Runic magic for beginners. Dark magic and runes.

Over the years, black magic elevated many sorcerers to the rank of deity, who could easily influence other people and some phenomena. They were helped in this by several means, among which are divination on Tarot cards, various spells, and ritual rites. Today, runes are an equally popular attribute that is used in black witchcraft. In capable hands, they can not only change the better side life, attract money and happiness, but also bewitch a loved one or bring illness to a person.

The possibilities of runes in black magic

Runes are the letters of the ancient Germanic alphabet. With the help of graphic images, each of them symbolizes a certain Scandinavian god, as well as a natural phenomenon. rune magic lies not only in divination, but also in influencing the natural principle. They are connected with black witchcraft through rites and ritual actions. Thus, the owner can look into the future and realize a lot for himself. In addition, using the runes, the magician can:

  • Make a shift (shift grief onto another person);
  • Make a person an outcast. In this case, magic is used to take revenge on the enemy and make him lonely in society;
  • Perform a spell;
  • Inspire a variety of thoughts;
  • Curse the area. Here the magic lies in the call of dark forces that will make life in the area unbearable.

In that rune magic it can be not only positive, but also negative, you can be sure if you understand some of the runes in detail. For example, Nautiz in an inverted form means grief, tears and need, an inverted Berkana can cause infertility, mirror Eyvaz and Teyvaz can affect back damage, and Vunyo's action is aimed at causing poisoning. The worst thing is that death is carried by the runes of Hagalaz and Eyvaz.

Many sorcerers claim that inverted runes will have more impact if drawn several times. After that, the effect will not be long in coming.

The use of runes in black magic

From ancient times, runes were applied to a tree, as evidenced by the many artifacts found by archaeologists. However, in black magic they can be applied to cosmetics, photographs, clothes, and made based on their talismans. In order to fully influence the enemy, sorcerers try to use striking formulas. But the effect of their action can be significantly increased if the appropriate spells are cast over them and ritual rites are performed.

Therefore, before writing down the formula, it is necessary to draw up a reservation, namely:

  • Say aloud the formula and the name of the runes;
  • Determine for yourself the purpose of the ritual;
  • Make clarifications, if any;
  • Say the name of the runes again.

All that is required to perform the rune-writing ritual is: the text of the slander, a chair and a table, a pen or pencil, two candles, a knife, a piece of paper. In silence, the magician should sit down at the table, write a formula on a piece of paper, while uttering a slander.

As soon as the symbol is drawn, it is necessary to circle the sign in the air with a knife. At the end of the ritual, the symbol is hidden in a bag and the candles are extinguished.

It is important to remember that rune magic does not tolerate amateurs, therefore, if you really want to perform any ritual with them, first familiarize yourself with their action, and also study the nuances of using such magical attributes.

The consequences of using runes in black magic

An experienced magician or a beginner should know what the consequences of black witchcraft can be. And they can be very deplorable. Firstly, a person conducting a session of black magic takes sin into his soul. Secondly, your dark desires may manifest themselves on the wrong object to which the spell is directed, and a person who accidentally finds himself in the wrong place may suffer. And thirdly, the sorcerer himself and the person who turned to him for help in this or the next life may himself seriously suffer. No one knows exactly what the payment will be for black witchcraft, however, experienced magicians and sorcerers know that it can be a serious illness, failure in life, or even death. And this can affect not only the person himself, but also his heirs: children, grandchildren, etc.

So before asking for help rune magic think about how important it is for you to take revenge on the enemy, while knowing that in the future you can pay a big price for this act. Personal happiness, family, material well-being, health and even sanity - all this can become a bargaining chip. The fulfillment of even the most cherished desire with the help of black magic is nothing compared to the problems that may arise later. Think about it and make the right choice!
Video from the webinar practical magic runes

According to legend, the runes and runic magic have Scandinavian roots, and came to us from mythology from this territory. The legend says that for the first time the runes opened and showed their essence in front of Odin, who hung for 9 days on a tree branch, with a sword piercing his body. After he drank a sacred drink made from honey on the 10th day, he saw the runes that he wrote with his blood on the surface of a tree trunk. In the future, the legend tells that the magic of runes for the Scandinavian peoples became the main one, and was used to achieve various goals.

