"Bad apartment" What to do if it is yours? Dangerous signs that bad energy has accumulated in your home.

Don't underestimate the power of your home, as its décor has some effect on your mental health. Find out how your own home can cause you anxiety.

Does your home make you anxious?

The home can affect our health and well-being, especially our morale. Here you can find out what exactly is wrong in your home, why it affects your emotional state so much. This is what each of us should know about how to deal with anxiety the right way.

Unhealthy environment

What makes the environment unhealthy? This is a multi-level problem. Many décor experts believe that an unhealthy indoor environment is one in which we spend all our time and don't feel good about it. This could be an environment where air and water quality is very poor, bad smells are present, the acoustics are annoying, or the lighting design is inconsistent with the space itself. Other design elements that can have a negative impact on our health are the quality of the pieces of furniture and their arrangement. People feel uncomfortable in crowded places when they sit on uncomfortable furniture. All this can lead to increased levels of stress and poor concentration. Lack of natural light, lively greenery or natural elements are usually indicators of an unhealthy interior.

Linking our psychology and environment

The environment affects not only our physical condition. It can also affect our mood and feelings. All elements of interior design, such as color, texture, and pattern, affect how we feel on a biological and psychological level, as our brains release neurochemicals and we experience certain discomforts in a given environment. For example, if we perceive a space as calming and relaxing, our bodies can release neurotransmitters that help reduce anxiety. If you enter a very dynamic space with bright lights and vibrant colors, you will feel excited, there will be an adrenaline rush that puts our bodies on high alert. We also interpret our environment through personal experience, cultural influences, and various social factors.

Signals in the house where you live

Is your home really healthy? The kitchen must have a water filter. Acoustically treated ceiling panels are not only noise minimization, but also a social bonding environment where people can eat and talk easily. There must be plenty of space for cooking, countertops must be antimicrobial. The kitchen should have everything you need for cooking, cleaning and optimal pastime.

Home gym for motivation

Exercise has been proven to help improve your emotional state. So, can you make your home gym a place that stimulates and inspires you to work out? Physical exercise directly affects your physical and mental health. If you're in the planning stages of a home, try focusing on gym décor. Many people set aside space for a gym in their basement, but it's best to set it up indoors. If you like how your gym is equipped, how it looks, then the place where it is located, then you can not only increase energy, but also visit it more often. Agree, you don’t really want to go to the basement in order to get a boost of energy.

Workplace at home

Whether people like it or not, many people very often have to take work home with them. But some design tricks should fix any issues. Experts advise making this a pleasant space with the things you enjoy, it's not distracting. The most important thing that is required of you is that you need to figure out what kind of environment makes you more productive. Believe that after this, working from home will be just a pleasure for you.

It's all about healthy details

Try to create a list of even the most seemingly insignificant touches that can make your home better, and you will feel much better. Decorate the most important room (kitchen) and the space you love to be in, add some plants. Create a beautiful kitchen that you enjoy working in and make sure there is room for a dining table. Families who cook and eat at home together tend to be less overweight. Adding green plants will not only help purify the air, they will also add life and freshness to any space, it will increase the level of happiness. Be sure to keep an eye on the lighting. Try to illuminate the room during the day with daylight, and in the evening do your best to create a pleasant atmosphere for sleeping. Reduced light levels allow your brain to naturally release serotonin, which starts the relaxation process before bed.

Materials matter too

Don't underestimate the power of materials in your home. And it's not about wool or ceramics. Add some natural style to your home. Adding wood trim to a home is incredibly easy and will greatly affect our psychology. Set aside space for plants in your home and you can instantly improve your air quality and your mood.

If you want to improve something in your home, then do it

Focus on good lighting. It will change your outlook and change your life. When you enter a space and feel good about it, the likelihood that lighting is directly responsible is very high. Lighting levels radically change the environment and how we feel in that environment. Light can make you alert and energetic. But it can also make you calm and introverted.

