Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (middle group) on the topic: Notes in the middle group “Spring. Lesson outline (middle group) on the topic: Integrated lesson in the middle group "Spring"

Irina Khodakovskaya
“Spring is coming - make way for spring.” Open integrated lesson in the middle group

Spring is coming - make way for spring.

Implementation of Federal State requirements: integration acquired skills of the child through educational areas "Cognition", Communication", "Socialization", « Health» , "Music", "Artistic word". Using the game situation throughout classes, introduction of developmental technologies in working with children.

Target:clarify characteristic features Spring, identify the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.



Learn to establish cause and effect relationships.

Continue learning to compose sentences based on pictures - symbols.

Enrich your vocabulary.

Learn to perceive the beauty of nature, notice the expressiveness of the image and mood.

Strengthen the ability to perceive an image spring in music, poems, drawings, create the desired landscape

Enrich children's speech with nouns and adjectives

Improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences

activate the dictionary using words (March, April, May, thawed patches, drops, snowdrops, buds, ice drift, streams, migratory birds, "protalnik", "snowman", "grass".


Develop observation skills interest to the surrounding nature, activity, attention

Develop visual perception, auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills

Develop an aesthetic perception of the beauty of nature.

Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature

Contribute to the formation children's interest in nature.


To instill in children feelings of love and respect for nature

cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the stories of your comrades and complement the answers.

Bring joy and satisfaction to children classes.

Equipment: pictures (stream, icicles, ice drift, thawed patches, snowdrops, spring landscape (separate designation objects for compiling plot:sun, stream, ice drift, birds, snowdrops, trees with buds, icicles, screen, animal costumes (fox, hare, crow, bear, hare)

Node progress:

Vosp: Let's say hello to the guests. Today is a joyful day! Really, guys? Do you know why we have joy settled into the group.

Joy ran through path

Joy has opened all the windows

Joy woke up all the children

Joy invited guests to us.

Vosp: “We stood on the meadow and made a circle”

Listen to the riddles (Whoever answers sits down).

1 The snowball is melting

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen? (in spring)

2 A warm south wind blows,

The sun is shining brighter

The snow is thinning, softening, melting,

What month? Who will know? (March is the first month spring)

3 How many spring months are there? (3)

4 Which ones? In chorus: March, April and May - don't forget them.

5 What in the spring it warms and shines, is it hot? Sun)

6 What is hanging from the roof, dripping, melting? (icicle)

7 In spring it melts, cries, settles? (snowman)

8 what it gets dark in spring, melts, runs away with water (snow)

9 what runs in the spring, murmurs, sings (stream)

10 flower growing from under the snow (snowdrop)

11 birds that fly away in the fall they arrive in the spring(migratory)

12 piece of land where the snow melted? (thawed patch)

Will educate: So she came to us spring. Have you already guessed that we will talk about WHAT today? People have long loved spring. They called her spring is red. All nature wakes up in the spring, after the winter cold. Green grass appears, the first flowers appear, birds fly in.

March - Protalnik (from the word thawed patches), because the snow begins to melt and the first thawed patches form.

April - Snowman, because the snow melts quickly, spreading in streams. Here are some places where green grass is already appearing.

May - Grass because grass appears everywhere and young leaves reach for the sun. That's it in full. Nature has cleared itself of winter.

And now I propose to make a portrait Spring. (agree)

Teamwork "Portrait Spring» Collage

- Spring- This is the transition from winter to summer.

The sun is shining brightly and hot. (Sun)

The buds on the trees swell and small leaves appear. (trees)

Birds are returning from warmer climes. (birds) Music

The ice on the rivers also melts, it breaks into ice floes and floats down the river. They say there is ice drift on the river. (ice drift)

Melted snow creates cheerful streams and large puddles (Streams)

A thawed area is a place where the snow has melted and the earth opened.

In the forest, the first flowers appear in the thawed areas - snowdrops (snowdrops)

The snow begins to melt, icicles appear, and drops ring. (icicles) Music

Which We've got spring? children's answers (cheerful, ringing, fragile, transparent, shiny)

And now I invite you to play "Sunny Bunny"

(gymnastics for the eyes)

My sunny little bunny (stretch your palms forward)

Jump on your palm

My sunny little bunny (place the index finger of the other hand on the palm)

Small as a baby

Jump on the nose, on the shoulder

Oh how hot it got!

