Summary of a music therapy lesson for older preschoolers with mental retardation on the topic: “Sounds of spring.” Summary of the open lesson "music therapy"

MUSIC THERAPY is a medicine that is listened to. The fact that music can change a person’s mental and physical state was known back in ancient Greece and other countries.
However, not only natural, but also artificially created ordered sounds heal. Specially selected melodies relieve anger, frustration, and improve your mood. Melodies that bring joy to a person have a beneficial effect on his body: they slow down the pulse, increase the strength of heart contractions, promote vasodilation, normalize blood pressure, stimulate digestion, and increase appetite.
Music acts selectively: depending on the nature of the work, on the instrument on which it is performed. For example, the violin and piano calm nervous system, and the flute has a relaxing effect. According to biblical legend, King Saul was saved from attacks of madness by playing the harp.
However, excessively loud music with emphasized rhythms of percussion instruments is harmful not only to hearing, but also to the nervous system. Modern rhythms increase the level of adrenaline in the blood, which can cause stress. Interestingly, the music of Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven has an amazing anti-stress effect.
In Japan, music therapy is widely used to normalize the physical and psychological state of a person at work, at school, in universities, and now music has become one of the elements of obstetric care.
Special studies have shown that the music of Wagner, Offenbach's operettas, Ravel's Bolero, and Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring with their increasing rhythm have the most stimulating effect. These works have the greatest effect when working with lethargic, pathetic children. True, music education is very individual and requires a lot of effort and knowledge. experienced selection melodies.
"Caprice No. 24" by Paganini in modern processing, on the contrary, improves the tone of the body and mood. Music that distracts attention from unpleasant images promotes the concept of attention. The balance of the nervous system was facilitated by phonograms of the forest, birdsong, and plays from Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons" cycle, " Moonlight Sonata"Beethoven.
Science has established that a noiseless environment negatively affects the human psyche, since absolute silence is not a familiar background for him.
While healthcare and educational institutions have not turned their attention to the problem of music therapy to the proper extent, enthusiastic teachers, doctors, and parents have to select a “sounding” medicine on their own.
The purpose of classes using music therapy: creating a positive emotional background for rehabilitation (removing the anxiety factor); stimulation of motor functions; development and correction of motor processes (sensations, perceptions, ideas) and sensory abilities; disinhibition of speech function.
At school age, a sedative or activating effect is achieved by musical accompaniment various games, special correctional orientation traditional activities with kids.
Musical rhythm is widely used in the treatment of motor and speech disorders, correction of insufficient psychomotor development, sense of rhythm, and speech breathing. Music can be used during independent work when verbal communication is excluded. The exception is small reading - reading to music, a combination of music and activities.
Thus, experience in using music therapy in correctional work with children with speech pathology leads to the following conclusions:

1. Use for listening only the work that children like;
2. It is better to use musical pieces that are familiar to children. They should not attract their attention with their novelty, or distract them from the main thing;
3. The duration of listening should be no more than 10 minutes during the entire lesson. As a rule, this is only one piece of music.

1. The success of the lesson is influenced by the positive personality of the teacher, his knowledge of methods of musical expression - playing musical instruments and the ability to sing, as well as the inclusion in the preventive and correctional process of the factor of group dynamics, mutual psycho-emotional positive contagion, empathy and sympathy between participants in group music classes.

2. It is necessary to determine an individual course of correction for children with certain disorders and tactics after its completion. What matters is the number and duration of music therapy sessions (from 15 minutes to 45 minutes), and the frequency of use per week, 1-7 times.

3. The room for music therapy should have the most comfortable chairs, armchairs or rugs, and artificial lighting in order to achieve distraction from the real passage of time (daylight) and enhance the emotional effect of the session.

4. It should also be remembered that corrective music sessions should not be carried out on an empty stomach and not earlier than 2 hours after eating.

5. Before taking a music therapy session, children must be tuned in. They should relax - this will help them “open the doors of the unconscious” and accept the full effect of the music. It does not matter what effect music has - calming, stimulating or uplifting.

6. It is important to choose the right pose. Treatment with music should be short enough so as not to cause fatigue and possible defensive reactions.

7. The strength and volume of music should be carefully adjusted. Low volume should be chosen not only for soothing, but also for stimulating music. High volume tires and shocks the nervous system.

8. After listening to healing music, you need to rest for a while. This favors its complete effect on the unconscious, which does not disturb mental balance.

9. It is known that the unconscious is most active during sleep, while it is also susceptible to external impulses. Therefore, it is especially recommended for aggressive, restless, hyperactive children to use therapeutic music during sleep.

10. It is advisable to use instrumental classical and specially therapeutic music, but not vocal and not the most popular music. they carry unnecessary semantic load. The choice of music should be well thought out. It is much more complex than it can get on the nerves of a person burdened with grief. A person in a state of excitement and confusion is unlikely to be deeply impressed by a solemn adagio; it will make him even more restless. On the other hand, when a depressed person hears sad music, it can lift his spirits.

11. As part of a music therapy session, you can and should use various active techniques, exercises and methods described above, such as movement exercises and dancing, rhythmic and breathing exercises, dramatization of therapeutic performances - games, activation of visual images and ideas, music playing, game therapy, vocal therapy, art therapy, color therapy, fairy tale therapy and other methods.


Scientists, having conducted numerous studies and experiments, have come to the conclusion that many melodies actually have a strong therapeutic effect:
The invigorating music of Tchaikovsky, Pakhmutova, Tariverdiev relieves neuroses and irritability.
Helps relieve stress, concentrate, ideal for solitary studies and meditation, romantic music that creates a feeling of free space, music by Schubert, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Liszt.
Stomach ulcers disappear when listening to "Waltz of the Flowers."
To prevent fatigue, you need to listen to “Morning” by Grieg, “Dawn over the Moscow River” (a fragment from the opera “Khovanshchina”) by Mussorgsky, the romance “Evening Bells”, the motive of the song “Russian Field”, “The Seasons” by Tchaikovsky.
Jazz, blues, Dixieland, soul, calypso and reggae, originating from temperamental African music, lift your spirits, relieve depression, and relieve tension.
The creative impulse is stimulated by “March” from the film “Circus” by Dunaevsky, “Bolero” by Ravel, “Sabre Dance” by Khachaturian.
You can get complete relaxation from Shostakovich's "Waltz" from the film "The Gadfly", Pourcel's orchestra, Ley's "A Man and a Woman", a romance from musical illustrations to Pushkin's story "The Snowstorm" by Sviridov.
Blood pressure and cardiac activity is normalized by Mendelssohn's "Wedding March".
Beethoven's "Sonata N7" cures gastritis.
As a cure for migraines, Japanese doctors offer Mendelssohn's "Spring Song," Dvorak's "Humoresques," and a healthy dose of George Gershwin ("An American in Paris").
Listening to Oginski's famous polonaise also relieves headaches.
Grieg's Peer Gynt suite normalizes sleep and brain function.
Mozart's music contributes to the development of mental abilities in children.
From alcoholism and smoking in combination with hypnosis and acupuncture “Ave Maria” by Schubert, “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven, “Swan” by Saint-Saëns, “Blizzard” by Sviridov.

