is known in our city, but wherever in our city. The whole Republic knows about him. Even at one of the competitions, a professor at the Kazan Conservatory spoke very warmly about him and invited him to study in his class. Understood?
Camille Yeah.
Ved. I advise you to take him as an example!

13. Ilshat
14.Emil Jazz man
15.Kaledoscope number

Two presenters come out and sing a capella different languages
Ved. - Amazing Art Music! She has the ability to unite people of different nationalities! People live in different countries, but they can communicate and understand each other through music
Ved. - These are our Zimfirinkas multinational team, and we sing in different languages. For example, in Greek.

16. Anna Erotaz
17. Olya The Little Prince
18. Dilyara Yagodka

Ved. Dilyarochka, how small you are, I just want to hug you and protect you.
Ved. Small, but remote. Despite her age, Dilyarochka is already a laureate of the International Competition When We Are Together and the Republican Television Competition Constellation.
Marina runs out
Ved. Marina, why are you so out of breath?
Marina. - She ran with all her might.
Ved. - What happened?
Marina.- Archil wanted to kiss me!
Dilyara You're lying! Well, I'll ask him! (runs away)
Marina. - Wait, I’m with you!
Boys Girls, where are you going? (they look at each other in bewilderment and leave)

19. Archil Boy in a cap
20. Sveta English
21. Marina It’s raining today

Ved. But listen to another one funny story, Dinar told it to me.
Well, well, well.
Ved One day, the trio of Ilshat, Niyaz and Dinar was invited to the next group concert. Ilshat asked to go somewhere and Niyaz and Dinar decided to cheat a little and sing under the plywood, maybe no one would notice.
Ved And what, did you notice? What's so funny?
Ved Yes, listen to what’s next. While waiting for his entrance, Niyaz accidentally fell asleep backstage. Well, you understand, studies, classes, performances, and so their soundtrack is already starting to sound on stage, but Niyaz is not there! Dinar is running behind the scenes and Niyaz is missing!
Ved Wow, how did they get out?
Ved Dinar had no choice but to go out and sing to the soundtrack. The song approaches the chorus. Niyaz hears voices and also runs out, opening his mouth strongly, as if he had been singing all this time.
Ved So, no one noticed the embarrassment?
Ved Noticed didn’t notice I don’t know. But after their performance, the guys told the audience, “Don’t think anything of it, it was intended as such, it was a director’s move, so to speak!”
Ved (comes out) - What are you going to do, they’re sharpening their lasses again. No, to get busy.
Ved (with accent) EEEEE, listen to what you are swearing.
Vedas in Tatar (calm down, everything will be fine now)

23. Anush Kele-kele
43. Abdul + Archil XXI century Kaledoscope

Dilyara - Born a girl - be patient
Trips and pushes.
And put your pigtails on everyone,
Who wouldn't mind pulling them?
But someday later
Show them the fig
And you will say: “Figs, for you
I won't get married!`
Marina runs out and whispers in Dilyara’s ear.
Dilyara You're lying, I'll tell him!
25. Alina Sea and night
26. Ilshat
27. Trio Wind

Ved. Well, finally, here you are!
Ved And we searched you!
Vedas ran around the whole palace!
Ved Tell me, what is the purpose of the meeting?
Ved Are you really planning to get married?
Ved Well, don't worry, what kind of surprise is this?

Ilshat. Friends, not all at once. Firstly, summer is coming, beautiful weather, wonderful mood and at the very beautiful time every year Zimfirinka attracts a variety of guests: friends, family, loved ones, colleagues and, of course, fans. And secondly, I really have a surprise for you. I have brought you a special guest. Dear friends, I invite to the stage the Laureate of the most prestigious television competition Totar Mone, where the most famous artists Tatarstan. Meet Ruslan Kiramutdinov.

28. Kiramutdinov Ruslan

The presenters come out.
Ved Oooh, what guests!
Ved Ruslan, what fate?
Kamil Who is this?
Ved This is a student of Zimfira Khamitovna!
Camille And now you real star stage?
Ruslan Nuu, Zvezda is not a star, but in Tatarstan they know it.
It's great that we are all gathered here. Zimfira Khamitovna will be very happy.
Ruslan By the way, where is she?
Zimfira Khamitovna (from the audience without a microphone) I'm here.
Fanfare, Zimfira Khamitovna will take the stage.
Honored cultural worker, higher education teacher qualification category in vocal class, Head of the exemplary pop-vocal association Zimfirinka Zimfira Khamitovna Khasanshina.
Word from Zimfira Khamitovna
1.We are young, we are full of strength and energy
2. We have many desires, ideas and plans for the future.
1.What is the future?
2. The future is Hope for the best,
3.Hope for new meetings,
4.Hope for victory.
5. Hope for peace in our native Tatarstan!
29. Abdul Tatarstan