Jump on your forehead and again

Let's ride on your shoulder (follow the movements of the finger with your eyes)

We closed our eyes (palms)

And the sun is playing:

Cheeks with warm rays

Gently warms (open your eyes wide)

Playing with a mirror.

Fairy tale script "Like animals looking for spring»

Oh, oh, oh, what kind of bunny came running to us?

Hare: la, la, la.

Crow: Kar-kar. Why are you so happy?

Hare: Yes indeed Spring has come! Well then!

Crow: No, this is not spring! And not come to us! You see over there, the snow has not melted yet, but there is ice on the river. Kar - kar.

Hare: How is it not will come?

Crow: And like this. Not will come. I know everything (flying away: Kar, kar)

Hare: (cries loudly): - How will we be without spring?How will summer come?

(hedgehog appears)

Hedgehog: - Hey Kosoy, why are you crying? And so damp. Look how much water!

Hare: Nothing, you Hedgehog, you know. There will be no spring. Ah-ah-ah (crying)

Hedgehog: Who told you?

Hare: Crow, she knows everything!

Hedgehog: How can it not be? But I woke up, found some young grass, and refreshed myself a little. Ah ah ah

Hare: I woke up, refreshed myself! I changed my white fur coat to a gray one, what should I do now? (crying)

(Fox appears)

Fox: What's that noise, who's crying here?

Zayai: Oh, oh, Fox, I’ll run and hide. (runs away)

Fox: Hello, prickly, what's going on here? Are you crying so bitterly?

Hedgehog: You, Lisa, don’t know anything yet. There won't be spring. That's what the Crow said, and she knows everything!

Fox: What are you saying! How can it not happen! My fur coat has started to shed, look!

Hedgehog: That's bad. We won’t survive! I’ll go to Woodpecker and tell him what trouble happened. (sighs and leaves)

Fox: - there won't be spring. And how hot the sun is. (Turns his face towards the sun on the scenery) Strange!

(A Wolf appears from behind the screen with a bouquet of snowdrops in his paws)

Wolf: - Hello, Kumushka. Why are you so sad? Look what flowers I found, snowdrops! I’m bringing them to my she-wolf, she loves flowers very much! She’ll be happy.

Fox: - Gray, you don’t know yet. There won't be spring! Crow said so.

Wolf: - No, Fox, I don’t believe you, and neither do Crow! Let's go to the Bear and find out whether he woke up or not?

Fox (restless): - I have no time! Will spring, it won’t, and I’m hungry. I'll run and look for prey. Bye, Gray.

Wolf:(screams loudly)-Bear, Bear!

(Bear appears)

Bear: - Well, why did you shout? You'll wake up my cubs. They played, frolicked, just calmed down, fell asleep, and you scream.

Wolf: - Clubfoot, there will be no spring!Bear: Well, you are stupid, gray! Look around! Here she is spring! (spreads his paws and turns)

Wolf: (spinning) Where? I don't see anything!

Bear: Look how the sun is shining! Here are the thawed patches, green grass is breaking through. What's in your paws? Snowdrop!

Wolf: Yes. It's right. Look, the buds on the trees are swollen. There will be no spring! Ha ha ha! Anu listen (recording of birds singing sounds). Do you hear? Birds sing, returning from warm countries. They fuss and build nests. And this means Spring has come!

Hedgehog: Yes, me too Think: the days have become longer, the nights have become shorter! And I don’t want to sleep at all!

Hare: So you say, it has arrived spring? Oh how good! The crow told a lie again! She deceived us!

Wolf: Have you seen my she-wolf?

Hare, Fox, Hedgehog No, Wolf, we didn’t see anyone, we looking for spring! And they found it! Hello Spring!

It turns out Spring! Reads the Verse.

It took a long time spring in secret

From winds and cold

And today straight

Splashes through puddles

Drives warm snow

With hubbub and ringing

To line the meadows

Velvet green

Soon! Soon! Be warm

This news is the first

The willow drums on the glass.

