Sniper Rapidcatch is a program for automatically placing bids on eBay auctions. eBay Auction

On this same page we want to tell you about a specific software product, the first Russian-language auction sniper, which over the almost 2 years of its existence has deservedly gained considerable popularity.

The fully automatic assistant sniper Rapidcatch is recognized by many users as unique of its kind. This product will help you place a bet on any branch of the eBay auction a few seconds before the end of the auction, become the winner of the auction and, accordingly, the owner of the goods.

You do not participate in bidding on the eBay auction, so as not to “inflate” the price and not create a stir - the bid is made automatically by the sniper and only one - a few seconds before the end of the bidding, so that opponents do not have time to react and raise the price with a reciprocal bid. As is known, a large number of betting adds excitement to bidders and provokes a strong increase in prices. This service will help you avoid this. The interface is simple and functional, but let's first take a closer look at the main advantages that you will get by using this sniper, the main one of which is saving money.

Saving money. Other bidders cannot assess your interest in this product, because... you don't place bets. The sniper will automatically place a bid at the very last moment, leaving no time for competitors to react and raise the price.

the freedom of action. The freedom of action. You should not sit for hours at the monitor and wait for the end of the auction, afraid that someone will outbid your bid. Rapidcatch does not require your personal presence, a switched-on computer, or ultra-reliable Internet access. It works for you 24 hours a day. All you need to do is enter the lot number and maximum bet.

Completeness of information. The service will allow you to monitor similar lots, placing them in one folder, so that you can then choose the one that suits you best in terms of price and instruct Rapidcatch to place a bid on it.

Functionality. The service can track dozens of lots at once and automatically place bids on any of them. You can set the maximum acceptable price, and if during the auction the price rises above the set price, no bid will be placed. If you have several eBay accounts, Rapidcatch can place bids on different lots using several eBay accounts you specify.

There's time to change your mind. You can always adjust your maximum bid and, if necessary, remove a lot from the list of those you need to bid on if, for example, you change your mind about buying or chose a cheaper option. This compares favorably with the usual process of placing bids on eBay (Proxy Bidding), where, having determined the maximum price in your eBay account, you are obliged to buy the item if your bid wins.

Cheap and flexible payment. One of the main advantages of Rapidcatch is that you can use this service absolutely free, after trying out all its advantages. And then, if desired, pay for a subscription to this service for any period from 1 month. The price of relatively equivalent and equally reliable Western analogues is extremely low, and the flexibility of subscription terms generally distinguishes Rapidcatch from many English-language competitors, because Many services require you to immediately pay for the use of a sniper for a year in advance.

History of appearance

Rapidcatch- a pioneer among Russian-speaking snipers, he was the first and without a doubt remains the best. Let's take a short excursion into the history of this program - it is undoubtedly interesting.

The rapidly growing popularity of the eBay auction and the numerous benefits that users receive by using auction snipers (you have already read about them above) have forced many to use the services of various “sniper” services from foreign companies. But difficulties arose at every step: these snipers were either too expensive, or problems arose with technical support, which, apart from English, did not understand any other language, and sometimes it happened that small companies, as a rule, paid insufficient attention to security and login and password from an eBay account (and the specifics of “snipers” oblige them to be reported when using the service) became the prey of attackers.

Statistics show that the average user is not always able to familiarize himself with ten pages in detail English text and clearly understand the specifics of the work of this or that sniper, the conditions for its use, etc., so it happened that by subscribing to this or that “sniper service” at a low price (for example, $2 monthly) and paying for it credit card, after some time, users discovered that much more was being withdrawn from their cards large amounts- and the reason for it all was that many, due to the language barrier, could not finish reading Terms of use, which said usage prices could be raised without notice.

