Seven facets of strategic enterprise management. The offensive strategy is most often implemented through the processes of diversification of production, its cooperation or market intensification.

The modern world is extremely complex and diverse, various events arise and change at such a speed that it can be quite difficult to keep track of them. Influencing the course of events, the management of the organization is not always able to assess what result its actions will lead to. However, if no efforts are made to control the external environment and actively influence it, the strategic goals and undertakings will never be realized by the organization's management.

The development strategy of the organization today is closely related to the quality of the organization itself, its competitiveness in the external and internal markets.

Also, the development strategy of the organization is closely connected with the administrative management system, and the management systems in the field of quality, environmental protection, labor protection, social responsibility are aimed at improving the quality and competitiveness of the organization.

Strategy- it is primarily a model that integrates the main goals of the organization, its policies and actions into a single whole. Strategy is not just a representation of how to behave towards a competitor, it touches upon more fundamental aspects of the organization's operation as a tool for collective perception and action. Potentially, strategy deals with everything: products and processes, customers and suppliers, the organization's self-interest and social obligations, controls, and so on. A properly formulated strategy allows management to streamline and distribute the limited resources of the organization in the most efficient way, taking into account changes in the external and internal environment.

Strategic management (management), formed into a scientific discipline as a response to the rapidly changing external environment of the socio-economic development of any organizational and managerial structures, has become one of the main tools for their sustainable development in recent years.

Abroad, strategic management, as an independent discipline focused on the creation of strategic-type management systems, originates from the course "Business Policy", which was taught in one of the American business schools from the beginning of the 1950s. By the 70s. the course was widely adopted in educational institutions and changed its name to "strategic management". In accordance with the requirements of practice, there was a further development of means and methods, as well as the systems of strategic management themselves.

W. Newman's book published in 1951 is considered to be the first publication on this subject. However, separate publications on military strategic construction appeared much earlier, a number of provisions of which were theoretically developed and successfully used in the competitive struggle.

The most famous and oldest treatise on the art of war belongs to the pen of Sun Tzu (400 BC). He was the first to develop a number of maxims - typical strategies for various options for "playing with the enemy", regarding the expedient type of relationship on the playing field, the strength of the strategic position (the number of troops, their location on the ground), the advantages of the first move (aggressiveness, innovation, etc.). ).

Of the later works on military management strategy, one can name the work of Carl von Clausewitz, which has not lost its significance until now, published in the first half of the 19th century, which indicated the advantages of concentration of forces, the relative effectiveness of defense, the ability to predict future actions of the enemy based on an analysis of his current position .

At the initial stages of the development of strategic management, fundamentally new aspects were present only in one of the blocks of planning strategic decisions - in the planning - programming - budgeting system. The previous procedures for planning strategies were not formalized and were mainly focused on determining the goals of the organization's development and management by goals. At the same time, extrapolation forecasting methods inherent in the system of long-term planning were also used, and the subsequent annual refinement of forecasts for the development of the environment based on new actual data.

The above analysis of the experience of strategic management of the EU countries shows that the effectiveness of the indicative plan is actually incommensurable with the efforts to develop it, moreover, it is difficult to control and adjust.

Strategic planning abroad has been especially characteristic in the activities of research forecasting and design "think tanks" in the United States, such as Silicon Valley. The most characteristic examples are the development of plans within the framework of the American military-political strategy. Beginning in 1945, the United States initiated and implemented the "Marshall Plan" to control the post-war development of West Germany, Japan, and other countries under American control. State Department and CIA in 1994–1995 developed the G7 (G7) strategic plan, within which 11 global pilot projects were delivered on the topics: informatics development, ecology, emergencies, entrepreneurship, training, healthcare, e-government, small business, maritime inter-navigation with division of functions participation of countries in projects. This plan was adopted at a meeting of ministers of the seven leading countries in February 1995 in Brussels.

The strategic planning of the United States was aimed primarily at creating a powerful information and communication infrastructure within the country with the involvement of huge amounts of investment from the largest concerns and corporations. Each "Project Area" includes "main projects" (GIP) and sub-projects (1S). The principle of the "Strategic Defense Initiative" ("SDI") was adopted as a model of organizational technology: each GIR project tracked the "trajectories" of the corresponding IS subprojects in real-time and queuing systems. Project management was carried out on a "positive feedback", which made it possible to increase the financing of new developments through the sale of "high technology" funds and products within the country. In order to effectively develop strategic plans, research and development customers (municipal territorial environmental departments, military departments, the US Department of State) attracted existing centers (MIT in Boston, university groups, the US Army Research Laboratory at Los Alamos), and also created organizational structures for conducting and bringing to the implementation of multi-level targeted programs.

The official date of birth of strategic management is considered to be 1973, when the first international conference on strategic management was held in Nashville (USA).

Currently, there are many definitions of strategy, but all of them are united by the following: management strategy is a conscious and thoughtful set of norms and rules that underlie the development and adoption of strategic decisions that affect the future state of the organization. Thus, the strategy is a general program of actions that identifies the priorities of problems and resources to achieve the main goal. It formulates the main goals and the main ways to achieve them in such a way that the organization receives a single direction of movement.

Strategic management- this is the process of making and implementing strategic decisions, the central link of which is a strategic choice based on a comparison of the enterprise's own resource potential with the opportunities and threats of the external environment in which it operates.

The foundations of modern methodology and theory of strategic management were laid in the second half of the 20th century. F. Abrams, I. Ansoff, S. Argyris, P. Drucker, J. Quinn, G. Mintzberg, T. Peters, M. Porter, K. Prahalad, G. Simon , P. Senge, A. Strickland, A. Thompson, G. Hamel, K. Hofer, E. Chandler, G. Steiner, C. Andrews. Their work began the classical theory of strategic planning, and then strategic management.

An analysis of foreign experience has shown that foreign methods of strategic management and planning are based on the active involvement of the population in the process of developing and implementing strategic planning decisions. This is facilitated by the developed practice of social partnership: business - state - population. It should also be noted that the methods and approaches used in strategic management and planning are aimed at the perception of new factors and innovations in the external environment, which is reflected in the increased flexibility and adaptability of strategic management and planning at the level of the state, region, industry, organization.

Strategic management and planning in Russia also has a long history. The facts of formation and stages of evolution of strategic planning in the USSR are known. These include the GOELRO plan, developed on the initiative of V. I. Lenin and implemented by G. M. Krzhizhanovsky in Russia (1920–1924), a long-term plan for the development of agriculture and forestry (II. D. Kondratiev, 1927) , V. V. Leontiev’s intersectoral balance model and the Soviet system of “balances of the national economy” (BNKh) of the 30s–40s. XX century. The logical continuation of large-scale planning (still without the use of the term "strategic") were the five-year plans for the period of the 50-80s. 20th century They were based on the theory of the so-called objective law of socialism (1952), in particular, in the form of "the law of the planned, proportional development of the national economy." The next attempt to organize strategic planning on a national scale was the creation of the Automated System of Planned Calculations (ACIIR) in the 70-80s. 20th century

In relation to the conditions of a centrally controlled economy in the 80s. 20th century under the leadership of academicians S. S. Shatalin, L. V. Kantorovich, N. I. Lapin, the theoretical foundations were laid for the use of forms and methods of program-target management for solving complex intersectoral problems and developing the national economy; the concept of coordinating and contractual forms of organizing intersectoral management was developed; built comprehensive forecasts for the development of industrial infrastructure sectors (transport, communications, logistics, water supply and engineering infrastructure) for the long term. On this basis, a number of strategic state decisions were prepared, including those on improving the organization of the territorial administration of the national economy, improving the organization of the management of scientific and technological progress, and much more.

With Russia's transition to a market economy, the traditional concept based on centralized planning of sectors and proportions of the national economy based on the inter-sectoral balance, the minimum needs of the population and the predominant growth of means of production compared to the production of consumer goods, lost its significance.

The strategy of any organizational and managerial structure depends on the level of instability of the external and internal environment of the functioning of the organization. The organization's strategy consists of two components: on the one hand, the strategy is deterministic, i.e. clearly planned, and on the other hand - stochastic, i.e. formed under the influence of random factors. The higher the instability of the external environment, the more in the strategy of organizing a random creative approach of managers to assessing the situation on the market, i.e. a combination of planned actions and quick decisions to adapt the organization to a new situation, to new opportunities for gaining competitive advantages and new threats to weaken its competitive position.

In this regard, the issues of strategic management and planning of socio-economic systems as objects of strategic management and planning are of particular relevance.

Strategic management in the context of the globalization of the economy is considered as a mechanism for managing the world community in an unstable external environment. These methods of strategic management are system-wide and applicable at any hierarchical level: state, region, industry and micro level - organization and economic entity; the strategy is applicable to any field of activity, regardless of its scale and economic characteristics.

On fig. 11.2 shows a hierarchical scheme of objects of strategic management.

The objects of strategic management of the national economy according to the hierarchical principle, from the primary link (economic entity) to the state economy as a whole, represent an interconnected set of projects of strategic decisions in the field of development and improvement of socio-economic systems.

Interested parties external to them, for example, local authorities of the regional and federal levels, potential investors, public organizations, etc., may also participate in the formation of the development strategy for objects of strategic management and planning.

Thus, in strategic management there is always a system of subjects of this management, which covers many participants, and above all employees of the organizational structure under study.

Economic entities - corporations, holdings, organizations - can be considered as socio-economic systems of the micro level, since in their development they are based on economic laws and management decisions aimed at achieving sustainable development under the negative influence of external and internal environmental factors.

Rice. 11.2.

Any organization as a complex socio-economic system includes the following subsystems: management systems for technical development, production, personnel, economics and marketing. Each subsystem, in turn, consists of their functional control subsystems. The proposed model of strategic management of an organization as a micro-level socio-economic system can significantly reduce the cost of developing a development strategy and, accordingly, increase the efficiency of making strategic development decisions.

The task of strategic management of the socio-economic system of any hierarchical level in our case is to ensure such interaction of the control object with the environment, which would allow maintaining its potential at the level necessary and sufficient to achieve the set goals, and thereby giving the control object the opportunity to survive in short and long term.

Thus, an organization as a socio-economic system represents, on the one hand, a symbiosis of social and economic spheres of life, on the other hand, a constantly developing complex of human relations associated with the distribution of limited resources in order to satisfy the interests of staff, owners and society as a whole. It can be represented as a continuous process that determines the sequence of actions of the organization related to setting goals, determining the necessary resources and maintaining relationships with the external environment.

The development strategy of an organization as a management process should simultaneously provide for the establishment of goals and objectives, the development of basic directions, taking into account development alternatives, the implementation of a set of organizational, technical, economic, educational and other measures to implement the strategy, the definition of the stages of strategic management of the organization and its position in the market, systematic control, adaptive operational regulation to maintain the sustainable operation of the organization.

Therefore, the strategic management of an organization is a means of achieving the desired results (goals). To a certain extent, it embodies the organization's management model, and in general, it ensures the quality and competitiveness of its activities.

Today, the strategic management system involves the achievement of strategic management goals through the effective work of managerial personnel to mobilize efforts to achieve these goals based on the adoption of sound management decisions.

Without the correct setting of goals and objectives of strategic management and planning and determining the ways of their strategic solution based on the postulates, principles and rules developed by foreign and domestic practice, without a creative approach, without taking into account the domestic experience of strategic management and planning, no innovations in modern strategic management will give the expected result.

Strategic management is based primarily on the adoption of managerial decisions focused on taking into account the specifics of the external environment, on achieving the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market, success in the competition. Determining the set of strategic alternatives for the management of the organization is in this case a difficult task.

Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literary sources, all subprocesses of the studied micro-level management objects - organization - can be divided into subsystems in the following areas (areas) of activity:

  • technological development management;
  • activity quality management system;
  • Production Management;
  • economic management;
  • marketing management;
  • personnel Management.

Pa fig. 11.3 the system of interrelations (subsystems) of strategic management of the organization is resulted.

In general, strategic management at the organization level is a dynamic process that should be based on taking into account market conditions, take into account all stages of strategic management (forecasts, plans, targeted and integrated programs), analysis, control and evaluation of managerial decision-making.

The main stages of the formation of the process of strategic management of the organization in general terms are shown in Fig. 11.4.

The main stages of the strategic management process can be characterized as follows.

Strategic management: theoretical approaches, functions and principles.

For any company and country operating in a market economy, creating conditions for effective ensuring the continuity of development is one of the main problems. Depending on the prevailing external conditions and internal circumstances, this problem is solved by various organizations in different ways, but its solution is based on painstaking and time-consuming work to create, implement and maintain competitive advantages. Strategic management, which was formed into a scientific discipline as a response to the rapidly changing external environment of firms, regions and countries, has become one of the main tools for ensuring the sustainability of companies in recent years.

Management surrounds us at different levels and in different areas. God controls the entire universe, man controls organizations, complex mechanisms and systems.

Strategic management has been one of the generally recognized areas of economic science in industrialized countries for two decades.

A certain contribution to the study of strategic management issues was made by the following scientists: Petrov A.N., Thomas L. Wheelen and J. David Hunger, Gregory G. Dess and G. T. Lumpkin, M. Porter, Johnson Jerry, Scholes Keven and Whittington Richard, Thompson A A. and Strickland A. J., Shifrin M. B., L. G. Zaitsev and M. I. Sokolova, Zub A. T., R. A. Fakhutdinov, Vinogradova Z. I. and Shcherbakova V. E . , Vikhansky O. S. , Yabolokova S. A. , Barinov V. A. .

For a deeper understanding of strategic management, it is advisable to study the definition of such a concept as strategy.

Many scholars associate strategy with goal achievement.

The word "strategy" is borrowed from military science, comes from the Greek strategos - "the art of the commander." In other words, strategy is the concept of achieving victory. Many of the problems of military leadership, the main one being finding the right paths to achieve victory, are similar to the problems of managing the business activities of an organization operating in a complex environment.

The concept of strategy as a generalizing model of the actions necessary to achieve the set goals became one of the management terms when the problem of the organization's response to unexpected changes in the external environment became of great importance.

Thompson A. A., Strickland A. J. believe that in a general sense, strategy is a plan for managing a company aimed at strengthening its position, satisfying consumers and achieving its goals. Executives (managers) develop strategies to determine in which direction the company will develop and make informed decisions when choosing a course of action. The manager's task of creating and implementing the firm's strategy consists of five interrelated parts:

P. Doyle and F. Stern believe that strategy is a set of decisions made by management to allocate company resources and achieve long-term competitive advantages in target markets. Therefore, the strategy sets the direction of the firm: in which specific products and markets it will invest its resources and efforts, as well as how this will be done, i.e. how the work on the formation of consumer preferences in these areas will be organized.

According to I. B. Gurkov, strategy is a system of decisions and actions aimed at achieving the long-term goals of a person or organization.

V. A. Barinov believes that strategy is an abstract-normative idea of ​​how to achieve the long-term goal of the company (within the framework of its mission), taking into account the external and internal conditions of its existence, reflecting the main stages of the way to achieve the goal.

L. G. Zaitsev and M. I. Sokolova offer the following definition of strategy - this is a combination of planned actions and quick decisions to adapt a company to a new situation, to new opportunities for gaining competitive advantages and new threats to weaken its competitive position.

It should be noted that the awareness of the need to apply strategic management in the activities of companies was due to the changing conditions of the external environment. The stages of formation of strategic management are presented in the table.

Stages of formation of strategic management as an independent area of ​​research.

Budgeting and control

these managerial functions have been actively developed and improved already in the first quarter of the 20th century

The main premise of budgeting and control is the idea of ​​a stable environment for the organization, both internal and external. Changes in initial conditions are considered as obstacles that can be overcome on the basis of past experience.

Long term planning

Long-range planning methods developed in the 1950s

The long-term planning approach is based on identifying current changes in certain economic indicators of the organization's performance and extrapolating such identified trends (or trends) into the future. This approach proved to be most useful for planning the use of resources in the long term, taking into account both the potential growth of the company and the planned reduction in the production of a particular type of product or service.

Strategic planning

The widespread use of strategic planning in business practice begins in the late 1960s - early 1970s

This approach is based on identifying trends not only in the economic development of the corporation, but also in the environment of its existence. The environment is understood as a complex structured system of factors affecting the organization and its competitors. Such planning, taking into account existing trends in the changing competitive environment, is based on the identified strengths and weaknesses of the organization, opportunities provided by changes in the environment and threats from competitors and social, political, technological and economic factors of the environment.

