How to draw a tree of good deeds step by step with a pencil. How to draw a twig with a pencil

What You'll Be Creating

Trees are a beautiful embodiment of the richness and diversity of nature. They can live for a very long time; The oldest tree ever discovered is approximately 5,000 years old. It's no surprise that artists of all skill levels are drawn to trees, wanting to capture their charm and diversity.

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a standard tree using graphite pencils. But first we need to pay attention to some basic things, such as creating a branch using twigs, recreating the feel of foliage, and also creating the bark of a tree.

Let's plunge into the world of nature and have fun!

You might also be interested in the following tutorials on drawing trees and leaves:

What you will need

To complete this tutorial, you may need the following tools:

  • HB graphite pencil
  • 3B graphite pencil
  • Eraser
  • Drawing Paper

1. Draw the Bark Texture

Step 1

What is commonly referred to as bark includes a number of different tissues that cover the wood and act as a protective barrier. For example, the secondary bark is the outer tissue that is impermeable to water and gases.

Why do we start with this part of the tree? The bark is the final element that covers the shape of the trunk and branches. Knowing how to draw bark will speed up our process later when we already have an understanding of the design of the tree drawn from scratch.

Let's draw just a close-up sample of tree bark; we will focus on its structure and details. Using a pencil HB, draw a small rectangle and then fill it with lines that mimic the bark pattern.

Don't overdo this pattern in the early stages; just draw something that looks like custom diamonds.

Step 2

Add more detail to your drawing using a pencil HB. Separate areas with parallel shading will help create the feeling of a three-dimensional surface.

Step 3

Using a pencil 3B, darken the boundaries between areas of the cortex. You can also use dots to make the texture more interesting.

Step 4

Using a pencil 3B, reduce the contrast by covering the sample with a layer of soft, smooth shading. Next, accentuate the shadows again. Our sample is complete!

Step 5

Let's create another bark texture swatch; this time I will draw large shapes using a pencil HB. Next, also add the moss areas and then cover them with a layer of shading.

Step 6

Using a pencil HB, add separate shadows to the moss and bark.

Step 7

Using a pencil 3B, increase the contrast of the pattern, emphasizing the boundaries between the plates and under the moss.

Step 8

Add more detail with dots and short shading using a pencil 3B. Also darken the perimeter of the sample, creating a sense of depth.

2. Draw a Branch

Step 1

A branch is a woody element that is connected to the central trunk of a tree. Large branches are known as boughs and small branches are known as shoots or twigs.

Branches and twigs can be various shapes and sizes; since branches can be nearly horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, most trees have branches that are diagonal and point upward.

Let's draw a standard branch; highlight the base line with a pencil HB. It is also helpful to mark where the branch joins the trunk.

Step 2

Draw the shape of the branch. Remember that it should have a three-dimensional shape with a round base.

Step 3

Delete the auxiliary lines and then refine the outline of the branch.

Step 4

Add small twigs. Don't be afraid to add as many branches as you want, they should be varied.

Step 5

Add small twigs.

Step 6

Draw the leaves; they capture light energy and convert it into sugars through photosynthesis, providing food for the tree's growth and development.

Make sure the leaves in the picture are different sizes and had different direction. Usually we don't see every leaf as separate element, but for the sake of our exploration, let's add a touch of stylization.

Step 7

Add long lines and groups of shading to imitate the texture of bark. It's so cool that we already know how to draw bark, isn't it?

Step 8

Using a pencil 3B, darken the sides of the branch to make it look three-dimensional. Also fill in the space around the leaves with groups of shading to create a sense of depth.

3. Draw a Tree

Step 1

So, we are ready to draw the entire tree. Mark the base of the tree and then add a baseline.

Step 2

The tree usually has a wide base and a thin top. Recreate the tree shape by selecting segments of the shape and joining them together using a pencil outline.

Step 3

Add branch shapes, they differ in size and direction.

Step 4

Remove the auxiliary lines and then refine the outline. When it comes to natural objects, minor imperfections become fascinating!

