Top best-selling and listened to Belarusian artists. Top of the most famous and recognizable Belarusian actors Artists of Belarus

Belarusian singers have always enjoyed great success with the Russian public. And today, young performers of the republic take part in competitions, reality shows, and various television projects in Russia.

Stars of the past

Now they are no longer so famous, but they used to gather halls. Belarusian singers who were popular in the 20th century:

  • VIA "Syabry".
  • Tamara Raevskaya.
  • VIA "Verasy".
  • Victor Vujacic.
  • VIA "Pesnyary".
  • Valery Daineko.
  • Ensemble "Trinity".
  • Vladimir Provalinsky.
  • Ensemble "Belarusian Songwriters", etc.

Modern stars of Belarus

On the modern stage, the performers of the republic occupy a worthy place. Popular Belarusian singers of our days:

  • Alesya.
  • Vocal group "Pure voice".
  • Dmitry Koldun.
  • Ruslan Alekhno.
  • Seryoga.
  • Group "Lyapis Trubetskoy".
  • Peter Elfimov.
  • Alexander Rybak.
  • Yuri Demidovich.
  • Aloe Color Group.
  • George Sorcerer.
  • Leprikonsy group.
  • Sergei Volchkov.
  • Alexander Ivanov.
  • Olga Satsyuk and others.


Ensemble "Syabry" was created in 1974 at the Philharmonic of the city of Gomel. Valentin Badyarov became its first leader. A few years later, the ensemble received the status of VIA. In 1977, Belarusian singers from the Syabry group became laureates of the All-Union Soviet Song Contest. A year later, the team recorded their first record. At the same time, their most famous song, “Alesya”, entered the VIA repertoire.

In 1981, the ensemble changed its leader. Anatoly Yarmolenko took the place of Valentin Badyarov. He leads the team to this day. Over the years of its work, the ensemble has repeatedly become the laureate of prizes, competitions, received government awards. In 2008, VIA was awarded the honorary title - Honored Team of the Republic of Belarus. Now the soloist Alesya, the daughter of Anatoly Yarmolenko, has appeared in Syabry.


One of the most famous Belarusian bands of the Soviet years is VIA "Pesnyary". These Belarusian singers were the most popular. The team was created in 1969 in Minsk by Vladimir Mulyavin. The ensemble's repertoire included folk songs in variety adaptations. Also "Pesnyary" staged two rock operas. Initially, the ensemble was called "Lyavony". A year later, the artists began to be called "Pesnyars".

The most beloved soloist of "Pesnyarov" among the public was the owner of the gentlest tenor Leonid Bortkevich, who joined the team in 1970. A year later, the first record of the ensemble was recorded and tours began abroad. "Pesnyary" was the only Soviet team that visited the United States.

In 1979, the entire composition of the VIA was awarded the title

In 1998, the team split into several separate groups. The reason for this was the appointment of a new leader. Vladislav Misevich headed the team. According to the official version, V. Mulyavin was dismissed due to illness. V. Misevich, on the other hand, claimed that this happened because of Vladimir's addiction to alcohol. V. Mulyavin died in 2003.

Today five ensembles perform under the Pesnyary brand. In addition to their songs, they perform compositions of the legendary VIA. The head of the department of arts of the republic M. Kozlovich recognizes only the team "Belarusian Pesnyary". He believes that this group rightfully inherited the name and repertoire, and the rest of the ensembles are illegitimate.

The most popular songs of VIA "Pesnyary":

  • "Alexandrina".
  • "Veronica".
  • "I dreamed about you in the spring."
  • "Belarus".
  • "Yas mowed down the canyushina."
  • "Our favorites".
  • "Khatyn".
  • "Cry of a bird".
  • "Belovezhskaya Pushcha".
  • "Kupalina".
  • "Vologda".
  • "Birch juice".
  • "Half an hour before spring."
  • "White Rus' you are mine."
  • "You are my hope".
  • "Talyanochka".
  • "Corner of Russia".
  • "Until the third cocks."
  • "The Ballad of the Photograph".
  • "Enchanted".
  • "Alesya".
  • "Unbridled horse".
  • "Belarusian".
  • "Red Rose".