Gray foot willow

Spring- wonderful time of year Waiting for spring, met by people. ABOUT spring many poems have been written.

Children: Snow is melting.

The snow has melted, the snow has melted,

This is not easy news

It means it's coming

Real Spring!

Children: Longer day.

Every day, every minute,

The day is longer, the night is shorter.

We are slowly driving away

Winter away!

Children: It starts dripping.

The spruce warmed up in the sun,

The pine tree has melted,

It's April, the drops are ringing,

In our forest spring!

Children: Birds are flying.

The last snow in April is melting.

Everyone is happy about the sun and spring,

Spring arrives in April,

With a cheerful swallow to me!

Guys, what did we do today at GCD? (children's answers)

Spring, together with the children, distributes snowdrops to guests.

Target: development of coherent speech on the topic “Spring. Signs of spring.”

Program content:

Learn to select definition words for a noun

Learn to answer in complete sentences, solve riddles

Teach children to compose a story using reference pictures

Develop speech - proof

Develop auditory attention and fine motor skills;

Practice changing words using suffixes;

Clarify and expand the understanding of migratory birds and wild animals;

Exercise the ability to identify the simplest cause-and-effect relationships;

Clarify and expand ideas about spring changes in living and inanimate nature;

Enrich vocabulary on the topic “Signs of Spring”;

Develop the ability to listen to each other;

Foster love for our native nature and respect for it

Preliminary work:

  • Observations during a walk of the phenomena of living and inanimate nature (sun, sky, wind, kidneys, birds, people’s clothing, the work of janitors….the work of equipment);
  • experimental activities: heating objects from the sun, melting snow and icicles indoors, establishing a cause-and-effect relationship: where it melts faster, observing cut branches in a group;
  • viewing pictures with signs of early spring, postcards, albums with magazine clippings, models of signs of early spring, migratory birds, wild animals, artist’s reproductions;
  • reading fiction, memorizing poems (mnemonics), guessing riddles, listening to calls about spring, pieces of music, signs, sounds of nature, conversations;
  • learning: didactic games, educational games, outdoor games
  • artistic creativity: drawing on the theme of spring (stencils, signets, stamps), applique, modeling, coloring, designing from natural materials, origami.

Children, how many of you know what time of year it is now? (spring)

Children, I have an image of a “cloud” and a “sun”. About what mood

“says the sun”? (cheerful, joyful).

What mood is “the cloud talking about”? (sad)

What's your mood today? (funny)

Spring is now. This beautiful spring has brought us warm, radiant sun. Look how bright it shines. That's why you're in a good mood today.

And to make the sun warm and shine even more, let's call him. Children call the sun and make movements with their hands.

The sun is a bucket,

Look out the window

Give it a little light.

But the sun began to shine brighter. The sun woke up, stretched and the sun's rays ran in all directions.

I want to invite you to a fairy tale. "SPRING TALE": Children sit on chairs together with the teacher, watching a presentation« Spring". Pictures appear on the screen, demonstrating events of fairy tales. Educator: “Once upon a time there were four seasons. Did you recognize them? Children: Winter spring Summer Autumn. The teacher continues to tell the story: The seasons lived together and took turns ruling the world. Winter was replaced by the beautiful Spring, then warm Summer, then colorful Autumn. But one day Winter decided that she was the most important and did not want to give way to Spring. The plants became sad under the blanket of snow. The birds stopped singing songs. The children were tired of the frost and cold, they wanted warmth to warm up at least a little. Autumn and Summer are worried. And Spring said: “Don’t worry, I have a miracle that will help defeat the cold!” Pictures appear on the screen CAMPFIRE, LIGHT BULB, SUN . Educator: Can you think of any of this that could be a miracle that will help Spring? ? (Children's answers- « Sun" If children give the wrong answer, then the teacher helps them with leading questions).


Young, new,

Ready for joy.

Will get up early in the morning -

I'll quickly wipe my eyes,

And it is getting brighter, brighter,

Outside the window it’s getting hotter and hotter...

What it is? — Children: Sun!