Designate a place for yourself where you can breathe peacefully

The big room is very good. But there is a checklist of items that will make the inside of your home look so much bigger. Try to keep the space in your home as bright and light as possible. Add reflective coatings and mirrors to optically enlarge the room. Spaces with fewer unnecessary items reduce the visual complexity, making the room appear a bit larger than it really is. Dark floors visually reduce the width of your space. Raise ceilings if possible. The higher the ceilings, the more space.

Home is where the heart is

If all these tips don't make you look at your home differently, then here's one last tip. Your home is like your body - you must take care of it to take advantage of it. People who invest in the right design of their space show a sense of pride and increase levels of happiness and confidence. If you find yourself living in an unfinished space with bare walls and outdated furniture, this can contribute to depression and stress. Do everything possible to ensure that the mood in the house is always excellent, good health and that you feel only peace and happiness.

Each person tries to build his house for himself. Make it a comfortable, cozy place where you can relax, unwind, rejuvenate. Then why is it getting worse at home? Where are the forces going? Why, instead of joy and comfort, the house turns into a place of irritation and fuss?

Why is home getting worse?

Location of the house

The land on which it stands plays a very important role in the energy of the house. The most dangerous and harmful are:

  • old burial sites
  • battles and battles
  • conflagration,
  • cemeteries,
  • filled and dried lakes and swamps,
  • ravines,
  • energy and tectonic faults.

In such places, anxiety, anxiety, a desire to run somewhere will be constantly felt, fears and fears will become aggravated.

The next aspect that affects the house is its location:

  • crossroads and roads
  • proximity to high voltage transmission lines,
  • transformer substations and large power plants,
  • powerful antennas,
  • mines and quarries,
  • factories,
  • hospitals and hospices,
  • airports,
  • cemeteries.

In such places, a breakdown will be felt, a person gets tired quickly, feels preoccupied, irritable, worried about the future.

Also, the high-risk area includes: houses of old buildings, communal apartments, former hospitals and similar buildings.

Such “residents” are very fond of settling in a garbage chute, basement, attic, elevator shafts. And of course, they are always looking for an opportunity to get inside the house - a person's apartment. After all, there you can always provoke an easy quarrel or even a scandal in order to “eat” well and satisfyingly.

Once in the house, the entities look for a place for themselves. Most often these are dark corners where old and unnecessary things are stored, closets with “dead” things, etc.

First rule

It refers to outerwear.

Her place is in the hallway. We do not recommend moving it inside the house, because it collects all the negativity and dirt that a person encounters on the street.

Try not to walk in outerwear around the house: in the bedroom, kitchen, living room. Ask guests and household members to leave it in the hallway.

Second rule

Pay attention to how you decorate the house and walls. Avoid masks, dolls with human faces, figurines of people, paintings depicting incomprehensible creatures, portals. They are what attracts.

Third rule

Particular attention should be paid to mirrors and reflective surfaces. Avoid using a large number of mirrors in the house, because. they all work as passages - portals to other worlds.

So that they do not have a negative impact on households, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Opposite the mirrors, you can’t quarrel, grimace, engage in self-criticism, and in general show any negative emotions, since the mirror magnifies them many times and reflects back into the house, provoking people into big quarrels.
  2. Mirrors should not be placed in front of beds, doors, windows or other reflective surfaces. Reflective surfaces are considered to be a TV, some types of suspended ceilings and cabinets, lamps and chandeliers, items that have a glossy finish.
  3. Try to ensure that sleeping places are always as protected as possible and never reflected in anything.

If you want to get enough sleep and have a good rest, do not place a bed opposite the door, because the door also forms a corridor that takes power.

Also, a sufficiently large outflow of forces is created by the doors of rooms located opposite each other.

Try to close such doors, or use protective signs over jambs. Be sure to keep the doors to the bathroom and toilet closed or covered, because these are the places where the largest flow always occurs.

