How to get out of a crisis situation. How to get out of a life crisis to your advantage 

None of us are immune from life's shocks. "Why did this happen to me?" - we ask ourselves. Is it possible to anticipate a crisis and what to do if it does happen? The editors of looked for answers to these questions together with a specialist in women's destiny, psychologist Svetlana Kazantseva.

First you need to understand that crisis is different from crisis. There are “planned” age-related crises that occur every seven years and which must be experienced in order to avoid problems in the future.

So, for example, from the age of 14 to 21, each of us goes through a period of socialization and separation from our parents. If for some reason the break does not occur (often the parents themselves do not let go), there is a risk of remaining a child forever.

The path to independence is sometimes full of thorns, but they must be overcome in order to become an independent person, start a family and live a full life. But there are other crises, life ones: fired from work, breakup with a loved one, betrayal, illness...

Imagine: a woman lives, she has a family, children, everything is fine. She doesn’t work, and she seems to like everything, but discomfort appears: she wants to move somewhere, learn new things, but she convinces herself that her duty and destiny as a woman is to focus on her family. The discomfort grows as the years go by.

And suddenly a catastrophe: the husband is out of action for a long time - he has to have a serious operation. The money is running out, there is nowhere to wait for help, what to do? Having cried all her tears, she tries to improve her life: she enrolls her children in kindergarten, starts working part-time, finds new acquaintances... This (real) story has a good ending.

The husband recovered, everything returned to normal, and she entered a university, received a second education, mastered a new profession and since then has been “working” not only as a loving wife and mother, but also as a successful designer. Would she have decided to take such a leap if not for the crisis? Big question.

Why do crises happen? Because we stop developing and live contrary to our nature, coming up with all sorts of excuses for this. If you don't develop, life begins to move you on its own. Sometimes she gently leads us by the hand, sometimes she pushes us irritably, and sometimes she takes us by the scruff of the neck and throws us into the abyss. A crisis is always a transition from an old level to a new one, it is an opportunity to discard everything unnecessary and start living in a new way.

Let's tell another story - about a girl who went with her family to live in Bulgaria. There they were engaged in real estate, selling houses to our compatriots, and everything was going well for them - exactly until the crisis of 2014, when the ruble collapsed and sales stopped. A month, two, six months passed - the situation has not changed. They had money, but it became unbearably boring! A friend was the first to worry when one morning she found her husband with an iron in his hands!

“In 12 years of marriage, I have never seen my husband ironing clothes,” she said, “if he takes up the iron, what will happen next?”

What to do if a crisis does occur? The first is to accept the situation. When your wallet is stolen, it is customary to thank them for taking it in money! Any trouble is a sign, a warning. The second is to throw out negative emotions to the maximum. Don’t pretend that everything is fine, otherwise the negative energy will go deep and corrode you from the inside. Don't blame yourself, do everything you can to avoid getting depressed:

Increase your physical activity. This adds vital energy and helps relieve negativity.

Change the situation, leave. To the village, to the sea - wherever possible. Ask your relatives to look after the children, take a vacation. At such moments, the most important thing is mental health.

Change your social circle for a while, don’t run to seek solace from your friends - you need someone new, positively minded, who can look at your situation from the outside. Alternatively, it’s better to pour out your soul... to the taxi driver! But if possible, it is better to turn to a professional.

Switch from emotions to thoughts. Take a sheet of paper, paint and draw or describe everything that happened to you. Along with the stream of consciousness, negativity will also spill out (just don’t forget to burn your creativity later).

Analyze what happened to you. What signs of fate did you ignore? Did you date a married man for five years in the hope that he would leave his wife? Did you sit in an unloved but stable job until you were fired? Look for the cause of the crisis. This will help you avoid mistakes in the future and turn your life in the right direction.

The main thing that must always be remembered is that a crisis is not a punishment, it is part of spiritual growth. Life always gives direction and gives a chance for positive change. We can take advantage of this chance, or we can turn away and continue making the same mistakes. To anticipate a crisis or wait for a new one - everyone decides for himself..

I noticed this trend. The complaints just piled up—all of them: “Don’t like it? Let's get a divorce! And the phrase, it seems, was not thrown seriously, but the sediment remains...

And for many couples, maybe even all, at some stage of the relationship it seems that everything has reached a dead end.

No one understands, hears, or loves each other at all, your friends are already tired of listening to your whining, and your husband is simply infuriating.

  1. Two extremes: you either swear, making it personal, or don’t talk at all.
  2. You don't spend time together.
  3. You practically don’t have sex, only occasionally, as if for show.
  4. You are infuriated by people you didn’t even notice in him before (by the way, yours, too).
  5. Everyone is thinking about divorce. It's easiest to escape, after all.

In each case, there are other bells, quieter or louder - write in the comments which ones you noticed in your relationship. Well, there are two options: either fix it, influence the situation, or fold your arms.

Call an ambulance?

A crisis is a kind of strength test for every family. Which one is up to you to decide. It is you who can create the reality you want.

The main question is that a self-sufficient woman does not bring her relationship with her husband to the stage of open conflict.

If you reach a dead end, look back at your behavior and only then at your husband’s behavior. Somewhere you yourself did not give the necessary energy, emotion and received nothing in return, so the balance was upset.

Work on the main mistakes in relationships can be done within the framework of my

I will talk about the psychology of a man on behalf of a man and you will understand at what point that balance was upset.

You can not only eat with your mouth

Let me guess, you couldn't talk to each other before? And now you take turns plugging into gadgets while you lie next to each other in bed.

Rare moments of communication are reduced to retelling news from mutual friends, a shopping list and a casual “How are you? “Fine” after work.

The number one relationship killer is the cell phone. Put it down, now. Turn off notifications. Go and call your man on .

Find out when HE comes home, open the doors with a smile. I know that you are tired too, but only your initiative for change motivates your man to change.

Open a bottle of wine. Remember pleasant moments from the past - start. Simply, without warning or introductory words.

Ask how he is doing. Don’t forget that it is important not only to speak, but also to listen. A very common one is precisely the inability to listen to your man. But for us this is very important.

Trust me, he will be pleasantly surprised. This is why many men withdraw into themselves because they do not see the interest and sparkle in the eyes of the woman they love. Why say something when they never listen to you?

Show him that you are interested in him. Nod, smile, don't interrupt. Be sure to look him in the eye. And I beg you, don’t yawn.

Little trick: open type. That is, those that require a detailed answer, rather than “yes”/“no”. And even better...

Feed, drink and ask directly: “How do you want me today?” Try it and see what happens! Little things like this give rise to a reboot.

Is sex life-giving?

Sex shop toys, role-playing games, Kama Sutra. Have you tried it? Then it's time! Sexual and moderate female initiative have not yet harmed a single married couple.

Try to diversify yours. Focus on spontaneity, choose interesting locations. Just don't get hung up on city parks, fitting rooms and restaurant toilets. There is no taste or imagination in this.

If the spontaneous approach does not suit you, try “organized” and atmospheric sex.

Once a week, put everything aside and just enjoy each other.

Another important nuance: if you don’t “hear” a friend in sex, finally voice your preferences to the man. Simple and direct. And ask him what he likes. These are questions that can save family relationships.

Instead of pretending once again, give him a direction and take him from point A to point B - you both win.

By the way, about questions...

Don't be afraid to ask your man questions that interest you. so stop playing the guessing game.

You may seem smart to yourself, but believe me, few women actually succeed in this. No one talks about ideals and ideas, but there are things that don’t suit HIM in your relationship.

