What happened to Volochkova's face? The imperfect body of Volochkova is cut into a bad figure from birth

The name of Anastasia Yuryevna Volochkova has long become known, many have heard about the merits of the ballerina and honored artist Russian Federation. Career path started back in 1994, and she is still famous for her performances. Anastasia Volochkova is a very multifaceted personality; in addition to ballet, she studies music, acting and tries herself as a model.

The future ballerina grew up in the family of a trainer table tennis. Having seen a performance of the ballet “The Nutcracker” at the age of 5, she decided to become a ballerina. At first, the girl was told that she had no skills or talent, but stubborn Nastya achieved her goal.

The most important stage of the ballerina's career was her performances at the Mariinsky and Bolshoi Theaters. She was the main character productions " Swan Lake"in 1994, performed the Swan Princess. Then Anastasia gradually began to play more than one main role(“Kosar”, “Giselle”, “Firebird”, “Raymonda” 1998).

Already in 2000, Nastya received the title of the most talented ballerina in Europe and took the desired “Golden Lion” into her hands.

In 2001, Volochkova played the role of Carmen. After, famous ballerina, performed several times in London and received awards. In 2007-2009, Nastya participated in the Russian television project “ glacial period" The achievement of 2011 was the opening of the Moscow Children's creative center A.Yu. Volochkova.

Volochkova before and after plastic surgery

Anastasia gets prettier over the years, it seems that the celebrity does not age at all. Did the girl do plastic surgery? As Nastya states:

“I am against such procedures, they only have the opposite effect and spoil a woman’s face. But mesotherapy and Botox harm not only health, but also life.”

The ballerina says:

"To my own appearance, I pay great attention. Sport gives me youth and thanks to active image life, I’m always on top.”

But, comparing old photos of Volochkova and current ones, it is very noticeable that her breasts have increased by three sizes.

Anastasia repeats with confidence that sport and hormones have done their job.

Another photo of young Anastasia in her youth before plastic surgery:

Personal life

According to rumors, the young ballerina fell in love with Suleiman Kerimov in 2000. The relationship lasted two years, and then ended in separation.

As Nastya says: “The discontent of the relatives bore fruit.” After the breakup, the ballerina began big problems in the theater, according to rumors it was the revenge of a former lover.

In 2005, Volochkova gave birth to Ariadne from Igor Vdovin. And in 2007 he became the husband of a spectacular girl. The couple did not live long, only a year. We broke up due to different religious views. And classes ex-husband yoga was also prevented by a married couple.

In 2011, the ballerina decided to take part in the “Let's Get Married” show, but nothing worked out.

After a two-year pause, the actress met businessman Bakhtiyar Salimov at the beginning of 2013. The romance was not long-term, only 9 months, and the couple broke off the relationship.

In 2013 they went to press, scandalous photos stars with Nikolai Baskov.

There were rumors that star couple novel, but Anastasia denied this information.

For this period of time, the celebrity is hiding his personal relationships. What can't be said about her frank,

Fans of Anastasia Volochkova were “lucky” to see a non-Photoshopped photo of the ballerina. In it, the scandalous dancer appeared before fans and haters in all her “glory.”

Anastasia Volochkova spent the last week of July in Turkey, from where she generously shared with her Instagram subscribers spicy photos and blatant advertising posts. Naturally, for her photo shoots, the ballerina chose only the most successful angles, from which she looks fit and slender. In addition, she, like other celebrities, does not disdain Photoshop.

For example, the other day the artist took a photo with other vacationers on a banana boat. At the water attraction, Anastasia posed while doing the splits in a bright bikini. At the same time, in order to appear slimmer, she strongly pulled in her stomach at the time of shooting.

However, the guests of the hotel where Volochkova stayed and which she actively advertises managed to photograph her with their cameras. The day before, a picture appeared on the Internet where the ex-prima Bolshoi Theater posing in a swimsuit, but she doesn’t look nearly as slender as in the photo on her Instagram.

In the photo you can clearly see the ballerina’s not flat, but rather “beer” belly and her breasts that have long lost their shape. There is no doubt that the photo is fresh, because Anastasia is posing against the backdrop of the same “banana”, in the same swimsuit and pareo as in the photo on her Instagram.