Strategic management

How an independent discipline appears in the mid-1970s

Like strategic planning, strategic management is based on the study of changes in the external environment of the organization. However, this approach is not limited to the perception of the environment as a factor limiting the process of organizational planning, but involves the establishment of clearly defined goals and the development of ways to achieve them based on the use of the strengths of the organization and the favorable opportunities of the environment, as well as compensating for weaknesses and avoiding threats.

According to foreign scientists, strategic management is associated with the decisions and actions of the company.

So, Thomas L. Wheelen, J. David Hunger believe that strategic management is a set of managerial decisions and actions that determine the long-term performance of the company.

Gregory G. Dess and G. T. Lumpkin define strategic management as the analysis, decisions, and actions taken by an organization to create and maintain competitive advantage.

Answering the question what is strategic management, British scientists D. Johnson, Keven Scholes and Richard Wittington give the following answer: it is not enough to say that it is management of the strategic decision-making process. Such a definition does not cover a number of points important both for the management of the organization and for the field of research.

Since strategic management is characterized by its complexity, it is also necessary to make decisions and make judgments based on the conceptualization of complex issues. However, the previous training and practical experience of managers is often focused on the execution of specific actions, or on detailed planning and analysis.

Strategic management can be considered in terms of its three main constituent elements. Strategic management includes understanding the organization's strategic position, strategic options for its future, and implementing the strategy (i.e., translating strategy into action).

R. A. Fakhutdinov believes that strategic management is the theory and practice of ensuring strategic competitiveness and the effectiveness of decisions by developing an organization's strategy while placing responsibility for this work on its leaders.

According to Vinogradova Z. I. and Shcherbakova V. E., the essence of strategic management is to lay the best path to the intended goals and implement the developed program of effective actions.

Shifrin B. M. believes that strategic management is an activity aimed at achieving the main goals and objectives of the organization, determined on the basis of anticipating possible changes in the environment and organizational potential, through coordination and distribution of resources.

According to O. Vikhansky, strategic management is such management of an organization that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to consumer needs, responds flexibly and makes timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow achieving competitive advantages which together enable the organization to survive in the long term while achieving its goals.

According to Yabolokova S. A, strategic management is a management process in which managers determine the long-term prospects for the development of an organization, personnel management, production activities, develop strategies to achieve the goals set in the context of all existing internal and external conditions, and also implement the chosen action plan.

According to V. Yu. Kotelnikov, strategic management is not a task, but rather a need to apply a certain set of managerial skills in an organization in order to implement a corporate strategy.

According to L. G. Zaitsev and M. I. Sokolova, strategic management is the area of ​​activity of the organization's top management, whose main responsibility is to determine the preferred directions and trajectories of the organization's development, setting goals, allocating resources and everything that gives the organization competitive advantages .

V. A. Barinov believes that it is difficult to name any universal definition of strategic management. In his opinion, strategic management is the organization within the company and outside of it of various processes that are aimed at identifying, forecasting, meeting the needs of people and ensuring, on the basis of this, the stable position of the company and its ability to function and develop to achieve long-term goals.

Zub A. T. notes that in the scientific and methodological literature there are a sufficient number of options for the definitions of strategic management, which focus on certain aspects of this complex management process. However, they all boil down to one of three approaches, or a combination of them:

1) an approach that focuses on the parameters of the organizational environment (environment analysis)

2) an approach based on determining the long-term goals of the organization and ways to achieve them (goals and means);

3) an approach that prioritizes the activity for the implementation of the strategy (activity approach)

The main theoretical provisions of strategic management include the following:

1) Organizations are complex socio-economic systems that have a number of features; created to achieve a particular purpose or purposes; possess various kinds of resources and produce material goods or services.

2) Organizations are open systems that are affected by numerous environmental factors.

The essence of strategic management is the company's actions aimed at maintaining a balance of all elements of the organization, both among themselves and with the external environment in the long term. The adaptation mechanism in each case for a particular organization will be unique, since the internal characteristics of firms and the factors that determine the external environment in which they operate are different. But in general terms, the elements of the organization and the factor that describes the environment are the same, only their estimated parameters differ.

To understand the work of the adaptive mechanism, we can identify the main components that determine the activities of the organization.

Basic components that determine the activities of the organization.

Strategic management is different from traditional management of an organization. His unconventional, innovative solutions are often met with resistance. The bolder and more original the changes, the more they meet with resistance. In today's rapidly changing socio-political and economic conditions, an organization operating in the market of goods and services is faced with the task of ensuring not only survival, but also continuous development, increasing its potential.

At the same time, strategic management is a field of scientific knowledge that covers the methodology for making strategic decisions and how to implement them in practice to achieve the goals of the organization.

The principles of strategic management are the main activities of the company to achieve its goals. This set includes nine basic rules.

Principles of strategic management


Unity of direction

A firm operating in a dynamic environment must have a unity of goals, interests and management principles.


Systematic, situational approaches of the human behavior sciences to the management and formation of the firm in order to achieve its goals should be applied. It is necessary to determine on the basis of scientific analysis the best ways to solve the problem.

Isolation of the dominance of development

It is required to determine the prospects that open up for the company in terms of growth, profit margins, stability and technology, as well as the allocation on this basis of strategic business zones and strategic economic values.

Economy and efficiency

The company's strategy is being developed and implemented depending on the available resources, aimed at exceeding the results over the costs in a certain planning period

Subordination of personal interests to the general

The interests of one employee or group of employees should not prevail over the interests of the firm.

Optimal proportions between centralization and decentralization

in accordance with specific conditions, they ensure the implementation of the company's goals, the rational use of existing potential and susceptibility to the requirements of the external environment.

Staff motivation

Well-planned plans and the most perfect firm structure are useless if someone doesn't get the job done. Therefore, employees of the company must perform this work according to the duties delegated to them and the plan.

Division of labor

is aimed at doing work that is larger in volume and better in quality, under the same conditions. This is reduced by reducing the number of tasks that require attention and effort.


ensures the harmonization of the interests of all personnel, which in turn contributes to the achievement of the intended goals.

The implementation of the function of strategic management is a separate direction of management activity. V. A. Barinov notes that according to Henri Fayol, who is considered the founder of this concept, five functions can be initial: planning, organization, management, coordination, control. In modern literature, the most common opinion is that the main functions of management include planning, organizing, commanding (or commanding), motivating, directing, coordinating, controlling, communicating, researching, evaluating, decision-making, recruiting, representing and negotiating or transactions.

Consider five of them - the interrelated functions of strategic management: planning, organization, motivation, control and coordination.

Functions of strategic management

Functions of strategic management

Strategic management at the level of organization, region and economy of the country has its own specific laws and features.

Strategic management is closest to practical activities and is designed to implement the achievements of other sciences. For example, strategic management uses cybernetics and general systems theory. Cybernetics studies the laws of functioning of a special type of systems called cybernetic, which are associated with the perception, memorization, processing and exchange of information.

General systems theory deals with the laws and principles that apply to the system as a whole. It is focused on revealing the integrity of an object as a system, on identifying the variety of types of connections in it and bringing them together into a single theoretical picture.

The methodological basis of strategic management is a systematic approach to the study of the organization, taking into account the rapidly changing conditions of the operating environment.

According to the system approach, any organization should be considered as a system consisting of certain interrelated elements that ensure its vital activity. On the other hand, an organization is an element of a larger system (industry, industry as a whole, the economy of a region, the economy of a country, the world market), the functioning and development of which is determined by economic laws and patterns characteristic of this type of systems.

P. V. Shemetov, L. E. Cherednikova, S. V. Petukhova note the following properties of systems: integrity, integrativity, communication, hierarchy.

According to V. I. Mukhin, a systematic approach is an approach to the study of an object (problem, phenomenon, process) as a system in which elements, internal and external relations are identified that most significantly affect the results of its functioning, and the goals of each of elements are determined based on the general purpose of the object.

Let's take a closer look at the definition of a system.

According to V.M. Mishin, a system is a set of integral, ordered, interconnected elements and subsystems that interact with each other and participate in one form or another in the process of functioning to ensure its purpose and achieve any goal. For open systems, this definition should be supplemented by the fact that interconnected elements also interact with the external environment.

The explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova offers several definitions of the system: 1) a certain order in the arrangement and connection of actions; 2) the form of organization of something; 3) something whole, which is a unity of regularly arranged and interconnected parts; 4) social system, form of social organization; 5) a set of organizations that are homogeneous in their tasks, or institutions that are organizationally united into one whole; 6) technical device, design; 7) what has become normal, ordinary, regular.

In a large encyclopedic dictionary, the system is defined as follows: a whole made up of parts; connection of a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity.

It is obvious that any system, regardless of its purpose, consists of various kinds of components. Moreover, each such part included in the system is called a subsystem (in a number of literary sources it is a set of elements united by a common functioning process to achieve certain subgoals of the system goal).

A subsystem, in turn, can be a system and also consist of subsystems. Division into subsystems, subsubsystems, etc. - an essential condition for the construction, modeling and research of complex systems.

Each element has its own specific set of properties. At the same time, the composition of elements in the system is their ordered complex, i.e. they have integrity and in a certain way interact and are interconnected.

Historically, systems analysis has been the development of such disciplines as operations research and systems engineering. System analysis both historically and meaningfully has a very definite meaning, namely, it is a set of methods for studying systems, methods for developing and making decisions in the design, construction and management of complex objects of various nature.

System analysis is, first of all, a certain type of scientific and technical activity necessary for research, development, and management of complex objects. The results of systematic research, in order to be successful, must satisfy predetermined performance criteria, be based on a certain theoretical foundation and, in the process of their application, generate patterns for subsequent use.

In today's rapidly changing environment, as a result of the action of various factors, strategic management is a powerful tool in the activities of companies and at the state level, and issues related to the development and application of strategies are relevant and require further research.


1. Zaitsev L. G., Sokolova M. I. Strategic management: textbook. - M.: Economist, 2007. - 416 p.)

2. Strategic management / Ed. Petrova A.N. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005 - 496 p.: ill. - (Series "Textbook for universities").

3. Strategic management and business policy: Concepts and cases / Thomas L. Wheelen, J. David Hunger. – Eleven ed.

4. Gregory G. Dess G. T. Lumpkin, Strategic management: creating competitive advantages, Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, NY 10020. Copyright 2003

5. Competitive strategy: Methods of analysis of industries and competitors / Michael E. Porter; Per. from English. - 2nd ed. – M.: Alpina Business Books, 2006. – 454 p.

6. Jerry Johnson, Scholes Keven, Whittington Richard Corporate Strategy: Theory and Practice, 7th edition: Per. from English. - M .: LLC "I. D. Williams, 2007. - 800 p.: ill. - Paral. tit. English

7. Thompson A. A., Strickland A. J. Strategic management. The Art of Strategy Development and Implementation: A Textbook for High Schools / Per. from English. ed. L. G. Zaitseva, M. I. Sokolova. - M.: Banks and stock exchanges, UNITI, 1998. - 576 p.

8. Shifrin M. B. Strategic management. - St. Petersburg Peter, 2008. - 240 pp.: ill. - (Series "Short course")

9. Zub A. T. Strategic management: textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2007. - 432 p.

10. Fakhutdinov R. A. Strategic management: Textbook. - 8th ed., Rev. and additional M.: Delo, 2007. - 448 p.

11. Strategic management: a matrix of modules, a "tree" of goals: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions / Ed. Z. I. Vinogradova. - M.: Academic project: Fund "Mir", 2004. - 304 p.

12. Vikhansky O. S., Strategic management: textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Economist, 2006. - 296 p.: ill.

13. S. A. Yablokova Strategic management. Lecture notes. - M .: "Prior-izdat", 2005. - 80s.

14. V. A. Barinov Economics of the company: strategic planning: Textbook. – M.: KNORUS, 2005.-240 p.

15. Gurkov I. B. Strategy and structure of the corporation: textbook. allowance. – M.: Delo, 2006. – 320 p. - (Series "Corporate Management").

16. P. Doyle and F. Stern. Marketing management and strategies. 4th ed. / Per. from English. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 544 p.: ill. - (Series "Classic foreign textbook")

17. Ten3: Strategic management. Fundamentally new approaches for an era of rapid change. / V. Yu. Kotelnikov. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 96s. – (Business coach).

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19. Mukhin V. I. Research of control systems. Textbook. - M.: Exam, 2002. - 384 p.

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21. Ozhegov S. I. and Shvedova N. Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions / Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradova. – 4th ed., supplemented. - M .: LLC "A TEMP", 2010. - 874 p.

22. Big encyclopedic dictionary. Editor-in-Chief A. M. Prokhorov. Second edition revised. and additional Moscow. Scientific publishing house "Great Russian Encyclopedia" St. Petersburg "Norint" 2004

23. System analysis. Proc. for universities / A. V. Antonov. – M.: Vyssh.shk., 2004. – 454 p., ill. Antonov

M.: 1989. - 358 p.

The book offered to the reader is written by Igor Ansoff, a well-known American specialist in the management of industrial corporations, an honorary professor at San Diego International University, who has practical experience in leading corporations, a very well-known and prolific author on strategic planning. I. Ansoff published a number of fundamental works in this area: “Strategy of corporations” (New York, 1965), “From strategic planning to strategic management” (New York, 1976), “Fundamentals of strategic management” (New York, 1979), dozens devoted to the named problem of articles in leading American journals. This book occupies a special place among these publications. It is not only the most comprehensive, covering the historical and modern, theoretical and applied aspects of strategic management, but also the most specific, revealing the very essence of the methodology and organization of this function in a modern enterprise.