It’s easier to find out and solve the problem than to smoke and pollute the atmosphere with grievances, anger and other negativity.

In turn, tell him what you would like in your relationship and in his behavior towards you.

Don't slow down your horse and don't put out the hut

If in your family relationships you carry everything on yourself, you got in touch with you. You signed up for this consciously and now you are reaping the benefits.

You have a chance to make things right. Forget about the phrase “I myself!” Ask him for help.

When you decide and do everything yourself, you kill his male potential. Just give your man his manhood. Let him be the main and breadwinner in the family.

Explain to your friend that you also have the right to rest. “Well, mine won’t lift my butt off the sofa!” - you think. Just the opposite.

Conduct an experiment: ask a man for help, gently, in a feminine way, as if you yourself would never cope without his strong and courageous shoulder - you will see what happens.

And remember, if a confrontation arises, do not let the conversation develop into a scandal, and then into a scandal.

With affection, a smile, and gentle words, you will always achieve much greater results than with reproaches, claims, and screaming. They never work.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself!

When it comes to a crisis in family relationships, the phrase “it will get better somehow” is completely inappropriate.

Those who adhered to this principle have either been divorced for a long time, or live and quietly hate each other. And I know that you want a harmonious relationship with a man.

Don't turn a blind eye to problems. Take action if you think your relationship has reached a dead end.

Above yourself it is important above relationships - too. Everything is as simple as with a figure. You need to keep yourself in shape so as not to be horrified by the number on the scale. If you don’t exercise, ballast appears.

And stop trying on the role of a “man.” Unconfident, complex women: through “I can do it myself” they prove to themselves that they are strong and independent.

It's time to develop, dear, and be responsible for yourself and your choices.

Is yours,
Yaroslav Samoilov

I greet you friends!

Today I would like to talk about two important aspects of the human personality and the human soul: crisis and realization. These are the two qualities that are always present together and one does not exist without the other.

What is a crisis?

Let's look closely at this word. For each of you this word means something very painful and unpleasant. And some of you may feel some very different experiences when you hear the word CRISIS. Many of us don't even think about whether this part of the soul exists inside him. We are so trained in the outside world to manifest ourselves, act, achieve something that we do not notice how we are gradually moving into this state of crisis. We believe that there is no crisis and it is not with us. And we must become active so as not to notice those symptoms of this condition that “break through” to us from our soul; we constantly try to keep ourselves busy with something.

But let us step aside a little from this manifestation of our personality and still consider what this concept of crisis is. Perhaps this is not such a negative concept that only causes some incomprehensible sensations, maybe there is something more grandiose behind it.

Let's look at the elements of a crisis using the example of three important aspects of human life:

The first side of a person's life. Let's take RELATIONSHIPS.

When you begin a relationship with a partner, man or woman, how do you feel in that first moment?

You are in a state of inspiration, for you this feeling of experiencing love, falling in love, becomes the most important element of the given at that moment. You feel a feeling of goodness, and this feeling brings you closer together, you are attracted to each other. At this moment, it seems to you that all the heavens have parted, and you, like God, are walking along the earth towards your beloved or loved one. And everything is so beautiful, so good.

But some time passes, you begin to live together. Or you reach a goal, a goal when you live together or are already close to each other. And at this moment, step by step, imperceptibly, you feel that the relationship is beginning to get used to it, feelings are dulling, and you are already far from the state of love that you had at the very beginning. You gradually feel that you need to do something all the time in order to excite your relationship in order to maintain it. You don’t notice how you are gradually approaching a moment of crisis in your relationship.

Of course, many of us don't see it that way. They believe that these are just some things that need to be changed in the material, in the external world. More attention, more flowers. More something else to awaken these feelings again. But soon you will see that the elements that are directed to the outside world will sooner or later bring you fatigue. Because they come out of you with effort. You require effort to maintain relationships, and when you see that these efforts are not supported by anything like inspiration, you will completely enter a state of crisis. You will feel that a moment has come when your partner does not understand you. He doesn’t hear you, doesn’t see you, doesn’t feel you and that’s it... the moment of crisis has come.

Look at this moment, how is your mind thinking? His mind is always directed outward, and the best he can say is: “Look for another partner, he is not suitable for you.” Of course, before this he took many steps to prevent this from happening, a lot of effort was made. And, in the end, we say: “That’s enough! I can not do it anymore!".

Let's consider this type of relationship, the type of crisis as a relationship between partners. Look, when you come to this point in this moment - it is always a very painful moment in your interaction. How do you feel at this moment? If you look deeply inside yourself at this moment, this is the moment of culmination. When, at the most difficult moment of your life, very strange experiences begin to rise from your subconscious, from the depths of your soul. Suddenly, you become not yourself, as if you cannot control your reactions, emotions go off scale, and you fall into the moment, into a state when you begin to sort things out with each other.

Where it leads? Probably many of you have already lived through a similar moment in your life and have your own experience.

Let's leave this moment of crisis in the relationship for now, just let it be on pause for now.

Let's look at the next element of human life - MONEY.

Money is a very important aspect and indicator of the manifestation of your strength, your will in life. Because if you know how to make money, achieve something in life, you already know how to do a lot. But let's look at how a money crisis occurs.

At first, you are inspired by some idea, throw all your energy into its implementation, and embody it. See yourself step by step becoming richer, more financially successful. And everything seems to be in its place, but after some moment there comes a moment when making money or achieving money becomes a burden for you. And at this moment you begin to step aside, lose this connection with what you have created, with this financial flow.

Because the same mechanism works again. That in order to maintain your financial success, you need to make an effort on yourself. And at some point you feel that you are already tired. This fatigue brings you to a point where you are not interested, when you feel like you are missing out on something. When you feel like you're missing out on that money - step by step, you start missing out on it. Money gradually begins to leave you. And at this moment, you gradually move into a state of crisis, financial crisis.

Of course, the mind always acts according to the same scenario. He says that this financial crisis has implications for the outside world. What happened externally happened here too. That it is the fault of some non-working schemes, that it is the fault of enterprises, people, everything else. Because we are designed in such a way that we are always directed outward. What rises in you at this moment - only you yourself will feel. You've probably already been to this moment, the moment of crisis? You could see how these programs, these experiences, pain, emotions rise within you and what they lead to. Perhaps you have already lived and felt this, or you are still on this path. Let’s also leave this part of our soul, our life on pause for now.

Let's move on to the next element of the crisis - the HEALTH crisis.

Our health is a very important element in the manifestation of ourselves throughout our lives. It is what sustains our creative powers and connects us to our soul. If your health has not been very good since childhood and you need more attention to keep it healthy and in a normal functional state, sooner or later you will also feel tired. For example, you need to constantly monitor what you eat, how you feel, not abuse any substances that are harmful to your health, or take medications. Step by step, you again come to the moment when you get tired, because there will be healthy and happy people around you, they enjoy life, and you lose the very desire to live. You seem to be limited by both your pain and your sense of hopelessness. And again the crisis!

What kind of crisis is this?

Looking at these three parts, three important aspects of human life, you can see that the result of each of these crises is such states or experiences as a feeling of hopelessness, a desire to give up everything, run away somewhere, die, etc. We imperceptibly fall into a feeling of separation from the world; we want to distance ourselves from everything. From relationships - we want to escape from them. We want to end any relationship with money when we are in a money crisis. When our health is poor, we want to leave this world and say, “That’s it! We have nothing more to do here!”

