Tibetan hormonal gymnastics - benefits, contraindications, rules for performing exercises. Morning Tibetan gymnastics for the lazy

Hormonal gymnastics, which Tibetan monks use to improve their health, became known not so long ago. Simple exercises have a positive effect on all organs and systems and improve a person’s appearance. They stimulate rejuvenation processes and produce a tonic effect. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for health improvement and longevity will be useful at any age for men and women.

What does Tibetan gymnastics give?

This technique affects not only the physical state of human health, but also restores balance in the body at the energy level. If you do exercises daily, you can significantly improve your well-being.

This type of gymnastics is aimed at:

  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • rejuvenation;
  • improving the functioning of all internal organs and human systems;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.

Some time after using these exercises, you can improve your hearing, vision, correct your posture, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Hormonal gymnastics produces a cosmetic effect. It will eliminate defects on the skin and get rid of cellulite. Your fine wrinkles around your eyes will disappear and your face shape will improve. The skin will become more toned and elastic.

If you encounter a problem like this, you can forget about it after a few weeks of regular training.

Using this technique, it is possible to cure chronic diseases that could not be cured using traditional medicine. In particular, Tibetan gymnastics will help with bronchial asthma.


Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Hormonal gymnastics has many advantages over other methods of rejuvenation and healing of the body:

The technique has no significant disadvantages, but to increase its effectiveness, the exercises should be done immediately after waking up. It is best to devote time to training before 6 a.m..

To achieve tangible results, you need to do hormonal gymnastics every day for several months.

Indications for use

These exercises are recommended for people of any age who want to improve the functioning of their internal organs, become rejuvenated and feel much better. They are also indicated for increased fatigue, chronic stress, and the presence of spinal curvature. Hormonal gymnastics will not be superfluous in case of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, intestines, or lymphatic system.

But do not forget that sometimes even the lightest exercises, which are extremely beneficial, can harm you. Tibetan gymnastics is contraindicated:

  • in the presence of a hernia;
  • if you have serious heart problems;
  • with Parkinson's disease;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • for acute arthritis.

Avoid gymnastics for 3-4 months if you have recently undergone surgery. Before starting exercise, consult your doctor.

“DO NOT PASS BY!!!” Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, which was invented by Tibetan monks, really works! If you do exercises conscientiously and regularly, your vitality will increase, and after about 6 months you will get rid of all chronic diseases from which you no longer hoped to be cured! More serious illnesses may take longer to heal: a year or two. In addition, Tibetan gymnastics allows you to support all endocrine glands that produce hormones at a young age, approximately 25-30 years.

We learned about its healing effects back in Soviet times. The exercises were published in one of the issues of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. The editors were told about them by specialists who built a power plant in the mountains of Tibet. As a sign of gratitude, the monks shared with them their secret of longevity. It is known that even at 80 years old, our compatriots felt great.

Why "hormonal"?

When you rub or massage biologically active points located throughout your body, a certain process is triggered. Oxytocin is produced, as a result of which the hormonal system, with the help of endocrine glands, tones the organs and other systems. The body is energized and rejuvenated. Therefore, Tibetan gymnastics can be called hormonal and harmonizing at the same time.

The benefits of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

  • helps you wake up
  • improves joint mobility,
  • relieves constipation,
  • removes toxins from the body,
  • normalizes digestion,
  • relieves runny nose and sinusitis,
  • improves hearing,
  • relieves chronic ear inflammation,
  • improves vision,
  • normalizes blood circulation,
  • cleanses energy channels,
  • normalizes blood pressure,
  • tightens the skin,
  • improves lymphatic drainage,
  • energizes,
  • improves mood,
  • produces hormones of happiness,
  • stimulates mental activity,
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

For Tibetan hormonal gymnastics to have a positive effect, it is necessary to observe the regularity of its exercises. That is, it is not advisable to take breaks. When you do gymnastics every day, positive and healing results begin to accumulate in your body. And breaks disrupt this process.

They say that you can “rest” from exercise for a maximum of 2 days, otherwise you will have to start all over again. We recommend trying not to take breaks for 1-2 months. (provided that chronic diseases have not worsened), and only then you can “stop” to monitor your body. Listen to yourself: how you feel, how your health has changed during this time, how you feel without gymnastics, etc.

Let us repeat that more noticeable results will begin to appear after about 6 months.