A game"" Compare and name""

The teacher begins the phrase, children finish

The sun is yellow like... (dandelion)

The sun is round like... (ball)

The sun is gentle, like (mother, grandmother)

The sun is ruddy like a bun

Educator: The sun began to rise higher, shine brighter and stronger. Warmed the earth. Until recently, everything around was white and white. But suddenly! What's happened? The snow begins to melt... You see, it is becoming less and less ?(accompanied by demonstration slides.)

Educator: And what is happening in the spring forest at this time? The forest comes to life, migratory birds return from the south. Nightingales arriving from warm countries fill the spring forest with their trills, the woodpecker knocks like a hammer, knock-knock, knock-knock. Insects wake up: beetles, spiders, mosquitoes, flies.

A game"" Continue the sound"

The wind rustled near my ear (sh-sh-sh-sh)

A wasp was flying around my nose (ssssss)

It was flying, the beetle was buzzing (w-w-w-w)

We caught a mosquito, let's listen (z-z-z-z)

Let go, let's blow hard (ooh-ooh-ooh).

Educator: Oh, children, you and I forgot the main rule, you can’t make noise in the forest, but we made noise. Let's take binoculars, don't you see anyone around? The forest is dense, maybe animals roam there. Children, quietly, I think I noticed the bears. Look through your binoculars over there, into the gap between the trees. Is it true that there is a family of brown bears there? Let's hide, squat down and watch them. Tell me in a whisper what kind of bears there are and what they are doing there. That's right, there's a mother bear with her cubs. Why didn’t we meet them in winter? (They slept in the den) Children! Where were the cubs born? (in the den) When? (in winter) What does their mother feed them (milk) What do bears eat in the spring (fresh grass, snails, ants from the anthill).

Now I will tell you how the bear met spring.

The bear slept in his den without worries and without anxiety.

Slept all winter until spring and probably dreamed

Suddenly, the clubfoot woke up, heard drips - what a disaster!

He groped in the darkness with his paw and jumped up - there was water all around.

The bear hurried outside: it was flooding - no time for sleep!

He got out and saw puddles, the snow was melting... Spring has come!

Educator: What does a bear do in the forest in spring? (rubs her back against the trees, her back itches) Why is she doing this? (She sheds, her old thick fur falls out, by summer she will grow sparse fur to keep her warm) Where did the mother bring the cubs? (to the river) What will she be doing there? (catches fish) How does she catch fish?

Educator: Children! I know there are squirrels in this forest, but I don't see them. Look around you with binoculars, look for them in the trees. Just be quiet, don’t scare me away! (Slide demonstration.) Guys! I noticed them! What are they? (redheads) What were they? (gray) What happened to them? (molting) What do squirrels do in the forest? (they make nests in a hollow tree). Which of the animals still molts? Tell me, what changes happen to animals in the spring? (the animals molt, change their warm winter coats to a lighter one) Why do so many small animals appear in the forest? (Animals breed, adult animals feed the babies, teach them to hunt and escape from enemies).

Educator: Let's remember what young wild animals are called.

A game« Moms and babies"« One-many".

- bear - cubs - bear cub;

Baby squirrel;


Fox-fox-little fox

Educator: Slide show.

These cubs left their den for the first time in the spring. They don’t even know what spring is. Let's tell them what happens in the spring:

In spring, the sun begins to warm up more strongly. It's getting warmer every day.

From the heat the snow begins to melt.

The melted snow turns into water, small cheerful streams gurgle at every step.

Children love to launch boats in the spring!

The ice on the river and lakes is melting! The ice begins to break out!

In spring the trees wake up! The buds are swelling on the branches...

In spring, people have a lot of work in gardens, fields and cities!

- In spring, nature comes to life from its winter slumber! The first grass and flowers appear

Educator: These flowers are called snowdrops. They appear in early spring, as soon as the snow begins to melt. Sometimes it seems that they sprouted straight out of the snow. That's why they call them snowdrops!

COTHER-AND-STEPMOTHER the joy of all the delights is bright gold colors and the recipes of grandfathers and fathers from coughs really save us.

Tell me, can you pick snowdrops? (Children: No.)

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both you and me,

If we pick flowers,

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

Unfortunately, the life of primroses is short-lived. Often people pick the first flowers without thinking that they will soon die.

