Last name: signs before and after marriage. What surname can be given to a child at birth? Signs of different surnames for husband and wife

It is known that women aged 18 to 29 are considered the most superstitious. About a quarter of them are ready to believe literally in everything that defies common sense and has no logical explanation.

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Last name: signs before and after marriage

In itself, it usually does not carry anything negative. Unless a person was lucky enough to receive it, either cacophonous or funny, which became the subject of ridicule. But the sign of changing a surname already exists and remains very relevant both for the bride and groom, and for those who themselves want to start life on a new leaf with an updated passport.

Sign about the surname before the wedding

Today, when almost each of us leads an active virtual life on social networks and forums, more and more often girls ascribe to themselves the surname of their boyfriend or future husband even before the official marriage. What are the consequences of such a virtual change of surname? Signs say that you should not tell anyone your future surname before the wedding - this can lead to discord in even the strongest relationships.

It will turn out to be a kind of evil eye - when the person himself jinxed his future happiness, and it left him. By the way, the self-evil eye is one of the most powerful types of the evil eye, which is almost impossible to get rid of.

The sign “spouses have the same last name” is interpreted in two ways. It is believed that even the same letter in a surname (the first) is not a very good sign. Allegedly, such a marriage will not change anything in the fate of the newly made husband and wife - everything will remain the same for them. And even if you don’t have to change your last name, then even less so. On the other hand, there is a certain positive hidden in it - if everything was “in order” before the wedding, then such a sign will only be to your advantage. This means that nothing will change in a legalized relationship with your soulmate, and nothing in life will change for the worse.

Thus, if, when getting married, you hope to radically change something in your life, then choose a husband (wife) with a diametrically opposite surname. If there is no such task, do not pay attention to this sign at all.

Taking your husband's surname: signs

There is an established tradition - the wife takes her husband's surname. But, according to popular wisdom, a woman who changes part of her full name changes her destiny. She also becomes part of a new clan for herself - the clan of her husband. And if there was a family curse on this family, some kind of vow, etc., all this would fall on her head. On the other hand, family luck can also pass along with the new surname.

According to numerology, the first name, patronymic and last name, translated into numbers, form a special number, individual for everyone. And changing this number by changing the surname can turn your entire fate around. The only question is in which direction.

The right to a surname, name and patronymic is acquired by a child from the moment of birth and is enshrined in both international and Russian legislation. The newborn receives a name by agreement of the parents. Employees of the Civil Registry Office have the right to refuse if the chosen name does not comply with the requirements of the law. The patronymic name is assigned in accordance with the father's name and cannot be determined by parental agreement. The child's last name is also not freely chosen. It is determined by the data of the spouses.

The question of how to give a child his last name may arise for one of the parents if the details of the mother and father are different. If such a problem arises, you should be guided by the requirements of legislative acts.

The child receives a surname when his birth is recorded at the registry office. This information appears on the birth certificate. A newborn may receive the surname of his mother or father, unless a different procedure for obtaining it is provided for by the legislation of the subject.

Important! In 2017, changes were made to the Family Code. Now a child can receive a double surname, consisting of the parents' surnames, which are attached to each other in any order by means of a hyphen. Previously, a child could receive a double surname only if at least one of the parents had one.

In this case, such a surname must consist of two parts. It is prohibited to use a different order of accession when forming the surname of siblings.

If the father and mother of a newborn cannot come to an agreement regarding the child’s last name and first name, the dispute is resolved by the guardianship authorities. At the same time, employees of the educational institution must be guided by the interests of the minor and take into account various factors, including the euphony of these data, which may negatively affect the future of the child.

If a newborn is left without parents, his last name or first name is given to him by legal representatives, guardians or trustees in accordance with the general procedure.

The procedure for assigning a surname to a child if the parents do not have marriage registration

If the marriage between the parents is not registered, the question inevitably arises: is it possible to give the child the father’s surname. The legislation exhaustively resolves this problem.

If at the time of the birth of the child the parents are not in an officially registered marriage, the newborn can be given the surname of one of them. An entry about the father is made on the basis of recognition of paternity by a citizen through an application. Moreover, in the absence of registration of marital relations between spouses, the father is not required to go through the adoption procedure. When making a birth record, a citizen submits a written application for recognition of paternity, and on the basis of this, the child can be assigned his last name. The mother of the minor confirms her consent.

If a man refuses to acknowledge paternity, a record of the father can be made based on a court decision. In this case, the child also has the right to receive the father's surname. If at the time of issuing a certificate to a newborn, his father has not been officially identified, he will receive the mother’s surname. Subsequently, it can be changed after paternity is established in court.

If the parents are not married, but the father recognizes the child as his, his presence is required when obtaining the birth certificate of the newborn to file a paternity application. Otherwise, the child will receive the mother's surname, since the fact that the child has a father has not been confirmed.

The procedure for obtaining a surname by a child if the father is absent

The father's surname is assigned to the child only with the consent of the man and his recognition by the father of the minor. Registration of a family relationship with children in the prescribed manner entails the emergence of certain rights and obligations, therefore, a citizen can be recognized as the father only with his consent or during court proceedings.

If the newborn's father has died or his parents are divorced, he may receive the father's surname. In this case, no more than 300 days should pass from the date of divorce or death.

If a child is born during this period, paternity is recognized automatically and remains valid until it is revoked by a court. Accordingly, the child can receive the father's surname. It can be changed if paternity is challenged in court and the plaintiff’s demands have been satisfied.

