Place bets at a bookmaker's office on football. Football betting: how and what is better to bet on

Two facts. First: VKontakte is the most popular social network on the Runet. Second: there are a lot of anti-cases on the Internet about VKontakte advertising - about how ineffective it is.

A simple conclusion suggests itself: not everyone can competently set up a targeted campaign from scratch. In this post, I tried to reveal all the nuances and features of the VKontakte advertising account, so that even a beginner could set up effective targeting.

Where to begin?

Decide on your target audience

Take the relevant data from Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics (the “Audience” tab in the left menu). If there is no information about target audience, you need to build a hypothesis about who your potential buyer might be.

When you have decided on your target audience, choose options for advertising placement. Will you advertise your VKontakte community, or attract users to the site to make a conversion?

Next, create a general budget for advertising campaign. Also, be sure to set aside a test budget, since you cannot launch a campaign without a test. First you need to check your audiences, banners and all settings. Remember that testing takes at least 2-3 days.

How to calculate a budget?

To calculate, you need to know the formulas and indicators that are used in targeted advertising:

  • CPC - pay per click;
  • CTR - click-through rate, defined as the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions, measured as a percentage;
  • CPM - payment for impressions (on VKontakte you pay for 1000 impressions);
  • CR is the conversion rate.

To calculate your budget, you can use two formulas, depending on what type of payment you will use:

  1. Budget = Cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) / 1000 x Number of impressions.
  2. Budget = cost per click (CPC) x number of clicks.

Where can I get the CTR required for calculating? If this is your first campaign, use the average value for VKontakte (for teasers - 0.03%, for a feed - a little higher). In the future, take the arithmetic average of the campaigns conducted.

You will also need these formulas for calculations:

  1. Impressions = clicks / CTR.
  2. CTR = clicks/impressions.
  3. Clicks = impressions x CTR.
  4. Cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) = budget / number of impressions x 1000.
  5. Cost per click (CPC) = budget / number of clicks.
  6. CR (conversion rate) = number of conversions / number of clicks.

Let's look at an example:


Our subscribers always get more.

When you have calculated everything, you can go to the VKontakte advertising account and create banners and targeting.

However, you can do it differently. First, go to your advertising account, set up approximate targeting in order to understand what the approximate cost will be for clicks or impressions, and then make all the calculations and start creating banners and fine-tuning targeting.

How to set the cost of advertising?

In fact, all audience settings affect the cost of advertising. Changing at least one leads to a change in the total amount. VKontakte always shows the reach of the target audience that matches your parameters and the recommended price in the right corner of the advertising account.

  1. Bottom line. At this price, you can reach approximately 70% of the audience.
  2. Upper limit. At this price, you can reach more than 90% of the audience.

It is impossible to reach 100% of the entire audience. Not all VKontakte users log into the network regularly, which means they will be able to see your advertisement.

What to choose: pay per click or per impression?

It all depends on the specific advertising campaign: the payment method is influenced by many factors. But if you are just starting to master targeting, I advise you to choose pay-per-clicks. This way you will only pay for specific clicks on your ad. If you choose to pay for 1000 impressions, you risk losing your budget if your targeting is set up poorly.

Be sure to set limits on all ads. This will protect you from unnecessary write-offs and help you control your budget.

How to work with the VKontakte advertising account?

Click "Targeted Ads" and select "Create Ads."

Let's consider three main options for placing ads (VKontakte also offers advertising in the VKontakte Application, but this is a topic for a separate post):

  1. Communities.
  2. Post in the community.
  3. External site.

1. Community advertising

Click on the “Community” item and in the window that opens, select the group or page that you want to advertise. Click Continue.

There are four ad formats you can use to promote communities:

  1. Image and text.
  2. Large image.
  3. Promotion of communities.
  4. Special format.

All formats, except the special one, will be shown to the user on the left - under the control panel. Therefore, this type of advertising, also called TGB - text-graphic block, is available only for the desktop. Ads in these formats have a common auction.

Image and text

Ad format:

  • title - up to 33 characters;
  • description - up to 70 characters;
  • image - size 145x80 pixels.

This ad format is often used when a picture alone is not enough; you need to add a description of the advertised object. Here it is recommended to use a call to action to not only inform the user, but also to encourage them to click on the advertisement to perform the desired action: join the community, buy a product, and so on.

Large image

Ad format:

  • title - up to 33 characters;
  • image - size 145x165 pixels.