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Introductory article
1.1. Task evolution
1.1.1. The era of mass production
1.1.2. The era of mass marketing
1.1.3. Post-industrial era
1.1.4. conclusions
1.2. The evolution of system solutions
1.2.1. Accurate assessment of the nature of change
1.2.2. The evolution of management systems
1.2.3. Long-term and strategic planning
1.2.4. Management through the selection of strategic positions
1.2.5. Management by ranking strategic objectives
1.2.6. Weak signals and actions of the firm
1.2.7. Managing strategic surprises
1.2.8. Choosing a management system for a company
1.2.9. Managing difficult situations
1.2.10. conclusions
Part 2. Planning for choosing a strategic position
2.1. Is it worth discovering your strategy? - 2.1.1. Concept of strategy
2.1.2 Strategy and effectiveness
2.1.3 When should the strategy be formulated?
2.1.4 Difficulties in mastering the strategy development process
2.1.5 Conclusions
2.2. Strategic segmentation
2.2.1 Strategic economic zones and strategic economic centers
2.2.2 Demand and technology life cycles
2.2.3 Identification of strategic business zones
2.2.4 Strategic resource zones
2.2.5 Groups influencing strategy formation
2.2.6 Boston Advisory Group Matrix
2.2.7 Evaluation of the attractiveness of the strategic economic zone
2.2.8 Assessing the level of strategic investment
2.2.9 Determining the future effectiveness of the current strategy
2.2.10 Assessing future competitive status
2.2.11 GE-McKinsey Matrix
2.2.12. Statement of the strategic task
2.2.13. Analysis of a set of strategic business zones
2.2.14 Limits of application of the McKinsey matrix
2.2.15 Conclusions
2.3 Strategic set management
2.3.1 Balancing a set of strategic business areas with different life cycles
2.3.2 Balancing the positions of the firm in different phases of life cycles
2.3.3 Strategic flexibility
2.3.4 Evaluation of flexibility
2.3.5 Synergies and interconnections
2.3.6 Assessing synergies
2.3.7 Managing set with multiple landmarks
2.3.8 Overview of strategic position planning
2.3.9 Overview of strategic analysis techniques
2.3.10 From strategy to action
2.3.11 Diversify through strategic learning
2.3.12 New burden on corporate governance
2.3.13 Conclusions
2.4 Strategic aspects of technology
2.4.1 Technology as a means of competition
2.4.2. Technology variability
2.4.3 Importance of research and development
2.4.4 Closing the gap between the general management of the firm and scientific and technical specialists
2.4.5 Determining the impact of technology on business strategy
2.4.6 Incorporating technological factors into the formulation of competition strategy
2.4.7 Relative investment in R&D
2.4.8 Comparison of R&D oriented organizations
2.4.9 The relationship of functional activities within the firm
2.4.10 Product life cycle
2.4.11 Achieving a high level of development
2.4.12 Conclusions
2.5 Firm's strategy in relation to society
2.5.1 Introduction
2.5.2 Evolution of social difficulties
2.5.3 Alternative scenarios
2.5.4 Elements of a community relations strategy
2.5.5 Analysis of firm preferences
2.5.6 Impact of restrictions
2.5.7 "Force field" analysis
2.5.8 Review of the approved strategy
2.5.10 The need for new management qualities
2.5.11 Conclusions
2.6 Strategic aspects of internationalization
2.6.1 Distinguishing characteristics of internationalization
2.6.2 Internationalization goals
2.6.3 Objectives and strategic criteria
2.6.4 Stages of internationalization
2.6.5 Global synergy versus ability to respond to local conditions
2.6.6 Choosing a strategy
2.6.7 Distribution of powers and responsibilities
2.6.8 Gradual internationalization process
2.6.9 Management capacity for internationalization
2.6.10 Conclusions
Part 3 Aligning the Firm's Potential with the Changing Environment
3.1. The initial concept of strategic management
3.1.1. Two Styles of Organizational Behavior
3.1.2. Entrepreneurial Behavior
3.1.3. Differences in organizational shape
3.1.4. Strategic and operational management
3.1.5. conclusions
3.2. From strategic planning to strategic management
3.2.1. Doubts about strategic planning
3.2.2. Is planning profitable?
3.2.3. Research Design
3.2.4. Research results
3.2.5. Perspective according to Chandler
3.2.6. Four stages of evolution
3.2.7. Fundamentals of Strategic Opportunity Management
3.2.8. conclusions
3.3. Concept of organizational capacity
3.3.1. Functional potential
3.3.2. Development of the general management of the firm
3.3.3. Identification of corporate governance opportunities
3.3.4. Characteristics of the capacity of general management
3.3.5. Illustrations
3.3.6. conclusions
3.4. Strategic position analysis
3.4.1. Degree of variability - aggressiveness - openness
3.4.2. Condition variability diagnostics
3.4.3. Determining the Aggressiveness of a Firm's Strategy
3.4.4. Identifying Opportunities
3.4.5. Origins of our example
3.4.6. Variety of possibilities
3.4.7. Planning and analysis of the strategic position
3.4.8. Management of strategic position transformation
3.4.9. conclusions
Part 4 Managers, systems, structures
4.1. CEO of a diversified firm
4.1.1. Management as a cycle of problem solving
4.1.2. Manager Archetypes
4.1.3. The main leader is a man of his time
4.1.4. Firm of the future
4.1.5. Functions of the chief executive
4.1.6. Gaining experience using experts
4.1.7. The trend of the formation of multiple management of the firm
4.1.8. conclusions
4.2. Science-based choice of control system
4.2.1 Systems and structure
4.2.2. Relationship between system and structure
4.2.3. Solution Implementation Management
4.2.4. Management based on control
4.2.5. Extrapolation method control
4.2.6. Enterprise type management system
4.2.7. System Components
4.2.8. How to choose a control system
4.2.9. System readiness diagnostics
4.2.10. Designing and Using Systems: Roles and Responsibilities
4.2.11. Organizational planning process
4.2.12. Human factor in systems
4.2.13. Future trends
4.2.14. conclusions
4.3. Designing the structure of the company
4.3.1. Structure evolution
4.3.2. Organization reaction
4.3.3. Determining the preferred reaction
4.3.4. Reaction classification
4.3.5. Characteristics of the project organizational structure
4.3.6. Functional structure
4.3.7. Divisional structure
4.3.8. Matrix structure
4.3.9. Multiple structure
4.3.10. The role of the main headquarters of the firm
4.3.11. Headquarters and overhead functions
4.3.12. Structure change
4.3.13. conclusions
Part 5 Real-Time Strategic Response
5.1. Managerial response to unexpected changes
5.1.1 Introduction
5.1.2. Main model
5.1.3. Active and reactive control
5.1.4. Planned management
5.1.5. Behavior after the start of the reaction
5.1.6. Comparison of types of behavior
5.1.7 Conclusions
5.2. strategic information
5.2.1. External environment as an information filter
5.2.2. Psychological filter
5.2.3. Development of thinking
5.2.4. Strategic and creative types of thinking
5.2.5. The filter of real power in the firm
5.2.6. Conclusions. Strategic information model
5.3. Strategic Objectives Management
5.3.1. Why is it important to manage strategic objectives?
5.3.2. What is a Strategic Objectives Management System
5.3.3. Identification of strategic objectives
5.3.4*. Assessment of the consequences of solving strategic problems and the degree of urgency of the response
5.3.5*. Eurokip Matrix
5.3.6. Periodic planning and management of strategic objectives
5.3.7. behavioral factor
5.3.8. conclusions
5.4. Technique for Using Weak Signals
5.4.1. Why are the signals weak?
5.4.2. Awareness levels
5.4.3. Strong and weak signals
5.4.4. Weak signal management
5.4.5. Detection of weak signals
5.4.6 *. Impact calculation
5.4.7. Alternative reaction strategy
5.4.8. Possible responses
5.4.9. Response Dynamics
5.4.10*. Readiness Diagnostics
5.4.11*. Scatter plot
5.4.12. Choice of solutions
5.4.13*. Periodic planning and control in conditions of strong and weak signals
5.4.14. conclusions
Part 6 Managing Strategic Change
6.1. Individual and group resistance to change
6.1.1. Resistance Phenomenon
6.1.2. Revealing resistance
6.1.3. Resistance and rate of change
6.1.4. Example
6.1.5. Individual resistance
6.1.6. group resistance
6.1.7. Corporate Loyalty
6.1.8. Reality and its perception
6.1.9. Sphere of culture and company policy
6.1.10. Generalization of influencing factors
6.1.11. From reactive to proactive
6.1.12. Creation of a "launching pad"
6.1.13. Analysis of the nature of change
6.1.14. Creating an atmosphere of support
6.1.15. Behavioral considerations in change planning
6.1.16. Managing the process of change through changing employee behavior
6.1.17. conclusions
6.2. System resistance
6.2.1. The duality of the organization's activities
6.2.2. Capacity for strategy development and implementation
6.2.3. Professional level of managers to carry out current production, economic and strategic activities
6.2.4. Dependence of resistance on managerial competence
6.2.5. Consistency and resistance to change
6.2.6. Change Sequence Motivation
6.2.7. Resistance and power in the organization
6.2.8. Accounting for resistance in terms of change
6.2.9. conclusions
6.3. Other Ways to Implement Spontaneous Change
6.3.1. Forced change method
6.3.2. Adaptive changes
6.3.3. Crisis management
6.3.4. Resistance management (accordion method)
6.3.5. Comparison of methods
6.3.6 *. Choosing the Right Method
6.3.7. conclusions
6.4. Introducing Spontaneous Change with Resistance Management
6.4.1. Resistance management and alternative methods
6.4.2. Japanese and Western decision-making methods
6.4.3. Creation of a "launching pad"
6.4.4. Development of a modular change plan
6.4.5. Ensuring implementation of plans
6.4.6. Control of the planning process
6.4.7. Consistent Solutions and Early Adoption
6.4.8. Institutionalization of the new strategy
6.4.9. conclusions
6.5. Institutionalization of managerial response
6.5.1. Introduction
6.5.2. Why Strategic Planning Doesn't Work
6.5.3. Dual control system
6.5.4. Strategies control and encouragement
6.5.5. Dual funding
6.5.6. double structure
6.5.7. Institutionalization of culture and power structure for strategic activity
6.5.8. Managing the process of institutionalization of strategies
6.5.9. How deep to institutionalize strategies
6.5.10. conclusions
6.5.11. Change Management Checklist

Approaches to the process of development and implementation of the strategy

The importance of strategic behavior, which allows the firm to survive in the competition in the long term, has increased dramatically in recent decades. Accelerating changes in the environment, the emergence of new demands and changing consumer attitudes, increasing competition for resources, the internationalization and globalization of business, the emergence of new unexpected business opportunities opened up by advances in science and technology, the development of information networks that make it possible to disseminate and receive information at lightning speed, wide the availability of modern technologies, the changing role of human resources, and a number of other reasons have led to a sharp increase in the importance of strategic management.

However, there is no single strategy for all companies, just as there is no single universal strategic management. Each company is unique in its own way, therefore, the process of developing a strategy for each company is unique, as it depends on the position of the company in the market, the dynamics of its development, its potential, the behavior of competitors, the characteristics of the goods it produces or the services it provides, the state of the economy, the cultural environment. and many more factors. At the same time, there are some fundamental points that allow us to talk about some generalized principles for developing a command strategy and implementing strategic management. These include the process of strategic management.

An analysis of the literature on strategic management shows that the authors' opinions on the process of developing and implementing a strategy are ambiguous. Different authors offer different approaches.

I. Ansoff identifies the following group of key decisions in formulating a strategy: internal evaluation of the company; assessment of external opportunities; formulation of goals and selection of tasks; portfolio strategy decision; competitive strategy; creation of alternative projects, their selection and implementation.

According to M. Meskon, the process of strategic management consists of nine steps. These are: development of the mission and goals of the organization; assessment and analysis of the external environment; management survey of strengths and weaknesses; analysis and selection of strategic alternatives; implementation and evaluation of the strategy.

S. Wooton and T. Horn consider the process of strategic planning in the context of three stages, which, in turn, are decomposed into nine steps. This:

1) strategic analysis, consisting of: analyzes of the external and internal environment and their combined assessment;

2) choice of strategic direction, including: forecasting; definition of mission and goals; and identifying strategic "divergences" between projections and targets;

3) implementation of the strategy, which includes: consideration of alternative options for the strategy; analysis of each option for competitiveness, compatibility, feasibility, risk, etc.; drawing up a plan for the implementation of the strategy.

A. Thompson and D. Strickland consider strategic management from the point of view of solving five tasks: defining the scope of activity and formulating strategic guidelines; setting strategic goals and objectives for their implementation; formulating a strategy to achieve the intended goals and results of production activities; implementation of the strategic plan; evaluation of performance results and change of the plan and/or methods of its implementation.

The model of the strategic process by V. Markova and S. Kuznetsova consists of four stages: goal definition; gap analysis, including an assessment of the external and internal environment; formulating a strategy, taking into account the consideration of alternative options; implementation of the strategy based on the preparation of plans and budgets.

A. The Vihansky process of strategic management considers it as a dynamic set of five interrelated management processes: analysis of the environment; definition of mission and goals; selection and implementation of a strategy, evaluation and control of implementation.

Comparing the approaches of these and other authors to the definition of the content side of strategic management, we can state that, in general, scientists adhere to the principles of I. Ansoff and G. Mintzberg. They consider the methodology of strategic management as consisting of two complementary subsystems:

1) management of strategic opportunities, including the analysis and selection of a strategic position, or "planned strategy";

2) operational problem management in real time, allowing firms to respond to unexpected changes, or an "executable strategy".

The essence of the strategic management process

Strategic management can be defined as a process consisting of the following:

1. Strategic management in an enterprise should be a series of successive interrelated stages, each of which uses the results of the previous one as a basis for decision-making.

2. The first element of this process is the procedure for determining the mission of the company, the final one is obtaining the initial data for organizing the current management of the company. Without interfering in conceptual disputes about the content of the mission, we only emphasize that all authors agree on the essence of the mission as the most general image of the company's business success. The current management uses specific (quantitative) signals, and the following statement follows from this.

3. The technology of strategic management involves moving from abstract definitions to specific numerical development criteria. Many refuse such a requirement, calling it excessive rationalization. However, by omitting it, we will not be able to close strategic management to the technology of current management, and therefore, we will leave strategic management as a "thing in itself" that has nothing to do with pressing business problems, and is unlikely to solve the tasks formulated above.

4. If we agree that a significant number of elements of strategic management deal with quantitative information, then it is possible to use special formal methods that allow us to process not quite structured and not always accurate, but rather vague information. It becomes possible to develop and introduce a number of formal methods into the technological process of strategic management that use a mathematical apparatus focused on working with information containing uncertainty (for example, the mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets). Such a formalization of individual procedures will increase the credibility of the solutions being developed.

5. Strategic decisions taken should reflect a systematic approach, i.e. be the result of analysis and synthesis of individual strategies of enterprises (both product marketing and functional).

6. Such activities should be carried out with a certain frequency associated with the characteristics of the markets and the capabilities of the company.

The process of strategic management includes setting goals, developing a strategy, determining the necessary resources and maintaining relationships with the external environment that allow the organization to achieve its goals.

There are two main end products of strategic management.

One of them is the potential of the organization, which ensures the achievement of goals in the future.

What in this context should be understood as the potential of the organization? Let's turn to Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 - Schematic diagram of a commercial organization

On the "input" side, this potential consists of raw materials, financial and human resources, information; on the "exit" side - from the products and services produced, from the set of rules of social behavior, following which helps the organization achieve its goals. It is important to note that not all products and services of an organization can be included in its potential, but only those that have been tested in terms of potential profitability. This means that the organization's products are based on new promising technologies, have distinctive features and will be in demand in the market.

Another end product of strategic management is the internal structure and organizational changes that ensure the sensitivity of the organization to changes in the external environment. In an entrepreneurial organization, this implies the ability to detect and correctly interpret external changes in a timely manner, as well as manage adequate response actions that require strategic opportunities for the development, testing and implementation of new products and services, technologies, organizational changes. The organization's potential and strategic opportunities are determined by its architectonics and the quality of its personnel.

The architecture of the organization is:

Technology, production equipment, facilities, their capacities and capabilities;

Equipment, its capabilities and capacities for processing and transmitting information;

The level of organization of production;

The structure of power, distribution of official functions and powers to make decisions;

Organizational tasks of individual groups and individuals;

Internal communications and procedures;

Organizational culture, norms and values ​​that underlie organizational behavior.

The quality of the staff is determined by:

attitude towards change;

Professional qualifications and skills in design, market analysis, etc.;

Ability to solve problems related to strategic activities;

Ability to resolve issues related to organizational change;

Motivation for participation in strategic activities and the ability to overcome resistance.

Thus, strategic management activities are aimed at providing a strategic position, which should ensure the long-term viability of the organization in a changing environment. In a commercial organization, a strategic manager provides a constant potential for profit. Its tasks are to identify the need for and carry out strategic changes in the organization; create an organizational architectonics that promotes strategic change; select and educate personnel capable of carrying out strategic changes in life.

Unlike strategic operational management, it is engaged in the use of the existing strategic position of the organization in order to achieve its goals. In a commercial organization, the operational manager must turn the potential of the organization into real profit. Its tasks include defining overall operational objectives, motivating, coordinating and controlling both leaders and performers within the organization.

Both strategic and operational management for normal functioning involve the creation and maintenance of a certain organizational architectonics, selection and education of personnel. However, these elements are different for the two types of control. Strategic architectonics is change-oriented, flexible, and free from rigid structures. Operational architectonics is resistant to change, focused on efficiency. If the head of strategic management is committed to change, is inclined to take risks, has the skills to manage the development of new areas, then the head of operational management is opposed to change, is not prone to risk, is competent in analyzing, coordinating and controlling complex activities.

The management system of a commercial organization includes two mutually complementary types of management activities - strategic management, associated with the development of the future potential of the organization, and operational management, realizing the existing potential in profit. Strategic management requires entrepreneurial organizational behavior, while operational management functions on the basis of incremental behavior. Recently, organizations have increasingly felt the need to simultaneously use both types of behavior, for which they need to create such a structure of their architectonics that would allow them to successfully develop both entrepreneurial and incremental styles of organizational behavior.

Strategic management can be defined as such management of an organization that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to consumer needs, implements flexible regulation and timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow achieving competitive advantages, which together as a result, allows the organization to survive and achieve its goals in the long term.

Strategic management process

Strategic management is a process that includes the following main elements and steps (Fig. 3.2):

Figure 3.2 - Main elements and stages of strategic management

Strategic analysis;

Strategy formation and strategic choice;

Strategy implementation;

Evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy.

Strategic Analysis requires a clear understanding on the part of management of what stage of development the enterprise is in before deciding where to go next. This requires an effective information system that provides data for the analysis of past, present and future situations. A well-conducted business diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise provides a realistic assessment of its resources and capabilities, and is also the starting point for developing a strategy. Knowledge of the competitive environment in which the firm operates is also important.

A feature of strategic management is its orientation to the future, and therefore, it is necessary to determine what to strive for, what goals to set. Along with the analysis of the internal environment, the organization also needs to diagnose the external environment in order to know the opportunities and threats of development in the future.