Music therapy

Music therapy - as one of the most important methodological tools affecting the mental health of the child.

Research by famous scientists and teachers proves the possibility and necessity of developing a child’s memory, thinking, and imagination from a very early age.

The possibility of early development of musical abilities in children is no exception. There is data that confirms the influence of music on the developing fetus during a woman’s pregnancy and its positive impact on the entire human body in the future.

Music can change development: accelerate the growth of some cells, slow down the growth of others. But, most importantly, music can influence a person’s emotional well-being. Immortal musical works of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Tchaikovsky are capable of activating the body’s energy processes and directing them towards its physical recovery.

Nothing is impossible for real music! You just need to want to listen to her and be able to listen.

The emotional impact of harmonious sound combinations is enhanced many times over if a person has fine hearing sensitivity.

Developed ear for music makes higher demands on what is offered to him. Heightened auditory perception colors emotional experiences in bright and deep colors. It is difficult to imagine a more favorable period for the development of musical abilities than childhood.

Development of musical taste, emotional responsiveness in childhood creates the foundation of a person’s musical culture as part of his general spiritual culture in the future.

IN last years active reform of the system is taking place preschool education: the network of alternative institutions is growing, new preschool education programs are appearing, original methods are being developed. Against the background of these progressive changes, the development of the child’s emotional sphere is not always given enough attention.

Any teacher who has worked in the education system notices a sharp increase in children with various forms of behavioral disorders and various mental disorders. Simply put, the number of unhealthy children and children with psycho-emotional disorders increases every year. All this is facilitated by all kinds of programs that have an educational and disciplinary orientation; the “de-feeling” is facilitated by the technologization of life in which the child participates.

Being confined to televisions and computers, children began to communicate less with adults and peers, but communication greatly enriches the sensory sphere.

Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others. In kindergartens there are more and more children with pronounced hyperactivity and children with psychosomatic diseases. Any inappropriate behavior: laziness, negativism, aggression, isolation - all this is a defense against dislike. A child is able to develop successfully and maintain health only in conditions of psychological comfort and emotional well-being

Already in the works of the first generally recognized music theorist - ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras - we find a description of how music can influence a person’s emotional state. One of the most important concepts in Pythagoras’ ethics was “eurythmy” - the ability to find the right rhythm in all manifestations of life - singing, playing, dancing, speech, gestures, thoughts, actions, birth and death. By finding this correct rhythm, a person, considered as a kind of microcosm, could harmoniously enter first into the rhythm of polar harmony, and then connect to the cosmic rhythm of the world as a whole. From Pythagoras, a tradition began to compare social life with both a musical mode and a musical instrument.

Following Pythagoras, Aristotle believed that the ability of music to influence the mental state of listeners is associated with the imitation of one or another character. Musical modes differ significantly from each other, so that when we listen to them, we have a different mood, and we do not have the same attitude towards each of them; So, for example, listening to other, less strict modes, we soften in our mood: other modes evoke a balanced mood in us.

Working in kindergarten, can be observed a large number of children who cannot independently cope with the neuropsychic stress and overload received both in kindergarten and at home. This is what leads many children to various forms of deviant behavior. And teachers must solve these problems by all possible means. One such means is music therapy.

Music therapy is a method that uses music as a means of normalizing the emotional state, eliminating fears, movement and speech disorders, psychosomatic diseases, behavioral abnormalities, and communication difficulties.

The main and main tasks that define music therapy are the formation and development of musical and creativity, expansion and development of the emotional sphere, teaching auto-relaxation through music, development of moral and communicative qualities.

Organizing music therapy classes requires a special teacher and music director. psychological education, knowledge of the basics of general and clinical psychology, availability of music pedagogical education.

Music therapy focuses the teacher on cooperation with the child, on the integration of various types of artistic activities.

Therefore, music therapy, as a correction method, is recommended to be used not only in music classes, but also in physical education classes, morning exercises, invigorating gymnastics after a nap, in leisure evenings, in speech development classes, visual arts, in everyday activities, independent games, etc.

Thus, each teacher can use these exercises in combination with other games and exercises, “construct” the necessary form of classes from individual compositions.

All elements of music therapy exercises make it possible to use them not only as a means of developing children’s musical and motor abilities in rhythm classes, but also as game training for mental processes: attention, memory, will, creative imagination and fantasy, as well as a means of relaxation, switching attention or increasing psychophysical tone, etc., in the most various forms organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

If a teacher has a certain skill, he can relieve mental fatigue in a matter of minutes, invigorate, liberate, improve mood, and concentrate attention.

For example, in classes with high mental load and low mobility, dance compositions should be used as physical education minutes. The use of compositions based on fast, cheerful music allows you to cheer up children and activate their attention.

Music therapy classes are structured according to a specific pattern:

1.Warm up. Motor and rhythmic exercises.

2. Main part. Perception of music.

3.Musical relaxation. Autotraining.

I include in the lesson different kinds musical activity children: singing, listening, musical and rhythmic movements, playing musical instruments and necessarily elements of theatrical performance.

Material used in classes

in music therapy.

Dance, facial expressions, gesture, like music, are one of the oldest ways of expressing feelings and experiences. In addition to the fact that they relieve nervous and mental stress, they help the child quickly and easily establish friendly connections with other children in the group and the teacher, and this also gives a certain psychotherapeutic effect.

Movement exercises.

1. “Walk through a fairytale forest” (N. Rimsky-Korsakov, Fevronia’s aria from the opera “The Tale of the Invisible City of Pitezh”).