If you use this type of ad, it is important to find suitable images, because people first pay attention to the image. In this format, the image is the basis of the ad. Such banners attract more attention.

Community promotion

Ad format:

  • Image - size 145x145 pixels.
  • The title is unchanged. The name of your community is automatically added here. But if the title is more than 33 characters long, the text is cut off. Sometimes when advertising a community in this format, it is recommended to temporarily change the name to a shorter one so that the ad looks good.
  • Number of subscribers.
  • Subscribe button.

The banner also indicates how many subscribers there are in your community, but the data is rounded up. Additionally, there is a “Subscribe” button so that the user can become a member of the community in one click, eliminating the extra step of going to the community. But if you have just started to promote your community and there are not many members in it, this indication of the number of subscribers may turn off users.

Special format

A special ad format for communities is allocated as a separate auction. Such ads compete for display only with ads from other communities of the same format. Ads of a special format are shown in the VKontakte user’s news feed.

In the case of using a special community advertising format, the image must have a contrasting background, that is, the use of light shades of the background and white unacceptable.

Ad format:

  • image - size 256x256 pixels;
  • the title is unchanged, the name of your community is automatically updated; By default, the title can only accommodate 33 characters, but in reality the title is trimmed to 15 characters;
  • indication of the number of subscribers.

2. Advertising a post in the community

Most recently, VKontakte added a new toolkit - now you can advertise not only specific posts from your community, but also make hidden posts. The latter will be advertised in the user's news feed, but will not be published in the community.

What to choose depends on your goals. For example, if you only have one post coming soon with important information, you can post it in the community, and then launch an advertising campaign.

If you need to advertise many products, but don’t want to clog up your community feed, then use hidden posts. In addition, you can create not one, but several banners for one target audience to conduct testing. In this case, hidden posts are also suitable.

If you are creating an ad for an existing post in the community, simply copy and paste the link to this post into the empty window and click “Continue”. This will open all the targeting settings for your ad.

If you need a hidden post, click “Create a post”, select the community for which you will create an ad, and start creating a post.

To create such ads, you need to provide a link to the site page where you want to lead users. The domain will be pulled up automatically. Click “Continue” and proceed to creating an ad.

  • large image;
  • image and text.

Once you've decided on your creative and put together a great ad, you can start setting up targeting.

Setting up targeting options

First of all, choose the topic of the ad and the subsection to which your ad belongs. There may be several subsections. These parameters are filled in for moderators. What you choose here does not affect your audience settings. Some types of advertising should also include age restrictions.

All further settings already apply to the audience you select to display your advertisements.

1. Geography of users

The “Except” column is needed to remove some settlements from advertising. For example, you choose broad targeting for all of Russia, but exclude Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In the columns “Districts”, “Metro stations”, “Streets” you can specify specific locations where users will see the ad. For example, you advertise a store located in the Academicheskiy district of Moscow. You can consider residents of the area as potential buyers.

2. Audience demographics

Select the gender and age of the target audience. The relevant data is taken from user pages. But not everyone fills out information about themselves full information, so when you choose to target women aged 25-35, for example, you're not counting women who haven't specified their gender or age. To more accurately target the target audience, it is recommended to use other parameters.

The Birthday option may be useful for some products and services. So, you can offer people who have a birthday soon to buy gifts with a special discount. There are cases where this setting actually worked.

Nescafe campaign targeting female names users and cities received more than 1 million views in a month.

The user chooses his/her marital status independently. This option can also be used successfully. For example, if a girl is proposed to, she changes Family status to “Engaged” and immediately starts seeing ads wedding dresses, stylists, photographers.

3. User interests

In this block, various interests are configured. You can choose one interest for each ad and track response, or combine options to narrow your target audience. But don’t narrow your audience too much! If you select two or more parameters, then your targeting will only include those users who match all the selected parameters at once, and not just one of them.

The “Interests” parameter is the hobbies specified by the user on their page. There are many interests, start typing the one you want in the field and it will automatically appear if it is in the list.

Advice. Remember that users do not always fill in their interests. And even if they fill them out, they either don’t change them in the future or do it very rarely. Therefore, interest targeting may not always produce the expected results.

It is better to use "Categories of Interests". They are calculated based on user interaction with VKontakte communities and external sites on various topics. Now there are not many categories of interests, and they are quite general. Soon the VKontakte team promises to expand this list by adding narrower categories.

4. User communities

Another interesting parameter to set up ads - “communities”. Here you can select any communities in which you think there may be potential clients. For example, if your audience is accountants, they most likely subscribe to accounting publics, as it is important for them to keep abreast of news about changes in legislation.