Contraindications for Tibetan gymnastics

  • acute heart disease,
  • hypertensive crisis,
  • Parkinson's disease,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • acute arthritis,
  • spine pathologies,
  • postoperative condition.

You only need to spend 5 MINUTES a day on gymnastics; you should do it immediately after waking up (it’s best to wake up before 6 am). The exercises are very simple and can be done without getting out of bed. But it should be taken into account that Tibetan hormonal gymnastics must be done with pleasure, or not done at all. It is also important to note that it is not a replacement for fitness or yoga.

So, let’s get started (for clarity, at the end of the article there will be a video “Tibetan hormonal gymnastics” on the technique of execution).

Exercise 1. Rub your hands

While lying in bed, rub your hands for 5-7 seconds, your palms should become hot. This exercise will also help you diagnose the state of your own biofield. If your palms are dry and hot, then everything is in order with the energy of your body. If the palms are warm after rubbing, the biofield is slightly reduced. If your palms do not warm up at all and become damp, this is a sure sign that your body has failed and has serious problems. Such people often suffer.

Whatever the shape of your palms, start doing the following exercises of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, as it will save you from all problems and diseases.

Exercise 2. Palming

After rubbing our palms, place them on the eye area. Apply light pressure on them, maintaining a tempo of 1 sec - 1 movement. You need to make 30 such movements in 30 seconds. After performing this exercise, do not rush to remove your palms from your eyes, leave them in this position for another 30 seconds, and if you suffer from poor vision, then for 2 minutes. In this simple way, you can improve your vision, as the eyeball and all the receptors around it are nourished. Interestingly, in addition to vision, the natural hair color is also restored.

Exercise 3. Pumping up the ears

Now press your hands on your ears in the same way - fingers on the back of the head, press your palms to your ears. Tempo: 1 s - 1 movement. A total of 30 movements. By performing this Tibetan gymnastics exercise, after some time (for some, after a few days, for others, after a few weeks or months), symptoms of chronic diseases associated with the ears from which you suffer may “wake up”. Don’t be scared and don’t under any circumstances stop doing the exercises, just do them “softer” if you feel pain. Believe me! After some time, your chronic ear inflammation will completely disappear and your hearing will improve.

Exercise 4. Facelift

Clench your hands into a fist, place your thumb behind your ear and begin to lift your face - from the chin to the ears. This action should also be repeated 30 times. After performing this exercise, you will feel a rush of blood to your face, and you may even sweat a little. Thanks to this technique, the oval of the face is tightened and lymphatic drainage is improved.


Exercise 5. Forehead massage

Now place your right palm on your forehead, your left on top and start massaging your forehead: move your palms from temple to temple. It is not necessary to touch the skin, but if you want to get rid of wrinkles, you should still touch your forehead. 30 movements - 30 s. Due to this exercise of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, the nasal sinuses are cleared (a runny nose, sinusitis goes away), and the work of the pituitary gland is also activated.

Exercise 6. Massage of the crown

Before you begin this exercise, place a bolster or roll up a pillow under your neck. We intertwine our hands into a ring. The right palm, as always, is below, the left is on top of it. We perform the movement with our hands 2-4 cm from the head from the forehead to the back of the head - 30 repetitions. For 30 times, “hover” over the crown of the head for a few seconds, and then move your hands from one ear to the other. Also 30 times. This exercise will help normalize blood pressure. In addition, due to the activation of the arm muscles, the mobility of the shoulder joints improves.

Exercise 7. Thyroid massage

We place the right palm on the thyroid gland, the left hand on top. Then with your left hand move from the thyroid gland to the navel at a distance of a few centimeters from the body. Repeat this movement 30 times. At the end of the execution, return the left palm to the right and linger in this position for 5-7 seconds.

Exercise 8. Abdominal massage

Without taking our hands away from each other and from the body, we slowly slide them onto our stomach. Make 30 clockwise circular movements in the abdominal area. Thanks to this massage, chronic constipation disappears and intestinal function improves.

Abdominal massage

Exercise 9. Shaking

If your bed is not hard enough, then to perform this exercise you should move to the floor. Raise your arms and legs up, palms and feet parallel to the floor. “Warm up”: rotate your wrists and legs at the ankle joints. Now shake them thoroughly for 30 seconds. This exercise improves blood circulation in the capillaries and cleanses small energy channels. Do it in the evenings before bed. Thanks to it, the aging process slows down and the activity of all systems in the body is normalized.