Each of you, sooner or later, experiences these moments. Someone is at the moment of suicide, thinking that this will save him and solve this difficult life issue, someone wants to give up everything and disappear from this world, from relationships, from money, from interactions with these aspects of life.

See what programs can arise within you when you are in this painful state. Or has this already happened to you? Or it could actually be happening to you! At this moment, when we find ourselves in these crises, each of you is asking a very important question. The question is: “What is the meaning of life?” We begin to ask about the meaning of life, and at the same time we convince ourselves that life is meaningless.

Just look how many experiences your subconscious will bring you at this moment. How many convictions will rise from it. You will find yourself in depression, and if you go deeper into it, then apathy and the meaninglessness of everything that happens will come, and then there will be a desire to leave life altogether. In this way, your mind tries to get out of these states of crisis, to avoid them.

Naturally, you begin to look outside for reasons and ways to avoid this crisis. And what do you see around? All around you see very simple elements that tell you that you need to stimulate your senses all the time so as not to be depressed and suffering. What does it mean? This means: drink alcohol, coffee, go for a walk, find yourself another partner, have sex, play sports, go to some kind of self-development training, for example, “How to make a million!” and so on. You are looking for different opportunities to realize yourself in order to move through this crisis. I'm talking about those of you who want to find these solutions. But there are some of you who fall into a state of apathy, the meaninglessness of life and do not know how to find a way out of this situation.

The fact is that our mind, when we are turned to the outside world, is always trying to find stimulation for these feelings. Perhaps some people get this moment. If you have enough money, you begin to look for new relationships, entertain yourself with different hikes, trips, and movements. Everyone, just not to think about it, just not to feel it. Especially when you feel unfair towards your partner due to the “callousness” of your feelings, you do not want to destroy this relationship. You try in every possible way not to see it, not to hear it. But if you look deep into yourself, you will feel that in every such aspect there is something wrong, something is not happening. And still it is open, this question “What to do with this?” How can one become harmonious?

A crisis allows you to move from one level of consciousness to another

All these moments of crisis that I have spoken about are very important drivers of your own will. Let's talk about some other quality of crisis. Because a crisis is a very important and necessary tool for changing yourself. This tool will always come to you in your life, you will always encounter it. A crisis allows you to move from one level of consciousness to another. From one level of life to another level of life. It always brings positive dynamics of change. But why don't we see it that way? Why don’t we perceive the crisis as a kind of gift of fate, which is designed to change us, to look at what is contained within us? And what to do to move to a qualitatively new level of consciousness, a new level of relationships, a new level of health? Why don't we see it this way?

The thing is that when we encounter and find ourselves in this unpleasant moment of our experiences, we are faced with our own system of ideas, which, in one way or another, dictates to us the rules of behavior at this moment.

What does this mean?

Let’s say, when faced with a crisis, some people begin to get nervous and enter a state of aggression, while others, perhaps, on the contrary, become depressed. Someone begins to react and act unconsciously. All your reactions are determined by your subconscious. This is the element that comes to us from the distant, distant past, which we try not to see or hear. But at the moment of crisis, at the moment of severity of life circumstances, these programs come from our subconscious. They rise from the depths of our subconscious and enter our conscious part. This is a natural and intentional mechanism.

What is it created for?

In order to raise all these programs from within you and allow you to release them in this life, get rid of them, solve these problems. Because when you are already ready for this, you find yourself in an element of crisis. And now all you need is some awareness to get through this moment in life with dignity.

But it doesn't always work out that way.

How a crisis begins

And now I will try to explain to you what this crisis mechanism is and where it comes from. Why does it happen, and at what period of life does it happen.

Let's look at a few important elements of human existence as a being. Let's take it from the very first stage of life, when you come into this life. Perhaps you know, but perhaps not. I will tell you that when a person comes into this life and develops, he experiences the formation of five elements, which in our understanding are called bodies. The formation of each of these bodies is subject to a seven-year development cycle.

First body

First body – from the moment of birth to 7 years, your PHYSICAL BODY develops. And you can easily observe this. Starting when you observe the baby, how he acts, thinks, you will see that all his actions are due to the fact that he begins to get used to it, learns to connect with this physical body, studies how his arms, legs, sensations, feelings work. At this moment, when his physical body develops, the internal quality of the human soul also develops, this quality is called WILL.

It is very important in these first 7 years not to suppress the child, not to cut off his energy, not to stop him in anything. Give him the opportunity to explore the world. Because at this moment the child explores the world in every aspect, in every quality. It’s not always a pleasant moment for adults when a child throws something around; when a child does something wrong, we feel irritation and anger inside and begin to show it externally. And at this moment, according to our own ideas, we begin to cut him off, cut off his will to action, suppress his own expression, using words such as “you can’t”, “don’t do it”, “this is not necessary.” We don’t even think that the child’s thinking system is not adapted to such concepts as “you can’t”, “don’t do”, because at this moment his consciousness thinks in images. He doesn’t understand these words, he doesn’t understand many “adult” things. But what happens in that moment when you say no? You create tension and misunderstanding in him. On the one hand, he wants to show his will, to perform some action, but you cut him off. And he is perplexed and does not know what to do. It’s clear that he believes you, because at this moment dad and mom are his whole life, his whole universe. He doesn't know another life, he doesn't see it, and he believes you when you say no.

The more often you do this, the more you limit this manifestation, the less he will be able to achieve any results in ordinary life. There will be a feeling of self-doubt inherent in him, he will constantly compare himself with others, whether he is doing it correctly or not, whether this is true or not. And you will see how in the next stage of his life this quality will limit his manifestation. Therefore, during the first seven years it is very important not to limit the child’s will, but to give it the opportunity to express itself. This is connected with the development of the physical body, it also does not receive proper development when you have built a system of restrictions for the child, because these two aspects of WILL and PHYSICAL BODY are interconnected as internal and external.

Second body

Second aspect, second body human being is an ethereal body. How does the etheric body manifest itself? The etheric body is the movement of fluids in the body, lymph, blood in the body. The etheric body is connected to the physical body and allows it to create movement. What inner quality is associated with the manifestation of the etheric body? The etheric body develops from 7 to 14 years of age. In this development cycle, the child already comes to such a concept, as a rule, rhythm. At this moment the child goes to school. Only at this moment does he study at school, and only at this moment is his consciousness capable of assimilating knowledge. At this moment, the concept of rhythm is important to him. What does it mean? In the morning, wake up, brush your teeth, do some specific actions. It's as if his whole day must follow a certain rhythm, a certain cycle. If you create this day for him in this way, then the child learns to control the will that he developed in the first seven years, to easily and naturally direct it during this period for his development. That is, during this period he learns to control his will.

It is very important at this moment to follow your rhythm, because at this moment the child also looks at his parents to see if they are doing the same, he imitates them, copies their behavior model. And if you don’t support this cycle, don’t support this rhythm, then the child has a moment of collapse, he sees a discrepancy, that you don’t do it either, but he is forced; that you are doing something wrong, but he is doing it differently. For him, this means that something is wrong with him. There are no questions or requirements here, there are simply rules that are naturally perceived by a child at this age. Therefore, this age should teach the child to properly control his will.

Third body

The third stage of our life. When we go from 14 years old to 21 years old. This is the age of boys and girls when puberty begins. Any “education” is possible only up to the age of 14, this is the period when you can give the child something, suggest something, teach him how to act in this world in some way. We, of course, cannot change the child’s character very much, because he already comes here with innate qualities, but we can allow him to create an atmosphere in which all his qualities will best manifest themselves.