Pay attention to the number of subscribers, their activity within the public, and the frequency of publications of material. If last post I was in the community six months ago, it’s unlikely to be interesting.

Advice. Use parsing services - there are paid and free ones that will help you segment your audience more accurately. Parsing services also allow you to collect subscribers of communities on the desired topic and identify active ones among them who are members of several communities.

The “Excludes” option allows you to remove from targeting those communities that you do not want to advertise to. They often indicate their community here, whose subscribers are already aware of news and promotions.

5. Applications and websites

Here you can indicate the sites on which the user logs in through his VKontakte account, or using various applications that the visitor uses. They can be excluded from targeting.

VKontakte also allows you to select the user’s religious affiliation.

If you tag travelers, the service will collect all users who visited the VKontakte website from at least two different countries for the last year.

6. Education and work

When choosing middle or higher education the service allows you to select certain educational establishments and training time.

You can also select user positions. Data for this setting is collected from users' personal pages.

7. Additional options

Devices, operating systems, and browsers used by users can be selected from a list. Just start entering the required parameter.

But let’s take a closer look at the audiences for retargeting.

This is a very important parameter that should definitely be used if you have your own website.

How does retargeting work?

Retargeting- a tool that allows you to display advertising materials to users who are already familiar with a product or service or have visited the site previously.

Retargeting allows you to avoid missing out on “warm leads.” So, if a person came to the site from contextual advertising, looked at a product or even added it to the cart, but in the end did not buy, VKontakte retargeting will help “catch up” with the user in social network. This way you increase conversions on the site.

For VKontakte, it is better to gather an audience of at least 1000 people, but it is better to start with 3000 or more users.

To set up retargeting, you need to generate a retargeting code (or pixel) and insert it into your website. Then VKontakte will be able to collect site visitors so that in the future you can catch up with them with advertising.

To create a pixel, you need to follow three simple steps:

  1. Specify the name of the pixel.
  2. Register the domain of the site where you want to insert the code.
  3. Select the theme of the site.

Now you need to copy the resulting code and paste it onto the site between the tags And. If you don't have access to the site code, just contact your system administrators (or developers).

Until you install the pixel, it will have a "not working" status. After installation, the status will change to “working”. From here, you can start creating and customizing retargeting audiences.

Retargeting audiences

Audience is a customizable VKontakte user base to which you can target your advertisements. The audience can be filled in two ways:

  • load from file;
  • get from the site using the VKontakte pixel.

To create a retargeting audience, you need to go to the “Audiences” tab and select “Create Audience”.

In the window that opens, the service offers two options for collecting an audience: using a pixel, or by uploading a file.

How to create audiences using the retargeting pixel?

Using pixel, you can create two types of audiences:

  • all site visitors;
  • users who visited individual pages.

To create an audience of all website visitors, you need to:

  1. Enter the name of the audience.
  2. Select the previously created pixel from the drop-down list.
  3. Specify the rule “All site visitors”.
  4. Select the time period for which you need data: for all time, for a month or a day. The time period can be corrected at any time in the future.
  5. Save your audience.

To create an audience of users who visited individual pages, you must:

  1. Specify the name of the audience.
  2. Select a pixel.
  3. Select the rule “Users who visited specific pages.”
  4. Specify the time interval.

    Then you can select the necessary parameters. Here you can indicate users who visited a specific page of the site, for example, a product card. To do this, you need to insert a link to a specific page into the empty window and select from the drop-down list suitable rule— depends on the link whether it will change or not.

  5. Save your audience.

How to create an audience using a list?

In the window that opens, just select the “Load from file” source. Next, you need to select a file on your computer and upload it to your advertising account. VKontakte will automatically find users for you based on the data provided.

What data does the system “learn”?

  • email addresses;
  • telephones;
  • User IDs.

Please note that uploaded lists must comply


Collective betting game types sports are considered less risky. Popularity football betting is also explained by the fact that bookmakers today offer fans a wide range of opportunities - high limits, bonus offers, etc.

So, first make your choice. The determining factor here should be honesty and solvency. Pay attention to the level of odds, operating hours, convenience and loading speed of the website, the ability to top up your account and withdraw money, availability bonus programs.

Go to several forums and read. Consult professional players. In addition, you can obtain information about the certification of bookmaker sites using a special program payment system Webmoney – Webmoney advisor.