This exercise is also found in.

Exercise 10. Rubbing the feet

Sit down. Massage your feet one by one. If you find pain points, then you should thoroughly “massage” them. There are biological active points on the feet, so it will be very useful for eliminating certain health ailments. At the end of the massage, rub your feet from bottom to top.

That's the whole complex! As you can see, Tibetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity are very simple in technique.

After just six months, provided you do it regularly, you can significantly improve your health and get rid of many ailments. It has also been noticed that the appearance is changing for the better. You will be filled with energy and good spirits. You will be more charming.

You will love Tibetan hormonal gymnastics and will not be able to do without it. :)

Have you tried gymnastics? What are the results? Please share with us in the comments. ;) :) :)

Video “Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for health and longevity”

A healthy body helps people lead a full life, build a career, and raise children. Nowadays, the unfavorable ecological atmosphere, the pollution of the environment in cities due to the large number of cars on the roads leads to sad consequences for humanity. Already, young people are unlikely to boast of excellent health; they are diagnosed with pathologies that a few decades ago were present only in older people. Pharmacy counters are filled with all kinds of medications, and often new health problems arise from taking them.

Synthetic drug use disorders are increasingly leading many people to consider alternative treatments. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics will help people cope with ailments carefully and effectively. Adherents of oriental medicine claim that it has no contraindications, and its miraculous effect on the body helps to cope with diseases in just a few minutes after sleep.

A little about the history of origin

This method was first reported by the widely popular newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda more than 30 years ago. Readers learned that Soviet power engineers were building a power plant in the Tibetan mountains. Monks from a monastery located near the construction site asked specialists to install a power line to their monastery.

After the ancient monastery was illuminated with light, in gratitude its inhabitants discovered some secrets of longevity, which consist in devoting a few minutes of time to maintaining health.

Having become interested in the method of energetic influence on the body, one of the workers of that brigade, upon returning home, began to stubbornly follow everything that the monks taught. Convinced that the method really allows you to maintain excellent health for many years, he shared its secrets with correspondents, told them that his gray hair had returned to its natural color, he did not complain about his health until old age, he always felt great, had excellent vision.

For the first time, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics became known to a wide range of people after a traditional healer tested this method on herself. Olga Orlova got rid of the chronic diseases that had tormented her for a long time. The hormonal disturbances in the body disappeared, and against this background she began to feel great.

What is the meaning of the Tibetan method

Simple morning exercises consist of a number of simple exercises; they can influence certain points that help trigger internal mechanisms. Buddhist monks claim that exposure to them helps strengthen the human energy biofield, it improves hormonal levels, which in turn have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs. People who have tried this method have noticed its rejuvenating effect, despite the fact that the procedure takes 10-15 minutes.

The exercises take very little time, they are simple, so they can be performed by anyone who wishes, regardless of their physical endurance or poor health.

By adhering to certain rules, everyone can get amazing results.

First condition

Hormonal exercises are performed in the morning. The beneficial effect on a person when an energy procedure is performed occurs within 6–8 hours. It must be remembered that improvement in health is observed only after some time. For some, relief occurs after 2-3 months with active work for a few minutes, given that the development of the disease began not so long ago; for others, it will take more than one year of systematic exercise if the chronic form lasts a long time.

Second condition

Exacerbations and ailments that arise at the beginning of classes should not be scary. During the process, the body tries to react, it begins to fight, and, consequently, it develops increased resistance, so poor health is present only at first. A person, having overcome this barrier, will notice that further exercises do not provoke a deterioration in health, but, on the contrary, gradually improve it.

Third condition

Tibetan gymnastics is performed with strict adherence to the order of exercises. This is done to get results faster and maximum effect.

Fourth condition

Tibetan monks claim that bad habits can provoke the appearance of other ailments in addition to existing problems, therefore they consider smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages to be significant contraindications in the process of health-improving gymnastics.

Fifth condition

The Buddhist teaching on bed gymnastics says that the exercises should not be interrupted for a single day. The energy balance will quickly be disrupted if there is a sudden break for several days. Perhaps a two-day downtime will not play a special role, but if you stop for a long time and then resume, then the expected effect may not be achieved.