V. Vujacic

Viktor Vuyachich is a Belarusian singer who was popular during the Soviet era. He was born in 1934 and died in 1999. During the war years, the family was evacuated to Altai. It was there that little Vitya began to study music. In 1957 V. Vuyachich moved to Minsk. In 1962 he graduated from the M. Glinka Music College. Since 1966 he has been a soloist of the Belarusian Philharmonic. A year later, the artist became a laureate of the second degree of the international competition "Golden Orpheus" in Bulgaria. His repertoire included opera arias, military and pop songs, as well as romances.

V. Vuyachich toured all over the world. After the collapse of the USSR, the singer performed only in Belarus. Until the end of his days, he led the concert association. In 1999 Viktor Vuyachich was awarded the Francis Skaryna medal. He also received the title of People's Artist of Belarus. In the same year, the singer died due to a serious illness.


Sergey Vasilyevich Parkhomenko, or Seryoga, is a hip-hop singer. The artist was born in Gomel in 1976. The composition "Black Boomer", which became a hit, brought him fame. Before making a career in pop music, Sergey was engaged in science. But the chronic need for money forced him to change his occupation. In 2002, the artist recorded his first track. In 2004, a video was filmed for the song "Black Boomer". The video won several awards. The composition for a long time occupied the top lines of the charts, sounded on radio and television. In 2007, Sergey recorded a track for an American computer game. In 2008, the artist released his fourth album. From 2010 to 2013, he was a judge on the X-factor Ukraine project. S. Parkhomenko recorded his fifth album only in 2014.

Seryoga himself calls his compositions sports ditties. The singer is now preparing to release his sixth album.

S. Volchkov

Sergei Volchkov is a Belarusian baritone. He was born in 1988 in the city of Bykhov, in a family far from music. Sergei, from childhood, gravitated towards art. He graduated from a music school, and then a college named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, piano class. Then he entered GITIS, the department of musical theater.

Sergey Volchkov gained fame thanks to his victory in the musical television competition "Voice".

In 2014, the artist performed in Vitebsk at the Slavyansky Bazaar festival, where his first solo concert entitled "My Rody Kut" took place. The auditorium was packed. Since 2014, S. Volchkov has been collaborating with Alexandra Pakhmutova. In 2015, Sergei went on tour in almost a hundred cities. Now the artist is preparing an album for release, where he will perform songs written especially for him.

Alexander Ivanov

A. V. Ivanov is a modern Belarusian singer. Performs under the pseudonym IVAN. The artist was born in Gomel in 1994. His father and older brother are musicians.

Alexander graduated from a music school in guitar class. In 2013, the singer took part in the show "Battle of the Choirs". In 2014, he won the Five Stars competition, held in Yalta. In 2015, A. Ivanov took second place in the TV show "Main Stage". Victor Drobysh became the artist's producer.

In 2016, this Belarusian singer represented his country at Eurovision. He planned to appear on stage naked and with two live wolves. But the organizers of the competition forbade the artist to perform in this form. The number was urgently changed. Alexander sang in clothes, and the wolves were in the form of a hologram. The artist performed in the second semi-final. He failed to reach the final of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Who will decorate a corporate party better than a pop and television star? The professional approach of the artist, his recognition, extensive experience of performing at various venues guarantee guests a lot of pleasant emotions. Artists at the event sing live and professionally play various musical instruments. They take into account the age category of guests, the tastes and preferences of the customer, the format of the celebration.

The best artists for a wedding, corporate party or other holiday at your service!

A professional artist is able to create an enchanting holiday. This is a guarantee that the guests will remain in a good mood, and the customer will be satisfied. Most showmen have made their careers in radio and television. For example, such famous personalities as Alexander Revva, Vadim Galygin, Pavel Volya, Ivan Urgant, Lera Kudryavtseva, Evelina Bledans and many others. On our site you can find and order famous artists from Belarus and neighboring countries.

The order of artists is necessary when organizing anniversaries, weddings, corporate parties, birthdays. The choice of artists for a corporate party and any other event is the widest: Belarusian and foreign pop stars, including popular singers and singers, musical groups, famous showmen.