Register on selected sites. Choose a championship that you are good at. Your performance will improve if you begin to pay attention not only to major football events, but also, for example, to national championships. Follow different types tournaments and choose the most profitable ones for yourself. Use the special website of the selected championship and view the statistical tables of the past season.

To make a successful prediction on the outcome of a football match, it is necessary to take into account all the details - the expected composition of the teams, which of the strong players will miss the match for any reason, the position of the teams in the standings. Find out which one only needs a win, and which one might need a draw. The style of play depends on this. Analyze the ratio of goals scored and goals conceded, and whether the team is stronger - on their own or someone else’s field. Secondary conditions can also affect the outcome of the match - the composition of the refereeing team, weather, field state. In addition, various accidents are possible during the meeting - injuries, removals, etc.

Amateurs are offered various types of bets. The most typical is the forecast for the outcome of the match. A good variety of it is bets with insurance – 1X, 12, X2. 1X – you win if the first team wins or is fixed draw result. X2 – the second team will win or the result will be a draw. 12 – victory for any team, but not a draw. This covers all three possible outcomes of the match. But the coefficients in this case, low.

A few more common types of forecasts: total - bets on the number of goals scored by both teams. Typical ratio is 2.5. Bets on certain events, for example, on the time when the first goal will be scored, or on which team will open the scoring, on the half-time of the match or the number of penalties, etc. They can bring quite significant winnings. More suitable for experienced players who know the team they are betting on well. Correct score – the odds are quite high. But it's hard to win. You need to guess the match score up to a goal. In addition to all of the above, bookmakers offer many more various types rates. And lastly: experts do not advise betting on clear favorites, since in this case the risk is not justified by the possible winnings.

It will come as no surprise to anyone that people make money from online bets at bookmakers. And most often it seems to users that they receive good profit players who know everything about sports (when, where and with whom different sports teams play), and also roughly assess the strengths of each, without missing a single match. But in reality, not everything is so linear. And great betters or privateers (bookmaker players) become people who are very vaguely familiar with the world of sporting events, and at the same time make stable money on bets. This article is dedicated to specific species sports, therefore, we will consider the following questions as much as possible: how to bet on football, what types of bets there are (handicap, total, express, life bets and others), development of strategies and tips - all this will help you enter into a deal with a bookmaker prepared, and means an equal opponent in the fight for the money at stake.

Fast passage

Football betting strategies and types of bets

Many novice bettors place bets based on general characteristics match, for example: they only bet on the team that they think should win or on the approximate number of goals. At the same time, they do not think much about the fact that they can raise the coefficient or minimize their risks thanks to the probability distribution. Actually, a well-thought-out football betting strategy is risk diversification. Let's start with the fact that bets are divided into single, express and system bets.

A single bet (single bet) is the most common type of transaction in bookmakers, when money is bet on one event with one outcome. An express bet is different in that the coupon contains various events with different outcomes, where overall coefficient is calculated by multiplying those included. This great way increase profits, but if you lose at least one bet, the remaining winning matches are not counted and the entire coupon will be a loss. Transactions in the system are considered the most thoughtful because general form coupon is express, but with safety net. This means that out of the total number of events, it can be noted that not everyone can play, and in the event of an unplayed bet, the coupon will still be winning. For example, the system is 2 out of 3, 4 out of 5, 6 out of 12, and so on. The coupon in the system works in such a way that a combination of events creates several express bets. For example, a two out of three coupon means that there are only 3 combinations and if 2 of them play, then the coupon will be a winning one, with a coefficient according to the positions won.

Basic strategies for betting on football: doubling, “ladder” and exact score in the system.

Doubling- This is a method of constantly increasing the transaction amount in case of loss. Thus, the winnings on the winning coupon, taking into account the funds already lost, subject to similar odds, will be approximately equal to the first played. "Ladder"- this is an all-in game at low odds in events without “surprises”. You need to play the “ladder” game with a pre-thought-out budget and reasonable profit. For example, 6 events in a row with a final profit of 50%. Correct Score Betting Strategy implies a clear analysis of the selected teams, possible outcomes and play in the system. Not all bookmakers can allow betting on the same events with different outcomes, but the profit from such a plan can exceed all expectations. After all, 2 out of 12 trades can work in the system and the profit will still cover the loss.

