Death Museum los angeles california. Creepy and frightening museums from around the world

Spending time in a museum usually does not bring any negative emotions for us, but in rare cases it happens the other way around. There are such museums on the planet, visiting of which is not recommended for the faint of heart - such terrible exhibits are presented in them.

The Mummy Museum in the Mexican town of Guanajuato is not for the faint of heart. Unlike classic Egyptian mummies, the exhibits of this museum amaze with a variety of faces of death, the distorted facial expressions of some mummies even suggest that people were buried alive.

No one embalmed these mummies, they formed naturally in the local cemetery due to too dry soil. The dead bodies were subjected to rapid and severe dehydration, which kept them from decomposing.

This museum was formed by chance. In the second half of the 19th century, a law was passed, according to which the relatives of the deceased in the cemetery had to pay a tax on eternal burial. If the tax was not paid, the remains of the deceased were removed.

The law and forced exhumation were in effect from 1865 to 1958. It should be noted that not all recovered bodies were mummified; apparently, the conditions in different parts of the cemetery (dryness of the soil, its composition, proximity to groundwater, etc.) contributed to the preservation of the bodies in different ways.

All the mummified bodies found during the exhumation were kept by the cemetery workers in a separate building. Already at the end of the 19th century, these mummies began to attract the attention of travelers, and they began to charge a fee for their inspection. The official date of the museum's formation is considered to be 1969, when the mummies were exhibited in special glass cases.

In total, the museum has collected more than a hundred mummies, mostly women's mummies, there are also about two dozen children's and several men's. Among the children's mummies, individual specimens stand out, which are considered the smallest mummies on the planet.

There are a lot of very creepy mummies in the museum, at the sight of which impressionable young ladies almost lose their senses. Of all the mummies, only 59 are on display. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit the museum every year.


In the sacristy of the Italian church Del Sacro Cuore del Suffraggio in Rome, there is a small museum, the exhibits of which testify to the presence of the souls of dead people on earth. The beginning of this Museum of the Dead Souls was laid in 1912 thanks to the church rector.

For a long time, only one exhibit was kept in the museum - a nightcap with traces of ghost fingers smeared with soot. These footprints, according to local legend, were left by the ghost of Louise le Senechel. Her husband, after the death of his wife, began to lead a rather riotous life and completely forgot about the prescribed mourning, so she came to him from the other world to remind him of decency.

On the night of May 7, 1873, the ghost of Louise pulled off the cap from the head of Mr. le Seneschel and pinched his nose several times very painfully ...

Over time, others have been added to this exhibit. At the moment, the museum has more than a hundred different artifacts, including clothes, underwear, books and other items with fingerprints, soles and other traces left by the souls of the dead. All this is material evidence of the real existence of ghosts.

If you want to visit this museum, remember that it is usually closed. To view the exposition, you need to contact the local priest. By the way, according to the testimonies of tourists who visited the museum, it is useless to take pictures in it - spirits spoil almost all the pictures ...


The Museum of Pathological Anatomy in Vienna (Austria) is located in a 5-storey tower building, in which in the 18th century there was a clinic for violent lunatics, hence the second name of the museum - "The Tower of Madmen".

Although mentally ill people have long disappeared from this building, many museum visitors, having not yet seen its exhibits, already feel some oppressive “aura” of its thick walls, as if saturated with negativity and unhealthy emotions.

The exhibits of the creepy museum will not add to the mood. Weak-hearted people are immediately advised to refrain from visiting it.

What is so terrible can be seen in the "Tower of the Mad"? The exposition includes canned heads, corpses with various developmental anomalies and mutations, babies drunk in alcohol with terrible pathologies.

Organs of patients with venereal diseases, alcoholics and smokers are displayed here. They say that it is very useful to see them for people suffering from bad habits, and for those who are promiscuous in their relationships.

One of the most valuable exhibits of the museum is the alcoholized head of the murderer of Empress Sisi. Perhaps the only exhibit that does not cause negative emotions is an old mahogany gynecological chair.


The Mutter Museum of Medical History in Philadelphia (USA) presents an extensive collection of medical pathologies and antique medical equipment to the attention of visitors. There are no less terrible exhibits here than in the Museum of Pathological Anatomy in Vienna, so it is better for especially impressionable people to refrain from examining it.

The Mutter Museum was opened in early 1750 by Benjamin Franklin, at first its unusual collection was used only for scientific research and educational purposes. Now this museum can be visited by anyone.

Among its exhibits, the famous collection of human skulls (48 copies) of various sizes and shapes is widely known. One of the most important exhibits of the museum is the body of a woman, turned into soap due to the unusual conditions of her burial place.

Here you can also see the famous Siamese twins Chan and Yen Bunkers with a joint liver, the skeletons of Siamese twins fused with their heads, the skeleton of a two-headed child, many canned internal organs with various pathologies.