Depending on your preferences, you can choose both a foreign artist (Alsu, Alexander Gradsky, Yolka, Lolita, singer Nyusha, Agutin), and an artist for a wedding from Minsk and other cities of Belarus (Alexander Solodukha, Anna Sharkunova, Dmitry Koldun, Alexander Tikhanovich and Yadviga Poplavskaya). All singers have considerable experience and a rich repertoire.

How to easily order an artist for a wedding in Minsk or any other city in Belarus

1.. The catalog of artists is divided into categories, making it easy to navigate. See photos, listen to music, read reviews.

2. The organizers work directly with the performers, choosing the best prices for the artists.

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Want something bigger? Order a show for an anniversary or any other holiday, and your guests will be delighted with the emotions received. For the design and maintenance of festive events, you will need a service

Name offhand five of your favorite actors ... Do you remember? How many of them turned out to be of Belarusian origin? One? Two? But most likely none, right? And this is not surprising, because, as a rule, Hollywood or Russian film actors, the audience's favorites, outshine domestic actors. Despite this, one should not forget that the Belarusian land also gave the cinema a lot of stars, if not world, but certainly all-Union (Eurasian) scale. Belarusian artists have left a significant mark on the Soviet film classics, and today they often play the main roles in Russia. We recognize many of them visually, but we are far from always aware that they are our fellow countrymen, therefore we take them for Russians. You have probably already understood that the article will focus on the most famous Belarusian actors, whose Belarusian origin is not known to a very wide range of viewers.

Alexander Bespaly. Photo:

Alexander Sergeevich was born in Polotsk in 1948, and died quite recently - on August 22, 2016. During his not too long life, he played 130 film roles, received the title of Honored Artist of Belarus and the Francysk Skaryna medal. Of the most famous paintings in which Alexander Bespaly took part, one can single out “Secret to the whole world”, “White dew”, “Zina-Zinulya” and “Starfall”. He worked at the film studio Belarusfilm and at the Minsk Theater-studio of a film actor.

Vladimir Gostyukhin. Photo:

One of the most recognizable Belarusian actors. Largely thanks to the series "Truckers", where he perfectly played the main role, along with Vladislav Galkin, becoming the symbol of the series. In addition, he played in the famous and more than once noted films “Coast”, “Magistral”, “In Search of Captain Grant”, “Fox Hunting”, in the film about Belarusian partisans “Ascent”, which became the first Soviet film to receive the highest award. at the 1977 West Berlin International Film Festival.

Vladimir Vasilyevich was born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), but since 1981 he worked at the Belarusfilm film studio. He is the People's Artist of Belarus. As a rule, he plays courageous and strong-willed people who are irreconcilable with injustice and dishonesty.

Gennady Garbuk. Photo:

People's Artist of the Byelorussian SSR was born in the Ushachsky district of the Vitebsk region in 1934. He graduated from the Belarusian Theater and Art Institute, and since 1962 he has been working at the Ya. Kupala National Academic Theater. He played in such famous Soviet films as "White Dew", "Mother-in-law", "The Mysterious Heir". In addition, he played in the films "Brest Fortress", "Pop", "At the Nameless Height". In addition to the title of People's Artist, he was awarded the Francisk Skorina medal and the USSR State Prize for the role of Anna's father in the film "People in the Swamp"

Anatoly Kotenev. Photo:

Anatoly Vladimirovich Kotenev was born in Sukhumi, lived in the Stavropol Territory, studied at the Sverdlovsk Theater School. To Belarus Anatoly Kotenev I arrived at the invitation of Boris Ivanovich Lutsenko, who at that time directed the Theater-Studio of the film actor (1982-1991), which predetermined his future fate.

The actor is now very actively acting in Russian films, is popular. Among the most famous films and series are “Special Forces”, “Whose are you, old man?”, “Kamenskaya”, “Red Square”, “Assassination”, “Metro”, “Voronins”.