It is very important to pay attention to windows and balcony doors. Through them, the easiest way to enter the house is a harmful force, negative energy. Here, curtains, bunches of herbs and protective signs over the frames come to the rescue.

Why is it bad at home? Conclusion:

Unfortunately, we are forced to face the fact that most modern houses are built on the principle of “just to build” and are absorbers of human strength. This is especially true for skyscrapers in residential areas.

Of course, you can, using the rules of protection, secure your apartment and build the space energetically. Only forces to build and maintain will take a lot. Therefore, we do not recommend living in such conditions for a long time. Sooner or later, the forces will end and a breakdown will come.

It is best for a person to live on earth in his own house. And it is desirable to plan the house yourself. Then he will not de-energize, but help - take away the energy that should go away, and.

And even in such a house, it is important to know the simple rules of purification and energy alignment of space. Because life flows, circumstances change, people change, moods and states are different, but we are alive and have not yet been canonized :)

When a hostess woman loves her house and tries to “build” it – to make it cozy, warm, beautiful, then the life of all household members will be fine and good relations will be built.
What we wish for all of us.

Lana Chulanova, Ekaterina Zemlyanaya

The article was written on the basis of research, practices and experience of school teachers and materials of Arina Nikitina

Photographic diagnosis. Parapsychological consultation.

Maria writes:

Hello Svetlana!

I have such problems:

1. Depression. Persistent lack of desire to live. I see no meaning or purpose in my life. The whole world is disgusted, so I don’t want to see him again and again every morning.

2. I feel constant weakness. I want to lie down all the time, but I can't fall asleep.

3. I can not find my place in life in terms of work. There is one business, I opened it when I was young, it barely goes on, I can’t open anything else, although I have tried many times already. Nothing goes, it's like I'm hitting a wall.


Good day, Maria. Thank you for trusting my vision. If my diagnosis helps you find a way out of this situation, then I will be very happy about it.

Q: My problems are: 1. Depression. Persistent lack of desire to live. I see no meaning or purpose in my life. The whole world is disgusted, so I don’t want to see him again and again every morning.

A: Maria, according to my visualization, it seems that you are all wrapped in a cobweb or entangled in black threads, like a ball of tumbleweed, there is such an artisanal plant, it rides where it doesn’t get and collects everything that is needed and not needed. I looked through the reason, it goes that you collect a lot of dirt from the place where you are, like a weed sticks to you and entangles you with negativity in your habitat. Therefore, look for the source of your poor health at home, it can be a dirty and not comfortable house, which is located in an energetically dirty area, it can be negatively minded family members or parents and your close environment. Put your mental and physical / material cleanliness and order there and you will not collect garbage on yourself.

But in general, your psyche is completely polluted and a good bath will not hurt you, both in the literal sense and psychologically. Go to the bathhouse and cleanse your physical body, you definitely need a strong temperature drop to disperse the blood and cleanse the whole body of everything superficial. Also, if baptized - then communion or at least go to church, there aromatherapy, the energy of fire will remove some of the dirt from you. Meditations help very well, in general, use any methods available to you in order to cleanse yourself of that tangle of negativity that is now entangling you.

Q: 2. Feeling constantly weak. I want to lie down all the time, but I can't fall asleep.

A: This is due to the fact that all your channels and energies are closed by negativity, your energy exchange is disturbed, you need to remove all this mental burden, get rid of negative attitudes, memories, thoughts. Playing sports, proper nutrition, fresh air, and eliminating alcohol and cigarettes are very helpful in restoring.

Q: 3. Can't find my place in life in terms of work. There is one business, I opened it when I was young, it barely goes on, I can’t open anything else, although I have tried many times already. Nothing goes, it's like I'm hitting a wall.

A: Now, when everything is black before your eyes, it is naturally difficult for you to see something. You are like a canned one, so before you look for your place in the world, you need to open your world, that is, we take what we have and put things in order in it, and after you wash the windows of your house (cleanse yourself of negativity), it will be easier for you to consider different options for their work and outside the window / in life.