Steps at a slow pace, imagining things around you beautiful landscape and showing other children the splendor of nature with gestures.

2. “Festive March” (N. Rimsky-Korsakov, introduction to the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”). Imagine yourself going to a holiday. Walk with a confident, decisive step.

3. “Crouching Cat” (D. Pucinni, Musetta’s Waltz from the opera “La Bohème”). Movements in a circle, stepping one step at a time, each beat. The movements are smooth, the weight of the body is gradually transferred from one leg to the other.

4. “Fluttering Butterfly” (A. Dvorak, humoresque). Light springy steps, with a wave of the arms depicting a butterfly.

5. “Admiring a Flower” (N. Chopin, Waltz No. 7) Children pass a flower in a circle for each measure of the waltz, admiring it.

6. “Driving by the nose”

Rhythmic exercises.

The main feature of musical-rhythmic exercises is the emphasis not so much on outside learning rhythmic movements, how much in analysis internal processes: sensory, mental, emotional. Burenin’s rhythmic plasticity program is built on the development and training of mental processes, the development of perception, attention, thinking, and the ability to express various emotions in facial expressions and pantonemia. Children learn to control their own body, think outside the box, and psychological freedom. For music therapy, we can recommend musical and rhythmic compositions from “Rhythmic Mosaic”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Circus Horses”, “Children and Nature”, “Two Rams”, “Dance while Sitting”.

Perception of music.

In order for music to have an effect on a child, he must be specially tuned and prepared for this. This setup involves sitting in a comfortable position, relaxing and focusing on the sounds of the music. Perceiving music is about learning to recognize emotions. Any music is always feelings, emotions, experiences.

The topic is “Mood, feelings in music”, which is included in the program “Musical Masterpieces” by O.P. Radynova, is very important for children to understand music as an art form that conveys mood and feeling.

For listening in music therapy and relaxation classes, we offer the following topics: “Thought” by S. Maikopov and “First Loss” by R. Schumann, “In the Church” by P. Tchaikovsky, “Ave Maria” by I. Schubert, “Rush” by R. Schumann, “ Separation" by M. Glinka, "Morning Prayer" by P. Tchaikovsky, "Joke" by S.I. Bach, “Humoresque” by P. Tchaikovsky.

The titles of these works reflect the mood conveyed in the music. Children learn to understand feelings, distinguish shades of mood, learn to empathize, rejoice, and be charged with positive emotions.

It is no coincidence that physiologists equate physical and mental health, provided that the child is immersed in an atmosphere of emotional upliftment, necessarily associated with positive emotions. And music is always only positive emotions.

Breathing exercises.

Any experience, and especially in children, be it joy or a fit of anger, ultimately ends with the tension of some muscle group and with the help of breathing exercises you can ease this muscle tension.

Breathing exercises help relieve psycho-emotional stress and quickly and easily establish interpersonal relationships among children in a group. We give these exercises figurative name, which improves the quality of the idea of ​​how they should be performed.

1. “Hello to the sun” - tonic breathing.

I. Slowly inhale into the stomach, chest and bronchi, gradually raise the elbows, and let the hands hang freely.

II. Exhale forcefully on the syllable “ha”, the hands unfold from the level of the face and are thrown upward, then the hands slowly lower.

2. “Not milked cow” - removes muscle tension at the level of the throat and neck.

Inhale simultaneously through the nose and mouth, then sing, hum any melody while exhaling through the nose, while lowering the lower jaw.

Finally, you can emphasize your exhalation by pushing out the remaining air with your abdominal muscles.

3. “A well-fed horse” - relaxation of the muscles of the face and head.

The exercise is based on simulating the prolonged snorting of a horse. When exhaling through your mouth, you should try to relax all the muscles of your face so that they vibrate freely under the influence of freely passing air.

4. “Scent of roses” - relaxing breath.

Imagine a big and beautiful bouquet roses and inhale the imaginary scent of flowers.

5. “Sleeping flower” - calming breathing in proportion 1+3. One quarter - inhale, three quarters - exhale. Mentally imagine yourself as a flower closing its petals into a bud at night.

6. “Parade of troops” - a staging with the aim of emotional release and activation of the tone in the cry.

Children line up imagining themselves as soldiers in a parade. They learn to respond to greetings with a strong three times “Hurray!”

Musical relaxation.

These exercises are aimed at correcting the child’s psycho-emotional sphere and acquiring relaxation skills.

When performing these exercises, it is important to distract the child from traumatic experiences and help him, with the help of music, see all the beauty of the world. All exercises are commented by the teacher accompanied by certain music, evoking various emotions.

For example:

1. Exercise to activate vital forces “Energy” (for hypoactive children), music. M. Ravel. Pavana; Bolero.

2. Exercise for relaxation, relieving irritability (for hyperactive children), music. D. Shostakovich from the film "The Gadfly".

3. Exercise that creates an optimistic mood “Joy of Life”music J. Bizet. Youth Symphony, dance music from operettas by R. Strauss, I Kalman, F. Lehár.

4. Exercise that shapes the attitude towards the world “Beloved Mother” of music. F. Chopin.Nocturne.

5. Exercise to overcome feelings of shame and shyness. “I can do everything” music. I. Brahms. IV Symphony. F. Leaf. Prelude. Etc.

Kolesova Irina Vasilievna

musical director

Target: form a habit in children healthy image life, a sense of responsibility for maintaining and strengthening one’s health through health-saving technologies in all types of musical activities.


Enrich children's musical experiences and create a joyful mood;

Nurture in children love for others. Friendly attitude to peers;

Introduce children to new elements of articulatory gymnastics and health-improving exercise movements;

Develop children's speech with the help of articulatory gymnastics; correlate movement with text in speech and music games, self-massages;

To lead children to the ability to convey elementary game images and their characters through facial expressions, movements, and intonation.

Visual and didactic material: house, mirror flowers, cat mask, Major and Minor notes, TSO, musical accompaniment.


Children enter the hall to the music

Music director Hello guys! Today is such a wonderful day! And I want to conduct today’s lesson with elements of music therapy. Have you ever heard this? interesting word MUSIC THERAPY? And I'll tell you now. Music therapy is a treatment with music, because music has a very strong effect on a person and can change his any mood. We all know very well that if a person is sick, he needs to be treated (like... children's answers.) but sometimes a person thinks that he is sick, but in fact he is just in a bad mood. That's when music comes to the rescue (as...children's answers). That's right guys, with the help happy music you can cheer up, and calm, quiet music will help you calm down, if you are too excited, with the help of a lullaby we fall asleep... Today the sun is shining! I just want to wish everyone: “ Good morning! So let's wish our guests good morning with a cheerful song and lift everyone's spirits.

