Different ways to manually update Windows. How to install any Windows updates manually Download windows update 7 64

Some Windows 7 users are experiencing issues with the default Update Center operating system. Windows 7 searches endlessly for updates, fails to download them, and keeps looking for more.

Such a problem can cause a lot of trouble. Firstly, the latest patches will not be installed on your computer, which can reduce work efficiency OS. Secondly, while the search is on, processor and physical memory are heavily loaded. This may not be very noticeable on powerful PCs, but on “weak” ones it is very unpleasant. This article describes what to do if Windows Update 7 cannot complete the search for updates.

Setting up automatic search

Firstly, you need to completely disable windows update, loading the operating system, as it goes on indefinitely. Subsequently, you can fix the problem and activate it back, if you like. But even without updates, Windows still works stably. Many users disable them on purpose and experience no problems.

You will need to do the following:

After that follows to restart a computer to stop searching. Now your system will not try to look for new updates. If you need to enable this feature, you can do it in the same menu.

Stopping the service

In some cases, the method described above may not work. For example, when you try to reboot, the computer will take a long time to download and install some kind of patch. And after turning it off and on manually, all settings will return to their original state. And accordingly, the endless search for Windows 7 updates will begin again. To fix a similar problem, you need to completely disable the service in charge of work Update Center.

  1. Run " Control Panel» through the menu « Start».
  2. Next, you need to go to the section " system and safety».
  3. Open the category " Administration».
  4. Run the utility Services».
  5. It needs to find the entry " Update centre». Items are in alphabetical order, so you should search at the very end of the list.
  6. Double click on the found service to bring up the settings menu.
  7. Parameter " Launch type» should be assigned the value « Disabled».
  8. After that, click on the button " Stop».

After these steps, the search for updates will be completed. To run it, you need to reset the service configurations to their original state.

In some cases, stopping the service and restarting it may solve the problem. Try this before resorting to more complicated methods if the computer is looking for new patches for a long time.

Correcting errors in system files

Often these problems result from damage to important system files. This may occur as a result system failures, actions of virus programs, incorrect installation of previous updates and so on.

On Windows there is special utility, with which you can automatically find and fix such errors. It does not have a graphical interface, so users need to launch the system command line to work with it.

This is done in the following way:

If you want to copy this line, you must use the context menu by right-clicking inside the window. The Ctrl + V combination in the console does not work.

After that Windows will scan all system files. All found errors will be corrected. After that, you should restart your computer and start searching for updates again. If the process is still too slow- needs to be searched other ways to solve the problem.

Microsoft released special update for their operating systems, fixing Windows Update, which is endlessly looking for updates. The download links are on the official website of the developer, so you can download the patch without resorting to the services Update Center.

  • For owners 32-bit version Windows - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49542
  • For Windows with 64 bit architecture - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49540

You need choose the interface language of your OS and click on the red Download button. Further simply run the downloaded file, wait for the installation to finish and restart your computer. In most cases, this patch solves all the problems that arise.

Updates KB3020369 and KB3172605

If the previous solution did not help, then you should update the seven by installing two more updates, restarting the computer between their installations. This method was suggested by several of our readers at once and it really helps a lot.

Troubleshooter from Microsoft

Another way to solve the problem is to use the Microsoft troubleshooting tool. Its action is somewhat similar to "sfc / scannow", with the difference that it was created specifically for Update Center and can solve a much larger number of problems. Besides, it has a graphical interface, which makes it easier for users who are not used to working in the console.

Do the following:

Wait for the operating system scan to complete. If the utility detects any problems, it will notify you and automatically apply the fixes.

We hope this article helped eliminate the endless search for updates to the seventh version of Windows, significantly speeding up your computer and making it much more stable.

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Good afternoon, dear blog readers and subscribers, the previous time I told you about how to update windows 7 to windows 10, and today we will also talk about the seven and its update, more precisely, when you have an endless windows 7 update, and we will solve it in a minute, I met a bunch of people on the Internet who fell into such a situation, users want their system to be as secure as possible, and Microsoft puts spokes in the wheels, once again I am convinced that they are trying in every possible way to transfer users to their top ten, which is up to so raw it's creepy.

Before the story, I periodically build my builds of Windows, because I do not like to constantly install the same updates, spending a lot of time on it. They are very popular, because apart from official updates, there is nothing in them. Whether Microsoft wants it or not, Windows 7 is currently the most popular operating system in the world and its new brainchild, Windows 10, is not yet gaining its place in the sun so quickly, but this is not about that now.

And so I sit here and collect a new version of the assembly, as usual, I install Windows 7 on a virtual machine and start updating it, but it wasn’t there, it was the search for updates in Windows Update already hung for 5 or 6 hours, the reboot did not help, right away it became clear that something was not right.

This is how the endless search for windows 7 updates looks like, the green slider runs and that's it, wait at least until you're blue in the face. It’s good if after some time you get an error that will be easy to search in the same Google, but it’s just a black box. I will not torment you for a long time and will immediately tell you a solution that will help in 95 percent of cases.