Runes - Scandinavian magic

Concept and brief description

The use of runes, as well as their manufacture, began a long time ago, and their popularity is only growing. At their core, runes are magical natural items, and are made exclusively from natural materials, such as:

  • tree bark;
  • stones;
  • sheets of papyrus;
  • branches and pieces of trees;
  • threads.

One of the main functions of runes in magic is protection, and maintaining the safety of the person to whom the rune belongs or is intended. At its core, a protective rune is part of certain systems that allow, in the event of a danger, when strangers try to cause harm, not to let it into the borders. This protection method ensures that evil thoughts directed at a person will remain only thoughts and will not materialize.

Runes can be crafted from wood

runes of protection

In the list of the most effective runes of a protective nature, there are two types of runes that have proven their reliability over the years. This:

  • rune Nautiz;
  • Rune Turiaz.

Rune number one is the main one, and is a source of powerful protection, especially during periods when there is a serious need for this. The use of this rune allows you to breed two elements, so any conflict, regardless of its severity, can be settled with its help, thanks to the parallel effect on the opposing forces. Nautiz is a bright fiery rune, the action of which is significantly different from Algiz. The use of this rune is recommended only for those people who know how to control own desires because, in otherwise excessive magical effect can have negative impact, and lead to irreparable consequences for the implementation of the intended business.

Turizas is an amazing rune that does not tolerate evil at all. In situations where the owner of the rune, villains and all sorts of scammers prefer to abandon their plans to commit atrocities.

A feature of this rune is the ability to reflect not only blows, but also intentions, as a result of which impressive results can be achieved with its use. It should be remembered that Turiaz magic can only be used for defensive purposes, since attempts to use it as an offensive weapon can result in negative consequences for the aggressor. For protection, you can use a combination of several runes, Algiz and Teyvaz. This combination can be very effective for achieving goals and victories in different situations, which puts fate in front of a person. Evidence of this in history is the widespread depiction of various runes on the shields of the warriors of Scandinavia, who thus bowed luck to their side and received additional protection and self-confidence. The main task, which the protective magic of runes performs, is the constant feeding of a person with energy, which allows:

  • look at conflict situation differently;
  • change the attitude to the situation, transforming the minuses into pluses;
  • contribute to the release of internal forces.

Nautiz - fire rune

Dark magic and runes

Black magic and runes are also closely related. This is explained by the fact that the symbols personifying the runes conceal a huge knowledge of the sacred power that has power over the whole world, as well as human lives, which leads to a miraculous concentration of forces. In the hands of a skilled person, runes and runic symbols can help attract good luck, financial well-being, as well as provide protection from various misfortunes and help fulfill cherished dreams. In addition, with the help of runes you can:

  • severely punish enemies;
  • doom a person to negative phenomena and misfortunes;
  • attract illness or lack of luck in any business to the enemy.

A magical ritual using runes also allows you to cast a love spell and return a person to the family, or get long-awaited personal happiness. Black magic and runes are something with which you should be extremely careful and attentive, since this kind of witchcraft, if used ineptly, can result in negative consequences for the person conducting the magical rite. Some of the runes carry negative information when they are drawn in the form of a mirror (inverted) reflection. So the rune Nautiz brings the appearance of tears, need, and grief, while Teyvaz and Eyvaz, depicted in this way, can cause back diseases. Berkana runes and their meaning in mirror form completely changes and becomes a symbol of infertility. Destruction and death carries the reverse image of the runes of Eyvaz and Hagalaiz.

Runa Teyvaz can bring back diseases

Runes and their meaning

The image of chaos and destruction is one symbol that must be treated with the utmost care, as this rune can have an effect that is difficult to predict. A magical rite performed with such a rune can cause problems at the psyche level, or lead to negative events in the field of the physiological state of the body.

In order to use this rune rite, it is enough to imperceptibly place them on your enemy on the same day they were made, before sunset. Otherwise, magic will have an effect on the person who made the runes.