With the technical support of English-speaking snipers, incidents generally occurred and occur regularly. Then answers to user questions are given on the so-called. “slang”, then suddenly the company stops selling this product altogether, leaving all customers without any support and much more. Therefore, the first Russian-language auction sniper with full Russian support was initially doomed to success, and the creators of Rapidcatch also showed themselves to be professionals and, as a result, against the background of the mass of auction snipers appearing and disappearing like clouds, Rapidcatch managed not only to hold on, but also to become quite popular. The Rapidcatch service is constantly being improved, becoming more reliable, convenient, functional, while remaining simple and understandable.

eBay Sniper

A lot of friends and acquaintances ask the question: how do I manage to buy this or that item from at such a low price?
I'm tired of talking about some of the secrets of working with the eBay auction, so I decided to write this article, hoping that it will be very useful to someone.

This article will talk about how I win auctions and sometimes get things at unrealistically low prices, especially for Russia.
I will tell you about what an eBay sniper is, or more precisely, I will tell you about one of them, an absolutely free and perfectly working eBay sniper.

What is eBay Sniper?

First, let's figure out what an eBay sniper is.
eBay sniper- a program on a computer (phone/tablet) or a service on the Internet that allows you to track the product (lot) you need and helps you win this auction at the lowest possible price by placing a bid in the last seconds of the auction. If you've ever tried to win something on eBay and your Bid was outbid in the last seconds, then this is the work of an eBay sniper. In order to understand its work, you need to understand how the eBay auction works.

eBay auction

What is an eBay auction and how does it work.
Any Internet user who has registered on eBay and in the PayPal system can buy and sell goods and services on eBay that do not contradict the law. For users from Russia, electronics are of greatest interest. eBay Auction is maximally focused on the buyer, therefore the bidding process itself is done differently, not like at a regular auction. When you place a bid, you must indicate the maximum possible amount that you are willing to pay for this product (lot), excluding shipping, down to the cents. What does this mean? You won’t always have to pay exactly the amount you bet, let’s figure out why:

EBAY Bid History

In this picture you can track the bids on the item you just sold. Apple iPhone on the auction eBay. Here you can see that the auction was won by the user who made a bid in the last seconds of the auction. The price of the lot that won $125 does not mean that this user bet $125, it only means that his bet was the largest, and having made it in the last seconds, he simply did not leave time for his opponents to think and make it even higher.
Why was the lot price $125?

As I wrote above, eBay is optimized primarily for the buyer, everything is done to make the buyer feel good, including the auction system. So, the cost of $125 turned out this way: the previous bid of $122.50 + the minimum auction step, which in in this case amounted to $2.5. This user could bid any amount from $125 to thousands of dollars, but he would still pay the cost of the previous bid + the minimum auction step. This allows the buyer to save sometimes very good money. And yet the bet was made eBay sniper.

eBay Sniper

eBay Sniper is designed to leave ordinary users no time to think about their next bid and allow you to immediately place your maximum bid in the last seconds. It's simple, whose number is at least 1 cent higher, wins this lot. eBay snipers are not prohibited by eBay auction; using it you do not break any rules, but only increase your chances of winning the auction. In addition to the advantages described above, there is something else. You can decide for yourself the product, and most importantly the price, in advance and program the “eBay sniper” in such a way that he tries to win not just one, but 100 or even 1000 auctions at once, the main thing is not to forget to enable the cancellation of other auctions after the first one is won. Otherwise, it will turn out that you bought 100-1000 things!

eBay Sniper Classification (IMHO)
“Ebay snipers” are divided into several types:

  • Client application for computer/phone/tablet- this type of eBay snipers is mostly paid, although personally I don’t understand why you need to pay for it since this type of eBay snipers is very inconvenient and you do all the work yourself. It is necessary that this application is always turned on, and the device on which it is running must be constantly connected to the Internet. This is extremely inconvenient. Any connection failure and you will not win the item for which you waited a week for the end of the auction!
  • Client-server application- this type of eBay snipers is more reliable, since everything you put in the queue will be tracked and won on servers that are more stable and reliable than your home PC. These applications are usually also paid. But the downside is that in order to perform any actions, you need a client program that will make changes on the server. I think this type is also not convenient and practical.
  • Web services s - while searching for a decent eBay sniper, I tried all the options (IMHO) that I found and wondered: why has no one yet made a normal, fully functional Web service for “shooting lots”? The advantages of this approach are obvious... All you need is a device with Internet access. You go to the site and configure the eBay sniper in the way that is convenient for you, turn off the device (computer/phone) and go to bed peacefully, and in the morning you are pleased with e-mail letters from eBay that you have won this or that item. I was incredibly happy when I found such a service and the most interesting thing - FREE!