The period from 14 to 21 years is the period of development of the ASTRAL BODY, the elemental body. This is the moment when emotions develop. And if you look at teenagers, you will see how they are driven by emotions. It’s as if there is no logic, thinking is somewhere very far away. And they are guided by feelings, actions, spontaneity in their actions. If this happens this way, then you will understand that this is the period of development of the elemental body.

During this period, as in each of the periods of life, programs of the past emerge from the subconscious, characteristic of this period of life, which do not yet have the “painful” force that you will encounter in a more mature age. For example, at the moment when our elemental astral body develops, a program of emotional behavior rises, and at the moment when you correctly “passed” the first two periods of seven years of raising a child, he can easily cope with this period of life. It is easy for him to manage his emotions. It is easy for him to cope with them, because in the first period he revealed his will, in the second period he learned to control this will. And in the third period, he can independently cope with his stormy feelings that reveal his astral body. During this period, the first love appears, feelings manifest themselves, and the elements of love are laid.

Fourth body

Next stage human development begins at 21 years old and ends at 28 years old - this is the stage of development of the MENTAL BODY. At this moment, we already find ourselves in a system of life where issues of relationships and family become important to us. When we try to maintain this relationship, that love that was at the earlier stage. Now we want to translate it into the principle of duration. We start a family, we have children.

We also want to be consistent in financial success. We begin to look for work at this moment, we begin to become successful and realize ourselves in the outside world. This period of development of the mental body is characterized by the fact that we must achieve success in the material plane, in the external world. Therefore, this is the most important period, the most productive period for achieving results in material terms. On the one hand, we start a family, on the other hand, we realize ourselves through the achievement of material wealth. This is an important period of achievements and realization in the external, in everything that brings us material well-being and strengthens our connections with others.

Fifth body

What happens next? From the age of 28 we move into the development of the SPIRITUAL BODY. This is a period that is not always obvious and not always clear to us. If we calmly see, feel, understand, realize, and live the first four periods, then this period becomes implicit for us. This is the period when we begin to face questions about the meaning of life. What are we here for? Why are we here? If in the past period there was a question for us about social foundations, about our significance in the world, then in this period we already have a question about the meaning of life, about something more global. And at this moment we gradually, gradually begin to fall into those crises that I spoke about earlier. Because by this moment all the organs of your internal perception, mental, sensory, volitional, have already developed and you are ready to move on. And now these programs have come from your subconscious, with which you begin to go into the spiritual world and realize yourself. By this period, you are already successful in relationships, you are already wealthy in the material world. And now you need to learn, understand why this life exists, why it is needed, what it leads to.

Of course, it is worth recognizing that not all of these life stages occur so obviously in time for you, but you can observe the fact that they occur in exactly this sequence in the example of your life. Some of you may only notice these forms of crisis at the age of 50, some even later, it all depends on the accumulated material resources and attachment to the “stimulants” of sensory experiences. All the same, you will come to a point when you will have to change your entire life and your own ideas, this is the function of the Spiritual body - to lead you to your final realization, realization in the Spirit.

So we're starting to face these crises that I talked about. So, live through crises!

Why are they needed? And in the end, what positive things should we gain by going through these crises, through these moments in life?

Any crisis plays a very important role; it leads us to our true realization. And now we come to this concept of implementation.

What is implementation?

For many of us, realization in our quality of understanding means something that we would like to find in life, that we would like and in which we would achieve success. This is only a small part of this implementation function. Realization is a much larger phenomenon, a larger concept that manifests our will, reveals our inspiration.

Why can’t a person be inspired, fulfilled, open to himself?

Why are we always looking for something and cannot understand that it is already inside us?

We need to go through such a difficult path to find out that everything is within us. We are trying to realize ourselves in the outside world, creating new ideas and ideas for ourselves that knowledge will bring us all the riches of this world, everything we want. And of course, seeing people's temporary success in selling money, we understand that this is probably the way. Seeing these “successful people”, we understand that this is the way.

We see one of the sides, the one that is most convenient. We stop seeing the integrity of this person. Look at people whether they are complete in their own realization or whether something is wrong. Yes, of course, you will see some part of this manifestation that is important to you. For example, you will see that this person is more successful with money than you. And you already consider him your guru in finance. You will see that the other person is more successful in another way, and you begin to strive for this without having it in yourself.

But sooner or later you understand that all these aspirations in some of your aspects, just parts, do not lead you to integrity. They lead to certain achievements in life, but something is missing. Something is definitely missing. And this causes sadness, some kind of disappointment in life, powerlessness.

We then ask ourselves about the meaning of life - what are we here for?- even at the moment when we have a lot of money, or at the moment when we have many men, women, partners whom we change. It’s as if we don’t grasp the very essence, the very value of this life. Somewhere we feel that life is not quite like that, and therefore we again use the mechanisms of searching for ourselves, we begin to go outside again, again to look for something. But, as a rule, not everything is found.

Why can't we be realized?

Each of us hears this phrase “realize yourself.” But how to do this, and what does it mean to “realize yourself”? Each of you thinks that fulfillment is success in some aspect of your personality. But it so happens that implementation is not exactly that.

These are some small parts of realization within yourself in these small aspects of life. Still, implementation is a holistic process. Holistic because in this entire process, in every aspect, you feel absolute success, absolute inspiration.

Of course, many may object and say that this is impossible, or that is not what we are here for.

But, I assure you, you just have to take a step on the path to yourself, inside yourself, and at every step you will be inspired by these results and see that you are, after all, created for something more, for something limitless. And by your nature, you have the property of integrity, a true vision of life, creating life events for yourself, managing your will.

Why do we want, but are not realized, or believe that we do not come to this, or cannot come to this?

The formula that I live within myself is associated with this feeling of realization, or the definition that I can give to it: “Realization means expressing yourself in every moment of life, with a sense of inspiration.”

Just imagine any aspect of your life, any of your feelings in the moment, and see whether you are inspired in it or not. If you are not inspired, then you are still on the path to self-realization, because being inspired by every moment is the realization of a human being.

At some moments, of course, you can say: here I am not much inspired by this, a little inspired by that... And then it goes away, then another inspiration comes in a different aspect, but there seems to be no integrity. Because realization involves several constituent aspects of your soul.

Realization is not what the mind thinks. The mind thinks that to realize oneself means you need to do something - achieve outstanding results in life, build a house, create financial success, have a family. Of course, each of these aspects brings out your personality in its own way. But integrity does not consist only of this. Integrity is much more than that. And when you realize yourself in these aspects, you see that it still does not bring you the integrity of your soul.

What is the important aspect of implementation?

Why is it worth talking about and why is it worth knowing about it?

As I said, realization is inspiration in every moment of your life. This means that you are present in this moment. What does it mean to be “present in this moment”? When you are a person observing what is happening to you, the feelings, the sensations in this moment, and when you are present as much as possible in this moment, you are able to grasp the meaning of what is happening. You are able to see behind all these actions a very deep meaning, in which this action itself lies.

Of course, the mind can and will object, because the mind is not used to observing and thinking that everything happens in observation, in sensation, in experience. The mind says that for realization you need to do something. We study, gain knowledge, we go to school, to institutes, and, in the end, we understand that it still doesn’t work until the end. Yes, some are more successful, some less, more realized in some ways, less in others, but it’s still not the same. It doesn't lead to that feeling of inspiration, of wholeness.