Black magic and runes make it possible to use a symbol called a “cap” that can make a social outcast out of a popular person by blocking his contacts with others. The performance of this ritual requires that the addressee of the magic spell touches the rune, and the magician who made it avoids a personal meeting. The best option the solution to this problem is the transfer of the "cap" by mail or courier delivery. The dark magical rite of "suggestion", carried out using the rune, allows you to influence not only the elements related to the physical world, but also the human psyche. Magicians have the ability to draw such symbols, with the goal of instilling their thoughts in the chosen victim. One of the main conditions for a successful rite is the start of the broadcast only when the runes are in the hands of the chosen victim.

Malicious runes must be planted on the enemy on the day they are made.

Other possibilities

Apart from negative impact, which can be exerted on a person, resorting to the help of dark runic forces, these symbols can be used for the purpose of personal enrichment, as well as improving the well-being of others. So, the amulet of well-being and success is able to help its owner to take a high place in the social hierarchy in a short time. This symbol It is knocked out on special plates made of a material of a noble type of wood, which include oaks, beeches and ash trees. In order to enhance the beneficial magical effect from the use of such an amulet, it is necessary to carry it with you constantly.

  1. The meaning of runes of a certain nature indicates that they are able to contribute to the emergence of the possibility of additional income. Such runes act quite quickly, and are often used in cases where it is necessary to urgently resolve financial issues. The manufacture of new amulets for additional income is carried out by drawing a symbol on paper, and its further placement in a purse or wallets. It is very important to destroy such a leaf immediately after solving the financial problem by burying it in the ground or burning it.
  2. A certain value of the runes allows you to attract the favor of good luck to a person. This magic is able to solve most of the everyday problems of a person that are associated with a lack of luck. The ritual does not require serious preparation and consists in making runes in the period after sunset, being alone with oneself. To draw a symbol on paper, you need to take red or green ink. It is very important not to tell anyone that you have made the rune of Fortune that causes favor.
  3. The white magic of runes allows you to learn about the future, as well as interpret any situation correctly, using ancient knowledge, but runes are most popular with dark magicians, who with their help accomplish incredible things.
  4. The value of runes for the rites and rituals of black magic is difficult to overestimate, since using this tool, an experienced and strong wizard is able to perform a sexual binding ceremony, as well as perform love spells or lapels. It should be noted that all rituals that are associated with love or sexual affairs are carried out exclusively with the help of dark forces, since the followers of white magic do not want to interfere in the affairs of the heart under any pretext, and often do not have the strength to do so.

Rituals for love are performed only by black magicians

Runes in dark magic

Followers of dark magic, using the power that the runes conceal, are able to make successful people instantly turned into outcasts. Magicians make their enemies lonely and unhappy, because even in a crowd of people they cannot feel support and company. A person who has lost social support and communication is unable to achieve even minimal success in the future. The value of runes in black magic, which is used to cast a curse on the area, is also very high. With the help of such spells, an experienced magician is able to summon a dark essence that will spoil human lives those who live in the cursed territory. The manifestation of such a curse is carried out in:

  • permanent illnesses;
  • total bad luck;
  • impossibility to get rich;
  • lack of happiness.

The suggestion of certain thoughts at a distance to other people can also be done through the use of special runes. In addition, a strong magician can change existing thoughts, forcing a person to change his mind or change the vector of development of his life. The use of runes allows you to perform transfers.

Those people who set themselves the goal of learning dark magic, and want to choose the path of a witch or wizard, should first of all clearly realize what results they want to achieve.

Everything you need for dark magic can be purchased online

The main weapons of the representatives of dark magic are the forces of darkness, which require constant and continuous interaction. Dark magic cannot be compared to the use of magic wands, since it requires a change in lifestyle, and this point must be taken into account. In a situation where a person has realized the above and has a desire to engage in a chosen business, one can safely go through the rite of renunciation of the cross and communion with the dark forces. To date, obtaining all the necessary information about the dark forces is by no means difficult and is available on the pages of special portals and forums where you can communicate with representatives and adherents of black magic. All necessary accessories for ceremonies can also be purchased online.