If you have never encountered meditation, then write or call,.

I also help clean the aura.

You can read how I do it on my website here:

These should be your goals for the near future. When you cleanse your psyche of mental and emotional dirt, then it will be possible to deal with your main goal or with your main activity, and now there is no point in even taking it on, until you are in the negative you will not be able to move towards the goal. .

Maria writes: Hello Svetlana! Thanks for the diagnostic.

I myself feel that there is some kind of negativity on me, as if something is pressing me, but I don’t understand what. At home, oddly enough, everything is fine with me). Relations with my husband and children, thank God, are excellent. The houses are clean in material terms, but in terms of energy, I don’t know. This apartment was bought six months ago for self-finishing. When my husband first entered it, he said that the apartment was terrible and he would not live in it). Maybe she has something to do with energy. It was on sale pretty cheap, so I bought it anyway. Then she made repairs, where she herself, where with the help of hired workers. Very tired as a result of all this.

After the renovation, I could no longer look at this apartment. I tell my husband: let's sell it. And he, like, no, now it’s good here, the apartment is wonderful, we won’t give it to anyone). Maybe I took this dirt on myself? And there have been many such cases in my life. I myself am surprised that it rarely happens to anyone - I do not live in one place for more than two years.

The scheme is as follows: I buy an apartment in poor condition (they are cheaper), I repair it, then we live in it, and after two years new objective reasons to move appear. And all in a new circle). Moreover, if I bought an apartment that sold poorly, then after being in my hands the apartment is sold just off. Everyone comes, they look, everyone likes it).

Of the problems at home, there is only one: the family is wildly messy, and I have to clean up after them. It used to spoil my life a lot, then somehow I got used to it). I can’t teach them to order in any way, although there are still slight movements in this direction). I have a husband and three children) The children are already big. In general, I am very "tied" to my house. I feel good at home, and home is the most important thing for me. When I'm depressed - and I start the house, when it's easier - I start cleaning, licking and decorating everything. Oh, and one more thing, in my life I changed housing about 15 times. At the same time, my inner state did not change at all. If it is related to the house, then why is it so?

Answer: Maria, thank you for unsubscribing.

Now it’s clear why it was going on with me that you were collecting all the dirt on yourself, like a tumbleweed, wandering from place to place. If you didn’t feel dirt on yourself before, then it’s only because you were younger, your energy was cleaner. Most likely, the reason for your moves should be looked for in karma, similar situations of the same type, always karma.

Write your address, I will look at the place and write to you if there is anything negative in your house.

Maria: Svetlana, thank you) Mr. N ..., st. K….., house no., apartment no. I wonder what in karma can be the reason for moving? I can not even imagine)

Answer: Yes. karma is “we wanted the best, but it turned out as always”, and this is your story, so after cleaning the aura, you need to look at yourself for karma, otherwise you will roll from place to place again and cling to the negative.

by apartment:

I feel like the house is like a candle, somewhere in the metro area, and somewhere up to the level of the 4-5th floor it is smeared with tar, all black and this dirt rises higher and higher.

Asked what is it? the answer came that very black people worked, energetically very dirty on finishing or laying the house, like lepers, they feel like Asians and who left their dirty energy in the house.

I could not stay there for a long time, I have nothing to breathe in your house, there is not enough oxygen and I feel sick, such a heavy energy, I jumped out of there. So your place is energetically dirty.

I think that you are very sensitive, and therefore you feel more and more strongly than others. I feel like your apartment is sealed off and no fresh air/energy can get in. If it is on the lower floors, then the energy dirt of the house closes your apartment as well.

Maria: Yes, the house is really like a candle, 16 floors. I live on the 14th. The house is a former long-term construction. It was laid down back in the 90s, then the company went bankrupt, then it was completed by the HOA. Can something be done, somehow clean the apartment? Or is it useless in such a house? And why is the apartment "sealed"? Can something be done?