Educator: Look how many different primroses, the first spring flowers there are, how beautiful they are (Slide show: hyacinth, primrose, tulips, narcissus, scilla, spring flower, lungwort, crocuses)

Finger gymnastics" Flower"

A tall flower grew in a clearing,

(Join your wrists, spread your palms to the sides, slightly round your fingers.)

On a spring morning I opened the petals.

(Spread your fingers.)

Beauty and nutrition to all petals

(Rhythmically move your fingers together and apart.)

Together they grow roots underground.

(Place your palms down, press your backs together, spread your fingers.)

A game"" Say the word""

Cries - bursts into tears -

She doesn't like the sun.

Made from ice granny

Dripping... (icicle)

The weather is sunny,

Nature wakes up

Nightingales trill

It's dripping from the roof... (drops)

The sun plays like a ray,

And the snow keeps melting and melting!

The birds had no time to sleep,

She came to visit us... (spring)

Educator: Slide show.

What a great fellow you are! How much do you know about spring? Now Winter will definitely give way to Spring.

If there is snow everywhere, the days get longer,

If everything is green and the fields rung,

If the birds can't sleep,

If the sun shines brighter,

So spring has come to us!

Lesson topic: Spring is coming. The drops are ringing

Program content: Introduce preschoolers to the signs of spring and establish the simplest connections: the sun is shining, drops begin to ring on the street, thawed patches appear, and then the first flowers and grass. Develop observation and curiosity in work. Cultivate a love for nature and a desire to protect it.

Material: doll - silhouettes and clothes for them: Dunno and his friends. Card for modeling “Spring weather”. Spatulas for each child. Recording of a drop. Colored clock to determine the time of year.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks the children to look out the window and determine the signs of what time of year they are observing outside the window? (children's answers are discussed)

The didactic game “Lay out the model of today” is being played.

Children, using felt-tip pens, create a model of the day according to the following parameters:

Children make sketches in any form using felt-tip pens. Then they explain the weather using their sketches.

The sun is bright and radiant. Shines and smiles.

Clouds are floating in the blue sky.

It's not raining outside.

The wind outside is strong. He shakes the trees.

What season will we set on our Four Seasons clock? (season - spring)

Does the weather outside allow us to go for a walk today or not? (children’s answers are discussed and concluded that the weather is favorable for going for a walk)

Today we will take our favorite toys with us for a walk. What clothes should we wear for them?

Held didactic game “Let’s dress our friends in spring!”

Children should choose appropriate clothes for their friends: girls and boys (silhouettes of dolls and clothes)

Oleg, tell us who your friend is and what you helped him wear for a walk?

My friend Dunno. I helped him put on his nice hat, pants and jacket. I tied a scarf around my neck.

Alina, who is your friend and what did you help him wear for his walk?

My friend is a little doll Anechka. I helped her put on a beautiful coat, hat, pants and scarf. I also gave her a small purse.

Sergey, who is your friend and what did you help your friend wear for a walk?

My friend is Znayka. I helped him put on a green jacket and a green scarf, and black pants. I also gave him a small briefcase with books. Etc.

How can you describe in one word the clothes that you helped your friends wear, what is it like? (spring, light)

Now we are all ready and can go for a walk.

Where would you like to go for a walk today? (children’s answers are discussed and lead to the fact that they can go to the park, which is located near the school)

Part II of the lesson is held in the school park.

On the way to the park, the teacher and children watch the road.

What cars do we see on the road? (children's answers are discussed)

What is the name of the road on which cars travel? (carriageway)

Where should people go? (on the sidewalk)

What do people call people who walk along the sidewalk? (pedestrians)

What rules should pedestrians follow? (Traffic Laws)

So we came to the park. How many of you can tell us what the park is? (children’s answers are discussed: the park is a place for adults and children to walk)

What does the park have for adults? (children’s answers are discussed and brought to the conclusion that the park for adults has: benches, walking paths, flower beds, trees, etc.)

What does the park have for children? (children’s answers are discussed and brought to the conclusion that the park for children has: benches, swings, a sandbox, a gymnastic ladder, paths for cycling, roller skating, etc.)

Children, how many of you have noticed changes in the park since the last time we were here? What changed? (children's answers are discussed)

In the park, sparrows chirp cheerfully and birds chirp.