It must be taken into account that the use of runes in black magic will require the magician to regularly use his own blood to perform certain rites, since a strong connection must be established between the runes and the magician.

Possible consequences from the use of dark forces

Most of those people who have previously practiced black magic indicate that cooperation with dark forces is fraught with serious consequences. Based on this, a large number of magicians tries to do everything in order to divert such consequences to other people. The sin from the spiritual or physical infection of an outsider still remains.

At the same time, the consequences threaten those who use the services of dark magicians for selfish or evil purposes. The worst thing is to determine how and when it will manifest itself negative consequence from communicating with the forces of darkness, it is difficult to predict. In some cases, the use of black magic for malicious purposes leads to the fact that several generations have to pay for such sins.

According to legend, runic signs have come down to us from Scandinavian mythology. According to legend, the runes revealed their essence to Odin, who hung on a tree for nine days, pierced by a sword. On the tenth day, he tasted the sacred drink made from honey, and he dreamed of runes, which he painted with his own blood on the trunk of a tree.

Amulets with protective runes have been made since ancient times. In fact, it is a "magical natural object", that is, a natural material. It could be tree bark, stone, papyrus, pieces of wood, threads ...

main function protective runes- ensuring the safety of the owner. They act as part of a certain system, and if a person decides to harm you, then he will be outside the boundaries of this system and all his evil messages will remain in his thoughts.

Basic defensive runes:

The most powerful protective runes are Algiz and Nautiz. The first is the main one, it bestows powerful protection just at the time when you need it the most. It is in her power to peacefully separate the two elements: no matter how serious the conflict is, she will be able to resolve it by influencing both sides.

Nautiz- a bright, fiery rune, its action is strikingly different from the work of Algiz. It should be used only by people who control their desires, otherwise the impact may be too powerful and will only spoil the matter.
Turizas- a truly amazing rune, completely intolerant of evil. If this rune is with you, then the scammers will simply abandon their bad intentions. Turizas reflects not only the strike, but also its intention, due to which such a magical result is achieved. But you need to remember: the rune should be used only for defense purposes, and not for attack, otherwise its power will turn against you.

Turizas Nautiz Rune Algiz

For protection purposes, a combination of runes is allowed, for example, Teyvaz and Algiz. This combination will help you come to victory in various life situations. These runes have long been depicted on the shields of the Scandinavian warriors, so as not to doubt their victory.

The task of protective runes is to nourish a person with energy. It helps to look at the conflict from the other side, to free internal forces turn disadvantages into advantages.

The mysterious symbols of the runes, fraught with unknown knowledge about the sacred forces that control the whole world and human life, have truly miraculous power. In skillful hands, runes can attract good luck and money, avert adversity and fulfill a cherished dream, or they can cruelly teach the enemy a lesson, attract misfortune and negativity, bring bad luck and illness, return a loved one with a love spell.

The reason lies in the fact that the runes are a kind of living, magical creatures who can quarrel and hate, treat with warmth or neutrality. With a large supply of patience, skill and diligence, you can easily "tame" the mysterious runes and successfully work with them, using them in black magic.

But you should be extremely careful and careful when "cooperating" with these signs. After all, certain runes carry a negative, being drawn in a "mirror" - (inverted) form.

For example, the mirror image of Nautiz brings grief, need, tears, Teyvaz and Eyvaz threaten back injuries, Berkana brings infertility, and the runes Eyvaz and Hagalaz correlate with destruction and death.

Chaos and destruction

The inscription should be used with care as it has an unpredictable effect. Rune magic can bring chaos and confusion on a mental level or cause a negative event in terms of physical health. They must be thrown to your opponent on the day they are made (no later than sunset). Otherwise, the symbols will begin their effect on the one who performed them.

This runic inscription has the power to turn a person into an outcast, blocking all his contacts. It is extremely important that the one to whom the rune is addressed touches the stave. At the same time, the magician who performed the runes should not have personal contact with the victim. You can draw a "cap" and send it to your enemy by mail.