Answer: You can clean and put protection on your apartment, I do it.

Why it’s sealed, I can’t answer now, I need a detailed diagnosis, you can take a photo or personally, so more information will go

Maria: I think I will need your help. What do I need to do for this?

Answer: Let's start by diagnosing the apartment. send a photo, I will look and there we will agree what and how.

Why is it cozy and comfortable in some apartments, while in others it’s like something is pressing on the psyche, and you want to get out of there as soon as possible? According to psychics and parapsychologists, negative energy is to blame for everything. And if you have to live in such a house? Do not rush to panic and leave your home: everything is fixable! So, "clean" the apartment ...

The reasons for the appearance of "dark" energy can be very different. Your home may be in a pathogenic zone, and it may also have a bad aura. For example, if a sick person used to live in an apartment, if some things that belonged to sick or unkind people remained in it ...

To begin with, let's see if the apartment is really "not good". Suddenly you just belong to the category of suspicious people?

Not without reason, at a housewarming party, they are first advised to let a cat into the house. Pets are very good at sensing the presence of negative energies. Once in such a house, they begin to get nervous, eat poorly, may refuse to enter the apartment and sleep on the stairwell, and sometimes they simply run away from home.

If you don't have a dog or cat, rent a friend and see how the animal behaves in your home.

Another indicator of unfavorable energy is indoor plants. If they suddenly began to wither for no reason, although you carefully look after them, this is a sure sign that not everything is fine in the apartment.

Oddly enough, in apartments where not everything is clean with energy, household appliances often break down, and cellular communications are junk.

Listen to your own feelings too. If you want to spend as much time as possible outside the home (and men are literally “pushed out” by negative energy), if guests have become less likely to come to you, and those who come in are trying to leave as soon as possible, this is a very alarming sign.

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Bioenergy experts often advise checking a home with a church candle. It needs to be lit and walked around the house. If the candle begins to smoke, crackle, its flame will be uneven, then the apartment needs to be "cleaned".

First of all, "search" the apartment. If you find any suspicious items, things that belonged to the previous owners, then it is better to get rid of them, the best option is to burn or bury.

Some home plants "clean" the energy well. For example, bright red geranium will fill your home with positive energy. You can even start not one, but several pots of geraniums. Just don't forget to take care of her!

It also does not hurt to hang a wreath woven from birch twigs on the front door, or stick a needle into the jamb of the front door from the side of the apartment - this will "scare away" any negative energies.

Protect from negativity and all sorts of amulets. You can buy such a charm or make it yourself. Let it be a brownie figurine made of rags, wood or straw. The main thing is that you believe in its protective functions. Be sure to give him a name and talk like a living being.

Sometimes the carrier of negativity is one of the inhabitants of the house or frequent visitors. You can easily feel it: after talking with such a person, you will feel like a squeezed lemon, you may experience depression, ailments, just spoil your mood ... If this is a stranger, try not to let him into the apartment. If this is not possible, then you will have to "clean" the house constantly.

So, make it a rule to perform the following ritual at least once a month. Walk around the apartment holding a burning candle in your hands. Baptize all corners with it, at the same time sprinkling them with holy water and reading a prayer of protection.

Do the cleaning more often, it also "washes away" the negative. Do not accumulate rubbish in the house, throw away cracked dishes and mirrors, even if the cracks are very small.

After a person who is unpleasant for you has visited the house, leave a peeled onion on the table in the room where he visited. During the night, she absorbs all the negativity. In the morning you need to take it out of the house, just don’t touch it with your bare hands, take a bag or a rag and wrap the onion there ...

If a "black" person permanently lives in the house, place where he is most often a bar made of aspen, poplar, bird cherry, lilac or linden wood, or make a decorative composition from corn, rye or oats grains - they absorb negativity. And where you are most often, place "donor" plants - birch, oak, maple, pine, buckwheat, wheat or rice. They will make the aura of the room positive.

