5 out of 36 frequently dropped combinations. How to win the lotto or how to calculate the winning combination in the lottery (Sergey Stanovsky's method)

One of the most frequently asked questions to us is: “What is the probability of winning the lottery?” It is easy to answer it, because numerical lotteries are carried out according to certain formulas, and each of them can be subjected to mathematical calculation. So, let's get down to calculating luck along with the most popular Russian state lotteries.

We win at Gosloto 4 out of 20

The youngest of the Gosloto lotteries - the "four" - has already managed to acquire fans. And all thanks to its remarkable features: a huge, multi-million dollar super prize, 20 other winning categories and an increased prize pool - 67% of the proceeds from each ticket sold are sent to it.
The chances of winning a super prize in Gosloto 4 out of 20 are 1 to 23,474,025. The overall probability of winning is estimated at 1 to 3.4.

Table of distribution of winnings in Gosloto "4 out of 20":

Matched numbers in field 1 Matched numbers in field 2 Prize pool distribution
4 4 23.36% + accumulated Super Prize
4 3 2,56%
3 4 2,56%
4 2 0,58%
2 4 0,58%
4 1 0,89%
1 4 0,89%
4 0 1,02%
0 4 1,02%
3 3 0,98%
3 2 3,68%
2 3 3,68%
3 1 4,59%
1 3 4,59%
3 0 4,66%
0 3 4,66%
2 2 12,44%
2 0 13,63%
0 2 13,63%
2 1 100 rubles**
1 2 100 rubles**

To win the super prize, you need to match 4 numbers in the first field and 4 numbers in the second in your ticket. In the premiere draw of the "four", which will be held on December 31 at 20:00 live on the NTV channel, it will amount to 1 billion rubles!

To increase your chances of winning, take advantage of features such as the expanded and multi-draw bet.

*The distribution of the prize fund, taken as 100% after the accrual of fixed winnings.
**Fixed winnings per winning ticket.

We win at Gosloto 6 out of 45

The queen of the Gosloto lotteries - the "six" - regularly sets records for the amount of super prizes. Perhaps every fan of lotteries dreams of winning millions of rubles in it. In this case, the chances of guessing two or more numbers are quite high. The main thing is to bet regularly and think like a winner!

How to increase your chances of winning the lottery? Firstly, the more bets you make, the higher the chance of winning a prize. Secondly, deployed and multi-circulation rates have a significant impact on the balance of power. Using this method, some Gosloto 6 out of 45 fans have already become millionaires. Read more about the multi-circulation rate in ours. Thirdly, it is important to believe in your luck! If you are sure of victory, it will not be long in coming.

We win at Gosloto 5 out of 36

As you know, most often millions of winnings go to the participants of Gosloto 5 out of 36. The probability of winning a super prize in this lottery is indeed much higher than, for example, in Gosloto 6 out of 45. That is why, on average, every week we honor new Russian millionaires. Now there are already 250 lucky people in this club!

Have you already noticed how tempting the Gosloto 5 out of 36 statistics look? It makes me want to place a bet! Regular participants know that they can participate in the “five” draws in any convenient way: by purchasing a ticket at one of the lottery kiosks or salons Euroset and Svyaznoy, the Russian Post office, in the lottery online supermarket, using the Stoloto mobile application or placing a bet via SMS. All resources are good!

We win at Gosloto 7 out of 49

Another notable lottery with many fans. First of all, Gosloto 7 out of 49 attracts the largest guaranteed super prize - 50,000,000 rubles for 7 guessed numbers. His win is a real stroke of luck! The probability of triumph, of course, is less than in other lotteries, but the greater will be your joy from winning! Distribution draws of the "seven" regularly increase the number of lottery millionaires in Russia.

We win in "Sporloto 6 out of 49"

The legendary lottery, which came to us from Soviet times and is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year, still looks tempting. Not only because of the low cost of the minimum bet (only 20 rubles) and an impressive super prize, but also due to the introduction of a bonus ball into the game. This type of lotteries is popular abroad and, as we see, successfully lives in Russia. Guessing the number on the bonus ball is the desired goal of many, whose 5 numbers marked in the coupon have already matched the main combination. But the most persistent and lucky participants reach it. And the more interesting it is to live, play and win!

The principle of dropping numbers

A random number generator is used to determine winning combinations. This is the most modern technology that is responsible for the loss of numbers in the world's leading lotteries. In this case, the human factor is absolutely excluded, which means that the whole process of drawing can be unconditionally trusted.
How do you choose numbers when placing bets? Do you mark your favorite numbers that you consider lucky, or do you use the Auto Bet feature? Do you keep track of dropdown combinations? For those who keep strict strategic calculations or just want to know which numbers win more often and which ones less often, statistics for each lottery are regularly updated on the Stoloto website.

The most unusual combination of numbers

The imagination of experienced lottery strategists was amazed on April 5, 2015, when in the 17053rd edition of the fast game "Rapido" a super prize of 4,269,583 rubles was brought by a beautiful combination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - in the first part of the field, 4 - in the second part. Indicate the first eight numbers on the ticket, pay 30 rubles (that's how much the lucky bet cost) and thus become a millionaire - great luck! This victory has already entered the history of lotteries. And not only because of such a rare combination of numbers, but also because the win was a record for Rapido.

Winning the bingo lottery

The most popular state bingo lotteries in Russia are Russian Lotto and Housing Lottery. They raffle apartments, country houses, cars and large cash prizes.