We solve the endless update of windows 7

The solution to the endless search for Windows 7 updates is, oddly enough, their official offline updates, by downloading and installing which you can solve this problem.

Download the package (KB3102810) to solve the error endless search for updates windows 7 64X (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/FuX2/8as6DnF3Y)

Download the package (KB3102810) to solve the error endless search for updates windows 7 32X (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/KGmP/Yz9AcAqbH)

do the following, we need to stop the Windows 7 update service. This is done simply in two ways:

A small addition from reader Valery, if it doesn't help with KB3102810:

Download the update KB3020369-x86(https://cloud.mail.ru/public/7c2V/yQ8j5d8JH)

Download the update KB3020369-x 64 (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/N91u/TURuiBjwm)

install it and restart your computer, then download and install the following KB

Download the update kb3172605-x86(https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9f4m/LkHLAg5qN)

Download the update kb3172605-x 64 (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/FuX2/8as6DnF3Y)

Reboot and enjoy life

A small update from user Alex, fix KB3161608 helped him fix the problem:

  • endless check for updates
  • high CPU usage
  • high memory consumption

There is also a solution that I have not tested from the user Vasily:

It is proposed to permanently solve the problem with the "windows update" service in this way.

1) Go to the control panel, disable automatic search and installation of updates.
2) Reboot the computer.
3) Download and install updates in the following order (for Windows 7 x 64):


After installing the above updates, go to the control panel and turn on
automatic search and installation of updates

The first one is graphical you click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and there already look for Windows Update, right click on it, select properties from the context menu

and select the Stop button.

The second method is you open the command prompt as an administrator and enter the following command

net stop wuauserver

As a result, this service of the operating system will stop

We have fulfilled all the main conditions and our Windows 7 is now ready to install the standalone package.

If you do not stop this service, then your standalone package will not be installed, and it will also look forever for a Windows update, you will get the same endless loop

The offline installer will show you its code, it will be KB3102810, we agree to the installation, click yes.

We wait a bit until the slider reaches the end

We all see that it was successfully installed and the application requires a system restart, which we do. In 95 percent, this action eliminates the endless updating of windows 7, I hope that you are in this number.

After rebooting and trying to find updates, I successfully found them, in the first stream there were more than 200 of them, and this is normal seven then net.

After downloading them, the installation went without problems and everything is clear. Infinite update defeated. If you were unable to defeat him, then try the second method described below.

Second method

As a result, having launched the utility, select the Update Center item and click next.

Troubleshooting will start.

After correcting the errors, run the utility (WindowsUpdateDiagnostic) Diagnostics and Prevention of Problems on the Computer and make sure that such a window appears, then restart the Update Center or simply reboot.

Summing up, we have figured out how the problem is solved when the endless updating of windows 7 does not make it possible to roll up updates to the system, now the elimination of this infection will not take you much time.

Update 07/31/2016

If the methods described above did not help you and you are still endlessly looking for updates in Windows 7, then try installing this collection of updates. (They are all official, for this I answer with my head). Be sure to install on Service Pack 1.

Make sure you have the update service turned off, then run the update pack. Click to install.

Update to fix the endless search for updates from 06/30/2018

The fourth method of fixing the endless windows update is to use the monthly update package, I already showed it to you when I did not install the Russian language and there was an error " 0x80073701". And so follow the link below:

Windows 7 - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4009469

As a result, you will be taken to a page where you can download monthly Windows update packs for certain months. I advise you to download the last few of them and install them manually.

In my example, I chose the June collection, opening its contents at the very bottom you will find a link to the Microsoft Update catalog.

As a result, select the desired KB based on your architecture and install. What such collections provide is that they carry a number of recent updates and allow you to fix current problems with endless search.

Hello admin! I want to update my laptop Windows 7 Home Basic to Windows 7 Maximum (Ultimate). How can this be done without a complete reinstallation of the operating system?The home base seven was installed on my laptop from the store and it is quite flawed in terms of what it does not haveAero Peek, BitLocker, and much more, I can't even change the wallpaper on it. I tried to update myself, but I got an error"To upgrade from an edition of Windows 7 to another edition of Windows 7, use the Windows Anytime Upgrade program." What is "Windows Anytime Upgrade" and where can I get it?

Hello friends! Our reader is right and Windows 7 Home Basic does not contain quite a lot of features (network, mobile, enterprise, etc.), which may well be needed by experienced users or professional system administrators, but whether they are useful to an ordinary user, let everyone decide for himself. In today's article, I'll show you how to upgrade your computer to Windows 7 Home Basic without completely reinstalling the operating system. up to Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate (Ultimate) , it is very easy to do, but you must have Win 7 PRO license keys and Ultimate , if you don’t have them, then I will give mine, once I bought a professional and maximum version of the seven, these keys are only suitable for updating and will make it possible to work in the system without activation for 30 days. I think in 30 days you will activate the OS. After the update, all your installed programs will work, and personal files will remain in place.Before work, I advise you to make a backup copy of the OS.

So, we have a laptop with Windows 7 Home Basic installed.