Children perform a round dance with a wellness massage “Good morning”

Good morning. Smile soon

And today the whole day will be more fun.

Clap your hands

We will stroke your forehead, nose and cheeks (according to the text )

We will be beautiful, like flowers in the garden(flashlights)

Let's rub our palms harder and harder (according to the text)

Now let's clap more boldly.

Clap your hands

Now we'll rub our ears and save our health

Let's smile again, everyone be healthy!(round dance)

Music director Great, now I’ll play you some good music to make it even more fun. Have a seat, guys.

I open the sheet music and see empty sheets with holes.

What happened to the notes? And where did these holes come from? Guys, don't you know?

Children's answers.

Music director It looks like the notes were eaten by mice. What to do?(I'm thinking.) I came up with an idea! You need to call the music help desk.

I'm calling:

Hello! Reference? Help!

Send us an assistant!

We need to find the sheet music,

To keep things busy.

We'll send the cat now.

Music director Well, thank you! Are looking forward to!

We know a poem about a cat

Let's read it together in chorus.

Speech game-dialogue “Tra-ta-ta”

Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!

A cat married a cat!

Boys: For the cat?

Girls: For Pyotr Petrovich!

Together: He is mustachioed, striped,

Tassels hang in my ears.

Well, not a cat, but just a treasure!

A teacher enters dressed as a cat

Cat Ryzhik:

Meow meow! Yes, I am like this!

I'm just a treasure for all the guys!

Meow! Hello everyone, friends!

How glad I am to see you!

My name is the cat Ryzhik. I am a learned cat from the great cat country of Murland.

Music hands Ryzhik, where can we find the notes? they were dragged away by cunning mice

Cat Ryzhik: Only real cats can find the mouse. But I’m a super cat! Go ahead, my friends!

We carry out dynamic exercise"On the Path"

Along the path, along the pathJump on your right foot.

We jump on the right leg.

And along the same pathJump on your left leg.

We jump on our left leg.

Let's run along the path,Easy running on your toes.

We'll run to the lawn.

On the lawn, on the lawnJumping in place.

We'll jump like bunnies.

We reached out sweetly,Hands up, stretching.

And everyone smiled.

Music hands Guys, look, there's a house ahead! Is this the Mouse Kingdom already?

Cat Ryzhik. No! There's no smell of mice here. Guys, let me see what's in the house. (He extends his hands into the house and takes out cards with images of funny and sad faces.)

Cat Ryzhik : Look guys, this is a gnomes' house. The gnomes themselves are not at home, but they left us their photographs.

(Musical director shows and asks the children what characters are depicted. Explains that one of them is cheerful - this is Brother Major, and the other sad is Brother Minor)


(Merry) C Major lives in the house,

Sings songs loudly -

Kind, major.

Cheerful, perky!

(Sad) D Minor went to the river,

Started a sad song:

Oh! The river is agile.

Oh! Fate minor!

Guys, do you want to play? Listen carefully to the music and convey its mood through movements, facial expressions, and gestures.

Active listening to music “Major or minor?”

Children jump, dance, and laugh to happy music, but to sad music they walk with their heads bowed.

Cat Ryzhik: Children, I am very sad!

Something crunches in my back.

My throat hurts and burns,

My nose is gurgling and snoring

Music hands Guys, our cat is probably sick and needs rest. Let's put him in a corner, and so that he can fall asleep quickly, we'll sing a lullaby

Lullaby being performed

Sleep, sleep, you are my child.
Warm, soft, kitten.
Sleep, sleep, you are my baby,
May you dream of a mouse.

Do not blink,
Do not snooze.

Grow up quickly, baby.
You will grow up like your mother, cat.
Be mustachioed, tailed, handsome -

And he looks like his mommy

Do not blink,
Do not snooze.

Music hands Well, Ryzhik, are you feeling better?

Cat Ryzhik: No, something doesn’t feel good. I want to sleep some more

Music hands But you can’t sleep all day. Guys, in my opinion the cat has chondritis and nothing hurts him. Now is the time to turn to music therapy. How will we treat it? Yes, we will amuse the cat.

Children and Ryzhik the Cat perform the “Druzhok” play massage complex.

Children stand in pairs throughout the hall.

I have such hands!They stand with their backs to each other, stroking their hands.


They clap their hands loudlyThey clap.

One two Three!

Your hands too They turn to each other, stroke each other.

They look like mine.

I'm good with you, my friend,They spin like a boat.

Spin around with me once!

I have such cheeks!They stand with their backs to each other, stroking their cheeks.


I'll pet them a little.

One two Three!

Your cheeks too They turn and rub each other's cheeks.

They look like mine.

Good on you, buddy.They spin like a boat.

Spin around with me once!

I have such earsThey stand with their backs to each other, massaging their earlobes.


I'll grind them out little by little.They rub their ears with force.

One two Three!

Your ears too They turn to each other, tugging at each other’s ears.

They look like mine.

I'm good with you, my friend,They spin like a boat.

Spin around with me once!

Cat Ryzhik: Oh! I am well! Thanks guys! Now I will always do this wonderful exercise! How fun it is to be with you! Do you know that music and laughter prolongs life? And for this I will give you colorful little jokes. (Gives children colorful notes)

Music hands Ryzhik, it was you who took away our cheerful notes

Ryzhik I didn’t know you needed them, they are so beautiful and I decided to give them to the guys

Music hands These notes are not only beautiful, they are also magical. With the help of cheerful music, we were able to cheer you up, which means we cured you with music therapy. Guys, take care of these magical notes and know that they can always help you recover, because music is the best medicine.

Budgetary institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra

"Center social assistance family and children "Rostock"

rehabilitation department for minors with disabilities

physical and mental capabilities

Music therapy

A series of classes for children with disabilities

Compiled by: Musical director Bauer L.M.

year 2014

p.g.t. Let's play

Music therapy.

Target . Relieve emotional stress. Reduction of negative tendencies (aggression, fear, uncertainty).