The chances of winning the bingo lottery increase noticeably when the game is played up to the 87th move. This means that Mikhail Borisov, the host of the Russian Lotto, has three barrels in his bag (instead of the usual four), and three balls in the Housing Lottery machine. And if you don't find these numbers on your ticket, then you've won!
Winning in the Russian Lotto and the Housing Lottery depends entirely on your luck, because here you will not be able to make a detailed bet or use a multiplier. These are lotteries for those who prefer to surrender to the will of fate and give fortune the opportunity to choose a favorite on Sunday morning during the draw (broadcast is held on Sundays at 8:15, on the NTV channel, in the Russian Lotto Plus program). There are several ways to influence the balance of power. Choose a ticket with your favorite numbers printed in the playing field. Buy multiple tickets to increase your chances of winning. Or become the owner of block tickets, in which all 90 numbers are marked. Such tickets are issued for the main holidays of the country and other important dates.
If you are already impatient to test the theory of the probability of winning in practice, hurry up to purchase lottery tickets or place a bet at the lottery kiosk closest to you, the Euroset communication store, the Svyaznoy store, the Russian Post office or on the website of the Russian lottery Internet supermarket Stoloto. in the Stoloto mobile application or via SMS.
May fortune smile upon you!

The most convenient way to buy lottery tickets

All life on the run and no time to go to the lottery kiosk? With our mobile application "Stoloto" all problems will disappear overnight. After downloading it, you can at any time purchase a ticket, find out the results of previous draws, replenish your Stoloto wallet and read about the latest news in the world of lotteries. The Stoloto app is available in two versions: for Android and iOS. Choose the version that suits your smartphone and use the most convenient and fastest way to buy lottery tickets.

For 2 months we have been keeping statistics of the game (honesty test!) in Russian lotteries on one popular resource

Do you seriously think that when playing lotteries with closed draws and with a withdrawal animated video broadcasts, really win the jackpot?

Then we go to you!

By experience, we will prove to you how players are deceived on this resource. Really serious prizes and jackpots (1st and 2nd categories - far from random people fall out!). Call it what you want, up to laundering the game money supply.

Statistics of rates of one of our players on the main lotteries (6 out of 45 & 5 out of 36):

For example, one of the bets on 140 combinations of numbers in the state lottery lottery is 6 out of 45 with a probability of winning the jackpot - 1 to 8,000,000, and, accordingly, the probability of winning secondary prizes is an order of magnitude higher.

A detailed bet was issued with 8 numbers on each of the 6 fields of the ticket:

as you can see, the cost of this bet was 14 000 R. - as a result, the gain was - 1500 R.

On the other hand, this may seem like an absolutely normal set of circumstances, but not when the comrades playing in parallel bet on amounts more than 30 000 rubles in each draw, covering the most popular combinations and numbers on 6 ticket fields - winning miserable 1500r.

Many of the combinations that drop out during consecutive draws really suggest the planned 20 minutes before the start of the draws and automatically generated combinations, because the numbers sometimes fall out far from random!

There have been cases of falling in two consecutive draws 3 and 4 repeated numbers in combination, which, in principle, according to the theory of probability, is practically impossible, the probability is 0.000001%

Those. support absolutely officially answers our question:

Player: What are the guarantees that the drop-down combinations (rapido, 6 out of 45, 5 out of 36) are not automatically selected in a non-random manner, based on already purchased tickets (bets) using some da Vinci code generator (just in these 20 minutes before the start of the draw, after the closing of bets) ?

Support response:There are no guarantees, by default you must trust us, since we have a draw commission and number generators patented by special structures.

So, it turns out that we are obliged to believe that money is not laundered in this way, but actually won by phantom players, which is also unrealistic to trace.

It would be good if there was also a live broadcast of draws with real people in the draw commission, which we could see, and, accordingly, the process of choosing numbers by lottery specials. device.

Perhaps the number of winning people in each draw is a fiction that is presented to us as a distraction, which supposedly we really win, but it is not possible to trace it.

The next important point:

Why is the distribution of prizes of the 2nd category and other minor prizes often between a clearly defined number of participants?

How, in principle, this can be possible according to the theory of probability, if the number of players is more than 100,000 people, and the number of bets sometimes exceeds 300,000.

ON A NOTE: In the lottery gosloto 6 out of 45- the probability of guessing 5 numbers out of 6 (to win a prize of the 2nd category) is an order of magnitude less than guessing 5 numbers out of 5 in lottery 5 out of 35(prize of the 1st category), but for some reason the number of guessing 5 numbers in the lottery is 6 out of 45 - always more than 1 (from 1 to 10).

In the lottery 5 out of 36, the prize of the first category (guessing 5 combination numbers) is by no means played in every draw and this is done with only one goal - to maintain the interest of players in this game due to the rapid increase in the jackpot amount by constantly injecting money into it. This no longer suggests that numbers in the state lotto do not fall out randomly.

Number of winners of the second category prizes in the draws gosloto lotteries 6 out of 45 and 5 out of 36(coincidence of 5 out of 6 numbers and coincidence of 4 out of 5 numbers in a combination, respectively) - constantly seems to be adjusted to certain limits.

In the lottery 5 out of 36 the number of guessing 4 numbers out of 5 often never exceeds 30 people in order to leave a range for choosing the 5th number in the combination of the lottery generator - thus main prize of the 1st category is not played and accumulates up to a certain value. Subsequently, it is not broken by random people and displayed on "Funding Public Expenditure".

Although, in principle, we will never check this behind the dead statistics of the results of the draws - whether the number of winners of the second category prize actually ranges from 13-30 people, or only 2, or maybe no one at all.

Numbers may not fall out randomly, but in a completely definite and convenient way for individuals so that the number of winners was 0, but for all those who play through the site stoloto.ru and follow the game in draw results certain amounts of payments to the winners will be displayed so that players can see the imaginary and falsified results of the draws (picture above) and be convinced that there are winners and they are paid real money - you can’t check this!

And believe me, programmatically implementing such a scheme does not seem too difficult!