The analysis of the external environment is carried out in seven areas (areas), which are the economy, politics, market, technology, competition, international position and socio-cultural behavior. Thus, strategic analysis is the most important stage of management in developing an effective strategy, which is based, as a rule, on three components:

O properly developed long-term goals;

O deep understanding of the external competitive environment;

About a real assessment of one's own resources and capabilities.

Environmental analysis is considered the initial stage of the strategic management process, as it provides the basis for defining the mission and goals of the organization and developing strategy. External environment - a set of variables, threats and opportunities that are outside the enterprise and are not subject to short-term control by management. The internal environment is a set of variables (strengths and weaknesses) that are within the organization and can be controlled by management over a short period of time.

Strategy formation - definition of the mission and goals (long-term and short-term). Strategy formation is the process of defining the mission and goals of the organization, as well as choosing a strategy to achieve these goals.

strategic choice includes the formation and evaluation of alternative directions for the development of the enterprise. The most preferred option is accepted. There are special methods for forecasting and evaluating future situations based on development scenarios and portfolio analysis. It is believed that the formation and evaluation of alternative development options is of independent value for management and is implemented in the course of strategic planning. At the same time, the time frame, resources, sources and amounts of funding and those responsible for the implementation of the planned activities are determined.

Allocate operational and long-term planning. The first is designed to ensure the effective organization of the current activities of the enterprise, and the second - the survival of the organization in the future.

Within the framework of long-term planning, a distinction is usually made between traditional long-term and strategic planning. The main factor of strategic planning is the state of the external environment. It (unlike the traditional long-term one) does not use the idea that the future is better than the past and does not rely on the extrapolation method in determining the future. At the heart of strategic planning is, firstly, an analysis of the real state of the external environment or its individual segments from the point of view of the company's development prospects. Secondly, the selection of promising sectors of the external environment, the development of long-term guidelines and areas of activity.

Implementation of the strategy - the process in which the strategy is translated into actions based on the developed programs, budgets and procedures, and also it is the process of making strategic changes in the organization, transferring it to a state in which the organization will be ready to implement the strategy.

The implementation of the chosen strategy provides for the adjustment of the two previous stages. The activities of the management are aimed at modernizing (if necessary) the management system, bringing the organizational structure of the company in line with the strategic goals, allocating the necessary resources, as well as training personnel. In other words, strategic management is formed in such a way as to help the organization's management to anticipate business development trends, track external influences.

Strategic decisions at this stage include: reconstruction of the enterprise, introduction of new products and technologies, organizational changes in the legal form of the enterprise, the structure of production and management, wages, etc., entering new sales markets, as well as the acquisition (merger) enterprises, etc.

Evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy - provides a stable feedback between the implementation of the strategy and the goals of the organization. Strategic control is aimed at finding out to what extent the implementation of the strategy leads to the achievement of the company's goals.

Strategic management also has its own algorithm: what needs to be done (conceptual aspect, the formation of a general goal); how to do (technological aspect); using what means (resource aspect); in what terms and in what sequence (time aspect); who will do it (personnel aspect); what should be the organizational structure of management (organizational and managerial aspect).

In recent years, the paradigm of developing a firm's strategy has changed significantly. If earlier it was believed that the strategy should be known only to a narrow circle of top managers and should not be made public, today openly formulated is preferred. The strategy should be the business of not only the management of the company, but also of all its ordinary employees.

As can be seen from the diagram, the strategy development process is iterative (cyclic). Thus, the definition and selection of a strategy can take place at the stage of analysis of the external environment, and the evaluation of the strategy will require additional external analysis. In addition, a change in strategy leads to the need to monitor and annually adjust strategic decisions and plans.

Questions for repetition and consolidation

1. Name the main approaches to the process of developing and implementing a strategy.
2. What is the essence of the strategic management process?
3. What elements make up the architectonics of the organization?
4. Define strategic management.
5. What elements and stages does the process of strategic management include?

Textbook output:

Strategic management. Fundamentals of strategic management. Textbook. M.A. Chernyshev and others. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009. - 506 p.

The collective monograph reflects the most important results of the first stage of fundamental scientific research carried out at the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University at the Department of Management and Planning of Socio-Economic Processes in 2011–2012 (state registration number 01201259001). It is devoted to the fundamental problems of the formation and development of the strategic management system at the federal and regional levels. For a wide range of researchers, scientists, specialists in the field of state and regional administration, teachers, graduate students and university students, as well as experts and practitioners involved in the development of the most important strategic directions at various levels of the territorial administration system. The book was prepared by a team of authors under the scientific supervision of Yu. V. Kuznetsov, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Planning of Socio-Economic Processes at the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book State Strategic Management (Authors, 2014) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

The main directions of development of the theory of public administration as a methodological basis for the analysis of the existing system and directions for the modernization of public strategic management in Russia

1.1. The importance of governance to ensure the effective development of socio-economic systems

In the current conditions of the development of the world economy, characterized by growing processes of globalization, growing competition between countries, regions, increasing pressure from external factors of development - on the one hand, as well as the ongoing change in the vector of economic growth, increased uncertainty in the prospects for the development of the world economy, the importance of managing socio-economic processes increases significantly.

As the analysis of the evolution of state and intra-company management shows, the change in management paradigms occurred precisely as a result of the growing inadequacy of their constituent theories, concepts, methods, and tools to the ongoing changes in the world economy.

“It is the managerial resource as an integral-intellectual resource that is becoming decisive today. Its incomplete or distorted use leads to the stagnation of social development, is a brake on progress, brings disorganization and innumerable misfortunes to the national and personal security of citizens. For a number of reasons, this resource of society (management) is still frozen, although along with the “human” it is decisive. Revealing it is a task of paramount importance” 1 .

The evolution, logic, lessons and experience of the development of the world's complex socio-economic systems confirm the decisive importance of management to ensure their high growth rates and effective, competitive, advanced development. “The main potential of the country in its rapid development is becoming a managerial resource as an intellectual wealth. Therefore, the problem of finding effective ways and forms of using the managerial resource of the country, society, organization today is objectively put forward among the priority and most pressing issues of management theory” 2 .

Developed countries have accumulated rich experience in state and intra-company management in a market economy, which has allowed them to achieve significant success in competitive development to varying degrees. However, the transformation of the economies of developed countries that took place at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, which led to the financial and economic crisis of 2008–2009, the ongoing stagnation processes in the economy, and the re-deepening of interregional inequality, which began for the first time after a long period of reduction, indicate the need to find approaches to the formation of a new paradigm. administration of states and regions.

The Russian Federation has considerable experience in public administration in the context of an administrative-command system, public administration as a field of scientific research in a market economy has been developing rapidly since the early 1990s, but the search for an effective management paradigm at the initial stage of the formation of a market economy continues.

In most developed countries, already in the 70s, a trend began to form towards a transition to a new, more modern model of public administration, focused on the use of approaches, methods, tools and technologies used in business, in the practice of corporate governance, taking into account the value-oriented approach , while the Russian practice of public administration at the federal and regional levels is still dominated by approaches, methods and tools that were used during the period of the administrative-command system of the economy and do not take into account the peculiarities of development in market conditions, and new approaches and methods are being introduced haphazardly or even more exist as scientific studies.

As world practice has shown, the most effective, but complex process of science-based management of the achievement of sustainability and high development efficiency by organizations, regions and states based on the use of their intellectual management resources is strategic management. Organizations and states that use more effective strategic management systems become leaders, less effective ones move to lower positions, and inefficient ones take the position of outsiders 3 .

In Russia, strategic management has historically been the "Achilles' heel" of management systems. Strategic management errors have always led to economic inefficiency and major social upheavals.

Today in Russia the mistakes of the past are being repeated again. The main way of development of control systems is built on the basis of mass direct copying and mechanical translation of foreign methods and techniques.

Meanwhile, foreign methods are far from perfect and, as the experience of numerous major Russian strategic miscalculations has shown, their use also often leads to a sharp deterioration in the situation.

Attention should also be paid to the sharp increase in the instability of the development of corporations - the leaders of the Western economy in recent decades, which, despite the use of Western strategic management methods, cannot prevent internal crises and withstand external threats 4 . The processes of instability in the development of the largest developed economies of the world are also growing.

“Without a strategy, there can be no purposeful movement forward, resources cannot be used appropriately, potential is accumulated. Without it, only marking time is possible in accordance with the tactics of “patching holes”, which is what is happening today in Russia at the national and local levels of government. The trouble with our administration (federal, regional and local) is that it works on "short programs", narrow utility settings, without highlighting strategic priorities, identifying promising development resources and step-by-step measures to solve constantly emerging problems. Many of our troubles are the result of a management crisis, devoid of modern strategic support, conceptual studies. Our lag in this area is much greater than in the scientific and technical sphere.

“The essence of the managerial revolution carried out in developed countries is that strategic power has ceased to be the privilege of the Center, has become the property of all management entities, civil institutions, social organizations, regions, districts, cities, local communities, individual firms and industrial enterprises. A large layer of professional managers has appeared, who in their practice widely use the methods of strategic planning and conceptual thinking, which underlie the development and application of innovative socio-economic and political technologies” 6 .

There are two options for the development of strategic management in the Russian Federation 7:

Theoretical development of own new concepts and systems;

Direct borrowing and copying of foreign methods and systems.

“The second path is the simplest, but the results are extremely short-lived and insignificant, and those who follow this path fall into direct dependence on leaders who develop new management methods. One cannot become a leader without providing leadership in the methods and systems of strategic management” 8 .

A barrier to the strategic process is also the insufficient level of training and the lack of knowledge of the developers of strategies and the employees who implement them. Even in the presence of strong motives, the lack of knowledge makes it impossible to develop and implement successful strategies. Many managers mistakenly believe that their experience replaces their knowledge. But in the modern economy, only new knowledge creates conditions for the development of innovative strategies 9 .

In the context of global and cardinal social changes, it is impossible to create managerial development strategies based on traditional universal ideas and values, stereotypes of thinking. They require the development of new scientific and worldview approaches that correspond not only to modern realities, but also to the prospects for development in the third millennium.

1.2. Organizational and methodological scheme for studying the current state and directions of modernization of state strategic management in Russia

The categorical apparatus of the theory of public administration is extremely diverse. This is due to a wide list of functions performed by the state, methods used, spheres of the economy and public life subject to state regulation, theories and concepts of public administration, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a systematic understanding of the main categories and concepts of public administration in their relationship, to reveal their essence and content. Based on a systematic approach, four major blocks can be distinguished for the study of public administration: subjects of public administration, its methodology, functions and objects. In the context of considering the structure of these blocks, it is possible to reveal the features of public administration, the place and content of the categories of public administration, to justify the need for reforms of state power as an integral stage of modernization, the introduction of managerial innovations in the public administration system. In our opinion, this allows us to systematically consider the main theories, concepts, models of public (including regional) management, the main approaches and paradigms of strategic management and the features of their application at the state level, features, approaches and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of public administration, etc.

In Russia, the main subjects state administration are: the President and his staff; at the federal level - legislative (Federal Assembly: Federation Council and the State Duma), executive (federal ministries, services, agencies), judicial bodies of state power; state organizations; state authorities of the subjects of the Federation. In addition, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, "the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people" 10 .

Opening the second block - methodology of public administration, it is necessary to focus on its main elements: methodological principles of public administration, methods of public administration, the process (stages) of public administration, as well as a system of indicators.

Methods public administration is traditionally divided into the following groups: direct and indirect, as well as administrative and economic. Depending on the interpretations, different authors classify certain methods into different groups. In this paper, as will be shown in one of the following sections, the main direct administrative methods include the following: development of regulations, licensing, quotas, sanctions, etc. The group of direct economic methods includes: antimonopoly policy, price regulation for certain types of goods, the establishment of a minimum wage, tax policy, etc. Indirect economic methods, for example, include such as: state forecasting, indicative planning, target forecasting, monetary, foreign exchange, social, foreign economic policy, etc.

The preference for certain groups of methods, as well as the peculiarities of their implementation, are closely related to the concept of public administration in a particular country in a particular period. It should be noted that it is important not so much to assign public administration methods to one or another group, but to use modern tools that are adequate to the external and internal environment, as well as the implemented state policy.

Speaking of principles public administration, it is necessary to note their diversity. In this work, we will focus on the main principles in terms of modernizing the state strategic management. We include such as: the principle of scientific validity and efficiency, the principle of flexibility and adaptability, the principle of active management, the principle of synergy, etc.

Subsequence stages the process of state strategic management depends both on the implemented model of state management and on the characteristics of the object of management. In general, such stages can be distinguished as: determining priorities, goals, tasks of public administration, substantiating the need, the need for public intervention, choosing the forms and methods of public administration, determining the necessary resources, developing forecasts, plans, projects for the implementation of proposed activities, control , monitoring, performance evaluation, adjustments and much more. It should be noted the particular importance of the process approach in management and the need to take into account all possible consequences of the decisions made.

Development scorecards public administration is closely related to the problem of improving the efficiency of public administration, which is given increased attention in this work. In general, the system of indicators itself can be divided into two groups: the system of indicators used in the process of state planning and control for the progress of achieving planned indicators, as well as a system of indicators assessing the effectiveness of public administration. The second group includes modern indicators and methods: performance-based budgeting, the balanced scorecard, the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of public administration of the World Bank, and a number of others. The creation of a balanced, interconnected system of indicators that reflects, as fully and reliably as possible, all aspects of the development of socio-economic systems, which makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of public administration, is one of the most important and complex tasks. In addition, expanding the range of effective management methods is one of the priority areas for the transition to a modern concept of public administration.

Functions public administration is extremely diverse; among the main, basic, by analogy with general management, one can single out state strategic planning, state control, state organization and a number of others, for example, the function of coordination, stimulation.

Particular attention should be paid to the function state strategic planning. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, the modern concept of public administration is associated with the introduction of a managerial approach to public administration, the adaptation of approaches and methods of strategic management. It is aimed at improving the efficiency of public administration, involves the use of the achievements of modern management at the state level, the introduction of managerial innovations in public administration, expanding the list of methods used, focusing on a person as a client, etc. The implementation of this concept involves, among other things, reforms of the system of public authorities, giving them new powers and responsibilities, etc. The result should be the modernization of the public administration system. Since strategic planning is one of the main functions of strategic management, it is necessary to analyze the chain strategic management - state strategic management - state strategic planning.

Secondly, the current situation in Russia in the field of state strategic management and planning is characterized by vagueness, sometimes mixing of basic concepts, which will be shown in one of the following sections. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the approaches and paradigms of strategic management implemented at the state level, the features of state strategic management and planning.

The government also plays an important role. control . It can be divided into political and public, depending on the subjects of control, etc. It should be based on the system of indicators indicated above.

Function organizations in public administration is designed to structure the system of state power, involves the definition of the form of government, the administrative-territorial structure, the political regime, the definition of powers, duties, responsibilities of all subjects of public administration, forms of direct and indirect participation in public administration. Also, the function of the organization plays a special role in the implementation of administrative reforms.

Objects public administration - those to whom (what) the administrative influence is directed by the public authorities. They can be divided into two large groups: objects of general state administration and objects of state regional administration. In turn, regional management is divided into regional management by the federal authorities (external) and directly regional management, carried out by state authorities of the subjects of the Federation (internal).

In the context of general government, the paper considers models of government regulation, concepts of government, including strategic management, etc. From the point of view of regional governance, attention is paid to the features of regional policy, theories of regional development, theories of spatial development, etc.

The main categories of this research work are the concepts of "state regulation" and "public administration". Despite the fact that the definition of the role of the state occupied most of the studies of various economic schools, the concept itself has not acquired an accurate, well-established meaning, in modern literature there are still disputes about the exact definition of these terms 11 .

Considering the essence and main differences between the concepts of "state regulation" and "public administration", we highlight the characteristic features of the modern consensus model of public administration (public management).

Thus, regulation is the direction of development, the movement of something in order to put the system in order. That's why is interpreted as the degree of state intervention in economic life.

The most general interpretation of state regulation traditionally defines it as "a system of measures of a legislative, executive and controlling nature, carried out by state and public organizations in order to stabilize and adapt the socio-economic system to changing conditions" 12 .

Rice. 1.