Step 5

Add small branches and twigs based on the principles we observed in the previous part of the tutorial.

Step 6

Since we are drawing a complete tree, there is no point in selecting each individual leaf. Add sample forms leaves only on the lower branches, as well as on the frame of the tree crown.

Step 7

Let's create a feeling of foliage. The easiest way to draw a large mass of leaves is to fill the crown with doodles. You can find an example of this technique in the bottom corner of the picture in the screenshot below.

Using a pencil HB, fill in the tree crown area with doodles, leaving some areas lighter while darkening bottom part crowns

Step 8

It's time to work on the barrel; it is usually darker than the foliage, so having the right contrast is vital.

Using a pencil HB, draw an approximate pattern of the bark, and also highlight the main shadows. Note that we're seeing this picture from a distance, so adding a lot of detail won't help here.

I also decided to add a cute addition: a hollow with an owl peeking out of it.

Step 9

Using a pencil 3B, increase the contrast of the picture. Feel free to make the sides of the tree, as well as the visible branches, really dark.

Step 10

Using a pencil 3B, darken the foliage, emphasizing the lower part of the crown. The goal here is to achieve a contrasting yet harmonious look.

Finish the drawing by adding some grass near the base of the tree.

4. Draw a Stump

Step 1

Using a pencil HB, draw the base line and base of the stump.

Step 2

Add the top of the stump. The baseline could be useful tool as a guide, but you don't need to make this shape perfect.

Step 3

Highlight the bark texture using a pencil HB.

Step 4

The cross section of the stump may contain concentric circles of lighter and darker wood - tree rings (also known as annual growth rings). These circles usually have correct form, but sometimes due to abnormal growth conditions they turn into wavy lines.

Mark the center of the inside of the trunk, and then draw circular shapes going from the center of the section to the outer outline. I also added small cracks to make the drawing more realistic.

Step 5

Using a pencil HB, create the texture of the bark. I also added horizontal shading to the top of the stump to highlight its flat surface.

Step 6

Darken the sides of the stump using a pencil 3B. Now it's time to add details to the bark, such as small islands of moss, and also vary the structure of the growth rings.

The top surface of the stump can show interesting transitions from darker tones to lighter tones from the center to the outer outline (this creates a slightly darker area near the bark).

Step 7

The stump drawing is complete, but it doesn't look believable. Therefore, I added grass and fern leaves to create a nice natural atmosphere.

Our Drawing Is Complete

Congratulations! We created four beautiful graphite drawings using graphite pencils. I hope you were inspired by the trees and enjoyed the drawing process.

May your creative journey be fruitful and filled with fun!

In this tutorial I present you with the opportunity to enjoy drawing a simple tree with a conical trunk and a bunch of foliage. I have always been impressed by the roots of huge trees peeking out from the ground, the thick trunks of large oaks, the hanging leaves weeping willow. The trees that surround us protect us, warm us, and saturate us with oxygen. Trees are fundamental to our way of life, from the table and chair you sit on to the paper you draw on. After this lesson, I encourage you to go outside and plant a tree in your yard, your friend's yard, near your school, or somewhere else. But first, let's draw an inspiring tree!

1. Start with a trunk that widens towards the bottom.

2. Connect the sides of the trunk at the bottom with a curved contour line. It will serve as a reference line for the tree's root system.

3. I use the bottom one contour line, draw guides in four directions: NE, SE, NW and SW.

4. It's fascinating, isn't it? Draw the roots of the tree using long tapering tubes coming out of the trunk following compass directions. Have you noticed that we use guide lines in almost every object when we draw in 3D?

5. Erase the additional lines. Draw the branches tapering and gradually dividing into smaller branches. Note that you should draw folds where the branches diverge to define the edges more clearly.

6. Easily mark the first leaf zone by marking it with a circle.

7. Add two more circles behind the first one, creating a 3D overlapping effect. Essentially, a group of three leaf clumps will look more visually appealing than just one.