Download on the official Microsoft website "Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor" (Windows7UpgradeAdvisorSetup)

if the site is unavailable, then download "Windows Anytime Upgrade" on my cloud storage.

We launch the Advisor.

After installation, open the Start menu and select "Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor", which will diagnose our OS to see if we can upgrade to the next version.

"Start Check"

The result of the check says that an upgrade is available to us installed on our PC from Windows 7 Home Basic to Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate.

Now run "Windows Anytime Upgrade".

Click "Enter upgrade key"

Here you must enter the license key for Windows 7 Professional. If you don't have it, then take mine (VTDC3-WM7HP-XMPMX-K4YQ2-WYGJ8), it will do for the upgrade.

The license key is being verified.

We accept the terms of the license.


The process of updating the system to the PRO version begins.

Update completed successfully!

Upgrading Windows 7 Professional to Windows 7 Ultimate (Ultimate)

And now our OS can be upgraded to the Maximum version.

Run Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor again

"Start Check"

The EA doesn't mind if we upgrade to the Maximum OS version.

Run "Windows Anytime Upgrade".

Click "Enter upgrade key".

You must enter the license key for Windows 7 Ultimate. If you do not have it, then use the key (FJGCP-4DFJD-GJY49-VJBQ7-HYRR2).

The license key is being verified.

We accept the terms of the license.


The process of upgrading the system to the Ultimate version begins.

As a result, we have on our PC Windows 7 Ultimate.

Microsoft has stopped releasing security updates for Windows 7 and has ended technical support for this version of the system. To ensure your PC continues to be serviced and protected with monthly security updates, you have the option to upgrade to Windows 10 for free.

For Windows 7 and 8.1 users, the scheduled one-year free upgrade period has officially ended.

Immediately after this date, Microsoft launched a site for users with disabilities using assistive technologies for Windows. However, it also stopped working on January 16, 2018. However, with the help of the utility, which is still available for download from official servers, anyone can still upgrade to Windows 10 for free, but only to OS Windows 10 (version 1709).

However, at the moment, you can immediately upgrade to the latest up-to-date version (version 1909) using . In this case, the new Windows system will be automatically activated with a digital license.

Free upgrade to Windows 10

To take advantage of the free upgrade offer, you must complete the following steps:

2. Download the new version of the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool, with which you can upgrade your Windows 7 SP1 or 8.1 operating system to Windows 10 for free.

3. Run the utility and accept the license agreement.

5. Wait while the utility downloads all the necessary files, checks your computer for compatibility, and downloads all the necessary updates. This may take some time depending on the speed of your internet connection.

7. The update may take from one to several hours, depending on the configuration of your computer.

After the update is completed, the OS will be installed Windows 10 (version 1909).

Advice. To quickly find out the Windows 10 version number, type winver in the search box, press Enter, and you will see a dialog box with information about the current OS version.

8. Connect to the Internet and check the system activation. Press Windows key + I to open the app Options, and go to Update & Security > Activation.

Let's say you're not happy with downloading updates through Windows Update (aka Windows Update). Why? Because you need exactly the update files, say, for installation on another computer, and not an automated system where Windows downloads and installs everything itself.

Having received such files, the process of installing updates is greatly simplified, thanks to the tips from the article. However, the main question remains - where to get such updates?

The guys from Microsoft categorically do not want to provide ordinary users with the ability to download update files. No, if you are a system administrator, then you can use a system like WSUS, however, what, now everyone should sign up as a system administrator? Where is the conscience?

They have no conscience - this will be clear when you read further on the method of downloading updates from the Microsoft website.

Microsoft Update Catalog

However, there is one way to download updates from the Microsoft website, however, it cannot be called convenient. Why? See picture:

  1. Launch Internet Explorer (you already understood - this crap does not work with other browsers; bravo, Melkosoft!)
  2. Go to Microsoft Update Catalog(it's useless to go without IE).
  3. In the search field, enter Windows 7.
  4. A list of updates will appear. Select the desired updates to be moved to the trash. Then click on the basket and you will see the icon Download.
  5. Click the icon Download and a new window will open from which you can download the necessary updates.

These are the pies. The mere requirement to do all this through IE is quite alarming, however ... this is an official Microsoft service and it will not go anywhere, unlike various amateur sites. So be aware.

Unofficial update sources

There are a lot of such sources on the Internet, but many of them have not been updated for a long time and there are no recent updates, in others all the files are on exchangers like rapidshare or, God forbid, letitbit, and all this is extremely inconvenient. So we offer two options that look more dignified.

One of them is the WindizUpdate website. The site allows you to download a special plugin that will scan the system and download all the latest update files. There is only one drawback - the system does not work for 64-bit Windows 7, alas.

Go to the site and click on the button Download and install to download this plugin for scanning. For Firefox, by the way, a separate plugin is available.

After downloading the plugin, the site will be opened again and the process of scanning and installing updates will not take much time. It is enough to download the necessary files and then read how to automatically install them using the link at the beginning of this article.

Perhaps an even more convenient source is the site