Organizational and methodological scheme for the study of public administration processes

State regulation is a fairly broad concept, so it is advisable to highlight its key elements. It can be generalized that state regulation includes 13:

Regulation of economic life, which forms the legislative basis for economic entities, defining their rights and obligations, the measure of mutual responsibility, including the introduction of prohibitions;

Formation of organizational and economic structures that ensure control over compliance with legislative norms, as well as serving economic relations;

The development of socio-economic policy, the definition and effective application of the mechanisms for its implementation - the actual regulation of socio-economic processes.

Various terms are used to denote the role of the state in the economy: “state intervention in the economy”, “state regulation of the economy”, “state economic policy”, etc.

State (public) policy(Public Policy) - a system of goals, objectives, principles and priorities, programs and planned activities developed and implemented by authorities and public institutions. It is a purposeful activity of public authorities, forming a political course ( Policy), and at the same time a product of the political system and processes ( politics).

As subjects regulation are state authorities, state organizations, social institutions, groups of people and individuals that carry out regulatory actions - making decisions that organize their implementation.

There are two types of subjects of state regulation: direct and main. The direct subjects are: a) at the macro level - the state with its inherent institutions - legislative authorities, the president and his staff, executive authorities - the Government of the country; b) at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation - the relevant representative and executive authorities. The main subject is its multinational people, who elect their representatives to the state authorities.

The objects of regulation are all social institutions, organizations, groups of people and individuals experiencing regulatory influences, reacting to them in the course of their direct activities.

Different sources have different approaches to the definition of the concept public administration. For example, public administration is regarded as "a system for making political and administrative decisions that are implemented with the help of the administrative-state apparatus" 14 . Often this term is interpreted as "the activity of the executive body to influence the object of management in order to transfer it to the state necessary to achieve the goal of the corresponding territorial entity, through the adoption of legal acts, organization and control of the execution of these acts and acts of legislative authorities" 15 .

It is advisable to take as a basis the following definition government controlled(Public Administration) is a term usually used to refer to the professional activities of government officials (usually unelected) or all activities aimed at implementing government decisions.

Public administration(in UN terms) - the process of achieving national goals and objectives through government organizations.

Thus, in fact, under public administration refers to the management activities of state bodies and officials. Public administration is ideally a rationally organized structure designed for the effective implementation of public policy.

Having defined the concepts of "state regulation" and "public administration", it is necessary to dwell on the differences in these terms. First of all, it should be noted that there are different approaches to distinguishing differences in their formulation.

One of the common points of view of researchers is that public administration is a broader concept than state regulation, and includes the entire set of managerial functions (goal setting, analysis, forecasting, planning, programming, organizing, stimulating, correcting, accounting, control). From this list, to a certain extent, regulation proper includes analysis, forecasting, stimulation, correction, control 16 . This is confirmed by the widespread attribution of regulation to one of the management functions. Accordingly, it can be concluded that public administration relies on the whole range of methods, including direct administrative and indirect economic ones, while state regulation operates with indirect, incentive methods.

On the other hand, the objects of state regulation are, among other things, independent organizations and business entities. They make independent decisions and from the side of the state may experience more regulatory influences than fully managerial ones.

Thus, it seems appropriate to talk not about which of the concepts is narrower or broader, but to determine the essence and main elements of each of them, which was done at the beginning of the chapter.

1.3. Researches of Russian and foreign scientists on the problems of the current state and directions of modernization of the state strategic management

To analyze a complex socio-economic process, which is the state strategic management at the federal and regional levels, it is necessary to apply interdisciplinary approach which involves the use of scientific provisions and research methods of such sciences as political science, sociology, world economy, public administration, general management, strategic management, organization theory, economic theory, new institutional economics, spatial economics, regional economics, regional statistics, economic geography and etc.

This necessitated the use of the works of Russian and foreign scientists on the theory and problems of public administration, economics of the public sector, modernization of the Russian economy, economic theory, new institutional economic theory, theory of sectoral and regional markets, management and strategic management, organization theory, competitiveness, strategic planning, new methods of state and regional management, spatial and regional economics, politics and management.

The general theoretical foundations, the structure and content of the main categories, the interpretation of the concepts of “public administration”, as well as the methodologies of public administration are studied in the works of B. A. Raizberg, V. Kirichenko, A. I. Radchenko, G. V. Atamanchuk, A. N. Petrov, M. I. Knysh, V. I. Kushlin, N. A. Volgin, N. I. Glazunov, T. G. Morozova, A. V. Pikulkin and many others.

Among the main developers of the strategic management and planning system are I. Ansoff 17 , M. Porter 18 , D. Miller, J. Schumpeter, R. Simons, R. Ackoff 19 , G. Simon, M. Meskon 20 , M. Albert 21 , F Hedouri 22 , G. Mintzberg, A. Strickland 23 , A. Thompson 24 and others. These scientists consider a wide range of issues related to the development and implementation of an organization's development strategy in modern conditions. They laid down the basic theoretical concepts of strategic management, and also identified its key components.

It should be noted that many works are devoted to the issues of state strategic planning (for example, studies by B. N. Kuzyk, V. I. Kushlin, Yu. V. Yakovets, A. N. Mitkin, D. S. Shmerling, B. A. Raizberg etc.).

Domestic scientists such as L. I. Abalkin, A. G. Aganbegyan, E. V. Afanasiev, V. R. Vesnin, O. S. Vikhansky 25 , G. Ya. Goldshtein, A. L. Gaponenko 26 , A T. Zub 27 , Yu. V. Kuznetsov 28 , A. N. Lapin, V. D. Markov 29 , Yu. reveal in their works the actual problems of forming a system of strategic management of an organization in the conditions of modern Russia and raise the question of the need for strategic management at the state and regional levels.

Research in the field of regional strategic management was carried out by D. S. L'vov 33 , A. G. Granberg 34 , M. E. Dmitriev 35 , B. S. Zhikharevich 36 , D. Yu. Lapygin 37 , T. B. Ivanova 38 , O V. Kolomiichenko 39 , V. E. Rokhchin 40 , I. A. Kovaleva 41 , A. Shvetsov 42 , L. S. Shekhovtsova 43 , I. I. Tokarenko 44 , A. S. Popova 45 , L. V. Pertsov 46 , O. M. Roy 47 , A. Yu. Selin 48 and other scientists. Studies of the state of analytical work carried out in the course of strategic management of the development of Russian regions were carried out by O. V. Kolomiychenko, V. E. Rokhchin, M. Yu. Makhotaeva. A. G. Granberg 49 , V. E. Seliverstov 50 , V. I. Suslov, S. A. Suspitsyn and others made a great contribution to the development of the instrumental part of regional strategic planning.

A significant contribution to the development of the theory of strategic regional management was made by well-known domestic scientists L. I. Abalkin, A. G. Aganbegyan, O. T. Bogomolov, P. G. Bunich, A. G. Granberg, T. I. Zaslavskaya, V. V. Ivanter, L. V. Kantorovich, V. V. Kuleshov, D. S. Lvov, L. E. Limonov, B. S. Zhikharevich, V. L. Makarov, V. A. Martynov. We also note the works of R. A. Fatkhutdinov, who recommends using 20 scientific approaches to improve the quality and effectiveness of strategic decisions: “systemic, logical, reproductive-evolutionary, innovative, integrated, global, integration, virtual, standardization, marketing, exclusive, functional, process, structural, situational (variant), normative, optimization, directive (administrative), behavioral, business” 51 . The more expensive the object, the author points out, “the greater should be the number of applied scientific approaches and the depth of their study” 52 .

Many authors make attempts to apply management concepts to state and regional strategic management. Thus, the issues of management by results in the system of state strategic management were studied by Ya. , K. B. Malkov 58 , S. M. Shapiguzov 59 , A. K. Sinyagin 60 , A. I. Sotov 61 , A. Piri 62 et al.

The problems of developing the concept of public management and the possibility of its application in Russia are considered in the works of scientists from the Institute of State and Municipal Administration of the National Research University Higher School of Economics I. N. Bartsitsa, G. L. Kupryashina, D. B. Tsygankov, N. N. Klishcha and others

Among the foreign scholars working on the issues of public administration modernization in different countries, one can especially single out N. Parison, the World Bank's chief specialist on public administration issues, whose research is devoted, among other things, to the reforms of state power in Russia. Also of interest are foreign sources on this issue, the authors of which are A. Harberger and D. Gvartni and others.

In recent years, attention has been paid to the analysis of the application of methods developed for intra-company management in public administration. A fairly widespread discussion in the scientific literature has become a discussion of the problems of implementing results-based management mechanisms in the activities of public authorities. In particular, in the works of E. I. Dobrolyubova, M. G. Reshetnikov, N. V. Ageeva and others, the issues of the effectiveness of the implementation of results-based management, the features of planning a system for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of activities, the possibilities and limitations of automating processes and procedures are considered. results management.

The specifics of the problems and technologies of management based on results in the exercise of the powers of the authorities are considered in the studies of A. V. Klimenko, E. V. Berezdivina, N. D. Balashov, V. N. Yuzhakov.

O. V. Alexandrov in his research highlights a number of issues related to the peculiarities of the analysis of management problems based on results by levels of responsibility. The works of E. V. Berezdivina, N. V. Ageev, V. N. Yuzhakov and others are also devoted to the same issues.

However, these studies show that at the moment the implementation of results-based management is facing a number of problems, not always a simple copying of foreign experience leads to an increase in the efficiency of public administration. Therefore, one of the directions for further research can be an analysis of the impact of Russian specifics and ways to solve emerging problems, the main of which will be described below.

N. M. Gusev 63 , G. B. Medvedev 64 , V. F. Eliseenko 65 , K. I. Golovshchinskii 66 , A. L. Gaponenko 67 , M. Kh. Mora 68 devoted to the problems of applying benchmarking to state strategic management and etc.

In the field of state and regional strategic management in Russia, some theoretical and practical groundwork has been accumulated, which is supported by a number of monographs, articles in leading economic journals and dissertations on this issue. However, publications are often devoid of consistency; works of a descriptive nature on the experience of developing a particular strategic document predominate; there is a wide spread in the conceptual apparatus; many conceptual issues have not been resolved. All this necessitated a new comprehensive and systematic research in the field of state and regional strategic management.

Modernization theories appeared in the middle of the 20th century in various areas of public life. The economic aspects of modernization are reflected in the works of M. Weber, E. Durkheim, O. Comte, A. Toynbee, A. Toffler, S. Eisenstadt and others. W. Beck, E. Giddens, R. Inglehart, M. Levy, G Myrdal, T. Parsons, F. Peru, P. Rosestein-Rodan, A. Touraine, E. Hagen, P. Sztompk created scientific works that contain a study of the causes and consequences of catching up and dependent development of countries, as well as an analysis of the concepts of neo- and postmodernization.

A detailed description of the stages of evolution and levels of modernization of the Russian economy is given by E. T. Gaidar, G. B. Kleiner, Yu. V. Latov, V. L. Makarov, E. G. Yasin and others.

In scientific research, the authors reveal various aspects of modernization. Thus, the issues of institutionalization of modernization processes are raised in their works by the following researchers: J. Buchanan, A. A. Auzan, D. S. Lvov, D. North, R. M. Nureev, V. Polterovich 69 , V. Radaev, A. G. Barabashev 70 , A. V. Klimenko 71 , V. L. Tambovtsev, A. E. Shastitko and others; questions of economic evolution and technological progress are revealed by S. Yu. Glaz'ev, N. D. Kondratiev, S. Kuznets, R. Solow, D. Forrester, Yu. V. Yakovets, and others; The problems of innovative and competitive development were studied by P. Drucker, J. M. Clark, M. Porter, J. Stigler, G. Hamel, J. Schumpeter and others.

In recent years, a number of works have appeared in which modern problems of modernization of the Russian economy are considered, concepts of modernization have been developed; their authors are L. I. Abalkin, A. Aganbegyan, A. I. Amosov, E. Sh. Gontmakher, V. A. Mau, V. M. Polterovich, V. V. Popov, V. T. Ryazanov, A Ya. Rubinshtein, L. S. Shekhovtseva, K. A. Yudaeva, etc.

The existence of problems in the Russian Federation related to the functioning of strategic management institutions, including public institutions, is highlighted in the scientific reports of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “In the Russian Federation, behind-the-scenes adoption of strategically important decisions is practiced. The rules of procedure for the work of Russian legislative bodies do not provide for public discussion of long-term projects and programs. There is no law or at least an official standard on the procedure for public discussion of the budget and its allocation for the implementation of national projects and targeted programs of great social and economic importance. For the future, the task is to restore Russia's status as a world economic power. This task is impossible given the current degree of lag in the development of public institutions for strategic planning and management” 72 .

The monograph, written by scientists from the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences 73 , gives recommendations on the development of strategic directions for Russia's development. In the section devoted to the organizational resources of economic growth, the main attention is paid to the mechanism and functions of public administration: "In order to implement radical changes in society, decisive economic transformations in Russia, an adequate management system is needed." The paper emphasizes that in most developed countries, the ongoing public administration reforms are aimed at reassessing the role and responsibilities of ministries and other authorities, eliminating conflicts of interest, formulating rules that ensure transparency of lawmaking and the movement of state assets, as well as improving the judicial system. systems, the development and enhancement of the role of local authorities in the fight against corruption, etc. The recommendations given in the monograph, despite the fact that it was written in 2004, at the beginning of the administrative reform in Russia, are relevant to the present: “ This system should be aimed at overcoming the following shortcomings in the organization and activities of the executive branch:

Low performance discipline;

Unwillingness to take responsibility;

Complicated approval procedure;

Low qualification of personnel.

The main difficulty in stimulating high-performance managerial work is that the level of its payment is in no way related to results. To date, there has been no serious attempt to link the pay of federal officials to labor efficiency. As a result: a) the number of federal executive bodies is increasing; b) the number of leadership positions is growing; c) the number of structural subdivisions - departments, departments, departments in ministries and departments is increasing. The transition from a planned-administrative to a market economy led to an almost two-fold increase in the number of ministries and departments. It is fundamentally important to provide a scientific approach to the creation of an effective management system” 74 . The main goal of the administrative reform - improving the quality of the work of the state apparatus, reducing administrative barriers and reducing the level of corruption - has not been achieved to date.

In the work of the head of the department of the Higher School of International Business of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, professor of the Russian School of Economics V. V. Popov, the achievements and failures of developing countries in the relevant areas of economic policy are critically analyzed, world experience is summarized, and recipes for solving urgent problems of economic and social development are proposed 75 . The study is based on the analysis of national development strategies outlined in the UN 76 developments. Using cross-country calculations based on the use of econometric models, the author concludes that in developing countries and transition economies, the success of reforms (measured by the dynamics of macro indicators) does not primarily depend on the degree of liberal economic policy and democratic political regime, the key role is played by the quality of state and public institutions. The conclusion that “the success of catch-up development has always been associated with the active participation of the state” also deserves attention.

One of the recent concepts of economic modernization that deserves attention is the concept of V. M. Polterovich "System of Interactive Growth Management", which includes the rationale for such strategic regulation measures as 77:

Borrowing Western technologies (not always advanced);

increasing the absorption capacity of the country;

balanced policy of openness Russia;

elite self-restraint and tax policy measures;

Creation and support of projects, not firms (interactive growth management system).

"Creating an Interactive Growth Management System" - SIMS, includes three components:

national innovation system,

Economic policy coordination;

Interactive planning.

In accordance with the author's concept, "SIUR is a system of institutions that ensure interaction between the state, business and society in order to implement large-scale projects for the modernization of production and development of territories" 78 .

Interactive planning, one of the main components of the concept, is based on the following four basic principles 79 .

Firstly, development plans are formed on the basis of projects for the modernization of sectors and regions, developed in the process of dialogue between federal and regional administrations, business associations and representatives of civil society.

Secondly, the planning process is continuous, "rolling", so that by the beginning of each year a system of interconnected long-term, medium-term and short-term plans is developed. This is an important point, since in Russia for several years now there has been a widespread fashion for all sorts of long-term strategies and concepts, but no one is seriously engaged in medium- and short-term planning. “Long-term programs without five-year and annual ones become a set of good wishes, not provided with resources, not coordinated with business,” Viktor Polterovich notes. “Sectoral strategies are weakly linked to regional developments and federal policy, are not accompanied by serious calculations, are not supported by specific projects, and as a result are not implemented.”

Third, the implementation of plans is achieved not through administrative coercion, but through market incentives and within the framework of market mechanisms.