Thus, the money collected for the draw from draw to draw can not be distributed among real players (payments to non-existent winners), but go to well-defined "offshore" funds of the management of the state lotto and other government agencies.

I do not argue, small amounts up to 6000 r. there is a meager chance of winning, but large jackpots (more than 5-300 million rubles) and prizes of the second category - you are unlikely to ever win.

Invented stories of the winners can really touch the soul, but falsifying them, as well as finding the right people who play the role of millionaires, is also not difficult - this is not only the opinion of our specialists.

For example, let's take the State Lottery 5 out of 36 (with a "higher probability" of winning - 1 to 300,000).

The cost of 126 combinations was about 4000-5000 rubles.

Bottom line - no winnings! At the same time, employees of "one hundred loto" note that every fourth combination wins.

The summary of all of the above is as follows:

The choice is yours to play or not to play Russian lotteries, but honesty and openness of the lottery are still important!

Now that open official foreign lotteries online for Russians- the opportunity to win the American or European Jackpot (up to 1.5 billion dollars) through verified lottery sites of Mega Lottery agents (www.MegaLotter.Ru) - has become a reality!

*All bets made for the test of "Russian state lotteries" were made with money won in foreign lotteries (powerball, eurojackpot, euromillions, megamillions), which are held with real draw commissions live on TV channels of the countries participating in these lotteries.

Hi all! The business expert of the Papa Pomog portal Denis Kuderin is with you! I will tell you whether it is worth participating in the lottery in terms of mathematics, and how game theory relates to practice.

Everyone who purchases a ticket has the chance to take a big jackpot in the lottery. Another thing is that the mathematical expectation of this probability can exceed all conceivable limits.

Are there ways to increase the chances of success? Is it possible to win the lottery regularly? What are the biggest winnings in the history of Russian and foreign lotteries? You will find detailed answers to these and other questions in a new article on our website!

In this article, 5 real ways to increase your chance of winning any lottery!

Is it possible to win the lottery - the opinion of mathematicians and experts

You don't have to go to college, be a wealthy heir, or have superpowers to win the lottery. You just need to buy a ticket and believe in your luck. All lottery winners are not celestials at all, but ordinary citizens whom we meet on the way to work or see at the next table in a cafe.

That is why the lottery is charming because it gives everyone a chance - regardless of education, intelligence, bank account, place of work. Some even manage to hit the jackpot by buying a ticket for the only time in their lives. However, more often than not, winning becomes a reward for months and years of patience - regular participation in circulation.

Skeptics believe that the lottery is profitable only for those who arrange it. But optimists are sure that Gosloto, Sportloto and other popular draws are the real way to wealth.

What does science say? Mathematics allows for the probability of winning any lottery ticket at any given time. Another thing is how high this probability is. Another point: in the lottery, the random factor plays a decisive role. If, say, strategy is important in many card games or sports betting, then here the ways of playing and the intellectual preparation of the participant have little effect on the results.

The opinions of mathematicians are similar: your chances are small ...

Another important concept from game theory is distance. It is the distance that is the main obstacle on the way of ordinary participants in the circulation to the main win. In practice, this means that the expectation of a win does not have a certain duration. Unsuccessful runs in no way increase the chances of winning.

In other words, even if you play the lottery for six months, a year, 15 years, the probability of winning from this will not increase, but will always be approximately equal.

All lotteries are divided into two types - instant And circulation.

Instant lotteries

In the first case, you will find out the result immediately, as they say, without leaving the cash register. The standard drawing method is extremely simple: the player just needs to remove the scratch layer or unfold the hidden part of the ticket.

The beauty of this method is that you do not have to wait until the weekend for the draw, and you get most of the prizes right on the spot. True, if you hit the jackpot, you will have to get in touch with the organizers of the event and receive your winnings at the company's office.

Instant lotteries have the right to arrange any supermarkets and commercial organizations. As a rule, the winnings here are modest, but their probability (if the draw is carried out fairly) is not difficult to calculate.


This is a more common type of lottery with a solid prize pool.

Such lotteries are also divided into two types:

  1. The participant himself chooses numbers from a certain range - for example, 5 out of 36.
  2. Player cards initially have numbers.

The first type is more popular because it leaves the participant complete “creative freedom”. The ability to cross out numbers on its own gives rise to entire strategic systems and mathematical theories.

There are hundreds of "winning" strategies, but the truth is that this does not affect the total number of winners. No matter how difficult the mathematical method of guessing is, even if it increases your chances of winning by hundredths of a percent, the probability indicator still remains in an unattainable range.

One day I asked my university math teacher: How do you visualize the probability of winning the lottery?

He answered like this:

“Imagine a huge railroad container with small copper coins. One of these coins is gold. You have one or more attempts to pull out of the container, without looking, exactly the gold one. Do you think you have a good chance?" Maybe that's why people with mathematical education rarely play the lottery?

However, the above example does not negate the fact that regularly one of our compatriots or inhabitants of the planet becomes a millionaire by taking a jackpot or a big win.

If you are interested in specific probability indicators, then this table is at your service:

Number Lottery Probability of winning a super prize or jackpot
1 Mega Millions (USA) 1 to 175 711 536
2 Power Ball (USA) 1 to 175 223 510
3 EuroMillions (Europe) 1 to 116 531 800
4 Eurojackpot (Europe) 1 to 59 325 280
5 SuperEnalotto (Italy) 1 to 139 838 160
6 Gosloto 6 out of 45 (Russia) 1 to 8 145 060
7 Gosloto 5 of 36 (Russia) 1 to 376 992

These are current indicators: the probability varies depending on the number of participants and tickets purchased. And don't be confused by the presence of foreign companies on the list - many Russians regularly buy tickets from foreign companies and win.