Looking at the photo of the plump Volochkova without retouching, it becomes unclear how the ballerina can conduct master classes where she teaches people to lose weight and maintain youth, because she herself cannot boast of either youth or slimness.

Shocked by the appearance of the dancer, users are surprised how it was possible to grow such a belly by eating only boiled spinach without salt, and even offered to chip in for a working scale for her, since followers cannot believe that Anastasia is telling the truth about her weight.

“I’ll be more careful with spinach now,” “And THIS weighs 47 kg!!????? Let's throw some kindness on the scales already! Let him face the truth already...", "Ballet belly)", "Beauty of Greatness! - this is how it turns out! Very cool! I envy you very much....", " Great power spinach!”, “It’s all spinach with cheese))))”, “Hippopotamus”, “Maybe you’ve decided to go into Sumo wrestling?? Why, Anastas will succeed! She’s gaining weight well,” Volochkova’s haters make fun of her in the comments.


Many fans have long noted that Anastisiya Volochkova has begun to look older and more vulgar in the last short period of time. There are rumors that Anastasia has problems with alcohol, although on her Instagram she only testifies with her posts healthy image life.

Why Volochkova looks so bad: photo of Volochkova from Lena Miro

Lena Miro is a scandalous lady, she posted a terrible photo that disgraced Anastasia Volochkova. In this photo, the ballerina looks like she is in her 40s, maybe 50 years old. Her face and neck are puffy and swollen, her whole appearance is tired and distant. Thick makeup does not hide imperfections.

Lena Miro often criticizes people and writes far from flattering comments about them. On her blog, the girl also posted and signed a photo of Volochkova with offensive words. Miro said that she is infuriated by those who argue with obvious facts and do not do any facial care procedures. Further, she expressed herself venomously, hinting that Nastya Volochkova, the former prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, is a pathetic and backward creature. Just like that, hard and short. Although, looking at this photo, Volochkova’s fans are sure that this is photoshop and Lena’s desire to promote herself at the expense of others. It casts doubt on the fact that Anastasia looks so terrible, although the ballerina herself constantly posts photographs in the bathhouse and demonstrates excellent stretching. And her face there is completely different, more animated and looking her age, or even less.

Why does Volochkova look so bad: the broad-shouldered ballerina’s figure has improved

No matter how much the ballerina wants to look perfect, no matter how much she stretches her legs forward, it is still clear that Anastasia Volochkova has noticeably gained weight. The celebrity has a naturally imperfect figure. She is a very broad-shouldered person. In addition to her natural abilities, constant training in her profession and her already very broad shoulders, have become even more voluminous. Apparently, especially after leaving main stage theater, Volochkova abuses training on the muscles of the torso, arms and shoulders, she pumps them up. This makes her figure massive and unfeminine.

And Nastya positions herself as a very feminine lady. She takes care of manicures and pedicures and wears heels. Be that as it may, during the height of work, tours and endless rehearsals, Anastasia Volochkova burned more calories than she does now. And if you look at Nastya’s figure, you can see that she eats, Lately, Fine. Although, Prima in the past shows on Instagram exclusively proper nutrition, by her belly sitting next to the plate of salad in the photo, you can understand that Anastasia eats not only what she advertises.

Why does Volochkova look so bad: what care products and diets does she use?

In his interview for " TVNZ", the ballet star shared her secret. It turns out that she only uses salt and honey as a treatment in the bathhouse, and also washes herself with water in which the bathhouse whisk has been infused. And that's all, no creams or wrinkles. The breakfast diet always consists of coffee and eggs. Main secret Anastasia Volochkova in reset extra pounds, it's just nothing. This is very stupid and typical sounding and she advises never to repeat it. The maximum she allows herself on diet days is boiled meat, fish without salt, eggs and cucumbers. Volochkova began to look much worse immediately after leaving ballet, but before everyone idolized her.

April 24th, 2014 , 01:03 pm

How would I train if I were Anastasia Volochkova

Volochkova has a T-shape: wide shoulders, narrow hips, no waist, but she has long legs.