Sixth condition

A special and important point for lying gymnastics is accuracy when performing body movements, correct breathing, and the bed should not be a “royal” feather bed. It is better to lie down on a hard surface for a few minutes.

Seventh condition

The meaning of what people do, because Tibetan gymnastics is an invisible coordination of soul and body, and when a person believes in what he does with pleasure, and that the exercises will benefit him, then significant results will ensure health and strength of mind.

Indications for the health complex

Gymnastics in bed helps in many cases to solve health problems in a quick 15 minutes spent every morning, but the best results can be achieved with disorders:

  • nervous system;
  • hearing;
  • vision;
  • gastrointestinal tract work;
  • posture.

Each person, carefully performing the exercises in the correct sequence, will notice the disappearance of other ailments.


Any complex of health-improving exercises should be treated with caution and listen to the opinions of professionals. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is undesirable in the following situations:

  • a diseased heart during an exacerbation;
  • acute stomach ulcer;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • spinal system disorder;
  • exacerbation of arthritis, arthrosis.

Anyone who decides to do exercises in bed needs to remember that a relapse of any illness is a contraindication for doing it.

Having chronic diseases, it is better to consult your doctor, and only after his recommendations begin to implement them.

Health-improving gymnastics

All exercises are performed lying on your back early in the morning.

First, warm up your palms against each other with your fingertips pointing towards the chin. Rub them about 6 to 10 times. If the biofield is in good condition, the hands remain dry and warm. In the case when the palms remain cold and wet, this indicates cardiac pathologies. In any case, continue to perform gymnastics.

Exercise 1 - to improve vision

Pre-heated palms are applied to the eyes, every second, with gentle pressure, movements are performed 30 times, placing the hands on closed eyelids. Poor vision will gradually improve if, after the basic movements, the pressed palms are held for some time.

Exercise 2 - to improve hearing

Place your palms to your ears and press 30 times without moving away. The compression tension is selected individually for convenience. This exercise helps relieve and relieve not only inflammatory processes, but also significantly improves hearing.

Exercises 3 - for facial elasticity

The hands are placed opposite the face, the palms are clenched into fists, and the thumbs are left free. They are applied to the ears. In this position, move your fists to the sides along the chin 30 times, and then back. By massaging the contours of your face, you tighten its muscles. In addition, the thumbs involuntarily massage the area of ​​the ears, which helps improve hearing.

Exercise 4 - for the maxillary sinuses

The palm of the right hand is placed on the forehead, and the left palm is placed on top. In 30 sec. move them 30 times from one temporal zone to another. The movements will help smooth out forehead wrinkles. It’s not for nothing that gymnastics has such a name - the warmth of the hands conveys a powerful energy message.

Exercise 5 - to stimulate blood circulation in the brain

Hands are placed at a small distance, the distance of which should not exceed 5 cm above the head. First - the right palm, on top of it - the left palm. Arc-shaped movements are performed from the frontal zone to the crown, then back.

Exercise 6 - to strengthen the muscle mass of the arms

The starting position of the hands is the same as in the previous exercise. Movements consisting of 30 cycles are made in the direction from the left auricle to the other ear. Such manipulations help to gently add elasticity to the muscles and tighten the skin of the shoulder area.

Exercise 7 - to improve thyroid function

Place your right hand on the thyroid area, touching it. With the left palm, make movements from the thyroid gland to the place where the navel is located, then back. On the last cycle (30th), the palms are swapped, both are pressed to the body, lowered down to the stomach.

Exercise 8 - to improve stomach function

The right hand is placed along the stomach, the left palm is placed on top. Move them clockwise, pressing your palms lightly. This exercise not only has a positive effect on the gastric system, but also normalizes stool.

Exercise 9 - to stimulate blood circulation in the arms and legs

Raise your arms up, feet remain in place. At the same time, perform rotational movements with the hands and feet clockwise, then back. After this, shaking is done. Such manipulations can be carried out separately: first - arms, then legs, or vice versa.

Final procedures

After the sessions, sitting on the floor, rub the feet, after lubricating them with olive oil to soften them. Then expand the area of ​​rubbing to the level of the knees. Then - on the hips. Hand movements must be done from the bottom up. Stimulation of the feet activates numerous points located on them, which helps stabilize the functioning of almost all organs. Next, massage the knees in a circular motion.