eBay sniper

Just think, before writing this article I tried dozens of programs, actually DOZENS of programs, difficult to find. They either didn't work or still didn't work the way I wanted. And only one service deserved 10 points out of 10.
So meet me
The web interface is simply perfect and intuitive!

Appearance of eBay sniper Gixen

How to use eBay sniper

So, there is no registration in this service; to log in, just use your eBay username and password. Don't be afraid that your data will fall into the wrong hands or that something bad will happen. Your eBay account is of no value without PayPal information, and gixen will not ask you for it. After successful login you will see the following picture:

eBay Gixen sniper after authentication

Click the “Not right now, continue to my account” button if you do not want to purchase VIP access to faster servers. At the time of writing, there was not a single case where the server did not have time to process the request. Therefore, "loaded" free public server I think you've had enough! So your personal account opens:

It simply consists of an "auction scheduler". Now we need to add lots, let's do that.
So. First we need to decide what we actually need?
For clarity, let's complicate the problem. Let's say I want to win 3 auctions. Namely:

  • Auction 1 - Used White iPhone 5 16 GB. within $350 excluding shipping costs.
  • Auction 2 - Used Black iPhone 4 8 GB. within $200 excluding shipping costs.
  • Auction 3 - Used Black iPhone 4 8 GB. within $200 excluding shipping costs.

Now we need to fill Gixen with as many lots as possible that satisfy us and configure the scheduler correctly.

We are looking for lots for Gixen

Doing a search on White iPhone 5 16 GB. 1 PC. within $350 we do everything as in the picture:

iPhone 5, lot on eBay

Then open the items you like in the search results, attentively we read the product information, delivery information and if we are satisfied with this copy copy the lot number to the clipboard, this number is highlighted in the picture:

Insert the lot number into Gixen:

IN Your bid you must indicate your maximum amount which you have the opportunity to pay for this product in that the currency in which the lot itself is exhibited.

Well, then we press the button ADD
Please note that Group 1 is selected in the Bid group. This is very important, if you do not do this, then each auction will run independently of each other and you can win a whole mountain of auctions independently of each other.
And those auctions that are in one Bid group will be interconnected in such a way that as soon as 1 auction wins, all others in this group will be canceled.
So, we repeat the procedure until you get tired of it, the more lots you select, the more chances for success. You can add 10-200 lots that will end within a week and just monitor your mail until you receive a letter that the auction has been won.
ATTENTION!!! Read the descriptions of the lots carefully, there may be very important information. For example, an iPhone may not work or not work at all, delivery costs may be high, etc.

As you can see in the screenshot, I added 3 lots, but I did this as an example. You will need to add a lot of lots if you want 100% luck. Then canceled or lost lots will be colored in yellow(they can be deleted immediately because they are no longer needed).

But our task was to win 3 different iPhones. We figured out one thing, but what to do with two more...
There are two options:
1) We are making 2 more Bid Groups (to make 2 independent series of auctions). Let me remind you that in the end you will win as many auctions as your Bid group is configured. And if a group of lots is not established, then the auctions will take place independently of each other.
2) We make one big list and as soon as 1 auction is won and all subsequent ones are canceled, we again manually include the remaining auctions.

In the end, we win the lots we need, as soon as we receive letters that the auction(s) have been won, we go to E-Bay, pay for our purchases and enjoy the pleasant prices.

About Myibidder sniper:
1. For example, the current auction bid is $100. I loaded the sniper for $150. Will it shoot $150 or just one step?
2. What needs to be done to win against an opponent who can bet more?
3. I need a phone charger. There are many sellers on eBay with these chargers, but I only need one charger.
4. What else is tasty for Myibidder and browsers?