The black magic of runes is able to work not only with the elements of the physical world, but with the human psyche. So, the magician can draw these symbols for the purpose of suggesting his thoughts to the victim. Acceptance for broadcasting negative wishes should be after the inscription is in the hands of the addressee.

The owner of such an amulet will be able to occupy a high position in society.

Symbols need to be knocked out on a plate of noble woods (oak, ash, beech). The owner of the talisman must always keep it with him - this enhances the magical powers.

Runic magic for money starts to act very quickly. Perform this amulet in case you urgently need to solve material problems. Put this inscription on clean paper, then fold it up and put it in your wallet. Important! After the financial problem is gone, it becomes necessary to destroy. It should be buried in the ground or burned.

With the help of this talisman, you will attract the attention of Fortuna. Becoming supposed to be made after sunset, being all alone. If the inscription is applied to paper, then green or red ink must be used. No one can say that you completed this rune.

The possibilities of runic magic

Runes help their owner to look into the future and correctly interpret any situation. But for this tool there is a wider use in black magic. Using runes in his practice, the magician is able to do the following things:

- make a sexual binding, lapel or love spell. Love and sex often force one to resort to black magic, but no white sorcerer will impose his passions on another;

- turn a person into an outcast. So, black magic is used as a way to take revenge on the enemy and impose on him the curse of loneliness in the crowd;

- the curse of the area. In this way, dark entities are called upon to spoil the lives of people living in a certain territory (misfortunes, illnesses, poverty);

- inspire certain thoughts or correct existing ones;

- to carry out a transfer (to shift misfortunes, illnesses, etc. to another person).

How to learn black magic

If you want to become a witch and open the veil of secrecy over the world of black magic, you need to understand what your desire is. The main tool of the black magician - dark forces requiring continuous collaboration. Black magic is not a magic wand, but a way of life that you must choose for yourself entirely voluntarily. No wonder black magicians pass all kinds of rituals initiation, including the rite of baptism and black communion.

You will need to learn a lot of information, spend a lot of time on thematic forums, and also buy the necessary equipment. Speaking of runes, ideal option do-it-yourself runes will become. A strong relationship should arise between you and the runes, for this purpose various ceremonies are held. The most common is the staining of runes with your blood. And keep in mind, your blood will become a permanent element when working with runes.

Consequences of black magic

If you read the revelations of former magicians and witches, then you can understand that the consequences of the services of the dark forces are very sad and deplorable. For this reason, many magicians try to ward off evil from themselves by transferring it to other objects. So they accept sin on the soul, because the energy does not go anywhere. And a person who happens to be nearby may suffer from your dark desires.

All the effects of dark sorcerers are destructive in nature, not only he suffers from them, but also those who turned for help. Conspiracies for death or illness, love spells - all this is fraught with serious torment and loss in this and next lives. You cannot know what kind of retribution awaits you for black witchcraft. financial well-being, health, personal life, even reason - each of these areas can become a bargaining chip. Think about it, turning to black magic for the fulfillment of desires.

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in skillful hands, they can not only attract good luck and money, but also attract misfortunes, severely punish the offender, bewitch a loved one, and even bring illness or death.

The thing is that the runes are also, albeit magical, but living and peculiar creatures. And they can quarrel and hate, be sympathetic or neutral. And with enough diligence, skill and patience, you can tame runes and work successfully with them in black magic.

linked black magic and runes special ritual actions and ceremonies. Runic signs include both positive and negative energy, and some runes in an inverted or mirror image carry negativity.

Here is an example of such runes:

Inverted Rune Nautiz- Tears, need and grief.

Mirrored Teyvaz And Eyvaz- injuries of the spine, back.

inverted Berkana- infertility.

Vunyo- poisoning.

Runes correlate with death, destruction Eyvaz And Hagalaz, and here is the rune Ansuz will bring diseases of the throat, dumbness, injuries of the neck and larynx.

In general, it is believed that a rune drawn several times is much more effective, but the symbol of mirror or inverted runes acquires a secret double power.

We will show you an example black magic spell using the Feu rune.