Experts from the field of official medicine claim that Tibetan gymnastics helps to achieve a level of strong remission in many incurable diseases.

Of course, doctors warn patients against the uncontrolled use of unconventional methods, because the acute phase of any disease requires emergency medical intervention. In agreement with professionals, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in some cases is performed in a lighter version. For many doctors, gymnastics in bed is still considered a waste of time in severe forms of illness, although they do not give any contraindications for relatively healthy people to exercise.

I have not yet encountered a single negative review from people about Tibetan gymnastics; on the contrary, numerous delights are found quite often, and photographs of people who have rejuvenated or lost gray hair are often found on many resources on the Internet. No sane doctor will deny the benefits of self-massage of active points, although he can warn in special cases. The health of each person is in his own hands; giving up bad habits and Tibetan gymnastics will help make life better. Overcoming laziness, cultivating the will at the beginning of classes to achieve the desired result means gaining longevity and health for many years!

In the 80s, a group of Soviet specialists installed a power plant in the Tibetan mountains. There they met monks from a local monastery. The head of the brigade extended the power line to them. The monks had nothing to repay for this generous gift and they thanked the workers by sharing with them the secrets of gymnastics for longevity.

20 years later, one of the engineers of that brigade told this story in Komsomolskaya Pravda. At the age of 80, he felt great thanks to practical training using the Tibetan method.

To be honest, I did not find this issue of Komsomolskaya Pravda on the Internet. I learned this story from Olga Orlova’s video, thanks to her for making this technique accessible to everyone.

Hormonal gymnastics complex while lying in bed

Exercises of this gymnastics are done while lying in bed after waking up. Best before 6 am. No special skills are required for this, everything is very simple and does not take much time, 5-10 minutes a day is enough. The main thing is to follow the steps of the actions; the exercises are done in combination, and not separately.

Exercise No. 1

Lying on your back, raise your arms up and bring your palms together, then make 10-20 short rubbing movements (palms up and down). With the help of this simple action, the general state of the biofield is diagnosed. If your palms are dry and hot, then everything is fine with the energy of your body, if they are slightly warmed up, then there are some malfunctions, and if they are cold or moistened, then this indicates problems with the vegetative-vascular system and a low level of energy. Regardless of the result, we move on to the next exercise.

Exercise No. 2

We apply the heated pads of our palms to our closed eyes and make light pressing movements. 30 movements of 1 second are enough. It's best to count to yourself. If you have poor vision, then leave it on your eyes for 1-2 minutes after the thirtieth press of your palm. This will warm the eyes, nourish them with energy and help restore vision.

Exercise No. 3

Repeat the first exercise and place your palms on your ears and do the same rhythmic pressing actions as in the previous lesson. We count 30 movements of 1 second.

Exercise No. 4

We put our fingers together in a gesture indicating “class!” (4 fingers in a relaxed fist, thumbs pointing up). Place your fists on the lower part of your face so that your thumbs are behind your ears. We begin to move our hands up and down, from the ears to the chin and in the opposite direction. It turns out to be a kind of facelift. Perform 30 times.

Exercise No. 5

Place your right palm on your forehead and press it down with your left palm. We move our hands from one temple to another and back. Within 30 seconds we do 30 movements.

Exercise No. 6

This exercise can also be done lying down, but a pillow must be placed so that the head is slightly tilted. We place the left palm on the right and raise it above the head at a distance of about 5 cm. We make 30 movements from the crown to the forehead and in the opposite direction.

Exercise No. 7

The hands are in exactly the same position as in the previous exercise. But this time we move our hands along a trajectory - from the left ear to the right and back. We do it 30 times.

Exercise No. 8

We place our right hand on the thyroid gland, and with our left hand we describe an arc from the thyroid gland to the navel and in the opposite direction. For the 30th time, place your left hand on your right and lower it onto your stomach.

Exercise No. 9

In the position in which we finished the previous step, we begin to stroke the stomach clockwise. Only 30 revolutions.

Exercise No. 10

We raise our arms and legs to a vertical position and make circular movements with our hands and feet. Several times in one direction and several times in the opposite direction. Then we begin to shake our hands and feet. This activity can be divided into 2, separately for the arms and separately for the legs, or can be done together.

Exercise No. 11

We sit down and rub our feet. First the feet, then we go higher and massage the kneecaps, then the thighs.