How to win the lottery - TOP 5 working ways

So, there are about as many methods of play as there are players. Thousands of participants are sure that they are following the only true winning strategy, it's just that "their time has not yet come." And this, from a mathematical point of view, is an absolute truth: all strategies have approximately equal chances of winning.

However, there are several methods that make these chances more real. And if at least a few players can use these tips to improve their well-being, then the selection was not in vain.

The methods described below do not guarantee a win, but they can bring you closer to it.

I’ll warn you right away: people who are gambling and not capable of self-control should not engage in lotteries, sports betting, online games, etc. at all. The desire to recoup will override a reasonable approach. And no strategies will help to return the money spent.

Method 1. Lottery Syndicate

This method is especially popular with foreign lottery players. A group of people buys the tickets, and then distributes the winnings according to the shares contributed.

Without a special mathematical education, it is clear that the more tickets you buy, the higher the chances of winning. Syndicates use this elementary principle for their own purposes. The easiest way to organize a syndicate is to suggest it to your friends.

Conditional example

Lottery ticket costs 100 rubles. Do you want to close immediately 200 digital combinations. For this you will need 20 000 rubles. Until you are ready to risk that kind of money alone. You organize a syndicate from 10 people and each invests in the circulation of 2 000 rubles. Monetary losses in case of failure are reduced, and the probability of winning is vice versa.

There are well-known and long-term lottery syndicates not only abroad, but also in Russia. Not so long ago, such an association won about half a million in Russian Lotto. And one syndicate of bus drivers from the UK "raised" about 38 000 000 pounds ( 1.7 billion rubles).

practical advice

Never play in a syndicate by borrowing money from other members, and do not lend yourself to play either. It is noticed that such actions lead to negative results or conflicts in case of winning.

An example of a foreign lottery syndicate in which people won $420 million per group

Method 2. High-Circulation Approach

Another simple method to increase your chances with minimal effort. Choose the most optimal combination of numbers in your opinion and bet several draws ahead at once. Many lottery organizers have this option. No need to "warm your head" and invent strategies - bet on your favorite numbers until the combination plays out.

There are cases when people put such combinations for years, and what is most remarkable, in the end they won.

Method 3. Playing with a deployed bet

This option drastically increases the number of combinations. The strategy is suitable for games in which the player chooses the winning numbers on his own. For example, in “5 out of 36” you choose not 5, but 6 numbers or 7. And although such a ticket will cost you more, all combinations of the numbers you proposed will play, and the winning amount will increase significantly if you win.

Method 4. Participation in distribution draws

First, let's define the term.

Distribution runs– drawings of large super prizes accumulated over past games are divided between the winners of the current draw.

The regularity of such an event is regulated by the rules of the company, but at least once a year the organizer is obliged to distribute financial surpluses.

The big jackpot really increases the size of the played bet. Particularly large winnings are most often found in distribution draws. Sometimes the accumulated amount reaches fantastic proportions, while the cost of the ticket does not change. Simply put, you get more for the same money.

Method 5. Psychological analysis

In any game, questions of psychology are important. Loto is no exception. Let's call this technique "Down with stereotypes!" It is based on the simple truth that most participants, when choosing numbers, stop at the first 60-70% of options.

For example, in "7 out of 49" people use numbers from 1 to 31 more often. This is logical - everyone likes memorable dates - wedding days, date and month of birth, etc. Picking numbers after 31 won't increase your chances, but if those numbers work, the amount you win will be much higher, since such combinations are used by a limited percentage of participants.

Conspiracies and prayers to win a large amount of money in the lottery

It is impossible not to mention the alternative ways and the "mystical" aspect of the game. Many players firmly believe in conspiracies, rituals, happy days, amulets, rabbit feet and other rituals.

Below I have listed the most famous:

Prayer for winning

Match numbers, numbers and bring me good luck,

Although I did not win yesterday, today everything will be different,

I'll take at least a million

I play a simple game...

Numerous films, books and TV shows form a kind of cult around lotteries and gambling. Incredible luck has become a kind of cultural phenomenon that the organizers of all kinds of games exploit.

Indeed, there have been cases of almost impossible happy coincidences in the history of lotteries.

This is still happening: for the first time in his life, a person buys a ticket for change, which he was given at the post office, and becomes a millionaire.

Conspiracy to win a large amount of money in the lottery

Coins jingle, banknotes rustle,

And the toad sat on the gold,

I'm dropping money

I'm sure of it

There will be no limit to wealth!

To believe or not to believe in rituals, prayers, conspiracies and cases is a personal matter for everyone. Let me just say that healthy optimism has never bothered anyone. Believing in your own luck works as a plus: at least such people calmly perceive failures.

A positive attitude and self-confidence help more than a pessimistic mood.

Scientific fact: optimists win the lottery much more often. Although it is likely that the reason for this distribution is simple: pessimists are less likely to buy lottery tickets.

People who have won large sums in the lottery in Russia and in the world

Since there are jackpots in nature, it means that someone wins them periodically. There are many examples of big, big, incredibly huge wins. Such examples are the best motivator for new participants in the draw, so the organizers of the games popularize such events in every possible way.

In the lottery you can win not only money, but also real estate

I won’t go far - just a few months ago, a resident of Novosibirsk won at Stoloto more than 300 million rubles . A person purchased a ticket through the site by paying 100 rubles. A resident of Voronezh won 506 million rubles in the same lottery. See how it happened in the video below:

And a resident of Sochi in 2017 won 371 million V Gosloto "7 out of 49". So far, this is the biggest win in Gosloto.

Sums from 100 to 200 million rubles citizens of the Russian Federation win every year.

Among the winners are people from various social groups - security guards, doctors, pensioners, entrepreneurs. The geography is also extensive: both megacities and settlements with an unknown name are represented.