About the client program:
1. What is this client program and how can it be useful to me?
2. What systems does the client program run on?

About the sniper in general:

1. What is sniping?
Sniping is a method of bidding at an auction when the bid comes in the last seconds. Thus, opponents do not have time to react, but this new rate and raise yours.
With the help of sniping, you can buy goods much cheaper than with the usual struggle on eBay.

2. What is a sniper?
A sniper is a service or program that monitors auctions and places a bid in the last seconds.
This is completely automatic system. You just need to set the auction and your maximum bid (snipe).

3. Why does sniping work? How is it better than regular Proxy Bidding?
It works because, fortunately, not everyone understands how Proxy Bidding works. For many people this is an insurmountable psychological barrier.
Let's look at examples.
Participants Vasya and Petya. Everyone wants to buy the same product. Starting price $100. For simplicity, the step will be equal to $1.

Simple example 1 (without sniper):
1) An experienced buyer Vasya comes and agrees to pay about $140 for the product (after all, it costs $175 in the store). Vasya sees an auction with a starting price of $100.
Vasya bids $140 because he knows what Proxy Bidding is and how it works.
The first bet does not increase the current price by one step, so it remains at $100 and Vasya wins for now (there are no opponents).
Vasya goes to the garage to repair his old moped.
2) Petya came. He doesn’t understand what kind of beast Proxy Bidding is and what it comes with, so he doesn’t bother about things that he doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to understand.
Petya saw an auction with a price of $100, where there was only one buyer. Petya had wanted this thing for a long time and so he decided to place a bet.
The next bet due to the step turns out to be $100 + $1 = $101, so Petya places $101.
Proxy Bidding automatically increases the current price to $102 (Petit's bid plus a step, since Vasya bid much higher).
Without hesitation, Petya strikes back and bets $103. Proxy Bidding again raises it one step and the current bid is $104.
It was getting dark... After a long struggle and a couple of broken buttons on the computer, Petya comes out as the leader with the current bet of $141!

The auction has ended. The dust from the battle has settled. Parents call their children home for dinner.
Vasya returned home. The moped still doesn’t work, and then he finds out that his bet was outbid and he lost.

It would seem that everything is fine. Vasya could have won if he had simply placed a higher bid and Proxy Bidding would have supported him in this.
But the problem is that Petya made his bids as a reaction to the work of Proxy Bidding due to the initial high stakes Vasya.

Let's add a little heat to the fight...
3) Vasya received an e-mail on his laptop in the garage that someone had outbid him. Vasya is angry and strikes back, increasing his bet to $170.
4) Petya does not lag behind and in small steps raises the bet to $171.
5) Vasya really wants to win, because so much time has already been spent on this, the moped is already annoying, the screwdriver rolled behind the closet, the crocodile can’t be caught, the coconut doesn’t grow and all that. Vasya is angry. Vasya bets $200!
6) Petya is no longer surprised by this. He makes several bets up to $180, and then he gets bored and leaves dissatisfied to play. Counter Strike. The current price becomes $181. Vasya is the leader.
7) The auction has ended. Vasya begins to cool down. Out of fear, the moped pulled out a screwdriver from behind the closet.
Vasya only now realized that the auction ended for $181 when he planned to buy it for no more than $140. Moreover, he overpaid for it, because in the store the exact same thing costs $175.

In the first case, Vasya lost because he showed his interest in the product and his opponent had the opportunity to outbid him.
In the second case, Vasya, although he won, overpaid, as he was emotionally involved in the fight.