Pleasant results from the technique can be felt after the first lesson. The brain awakens from sleep faster, the body is filled with a charge of vigor and strength. The joints warm up and blood begins to circulate better. But to improve the health of the body and for more noticeable effects, it is necessary to exercise daily for several months.

Here is a list of the positive results that this gymnastics promotes:

  • improved vision and hearing
  • normalization of blood pressure
  • body rejuvenation
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • boosting immunity

From the reviews of people who have been practicing this technique for a long time, we can conclude that with its help you can get rid of chronic diseases and even tumors. It seems fantastic that such simple actions can bring such results. Although all this has a completely understandable justification, because during these exercises the points responsible for different organs are massaged, internal energy flows are activated and chakras are opened.

Contraindications for Tibetan gymnastics

There are no strict contraindications for performing Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. But it is better to refrain from it after operations and during pregnancy. If you doubt whether you can perform these exercises, consult your doctor.

It should also be taken into account that if you have chronic diseases, then during a course of hormonal gymnastics, symptoms may intensify. These side effects are due to the fact that the disease is pulled out of the body. In her video, Olga Orlova says that after 2 weeks of daily practice, her ear pain intensified, but she continued the practice and soon got rid of chronic inflammation.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, reviews and results

There are not many reviews on the Internet regarding this gymnastics and some of them are contradictory. You can find both positive and negative. To believe them or not is up to each individual.

Here are some positive reviews I found:

The complex consists of 11 exercises of 30 seconds each, so it turns out that 5 and a half minutes are enough to complete it. I think that such a simple and fast technique deserves attention. If you haven’t tried it yet, then try it, and if you are already practicing it, then share your impressions in the comments to the article.

Video master class on hormonal gymnastics

Video by Olga Orlova with a detailed explanation of gymnastics

Sincerely, Ruslan Tsvirkun.


Dear readers, many of you will probably agree that in medicine they are increasingly using traditional methods that have stood the test of time. In fact, they are the most traditional: massage, herbal medicine, self-hypnosis, etc.

Modern medicine no longer disputes them; it is gradually introducing them into its practice. A number of medical institutions have paid attention to this phenomenon - Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. What kind of technique is this, where did it come to us? What are its advantages, and maybe there are also negative aspects of its use? Today I want to draw your attention to how, with the help of Tibetan gymnastics, doing just 10 minutes a day, you can significantly improve your health.

Tibetan gymnastics - where did it come from, why is it hormonal?

In Soviet times, our specialists were in demand in countries of what was then called the “third world,” that is, those that did not belong to either the capitalist or socialist camp. The USSR often provided various assistance to these countries. So in Tibet in the 80s, our engineers and workers were installing a power plant.

We decided to help the monks of a remote mountain monastery by extending a power line to them. So the monks, for lack of funds, paid our professionals with their secret knowledge. This is how Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for health improvement and longevity was brought to our country.

So says the legend. Allegedly, then, 20 years later, one of the members of that expedition told this fascinating story and told about the basics of a set of exercises for the popular newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. And, moreover, he demonstrated how great shape he was in thanks to the use of this gymnastics. We will not judge how true the legend is. So far, the same issue with the revelations of power plant builders has not been found in the KP archives.

Why hormonal? Because by massaging, rubbing, triggering biologically active points, we simultaneously “add adrenaline” to the entire hormonal system of the body. And along the chain, with the help of the endocrine glands, it adds tone to other organs and systems, saturating the body with energy and rejuvenating the body. That is, it is both hormonal and harmonizing at the same time.

Our contemporaries most often make this discovery, according to tradition, from the Internet, where it is known as Tibetan hormonal gymnastics by Olga Orlova; the video in different versions has long been replicated and is very popular. Orlova is a famous folk healer, and she became the popularizer of this health complex. I suggest you watch the video. Olga Orlova talks very interestingly about the gymnastics itself, and then we will be able to see all the exercises from Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

Who is it shown to: tasks and features

Watch how Tibetan gymnastics is performed in bed: the video demonstrates that even a person who is not properly awake is able to overcome simple initial movements that gradually bring you into a working state. But keep in mind: the bed should not be soft!

Often, “recruits” who have never done even the minimum of morning exercises before, notice some discomfort after starting classes. This is a manifestation of the body’s natural activation process. It begins to free itself from layers of negative energy, from elementary toxins that were quietly stored in our organs, without making themselves felt for the time being.