As for foreign "lucky ones", their amounts are even more solid:

  • 185 million euros went to the 2012 EuroMillions winner from Scotland;
  • in 2007 in the US, a trucker and a New Jersey couple shared the top prize of $390 million in Mega Millions;
  • in 2011 "big score" 185 euro in EuroMillions went to another married couple;
  • on the ticket of the same lottery 168 million euros"raised" in 2016 by a cleaner from Belgium;
  • in 2017 in PowerBall played the jackpot in 758 million dollars - a lucky ticket was purchased by a resident of Massachusetts.

Among the winners, those who have previously purchased tickets for many years in a row predominate. But there are those who bought the winning ticket quite by accident.

The lucky ones won $32 million in the lottery in 2016. Would you like to be in their place?

Technologies of winning in popular lotteries

Let's analyze the three most popular lotteries in the Russian Federation.

If you do not yet know the rules and nuances of Gosloto and other popular games, do not skip this section.

Russian loto

Perhaps every resident of Russia knows the host of this game by sight. The rules of the game are as simple as a day: you choose tickets with already indicated combinations of numbers from 1 to 90. Drawings are held on weekends.

How to improve your chances:

  1. If you do not purchase several tickets, take those in which the numbers do not repeat.
  2. On the site you have the right to choose tickets with your favorite numbers.
  3. Do not miss the drawings of "Kubyshka" - draws with an accumulation fund.

In addition to cash prizes, apartments are raffled off here.

Gosloto 4 out of 20

It was in this game that the Novosibirsk recently won 300,000,000 rubles .

The point is clear from the title: player chooses 4 numbers from 20 possible. And if you guess the numbers in 2 fields at once, you will become a multimillionaire.

If you want to increase the probability of winning, make a detailed bet, that is, mark not 4 numbers, but 5 or more.

Gosloto 5 of 36

Similar to the previous lottery, only there are even more numbers, and therefore combinations. There are two super prizes at once. Statistics show that thanks to the game, a new millionaire appears in Russia every week.

The chances, as well as the amount of possible winnings, are increased by the deployed bet. In addition, you have the right to choose how many draws your ticket will take part in. The maximum number of draws is 20. The "multibet" option will allow you to fill in many tickets at once with automatic selection of numbers.

Where to play the lottery online

All of these lotteries, as well as most of the others, have online resources. It is much more convenient and faster to bet on the Internet: this way you save time, and in some cases you have a wider selection of combinations.

Making a bet online is as easy as shelling pears: go to the website of Gosloto or another lottery organizer and follow simple and understandable instructions.

As a rule, the first bet algorithm consists of 4 stages:

  1. Registration on the site.
  2. Selecting a lottery option.
  3. Filling out a ticket.
  4. Waiting for the draw and checking the winnings.

There are also mobile versions that make the process even easier and faster.

For example, you can play popular world lotteries online through this international lottery operator.

If you prefer Russian "producers", then welcome to the Gosloto website.


And now the answers to the most pressing questions of users.

Find a balance between passion, self-control and common sense

Question 1. Who is strictly contraindicated in playing the lottery? Svetlana, 26 years old, Murmansk

Partially, I have already answered this question above: to everyone who is not able to control emotions and financial spending. There are many such people, and gambling addiction is officially recognized as a disease. If you can't handle your emotions while gambling, it's best not to participate in lotteries.

Question 2. How to win a million in the lottery? Ilya, 22 years old, Penza

The easiest way is to use all our tips and play regularly.

Question 3. Is it true that beginners are lucky and if I play for the first time, then the chance of success is higher than that of the "experienced" ones? Dmitry, 24 years old, Naberezhnye Chelny

This is only partly true. In the event that a beginner uses a strategy that is free from the prejudices of inveterate players, his chances increase. But if he follows the beaten path and makes the same mistakes as ordinary players, the probability of winning will be average.

Question 4. How to win a large amount in the lottery on the first try? Marat, 22 years old, Makhachkala

The only possible option is to make a big bet with many combinations. But this advice is only suitable for those who have a large gaming bank (initial capital).

Question 5. Is there a win-win strategy for a 100% return on investment in lottery tickets? Zoya, 31 years old, Omsk

Unfortunately no. If such a strategy existed, the organizers of the draws would go bankrupt and take up other business projects.

Question 6. Are there free lotteries with real money winnings? Peter, 42 years old, Krasnodar

The trouble is that many of these projects are pure scams. How do they make money, you ask, if the tickets are free? Human psychology works for scammers, in which scammers are well versed.

Simple example

You are announced that you have won, but for this you need to enter and send the card details. Needless to say, you will no longer see any winnings or money on the card.

Question 7. How to win the Euromillions lottery, I heard that it is very popular? Vadim, 33 years old, Magnitogorsk

Everything is simple here. Everyone has the right to play the Eurolottery: go to the official resource, register and play. In the Russian Federation, it is not forbidden by law to play foreign online games, and even more so to win in them. The site has a Russian version, so there will be no problems with understanding the rules and conditions.

Instead of a conclusion

Friends, as you can see, everyone can win the lottery. Yes, chances are low. Below I have provided a brief summary of the article, facts that will help you better understand the lottery topic and succeed.

Who doesn't risk...

This must be remembered:

  1. The mathematical probability of winning does not depend on the duration of the lottery game.
  2. There are methods to increase both the probability and the size of the winnings.
  3. In well-known foreign lotteries, jackpots are larger.
  4. It is more convenient to buy and fill tickets online.
  5. In the Russian Federation, winnings are subject to income tax in 13%, and when winning prizes in quizzes and promotions of companies are taxed at the rate 35%

And more about chances and probabilities: American Joan Ginter 4 times won over a million and enriched in total by $20 million . Forbes journalists calculated that the mathematical chances of winning big four times are 1 to 18 septillion (septillion - 10 to the 24th power). In other words, the chances are practically non-existent. And yet it happened!