What is a total in football betting and how to calculate totals correctly

In addition to the main well-known types of bets “Win ​​of the first team” (W1), “Win ​​of the second team” (W2), “Draw” (X), there are great amount other additional outcomes for the match. Every bookmaker has total bets. What is it and how to bet on totals correctly? In this case, total means limiting, that is, the number of goals scored that differ from a given indicator. The total can be more or less (TB and TM, respectively), as well as a decimal and an integer. The most popular total in football betting is considered to be 2.5. This means that with TM2.5, two goals will be scored in the match, one goal will be scored, or there will be no hits at all. TB2.5 means that there will be 3 goals inclusive.

Totals in sports can be set both for the entire match - total or general, and for teams - individual (from or until how many goals each team will score). Whole totals in football are an opportunity to return money for a bet if the number of goals matches the total. If TB3 is selected and the team scores 3 goals, then the bookmaker returns the money for the coupon to the player.

Totals can be not only for the number of goals scored, but also for corners, cards issued to players, goals scored per half, and so on. In real time (live betting) TB and TM are also used. At the same time, it’s convenient when the bookmaker immediately has the opportunity to collect coupons under the broadcast itself, without stopping from watching the game.

What is a handicap in football betting (handicap) and how to calculate it

A handicap in football, as in any other event, is created to bring the unequal strengths of opponents to a common denominator in this way. Now, more and more often, instead of the “handicap” indicator, bookmakers write “handicap”, which is an identifying value. In betting, a handicap helps when the odds for the victory of the clear leader of the match are too small. To earn more money on a selected match, handicaps are used: negative, positive and zero. Also, a separate handicap can be a whole or half value (decimal, not a whole, for example - 1.45).

A negative handicap is placed on the match leaders when there is confidence that the goal gap will be impressive. For example, the odds for a handicap of -1.5 will play out if the difference in the score is more than 2 goals. That is, the bet will win if the score is 2:0, 3:0, 3:1 and so on. If the team that was handicapped at -1.5 wins the match by 1 goal, then the coupon is considered a loser.

There is also a positive handicap in football. It is calculated when betting on a team that is prone to losing, but still has a chance of winning. In case of loss, a handicap will be able to equalize the forces and prevent the privateer from completely losing due to the main outcome of the bet. For example, the second team is given a handicap of 2.5 and will enter if the team wins, draws, or loses by a maximum goal difference of 2. In the event of a loss by a margin of 3 or more goals, the coupon will be considered a loser.

If there are no special preferences, that is, the opponents’ forces are approximately equal, it makes sense to use zero handicapФ0. The coupon will be valid if the team wins with any score. And if the match ends in a draw, then the money will be returned to the handicapper’s balance.

Live betting on football

What are live bets, advantages and disadvantages of them? Live betting– this is the opportunity to place bets already during the game, that is, in the mode online broadcasts. Perhaps not all transactions are available for the coupon, but the remaining odds change in real time and allow you to immediately bet on small outcomes during the game or to hedge your bets in case of a risky pre-start entry. The disadvantage of life is a possible violation of confidence in making the right choice before the start of the sporting event.

Match forecasts from professionals and free

Many novice bettors are looking for ready-made predictions for football matches, believing that the opinions of others will be a magic wand. Moreover, players are looking for free football forecasts, but from professionals, in places where they do not live. First of all, every player must understand that any information regarding the outcomes of future matches is distributed for information and analysis only. Using a forecast for a specific match, you can or make sure own opinion or notice a nuance that was not previously noticed for inclusion in analytics. Most often, right on the bookmaker’s website there is a separate column “News” or “Forecasts”, which describes upcoming events and probable outcomes.

Regarding paid forecasts “from professionals,” I would like to warn players that the majority of users providing “ accurate forecasts for a match" for money are nothing more than scammers hiding behind insider information. Insider in football means knowledge about agreements in friendly or purchased matches. Don’t take unnecessary risks, because no one will sell such information for a couple of hundred or thousand rubles.

Additionally, each bookmaker still has its own odds line, but they show as verbatim as possible what each indicator means. For example: “Home win”, “Both will score”, “Dry victory”, “When the first goal is scored”, “Number of corners” and so on. Such opportunities should not be ignored, because the odds on them sometimes simply knock you down, even when the winnings for the main outcome are quite small.

After all these formalities that had to be followed in order to fully understand the possibilities of making money on sports betting, now let’s take a quick look at how to bet on football. To do this, we will create a coupon in the system by selecting best opportunities from match outcomes, with minimal risks and not very low odds. Our choice fell on Manchester United against Bournemouth, as well as Watford - Southampton and Leicester City - Hull City. And here, without a doubt, in the first match, everything famous bookmakers They will set the odds according to the theory of probability, that is, the victory of Manchester. Which is what we will actually use.