A single mother has the right to give her child her last name when making a birth record at the registry office. If paternity has not been established, the child also receives a first and patronymic by the decision of the mother.

Changing a child's surname

The law establishes the possibility of changing the first or last name of a child under 14 years of age at the request of the parents and with the permission of the guardianship authorities. If the spouses are divorced, the guardianship authority must necessarily consent to this procedure from both parents. The employees of this institution will act in the interests of the minor when resolving the issue. Also, when a child reaches 10 years of age, his consent will be required to change his last name or first name.

Changing a child’s data without the permission of the other parent is possible in the following cases:

  • If the second parent has died.
  • The father or mother of a minor is deprived of parental rights.
  • The location of one of them has not been established.
  • The second parent evades payment of child support and/or fulfillment of his duties in raising the minor.
  • At the time of the citizen’s birth, the relationship between the parents was not registered.

If the child has reached the age of fourteen, he can change the data on his application.

Changing the child's surname or first name is also possible upon adoption. In this case, the legal process establishes the adoption of the minor and the change of his data. Changes to the registration record are made based on a court decision. Subsequently, it will be possible to change the child’s last name or first name only with the permission of the guardianship authorities.

Possible problems and difficulties if the mother and child have different surnames

If, after a divorce or death of the father, the child lives with the mother, and they have different surnames, difficulties may arise primarily due to the lack of obviousness of the family connection.

To avoid various problems, you should enter information about the newborn in the mother’s passport in the “children” column. This can be done at the passport office on the basis of the child’s birth certificate, which must include the details of the mother and father.

Difficulties may arise in various institutions, therefore, when contacting such authorities, you should have with you a complete package of documents confirming the change of surnames by the mother and the fact of the relationship with the child. Depending on the current situation, such securities may include:

  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Certificate of divorce with a note indicating the change of surname by the mother.
  • Certificate of registration of marital relations, if the mother remarried and changed her data.
  • Marriage certificate obtained from the registry office and confirming the existence of a marital relationship in the past.

Problems may also arise when traveling abroad with a minor citizen. In this case, documents confirming the relationship will also be required. To avoid difficulties, an official translation of the child’s birth certificate may be required. It can be done at the consulate of the country you plan to visit.

“Darling, why do you constantly call me by my last name rather than by my first name?” – the guy is interested. “Oh, I really, really like her,” the girl admits and adds: “I want one for myself.” An unambiguous remark, isn't it? According to statistics, more than 80 percent of women take their husband's surname when getting married. But about 15 percent of brides after the wedding remain with their maiden name, and 5 percent choose a double one.

It’s a strange relationship, considering that in Rus' the wife traditionally bore her husband’s surname, as if to confirm the words “Husband and wife are one Satan.” And even today, according to psychologists, a change of surname seems to prove to the spouse the seriousness of the beloved’s intentions, her mood for a long family life and the desire to be with him “both in sorrow and in joy.”

Nowadays, she has the right to choose, confirmed by law. Article 32 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation states that “spouses, at their own request, choose, upon marriage, the surname of one of them as a common surname, or each of the spouses retains their premarital surname, or, unless otherwise provided by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, adds it to their surname the surname of the other spouse.”

But what justifies the choice not in favor of the husband’s surname?

AGE. According to the observations of registry office workers, most often they refuse to change the surname of a mature bride. This is explained by the inevitable difficulties associated with the mandatory change of documents. And there are quite a few of them: passport, TIN, medical policy, insurance, driver’s license, credit cards, and so on.

INVALIDITY of someone else's surname. Would you agree if your future husband bore the last name Durov or Musorenko? Most likely not, thinking that your children, and perhaps your grandchildren, will be Durovs or Musorenkos, which your classmates will certainly laugh at.

However, this is a controversial issue. Suffice it to recall the famous circus dynasty of the Durovs, which gave the world four national artists. In general, to paraphrase a well-known proverb, it is not the name that makes a man. Although many public people think otherwise. So the famous Nastya, who sings in a duet with Potap, became Kamenskaya on her mother’s side, abandoning her father’s surname Zhmur.

GRACE of one's own. These, firstly, include the names of Russian tsars, nobles or natural phenomena: the Romanovs, Obolenskys, Tsvetaevs, Zhemchuzhins, Gromovs and the like. Secondly, these are surnames with endings in -ie or -ich, for example, Volkonsky or Vashkevich.

PRESERVATION OF THE Clan. Today, many are interested in their pedigree, and their surname is perceived not as a line in a questionnaire, but as belonging to a family, because initially the word “surname” itself meant “family, family members.” In The New Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by T.F. Efremova clarifies:

– A hereditary family name added to a personal name and passed from father to children.

- A series of generations descending from one ancestor.

What if you are the last in your family, and it depends only on you whether the next generations will inherit the surname of their ancestors?

By the way, among the noble families of Russia there are many surnames that are not distinguished by grace. The same Kozlovs are represented by several different families, and the Abolduevs or Obolduevs are representatives of the oldest noble family, dating back to the 17th century.

PROFESSION. If, before the wedding, a girl of a creative profession has already declared herself on stage, on screen, on the podium or in literature, or has achieved success in business, then she is unlikely to easily agree to part with her surname, which has become a certain brand with a sign of quality.

In general, there are many reasons why wives keep their maiden names. What difficulties might they face in the future?

  1. An explanation to the child, as well as to teachers, doctors and other specialists working with him, why he has one surname, and his father or mother has a different one.
  2. Problems in traveling abroad with a child, but without a husband, whose last name he bears.