Being present in the moment is when your mind is occupied with the moment itself!

We give him the opportunity to simply be an observer. An observer of himself, of what he thinks about it, of these thoughts, of the feelings that rise from within. When you are in this moment, you are always in the nature of feeling. This is a very important aspect of realization - feeling.

Feeling is the nature that reveals to you limitless knowledge about yourself.

Three Aspects of the Soul Organization of the Human Being

This is how man was created - from three aspects: will, thinking, feelings. And each of these aspects is intended for your realization, so that these three aspects are in complete harmony with each other. Look, in this three-membered soul being there is such an aspect as thinking. Thinking has no concept of mind. The mind is a kind of by-product of our thinking. Thinking is like the very instrument of cognition that we need in the material world that we use. Thinking is the element that, thanks to sensory perception, reveals to us intuitive knowledge, revealing to us an insight that shakes our entire being, our entire soul.

Thus, when we connect with our sensory nature, being present in this moment, suddenly thinking reveals to us the understanding that this - knowledge about this or those impulses of feelings that rise from within - they develop into knowledge precisely thanks to thinking. Because thinking transfers this internal sensory knowledge to the outside. We are beings who manifest the inner world externally. Therefore, thinking is the tool that allows us to manifest internal impulses externally.

Therefore, these three elements are very necessary. Without a sense of inspiration, your will will never be directed into creation, into creating anything. Without inspiration, you cannot take a step towards true realization. But, nevertheless, look, we often take these steps in life. Doing it not necessarily with a feeling of inspiration, but doing it with effort. Because we believe... the mind believes that in order to realize oneself one needs to take action. This action must be done with effort. This forcing is not inspiration. This is actually an effort that the mind creates, forces us to do something, explaining that this is a necessity for our realization.

After a few steps in such an effort, we get tired. Because we are not using an important resource of realization, which says this: in every step of your manifestation in the outer world, you must find inspiration. Why is this feeling of inspiration so important? If you observe, when you are inspired, it is as if an inner force rises from within you and goes further into this process of knowing and doing, into this movement, it guides you in this movement.

This suggests that inspiration awakens your will with every step, with every movement in life. And when it is inspiration that awakens your will, you don’t even think about action, you act. And this mechanism bypasses the mind, this mechanism comes from limitless consciousness. This way you get this limitless power from within you to move forward.

When you live in this feeling of inspiration in every step you take, you do not get tired. Because fatigue is a property of the psyche, the mind, the resources of your body, the resources of your mental consciousness.

What is psychic consciousness?

It is the willpower that you create through this filter - the mind - that motivates you with certain tasty things, certain ideas about money, you are constantly looking for motivation in life. And when you have to constantly look for that motivation to act, you notice that you create effort along the way. And you get tired, you constantly get tired, thinking that it’s the wrong job, the wrong place, I’m doing the wrong thing! When, in contrast to this, you manifest yourself in inspiration, then your whole nature gives you strength for this movement. Because inspiration belongs to the highest, inspiration is not subject to the mind. The mind cannot attract inspiration. And thus, step by step you realize your will, you are realized in your every movement, in your every step.

Of course, the feeling of inspiration comes when you are present in the moment, when you trust your feelings, and when you allow these feelings to guide your movement, your will. In this way, step by step, you are more and more present in your own nature. And indeed, you feel wholeness and fullness. You feel more and more resources coming to you for such a movement, as if from nowhere.

This is the right mechanism in which you realize yourself. Because implementation is not something that needs to be done, something that needs to be achieved. Realization is living this moment, every moment of life in inspiration, in goodness, in fullness. And then, when you live this moment in this way, your will itself moves you, you do not need to create an effort. You always have this feeling of lightness, the desire to go, because with each such step you are filled more and more, you gain more strength, you discover even greater resources within yourself. And who wants to give that up?

And when you see that by receiving this resource, by receiving this inner strength, you are realized in money, in relationships, in the consciousness of the world, in everything that surrounds you - you are whole! With every step you take, you gain integrity.

Of course, it all sounds simple.

Why can't we be fulfilled and fulfilled at this moment?

Naturally, it’s all about our mind, our ideas, our future, in which we are always not here and now. Because the mind can only think in terms of a period of time: we need to come to this, for this we need to do this and that, overexert ourselves, try and create certain efforts.

The outside world captures us in every possible way. We are distracted by television, distracted by attention to other people, we look at people, we begin to compare ourselves, what is our problem, in this comparison we begin to suffer that we cannot be like that. Because we don't know that we are all unique, and each of us has the right, the opportunity to express our uniqueness in this feeling of inspiration, manifesting our own realization.

If you walk through life in fulfillment, in presence, in harmony with life - all doors are open for you, everything. Money, relationships, health - everything inspires you and works like one orchestra, in harmony with the universe. Because we are sentient beings. We live in the connections and rhythms of this entire universe. But the only mind is the element that knocks us out of this rhythm. He believes that he has the right to everything in this universe, to everything in this world. And he must conquer it all, because there is so little time left, the future is so close, that we need to do something so quickly.

At this speed we lose everything. We lose ourselves, we lose inspiration. We create a huge amount of effort in order to have time to jump into this last car, because others have already jumped on it. And then we come to disappointment, because this is still not what our resource of strength reveals to us. This is not what inspires us.

Don't wait for this moment, don't wait for this crisis that naturally happens in your life. Don't expect this powerlessness and apathy. Start now to discover this resource of strength in yourself, trusting your feelings, allowing you to remove these conditionings of the mind, allowing you to look at yourself from the outside: how I think, how I feel, how I act.

Because it's so easy to manipulate you. You have been brought up with a certain mind, with a certain outlook on life. And everyone knows this, and everyone immediately uses you, manipulates you to do this or that action, sell something, take something. Indeed, deep down in the soul, every human being has a desire to control others, because there is no ability to control one’s own will. It is this inner, deep desire to control our own will that should bring us the understanding that we should not control people externally, but must learn to control our own will, although the mind thinks that no, we must subjugate the will of another being, this is the only way I can be realized.

And it is not even money that is the most important component of a person’s life, but submission to the will of another being. Look at those who run to the government, those who want to have masses of people behind them - this is their unfulfillment, their own problems that they cannot solve within themselves. They believe that they will gain power by ruling more people. But this is their way. There will be disappointment, loss of meaning in life, suffering, and yet the outside world will lead them to pay attention to themselves and understand that everything is within themselves.

Nothing external in any volume or scale can replace my own world. And if I understand this, then I understand that I can change the external world around me, my attitude towards it, only when I change myself.

Observe in this feeling of inspiration whether you live in it or not, whether you are whole at every moment of your life or not. When you eat, are you harmonious in the process, do you feel whole and inspired by food? When you go out into the world, walk through the city, are you inspired by that moment? When you are driving, are you inspired by that moment? When you go to work, does the work inspire you?

In general, work is a very interesting phenomenon. If your job doesn't inspire you, sooner or later you won't be able to be there. You cannot work for money, this is another illusion of the mind, because for the sake of money, it is always an effort, we are always looking for a way to motivate ourselves to do this work. Sooner or later we realize that no, we are tired. We think that we will change this job now, and everything will be different, everything will be easier, everything will be fine. But every time we change our work, change one thing, another, another, we understand that we are again in the same delusion, still in the same search for the meaning of life, consciousness of ourselves, who we are.

How can we overcome this element of crisis and arrive at true realization?