At the moment, the odds for Manchester to win are 1.27, with a clear predominance of such forces. You shouldn't count too much on Bournemud. In the bookmaker’s account, select the desired match and click on it to fully open all the bookmaker’s offers. The coupon is automatically generated when you click on the odds and is usually displayed in the upper right corner. Our example is the official licensed bookmaker Winline, which allows you to make not only singles and express bets, but also build a system using different strategies.

Please note that in the bookmaker’s system you can place only one bet on one match per coupon. Having analyzed many odds with greater confidence that the leader will win, we decide on a bet – Handicap -1.75 on Manchester. That is, the deal will work in our favor if Manchester United scores 2 more goals in the match than Bornmud, which is quite realistic. Thus we turn 1.27 into 1.94. When the first bet hits the coupon, it immediately displays the amount field, which can be selected from the list provided, or entered manually.

We move on to the second and third matches and also analyze the situation, choosing the best bets from the entire event.

We enter the coupon amount and get a 2 out of 3 system, where after two events have been played we will already be in profit.

1) Not knowing general history work sports teams, the outcome of sports betting will be purely random. Then making money on bets will become just a game in a casino, where you can win, but then lose everything again. Therefore, study statistics! At least the teams in the matches you intend to bet on.

2) Know how to analyze! Search Additional information! Don’t think that games in which a team suddenly wins or for some reason suddenly loses are just a miracle. This is wrong. Most often, such an event is preceded by news from the world of sports, where, for example, a football player (the most powerful attacker of the team) has fallen ill, or the team composition for the current event is completely inexperienced, and so on. Don't just get information, but learn to apply it in practice.

3) A lot also depends on the bookmaker, especially when you play live bets. Let us not once again remind you of those bookmakers who generally provide services in bad faith. Now we are talking only about legal bookmakers. So, when you need to place a bet right now, it will be completely unpleasant when the site freezes or the coupon is accepted at the wrong time, and simply changing the odds every second can be very annoying. Bottom line: choose an official bookmaker with a convenient structure, clear interface, fast website and high performance with a minimum commission.

4) Don't be afraid large odds– this is not an accurate indicator. It often happens that the leader of the match loses to a secondary team, on which the odds were more than 40. And those who really analyzed, studied and weighed the chances were able to really make money on bets, and even on the most basic one - on the victory of one of them.

5) When creating coupons, insure yourself if you are not sure of the outcome. Even though the rates in different coupons may seem contradictory, they will help, at a minimum, save your money, and, more often than not, increase it. Happy betting and decent profits!

Virtual football: everything online

Feature recent years bookmakers began accepting bets on virtual football. But do not confuse the categories “virtual sports” and “e-sports” - there is a big difference between them. Virtual sports are based on a simulated game, meaning the entire match, which lasts only a few minutes, runs on a computer algorithm. And eSports is a game real people V computer games at the championships.

How to bet on virtual football (VFL or VFL)? Even easier than a regular sport. There are 16 teams in the VFL championship, that is, 8 games per round. 30 rounds in a season take up to 2.5 hours and a new league begins immediately. Betting in the VFL is not so rich in variety, but it does provide an opportunity to quickly “work out the season.” Before your first bet, you need to carefully study the statistics, watching several seasons yourself in order to choose favorites at your discretion. Concluding transactions with bookmakers on VFL approximately looks like this:

  • main – victory of one of the teams;
  • handicap on favoritia;
  • totals for the match;
  • accurate count.

Considering the disadvantages, it is worth noting the advantages - quick completion of the match, round-the-clock broadcast, no bribery. Good analysis and elementary concepts of how algorithms work in virtual football, brought to automaticity, will give excellent results.

Determine your maximum budget. First, decide what maximum amount, which you can enter into bets. On the one hand, too high a budget can lead to personal bankruptcy. On the other hand, a small budget will limit you a bit. Follow the rules of this article and place the right bets, which will reduce the risk of large losses to almost zero. Maximum budget for a beginner according to " basic rule based on extensive experience” should be 35,000 rubles.

Select your maximum bet amount. By placing all your money on one outcome, the only correct one in your opinion, you will not achieve your goal. Only sharing the risks between several games will lead to profit. So the limitation maximum bet will increase your chances of winning. According to the “rule of thumb,” the maximum bet amount for a beginner is 1,750 rubles.