Many fashion models are endowed with this physique - especially from their “golden” age - the “90s”:

But Volochkova looks completely different, and all because she has become fat. She swam like a pig and turned into a grenadier with boobs:

It’s clear why this happened: Volochkova’s nature is . Because of for long years elevated physical activity they became very dense.

But one fine day Nastya gave up ballet, and at the same time continued to eat the same or even more. A layer of fat lay on the ballerina’s muscles, which are voluminous in themselves, turning her into a horse woman:

Ladies with a T-shaped figure, memorize the “Our Father”: you are just told to dry, dry, dry. Under no circumstances should you gain any fat.

You store fat on your arms, shoulders, back and waist, making your already massive top even bulkier.

Where did the fashion for drying come from? From fashion models, for whom the difference between top and bottom is often a size, or even several: the shoulders may well be 44-46, and the hips - 40-42.

For them, even a kilogram of fat is really critical: it’s like sausage arms and a ham back. If a “pear”, “hourglass” or “ruler” eats a few kilos, she will still be a woman - albeit a fat one, but a woman. If a lady with a T-shaped figure eats up, she begins to look like an orangutan.

For all other ladies, life in perpetual drying mode is contraindicated. Drying polishes T-shaped figures, but disfigures yours.

How would I train if I had a T-shaped body type?

I would focus on cardio and strictly control my diet. For one strength training session, I would have two cardio sessions. I would train the upper body once a week in a multi-repetition mode - 20-25 repetitions. I would train my lower body hard a couple of times a week, but only after learning how to remove the load from those parts of the body where I don’t need it. Don't know how to squat without using your lower back as much as possible? Do presses. Here it is better “under” than “over”.

What should former athletes with a T-shaped figure who have already gained weight do?

Your strength training should resemble dumbbell aerobics: high intensity, minimal rest between sets, high repetitions. Burn fat without fear of burning out your muscles. They are so responsive that this does not threaten you. Well, and lots and lots of cardio, of course.

Today, when many show business stars who are 40+ are told that “time has no power over them” or “they know a secret eternal youth", 42-year-old ballerina Anastasia Volochkova was completely unlucky. Alas, she only hears criticism about her appearance, and rightly so!

It would seem that if you spend most of your life in training and rehearsals, sit on strict diets (ballet, after all!), love baths and have the opportunity to use the best cosmetics, then it’s in your hands not only to turn back time, but to be an example for everyone those around...

But apparently something went wrong...

And if you also remember that the “young” Tina Kandelaki and the luxurious Yana Rudkovskaya are the same age as Volochkova (they are 43 years old), the other day the charming Svetlana Bondarchuk will turn fifty dollars, and the eternally young Sofia Rotaru has turned 72, then it becomes scary how A Russian ballerina will look like this in 10 years!

1. Mid-90s. It's only begining…

2. Photos that you can’t take your eyes off!

3. 2001 Love pink eye shadow and pink lipstick!

5. It’s good that there were photographs left, otherwise we wouldn’t have believed that the ballerina once looked like this...

6. Calm down - this is stage makeup!

7. In 2003, the irreparable happened - Anastasia Volochkova got her eyebrows tattooed!

8. Although, let's be honest - she is a hostage to the profession, and flashy makeup suited her!

9. But why did she stop washing her hair at all?

10. It seems that stage makeup has begun to “cross over” into everyday life...

11. So what if I didn’t have time to wash my hair. But I did attach a hairpiece!

12. Apparently, changing the eyebrow tattoo artist turned out to be a bad decision...

13. 2008. But Nastya was only 32!

14. It seems that she has already crossed the point of “no return”...

15. 10 years ago, the reason for ridicule of Anastasia was her eyebrows. Well, today - . By the way, have you seen them?

16. Over time, the ballerina’s inept makeup was compounded by a complete lack of sense of taste and style...

17. The effect (or not the effect?) of dirty hair is your favorite hairstyle!

18. Excess weight does not make a ballerina look good...

19. Who can figure out whether Anastasia Volochkova is in character for the sake of a performance or is this her everyday life?

22. By the way, she announced on Instagram that Anastasia went for hair extensions!

23. And under this post, subscribers called the 42-year-old ballerina a grandmother!

24. We were not ready for such a photo...

25. It’s true what they say, beauty is a terrible force!