Of great interest to tourists is one of the main exhibits of the museum - Harry Eastlack. This man suffered from fibrodysplasia ossificans during his lifetime, a very rare disease characterized by the formation of bone growths at the site of a bruise or wound. Eastlack died at the age of more than forty, before that he bequeathed his skeleton to the museum.

In addition to the skeleton of this unfortunate man, the museum presents a number of his lifetime photographs. Another exhibit, quite shocking to visitors, is a conjoined female fetus in a glass cubic jar.

There are several torture museums in the world, but two of them are considered especially terrible - in The Hague (Netherlands) and in the city of Mdina (Malta). The first of them is also called the "Gate of Prisoners", the main exhibit in it is an ancient casemate of the XIII century, in which torture actually took place.

Its walls seem to be saturated with unbearable pain and horror; especially sensitive people here often faint during an excursion. The museum displays an impressive arsenal of various instruments of torture, and the guide's story is full of detailed details of their use.

The Museum of Torture in Mdina is considered unsurpassed in terms of its impact on visitors. It is located in the basement, descending into which you immediately stumble upon decapitated people, hangmen, a rack and various instruments of torture. Among the latter are a vise for squeezing the skull, tongs for tearing out nails and other inventions of executors who possessed a truly diabolical fantasy.

Here are shown scenes of various tortures, the characters of which, made of wax, look very naturalistic. These museums are not recommended for the faint of heart, pregnant women and children.

There are museums in the world dedicated to art, science, history, sex, all kinds of inspiring or shocking subjects.

But there is an institution that will scare every person to the core, and this is perhaps one of the most terrible places on the planet - the Museum of Death.

No matter how strange it may sound, but one day J.D. Haley and Kathy Schultz decided to connect their lives with death. The desire to create such an unusual museum, these two explained by the fact that it is time for a person to learn to appreciate his life. And this cannot be done 100% if you do not look beyond the other side of being. So, originally the Museum of Death was opened in 1995 in San Diego, California. Now you will be shocked to find out in which particular room this couple opened the museum. It turns out that the building previously belonged to the famous bailiff Wyatt Earp, who killed prisoners. And in 1995, a morgue was located there.

Five years later, the museum moved to Los Angeles on Hollywood Boulevard. Today it is one of the most famous museums in the world, where hundreds of thousands of tourists come every year.

What can be seen here? So, the collection of funeral paraphernalia is just the tip of a terrifying iceberg. Moreover, if you are already afraid of tools for embalming, for opening the body, then you better not read further. Oh yes, if you are now chewing on a fragrant croissant at the same time, it is better to put it away.

So, here is a list of museum exhibits:

  • a rather large collection of real photographs that capture the moment of execution;
  • accident results;
  • the interior of not the cleanest morgues in the world;
  • pictures of the crimes of maniacs and serial killers (fans of "Dexter" will be delighted), among which you can see photos of the massacres of the famous American criminal Charles Manson;
  • reconstruction of the cult suicide called "Heaven's Gate", which occurred in 1997;
  • photographs from the morgue showing the dismembered body of a young girl, Elizabeth Short, known as the Black Dahlia (her murder has become one of the most mysterious crimes committed in the United States);
  • "Thanatron" or "Death Machine", a device for euthanasia, created by Jack Kevorkian ("Dr. Death");
  • the severed head of the serial killer "Bluebeard" or Henri Landru on the guillotine.

The museum is divided into several rooms. In some, you can see children's coffins from different eras, and in others - letters, illustrations that previously belonged to bloody serial killers.

In the Museum of Death, episodes are often filmed in the morgue, autopsy processes. A terrifying video was also shot here (do not watch for the faint of heart) called “Faces of Death” (1993), as well as a video for The Heaven's Gate Cult (2008).

There is a souvenir shop next to the museum, where each visitor can buy T-shirts, windbreakers, magnets, bags, wallets with the symbols of the museum as a keepsake. Also, many people come here to buy the board game "Serial Killer", where one of the players is the killer, and all the rest are his victims.

In Los Angeles, on Hollywood Boulevard, a colleague of the Novosibirsk museum, the American Museum of Death, is successfully operating. Today it is one of the most famous museums in the world, where hundreds of thousands of tourists come every year.
It was founded by JD Haley and Cathy Schultz. They explained the desire to create such an unusual museum by the fact that it is time for a person to learn to appreciate his life. And this cannot be done 100% if you do not look beyond the other side of being. So, originally the Museum of Death was opened in 1995 in San Diego, California. Previously, the building belonged to the famous bailiff Wyatt Earp, who killed prisoners. And in 1995, a morgue was located there.