Task. Reduce the level of aggressiveness

1 Lesson

"Cruise"Musical modeling

1. Experiencing your emotional state: “We are on a ship. A storm has begun: the sails are torn by the wind, huge waves are tossing the ship like a piece of wood" (Vivaldi's "The Storm")

2. Forming a state of peace and security: “The wind has died down, the sea is smooth and transparent, like glass. The ship glides easily through the water. "(Tchaikovsky "Barcarolle")

3. Formation of the final emotional state: “The earth is ahead! Finally we are home. How joyfully our friends and family greet us! " (Shostakovich “Festive Overture”)

2 Lesson

"Go away, anger, go away"Therapy game

The players lie down on the carpet in a circle. There are pillows between them. Closing their eyes, they begin to kick the floor with all their might and kick the pillows with their hands, shouting: “Go away, anger, go away! "(Tchaikovsky "Baba Yaga"). The exercise lasts 3 minutes, then the participants, at the command of an adult, lie down in the “star” position, arms and legs spread wide, and lie quietly, listening to calm music for 3 minutes. (Chopin “Nocturne in F major”).

3 Lesson

"The lion hunts, the lion rests"Role-playing gymnastics

The soundtrack plays (C. Saint-Saens, “Carnival of the Animals”, part 1 “Royal March of the Lion”). Children are invited to portray lions in all possible ways: you can move on the floor on all fours (lions go hunting), lie on benches or chairs (lions rest on a hot afternoon, roar loudly when the appropriate music sounds - we show with our hands how the lion opens its mouth.

When the fragment is played, the following task is given: “Tired, well-fed lions, their cubs lie down to rest (on the floor, or “climb a tree” - a bench, hanging their paws and tails)

Then calm, quiet music sounds (Mozart’s “Lullaby”). "Lions fall asleep."

Goals: The first part of the exercise provides an outlet for the energy accumulated during the lesson, develops activity and general motor skills. By creating the image of an animal, the child has the opportunity to express himself creatively. The second part: relaxation, the transition from active actions to calm. In general, this exercise increases children's interest in classes. It is always expected and performed with special enthusiasm.

4 Lesson

"Sparrow fights"(removal of physical aggression).Therapy game

Children choose a pair and turn into pugnacious “sparrows” (they squat, clasping their knees with their hands). The “sparrows” jump sideways towards each other and jostle. Whichever child falls or removes his hands from his knees is eliminated from the game (the “wings” and paws are treated by Dr. Aibolit). “Fights” begin and end at a signal from an adult.

5 - Lesson

"Good - Evil Cats"(removal of general aggression).

Therapy game

Children are encouraged to educate big circle, in the center of which lies a hoop. This is a “magic circle” in which “transformations” will take place. The child goes inside the hoop and, at the leader’s signal (clap of hands, sound of a bell, sound of a whistle), turns into a feisty, despising cat: hissing and scratching. At the same time, you cannot leave the “magic circle”. Children standing around the hoop repeat in unison after the leader: “Stronger, stronger, stronger...”, and the child pretending to be a cat makes increasingly “evil” movements. (Khachaturian “Toccata”). At the leader’s repeated signal, the “transformations” end, after which another child enters the hoop and the game is repeated. When all the children have been in the “magic circle”, the hoop is removed, the children are divided into pairs and again turn into angry cats at the adult’s signal. (If someone does not have enough pairs, then the host himself can participate in the game.) A categorical rule: do not touch each other! If it is violated, the game stops immediately, the presenter shows an example of possible actions, and then continues the game. Upon a second signal, the cats stop and can exchange pairs. On final stage The host of the game invites the “evil cats” to become kind and affectionate. At a signal, children turn into kind cats that caress each other (Debussy “Light of the Moon”).

6 - Lesson

« Winter's Tale» Musical modeling

1. Experiencing your emotional state: “Winter has come. It's bitterly cold outside. Feisty and furious! "(Schumann "Father Frost")

2. Forming a state of peace and security: “Light snowflakes are flying from the night sky. They sparkle in the light of the lantern. "(Debussy's "Dance of the Snowflakes")

3. Formation of the final emotional state: “The blizzard swirled in a gentle waltz.” (Sviridov Waltz “Blizzard”)

7th lesson

"Stubborn Pillow"(relieving general tension, stubbornness)

Therapy game

Adults prepare a “magical, stubborn pillow” (in a dark pillowcase) and introduce the child to a fairy tale game: “The fairy sorceress gave us a pillow. This pillow is not simple, but magical. Childish stubbornness lives inside her. It is they who make you capricious and stubborn. Let's drive away the stubborn ones." The child punches the pillow with all his might, and the adult says: “Harder, stronger, stronger! "(Tchaikovsky Overture "The Storm") When the child's movements become slower, the game gradually stops. An adult offers to listen to the “stubborn ones in the pillow: “Have all the stubborn ones come out and what are they doing? » The child puts his ear to the pillow and listens. “The stubborn ones are scared and are silent in the pillow,” the adult answers (this technique calms the child after excitement). The pillow became good. Let's lie on it and listen to beautiful music (Chopin "Nocturne No. 20").

8th lesson

"Visiting the Sea King"

Residents of the underwater kingdom arrive at Neptune's ball. Children are encouraged to move like: a menacing shark, a relaxed jellyfish, a frisky seahorse, a prickly sea urchin, etc. d. (C. Saint-Saens Aquarium)

9- Lesson

"Little Ghost"Therapy game

The presenter says: “We’ll play good little ghosts. We wanted to misbehave a little and scare each other a little. When I clap, you will make this movement with your hands (the adult raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and pronounce the sound “U” in a scary voice; if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are kind ghosts and only want to joke. » The adult claps his hands. (Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee”) At the end of the game, the ghosts turn into children.

10 -Lesson

"Clowns are fighting"(removal of verbal aggression).

Therapy game

The presenter says: “The clowns showed the children a show, made them laugh, and then began to teach the children to swear. Angrily swearing at each other with vegetables and fruits.” Attention is drawn to adequate, angry intonation. Children can choose pairs, change partners, “scold” together, or take turns “scold” all the children. An adult directs the game, announces the beginning and end of the game with a signal, and stops it if other words or physical aggression are used (Kabalevsky “Clowns”). Then the game continues, changing the emotional mood of the children. The presenter says: “When clowns taught children to swear, parents didn’t like it.” The clowns, continuing the game, teach children not only to swear with vegetables and fruits, but also to affectionately call each other flowers. Intonation must be adequate. The children again break into pairs and affectionately call each other flowers.