Let's add a sniper to example 1:
1) Vasya saw the auction, but did not place a bid. Instead, he charged $150 worth of sniper.
2) Petya came. I saw that the auction costs $100. Petya made a bet of $100 and calmed down, since he was currently in the lead.
Petya downloaded Duke Nukem to save humanity from evil spirits.
3) There are a few seconds left before the end of the auction and then a snipe from Vasya comes into play and makes a bid of $150. The current bet becomes $101 (Peter $100 + $1 = $101). The auction ends.
4) Petya immediately receives two messages on his mobile phone - someone interrupted him and the auction ended. Vasya was killed by some monster in the game. 0:1

The sniper hides interest until the last seconds of the auction so that the opponent simply does not have time to react and place a higher bid.
The sniper also eliminates the emotional struggle, because of which you can easily overpay and be in the red. After all, in a good way last example Vasya should have stopped and just looked for another auction with the same product

4. What makes Myibidder sniper so good?
The first advantage is that Myibidder is a completely free service.
It has access through a browser, so you don’t need to install anything on your computer, and you can access your snipes from any device where you have modern browser and the Internet.
Sniper is available at this link:

5. Free service? After all, only cheese in a mousetrap is free. What does Myibidder live on?
Myibidder relies on donations from its users and the sale of a client program for Windows that helps you control your snipes more convenient form.
Purchasing the program is not required, but profits from sales go to support the free Myibidder service.

About Myibidder sniper:

1. For example, the current auction bid is $100. I loaded the sniper for $150. Will it shoot $150 or just one step?
The sniper will shoot for $150, but the final auction price will be equal to the opponent's previous bid plus the step.
If there are no other bets higher, then in this case it will be $100 + $2.50 = $102.50.
If there is another bid from the opponent, for example $120, then the final price will become $120 + $2.50 = $122.50.
If the opponent bids above $150, for example $180, then the auction will end at $150 + $2.50 = $152.50 and the opponent will win, since he was willing to pay more.

2. What needs to be done to win against an opponent who can bet more?
There are two ways:
a) Increase your maximum to the current maximum you agree to pay. That is, if the product costs a little more, then the purchase is not interesting.

Find another auction. Fortunately, most items on eBay are sold by different sellers, so you always have a choice if you suddenly lose the auction.

3. I need a phone charger. There are many sellers on eBay with these chargers, but I only need one charger.
Myibidder sniper has a Groups feature. You can group all snipes with chargers into one Group and put “1” in the win limit.
When a sniper wins the first auction in the Group, the rest will be automatically canceled.
The only feature of Groups that you need to pay attention to is that between auctions there must be a minimum of 30 seconds or more so that the sniper has time to cancel the remaining snipes.

4. What else is tasty for Myibidder and browsers?
There is an add-on for the Firefox browser that adds a “Snipe it” button to the auction page for easier adding to your snipes:
There is also an extension for Google Chrome browser:

About the client program:

1. What is this client program and how can it be useful to me?
The client program helps you work with your snipes in a more convenient way without the participation of a browser.
There is a demo version of the client program that is available for download and purchase on
The demo version is fully functional (can make real snipes on eBay) for 30 days.
Purchasing the client program is not required to use the sniper. The Myibidder sniper service itself is free, so when purchasing the program there will be no monthly, annual or other fees. The money goes to support the Myibidder sniper.

2. What systems does the client program run on?
At the moment, the client program works on all versions of Windows (Windows 7 32/64-bit, Windows Vista, 2000, XP, 98).

Mac OS X:
There is also a beta version for Mac OS X (10.4 and higher) available on the forum:
During beta testing, the client for Mac OS X is free. When the program leaves beta testing, users will receive a free key as a thank you.

At the moment, the Myibidder client is being developed for the Android platform.
You can download a fully functional version from the Android Market:
Android 1.6 and higher are supported.

Looks like it's true. Although, I didn’t personally ask, but only advised this sniper in the next thread:

Time-limited - the lot goes to the one who offers the maximum price during the auction, the winner becomes known at the end of the auction
- with a fixed price - you can buy the product immediately for the specified amount
- there is also a mixed option, when a minimum price is set at which the bids begin to increase, and there is a fixed price at which you can buy the lot immediately, ending the auction ahead of schedule.