Choose the right betting line. Place bets only on two main categories: “Match Result” and “Total Over/Under 2.5 Goals”. “Match result” means choosing one of three possible outcomes of the game: home win, draw or away win. “Total over/under 2.5 goals” means determining the total number of goals scored in the match: over or under 2.5. The most recent statistics prove that betting in these two categories is the most effective. And we believe science!

Study the probability of the game outcome. The probability of a match outcome is generally defined as a range from 0% (no chance) to 100% (sure bet). For example, the probability of an outcome in the Match Result category might be: home win = 60%, draw = 15%, away win = 25%. For the category “Total over/under 2.5 goals”: ​​under 2.5 = 45%, over 2.5 = 55%. The sum of all the final probabilities of the “Match Result” line must be equal to 100%, since one of these three variations will definitely take place. The sum of the probabilities of the outcome along the line “Total over/under 2.5 goals” should also be 100%, too, since the total number of goals scored during any football match will be either more than 2.5 goals or less. In other words, the probability of any outcome expresses your belief in the chosen outcome, distributed between 0% and 100%. Possible probabilities, also commonly known as “betting tips” or “predictions,” can be found on the Internet. Let's explain how you can evaluate them.

Find a good betting website or website. The best way find the probabilities of match outcomes - using Internet resources. There are a number of websites that provide free advice. Type “football betting tips” into Google and you will find most of them. When choosing your site, ensure that the forecasts provided perform well over time by comparing between likely and real results matches. The greater the difference between these tips and the bookmakers' forecasts (we will explain later), the greater your income.

Study the "fixed odds" market. Bookmakers determine fixed odds for each outcome in the categories “Match Result” and “Total Over/Under 2.5 Goals”. For example, the odds of the “Match Result” line can be as follows: home win = 1.5, draw = 3.6, away win = 5.8. This means that if you bet 3,500 rubles on a home win and the bet wins, you will receive 3,500 * 1.5 = 5,250 rubles from the bookmaker. If not, you will lose your 3,500. So the odds basically multiply your bet, and you are interested in their maximum value in the outcome of the match you are betting on.

Understand the relationship between odds and probability. Considering the above coefficients, try to determine them reverse notation: 1/1.5, 1/3.6, 1/5.8, and multiply by 100%. You will receive the likely percentage for a given outcome, according to the bookmaker: home win = 66%, draw = 27%, away win = 17%. Unfortunately, when you calculate their sum, as in the previous example, you will not get 100%, but 110%. The 10% difference represents the commission that the bookmaker adds to the odds. Subtracting 10%/3 from the three percentages above will give you the exact bookmaker odds: home win = 63%, draw = 24%, away win = 13%.

Choose your bookmaker. The best bookmaker for you is the one that provides the most high odds for the results on which you decide to place a bet. Prediction and statistics websites will usually give you a list of bookmakers and their odds for each game. You can choose the bookmaker with the highest odds and register to place your bet.

Compare the odds and your probabilities of winning bets. A long-known way to compare bookmaker odds and your chances is to simply multiply them. If you receive high value for some outcome, this means there is a good chance of making a profit. However, if your forecasts are inaccurate, the potential final calculation may be incorrect. For example, bookmakers' odds are: home win = 1.5, draw = 3.6, away win = 5.8. And the advice you found on the Internet says the following: home win = 60%, draw = 15%, away win = 25%. The multiplication results then result in the following potential for each outcome: home win = 1.5 * 60% = 0.9, draw = 3.6 * 15% = 0.54, away win = 5.8 * 25% = 1 ,45. You can see that in this case the possibility of the away team winning is the highest. Unfortunately, the probability of the away team winning is 25% and therefore if you decide to bet on an away win, your chances of winning will only be 25%.

Find a bet with a high winning potential. The basic “rule of thumb” is: bet on an outcome with odds greater than 3 and a probability greater than 40%. In this case the value will be 1.3. So, you can calculate the bet: Bet = 1/100 * Budget * (Probability - (100% - Probability) / (Odds - 1)). For example, when the odds for a home win = 3.0, the probability of a home win = 40% and the budget = 35,000 rubles, you will have to bet: Bet = 1/100 * 35,000 rubles * (40% - (100% -40%) / (3–1)) = 3,500 rubles. Since the maximum allowed bet amount is 1,700 rubles, this will be your bet. If the calculated bet is less than 0, do not place it.

The answer to this question interests many players in bookmakers, because football is the most popular view sports for betting.

This popularity is due to great knowledge of the “subject”, because football battles are the easiest to follow, especially when we're talking about about matches from the most popular championships.