11 - Lesson

"Spring came" Musical modeling

1. Experiencing your emotional state: “The long-awaited spring has arrived. Warmed up warm sunshine. Ice drift began on the river. Huge ice floes move through the water, fly into each other with noise and crash, break, and swirl in a whirlpool.” (Schumann "Rush")

2. Formation of a state of peace, security: “Formation of a state of peace, security: “Sunny” warm ray looked into a snow-covered forest clearing, melted a snowdrift and warmed the first spring flower - a snowdrop.” (Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop")

3. Formation of the final emotional state: “From distant countries we returned to our native lands migratory birds and sang their most cheerful songs.” (Vivaldi "Spring")


Task. Overcoming feelings of fear.

1 Lesson

"Night Terrors" Musical modeling.

1. Experiencing your emotional state: “The moon has risen over the village. A slippery sticky fog began to creep from the mountains onto houses and gardens. And in this fog, ancient ominous spirits flashed like vague shadows. They have a holiday today - Walpurgis Night. Until the morning, witches, ghosts, goblins and trolls will dance wildly on the bald mountain.” (Mussorgsky “Night on Bald Mountain”)

2. Forming a state of peace and security: “Can’t anyone cope with this ominous force? No one will save the frightened villagers?. But then, among the distant stars, a magical song filled with tenderness and kindness began to sound. The song is getting louder and stronger. A soft light streamed among the fog, dispersing and dispersing it. It was the angels who descended to earth and sang a song of praise to the Holy Virgin Mary, the protector of humanity. And they retreated dark forces" (Schubert "Ave Maria")

3. Formation of the final emotional state: “Walpurgis Night is over. The edge of the sky was painted with pink, gold, and crimson colors. Slowly, calmly, the good sun rose.” (Shostakovich “Festive Overture”)

Lesson 2

“Let’s put fear in a box”Isotherapy game.

The child is asked to draw his fear. (G. Puccini “Cloak”). And now that the fear has “come out” of the baby onto paper, you can do whatever you want with him: finish drawing him something funny, put him “in jail,” etc. (Chopin “Prelude 1 opus 28”) After this, you can fold drawing, hide the fear in a box and give it to the child. Now the baby can control his fear himself and at any moment see if hedid the fear creep back into him?

3 Lesson

"Baba Yaga" Musical outdoor game

A circle is drawn on the site. Children stand in a circle. The driver, Baba Yaga, stands in the center of the circle, blindfolded. Children walk in a circle and sing:

There is a hut in the dark forest

Stands backwards and forwards (turn the other way)

And in that hut there is an old woman

Grandmother Yaga lives.

Her eyes are big

Like lights are burning. (show with hands)

Wow, how angry! (crouches in fear)

Your hair is standing on end! (jump up, raise their hands up, fingers spread)

Children jump on one leg into the circle and jump out of it, and Baba Yaga tries to catch them. (Tchaikovsky "Baba Yaga")

4 Lesson

"Dr. Aibolit"Plot-game improvisation.

(Sviridov’s “Viennese Waltz” sounds - “Aibolit” lays out his medicines on the stump) “Good Doctor Aibolit. He is sitting under a tree. Come to him and treat a cow, a she-wolf, a bug, a worm, or a she-bear. The good doctor Aibolit will heal everyone.” (Levkodimov’s play “The Bear” is playing - a “sick bear” is coming) Here is a bear coming to Aibolit. He was stung by bees. Oh, how it hurts the poor guy! Help, doctor! (Sviridov’s “Viennese Waltz” sounds - the doctor is treating a bear) Oh, thank you! (Bach's "Joke" sounds - the bear dances). Here the fox is running. (Levkodimov’s play “The Fox” is playing - the “sick fox” is running) She has a toothache. Oh, how bad the little fox is! Help, doctor! (Sviridov’s “Viennese Waltz” sounds - the doctor is treating a fox) Thank you, doctor! (Bach's "Joke" sounds - the fox dances). Why is the bush shaking? This bunny is shaking! He drove a big splinter into his paw. My paw hurts, and I’m scared to go to the doctor. Let's persuade the bunny (children persuade the bunny to go to the doctor). The doctor cured the bunny. “Glory, glory to Aibolit, glory to the good doctors! "(It sounds like Tchaikovsky's Kamarinskaya, child actors dance).

5 Lesson


Psycho-gymnastics.(aimed at relaxation, stress relief)

Parent and child turn into snowmen: stand up, spread their arms to the sides, puff out their cheeks and hold the given pose for 10 seconds.

The adult says: “And now the sun came out, its hot rays touched the snowman, and he began to melt.” The players gradually relax, lower their arms, squat down and lie down on the floor. (Chopin Waltz "Winter's Tale").

6 Lesson

"In the forest" Musical modeling.

1 Experiencing your emotional state: “We are in a dense forest, it’s dark, wolves are howling, we are making our way through thorny bushes, running (music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is playing - orchestral fantasy “Francesca da Rimini” on the theme of “Hell”, the child moves in accordance with the plot )".

2 Forming a state of peace and security: “We ran out into the clearing. She is protected on all sides by good magic. No one else can get here except us. It’s very beautiful here: a small waterfall flows into a clear lake, there is delicate green grass on the ground and amazing beautiful flowers (F. Chopin’s nocturne sounds, a child lies or sits on a rug).”

3 Formation of the final emotional state: “The waterfall rings so joyfully with its droplets! It becomes so easy for us, so much fun! We also want to sing along with the waterfall! (W. A. ​​Mozart’s “Little Night Serenade” sounds, the child plays along on the metallophone or dances).”

7 Lesson

"Magic Sand"Sand therapy

The child is invited to play in the sandbox: sifting, digging with a shovel, making beads... A toy symbolizing the child’s fear (Baba Yaga, dog, monster, etc.) is imperceptibly buried in the sand. When the child accidentally digs up the toy, it begins to “talk” to him. in a kind, pleading voice: “I’m so lonely, I’m very kind, but everyone is afraid of me. Please play with me. Build me a sand house, etc. If the child is scared, you can bury the toy again in the sand, but after a while remind her that she is scared there. Offer to help the toy. Sprinkling sand makes the child feel calmer. (Sounds “Romance” by Sviridov)

8 Lesson

“Clouds” Rhythmoplasty

Let's go on a trip! We will turn into clouds, because they fly around the world without knowing any obstacles. Look how light and beautiful they are (slide). Have you ever watched the clouds? Each cloud is unique. This looks like a snow-white horse, then it looks like an amazing sea monster. But then the wind blew, and the clouds changed shape - a magical sparkling castle appeared in front of us (slide). Hear, magical music sounds. (Tchaikovsky “Sentimental Waltz”) One, two, three, cloud fly! Now you are clouds. Fly softly, smoothly, change shape as the wind blows. Whose cloud is the most beautiful?