To win a certain lot, you must make the most big bet. However, this can be a rather tedious process - you have to constantly monitor the status of the auction, make more and more new bids, get nervous, and fear for your wallet (it’s no secret that participating in auctions is a very gambling activity). In addition, it is possible that the auction ends late at night, and in the last seconds before the end of the auction your Internet connection is lost. This is where the sniper comes to the rescue.

Sniper is software, which makes it easier to interact with the auction. Sniper applies to time-limited auctions where the “buy now at a fixed price” option may or may not be present. The idea is simple - you tell the sniper the lot you are interested in and the maximum price you are willing to pay. A few seconds before the end of the auction, the sniper makes a bid on your behalf. If there are bids in the auction that exceed yours (i.e., higher than the amount that you do not mind parting with) - you have lost this auction. If there are no such bets, then the sniper will make a bet on your behalf, the minimum value exceeding the maximum existing rate, thus saving some of your money (this mechanism will become more clear from the example below).

There are two types of snipers - installed on a computer and web services. In the first case, you install and configure the program, leave the computer turned on, and hope that at critical moments no troubles will happen to your Internet channel. Honestly, I don't see any reason to use this kind of snipers - it seems inconvenient to me. Therefore, let's look at an example of how web snipers work.

My favorite sniper is You need to go into it account, which you use on ebay (any sniper will not be able to function if he does not know your username and password for the auction). Let's say I want to buy this lot. In the add new snipe form: I enter the auction number (eBay Item Number, in this case it is 270758409219) and my maximum bid (Your bid, say, $100). The auction will end in 9 days, so for now you can go on vacation at sea. If a few seconds before the end of the auction the current price of the lot is less than my $100, the sniper will place a bid, and the magical Palm T|X is ours!
For example, if the price of a lot is $80, then the bid made by the sniper will not be $100, but approximately $82 (current price + minimum step for the next bid).

In addition, gixen allows you to group lots. For example, we really want to buy a Palm T|X, but we only have $75 of money. The likelihood that we will win the first auction with such a small amount is small. Therefore, we select several lots that interest us at once, and enter them all into the sniper, placing them in one group (Bid group). If one of the items in a group wins the auction, the sniper automatically cancels all other bids in that group. This allows you to avoid the risk of accidentally winning five identical lots. Gixen also offers advanced features for paid users, such as an unlimited number of lots (for regular users there is a limit of 10 simultaneous active lots) and increased fault tolerance. To become a paid user you need to pay a very small amount, or simply place a link to this service on your website.

What you should pay attention to:
- there are many different snipers on the Internet, and all of them are potentially dangerous, since you give them your ebay login and password. Therefore, be careful when choosing a sniper
- a bid in gixen is accepted in the same currency as for the current auction. Be careful! £100 is not the same as $100!

I am sure that each of you reading this article, already familiar with online auction eBay. You understand perfectly well that this auction is used by millions of users every day. Therefore, winning the “battle” for a lot is not so easy, especially if you do not want to overpay, but are going to buy the product at a price that is acceptable to you.

After talking with experienced buyers on eBay, we realized that each of them has their own system, their own auction strategy. Over the years of work, most have developed various schemes and methods that allow them to place bets and buy the goods they need without overpaying. You need to understand that sometimes there is a whole online “war” for good lots. Bids are outbid one by one, buyers, not wanting to miss out on something they like, raise the price more and more. Sometimes it comes to the point that, in a fit of excitement, people significantly inflate the real price of the lot. But how can you do it in such a way as to win the competition and not make a mistake with the price?

This problem is partly helped by the “Proxy Bidding” feature available to all eBay Buyers, when you define in your eBay account the maximum bid that you are willing to make (this bid will not be visible to other bidders). The system begins to bargain for you, raising the price each time as soon as someone outbids you. But it won’t go beyond the “threshold” amount you set. The main disadvantage of this system is that trading is conducted openly and to the bitter end. You will buy the product for the maximum specified price, or for one that is not significantly different from it. “Proxy Bidding” is good for those who have a budget and are planning to buy this lot anyway.