Fourth, the state, together with business, participates not only in the selection and implementation of projects, but also in their initiation. To this end, it is proposed, in particular, to create a Federal Agency for Interactive Planning, whose activities should be based, on the one hand, on regional planning agencies, and on the other, on a system of expert commissions, including representatives of the administration, trade unions, consumer associations and industry associations of business . “There are two possible ways to form a system of interactive growth management,” emphasizes Viktor Polterovich. – The path from above is based on the adoption of relevant federal laws. The way from below is conceived as the creation of regional development agencies with the subsequent formation of the Federal Agency. The second way is apparently more realistic and less risky.

The key document that deserves special attention and consideration in further research is the Concept “Strategy 2020: New Growth Model – New Social Policy”. This is due to the fact that the main attention in the analysis of the concepts of socio-economic development of Russia should be given to the current state concept of the long-term development of the Russian economy until 2020, which is an official document and a guideline for making long-term strategic decisions and, unlike a number of other concepts, contains section on improving public administration.

The document is an interim report summarizing the work of an expert group on topical issues of Russia's socio-economic development strategy until 2020, which included leading scientists from the Higher School of Economics and the Academy of National Economy. The report “Strategy 2020: New Growth Model – New Social Policy” 81 discusses many topical areas of modernization of the Russian economy and social sphere, including public administration. However, the draft Concept 2020 does not mention the need for a strategic direction of management.

Based on the analysis of developments on the comprehensive modernization of the socio-economic development of Russia, it can be stated that today there are a number of different approaches to the problem of modernizing the socio-economic development of Russia, including the problems of modernizing state regulation and management and its individual components - policies in the field of industry, innovation, social sphere, etc. The dominant approaches to the development of a modernization strategy are: "institutional modernization" and "project approach", there are also discussions about the application of the concept of "catch-up development" or the concept of "development at the technological frontier". The works present the advantages and disadvantages of certain approaches, but a single concept of modernization, taking into account the specifics of the current state of state strategic management in Russia, has not yet been developed.

The main drawback of the existing developments on the modernization of the socio-economic development of Russia is the lack of indications of the need to use the methods and tools of strategic management, while many of the goals and objectives put forward in them cannot be achieved without the application of the principles of strategic management, the development of interrelated strategic plans, as well as measures for their implementation.

Based on the analysis of studies in the field of public administration and related sciences, the following conclusions can be drawn.

1. The concept of strategic management is currently developed for the management of organizations, and mainly for corporations.

2. In the works of foreign and Russian scientists, much attention is paid to the analysis of the "concept of state management" and the problems of its implementation in practice, however, there are no systematic developments on the application of strategic management technology to state strategic management.

3. The reviewed works contain important theoretical, methodological, methodological and practical developments related to the improvement of public administration, including the management of regions, which must be used in the formation of the concept of state strategic management. At the same time, they did not adequately reflect issues related to strategic approaches to managing the state and regions, and there are practically no comprehensive studies that consider the entire system of methods, approaches, strategies for modernizing state strategic management, which necessitates systematic research in the field of strategy. modernization of management in general, including in the Russian Federation, both at the level of the national economy and individual regions.

1.4. Stages of formation of the theoretical and methodological basis of public administration

Achievements in the science of public administration, including many approaches and concepts (structural-systemic, neo-institutionalist, cybernetic, managerial, network, synergetic, postmodern, etc.), have been developed and are being researched today by scientists from many disciplinary areas 82 . Many scientific works are devoted to the history of the development of managerial thought. Based on the analysis of studies on the history of management, four main stages in the formation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of public administration can be distinguished:

Stage 1 - the last decades of the 19th - early 20th centuries;

2nd stage - from 1910 to 1950;

3rd stage - from the beginning of the 50s to the end of the twentieth century;

Stage 4 - from the beginning of the XXI century to the present.

Each stage was distinguished by the existence of dominant approaches to the problems of public administration, the existence of dominant theories, concepts, the existence of national schools of administration. The essence and content of each stage of management are presented in Table. 1.

Analyzing the approaches, theories and concepts of public administration, one can note a significant influence on their content and the desire to use the most effective methods of organization and management, borrowed from business and corporate management systems. The outstripping development of corporate governance has always influenced the evolution of managerial thought and, as a result, the formation of models of public administration.

Table 1

Stages of formation of the theoretical and methodological basis of public administration 83

This can be traced by analyzing the sequence of development of public administration theories and the main characteristics of scientific management schools, presented in Table. 2.

table 2

The evolution of scientific schools of management and management models 84

Based on the analysis of the history of the development of managerial thought, it can be concluded that with a change in the conditions for the development of the economy, there is also a change in managerial paradigms that differ in theories, concepts, and approaches. The dominant approaches, characteristic of both state and intra-company management, were: administrative, managerial, institutional, competitive.

In accordance with the dominant approaches in public administration, it can be stated that during the 20th century there was a consistent change in management paradigms, which can be tentatively determined by the content of the dominant approaches as administrative, managerial (management approach), institutional, competitive. In countries with different levels of socio-economic development, these paradigms dominated in different periods, in different sequences.

Given the trends in the development of state and intra-company management in the modern period, the features of the development of the world economy, it can be assumed that the dominant paradigm for the development of management in the countries of the world will be strategic. The theory of strategic intra-company management (strategic management) is a key one, explaining and predicting the prospects for the development of firms in a market economy, has more than 40 years of history and is dynamically developing, while the theory of strategic public administration is only at the stage of formation, the search for basic principles , patterns, approaches, management methods.

1.5. Development of theories and concepts of public administration

Currently, there are two competing approaches to the organization of the state: centralized (A State-Centric Approach) and decentralized (A Decentered Theory of Governance or Decentering Governance), which underlie two competing management paradigms: bureaucratic and managerial 85 .

For a long time, the model of “rational bureaucracy” by M. Weber, who at the beginning of the 20th century substantiated the model of the ideal form of administrative organization, was considered the best way to organize management. According to the scientist, the bureaucratic organization in terms of accuracy, constancy, reliability is superior to other forms of building a control system. However, in the late 70s - early 80s of the twentieth century, active reforms of the public administration system were observed in foreign countries (from the countries of Southeast Asia to the American continent). They differ both in the type of political system and in the level of development. These transformations are still ongoing and pursue large-scale goals: governments in the course of reforms redefine the role and tasks of the state, its relations with citizens and public institutions. They are based on the bureaucratic and managerial paradigms in management, respectively. The main existing concepts of public administration and their content are analyzed in Table. 3.

Table 3

The evolution of concepts and the content of ongoing public administration reforms in the XX-XXI centuries 86

Despite the presence of many supporters of the bureaucratic paradigm, recently the ideas of entrepreneurial management have been increasingly penetrating the sphere of public administration. They are based on the management practices of private companies (for example, business process reengineering in public institutions - periodic review of functions and established ways of solving problems, “new reporting”, changes in performance assessment, etc.).

State administration (Public Administration) gives way to public management (Public Management). Accordingly, bureaucracy in theory (but not in practice) recedes into the background. Typically, authors define managerialism as a combination of the following components. 90

1. Customer orientation, including the expansion of the area of ​​responsibility of state institutions at the expense of new areas of needs of citizens that were not previously included in the area of ​​responsibility of the state. Government organizations conduct basic operations to meet the needs of customers. They use market dynamics, i.e. competition and customer choice, to create an incentive for employees to put the customer first.

2. Market assessment of the effectiveness of government agencies when achievement of results is assessed rather than compliance with requirements. They modernize budget, personnel, supply chain, giving organizations the freedom to carry out their tasks; reorient control systems to focus on identifying and resolving problems; remove provisions hindering innovation; deregulate those organizations that are financially dependent on them, such as the lower levels of government. Personal responsibility for the quality of work is established through the evaluation of performance using modern methods.

3. Privatization of many activities of state agencies, when public functions are transferred to private organizations, usually by contract. Over the past decade, some countries have experienced certain difficulties in introducing methods of privatization of public services, when a private monopoly could become even worse than a state one. Nevertheless, it is an integral element of improving the efficiency of public administration and the transition to a new model.

4. Decentralization of management which is expressed in the revitalization of the activities of local authorities, as well as in the increase in the use of the potential of non-state institutions to ensure the implementation of public policy goals. In addition, power is increased, powers are expanded so that they make their own decisions and resolve more problems that arise for them. By downsizing and empowering grass-roots employees, public management increases accountability for delivering results.

5. Expanding the range of methods that can be used for effective management. Thanks to this concept, such a management tool as strategic planning. In the 70s-80s of the last century, public administration began to use such methods as policy analysis, priority problem solving programs, accountability enforcement, financial management and electronic data processing, i.e. private sector practices aimed at reducing costs and controlling costs.

6. Increasing the transparency of budgets linking costs to performance rather than to resources used. The results should be presented in the form of quantitative indicators of efficiency and productivity.

Public management is focused on improving organizational effectiveness, which includes the following:

Supporting discussions on the justification of the need for and effectiveness of programs and goals between the relevant public authorities to which they report;

Comparison in the process of introducing new mechanisms for their optimal effectiveness;

Providing information for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness and rationality of the actions of state organizations and their programs;

Examining costs and benefits based on well-defined budgetary resources and the expected results of the organization's actions (performance budgeting);

Comparing the performance of similar organizations or similar activities across organizations and identifying those activities where improvements can be made.

Within the framework of the concept of managerialism, management methods developed in private business penetrate into public administration. These include the consideration of the activities of the state as a process of providing services to the population, the development in public administration of such new areas for it as territorial marketing (land marketing, housing marketing, marketing of economic development zones, investment marketing, tourism marketing), innovation, team management technologies , measurement of achievements (performance management), reengineering of business processes in public institutions (periodic review of functions and established ways of solving problems), "new reporting". Managerial methods are based on decentralization and delegation of responsibility to independent agents.

The reason for the success in the development of management practice lies in the fact that the progress in the management of economic organizations was stimulated by the benefits that entrepreneurs, owners and managers received from improvements. Unlike the private sector, in the sphere of public administration, the interests of the society for which the administration is carried out and those of civil servants do not coincide. As a rule, officials and employees must work disinterestedly for the benefit of society, the result of their efforts does not contribute to the improvement of their personal well-being, which is the direct goal of commercial organizations. Therefore, management technologies here are developing at a slower pace. The commercial sector is almost always more active than the public sector. The advantage of public administration lies in the possibility of borrowing and adapting approaches, management methods, strategic management for government at the federal and regional levels, which reduces the development time of this process.

1.6. Interdisciplinary methodological approach and theoretical prerequisites for improving regional management

Any socio-economic process takes place within a certain space, a certain territory. Each territory has its own characteristics: a certain provision with resources, features of historical development, a certain level of socio-economic development. The development of the country, the national economy is the result of the development of the territories that make up the country, the result of the development of each socio-economic process occurring within the territory. Therefore, in order to effectively develop the national economy, to minimize the consequences of financial and economic crises inevitable in a market economy, it is necessary not only to regulate the macroeconomic parameters of its development, but also to ensure an effective spatial, regional policy, and take into account the peculiarities of the development of territories.

When developing the concepts of regional management, it is necessary to pay special attention to interdisciplinary research - the achievements of the complex of sciences that deal with the problems of studying the economy, space, and management (Fig. 2).

The most important categories of public administration at the regional level are: mesoeconomics 91 , region, regional governance, regional policy, patterns, principles, factors of regional socio-economic development, regional strategies, regional risk management, type of region in terms of socio-economic development, integrated mesoeconomic complex and etc.

The system of methodological and organizational foundations for the development of regions and the formation of the regional structure of the economy, showing the relationship between the most important categories of regional development, is shown in fig. 3.

The theoretical and methodological basis of regional strategic management are: classical theories of location; classical and neoclassical economic theories; theories of international trade; spatial organization of the economy; the theory of regional growth and the concept of innovative development; theories and concepts of cluster development studied by scientists since the first half of the 19th century (Table 4).

Rice. 2. Interdisciplinary connections in the formation of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of regional governance

Important for the development of regional strategies is the concept of integrated mesoeconomic complexes. In recent years, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the economy, the complication of economic interrelations, in the context of globalization, according to a number of authors, “... traditional approaches to studying the economy as a combination of industries (sectoral approach) and regions (regional economy) in the context of globalization become practically impossible, and the higher the degree of globalization of the world economy, the more industries and regions are transformed into mesoeconomic complexes” 93 .

Based on the currently most widely used definition of mesoeconomics 94, the concept of "integrated mesoeconomic structure" can be singled out and defined.

Rice. 3. The system of methodological and organizational foundations for the development of regions and the formation of a regional structure of the economy

Integrated mesoeconomic structure- a set of interrelated elements of sectoral, intersectoral and territorial affiliation, characterized by certain proportions, relationships and participating in certain types of reproductive activity.

The successful development of the national economy of any country, its economic growth and global competitiveness increasingly depend on the effective development of mesoeconomic structures and their constituent elements, their rational interaction. The development of integrated mesoeconomic structures is associated with the peculiarities of the regulation of large business and will have an increasing impact on the economy of the regions. In regional strategies, methods should be developed for assessing the prospects for the development of large businesses based on the use of methods of the theory of strategic management (method of the Boston Consulting Group, SWOT analysis, etc.). Examples of using the method of the Boston Consulting Group to analyze the sectoral structure of large business in Russia are shown in Fig. 4 and 5.

Table 4

Theoretical and methodological base for improving regional management 92

Large business concentration indicators based on the calculation of the decile distribution of sales volume for 400 largest Russian companies, as well as the decile differentiation coefficient in 2010, are given in Table. 5 and 6 and in fig. 6.

The main task of the period of transition to a market economy in the Russian Federation was to ensure political, macroeconomic and microeconomic stabilization. It was these tasks that were the main ones, and certain successes in their implementation led to the achievement of acceptable macroeconomic parameters for the development of the Russian economy, ensured a fairly stable economic growth, which has been observed in recent years. Attention was also paid to the development and improvement of mesoeconomic structures:

The concept of interaction between the cluster and the value chain, laws were adopted to regulate the development of holdings, financial and industrial groups, special economic zones of various types, and the development of regions with different levels of socio-economic development. However, unlike developed countries, where the mesoeconomic structures and their constituent elements are clearly defined, quite stable, characterized by stable proportions and relationships, and are changing under the influence of modern factors in the development of the world economy (globalization, informatization, greening, etc.), the mesoeconomic component of the economy developing countries, countries with economies in transition, including the Russian Federation, is in its infancy. It is the effective management of mesoeconomic structures and their adequate development in the coming years that will have an increasing impact on macroeconomic dynamics and may become the most important factors in the growth of the Russian economy in the post-crisis period.

Rice. 4. Analysis of the sectoral structure of Russia's large business industry in 2010 according to the method of the Boston Consulting Group (according to the Expert 400 rating of Russia's largest enterprises 95)

Rice. 5. Analysis of the sectoral structure of the Russian large business infrastructure complex in 2010 according to the method of the Boston Consulting Group (according to the Expert 400 rating of Russia's largest enterprises 96)

Table 5

Decile distribution of product sales by 400 largest Russian companies in 2010

Table 6

Dynamics of Decile Coefficients of Differentiation by Sales Volume of Large Business Enterprises in Russia

Rice. 6. Concentration coefficients and decile coefficients of differentiation (according to the Expert 400 rating of the largest Russian enterprises). Source: Statistical data of the annual survey of the rating agency "Expert RA" "Four hundred largest enterprises in Russia" // Expert. 2011. No. 39

The concept of the typology of regions. For the formation of an effective system of regional management, it is of great importance to take into account the level of socio-economic development of the region. For the countries of the world, the division of countries into three enlarged types and subtypes is generally recognized. For the regions of the Russian Federation, the method of systematization has been applied only in the last 8–10 years.

The structure of the spatial development of Russia based on the use of the method systematization can be represented as a collection of regions belonging to certain types. Type of subject of the Federation (SF)- an objectively established, relatively stable set of conditions and features of socio-economic development inherent in the territory of the Northern Federation, characterizing its place and role in the national economy. In the typologies of subjects of the Federation developed in recent years: by the degree of penetration and dynamics of development of large business 97 ; by the level of economic development, the situation of households and the degree of development of the territory 98 ; according to the level of socio-economic development 99, etc., stable types of subjects of the Federation with a high, medium and low level of socio-economic development are identified.