The fact is that any crisis raises these unconscious programs from within you. And when you encounter them in everyday life, you need to have awareness to heal them, to get rid of them. Then you can be rightfully fulfilled. You can pretend that you don't notice them, or say that it's not about me. But life will always create a situation that is painful for your body, for your relationships, for your money, so that you still encounter these programs and allow yourself to live them with dignity, with deep awareness and attention to yourself.

And when you encounter these crises in this way in life, you know how to overcome them, you gain strength, inspiration and truly move to a new level of interaction with life, with existence, to a new level of consciousness. And then life around you changes. You reach unprecedented heights, discover this limitless power of knowledge and realize yourself in every moment of life. And at this moment you understand that self-realization is the boundless quality of your soul, which reveals itself, all the power of your spirit, giving you more and more opportunities to realize all your plans, all your desires, everything that you want to achieve in this life.

Great achievements to you on this path!

Practical task

And now I want to give you the technique that we talked about at the very beginning.

This technique will allow you to look beyond your mind, into your subconscious. To some extent, you can already see how this mechanism of thinking and mind operates, and subconscious programs arise.

Also, thanks to this technique, you will be able to release some of these programs and gain some awareness in life, an understanding of how it works.

This technique is unique in its kind, and it appeals to your feelings. As I said, the senses go beyond the mind and reveal to us the limitless nature of knowledge. And this will allow you to look inside you and see the truth that is being revealed to you. When you understand how it works, when you grasp the meaning of this technique, you can also work with any issue, with any situation in life, allowing it to be resolved at the very core of your existence.

Now take a sheet of paper, divide it into two parts, into two columns. At the top of one column write the first question, it sounds like this: “Do I want to be in hopelessness?”

In the second column, write the second question: “Do I want to be realized?”

And when you have written them, put your pen aside, close your eyes and follow my instructions.

Now, in this state, when your eyes are closed, allow yourself to simply relax, let go of all thoughts, experiences, sensations. Just become an observer of your own thoughts. Feel your body becoming more and more relaxed and allow yourself to become even more relaxed. Observe your breathing for a few moments. Let it be smooth and calm. You don't have to do anything to control it. Just watch...

And now, when you are in this pleasant state of relaxation, allow yourself to imagine, to see this first question that we wrote. I’ll repeat it now, it sounds like this: “Do I want to be in hopelessness?”

Ask yourself this question: “Do I want to be in hopelessness?” Observe what sensations, emotions, feelings it brings to you. Perhaps some memories may come at this moment. Perhaps it will just be sensations in the body. Or you will start seeing some pictures that you have never seen. Ask yourself this question and set yourself a goal, an intention, that you want to know the answer to this question.

If you feel resistance, note it for now, watch it. I want to be in hopelessness?.. Try to let go of your mind and not think, but trust those feelings that rise from within you. It’s as if this question goes beyond your mind, beyond your rational thinking, somewhere into the depths and core of your being. Try to observe what comes to you at the moment. Thoughts are also feelings and lead you to experience something.

Watch. But do not engage in any rational activity, analysis, reflection, just allow yourself to observe what this question evokes in you. And now, when you watch this question for a few moments with your eyes closed, you can open your eyes, take a pen and start writing everything that comes at this moment related to this question: “Do I want to be in hopelessness?”

What you feel, what you perceive, what comes to you - just write it down in this column, in this first part of your sheet. Write. Until you feel that you have already written a lot, and you have some kind of silence.

When you have this period of silence, calm, lightness, close your eyes again. Allow yourself to connect with your inner observation and ask yourself the second question: “Do I want to be fulfilled?” And at this moment, for a few moments, allow yourself to observe those sensations, feelings, thoughts that come to you from within. Again, don’t try to think about it, just try to observe what is causing this question within you: “Do I want to be realized?” And after observing for a few more moments, before you start writing, connect with these sensations.

And when you are ready, you can open your eyes. In the second column, start writing everything that you feel, everything that comes at this moment related to the question “Do I want to be realized?” Write as long as you feel that there is a certain flow of thoughts, feelings, sensations. And when you feel that it has stopped, ended, go back to the first question, also performing exactly this technique, as I said earlier.

Give yourself 40 minutes for this technique. Allow these 40 minutes to simply work with these two questions. Don't try to think about it, evaluate it, don't try to reflect on it, just do it. And you will see how this will lead you to your first experiences. And as you continue to do it, feel the awareness come. It will change your energy, your feeling, your passion in life, your inspiration.

If you are diligent in this, if you can direct your will, constantly allocating some time for yourself to do it, you will see how many processes in life will begin to change, how much will become clear to you. It will change your life.

Have a pleasant journey into your own consciousness, enjoy your new discoveries and see you next time!

It is impossible to ignore this fact, because it is reality. In various industries, the market declined by 10-15% compared to last year and, according to analysts, the decline will continue at least until 2018. These are difficult times for businessmen, but this does not mean that life has stopped and the “countdown” mechanism has started. You need to learn to survive even in a crisis!

During such periods, managers usually think about the most pressing problems:

  • how to cut costs?
  • how to stop falling sales?
  • how to attract new customers?
  • where to get money to pay bills?
  • Which payments should I make first?
  • How to force counterparties to pay faster, but at the same time not lose them as clients?

However, far-sighted companies do not stop innovative activity during periods of crisis, because they rightly believe that such a step would be tantamount to defeat. On the contrary, in difficult times they develop new strategies to support business, using anti-crisis marketing technology.

What is anti-crisis marketing?

Anti-crisis marketing means the search for hidden market opportunities, which under normal conditions are ignored, leaving for a “rainy day.” Knowledge of such a nuance allows not only to stop the decline of the market or its individual segment, but also to ensure growth even in a crisis.

There are two key indicators: market size, calculated based on sales, and market size, calculated based on needs. The second indicator, as a rule, exceeds the first several times. This means that buyers have a need to purchase goods, but for some reason it is not realized, and the goods remain in the warehouse. The difference between the second and first indicators reveals lost sales volume, that is, hidden market opportunities. The task of anti-crisis marketing is to offer customers something that meets their real needs.

Some people have a clear idea of ​​the product they are willing to buy. They spend a lot of time searching for the right model, style or color, walking around stationary retail outlets and browsing the pages of online stores. Not finding what they were looking for, they do not buy another product instead of the desired one, but continue to hope that someone will offer them exactly that. In this case, the need will be satisfied and the sale will be completed.

But needs are not formed on their own, but under the influence of an idea. In other words, an idea is introduced into a person, which turns him into a consumer and motivates him to purchase a product that allows him to realize this idea.