They would definitely come back later with new diseases, and Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for health improvement and longevity helps to expel these “slags”. And some discomfort at first is quite understandable; the body needs to get used to the new state, to new loads, even accessible ones.

It is very important not to interrupt classes, to accumulate positive results gradually but steadily. By taking breaks, we “lubricate” our achievements. It is believed that a maximum break is possible only for two days, then the effect is lost and everything will have to start from scratch.

I will talk about contraindications below. Here I would like to note that this is a health complex, and it has a positive effect on almost all body systems. Gives strength and energy, relieves chronic diseases, strengthens the immune system, and rejuvenates tissues. What exactly is good about each exercise, what tasks it performs, I will tell you when describing the individual parts of the complex.

A set of hormonal gymnastics exercises

Another good thing about Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is its absolute accessibility. To perform it, you do not need to rush to a distant gym, you do not need to use any sports equipment or other devices. The only “tool” is our body.

The tasks that need to be completed are not at all difficult. These are 11 or 10 exercises (in different versions of the complex). Each movement must be performed 30 times, which takes approximately 30 seconds. That is, all this “charging” will take 5-6 minutes. It is better if these classes are carried out in the morning, then the effect will be maximum. But some exercises can be performed during moments of rest at work, and in the evening.

1. Rubbing your hands

The condition of the palms is an indicator of the activity of our biofield, and therefore an indicator of general well-being. That is why Tibetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity always begins with rubbing the hands.

The easiest way to do this is while lying on your back. We fold our palms in front of the chest, fingers “look” at the chin. Rub your palms together 7-10 times and see what happens. You have a strong biofield that functions without failure if your palms are slightly warmed up but remain dry. When they do not change temperatures, this is an indicator of energy depletion. If, in addition, the palms become wet, most often this indicates the presence of problems with the cardiovascular system.

In the latter case, that is, if you suspect heart disease, you should consult a doctor regarding exercise. Or, at a minimum, exclude exercise 9 (shaking) from the complex, and do the rest carefully, observing changes in condition.

We continue rubbing our palms, about 20 more similar movements are needed, but it is better to raise the limbs above the head. At the same time, we activate and warm up the shoulder girdle. We activate blood circulation processes.

2. Palming

The next step in Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, the video recommends palming, that is, palpation (pressure) of the eyes. Naturally, the eyes are closed, we massage carefully, through the eyelids.

We place our freshly warmed palms over our eyes. We press in a certain rhythm: one movement per second. A total of 30 pressures on the eyeball area will be required. After that, you should still hold your fingers over your eyes for about a minute and a half, let the energy from your fingertips nourish your eyes, increase blood circulation in small vessels, improving vision.

3. Ear massage

Let's move on to ear massage. There are many theories that claim that the ear is a projection of the entire human body. In shape it resembles an embryo lying head down.

The earlobe “personifies” the head of the curled up embryo. Researchers have counted at least 170 active points on the surface of the ears; some acupressure specialists put the number at 200. It is very useful to know which organs correspond to certain points.

But when we massage the entire ear, we tone the entire body. This is what you need to pay attention to. When the exercise is performed in the morning, the movements should be done in a clockwise direction. But in the evening, before going to bed, we do not need to activate the organs, otherwise it will be very difficult to fall asleep. Then the same massage is performed with counterclockwise movements, they have a calming effect.

Watch this stage of Tibetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity in the video, it will become clear how best to position your fingers. We press our palms to our ears, our fingers are on the back of the head. We apply vigorous pressure and the usual light massage of the ears.

4. Facelift

Next, we point our thumbs towards the ears, while the rest are loosely clenched into a fist. This is roughly how we show a gesture; “Great, great!” You can put your thumbs behind your ears. And start moving your fists down to your chin and back to your ears.

It also helps “pointwise” in improving hearing, and improves the contour of the face, tightening the chin. With regular use, it may well help get rid of a saggy double chin.

For those who want to learn more about the secrets of the Eastern art of beauty and health, and seriously engage in rejuvenation, I advise you to refer to one of the blog posts.

5. Forehead massage

Now let's work on the forehead wrinkles, and at the same time clear the maxillary sinuses. In parallel, the following exercise will help activate brain activity and improve mental abilities.