Here is a short list of American museum exhibits:

  • a rather large collection of real photographs that capture the moment of execution;
  • accident results;
  • the interior of not the cleanest morgues in the world;
  • pictures of the crimes of maniacs and serial killers (fans of "Dexter" will be delighted), among which you can see photos of the massacres of the famous American criminal Charles Manson;
  • reconstruction of the cult suicide called "Heaven's Gate", which occurred in 1997;
  • photographs from the morgue showing the dismembered body of a young girl, Elizabeth Short, known as the Black Dahlia (her murder has become one of the most mysterious crimes committed in the United States);
  • "Thanatron" or "Death Machine", a device for euthanasia, created by Jack Kevorkian ("Dr. Death");
  • the severed head of the serial killer "Bluebeard" or Henri Landru on the guillotine.

The museum is divided into several rooms. In some, you can see children's coffins from different eras, and in others - letters, illustrations that previously belonged to bloody serial killers. In the Museum of Death, episodes are often filmed in the morgue, autopsy processes. A terrifying video called “Faces of Death” (1993) was also shot here, as well as the video The Heaven's Gate Cult (2008). Near the museum there is a souvenir shop where each visitor can buy T-shirts, windbreakers, magnets as a souvenir , bags, wallets with the symbols of the museum.Also, many people come here to buy the board game "Serial Killer", where one of the players is the killer, and all the rest are his victims.

Fri, 01/11/2013 - 14:09

These museums are not just frightening, they inspire inhuman horror. If you have nerves of steel and like to tickle them, then we advise you to visit these creepy places and see everything with your own eyes. In the meantime, we invite you to take a look at photos of the most terrible museums from around the world. Not recommended for viewing by pregnant women, children, as well as persons with an unstable psyche!

Museum of Death in Los Angeles, California, USA

The spooky Museum of Death in Los Angeles houses the largest collection of artwork ever created by serial killers. This collection can easily scare even the most skeptical people and penetrate their subconscious. The photographs of the actual gruesome scenes of the murders and the autopsies that followed them are clearly not meant for people with weak stomachs. Photos of horrific car accidents can discourage a person from ever getting into a car again. The museum has rooms filled with funeral paraphernalia and embalming tools, photographs of executions, exhibits graphically depicting various cases of murder, and a room dedicated exclusively to cases of suicide. Still not afraid to visit this museum? Then try to watch the videos that are on public display, in which people are actually killed. In this museum, you can also see the head of the Parisian assassin "Bluebeard" (Henri Landru), severed by a guillotine.

Ventrology Ventrology Museum Vent Haven Ventriloquist Museum, Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, USA

Ventriloquists puppets can seem outdated and sentimental. They take us back to the days of vaudeville and carnivals, but take a closer look - they look extremely intimidating. The fact that they seem alive and have a distinct personality is a trick well done, of course, but there is also something creepy about these mini-humans. They tell jokes, roll their eyes, and sometimes even express their own opinions. If you put aside distrust and look closely, you can easily imagine that they are capable of rather gloomy and evil deeds.

If one such doll looks scary, then imagine the horror of their whole collection of more than 700 dolls sitting in chairs and looking at you with empty eyes. Ventrology Museum Vent Haven, located in Kentucky, is the only museum in the world dedicated to ventrology. Here you will find a huge variety of mannequins carved from wood, with well-crafted features so that they can be seen even from the back rows of the theater. Their ruthless eyes will follow you around the museum, as if trying to get you to take on the role of their master. Stay calm and try not to run out of the museum screaming in horror.

Museum of the Mummies, Guanajuato, Mexico

In the city of Guanajuato, Mexico, you can visit a terribly strange museum that will haunt you in nightmares. There are the bodies of 111 mummified men, women and children, many of which have their mouths open, forever frozen in screams of horror, as these people were buried alive. These bodies were originally buried during a cholera outbreak that occurred in the region in 1833. They were gradually dug up from their final resting place between 1865 and 1958 because their surviving relatives were unable or unwilling to pay taxes to be left in the ground. The Mummies Museum developed due to the fact that tourists paid the cemetery workers a few pesos to look at the preserved bodies that were in the cemetery building. While browsing this creepy collection, you will be able to see the smallest mummy in the world, the fetus of a pregnant woman who fell victim to the cholera plague. Other creepy mummies wear the same clothes they were buried in, while some of them lie naked or only in shoes and socks. The eeriness of seeing this peculiar collection of life after death may well creep into your worst nightmares.

Musée Dupuytren, Paris, France

This creepy and bizarre museum in Paris is filled with real-life examples of medical abnormalities. The Dupuytren Museum was opened in 1835 by the famous Parisian anatomist and surgeon, who collected diseased and mutilated fetuses, skeletons and human organs. This gruesome collection, which has about 6,000 items, is liquid-filled jars with deformed human body parts, Siamese twins and babies who were born with their internal organs out. The museum also features six wax models of human heads with bizarre cysts, cleft lips and frighteningly undetectable birth defects. There are, of course, also many glass jars filled with the floating brains of aphasic patients, which are well preserved in alcohol. Shocking and disgusting at the same time, this museum is sure to impress even the most callous visitor.