One way to earn a large amount of money quickly is to win the lottery. Although this activity is associated with great risk, if you analyze the rules of the game and identify the main trends, you can develop winning strategies. Also, to win, you need faith in success and a little luck.

According to mathematical statistics, winning the lottery is real. Any ticket bought anywhere can win. In gaming, there is a term "distance", which shows how quickly a person can receive a reward. The bottom line is that you can try your luck in the game for as long as you like (from several days to several months). It is impossible to predict exactly when the jackpot will appear, since the probability of winning is the same for all tickets. That is, both a beginner and a pro can get money.

In addition, many players believe in special conspiracies, spells, lucky numbers, with which you can get into a winning streak. The stories of people associated with their successful application are shown in literary works, serials and films. Of course, the importance of faith in special signs and one's own strengths is difficult to overestimate. But any player also relies on elementary mathematical statistics and probability theory.

Which lottery is more likely to win

There are many lotteries on the market today. It is best for beginners to start with the most famous and largest domestic lotteries with simple and transparent rules.


  • The bigger the draw, the easier it is to win.
  • You can participate in Russian lotteries without intermediaries.

The player will know the result of instant lotteries immediately. To participate in the draw, you need to erase into the protective coating on the coupon, tear off part of the ticket and unfold it, etc. Most of the small prizes can be received right on the spot, but for the jackpot you will have to contact the organizers, moreover, in a short time.

In drawing lotteries, prizes are distributed to players at a certain time.

To participate in the game you need:

  • select certain numbers and write them down on the ticket or cross them out of the list;
  • receive a branded card with the participant's serial number.

Draw lotteries also include quizzes and auction draws (carry out trademarks as advertising for their products). In such contests, gifts are more often given, rather than a cash prize. Experienced players are advised to participate in such frivolous lotteries. Due to the small circulation of tickets and the limited number of players, winning the lottery is quite simple.

Secrets of a guaranteed win

There are a lot of strategies. All of them are built on the basic principles of winning. First, you need to decide on a specific game. Secondly, you need to collect statistics on the winning numbers in the lottery. Professionals advise to indicate at least one of the winning numbers in the previous game in the new ticket.

You have to play the lottery all the time. The probability of winning a large amount in a large lottery is small. In order not to miss your chance, you should buy tickets as often as possible.

Try different games. Even if you have developed a strategy in a particular game or simply prefer a separate game for some other reason, it is still worth testing your strategy in other lotteries from time to time.

How to guess lottery numbers - 7 out of 49 winning probability theory

The domestic lottery "Gosloto 7 out of 49" attracts players with a large super prize. A person who guesses 7 numbers will receive 50 million rubles. To calculate the probability of winning in this and any other lottery, you can apply the formula from combinatorics.

To do this, you need to find a combination of k elements (in our case, 7) from n data (out of 47):

The probability of receiving a prize in Gosloto is:

Lotteries where you can really win a large amount

It is better for beginners to start training on domestic lotteries. It will be easier for the winners to pick up a prize or cash reward.

The most popular in Russia are:

  • Lotto "6 out of 49";
  • "Keno";
  • Gosloto;
  • "Golden Key";
  • Russian loto;
  • housing lottery.

A list of the most popular foreign lotteries and winning statistics for them are presented in the table below.

Russian loto - secrets of the game

Russian Lotto is the simplest and most exciting game that millions of Russians love.

During its existence, the players managed to find out some secrets:

  • The potential win brings a balance of even and odd numbers. The ratio of small and large numbers must also be respected. Ideally, you need the same number of numbers ending in the same digit.
  • If 90 numbers are drawn, then the probability of drawing numbers associated with 45 increases dramatically.
  • The probability of winning is very high. According to the results of each draw, 3-5 numbers out of 90 remain unused. That is, to receive a prize, you need to buy at least 3 tickets and not use the same combinations in each of them.

Calculate winnings in superloto, stoloto or gosloto

The chance of hitting the jackpot in EuroMillions is 1:116 million, and in Gosloto 5 out of 36 it is 1:376,992. Every ticket buyer can become lucky. You only need to know how to calculate the winning combination of numbers.

Method 1 "Statistical"

Usually, state lotteries provide detailed statistics for each ticket draw. Information on the website of the organizers is updated daily:

  • statistics on frequent combinations - in the last 10 draws, for the entire history of the game;
  • rare numbers;
  • frequent pairs of numbers;
  • frequent numbers in the first rounds of lotteries;
  • archive of all lotteries.

You need to analyze 3-4 previous draws, find repeating combinations and use them in the current game.

Method 2 "Emotional"

According to the results of his research, he revealed the favorite numbers of mankind:

Lottery winners have repeatedly used numbers that are significant to themselves when filling out tickets. So, for example, the winner of the 1054th edition of the game "6 out of 45" used the dates of birth of seven sons, and the winner of the 200th edition of the same game bet on the page number from his favorite book. Emotions can be caused by any numbers: the date of birth of one of the relatives, the wedding anniversary, the day of promotion, etc.

Method 3 "Random"

The biggest win in the Powerball lottery in 2015 was $188 million. The winner, Marie Holmes, did not develop strategies, but used the option of automatic filling of the ticket by a computer. Such winners, but with a smaller winning amount according to statistics of 70% worldwide. The option of autofilling a ticket can be used by Sportloto players who purchase a coupon via the Internet.

Method 4 "Observational"

The day before buying a ticket, you should be very careful and record all the unusual things that happen in everyday life. For example, the number of the car that attracted attention, or the phone number and advertising.

What are the best lottery tickets to buy to win

Professionals advise buying scratch lotteries. The chance of winning in them is 1:5. That is, by purchasing 5 tickets you will have a chance to get a prize 1 time. Or play in groups. Then the costs and prizes will have to be divided equally.