Ivan Matskevich. Photo:

The Honored Artist of Belarus worked at the Brest Drama Theater (1968-1981), the Theater-Studio of the Film Actor (1981-1996), and since 1996 he has been working at the Gorky National Academic Theater. Recognizable by such films as "Hatred", "The Tale of the Star Boy", "Man from the Black Volga", "Vultures on the Roads", "Khrustalev, the car!"

Gennady Ovsyannikov. Photo:

People's Artist of the USSR was born in Mogilev in 1935. The artist has a rather interesting fate. After seven years, he entered the Mogilev Engineering College, then took the documents and left for the Riga Naval School, but six months later he returned to Belynichi, graduated from the ten years and entered the Belarusian Theater and Art Institute. As you can see, the artist was looking for his calling for a long time, but then he was expected to be a huge success: immediately after graduation, in 1957 he got a job at the Belarusian Drama Theater named after Y. Kupala, and over the next years he played in the films “The Last Summer of Childhood”, “ Long versts of war”, “Amazing adventures of Denis Korablev”. He played wonderfully in the new films "Dunechka", "Assassination" and "Talash".

Rostislav Yankovsky. Photo:

The People's Artist of the USSR was born in 1930 in Odessa, and died quite recently - on June 26, 2016 in Minsk. He is of Belarusian-Polish origin, graduated from the Leninabad Theater Studio (Tajik SSR), worked at the Leninabad Drama Theater until in 1957 he moved to Minsk with his family. Since then, more than half a century he worked on Belarusian soil: first he played in the State Russian Drama Theater of the Belarusian SSR named after. M. Gorky, and from 1995 to 2010 he was the chairman of the international film festival "Listapad". In his filmography there is a place for such films as "Two Comrades Served", "The Tale of the Star Boy", "Flame", "Battle for Moscow", "Dolphin's Cry", "In June 41st".

Igor Sigov. Photo:

One of the most recognizable Belarusian actors of our time is Igor Sigov, who was born in 1968 in Polotsk. In the first half of the 1990s, the artist graduated from the Belarusian Academy of Arts, and at the same time became an actor in the Republican Theater of Belarusian Drama. The actor is very recognizable throughout the post-Soviet space thanks to his participation in famous Russian films and TV series - "Kamenskaya", "Kidnapping", "At the nameless height", "Franz + Polina", "1612", "Pop", "Attempt", "Traces apostles."


Belarusians have been able, are able and will be able to act in films. But in the socio-cultural space, their origin is extremely weakly expressed, which may indicate the modesty of the national character. Well, it is not customary for us to shout about our nationality at every step and be arrogantly proud of it.

Belarusian actors contributed to the development of Soviet cinema, which was perceived as one whole, regardless of the origin of the actors, which also did not contribute to the consolidation of such a phenomenon as classical Belarusian cinema in the mass consciousness.

There is no escape from tradition: on the eve of the New Year holidays, hands are itching to sum up the results of the musical year. We were curious how many Belarusian artists manage to release their CDs in a year on those 5-6 music labels that are consistently represented on our market?

It turned out that quite a few: with God's help and the active support of music experts, we have compiled a list of all the more or less high-profile releases of 2007. There were 50 of them. The figure, in our opinion, is impressive, although, as you know, a gigantic number of released albums does not always indicate their impeccable quality. We asked the most prominent rock and pop music experts in the capital to carefully study our Top 50 list and recommend no more than five albums for listening.

Expert opinions:

Egor Khrustalev, general producer of ONT:

- I would note the album of Galina Shishkova. I can't stress enough that it is made up of my songs, a very important work for me, although I can hardly evaluate it objectively. I don't know why the subsequent speakers don't pay any attention to pop singers. It seems to me that music critics should be versed in all musical genres, not just rock. I'm looking at your list, it seems to me that the music over the past year has become of lower quality compared to the previous one. When we did "Song of the Year" two years ago, the artists brought good, strong pop music that had apparently been through suffering for several years. Every second song was a hit. There were no hits in 2007. The most stable of the artists represented in the "Top 50" is, of course, Vladimir Pugach and the group "J: Mors". Noteworthy is the Atlantica group. Although, you know, in our production environment there is an opinion that the quality and professionalism of artists are judged not by the first disc, but by the second. So, the first Atlantica album was, in my opinion, stronger. I have respect for all the newly appeared albums of our good old rockers, although, in my opinion, they did not offer anything super new this year. Consistently good, with a plus sign, the group "Krama" makes music. The iconic work "Capital" by the "Lyapis": their musical provocation brought them good commercial dividends. They again returned to their group "all-Union" interest. Recently, we tried to invite them to shoot ONT projects and could not do this simply because of the tight tour schedule of the Lyapis Trubetskoy group. I also really liked the new album of the Leprikonsy group: Ilya Mitko works great in the theme of folk recitative, but he is fatally unlucky. His song "Not a Couple" appeared much earlier than the duet of Potap and Nastya Kamensky, well, Ilya just turned out to be farther from record companies that can provide decent rotation. Although today music labels are already becoming obsolete. I hope that in the future, when our musicians start distributing their music via the Internet, they will gain much more popularity than they have now, in Belarus.

Dmitry Podberezsky, dry music expert:

- From your list, I would mark Krama. With some exaggeration - probably, the Belarusian-language album of the group "J: Mors": after all, not all of their songs are new there. Atmoravi is an original musician, he has his own way, unlike anyone else in Belarusian music. In my opinion, each of his albums is very interesting, deep and unusual. My applause Atmoravi. I listened to his demos a long time ago, and even then, five years ago, I was very pleased with this musician. Going further down the list Here is Alexey Shedko, the album "Taiga", of course, this is an album of "old new songs", as one of my acquaintances likes to say. But Shedko, in my opinion, confirmed his extremely high level of presence in the music market with Taiga. You will not find any super-new musical discoveries or surprises in Lesha, but at the same time there are several songs that you want to listen to and listen to. As for the Festival Ensemble, I will say that this is an undeservedly unrecognized and unpromoted group in Belarus, although the musicians are of a very high class. The accordionist and bassist of "Festival" plays in the group "Leprikonsy", which I can't stand, it's below my understanding of music. But when I hear these guys in the Festival Ensemble, my soul rests, they have the most excellent performing level. A very high-quality album was made by Yura Nesterenko, previously this musician was practically unknown to anyone. He lives in Byalynichi, does some business there and suddenly releases a very stylish, very strong album "Svyata vyalikih dazhdzhov", I recommend it to all blues lovers to listen to. I will also say a few words about Sergey Kovalev. Despite my dislike for pop music, Kovalev, in my opinion, is a very experienced author, performer and arranger. God bless him, if all our pop music worked at this level, I would be just happy. I never pay attention to the circulation of performers or groups. In our country, the worse the production, the greater the circulation, in my opinion. The dumber the music, the more likely it will have more promotion and sales.

Oleg Klimov, temperamental music journalist:

- In my opinion, the two most powerful albums of the outgoing year are Zygimont Vaza - Distortion and Zmyaya - Gost Gusta Dustu Part 1. In the musical sense, they recorded completely modern albums - this is such a heavy alternative music, not "terry" like Deep Purple, for example, but precisely the music of the 21st century. I remember the album of the "Children" group. "Krambambulya" also supported its status as charming restaurant labukhs with the album "Svyatochnaya". Yura Nesterenko has a good album. And our "monsters" gave birth to records - N. R. M, "Lyapis", "Neuro Dowel". To be honest, out of all three bands, the N. R. M album seemed interesting to me: I like Lyavon Volsky as a lyricist more when he acts as a philosopher than a warrior. "Neuro Dubel" has the same impression from the Stasi album. I probably came out of the "barricade" age, I want peace, thoughts about life But all these aggressions and scattered emotions do not warm me. Sasha Kullinkovich knows how to write wonderful songs-reflections, like Volsky, he is a great philosopher, but, unfortunately, in the albums of the outgoing year, our rock monsters performed straightforwardly. The same claims to the Lyapis Trubetskoy group. "Capital" is an aggressive record, even fashionably aggressive, and I personally feel sad that Mikhalok could not resist and embarked on fashion. It really surprised me. Nevertheless, 2007, I think, turned out to be fruitful: the rockers released a disc and, I hope, next year they will delight us with concerts. I look forward to tomorrow with optimism: I am sure that after the well-known trips of musicians to the Administration, "blacklisted" groups will appear on FM air and on television, and there we will have many interesting, live performances. And as for records, there will be some calm for sure. As for the pop stage, I certainly like the way Petr Elfimov sings. His only weak point seems to me to be the lack of a repertoire. I will not reveal anything new here, but it is not clear what genre Elfimov works in. Who is a pop musician? rock musician? I think Peter himself has not yet decided on the genre. Petya is thrown from side to side, which is why, perhaps, he does not have a repertoire. Need to be determined.