9 Lesson

"Brave Bun" Fairytale therapy

(Children play the role of a bun; animals - bi-ba-bo dolls on the leader’s hand). Once upon a time there lived a bun. One day he went for a walk. (Baccherini’s “Minuet” sounds, children run on their toes) The bun rolls, rolls, and a hare meets it. (sounds: Bel Bartok “Duke Bluebeard’s Castle”). “Kolobok, Kolobok, I’ll eat you!” "Let's invite the bunny to eat candy and dance with us (Baccherini's "Minuet" plays, children dance with the hare). The bun rolled further, and a wolf met him (music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky sounds - orchestral fantasy “Francesca da Rimini” on the theme of “Hell”) “Kolobok, bun, I’ll eat you!” “And the little guy has a black belt in karate, and he’s a great boxer. Let's show this to the wolf! (Khachaturian’s “Sabre Dance” plays, the children “fight”). The wolf killed, and the bun rolled on. Who came out of the dark thicket to meet him?) A bear! (Mussorgsky's "Gnome" sounds) Kolobok, I'll eat you! "Let's scare the bear. (Vivaldi’s “Storm” plays, the children scare the bear like little ghosts. The bear runs away.) And here comes the fox. (Sounds “Nocturne No. 20” by Chopin) “What a beautiful bun you are! Come with me, I’ll treat you to some cake.” Shall we go with the fox?) Of course not! She's lying all the time. We, fox, are not afraid of you, you cannot deceive us! What will we do? (Children's suggestions) Let's call the police. Do you know the phone number? (children “take out their cell phones” and call 020, the fox is running). The little bun had a good walk, he wasn't scared of anyone!

10 Lesson

"Burners" Outdoor games

The driver is tightly blindfolded. The players sing: “Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out. Look at the sky – the birds are flying, the bells are ringing.” The players scatter, freeze in place and ring the bells, and the blindfolded driver looks for them.

(Sounds Rimsky-Korsakov "Spanish Capriccio"

11 Lesson

"Bee in a Flower"Psychotherapy game

The adult says the text, and the child performs the actions: “The bee flew from flower to flower (chairs and sofas are used as flowers). When the bee swooped in, ate nectar, she fell asleep in beautiful flower(under a chair or table). Night fell, and the petals of the flower began to close (the chair or table was covered with dark matter). The sun rose (the material was removed, and the bee began to have fun again, flying from flower to flower. "The game can be repeated, increasing the density of matter, i.e., the degree of darkness.

(Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee” - a bee flies,

Brahms "Lullaby" - the bee sleeps)

12 Lesson

"Magic Scissors" Application

(Shostakovich’s “Leningrad Symphony” plays) The child is asked to draw himself. Then the leader sticks black blots around the image, symbolizing the child’s fears. The leader, together with the child, names these fears (fear of heights, darkness, loneliness, etc.). (Symphony No. 40 by Mozart plays) The child cuts out his image and glues it on Blank sheet. The child himself sticks colorful circles around it, naming them (parents, friends, toys, etc.). The cut-off fear blots can be torn, buried, or closed in a box.

13 Lesson

"Brave Policeman"Plot-game improvisation

Once upon a time there lived a brave policeman, the brave Misha Ivanov (full name of the child actor). (Dunaevsky’s “March” from the film “Circus” sounds). Here comes Tanya from the garden, carrying a doll in her bag. (Bach's "Joke" sounds). The hooligans ran up, began to offend Tanya, began to pull her pigtails, and began to take away the doll! (Vivaldi's "Storm" sounds). Who, who will help us, protect us from harm? A brave, clever policeman will rush to our aid! (Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” plays) He scattered the hooligans and dragged them to prison. (Mozart’s “Symphony No. 40” plays) He walked our little Tanya home.

14 Lesson

"Hero Hare" Musical theater

Once upon a time there lived a cowardly bunny. He sat under a bush and was afraid of everything. A leaf falls from a tree - the bunny shakes with fear, an owl flies by - the hare faints. (Music sounds: Schumann “Father Frost”. Children show how afraid the bunny is). I was afraid of the bunny for a day, a week, a year. But now, he’s tired of being afraid. I'm tired, that's all. He climbed onto a stump, waved his paws and shouted: “I’m not afraid of anyone! "(Music sounds: Beethoven's "Ode to Joy." Children show themselves to be brave) Suddenly a wolf came out into the clearing! (bi-ba-bo doll) All the bunny’s courage immediately disappeared somewhere. He shook, jumped, and out of fright the wolf landed straight on his back. The bunny ran away (Sounds: Saint-Saëns “The Hare”, the children are running, and when he had no more strength to run, he fell under a bush. But the wolf was also scared of this strange hare,

that he attacked him himself and left this forest. The animals found our hare and began to praise: “How brave you are, you drove away the wolf! “And the hare himself believed that he was brave and stopped being afraid. (Sounds: Beethoven's "Ode to Joy")


Task. Overcoming isolation, feelings of timidity.

1 lesson

"Visiting the squirrel"Psycho-gymnastics

(Children repeat the movements after the leader according to the text of the poem)

The squirrel's house is clean.

The children washed the dishes

The trash was swept into the yard,

They knocked out the carpet with a stick.

The postman knocked -

Noble old elephant.

He wiped his feet on the mat:

“Sign for Murzilka. »

Who's that knocking on the door?

These are midges, birds, animals.

Wipe your feet, dear little ones.

We won't get bored here

We will dance with you! (Sounds “Kamarinskaya”)

Here we stomp with one foot: stomp, stomp, stomp,

And now with the other leg.

And we’ll sit down and we’ll stand up,

Let's repeat it one more time.

Stomp your right heel twice

And forward - on your toes.

We'll all jump together

And let's spin around.