The Feu rune, drawn in a special way, leads to the deactivation of physical manifestations, making mistakes, and conflicts. It inhibits desires and leads to ruin. If you draw a rune on a person’s clothes or things in this way, and cast a special spell, you will attract negative energy flows into his life. He will become defenseless before circumstances and magical influence, will become weak-willed and apathetic. Magical energy will make him isolate himself from the team, avoid society. And if a rune is sewn into his hem, then a person can become a real outcast.

A love spell with the help of runes is very strong in black magic. In this case, it is not necessary to use inverted runes. For example, you can use the Thurisaz rune for this purpose. Turisaz symbolizes active actions, kindles the fire of passion and love and inspires a strong need for partnership. Turisaz, like the thorns of a rose, induces witchcraft spells. On the waning moon, light a red candle by placing it in the upper right corner of the table. Pour salt into the lower right corner, put a glass of water in the lower left corner, and incense in the upper left corner. Then take a photo of your lover, draw the sign of the Thurisaz rune with a red pen in the heart area, and hide it securely.

Black magic and runes forum

This is far from the only ritual that can be performed using runes. If you are interested black magic and runes forum will help you. You can learn about the use of runes in certain situations, ask the magician for advice on any of the runes, and just gain experience in black magic. You will learn how to draw a rune, or a tie of several runes, to achieve an effect without harming yourself. Welcome!

Rituals for money

Experienced magicians sometimes amuse themselves by reading books like this, and they regard them as nothing more than humorous creations. Indeed, in such sources they write not just wrong things, they write absurd magical rites. But the worst thing is that sometimes rituals come across with incorrect instructions and illiterate interpretation. Such conspiracies and spells are not capable of bringing anything other than trouble that can affect not only the novice magician, but also his loved ones. Fortunately, such ceremonies come across quite rarely.

The whole problem is that books on magic are written either by people who have absolutely nothing to do with witchcraft, or are simple scammers who just want to get as much benefit as possible. Of course, you can't say no. good authors in the section of esoteric literature, they are, but they are so few that they can be considered as exceptions to the general rule.

But the abundance of scammers is not the worst thing, the worst thing is that people unconditionally believe the first source they come across. It may not occur to novice magicians to check the information received, look for other sources, compare the data and, based on the analysis, draw a conclusion as to whether the chosen ritual is effective and whether it is really safe.

Black magic can enrich. The important thing is to use it correctly.
Rituals for money

Magic rituals in black witchcraft for money are very diverse. Some of them involve making sacrifices, others are practically no different from white rites, except that the magician does not turn to the Lord God, but to his patrons and helpers on the black side.
Rite of nine knots

The magical ritual should be carried out during the growing moon or on the full moon. For the ceremony you will need: a green silk ribbon 25-30 cm long.
Tie 9 knots on the prepared ribbon and slander the words of the conspiracy on each knot:

This rite with knots is very fast and simple, and most importantly safe.

“From the first knot, my witchcraft begins. From the second node my work is done. With the third knot, the money goes to me. At the fourth node, new opportunities come to my doorstep. With the fifth node, my work flourishes, gives me money and pleasure. The sixth knot fixes my witchcraft. The seventh knot brings me success. The eighth node multiplies my income. With the ninth node, everything becomes mine. Let it be so. Exactly".

This is a simple and safe rite that will not cause difficulties even for beginners. However, before performing this ritual, you should adhere to a strict diet for several days, give up alcohol, tobacco and intimacy. Great for doing at home.
Dark graveyard ritual

Unlike the previous rite, this ritual is much more consistent with the ideas of dark magic in popular culture. It is not suitable for beginners, as it is highly difficult, and also requires the performer to make a sacrifice to dark forces.

To perform this ceremony, you will need a live black rooster, with which you need to go to the cemetery late at night. Find a deserted and dark place, unfold a red cloth between the graves and place one bay leaf and seven coins of the same denomination on it. On the same fabric, you need to slaughter a rooster, and while its blood is draining, read the words of a dark spell:

“Satan Satanovich, Bes Besovich, Judas Judich. Here's a black bird for you, and seven nickels from me. Give me gold for them for seventy-seven years. Let my wallet not empty at this time, let my earnings not shrink, not be transferred and not flow away. As the black cock died, so my poverty (name) died with him, as his beak is red with blood, so I (name) will be sweet to gold and the age is beautiful. As soon as the sun will rise so my conspiracy will gain strength. May what has been said come true. Exactly".