  1. Sincerely convince yourself that you really want to beat your competitors and emerge victorious from the crisis. How to achieve this when there is a mountain of unpaid bills on the table? One of our clients was in this state at the end of last year. Over the past few months, he has recruited new employees and is thinking about further expansion of the business. There is no single recipe, but perhaps the tips below will help you.
  2. Focus on uniting your team. The saying “one man in the field is no warrior” is more relevant now than ever. Don’t try to put everything on yourself or completely shift it onto one of your subordinates. Remember the well-known example about a broom, which is easy to break individual twigs, but impossible to break entirely. Find solutions together. Become the initiator and leader of regular brainstorming sessions. Transform your employees into like-minded people. It's not as difficult as it seems. Surely they do not want to be left without work and understand how difficult it is to find one in a crisis.
  3. Be sure to encourage employee initiative. If not materially, then at least morally. People should feel that something depends on them, that they are valuable to the company. The textbook example of Japanese corporations, which do not ignore any proposal from their employees aimed at improving the company's performance, is a clear illustration of what can be achieved with this approach to business organization.
  4. Understand yourself and your true desires. Be honest with yourself. Very often people do not do what they really want. If running a company is a heavy burden for you, then you are unlikely to really be able to beat your competitors until you create a system of internal incentives for yourself. Sincerely answer yourself the question: why do I need all this? If you are honest and try to “get to the truth,” you may be very surprised by the results of your analytical research.
  5. When developing a motivation system, remember that money is certainly an important, but by no means the dominant factor determining human behavior. Recently, through one of the mailing lists, I received interesting material about the results of another study by foreign scientists. Interesting new toys were purchased for two groups of preschool children. One group was allowed to play with these toys when and how they wanted, and the children of the other group were encouraged every time after playing. Do you know what happened after some time? Children who were accustomed to rewards completely stopped playing on their own, without external stimulation, while children from the other group continued to enjoy the very process of playing. You can draw your own conclusions.
  6. When setting goals, remember that they should be specific, measurable and achievable. Oddly enough, this simple rule allows you to achieve very significant results. One of our clients, who did not have a higher education, managed to build a fairly large business by methodically following the recommendations he received in courses he completed at a management school. He ended each day by setting goals for the next day for his employees. He did not use a computer, he wrote by hand, but, as he was taught, the goals were specific, measurable and achievable. The result exceeded expectations.
  7. Be sure to analyze your successes and failures. Try to understand what made you succeed and what exactly led to your failure. This will allow you to formulate rules for yourself and your employees that will help achieve the desired results. It is better if you discuss successes and failures together with your team members.
  8. Think about where you are limiting yourself and your business. Most people, especially middle-aged and older people, are conservative by nature. Life experience allows us to avoid many mistakes, but - alas! – becomes a natural internal limiter of our development. Are there any new applications for your products and services? Shouldn't you expand your range? Have any interesting promotion ideas been left behind? Do you often feel like other people say stupid things?
  9. Don't limit your life and the lives of your employees to work. Only a person whose life is balanced can achieve success. Work is certainly important, but it is by no means the only part of life. If employees have time for their personal lives, sports, hobbies, professional and personal growth, then the business will only benefit from this.
  10. Try to achieve your goals and follow the rules you set. Resist the temptation to constantly put things off and look for excuses. The result will not be long in coming.

The crisis forces us to reconsider the company's strategy, take a fresh look at the business and look for new incentives for development. With the right behavior, it can become a time for realizing emerging opportunities, allowing you to increase market share, optimize business processes, and facilitate the acquisition of new partners.

Of course, not everyone will be able to undergo the “baptism of fire.” Particularly heavy losses await small businesses, which are most vulnerable in a crisis. The viability of a company depends on how its owner behaves in the near future. There are several rules that you should follow to try to protect your business from fatal losses.

1. One of the most important measures during a crisis is to reduce costs to the lowest possible level. Expensive renovations or complex marketing research are best postponed until calmer times. Analyze the prices of your suppliers' competitors - perhaps you will find someone whose prices will be more favorable, this will also allow you to save money.

Evaluate the effectiveness of each employee and part with those who do not bring much benefit. Now you have a good opportunity to optimize your staff. But here, too, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise there will simply be no one to work. There should be just enough employees to make it possible to run a business.

2. Streamlining finances, reducing risk appetite. If possible, reduce the amount of loans as much as possible. If demand for your products declines, your monthly loan payments could ruin you. It’s better to get rid of foreign currency loans altogether: repay them ahead of schedule, if possible, or try to negotiate with the bank about converting them into rubles.

If it’s absolutely impossible without new loans, then at least choose a bank that does not inflate loan rates. After the Central Bank increased the key rate to 17%, loan rates for small and medium-sized businesses in many banks soared to 30% per annum and higher. But it was still possible to find banks that provided loans at lower interest rates.

3. Review the list of your debtors, leaving only those whose financial solvency does not raise any doubts. Stop dealing with those who are late on payments. If a company pays irregularly in peacetime, the situation will become even worse during a crisis.

4. For those companies whose business is dependent on imports, it makes sense to look for domestic analogues. If this is not possible, it is worth insuring currency risks. This can be done using forward currency contracts, which allow you to fix the exchange rate on the day the contract is concluded and buy it at a later date. If during this time the ruble exchange rate decreases, this will protect you from losses.

5. Streamline reporting and take measures to increase its efficiency and transparency. Transparent reporting will give you an advantage both in negotiations with potential investors and when communicating with regulatory authorities.

6. Attracting money to the company. Consider which assets you can sell, rent, or mortgage if the situation worsens. Real estate, cars, equipment - you can try to sell all this or use it as collateral to pay off debts, and you can also rent out the premises.

In times of crisis, opportunities for development are given to companies in stable sectors that do not have an appetite for credit risks. For example, among our clients there is a company that produces economy-class paper napkins, which in 2008 refocused on products for other market segments and “took off” part of the market from its premium class competitor. When people start counting money, it always plays into the hands of manufacturers of cheaper products.

Also pay attention to government procurement or tenders held by large companies. Perhaps you will find new customers or open new markets. It is well known that being close to “big money” can help you survive a crisis more easily. In the United States, for example, at the height of the Great Depression, construction of highways began. The government wanted to reduce the unemployment rate through road construction, and thus construction companies had a good chance of survival.

8. Pay special attention to the sales system and improve its efficiency. Adjust the target audience of consumers of your products. Develop new standards and a reward system for sales employees. Use the advertising opportunities of the Internet. Arrange promotions and special offers whenever possible - this will attract additional customers.

9. Restructuring or repurposing. Think in advance whether there are niches in the market where your company could go in the event of a severe drop in demand. For example, a clothing tailoring studio may well repurpose itself as a clothing repair company as an anti-crisis measure. During a crisis, people buy less new things, but repair them more often.

10. And, perhaps, most importantly. Do not spoil relationships with partners and creditors, even if the situation tries to force you to do so. If you understand that you will not be able to fulfill your obligations on time, be sure to inform the bank or partner about this. Be honest about any difficulties that arise and remember that the bank is interested in finding a mutually acceptable solution together with you. First of all, your reputation depends on how honestly and openly you interact with your partners, and, unlike a crisis, it will remain with you forever.

Like a tsunami or a typhoon, a crisis will not last forever; sooner or later it will end. People living near dangerous zones cannot avoid a natural disaster, but they try to prepare well for it - strengthen the walls of the house, build protection, stock up on food for future use. It's the same in business: the better you prepare for tough times, the better the chances that your company will be able to survive them without dramatic losses. It has long been known that in a crisis it is not the smartest who survive, but the most organized.

What is worth working with?

Products, services

  • Offer an advantageous packaging option if you sell in small quantities to those who have a limited budget. Come up with something new. Develop your products and services. If you come up with something that can make clients more successful and efficient, you will immediately win them over.
  • Forget about price increases now. Yes, it should cost more, yes, your expenses have increased. This is unfair, but there is no need for a wave of negative reviews about your company. In addition, it’s hard for clients now.
  • It is worth reviewing the range of products and services offered. Some of them are certainly necessary, they need to be left. It should be borne in mind that active clients will remain those who had a lot of money. The middle ones will start saving and waiting. It is optimal to have a range of cheap and expensive products.
  • There is no need to regret giving up some foods. What sells must be sold, what sells better must be sold in large quantities. And you should always offer a choice.
  • The use of many products and services requires specialized knowledge. Therefore, you should consider free information regarding this.
  • It is worth thinking about which products can be sold cheaper to your regular customers, it is important to tell them about it. Optimally package and update products with this offer. Sometimes the forgotten old becomes the popular new. It's worth showing what you have new.