The first rule of football betting

In the offers of bookmakers you can see a lot of matches in the line, and many of them are held in championships that you have never followed and generally do not know what the clubs from these championships are. If you are new to bookmakers, avoid betting on such football matches.

Of course, a careful study of statistics on certain leagues, tournaments and championships sometimes helps to place a bet on football correctly. But it’s better to start with those championships that have long been familiar to you, and in which you know the real strength of this or that team in currently time, rather than being guided solely by statistical data or isolated memories of a game you once saw.

Are there guarantees in football betting?

No one will give you a 100% guarantee of passing a bookmaker's bet on football. But the guarantees can be very high if you approach the selection of an event with the utmost care, studying it from all sides. This means:

  • statistical analysis of previous games of both teams;
  • studying information about how long mentors have been at their helm;
  • Are there any injuries to leading football players;
  • Is the financial situation in the club stable?
  • what will the judging panel be like?
  • what is the state of the field;
  • weather forecast on match day.

You will need to work a little to place your bet correctly and win. Added to this is the study of football betting odds from bookmakers. After all, for the same event different offices offer different odds, so you can always choose the most profitable option where to bet on football.

What types of football bets are there?

The simplest option football betting – determining the winner of the match or betting on a draw. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, as there are many variety of options helping to earn money in bookmakers on football matches. Let's highlight several types.

Bet on the total number of goals in the match (total) – over or under

For almost every game, bookmakers offer total odds, and it can be a bet greater than 0.5 or a bet less than 3.5, for example. When you choose this type of bet, it is necessary to pay special attention to the presence of the main goalkeepers in the composition, To game form defense and attack of teams in recent matches.

The number of goals is also influenced by the fact that a favorite and an outsider or teams of equal strength meet. In the first case, it is usually better to bet on a total over 2.5, for example, while the second option involves betting on a total under 2.5 or 3.5, depending on the performance of the opponents.

Bet online

Many experienced players prefer to place bets online during the match (Live).

They carefully monitor the bookmakers' line, waiting for one of the teams to have a two-goal advantage, and the odds for its victory are still not too low - 1.2 for example. And if this team is not an outright outsider, or the match is already nearing completion, a bet large sum for her victory. Even though the odds are low, the probability of the bet passing is very high.

Bet on the result of the first half

The first halves are often “sighting”, when teams get used to the opponent’s tactics, the field and other circumstances of a particular match. Therefore, in most cases, a bet on a draw, for example, based on the results of the first half, will be good option with a good coefficient.

You can also try lower totals in the first half. Unless, of course, we are talking about a confrontation between two teams that are too different in level.

Which team will score first

Beginners are not recommended to make such a bet., since for games with clear favorites the odds will not be very high, and in a confrontation between equal teams it is quite difficult to correctly predict who will score first. This will require not only analytical calculations on statistics, but also a detailed study of the form of specific players on both teams. Plus, you need many years of knowledge about the character and psychology of these clubs, the peculiarities of the work of their coaches, etc.

Bet on the exact score of a football match

Even more complex than the previous type. Of course, on accurate accounts bookmakers offer very high odds, But professional players Bookmakers try to avoid making such bets. They are made more for luck, for fun, without risking large sums of money. As they say, while watching football.

Bet on players' individual totals

Typically, a bet is placed on whether a certain football player will score a goal or not. Even on individual totals Barcelona's Neymar or Bayern's Robert Lewandowski are given decent odds, let alone the lesser star players who are in great shape and you know it. Therefore, this type of football betting can bring good winnings to a thoughtful and attentive player.

Bet on the number of corners, cards, number of added minutes and other statistical indicators

There is no point in listing absolutely all types of bets on football, especially since different matches bookmakers offer various sets possible rates. And you can make good money from all this.

For example, when the 2012 European Football Championship was held, referees almost always added at least 3 minutes of injury time to the second halves of matches, and the number of corners in matches of that tournament, with very rare exceptions, was less than ten.

Knowing these statistics will help you do correct bet for football when the next major tournament takes place.

Should I bet on football with bookmakers?

In order to make a profit while betting, betting on football must be treated very carefully and seriously, without perceiving it as entertainment. With a responsible approach to business, playing in bookmakers can be comparable to real work. It’s not for nothing that there are professional bettors who devote all their time to betting on football, offering willing players high-quality predictions with a high probability that they will come true.

If you are willing to take it that seriously, you should bet on football. IN otherwise– find better other entertainment that is less risky for your wallet and nerves.