After that, wrap a rag with bay leaves, coins and a rooster and bury it all between the graves, saying the words: “Here is a sacrifice for you, here is sacrificial blood for you, give me (name) gold, stuff my pockets.”
A simple ritual for money

This rite, like many others, is based on faith in its power and on visualization.

To perform the ceremony, you will need to lay out a piece of thick natural rope on the floor in your room so that it forms a circle with a diameter of about a meter. Light four candles and place them on the four sides of the circle.

Enter the circle, sit on the floor, close your eyes and try to imagine above you a pipe of the same diameter as your circle of rope. This is a kind of materialization of the cornucopia. When the trumpet seems convincing enough to you, imagine that wealth begins to pour out of it on you in various forms: gold and silver coins, gems, large bills, jewelry, even bank frames.

Do not be modest and do not be afraid to be greedy, however, when you feel that the amount that has fallen on you will be enough for you, leave the circle and at the same time break your energy connection with the represented pipe of wealth. Then blow out the candles and go to bed.

This rite is based on a visualization technique that is used in both dark and white magic. In such rituals, everything depends on your imagination, desires, faith in your own strengths and the effectiveness of magic.
Home money ritual

The rite is filled with many actions, but if you have patience, then the money will flow like a river.

Black magic is an excellent means of achieving one's own goals, which can be used not only at night in a cemetery, but also at home. If you want to increase your own earnings, this ritual for money will help you.

The ritual is performed on an altar. Light a fire, put in a steel bowl some dry wormwood grass, a lock of your own hair, a piece of a nail with thumb right hand, clover leaf, bird feather, a tuft of wool of a black cat. After that, write on a small piece of paper the amount of money you want to receive, roll it into a tube and add it to the bowl with the rest of the items.

All contents must be poured with fresh cow's milk and put the bowl on fire. When the milk boils, the bowl must be taken out into the streets and pour everything out of it into a specially dug small hole. If you do not have direct access to the street, then everything should be drained into a flower pot with earth. When you dig in a hole, say the words of the conspiracy: “I (name), I offer this sacrifice to the king of the underworld and the king of the earth, so that wealth in my house increases, so that my wallet gets fat from gold and silver. My word is spoken, my deed is done. All my words will be turned into deeds. Let it be so. Exactly".

Ordinary people are afraid of dark witchcraft, they consider it dangerous, sinful and evil. At the same time, this view is difficult to call true. In fact, black magic is not bad, but not good either, it is made evil and dangerous by a person, a magician who wants to harm others with the help of certain magical means.
The practical side of dark witchcraft

It is erroneous to think that black magic is more powerful than white magic.

Those who wish to enter the path of dark magic need to know that this witchcraft has nothing to do with the ideas that we receive from popular sources of information (books and films). You should also not believe information from magicians and sorcerers, who, for the sake of financial gain alone, promise their clients to bring illness and death to enemies, enslave other people, bind a lover until the end of his days, etc.

You should always remember that any witchcraft, including black, implies a certain level of skill and spiritual development person. Only when we reach this level can we use dark side sorcery, call upon the forces of darkness to help you, control them and achieve your goals with their help.

At the same time, the assertion that the dark forces are more powerful than the light ones also has nothing to do with reality. The main difference between these two magical schools is that with the help of white witchcraft it is impossible to achieve the goal if it will harm another person.

And black witchcraft allows you to use any available means and methods. But the very concept of dark magic is based precisely on achieving a goal, and not on harming others. There are a huge number of dark rites, including spiritualistic rituals, conspiracies for money and luck, which can harm only in theory, but in reality this never happens at all.
Dark spells

Today, black witchcraft spells are incredibly common and are in the public domain for everyone. Everyone can buy a book with dark rituals or find them on the Internet. But do not immediately take on the first rite that comes across.