In accordance with the typology of regions according to the level and characteristics of socio-economic development compiled by the Ministry of Regional Development 100, four types of regions have been identified, with the first three types including two subtypes each. The first type includes “regions – locomotives of growth”, two subtypes are identified: “world cities” (two subjects of the Federation - Moscow and St. Petersburg) and “centers of federal significance” (eight subjects of the Federation: Krasnodar Territory, Moscow region, Perm region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Tatarstan, Sverdlovsk region). The main typological features of these regions are: the region makes a significant contribution to the country's GDP growth; the region has a high scientific and technical potential; in the region (urban agglomeration) a strategic initiative has been formed that is important for the whole country; in the future, the region can become a development center for neighboring territories. The second type includes "supporting regions".

First subtype- "core regions - raw materials" (eight subjects of the Federation: Kemerovo Region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Komi Republic, Sakha Republic, Sakhalin Region. Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) - has the following characteristics: the regions are resource zones of Russia and export-oriented territories; most of the infrastructure projects of the last decade are aimed at providing a transit economy; there is a lack of a highly organized urban environment.

Second subtype- "supporting regions - old industrial" (15 subjects of the Federation: Belgorod Region, Volgograd Region, Vologda Region, Irkutsk Region, Lipetsk Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Primorsky Territory, Rostov Region, Samara Region, Tomsk Region, Khabarovsk Territory , Chelyabinsk region, Yaroslavl region): production facilities are experiencing a shortage not so much of capital as of realistic and competitive development projects; traditional industrial productions experiencing a structural crisis (outdated technological base, insufficient market positioning, shortage of personnel, etc.); low standard of living of the population; redundant infrastructure network.

Third type includes "depressed regions" and is divided into two subtypes: 1) "depressed background regions" (32 subjects of the Federation: Altai Territory, Amur Region, Arkhangelsk Region, Astrakhan Region, Vladimir Region, Voronezh Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Kaliningrad Region, Kaluga Region , Kirov region, Kostroma region, Kursk region, Murmansk region, Novgorod region, Orenburg region, Orel region, Penza region, Pskov region, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Ryazan region, Saratov region, Smolensk region, Stavropol Territory, Tambov Region, Tver Region, Tula Region, Udmurt Republic, Chita Region, Chuvash Republic, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug), which are characterized by a low standard of living of the population, outdated technological base, insufficient market positioning, shortage of personnel); 2) "depressed crisis regions" (16 subjects of the Federation: Bryansk Region, Ivanovo Region, Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, Kamchatka Territory, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Kurgan Region. Magadan Region, Republic of Adygea, Republic of Altai, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Karelia, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alaniya, the Republic of Tyva, the Republic of Khakassia, the Ulyanovsk region) - a significant lag behind other regions of the country in terms of socio-economic development, high unemployment, poor infrastructure support for the growth of urban settlements, a high level of social conflicts.

TO fourth type two “special regions” with low spatial mobility, high unemployment, economic stagnation, and difficult political situation are classified: the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Ingushetia.

In recent years, in the practice of regional management in the development of typologies, an approach based on theory of growth poles F. Perroux . For the first time, such an approach to the typology of regions was applied by the developers of the Expert RA rating agency in a study of the investment attractiveness of regions 101 .

The first three types of subjects of the Federation are “locomotive” regions, “core regions” and “growth poles”. They are united by the presence of a high investment potential and significant internal development resources, which allow them to develop quite steadily without significant support from the federal center.

Regions - "points of growth" - are small in population and economic power, characterized by low investment risk. In contrast to the “growth poles”, these regions have limited prospects for economic growth and already in 10–15 years they reach the limits of development due to the limited labor, territorial, water and other resources.

The “problem” type includes regions that have not fully utilized growth resources due to a worse investment climate and lack of investment. With an increase in investment attractiveness, the largest of them can become "poles", and small ones - "points" of growth.

The most numerous group is made up of regions “with undecided prospects”, the fate of which depends on the professionalism of the management of regional authorities.

Finally, the last group (“special attention”) was made up of regions with the highest investment risk and little potential, which currently do not have real economic and political prerequisites for moving to other categories.

The Austrian scientist J. Schumpeter distinguished five types of entrepreneurial innovations in the concept of the national innovation system:

Entering new markets;

Use of new resources;

Use of new technologies;

Production of new goods;

Use of new management methods.

It is these innovations that ensure the economic growth of the regions, and the focus on these growth factors should be the basis of the formulation key regional strategies.

1.7. Formation of a system of strategic management of regions

Particular attention in a market economy, characterized by increasing uncertainty in the development of the external environment, incompleteness and asymmetry of information, periods of ups and downs in economic development, should be given to the formation of a system of state and regional strategic management, including its most important component - strategic planning.

The actualization of the economic problems of the regions and the inability to solve them by traditional methods now objectively require the development of scientific foundations for the formation of a system of regional strategic management. The last two decades have been marked by significant changes (both national and global) at this level of government. There are already borrowings from foreign neo-bureaucratic management models built on rational decision-making processes. These changes, in our opinion, are due to the fact that in different countries classification and typological developments are applied differently for large-scale territorial systems. Therefore, it can be assumed that in a number of regions of Russia, it is necessary to develop on a new basis promising concepts of interaction and interdependent development of a large city - the industrial and scientific and technical center of the region - with small and medium-sized cities, rural areas of the surrounding territory.

Underestimation of the place and role of regional aspects in management in the Soviet period when building integral groupings, poor consideration of functional criteria in making managerial decisions related to the territorial organization of society in the post-Soviet period (especially for single-industry towns), led, in our opinion, to modern deformations in a number of regions of Russia. Today they are especially brightly manifested in their systemic crisis. In Russia, in the theory of regional management, since the collapse of the USSR, continuous searches have been conducted. But its traditional techniques come from past models of classical sectoral economic management, with an emphasis on control and organizational change. In addition to the current life support in the conditions of “forced” decentralization, the regions began to develop in the conditions of choosing alternatives for strategic prospects, create long-term investments in infrastructure development, improve their image characteristics for investors, the population, tourists, etc.

There is a need to revise the traditional approaches to the management of the region, associated with the transition from tactical, operational management to strategic thinking, when in conditions of uncertainty it is necessary to quickly respond to external changes. This is due to the results of changes in the management of regions, which are of a triple nature: first, as a result of reforming the role and functions of the state; secondly, changes in internal development impulses, and, thirdly, as the consequences of the influence of the world evolution of management and globalization processes.

Despite the fact that various strategic documents have been developed, approved and are currently in force in the Russian Federation: the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, development strategies for a number of industries, development strategies for a number of constituent entities of the Federation, an integrated system of state and regional strategic management not yet formed 102:

The generally recognized theoretical and methodological basis of strategic state and regional management has not been developed;

There is no consensus on the content of the concepts of "state and regional strategic management" and "state and regional strategic planning", these concepts are often used as synonyms;

There is no single approach to the structure of state and regional strategic planning documents and their relationship with medium-term and long-term planning documents: various strategic documents are developed at the federal and regional levels: strategies, concepts, programs containing forecasts and development plans for different periods - 10, 15, 20, 30 years;

Most strategic documents at the regional and municipal levels are not linked to strategic documents at the interregional (federal districts) and federal levels;

There is no system for coordinating the development strategies of industries and companies with the development strategies of federal districts and regions 103 ;

In most developed countries already in the 70s of the last century, a trend began to take shape towards a transition to a new, more modern model of public administration (in the works of foreign scientists, this direction is called “New Public Management”, that is, “new public management”, in contrast to from the traditional public administration "Public Administration"), focused on the use of methods and tools used in business in the practice of corporate governance, while in the Russian practice of state and regional administration, the approaches, methods and tools used during the period of administrative command system of the economy and do not take into account the peculiarities of development in the market.

The shortcomings of state and regional strategic management are largely due to the lack of an established system of normative documents regulating the processes of long-term development of the country and regions. The main regulatory document for the development of forecasts and plans for the development of the Russian Federation since 1995 is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 20, 1995 No. 115-FZ “On State Forecasting and Programs for the Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation” (as amended in 1999), in which, for the first time, definitions were given to the concepts "concept of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation", "program of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation", the sequence of development of forecasts, concepts and programs for the development of the Russian Federation, regions, industries was determined. However, despite the fact that thanks to this document, a legislative framework was created in the country and regions, which provided the basis for an orderly and purposeful strategic planning, at present the document does not fully meet the needs of long-term planning, and it is recognized that it is necessary to adopt its new version.

One of the first documents that defined the concept of “state planning” and listed its fundamental documents 104 was Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg No. 402 dated March 16, 2004 “On the organization of the activities of executive bodies in the field of state planning”. According to this document, the following regulatory legal acts are included in the state planning system:

The concept of socio-economic development for a period of validity (20 years).

Strategic plan (10 years).

Socio-economic development program (5 years).

Since 2006, the state has been paying attention to the strategic foundations of regional management: in 2006, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation developed a draft document "The concept of a strategy for the socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation until 2020", and in 2007 approved the "Requirements for a strategy for the socio-economic development of the subject Russian Federation". However, in the absence of a unified system of strategic management of the regions, including a strategic planning system, the strategic development plans adopted by the regions were practically not coordinated with the existing strategies for the development of industries, federal districts, the Concept for the Long-Term Development of the Russian Federation until 2020, many had a limited list of development scenarios similar to this the main strategic document of the socio-economic development of Russia, adopted in November 2008, at the beginning of the financial and economic crisis in Russia. As the crisis showed, “not those strategies where there were a lot of numbers turned out to be useful, but those where there were a lot of ideas, there was a scenario analysis showing the lines of behavior in different situations…” 105 .

“The absence in the country of a formed system of state and regional strategic management, the presence of only disparate, inconsistent regulations and strategic planning documents, their insufficient theoretical, methodological and practical study influenced the dynamics of the development of crisis phenomena in the regions, including regions with a high level and potential of social economic development, sectors, business structures and the country as a whole” 106 .

In May 2009, two Presidential Decrees were adopted aimed at improving the most important component of state and regional strategic management - strategic planning: "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020" and "On State Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation". In 2009, the Draft Federal Law "On State Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" was prepared and is being approved. The law should approve a single list and uniform requirements for strategic planning documents, rules for the distribution of federal and regional financial flows, and the use of budgetary funds. In August 2009, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, a document was approved aimed at improving the quality of budgetary process management in the regions of Russia, taking into account regional budgetary risks that emerged during the crisis - "The concept of interbudgetary relations and organization of the budgetary process in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities until 2013 ".

The creation of an orderly system of strategic management and planning, which has now begun to take shape in the Russian Federation, will contribute to overcoming a number of the above shortcomings in state and regional governance and will contribute to the introduction into public administration of a number of methods and tools of strategic management that have proven their effectiveness in managing Russian companies.

Modern modernization of strategic regional management is associated with fundamental transformations in the economy after the collapse of the USSR. They were influenced by the consequences of the crisis periods of the late 1990s and mid-2000s, which led to significant changes in the property rights of the regions, the features of the development of their environment, the socio-cultural potential, the lifestyle of the population, etc. Therefore, our In our opinion, the directions for further development of new approaches to strategic modernization will be determined by the goals of managing and positioning regions, using benchmarking, best practice examples and other effective management methods for this type of socio-economic systems. The real Russian management practice has come close to creating integral approaches in the strategic management of the development of regions that have a different size and type of formation.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the role of the state as the only strategic investor in ensuring regional development has consistently decreased in Russia. Free financial and material resources began to be concentrated in private business. Therefore, to an increasing extent, the regions began to manifest themselves as independent economic agents in the state management system, and the processes of their development began to go beyond their territorial boundaries. The rise of interest in how to effectively manage the regions in the new Russia was especially observed in the second half of the 1990s. This was a logical consequence of fundamental political and socio-economic reforms in the country, increasing their role in the system of local self-government. Many Russian regions and large cities are aware of the need to step up their position in managing the economy, in the transition to a more efficient use of their own, always limited resources. As noted by L. D. Kapranov and S. Ya. Zaretskaya, it is precisely after passing a long test in the conditions of fierce competition in the market economy that new methods are accepted as the basis for managing society in appropriate conditions. 107

Therefore, since the mid-1990s, in the theory of research and strategic management of Russian regions, approaches borrowed from foreign practice of strategic management, which prevail in the activities of large firms and corporations, are becoming more widespread. This is due to effective examples in the management of corporate business units that have been implemented in foreign practice of regional management and in the non-profit sector.

It should be emphasized that the largest number of theoretical and practical developments in this area were made abroad in the 1960s, during the period of transition from crisis to corporate management, when the problem of the firm's survival in an unstable environment in a competitive environment becomes the subject of systematic discussions in management. In the context of developing models and approaches in strategic regional management, a strategic approach is also beginning to take shape as a result of proven ideas in the private sector. The effectiveness of individual methods was taken into account when developing a system of measures for development in an unstable competitive environment, and new challenges formulated in the concept of sustainable development were also taken into account. However, they were limited due to their elaboration for certain aspects of development in a crisis of development, by analogy with management in corporations.

Modern theoretical concepts of strategic management for the regional level of economic development abroad, primarily in the developed countries of Western Europe and the United States, began to develop only in the late 1980s. The main reasons for the interest of researchers in this area include:

The aggravation of economic and social problems in many countries of the world, which became especially noticeable starting from the second half of the 1970s (the time of world economic crises);

The growth of specific territorial problems (differentiation of the living standards of the population, problems associated with the growth of urbanization, social transformations, changes in the spatial structure of the economy);

Complication of management mechanisms at the local level (development of local self-government, complication of the internal structure of the economy of regions, especially large ones, which required comprehensive approaches to managing them at a high quality level);

Globalization and, as a result, the aggravation of interregional and international competition, in which the regions are drawn.

The differences between the traditional approach to managing the development of regions and the strategic one can be seen in Fig. 7 and 8 108 .

Rice. 7. The traditional approach to managing the socio-economic development of the region

Rice. 8. Signs of a strategic approach to managing the socio-economic development of the region

The specificity of the strategic approach to the management of the region lies in the fact that the subject that determines the development guidelines is located in itself (see Fig. 8). It should be noted that, being at the forefront in using the most effective methods and techniques of management in the conditions of fierce market competition, corporations have been carriers of promising experience for state and regional authorities since the industrial revolution of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Focus on development became the motive for addressing the issues of strategic regional management. With the development of the processes of state restructuring, a more accurate determination of the scope of powers of federal and subfederal authorities, it becomes possible to implement new technologies for managing the development of regions as competitive units.

1.8. Theoretical and methodological basis for the development of strategic regional management

The attention that has been paid in recent years to strategic regional management in Russia, in our opinion, is more a response to the question of how to design future development, what methods to reliably assess the current situation and help formulate goals and implement plans. If we apply the analogies of the development of the region as a special territorial organization with the development of large enterprises and firms, then taking into account many modern changes is of particular importance here, since it may entail the need for a strategic maneuver, revision of goals and adjustment of the general direction of development.

The theoretical and methodological basis should be based on a system of principles, on the one hand, including the general principles of management, and on the other hand, taking into account the specific requirements for the strategic management of the development of the region. The following principles are most often used: adaptability, dynamism, innovation, alternative (development options), uniqueness, external and internal integration, balance of interests.

The most important principle of strategic management of the development of municipal socio-economic systems is adaptability, which involves ensuring the adaptability of the strategic management system to changing external and internal conditions.

Dynamism means the ability to respond more quickly than competitors to changes in the environment.

Closely related to the principle of dynamism is the principle innovation which implies a constant search for new forms and types of management activities, aimed at strengthening existing competitive advantages, identifying and strengthening new ones.

Principle alternatives, based on the theory of social alternatives, provides, depending on the emerging conditions, the possibility of making one or more solutions to achieve its goals during the construction, operation and development of the management system.

According to the principle uniqueness, The development strategies of each region are always unique, so there are no universal management solutions, even if there is a certain standard set of procedures.

Principle external and internal integration involves the inclusion (integration) of the regional socio-economic system in global, national, socio-economic and cultural processes to achieve maximum benefits and advantages, as well as internal integration of activities, including investment, to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Principle balance of interests provides for taking into account the interests, attitudes and opportunities of a wide range of social actors and stake-holders 109 , finding a consensus between interested management entities regarding strategic goals, priorities and mechanisms for their practical implementation. The provisions of these principles constitute not only the methodological basis of strategic management, but also the scientific basis for the implementation of the strategy.

The most important element of the methodology of strategic management of the development of the region is its logics as a system of ideas about the sequence and validity of the processes associated with the development of strategic decisions, as well as about the stages of formation and implementation of the strategy. The logic of strategic management specifies the methodology and serves as the basis for the development of strategic management technology. In most publications, graphical interpretations are used to describe the logic of strategic management - logical diagrams or diagrams of conceptual models of strategic management. A special section will be devoted to this aspect of the theoretical and methodological basis of regional strategic management.