Mostly, odd number objects in a group look more attractive than an even number. I'm looking out the window right now and I see several examples of groups. The store across the street has three windows to the right of the door and three to the left. Find examples of famous Roman architecture on the Internet, notice how many columns they have on each side of the entrance to the building or windows. Look at the windows, arches, sculptures in historical architecture Renaissance. Grouping is an important art concept that I will cover in more detail in our next tutorials.

8. Just like we did in the drawing lesson, we will draw a “surface feel” on the leaf clumps. Start by drawing small rows of scribbles like the picture below. As you apply multiple layers of these scribbles, you create the illusion that these spheres are becoming leaves. Now apply the wood grain using repeating smooth lines, going down the trunk. Notice that the shadows are darker under the branches.

9. Continue building up the visual effect of the leaves by filling each of the large clumps with a circle with small scribbles. Finish the tree by adding textured shading. Draw long vertical lines to shade the trunk and branches of the tree. Great job! Beautiful, and most importantly realistic tree happened!


Let's try to complicate the drawing. Can you draw such a tree?


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We present to you another interesting step by step lesson for drawing with pencils. Today we will show you how to draw a tree with pencils. Prepare all the materials necessary for drawing:

  • a sheet of white paper in A5 or A4 format;
  • colour pencils;
  • simple pencil HB;
  • eraser.

We start by sketching the tree trunk.

Then we move on to drawing the crown. We apply the sketch easily, without pressing too hard on the pencil and without drawing any details.

Now let's return to creating the trunk. We outline its outline with a brown pencil.

Gradually giving it contrast and brightness.

The crown of the tree should be green. To do this, take a pencil of any green tone and begin to draw each piece of the crown.

Don't press too hard on the pencil so that you end up with a translucent shade like this.

Now we begin to draw in small strokes the unpainted areas of the crown.

To do this, you can use a different shade of green pencil that is darker or more saturated. You can also draw with one green pencil, just change the pressure on it.

Using a burgundy pencil we create bright accents on the trunk of our tree.

We outline the outline of the trunk, easily draw the middle and side parts of the branches.

To create contrast and draw the shadows of the trunk, we use a black pencil.

Now we create these small leaves along the contour of the crown.

The petals should have a richer tone and stand out a little from the background of the main part of the crown.

And then we outline the outline of the miniature leaves with a yellow pencil.

We create crown contrast with a burgundy or brown tone. Fill the dark areas of the foliage with any of these two shades.

In the background of the picture we will create a wooden fence of a translucent color. We will also draw a small area of ​​green grass under the tree.

That's it, the work is ready!

Trees are almost always present in children's drawings, the themes of which are related to nature - summer holidays, parents' vacation, a trip to the country, and small artists strive to fill city landscapes with green spaces. It is better to teach a child to draw a tree correctly step by step, starting with pencil sketches and gradually moving on to using watercolors.

How to draw a tree with a pencil step by step

First, explain to your children while walking in a park or forest that a tree consists of a trunk, large and small branches, and a crown. Having seen a tree in real life, it will be easier for a child to draw it.

  • Draw two parallel vertical lines on a sheet of paper - you will get a trunk, from which mark the main branches to the right and left.
  • Between the thick skeletal branches, bring out thin shoots directed upwards.

  • Using colored pencils, make the crown bright green and the trunk and branches dark brown.

How to draw a tree with a pencil - birch

The beautiful birch cannot be confused with other trees because of its white trunk with black stripes. Drawing a birch is not difficult, the main thing is to observe the proportions, thickness, and direction of the branches.

  • Draw a thin line on the sheet, draw a second line parallel to it. Make small notches on the trunk and draw out the main branches from them.
  • Mark flexible shoots that bend to the ground. Shade the body of the birch tree with black spots and use a horizontal line to mark the place where the trunk meets the ground.
  • Outline the entire silhouette of the tree with thick lines. Scatter leaves resembling diamonds with a rounded base on the branches and color them with a green felt-tip pen.

How to draw a tree with a pencil - oak

This version of the deciduous tree image is the easiest.