2 Lesson

"Bear Bear"Musical theater

Once upon a time there lived a bear cub. He didn't want to be friends with anyone. He sat on a stump and stacked the cones in a pyramid. A little bunny ran up to him (Saint-Saëns “Hare”, greeted him: “Hello, Mishka.” The little bear turned away silently, frowned, pouted. A squirrel ran up (Rimsky-Korsakov “Squirrel”), extended his paw: “Hello,” he said, “Come on.” be friends!" Misha turned away. “I don’t need friends,” he muttered. A hedgehog crawled past, wanted to treat the bear cub with a berry. ... .) Misha took the berry and turned away. He didn’t even say “thank you.” “What, after all, he's a beech!" - the animals were surprised. But then a strong wind blew. (Wagner "Ride of the Valkyries") The squirrel jumped into the hollow, the hedgehog climbed into the hole, the bunny hid under a bush. And the wind blew stronger and stronger. A hurricane rose up! The wind caught it the bear cub, spun him around and carried him somewhere. The bear was scared. He screamed and cried. He wanted to call for help, but who to call? He had no friends. And suddenly a bunny jumped out of the bush, grabbed the bear cub by the paws. The hedgehog crawled out of the hole, grabbed the bunny. The squirrel jumped out, grabbed the hedgehog (child actors run like a train). And the wind gave in and lowered the animals to the ground. “It’s so good to have friends! “- thought the little bear. And he said out loud: “Thank you! " Now the little bear has changed. He is the first to greet the animals, always says “thank you”, “please” and loves to frolic with friends in a forest clearing).

3 Lesson

"Rain" Musical modeling.

1. It’s gray, sad rain outside. We are sitting at home and looking out the window. Drops, like tears, flow down wet glass. (Beethoven "Melody of Tears").

2. Drops knock on the iron roof, ring in the puddle in the yard. And suddenly everything changed - we heard the light, ringing music of rain. (Mozart "Little Night Serenade")

3. We had so much fun! I wanted to play and dance with the rain. We put on boots, took umbrellas and ran outside to jump in puddles. (Strauss "Trick-Truck" polka)

4 Lesson

"Magic Threads"Isotherapy game

Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" music plays. The child is asked to draw himself in the middle of the sheet, and around him to draw those whom the child would like to see next to him always (parents, relatives, friends, pets, toys, etc.). Give your child a blue marker (magic wand) and ask him to connect himself with the lines around the characters - these are magic threads. Through them, like through wires, from loved ones to the baby now comes good power: care, warmth, help. But the same strength should come from the child. The threads forever connected the baby with those who are dear to him. Now, if your mother has gone to work or a friend has gone to visit his grandmother, there is no need to worry. Magic threads will definitely draw them back to the child.

5 Lesson

"Little Sculptor" Modeling

The exercise is performed in pairs. The task is given to start sculpting some figure out of plasticine, preferably something fantastic. After a certain time, the children change figures, and now everyone must complete the partner’s figure. After completing the task, the children exchange comments on whether their idea is understood correctly, what they themselves would like to create.

This game develops and consolidates the skill of understanding and developing another person's plan.

6 Lesson

Drawing “Me in the future” Isotherapy

The child is given the task to draw himself as he sees himself in the future. When discussing the drawing with him, ask him how he will look, how he will feel, what his relationship will be with his parents, brother or sister, with classmates, with friends.

The exercise allows you to realize the possibility of overcoming isolation, giving the child a perspective for the future and confidence in their abilities.

"At Grandfather Trifon's"

Children stand in a circle, the leader is in the center. The children sing: “Grandfather Tryphon had seven children, seven sons. They didn’t sleep, didn’t eat, looked at each other, did things like this together.” The presenter demonstrates some dance movement, others copy it. The one who repeated the movement better becomes the leader.

7 Lesson

"Doll" Musical modeling.

1. The little girl had a doll. They were best friends: they walked together, played, fell asleep. But the doll got sick and broke. The girl was very sad. She chewed for her sick friend - she cried, sighed over her crib. (Tchaikovsky "Children's Album": "The Doll's Disease")

2. Finally my mother came home from work. The girl was waiting for her so much! She asked her mother to cure the doll. Mom took out scissors, a needle, glue and began to repair the toy. The girl was spinning around. She was very worried, but believed that her mother would help her friend recover. (Tchaikovsky "Children's Album": "Waltz")

3. The doll is just like new! What happiness! (Tchaikovsky "Children's Album": "New Doll").

Music therapy lesson "Healing sounds"

Melody has a beneficial effect not only on the soul, but also on the body!

Back in the 3rd century BC in the Parthian kingdom, doctors treated their patients for melancholy, nervous disorders and heart pain with the help of specially selected melodies.

Music therapy

Various note combinations have an effect on cells, tissues and all organs of our body. Positive emotions that arise when listening to piece of music, tone the central nervous system, relieve muscle tension, improve metabolism, soothe pain, stimulate breathing and blood circulation. Studies have shown that with melodic sounds, the pulse slows down, blood pressure drops, and blood vessels dilate. And the catchy rhythms make the heart beat faster.

It is known that music helps speed up recovery; it is not for nothing that concerts were often held in hospitals during the war.

Bach according to the recipe

Although the effect of music on the body does not depend on the artistic merits of the work, it has been noted that classics, as well as religious works and folk chants, have a stronger effect. The ideal healer is Mozart. The harmonious, virtuosic, light structure of his melodies inspires and revives to new life. The power of Rossini and Haydn is highly appreciated, charging listeners with joy and energy. during creative crisis or difficult life trials, it is good to join Beethoven - his sonatas inspire and help to overcome adversity. Scriabin, Bach and Handel return peace of mind.

The organ and bell ringing, which in Rus' were considered the best remedy for headaches and joint pain. In ancient medical books it was written that the ringing of a bell even removes damage.

But not all classics are harmless. Thus, experts do not recommend getting carried away with listening to some of the works of Wagner and Strauss, believing that they can arouse base passions. Pessimists, as well as people suffering from depression, should not "abuse" Chopin's nocturnes - "overdose" such music can aggravate their internal problems.

Rock or classical?

Not everything is clear with rock music. Often modern rhythms make us feel depressed and stressed. An experiment conducted by Japanese scientists showed that nursing mothers who listened to a calm classical music, the amount of milk increased by a quarter, and for those mothers who listened to rock music, lactation was halved. At the same time, experts highly appreciate the health benefits musical compositions groups "Pink Floyd" , "Enigma" .