It is also advisable to consecrate the home, especially if all of the above measures did not help much.

Home is the place where we recharge our energy, relax our body and soul, and receive positive emotions. If you notice that this is not happening, it is worth analyzing the situation. Perhaps something in the house is arranged not quite correctly.

1. Wrong temperature regime

If the house during the heating season is too hot or, on the contrary, cold and possibly damp, this affects your well-being. You are not comfortable, you sweat during the simplest housework or you want to wrap up warmer all the time. Think about what you can do to maintain a stable, comfortable temperature in your home. Perhaps you will be saved by installing an air conditioner that works both for heating and for cooling. It is also always convenient to be able to regulate the temperature of the batteries in the rooms. Install thermostats on central heating batteries, this equipment will allow you to influence the microclimate in the house. In addition to maintaining the temperature balance, thermostats allow you to optimize the cost of paying utility bills.

2. Lack of fresh air

We spend a lot of time at home, sometimes we can spend the whole day without going out. Meanwhile, the room is filled with a variety of smells - pleasant and not very pleasant. We cook at home, use different aerosols, sometimes even paint and glue. All this cocktail of aromas affects our mood and well-being. Hence advice number one: regularly ventilate the apartment! In rooms where there is no one at the moment, leave the windows open for “winter ventilation”. Be sure to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed or (if you feel comfortable) leave the window ajar. You will notice that you will rest much better during the night.

3. Lots of small details

Try to remember how you felt when you first started living in the house. Then it was half empty, and perhaps you missed a lot, but there was a feeling of free space. Over time, we acquire things, many of which we no longer need, but are memorable. Try to look at your home with fresh eyes. Get rid of what you can easily part with (if it's a pity to throw it away, give it to someone who really needs things) and make a small rearrangement, freeing up at least one wall in the living room.

4. Mess

Maintaining order in an apartment where there are small children is difficult. But there are a few steps you can take to structure the mess and start dealing with it systemically. First, look at those places where things constantly accumulate. Usually bills and other papers accumulate in one place, gloves, scarves and hats in another, the corridor is often "overgrown" with numerous shoes, and children's toys are simply scattered around the house. Buy folders with files to store all the bills in them, put out-of-season shoes on the mezzanine or upper shelves of cabinets, buy convenient baskets for things in the hallway, as well as drawers or hanging baskets for toys - with them, children can clean everything in place without your help . Throw away old magazines, broken dishes, broken or obsolete appliances (if you haven't used something for more than two years, isn't that proof that you're doing just fine without this technique).

5. Uncomfortable bedroom

The bedroom is simply obliged to be the most comfortable place in the house, because here we relax and recuperate. If this is not the case, try to approach the layout of the room according to the principles of feng shui. Even if it seems to you that this system "does not work", still draw a new image of the bedroom - perhaps you will like it more than the current one. For example, according to Feng Shui, the correct position of the bed is very important. It is important to put it in such a way as to avoid factors that negatively affect both sleep and rest, and the relationship of people sleeping together. For example, you can not put the bed so that the feet are clearly directed towards the door; so that the bed is reflected in the mirror; so that an acute corner of a wall or a large object is directed at it; so that the headboard is located by the window. If it is not possible to rearrange the bed to get rid of some negative factor, you can use curtains or a screen to isolate the problem and remove its negative impact.

6. Dim lighting

We feel the lack of sun especially in winter. It affects our mood and well-being. Think about additional niche lighting in the house so that there is enough light. It should create coziness and harmonize the space of the house as much as possible.

7. Wrong wall color

When choosing a color for walls, you need to take into account many nuances: at what time natural light enters the room; for whom it is intended; what areas do you want to highlight. Opt for natural colors and, if possible, consult with a designer to help you choose the right palette. The color of the walls is able to suppress or, on the contrary, excite, influence our mood and even well-being, create a psychological feeling of warmth or cold, anxiety or complete calm and relaxation.