Also, do not forget that if you launched “Proxy Bidding” by specifying the maximum bid, you will not be able to cancel. The system works, persistently doing its job. Once you win the auction, you will be required to make a purchase.

Completely solve this problem Only sniper programs for eBay can do this. A completely logical question may arise: “what is this, and what is the operating principle of these programs?” In this article we will try to briefly talk about sniper programs for eBay, their advantages, and the benefits of using this software.

Experienced auction players know that there is no point in sitting on eBay, waiting for a bid, fanatically outbidding another buyer, in the hope of “snatching” a good item at a low price. You need to be more thoughtful and cunning when placing the right bid in the last seconds of the auction. But how to do that? After all, you can forget, not be on time, or miss the end of the auction. This is exactly what sniper programs for eBay will help you with. The “sniper” makes a winning bid some seconds before the end of the auction for the item. And this rate exceeds the previous maximum, not by much. This is the most common technology used by experienced Buyers. It was she who was taken as the basis for the “snipers”.

How does a sniper work?

First you need to find a good and working service that has many flattering reviews. You need to register, select the lot number, set your maximum bid, and the time when the “sniper” should shoot, buying you the goods. As a rule, many snipers work automatically, placing a bid just seconds before the end of the auction. But it will only fire if the maximum price you set has not been exceeded. The most important advantage is that the “sniper” makes the lowest possible winning bets.

Good and proven snipers cannot be free. Typically, an annual subscription costs between $40-$100. Of course, sometimes there are free services that work well. But many are stopped by the fact that for the sniper program to function you need to enter your username and password. Doing this on a site that has been operating for at most half a year and has no authority on the Internet is very dangerous. If your eBay account falls into the hands of scammers, you may end up with your purchases. good prices, but a lot of problems. Therefore, if you decide to get serious about bidding at an auction and want to choose a good “sniper,” then look online for proven services that have been working for more than one year and have tens of thousands of reviews.

One of the very first and most popular “sniper” services with a Russian-language interface is

This company was one of the first to appear on the Russian Internet, and to this day remains the most authoritative and recognized “sniper” among buyers from all over the CIS. "Rapidcatch" has been and remains a guarantee for Buyers that the lot will be won at the lowest possible price. Just establish a connection to the network a few minutes before the end of the auction and a “well-aimed hit” is guaranteed. The service works with almost all eBay branches. A 1-year subscription to this service costs little compared to its competitors - about $50 (you can pay monthly).

At first glance, it seems that the subscription is expensive, but after using the service several times, you will realize that it saves more than tens of dollars. If you make 2-3 purchases per month, the annual subscription will pay for itself at the end of the 2nd month. And then work only for profit and be happy great rates for good lots.

If you want to buy something expensive, then Rapidcatch can save you hundreds of dollars. It is also very important that by using this service, you can be calm about your personal data. The company takes the issue of security very seriously and takes many measures to ensure that passwords from eBay user accounts do not fall into the hands of fraudsters.

And at the very end, great news for those who shop infrequently. Rapidcatch is offering a month of free use of its sniper. You will have full functionality available to those who use the paid version, unlimited bets, and an excellent opportunity to test all abilities of this service. After a month, you can continue to use Rapidcatch, but under special conditions - no more than one bid per day, and no more than one active auction. If you need more, then $5 per month, and the full functionality of “Rapidcatch” is yours. When you subscribe for a year, get a 15% discount.

That's probably all we wanted to tell you. I would like to say right away that this is not an advertising article, and it just so happens that we one-sidedly highlighted sniper programs. Of course, you can use any that your friends or acquaintances recommend. It’s just that we, and many of our colleagues, used Rapidcatch and were pleased with the results of working with this service. That’s why we recommend what we are more than confident in. If you have suggestions for more interesting things, write your thoughts in the comments. Also watch the video attached under this article. The authors of these videos talk about the sniper programs that they use in their auctions. We are sure that you will complement the knowledge gained from our article.