  • Place the wide side of the paper horizontally. Draw a small fluffy cloud in its upper part - a crown.

  • From it, draw lines similar to the nose, eyebrows, mustache of the old wizard from oriental fairy tale. Outline the foliage with curly curves, reminiscent of a high bouffant hairstyle.

  • Add volume to the contours of the trunk by outlining it with a double line. Use winding lines to draw strong branches that support the curly foliage with their strength. Using several rays, lowered down and touching the ends, depict the roots emerging to the surface of the earth.

  • Place leaves in the very thick of the crown, forming a living wavy fringe. Erase the unnecessary outline and paint the picture with paints.

How to draw a tree with a pencil - pine

Draw a pine tree according to the diagram - it’s simple and accessible even to a first grader.

  • Draw two straight vertical lines on the sheet, tapering at the top. To the right and left of them, according to the number of branches, draw curly clouds - future needles. Connect the clouds with branches extending from the trunk, at the bottom of which make a couple of stumps - the remains of broken off dry twigs.

  • Draw the trunk with longitudinal lines, depicting cracked bark. Separate the line of the ground with a wavy line, set up a tent under the tree and color your art with watercolors.

How to draw a tree with a pencil - spruce

Even a child can draw such a tree in a few steps.

  • Draw a vertical line, limiting it at both ends with segments. Duplicate it with a second ray and connect both marks at the top point - you get a trunk.
  • Draw paw branches going from the trunk to the sides: the first pair - down, the rest - up.
  • Draw furry shoots from each large paw. Cover them densely with small needles using a green pencil.
  • Use the same principle to decorate the tree trunk. The Christmas tree is ready. Hang multi-colored balls on it, and you have a wonderful applique for a New Year’s card.

Drawing trees is always very interesting and quite simple. The main thing is to use our advice, be observant, and you will succeed great picture, which will decorate a children's or school corner.

Almost always, when drawing any landscape, a tree appears as the main or additional object, and sometimes even more than one. Before you start drawing an entire grove or even a forest, you need to learn how to draw a single tree, and also practice drawing different types of trees.

In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how to draw trees different types paints using different techniques. It is very important that the colors are good quality. Using low-quality paints will make it difficult for you to control your work with paint, and in general the whole process will not bring much pleasure, and the result will most likely be extremely mediocre.

So I'll show you how to draw winter spruce paints, deciduous wood, as well as the technique of painting wood with a sponge. Let's start.

How to paint a spruce with paints

First, let's designate the trunk. It shows in which direction the side branches grow. Important - if you paint not with gouache, but with watercolor, then you will need to make a preliminary sketch with a pencil and start painting from the light areas, then wait until the paint dries and move on to the dark details. If you don't do this, all the paint will mix and you'll end up with a very messy, unsightly painting. By the way, here is a detailed description of the technique of painting flowers with watercolors.

After you have completed the branches, we outline the main color of the coniferous foliage of the tree. In some places the paint will be a little lighter. We draw the darkest areas green with the addition of blue - you should get a sea green color.

To add snow to the spruce branches, wait until the paint is completely dry. We paint snow with white paint with the addition of a blue or light blue tint.

How to paint a deciduous tree with paints

Again, we start drawing from the trunk, from which the branches are directed as shown in the image below.

Here for the foliage we will use a warmer green - you can get this color if you add to the usual green color a little yellow - this way you can adjust and change the shade. The more shades of green there are in your drawing, the more interesting the final result will look. We paint the shaded areas with dark green and turquoise.

Individual, strongly illuminated petals can be designated yellow. Don't forget to paint the trunk with dark and light shades of brown. Also draw the soil, grass and flowers at the base of the tree.

How to paint a tree with paint and sponge

This method is especially popular with children and novice artists. It will require paper, paint and a small piece of sponge or foam rubber.

We start drawing from the trunk. Using light movements using a thin brush, draw the branches.

After this, you need to dip the sponge a little in green paint and carefully leave prints on the paper in the place where the tree crown should be located. You can practice on a rough draft. Adjust the amount of paint and pressure to get the best effect.