Why do birds chirp so cheerfully? (they are glad that spring has come)

The park is unusually light from the sun and green grass in the thawed patches.

What sounds do we hear besides the chirping of birds? (drop ringing)

What are drops? (melting icicles)

Why did the icicles begin to melt? (the sun warms up)

Where did the first thawed patches appear? (where the sun shines more)

Why does green grass appear in thawed patches? (because the sun melted the snow, it turned into water, nourished the earth, and the grass began to grow)

What does a plant need to grow? (sun, heat, water, earth)

Let's go to the trees and look at our trees in the park.

What trees did you recognize? (children's answers are discussed)

I recognized the birch tree. It has a white trunk and black spots.

I recognized the mountain ash. There are also red mountain ash on its branches.

I recognized the poplar. He is very tall. The branches are all stretching upward.

Let's come closer and see which tree has a lot of snow near it, and which one has little snow, and why?

There is little snow near the rowan and poplar trees, but there is a lot of snow near the birch tree.

Why do you think there is a lot of snow near the birch tree? (children’s answers are discussed and concluded that the bark of birch is white, and the bark of rowan and poplar is dark. Where the bark is dark, the snow begins to melt faster)

Who noticed the changes on the tree branches?

Lumps appeared on the branches.

What do we call these tubercles? (kidneys)

What are kidneys? (these are houses for leaves)

Why do leaves need these houses? (to survive the winter and not freeze)

Why are the leaf houses still closed? (the children’s answers are discussed and lead to the fact that not all the snow has melted yet, a cold wind is still blowing. And the leaves are very tender, they can die from frost)

Who will need more water to grow, grass or trees? (to trees)

Why? (the trees are big and the grass is small)

How can you help trees have plenty of water after the snow melts? (you need to throw a lot of snow under the trees)

Now we will clean the paths and help the trees.

Labor activities are carried out: the teacher, together with the children, cleans the paths, and snow is thrown under the trees.

How many of you remember what we called the last month of winter? (if the children have forgotten, the teacher reminds them - lute)

Why is February called Lute? (winter does not want to go away and therefore sends strong winds, blizzards, snowfalls, etc.)

What do you think the first month of spring can be called? What is he like? (children's answers are discussed)

The teacher suggests listening to proverbs and sayings about the first month of spring:

“February scares spring, but it still melts in March.”

“Spring is red during the day, and even then not completely.”

“February howls, and March sheds tears.”

“Spring is red with flowers, and winter is with snowdrifts!”

Very often, children and adults call for spring to come quickly and bring warmth. Everyone is very bored with winter:

Come, red Spring!

Come, radiant sun!

Bring some heat and some water!

The grass will turn green!

The bird will sing songs!

Come, spring, to us with joy!

Come with great mercy!

Drive away the harsh winter!

Bring a warm summer with you!

At the end of the lesson, the teacher offers to listen to signs about spring:

“I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.”

“Long icicles for a long spring.”

“Snow sticks to trees - to warmth.”

The final complex lesson for children of the middle group: “Spring - Spring,” which was developed by me with the aim of consolidating in children the knowledge about the signs of spring, about changes in nature with the onset of spring.


Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of spring, expand children’s knowledge about spring, enrich and activate their vocabulary on the topic;

Repeat with the children the names of spring flowers (lily of the valley, snowdrop, tulip, daffodil, dandelion)

Develop attentiveness and observation, fine and gross motor skills, communication skills;

Exercise the ability to work collectively in non-traditional techniques using cut-out appliqué;

Make children feel happy about the activity they have done.

Materials and equipment:

➣ Wall newspaper “Spring - little spring”;

➣ Illustrations of spring flowers (lily of the valley, snowdrop, tulip, dandelion, daffodil);

➣ Cut pictures of spring flowers;

➣ Green paper napkins (grass), yellow mugs (dandelions), glue, brushes, napkins for each child, whatman paper (glade).

Preliminary work:

✓ observations in nature;

✓ looking at paintings and illustrations about spring;

✓ solving riddles.

GCD move:

1 part: Children enter the group, sit in a semicircle, the teacher reads a poem:

Spring is coming to us

With quick steps,

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Visible in the fields.