Place your right palm on your forehead and your left palm on top of it. We perform sliding rubbing, moving from temple to temple. It will also take 30 seconds. For some, it is more convenient to do this exercise using a non-contact method: the palms are a couple of centimeters away from the forehead. It happens that you feel discomfort from the position of your hands, then you can change it - let the left one be below and the right one on it. This depends on various reasons, including which limb is your “leading”. Remember how in one Vysotsky song, however, about legs: “Whoever has a push is on the left, And I have a push on the right!”

6. Crown massage

The parietal region is very important in terms of normalizing blood pressure. If it is influenced correctly, then low pressure increases and high pressure decreases, that is, it returns to normal.

To perform these movements, you can sit down or remain lying down, but put a bolster under your neck so that your head is slightly suspended. We throw our hands over our heads, again lay them one on top of the other, usually the right one is at the bottom.

We leave our hands hanging a few centimeters above the crown of the head. We perform the movement from the forehead to the back of the head 30 times, and the same number from one ear to the other. This is how a non-contact massage of the entire parietal part of the head occurs.

In addition to treating hypertension and hypotension, this Tibetan gymnastics exercise has a positive effect on the mobility of the shoulder joints and strengthens the muscles of the upper limbs.

7. Thyroid massage

For the next exercise, we place the hand (right) on the thyroid gland, and place the left one on top. We make movements from the thyroid gland to the navel with the left hand, also without contact: 2-3 centimeters separate it from the body. The right hand remains on the thyroid gland, “warming” it. Then we “swing” with our hands folded one on top from one ear to the other, also affecting the thyroid gland. Result: strengthening the immune system and improving blood circulation.

8. Abdominal massage

After the previous task is completed 30 times, we continue the movements in the abdominal area. Simple circular strokes with your palms in a clockwise direction, hands, as before, one on top of the other.

We stroke the belly 30 times, helping intestinal activity. Those who use the complex claim that Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss is also useful. In particular, this exercise, both due to regular massage and due to increased intestinal secretion, after which excess “deposits” of toxins disappear, constipation goes away.

9. Shaking

You can stay on the bed if the bed is hard enough, but it is better to move to the floor. At the same time we raise both our arms and legs up. We make circular rotations of the arms at the wrists, and the legs at the ankle joints, alternately in one direction and the other, after which we shake the limbs.

If it is difficult to perform with your arms and legs at the same time, you can do these rotations in turn. This achieves improved blood circulation in the capillaries. The muscles of the whole body become toned, this also helps to maintain a normal weight or even lose weight.

10. Foot rubbing

The final exercise of Tibetan gymnastics is foot massage. This may seem strange to some, but the foot, like the ear, contains a “coded map” of our body in active points. But, if you think about it, there is no paradox here.

Nature most often takes care of backup options and provides a “plan B”, because we live in difficult external conditions, anything can happen to one of the organs. Then we will use other “cheat sheets”. In the meantime, everything is normal, at least relatively, one definitely doesn’t interfere with the other.

We do foot massage while sitting. We start with the feet, then we work on the legs, knees, and hips.

Contraindications for use of the complex

Like any other healing method, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics has contraindications. But not in the usual “no” form, that is, these are not strict medical guidelines, but only recommendations to approach exercise more carefully, choose a gentle load and consult a doctor on dosage.

Logic dictates when you should give up exercise altogether: after operations and during the acute phase of serious illnesses, during pregnancy. Acute spinal pathologies can also be an undesirable background for these activities. It is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol and tobacco during classes.

To summarize: the benefits of hormonal gymnastics

What do we have “in the bottom line” when we regularly practice Tibetan gymnastics? In addition to improving the functionality of those parts of the body and organs that are massaged, there are also deeper consequences for organs, systems and the whole organism:

  • physical and emotional stress is relieved;
  • vitality increases;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • immunity increases;
  • the activity of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • the respiratory system is cleansed;
  • toxins are removed from the body;
  • mental abilities and memory improve;
  • joint flexibility is restored, posture is corrected;
  • the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is improved;
  • the body rejuvenates.

That's all the most important thing that I would like to tell you about this interesting phenomenon - Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. It remains to add that it is especially useful for people with creative activities. With its help, the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain is balanced. As a result, a person develops more harmoniously and correctly perceives the world around him and himself in it. What I sincerely wish for all of you, dear readers!

Chinese qigong gymnastics for beginners