Superstitious lottery winners claim that you need to buy the ticket that your hand reaches for at the kiosk. Even better, if you have a dream before buying a ticket, foreshadowing unexpected profits.

Is it really possible to win the jackpot?

In the history of any major lottery, there are lucky ones who managed to hit the jackpot at least once. The stories of these people confirm that you need to find the right game, study the strategies for earning money and learn how to choose the right combinations.

Numerous research findings have proven that:

  • There is always a chance of winning any ticket purchased anywhere.
  • There is no 100% winning strategy.
  • The probability of any of the balls falling out of the lottery drum is uniform.
  • There is no way to increase the probability of guessing numbers.

From all of the above, it follows that it is impossible to win the lottery according to the formula, you can only increase the chances of winning.

The amount of winnings is affected not only by the strategy. Suppose that hundreds of people have chosen the same combination of numbers, which, according to the results of the draw, has become a winning one. In this case, the main prize is divided among all participants. From this emerges the psychological peculiarity of the lottery. It is necessary to choose those numbers on which the masses bet the least, that is, to play not against the lottery machine, but against other players.

How to win a million in the lottery - the secret is revealed

Seven-time winner of the American lottery shares his secrets:

  • Find your lucky numbers for each lottery.
  • Be serious about participating in the game, that is, systematically buying a ticket.
  • Make at least 10 bets in one draw, and even better - participate in joint games.

According to lottery winners, dark-colored clothing should be worn on the day of ticket purchase. Stripes, checks, lace, color patterns and bright shades scare away luck. Also, do not wear new wardrobe items and gold jewelry. For good luck, pin the pin head down to the inside of the collar.

The most winning lottery - reviews and statistics

In May 2017, a resident of Sochi won a super prize in the game "6 out of 49", winning 365 million rubles. This is a new record not only in this game, but in the industry as a whole. Until that moment, Gosloto 6 out of 45 was considered the most advantageous. In the 1138 draw, which took place on January 30, 2015, a super prize was raffled off - 203.1 million rubles. The previous record was 202.4 million rubles. was delivered on 08/09/14 in the course of 915 draws. In total, in the history of the lottery, 67 Russians have become millionaires. The secret of their success is in the high-circulation rate. To increase the chances of winning a prize, you should bet several games in advance.

Where and how to win the lottery

The lottery usually draws money, a car, an apartment or household appliances. It is not necessary to take the "goods" at all. You can request the monetary equivalent of its price. In addition, competitions with special prizes are usually held in the studio for the period of the circulation.

To receive a prize, you must:

  • Check the lottery website for the ticket number. All paid coupons are registered in the system. The following details must be indicated on the ticket: the name of the lottery; number, date and time of circulation; game combination; price; date and time of purchase; ticket barcode. In the absence of any of these details, the ticket is considered invalid.
  • Come to the office of the organizers within 180 days from the date of the draw.
  • Provide ticket, receipt of payment and secret code.
  • Pay 13% tax to the Federal Tax Service.

If the winning amount is not large, then it can be received at a retail point of sale, by postal order or through a quick payment terminal.

If a phone number was specified when buying a ticket, then the winner will receive an SMS with a secret code based on the results of the draw. If the message was not delivered, then either the operator had technical problems, or the phone number was incorrectly specified. In the second case, you will have to contact the organizer's office to change the phone number in the database. Only with the help of a secret code can you log in to your personal account on the exchange website and choose a method for receiving a prize.

People who have won a lot of money in the lottery

Russian players probably remember the story of Albert Begryanka. He bought lottery tickets for several years, until in 2009 he hit a jackpot worth 100 million rubles in Gosloto. The biggest winner in EuroMillions in the amount of 185 million euros was received by Kristen and Colin in 2011. A young couple bought a lottery ticket for the first time to try their luck. Both victories are recognized as record-breaking in the history of domestic and world games.

Even earlier, Ed Neighbors, a driver from Georgia, and the Messners from New Jersey, matched the combination of the MegaMillions draw, which brought them $ 390 million. Of course, the prize had to be divided among all the winners.

In the crisis year of 2009, Russian Evgeny Sidorov won 35 million rubles. In the conditions of the unstable exchange rate of the national currency, this amount was more attractive than it is now. Eugene, as an avid player, hoped for success every time he bought a ticket. He profitably invested the money he earned in his own business.

Frequency analysis. The essence of the strategy is to track winning combinations for one month. Numbers that appear more often than others are called "hot". If the same number appeared at least 2 times out of 4 games, then most likely it will appear in the next draws. This strategy helped American Janie Kallus hit the $21 million jackpot in the Texas Lotto. Moreover, she did not have enough information to analyze a particular game. She used data from other games.

Multi-circulation bets are the choice of the same combination in each game. This strategy helped the winner of the 1157th tirade of lotto "5 out of 36" get a prize of 1.8 million rubles. As Vitaly Dmitrievich admits, he simply went ahead, as he was sure that his strategy would work sooner or later. It took six months to turn the dream into reality. The same strategy brought 185 million rubles to the winner Valeria T. from Omsk in the 735th draw. - the largest win in the history of the national lottery.

Lucky Numbers and Lucky Numbers for Lottery

If you need to cross out numbers in the lottery, then let at least one of them be significant to you. For example, if your date of birth is 05/20/1966, then you need to select 20 or 5 or 22 on the ticket (the four digits of the year should be summed up).

Some players believe that the date of purchase of the ticket also matters. To increase your chances of winning, it is better to purchase a coupon on your birthday. If you were born on October 11, then a lottery ticket should be purchased on the 11th of each month. As for the days of the week, Monday and Tuesday (first half of the day) and Saturday and Sunday (after lunch) are considered the most favorable for buying.