Top 50

1. Asguard - Dreamslave Awakening.

2. Atlantica - Urbanoid.

3. beZ Bileta - "Cinema".

4. Da Vinci - Bum-Bum.

5. Dialectic Soul - Terpsychora.

6. Hair Peace Salon - Split Before, Together Now.

7. "J:Morse" - "Adleglas".

8. "J:Morse" - "Icebreakers. Live".

9. M. L. A. - "Same as always"

11.N.R.M. - "06".

12. Oleg Spitsyn & Chermen - Drive.

13. Osimira - Druva.

14. P. L. A. N. - "Shlyakh yes kahanay".

15. Sem Dnei - "Behind the spring".

16. The Xobbot - "All heroes are fictional."

17. WZ-Orkiestra & Zmitser Vaitsyushkevich - Liryka.

18. Zygimont Vaza - Distortion.

19. Atmoravi - "Many consonants."

20. Alexander Solodukha - "To love you, dear."

21. Alexey Shedko - "Taiga".

22. "Ensemble Festival" - Pop Accordion Music.

23. Art group "Belorusy" - "Sun".

23. VIA "Harley" - "Love is your name"

24. Galina Shishkova - "I'll be waiting for you."

25. "Children" - "Envelopes for dreams."

26. "Land of Queen Maud" - "Heart of a Fool".

27. Zmitser Bartosik - "Ganduraski seryyal".

28. Zmyaya - "Gost thick dustu part 1".

29. Iskui Abalyan - "Another Life".

30. Yo-Yo - "Let's be friends."

31. "Klendike" - "Different times".

32. "Krama"

33. "Krambambulya" - "Svyatochnaya".

34. L. O. M. - "Slice of Mango".

35. Leprechauns - No date.

36. "Lyapis Trubetskoy" - "Capital".

37. "Neuro Dowel" - Stasi.

38. Olga Plotnikova - "It happens."

39. "Pesnyary" - "Raspavyadalnaya".

40. Petr Elfimov - "The Bells".

41. "Savannah" - "There".

42. "Family Heirloom" - "All the strings of the lyre."

43. Sergey Kovalev - "".

44. "Suzor'e" - "Song of the great bison".

45. Syarzhuk Sokalaў-Voyush - "Songs of foxes".

46. ​​Tatsyana Belanogay - "Dzvyukhkrop'e".

47. "Chyrvonym Pa Bely" - "Kryvavy sakavik".

48. Yury Nestsyarenka - "Svyat vyalikih dazhdzhov".

49. Yur'ya - "Paradise for the horse."

50. CHIP - Uno.

P.S. Despite the tacit ban on music labels not to disclose the circulation of Belarusian artists, we still ventured to suggest some numbers. Of the artists on the market in 2007, we got three "echelons" of circulation.

Top sellers for 2007:

The first echelon - 4 - 5 thousand disks per year:

"J: Morse" "Barefoot on the pavement", N. R. M. "06", "Krambambulya" "Svyatochnaya", "Lyapis Trubetskoy" "Capital", "Pull-Push" "How long I have been looking for you."

The second tier - about 3 thousand discs per year:

beZ bileta "Cinema", "J: Mors" "Adleglas", "J: Mors" "Icebreakers. Live".

The third echelon - about 2 thousand per year:

Atlantica "Urbanoid", Da Vinci "Bum-bum", "Children" "Envelopes for dreams", Alexey Khlestov "Because I love", "Krama" "Use zhytstse - dziuny dream".

Victoria POPOVA