You can see very warm feet in spring. (I. Tokmakova)

V-l: Guys, what is this poem about? (about spring).

Vs: That's right, about spring.

Guys, look carefully at the picture (points to the wall newspaper “Spring - Little Spring”).

Now I will tell you riddles, you will guess them, and you will find them here.

Housewarming party at the starling's

He rejoices endlessly.

So that a mockingbird lives with us -

We made... (birdhouse)

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Creek)

Here on a branch is someone's house,

There are no doors in it, no windows,

But it’s warm for the chicks to live there,

This is the name of the house... (Nest)

There is crackling and thunder on the river,

This means icebreaker

There is ice on the river

This means...(Ice drift)

The carrot is white,

It grew all winter.

The sun has warmed up -

Ate all the carrots (Icicle)

He has a carrot nose

He loves frost very much

It doesn't freeze in cold weather.

And spring comes and melts. (Snowman)

The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Although small (Snowdrop)

She comes with affection

And with my fairy tale.

He'll wave his magic wand,

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest (Spring)

(After each answer, the teacher asks the child: -When does this happen?)

V-l: Well done, you solved all the riddles. Children, who knows the proverbs about spring?

Children say proverbs:

Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.

Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.

Spring is red with flowers and autumn with pies

Vs: Let's play and show how spring is coming to us!

The outdoor game “Vesnyanka” is being played

Sunshine, sunshine, Children walk in a circle, holding hands. Golden bottom.

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

A stream ran in the garden, They ran in a circle.

A hundred rooks have arrived and are “flying” in a circle.

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting, Slowly squatting.

And the flowers are growing. Stretch on tiptoes, arms up.

V-l: Guys, look! And here the flowers have grown.

(Children approach the “Spring Flowers” ​​stand)

V-l: What flowers grow here?

Children take turns pointing and naming flowers.

The teacher praises the children.

The didactic game “Collect a flower” is being held

The teacher gives each child an envelope containing a cut-out picture.

The children lay out their flower on the carpet. Then the teacher asks each child what kind of flower he got.

Vs: Guys, now we will show you how flowers grow.

Finger gymnastics “Flower”

A tall flower grew in a clearing. Show a flower with your hands.

On a spring morning I opened the petals. Spread your fingers.

Beauty and nutrition to all petals Movement of fingers together and apart.

Together they grow roots underground. Palms down, back side

Towards each other, spread your fingers.

Vs: Guys, you guessed riddles about spring signs, showed how spring progresses, how a flower grows, remembered the names of spring flowers, collected pictures, and now I propose to depict a clearing with dandelions.

part 2: Children perform the collective work “Meadow of Dandelions” using an unconventional technique - cut-out appliqué.

(audio recording “Magic sounds of nature - birdsong, sound of water, bells”).

Part 3: The teacher sums up the results, asks the children what they did today, what they liked most, and treats the children to an “edible meadow of flowers” ​​made from cookies and marmalade.


The lesson was carried out in accordance with the notes. The abstract was compiled independently, in accordance with the objectives of the basic general education program, corresponding to the given age of the children. To implement each task, techniques were selected to help solve software problems in an interesting and entertaining way. For each moment of the lesson, visual aids were selected that stimulated and activated the children’s mental activity. The manuals are of sufficient size and aesthetically designed. Their placement and use was rational and well thought out in the learning space.

During the application, music was used, which enhanced the emotional perception. The duration of the lesson corresponds to hygienic standards for middle-aged children - 20 minutes. Air, heat and sanitary conditions were observed.

The lesson is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Guessing riddles - sitting on chairs, outdoor game - moving in a circle, didactic game - sitting on a rug, finger gymnastics - standing. A quick rotation of techniques and changes in poses during the lesson made it possible to avoid fatigue in the children. I believe that the program tasks set during the lesson were solved.

Lesson "Spring" middle group.

Children enter the hall to the music of Edvard Grieg's "Morning" and stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Ding-dong, ding-dong, we hear the drops ringing.

It's time for us to smile, good morning, kids!

Children: "Good morning!"