How was life after winning, where the money was spent

As sociological studies show, lottery winners behave prudently, strive to maintain wealth and try their luck again. The lucky ones are very afraid of the money that has fallen on them, and therefore: they downplay their volume, spend it on paying off debts, and hide the rest in a piggy bank. At the same time, random money is practically not spent on entertainment and tourist trips. Such statistics were shown by 11 millionaires of the Swedish national lotto, who at different times won 100-600 million euros.

Victor Balion, the winner of the 1082nd draw of the Russian Lotto, received 1 million rubles on the eve of his 47th birthday. invested in real estate. Entrepreneur Albert Begryan from St. Petersburg also entered, who received 110.1 million rubles in the 36th edition of the game "6 out of 45". He bought an apartment for his family. He bought two more apartments, as well as a plot of land, as an investment. The remaining 2 million rubles. were donated to charity.

Much more questions arise from the winners of lotteries abroad. In 2016, an Australian resident became the proud owner of a tropical island that can be reached by plane or ship. The former owners decided to sell the "real estate" in a very original way. They arranged a lottery, issuing 55 thousand tickets, costing 49 Aust. dollars. They earned 2.6 million Aust for the island. dollars.

Stuart Grand from the UK planned all the expense items in advance. Being disabled since childhood, he was forced to lead a reclusive lifestyle. But the £3.5 million National Lottery jackpot changed his life. He paid off all his debts, built a house, started a family and became a VIP client of the country's leading bank.

Is it possible to make money on lotteries?

You can always make money on lotteries. Another issue is that the income will be small and unpredictable. You can, for example, play the Social Chance online lottery for free.

To participate in the draw, it is enough to register on the site, indicating your email address. Immediately after that, a chance to play the lottery once will be available. After filling out the profile, the number of chances will increase to 5, and then it will be updated daily.

The essence of the game is to guess 6 numbers that will appear on the scoreboard after pressing the lever. If a person used the services of a computer instead of substituting the numbers himself, then the amount of his winnings will be less. Numbers are considered from left to right.

No clever schemes, tricks or tips. You can make money just by having fun. Withdrawal of funds (minimum 50 rubles) is carried out to an electronic wallet within 2-4 weeks.

To get an extra chance and increase the probability of winning, you can:

  • By joining a group on social networks - 4 chances.
  • Filling out the profile completely - 4 chances.
  • By linking social network accounts - 4 chances.
  • By publishing the results of your draws on social networks daily - 1 chance.
  • Visiting the lottery site daily - 5 chances.
  • Participating in the affiliate program - for each attracted person 1 chance.

There are many similar online lotteries on the Internet. They all operate in much the same way. They allow participants to play for free and pay money for the promotion of the lottery site in social networks.

– How to participate in the lottery, rules

Game, Gosloto 5 out of 36, launched on October 23, 2009 and from the first draws has gained immense popularity among the participants.

.5 out of 36,, was the most popular game in the Soviet Union.

Some draws involved up to 30 million people. It was on the funds from its holding that the famous 1980 Olympics were held. The rules have not changed since then, but the game itself has become faster and more convenient.

How to play Gosloto 5 out of 36?

The lottery bet in the game "5 out of 36" consists of 5 non-repeating numbers, from 1 to 36. By purchasing just one receipt, you can participate in several draws at once.

Bets on the current draw are accepted until 20:00 Moscow time.

After the sales are closed, the bets made are calculated and the prize pool of the draw is calculated. Bets placed after 20:00 Moscow time automatically roll over to the next draw.
The prize fund of the game is 50% of the proceeds from the number of sold lottery bets.

Circulations, Gosloto 5 out of 36, are held daily.

After calculating the size of the prize fund, a draw is held, in which the lottery drum randomly gives out a winning combination consisting of 5 balls.

Game draws , Gosloto 5 out of 36, carried out with the help Editec-WinTV equipment. For the draw, a Mercury model lottery drum and special balls numbered from 1 to 36 are used.

Balls to hold circulation are certified and meet all international requirements: they are made of a special material, the weight of each ball is 3.8 grams, and the diameter is 44 mm.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law, On lotteries, for the drawing of the prize fund of each draw of the draw lottery, the organizer of the lottery creates a draw commission.

The functions of the draw commission include:

  1. - checking the readiness for operation of the balls and the lototron;
  2. – carrying out the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw;
  3. – confirmation of the results of the draw by signing the relevant act and the official table of the results of the draw, that is, the protocol of the draw.

How is the prize fund distributed in the game, Gosloto 5 out of 36,?

After determining the winning combination, the results are calculated. Win bets in which 5, 4, 3 or 2 numbers match the winning numbers.

Winnings in the game, Gosloto 5 out of 36, for guessing 2, 3 and 4 numbers are fixed:

For 2 guessed numbers you will receive 30 rubles
For 3 guessed numbers - 300 rubles
For 4 guessed numbers - 3000 rubles

Winning amount for 5 guessed numbers is calculated after the distribution of the prize fund for 2, 3 and 4 guessed numbers.

Super prize for 5 guessed numbers in the game, Gosloto 5 out of 36, accumulates, and cannot be less than 3000 rubles. If no one guesses 5 numbers in the current draw, the accumulated amount goes to the next draw.
Amount of winnings at the expanded bet is determined as follows: the number of combinations of 5 numbers that can be made from the bet is calculated, after which the winnings for each combination are calculated and the total winnings are summed up.

If the amount of winnings exceeds the prize pool of this draw, the missing amount is compensated from the challenge super prize. If the rolling super prize is not enough to compensate for this amount, then it is formed at the expense of the lottery operator's own funds.

Lottery winning tax, Gosloto 5 out of 36,?

The tax on winnings is 13% and is charged on any amount of winnings. For non-residents of the Russian Federation, the tax rate is 30%.