Glore Psychiatric Museum, St. Joseph, Missouri, USA

Upon entering the strange Glore Psychiatric Museum, a sense of danger and caution is activated. The museum was opened in 1968 in a psychiatric hospital, which was originally named "State Lunatic Asylum # 2" in 1874. Darkness permeates the corridors of this building. Perhaps these are the old cries of those people who were imprisoned in these very walls, and who were subjected to strange, often painful procedures aimed at bringing “madness” out of them. Imagine being imprisoned in a huge hamster wheel - that's exactly what the Hollow Wheel was, in which 18th-century patients moved for 48 hours as doctors tried to wear them down. Other patients were doomed to the "tranquilizer chair" where they were made incisions on parts of the body, which were left to bleed for up to six months under the supervision of a doctor who believed that mental disorders were caused by too much blood in the human brain. Among other "improving" procedures were also lowering patients into buckets of ice water to cause a shock in all their vital systems and normalize their psychological state.

All of the above and a huge number of other procedures can be seen by visiting this terrifying museum. There you can also see the barbaric psychiatric techniques, tools, equipment and 3D displays that recreate all this madness with the help of mannequins with smiling faces. At the museum, you can admire eerie works of art created by real patients and examine an intricate set of things pulled from the stomach of one of the patients suffering from a mental disorder: 453 nails, 105 hair bobby pins, 115 pins, as well as an assortment of nails, screws, buttons , hooks, buttons and needles. Know that no matter how difficult life may seem to us at times, things could be much worse.

Mutter Museum of Medical History, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

The Mütter Museum of Medical History is a collection of pathological specimens and medical anomalies. The museum first opened its doors to panicked and disgusted visitors in 1858. In this museum you can look at: the real brains of murderers and epileptics, a wall of skulls with stories about how each of these people died, a plaster cast of the infamous Siamese twins Chang and Eng, including the real, attached to a cast of the liver, which was common to the twins, as well as to the skeleton of a giant man, whose height reached 228 centimeters. This place can definitely give you goosebumps. Just like in the Dupuytren Museum in Paris, there are banks in which creatures swim that are supposedly people, but are more like aliens. Here you can also find photographs of the most unusual and disgusting diseases and deformities of the human body. Also, try to hold back the urge to vomit when you see the 274 cm long human colon, which at the time of the operation had accumulated more than 18 kilograms of feces. The owner of this colon was a second-rate actor who performed under the nickname Great Balloon (Great Balloon). The Mütter Museum of Medical History should definitely be visited only by those people who do not have a weak stomach.

Museum of Criminal Anthropology named after Cesare Lombroso (Lombroso's Museum of Criminal Anthropology), Turin (Turin), Italy

More than 400 human skulls oversee the Italian Museum of Criminal Anthropology, established in 1898 by criminal physiognomist Cesare Lombroso. Lombroso was obsessed with the idea that deviant behavior and criminal tendencies went hand in hand with the shape and size of the human skull. He collected and dismembered the skulls of soldiers, civilians, criminals and lunatics.

His collection also includes full-sized skeletons, brains, autopsy images, antique tools and guns that have been used in actual crimes. The atmosphere of fear reigns in the halls of this museum. If you don't believe us, then you can ask Dr. Lombroso himself. His perfectly preserved head is exhibited here in a separate glass chamber.

Medieval Torture Museum, San Gimignano, Italy

Are you curious to know why the Middle Ages are also called the Dark Ages of European history? Are you ready to explore the sadistic side of humanity and see how cruel people can be who hide their actions under the guise of "justice" or punishment? Visit the Museum of Medieval Torture in San Gimignano, Italy and explore this collection of over 100 terrifying, painful devices of pure sadism.

This museum is located in the basement of the Devil's Tower of the 13th century. Being in the tower, you can almost hear the screams and groans of people enduring torture. Traveling through the corridors, you will see the once functioning guillotine, the devil's rack, used to stretch and tear people apart, the barbaric "Spanish Spider" (Spanish Spider), which was used to tear out the breasts of an unfaithful wife, as well as the "Heretic's Fork" made with razor-sharp spikes, which were installed under the victim's chin and did not allow her to fall asleep. In the museum, you can get a closer look at the truly terrifying "Iron Maiden" (Maiden of Nuremberg) - a coffin-like device with an opening door, studded with sharp blades from the inside, which pierced the victim in the device when the door was closed. This museum not only reflects the true darkness of the Dark Ages, but also explores the abyss of darkness of some human souls.