Under theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic regional management we will understand a system of theoretical positions, principles, research techniques that reveal a certain commonality of approaches of scientists belonging to several branches of scientific knowledge, in order to more comprehensively display the object under study. The main scientific complexes and theories, as well as scientific areas (disciplines) that form the modern theoretical basis of strategic regional management, are presented in fig. 9. When considering the fundamental foundations of traditional economic science, based on the theory of general economic equilibrium, it can be noted that it is unable to fully explain the transition processes taking place in Russia in the field of regional strategic management, to offer reasonable recommendations for the transition to a socially oriented market economy based on on the technologies of the industrial-information society. It is important to note the change in the scientific paradigm associated with the development of evolutionary theory, which in a post-industrial society forms the methodological basis for development. It was briefly formulated by the authors of the fundamental study "Management of Russia's Socio-Economic Development: Concepts, Goals, Mechanisms" 110 .

“The essence of what is happening in Russia is more consistent with the evolutionary direction of economic science, which includes:

Marx's theory of the change of socio-economic formations depending on the development of productive forces and the production relations associated with them, primarily property rights, based on the ideas of the great Russian economist N. Kondratiev;

The concept of changing technological modes, according to which the fifth technological mode currently dominates in the developed countries of Western Europe, Asia and the United States (its essence is informatics and telecommunications), while in Russia the role of the third and fourth technological modes (pre-information technologies), which indicates a noticeable lag of Russia from the group of developed countries;

Numerous developments in the field of institutional theory, which studies how the economic rules of human behavior change and how these changes affect economic growth, technological progress, and the well-being of the people;

The theory of economic development by J. Schumpeter, in which for the first time in economics the huge role of innovators in the development of production is demonstrated, it is shown what happens when they invade the economic space; one of the main drivers of evolution for Schumpeter is the principle of creative destruction - creative destruction;

The evolutionary theory of behavior of firms developed by R. Nelson and S. Winter…” 111 .

Rice. 9.

Scientific areas (disciplines) of the theoretical basis of strategic regional management

Evolutionary paradigm closely related to the idea of ​​cyclical development. An analysis of works in the field of cyclic genetic theory shows that at present it is indeed quite naturally chosen as a methodological component of the evolutionary paradigm, adding to the latter the formalization of the revealed patterns, which is so significant for modern knowledge.

The methodological principles of evolutionary theory, which have a significant impact on the formation of the conceptual foundations of strategic regional management, include the following: synergistic (interactive interaction with an additional effect), genetic (combination of heredity and variability, stability and stability), combinations of innovation and inertia, combinations of self-regulation with external control, correlation of determinism and freedom of choice, modeling principles.

The work of D. S. Lvov, A. G. Grandberg and A. P. Egorkin “Strategic management: region, city, enterprise” presents the concept of a social approach to the development of a region’s strategy 112 (Table 7).

Table 7

Analysis of the traditional and social approach to the development of a strategy for the socio-economic development of the region

As can be seen from Table. 7, the traditional concept is the central planning of sectors and proportions of the national economy based on the inter-sectoral balance and the minimum needs of the population. Agreeing with the opinion of Ya. Yu. all-round development of the personality of citizens according to the criterion of the quality of life of the population, on which it, in fact, is based 113 .

The validity of the implementation of strategic management techniques to administrative-territorial units (such as a region, city, municipality) as an object of management in theory in the late 1990s is also associated with the use of the accumulated scientific potential of organization theory. This is a discipline of the scientific complex of the general theory of control 114 . The subject of its study is the patterns of construction, functioning and development of organizations of various types and forms (business, state, political, public, etc. 115 In the scientific community, the concepts of “organization”, “corporation of citizens”, “capitalization” of assets, “ values ​​"and their derivatives. The general impetus to solving managerial problems, such as taking into account the complex orientation and hierarchy of goals, the interconnection of the diversity of interests and actions of direct and feedback in the regional management system, etc., has led to a debatable interpretation of the term "organization". It was necessary to overcome a number of errors and more fully take into account the growing diversity of institutions in the territory.

Consideration of the region as an organization in the social, substantive, attributive, activity, institutional, proper management aspect, as well as the multidimensionality of the problems of forming the theoretical and methodological foundations of the strategic management of its development, allow us to formulate the main methodological principles of the study - interdisciplinarity and synthesis of knowledge. Taking into account the scientific works of the above researchers, we will define the main conceptual approaches of management theory that form the theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic regional management:

systems approach;

cybernetic approach;

functional approach;

program-target approach;

actor approach in decision theory;

project approach;

approach based on decision theory;

marketing approach;

process approach;

resource approach;

value-oriented approach, etc.

Systems approach explores in detail the properties and elements of complexly organized systems for targeted impact.

Cybernetic approach involves consideration of the interaction of the control (subject of control) and managed (object of control) subsystems. It is fundamental in the structuring of a management system of any type and hierarchical level.

The basis of the functional approach in management is the study of operations, on the basis of which management functions are designed, described, analyzed and optimized. Within the framework of this approach, the line of strategic planning has been developed, which determines the content of strategic management. The functional approach involves consideration of a set of types of management activities, their content, as well as the results of this activity, depending on the factors of the internal and external environment. It is necessary for a meaningful understanding of how the system operates, what is the mechanism for setting goals and ensuring goals.

logic program-targeted approach the paradigm "program - goal - result" is used. In this approach, the movement from the goal to the result is described by means of software, thus, the process of movement itself is programmed (algorithmic, operationalized) from the moment the goal is set to the result. As part of this approach, a results-based management system was born.

At the core decision theory lies actor view of management activities, the management process is considered from the point of view of preparation and decision-making. Among managerial decisions, researchers single out such a type as strategic, considered as a means of rationalizing the problems of strategic management, primarily goal setting. In our opinion, studies devoted to this issue in the field of strategic management of regional socio-economic systems are clearly not enough. In this regard, we note the work of D. Yu. Lapygin, devoted to decision-making in regional strategic management 116 .

Project approach is based on the concept of "project", which acts not only as a management object with some specific features, but also as a general characteristic of the essence of project management, as its new property. Most definitions of the concept of "project" are based on three main characteristics of the project: the presence of a unique goal, limited time, the presence of resource constraints. Considering the problem of a project-oriented approach to managing a region, A. A. Efremov gives his own definition of project management: this is “a special type of management activity based on a preliminary thorough study of a comprehensive plan (model) of actions to achieve a unique goal and consisting of the development and implementation of such plan (model)" 117 .

Modern project management is a special kind of management, which one way or another can be applied to the management of any objects, and not just those with obvious signs of a project. The application of the project management methodology in the field of strategic regional management makes it possible to implement the ideas of strategic and urban (local) megaprojects.

Local mega-projects are projects in which several stakeholders will participate, decisions will be made on the basis of consent in order to achieve strategic guidelines for the development of the region. Megaprojects will allow launching a social partnership mechanism based on the principles of resource integration, respect for partners' goals and mutual responsibility.

Decision Theory Approach is considered from the point of view of the process of their preparation and implementation on the basis of typology, which leads researchers to determine strategic decisions. The disadvantage of this approach is that the results depend on the quality of work, personal competence and vision of the manager, so when the official is changed, the positive trend in the implementation of the strategy may change 118 . American scientists E. Norberg and W. Duffy put forward a theory of decision making, according to which the economic system is defined as a socially recognized mechanism through which decisions are made in the process of production, consumption and distribution of resources 119 . There are three subsystems in the economic system: decision-making, informational and motivational. The decision-making system is a set of institutional and legal rules for the distribution of powers in the field of decision-making. An important role is given to the form of ownership, which determines the nature of the relationship between the subjects. The information system includes a set of mechanisms and channels for collecting information. Its main function is to ensure the harmonization and coordination of economic decisions. The motivational system is a set of rules, mechanisms that act as a form of implementation of economic decisions.

Marketing Approach is associated not only with general non-commercial marketing activities, but also with improving the qualitative indicators of the development of the territory: ensuring its ecological situation and balanced development, improving working conditions and economic progress, promoting and advertising the territory. In management theory, there has not yet been a unified definition of regional marketing. Without dwelling in detail, we note that marketing of land, housing, economic development zones, investment marketing, tourism marketing is being developed 120 . In a broad sense, “regional marketing” is a more complex concept, combining the above directions with a program for a more general and complex transformation of the environment in the interests and with the aim of increasing its competitiveness.

Supporters process approach are such well-known scientists as A. A. Thomson and A. J. Strickland 121 who consider the process of preparing and making strategic decisions - the sequence and content of the stages and stages of the management process. It is applicable to determine the logic and build the technology of strategic management. Fundamental is the fact that processes are made up of functions that are structured in such a way that they produce certain results. Strategic management technology is understood as a set of interrelated management processes aimed at developing, substantiating, adopting, implementing and adjusting strategic decisions. As noted by S. V. Sokolova and B. I. Sokolov, “the development of control technologies is a new level of system analysis and management. It is due to the development of management technology, its functions and methods” 122 .

resource approach considers resources as sources and at the same time restrictions on any activity. The problem of the approach appears when resources are divided into tactical and strategic, while strategic resources are necessarily cash, that is, currently existing. The concept of sustainable managed development refers to strategic resources on which the reproduction of human life and activity depends; the necessity of transition from extensive to intensive development, from the use of exogenous resources to endogenous, that is, more strategic and at the same time difficult to use, is substantiated. Management subjects, using available resources, build a strategy based on key success factors, which ultimately grows into competitive advantages. The problem of this approach is the focus on competition in the market. At the same time, firstly, the region, in our opinion, cannot be considered as a purely market object, and secondly, the problem of determining the criteria for success arises.

Value Based Approach introduced into the practice of non-profit organizations and regional bodies abroad, demanded a revision of the entire management methodology in the last 10–12 years. Chapter 4 will elaborate on the content of this approach and its implications for strategic regional management.

The analysis carried out showed the positive and negative aspects of a number of approaches to strategic regional management described above (Table 8). As can be seen from the table, each of the presented approaches has its pros and cons. As many researchers rightly point out, strategic management in Russia has historically been and continues to be the "Achilles' heel" of the Russian economy.

A transition to its new model is necessary, since, as Yu. A. Malenkov notes, in the traditional model there is no influence of the human factor, there is also no system for managing the implementation of the strategy, and the principles of effective control are violated 124 . The problems of modernization of strategic regional management in theory are connected with the achievements of science with many approaches and concepts. They can also include areas: network, synergy, postmodern, etc.

Table 8

Analysis of key approaches to the strategic management of the region 123

Most of them are based on techniques that were actively popularized in foreign practice during the transition in the mid-1990s from administration and bureaucratic coercion to “cooperation” on the territory. Each concept has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we determine the importance and necessity of developing an integrated approach to strategic regional management. It should be noted that we put the position of the resource approach on the presence of strengths in the potential of the region in the central place, since it is the available resources that are the starting point for any development both in the public and in the corporate sector. At the same time, we believe that development should be based on the use of internal resources, which reflects the position of the concept of sustainable development. The program-targeted and functional approaches complement the development strategy of the region. Information about the implementation of the strategy, as well as about the resources and effectiveness of the control action is evaluated according to a systematic approach, and on this basis, the strategy is adjusted through the control action.

An integrated approach includes the advantages of all the approaches to strategic regional management that we have considered, makes it possible to build a development strategy with the possibility of operational management of its implementation, relying on available resources and based on the use of programs focused on achieving strategic goals using a results-based management and evaluation system. implementation based on a systematic approach.

1.9. Information and analytical basis for research of public administration processes in the context of globalization

The effective socio-economic development of the country, regions, as well as the processes of public administration at the federal and regional levels are associated with “the need to timely obtain and analyze complete, reliable, scientifically based official statistical information on social, economic, demographic, environmental and other social phenomena in the Russian Federation" 125 . A high-quality information and statistical base makes it possible to study and optimize the processes of socio-economic development of Russian regions that are becoming more complicated in the context of globalization, and is the basis for conducting strategic analysis - the most important component of the strategic planning process.

The adoption of the law on official statistical accounting and the gradual adaptation of methods for collecting and providing information to international standards of statistical reporting have significantly improved the quality and expanded the system of indicators for analyzing the economy and social sphere of the constituent entities of the Federation. Significant steps in improving the use of official statistics to analyze the development of regions and the effectiveness of regional governance were made in 2007-2009, when the system of indicators was approved to assess the effectiveness of the management of regions and municipalities. Decree issued in 2007

Presidential No. 825 "On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation"; in 2008, the Decree of the President "On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local governments of urban districts and municipal districts" was approved, in 2009 the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 806-r was issued, in accordance with which Rosstat began issuing a monthly statistical bulletin "Information for monitoring the socio-economic situation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation", which contains statistical data for monitoring processes in the real sector of the economy, financial, banking and social spheres of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The conditions for the provision of statistical information and the obligations of enterprises and the organization to provide statistical information were specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the conditions for the mandatory provision of primary statistical data and administrative data to subjects of official statistical accounting” dated August 18, 2008 No. 620.

In accordance with new approaches to the management of the regional economy, all socio-economic processes occurring in territories of different hierarchical levels, there are new requirements for the content of regional studies, which should allow a detailed analysis of socio-economic processes, identify disproportions in the existing regional structures and allow developing mechanisms for managing them. These include 126:

Transition from research based on the use of only single absolute and relative indicators to research based on the use of integral index indicators, which make it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the development of regional socio-economic processes based on the use of the method of comparative analysis;

Application of the systematization method for compiling groupings, classifications, typologies of regions;

Development of a system of indicators that allows to deeply assess a particular socio-economic process, determine its current state, rational standard, necessity, possibility and direction of control;

Use of all information possibilities for statistical analysis of the development of regions based on Russian and foreign experience in conducting such studies.

Currently, there are a large number of various sources of information, including regulatory, methodological, analytical and statistical components of the analysis, based on the data of which it is possible to conduct studies, including comparative ones, of regional socio-economic processes in the Russian Federation (Table 9).

Table 9

The main sources of information for the analysis of the management system at the federal and regional levels

Data Matters primary statistical reporting(official forms of statistical reporting filled out by enterprises and organizations and sent to state statistical bodies, annual reports of companies, reports of regional and local governments, departmental statistics, which is developed in the systems of federal executive authorities in addition to the Federal State Statistics Service). There was an opinion that only the state statistics body should provide the state authorities at all levels with the information necessary to solve important strategic tasks, not taking into account the fact that there are departmental statistics that are developed in the systems of other federal executive bodies. This is due to the fact that the current system of information and statistical support for federal executive bodies has a number of shortcomings 127:

Departmental fragmentation of information and statistical resources, in connection with which the efficiency of the work of federal executive bodies and the quality of public services are significantly reduced;

Lack of systematized regulation of the rights and obligations of federal executive bodies in the formation of statistical information resources in order to widely use this information;

Lack of a system for monitoring and analyzing the effectiveness and efficiency of completed and ongoing programs and projects;

Lack of technological compatibility of information systems of federal executive authorities, which hinders the formation of electronic interdepartmental information exchange.

One of the most basic sources of statistical information for conducting research on the development of Russian regions are official Russian statistical reporting data: statistical collections published by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) and territorial departments of Rosstat. Currently, statistical collections are available in printed and electronic form, including statistical indicators on all aspects of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and published annually by Rosstat: "Russia in Figures", "Russian Statistical Yearbook", "Regions of Russia", etc. Almost annually thematic collections are published containing detailed statistical information on the development of individual sectors of the economy, the demographic situation, labor resources and the standard of living of the population of Russia and the subjects of the Federation.

Another source for analyzing mesoeconomic processes are documents and databases of federal government bodies: ministries, federal services, federal agencies. First of all, these are the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Regional Development, the Federal State Statistics Service, sectoral ministries, etc. A prerequisite is also the use data of regional and municipal authorities.

Important sources of statistical information that make it possible to conduct comparative studies, determine directions for improving Russian statistical accounting, expand the list of statistical indicators that can be analyzed are official statistical collections, statistical computer programs and annual reports published by international organizations: the World Bank and its structural divisions 128 , the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, specialized divisions and organizations of the UN: UNDP, UNCTAD, UNIDO, IMF, etc. Noteworthy are the computer data processing programs used, which provide the ability to generate tables and export them to Excel, Access, statistical programs SPSS, Statistica, S.A.S.

End of introductory segment.