Guys, do you like miracles? (children's answers) It seems they are already starting. (Fairy-tale music sounds) Today a package arrived at our kindergarten, and this box was in it. I think she's magical. Let's see what's in it.

The teacher takes out a letter: Yes, there is a letter here, I wonder from whom?

Reads: Dear guys!

I invite you for a walk in the forest and ask you to help me awaken nature. I will be very glad if you respond, and guess who I am:

The loose snow melts in the sun, the breeze plays in the branches,

Educator: Look carefully at the slide. (slide No. 1)

What time of year is shown on it?

Why did you decide so?

Pay attention to the sky. (slide No. 2)

What is the sky like in spring?

What is the sun like in spring? (slide No. 3)

Educator: What happens to snow in spring? (slide No. 4)

What happens to trees in spring? (slide No. 5, No. 6)

(Listen to the starling singing)

Educator: Which bird sang a song for you? (slide No. 7)

Of course this is a starling. What are the names of the houses that people make for birds? That's right, birdhouse. And it is called that because most often starlings settle there - birds that do not know how to build their own nests, which need a home that is more secluded than a simple nest. There is even such a riddle:

There is a palace on a pole, there is a singer in the palace,

And his name is... starling!

Educator: The snow melted and the first flowers appeared. (Slide No. 8)

What are their names?

Educator: Guys, what do you see on these slides? (slide No. 9.10,11,).

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, guys! It’s already deep spring here: there are a lot of leaves on the trees, apple trees and lilacs are blooming.

Educator: Well done guys, I really liked the way you answered!

And now we’ll take a little rest and have a physical education session: “Spring.”

Everything has woken up from sleep, which means spring has come to us.


The sun is getting warmer, let's go for a walk soon!

(Throwing fingers out of the fist with simultaneous

raising your arms up and to the sides)

On the right - the first flowers appeared on the meadow.

(The right hand is moved to the side while fixing the direction with the gaze)

On the left - a fast stream flowed from the hillock to the river.

(The left hand is moved to the side while fixing the direction with the gaze)

We made a boat

(Join your palms in front of your chest)

They decided to let it into the stream.

(Removing folded palms forward from yourself)

Sail away, my little boat, straight to the blue river!

(We wave our palms, saying goodbye to the boat)

This is how fun it is to play and walk on a spring day!

(Light jumping in place)

The earth breathes freshness, I will breathe “spring” too!

Educator: Guys, why do snow and ice melt in spring?

(The sun melted the snow and ice with its warmth)

Educator: Do you want to make everyone their own sun?

Children create a bright spring sun from a yellow circle and counting sticks.

Educator: What wonderful suns you have created.

And I have the sun. Do you want to play with him?

Game: “A kind word.”

Educator:- I will give you the sun and say the word, and you will give me the sun and say the same word, but kindly. For example: wind - breeze

A stream is a stream. Bird is a bird. Branch - twig. Leaf - leaf. Ray - ray.

Cloud - cloud. Rain - rain

Educator: Guys, our sun has warmed up so much that all the snow has melted, and the music will tell us what it turned into.

Slonov’s music “Spring Stream” sounds

Educator: What sounds did you hear in the music?

Sounds of a stream.

Educator: Guys, who is pictured here? (slide number 12)

What is the boy wearing?

What is he doing? (launches the boat)

Educator: Now each of you will make your own boat.

Children name the parts of the boat.

We make the deck from a brown rectangle by cutting off one corner.

We make the sail from a red square, cutting it diagonally.

Let's set our boats sailing.

Children place their boats in a bowl of water and blow on them.

Educator: Guys, you learned so much about spring in class today, and I think that now you will never confuse spring with winter. Or maybe we can check it out?

Winter is gone, and spring - ... - has come.

Winter is cold, and spring is ... - warm.

In winter the sun freezes, and in spring - ... - warms.

In winter the snowdrifts are high, and in spring -... - low.

In winter they wear fur coats, and in spring - ... - jackets.

They answered everything correctly, well done guys.

Guys, what signs of spring do you remember? what happens to nature in spring? (children's answers)

Wonderful answers! Let us blow away all this knowledge from the palm of our hand, put it in an envelope and send it to spring, she will look at it and immediately the sun will shine brighter, all nature will wake up and everyone will be happy!