  • Good relationships are important during times of crisis. Human nature does not change just because of economic changes. People buy only from those they trust. Clients always feel the attitude towards them.
  • You should find time to fully communicate with the client. It is very easy to run a business from an office and promote products and services over the phone. But you can miss a number of opportunities without communicating with the client live.
  • It's worth thanking your clients. You also need to encourage them if they recommend your company’s products or services to anyone. Let clients refer a few more who may also become clients. This, of course, should be rewarded, and possible bonuses and discounts should be considered.
  • All clients should be kept up to date. They need to send letters, call, tell them what new methods have been used. If you don't tell them about it, they may never know about it. You need to show them how they are trying to make them happy.
  • It's important to be flexible. Maybe the ideal client of your company is a large company, but there is no way to satisfy all its needs. We need to start paying attention to smaller companies and helping them. It is important to learn how to maneuver. Is there a bonus system for clients? If not, then it should be formed. Alternatively, customers can make one of their purchases at a lower price.
  • It's worth parting with bad clients. Now is the time to focus on the best, those who pay on time. You need to get rid of those who only take time without giving anything in return. It is important to remember that clients do not care about you, your knowledge or your problems. They care only about their own interests, only about their own “I” - what will I get from what I invest in you? If they are concerned about something else, you definitely need to find out about it.
  • In order not to be unnecessary, you should ask those clients who do not want cooperation about the reasons. You can write to them after a while and offer a significant discount. In a crisis, everyone will look at the price, you need to remember this. Those for whom this is paramount are more demanding, they can get pretty tired in the pursuit of the best price-quality ratio.
  • You should always be looking for great new clients. Because if you act as you always have, then the result will be the same as always.

The target audience

  • It is important to clearly understand the client. How can you make him happy? What can you do for him today? You need to come up with at least 5 “quick and cheap” tricks for clients. It is important to find and implement an opportunity so that new clients of your company can contact and communicate with old ones. This is the best way to show your reliability and gain sympathy and trust from your clients.
  • If it becomes known that one of the key clients has decided to terminate cooperation, this can cause unpleasant emotions, sometimes panic. But it's important to remember that this situation is entirely possible and to be flexible to weather these changes. But if the client is simply dissatisfied with something, this can be corrected - by offering a discount or replacing the employee who worked with him. However, if there is a lack of mutual understanding, it is worth accepting the loss and moving on.
  • Through negotiations with clients, you can find out not only what they are dissatisfied with, but also understand what needs to be changed in the business, which strategy is correct.
  • The fact of losing a serious client will quickly become known, and it is very possible that others will react by leaving. It is important to draw the right conclusions. You should always pay attention to marketing. You need a plan and strict adherence to it.

Sales and Marketing

  • If communicating with customers over the phone is difficult, you can send them letters inviting them to visit the company’s website. Once they are familiar with the information available, it will be easier to communicate with them.
  • It is important to remember that 80% of all commercial offers work only after the fifth call. But only 5% of salespeople make more than 4 calls.
  • It is worth calling those people who control cash flows. Perhaps the time has come to negotiate not with the manager, but with the director - at this level, decisions are made faster. In your advertising campaigns you need to focus on the fact that you are a seller, and advertising should ensure sales.
  • It is worth analyzing the marketing activities of the enterprise over the past year (ads, direct marketing, Internet marketing, PR, telephone marketing). It is important to analyze what was expected, what was achieved, how much was spent, and what could be improved. All meetings with clients are not a courtesy visit, but a path to achieving a goal. You need to find an argument why you should buy from your company and tell your customers about it.
  • If you can’t be in the office all the time, you can write down the address of the company’s website on your answering machine so that the client can independently familiarize himself with the products and place an order.
  • It is important to add value to each order. It is worth calling each of your clients. If there are people who are difficult to reach, you can invite them to a personal meeting. Such clients should be given the necessary information about the company and its capabilities. This will help you get closer to the client. It is worth considering whether it is possible to use clients as sellers, how they can recommend your company, how many can bring their friends and acquaintances.
  • It is worth considering how long ago the job advertisements were viewed. If a job is offered that is within your area of ​​expertise, you need to call and offer your services as a consultant.
  • You should review every advertisement placed in the box. Perhaps this business needs help and services.
  • It's important to help new clients feel at home. When selling specific products, products the use of which requires special knowledge, skills, etc., appropriate explanations should be given. If products for parents are sold, then you should be prepared to meet the children of these parents.
  • You can find out the addresses of newly created enterprises. Perhaps someone can become a new client. In difficult times, this is a relevant solution. It is important to show clients the capabilities of the enterprise in its field and solutions to their problems.
  • It is worth communicating with clients, trying to answer questions - who has been worried about them lately, who has tried to solve their problems. It is important to be able to conduct a dialogue with clients, listen to them, ask more questions, call, meet with them. You can offer significant discounts to new customers, this will make it easier to make them loyal to your business. Good relationships with clients now are a serious foundation for the future.


  • You should maintain and develop the company’s website and create an online store. When sending emails to clients, you can ask them to choose whether they want to subscribe to the newsletter.
  • The company's website should contain useful, up-to-date information. The more it is, the more trust there is in the enterprise’s website and the enterprise itself. If people want to get depressed, let them do it somewhere else, not on your site. That's what bad news newspapers are for. It is important that the creation, content, development and promotion of the site is carried out by professionals.
  • It is worth helping site visitors with various tips. When selling online, you always need to monitor competitors' prices. It is important to consider that many people are looking for cheaper goods.
  • From the site you can sell e-books and create training programs. In some cases, it is worth changing your view of the site. It is advisable to analyze the content of the site, answer the question of whether it meets the requirements and requests of customers during a crisis. Useful and relevant content will certainly attract new visitors to the site.
  • If work on increasing the number of clients has not yet begun, it is important not to put it off until later. You can start with a newsletter where you can tell about the company’s new products. To make a good business proposal, you just need to know the needs of your customers. It is important to remember that everyone wants to feel special, important, and chosen.
  • You can print the contents of the main pages of the site and analyze them. It’s worth putting yourself in the user’s shoes and thinking about whether it’s easy to find what you need on this site. It is important that the visitor likes the site so that he stays on it and comes again and again.


  • You should take care of your best employees; a crisis is not the right time to lose your team. It is important to reward those who perform well.
  • Sellers need to be trained. To avoid wasting time on personal training, you can organize video conferences. Staff communication skills should be worked on. Every client your employees interact with must be served to the highest standard. It is very important that staff understand such attitudes, since it determines whether your enterprise will survive the crisis.
  • It is important to value your time and the time of your staff, and place the emphasis correctly. The competence of the staff is of great importance. It’s worth thinking about what needs to be improved, what new knowledge employees lack. Taking the opportunity to improve staff knowledge is the right decision. In addition, training during a crisis can be cheaper.
  • You should make it clear to the staff that you are interested in where the money is spent, in what amount and why. It is necessary to train employees not to make unnecessary purchases. It is also important that employees do business during working hours and not resolve their private issues.
  • It is important to try not to reduce salaries and to adequately evaluate everyone’s contribution. It should be made clear to employees that they must treat customers differently. It's worth hiring nice people.