Larisa Udovichenko: Manka Bond is the role of my life! People's Artist of Russia Larisa Udovichenko: “They still tease me with Manka Bond Manka Bond excerpt from the film High Interrogation.

The full name of the heroine of the series “The meeting place cannot be changed” is Maria Afanasyevna Kolyvanova (excellent role of Larisa Udovichenko).

A young woman is detained running away from a restaurant during a general raid, and Zheglov recognizes her as an “old acquaintance” Manka-Bond. Maria is a very pretty person - young, well-groomed, with doll-like green eyes and light curls. True, at the time of her arrest, her left eye was adorned with an impressive black eye, and the manner of conversation, where a slang expression was inserted through the word, clearly indicates Manka’s social position.

Zheglov notices Gruzdeva’s bracelet on Manka, whose murder case is under his investigation. Citizen Kolyvanova lies that the bracelet is old and has family value for her.

Having learned that the decoration was taken from the corpse, Manka-Bond admits that she received it as a gift from a thief named Smoked. Frightened of ending up in the dock because of a trinket, the detained woman becomes nervous and behaves inappropriately - she either cries, or laughs hysterically, or vulgarly lifts up her skirt in front of Zheglov, exposing her slender legs in stockings. As a result, she obediently sits down to write an explanatory report in which she surrenders Smoked.

Manka Quotes

So just tell me, I’ll be faithful to you all my life.

My mother’s memory was passed on to me by my father, who died at the front. And leaving for the war, he said: “Take care, daughter. The only memory of our dear mother.” And he himself also died. And I was left alone, like a finger, in the whole wide world. And I have no help or support from anyone. Only you are trying to hurt me more. To make my life even more terrible... already in shambles.

Did you catch me by the hand, you shameful wolf?

Only Smoked won’t be a jerk: that’s not his upbringing.

And treat the lady with a match, citizen boss.

Don't show off, you trash!

How to spell: bond or bond?

Why should I be responsible for him? He almost let me down under the article, and here I am, puffing and puffing for him.

Exactly 30 years ago, filming began on the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” in which the famous actress starred

The famous films “The Married Bachelor”, “A Million in the Marriage Basket”, “Winter Cherry”, “Sons of Bitches” and many others, in which Larisa Udovichenko starred, appeared later. Before this, there was Stanislav Govorukhin’s film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” in which Udovichenko played the small role of Manka Bond, which brought the actress enormous popularity. By the way, Larisa really didn’t know how to write correctly: bond or bond. When she asked Vysotsky about this, everyone laughed a lot. It was this moment that the director decided to leave in the film.

Udovichenko’s love affair with cinema has lasted for 35 years. Now, as before, she films a lot and plays in the theater. At 52 years old, the actress looks simply stunning, and somehow one cannot even dare to call her Larisa Ivanovna. The FACTS correspondent managed to meet the public's favorite at the Yalta Film Festival, where she was a member of the jury. Late at night, having retired with the movie star in one of the restaurants on the embankment, we talked “for real”

“I’d rather be late somewhere, but I’ll get some sleep”

Larisa, you look amazing! And how do you always manage to remain such a gorgeous woman?

- (Laughs.) How to stay? (Sighs.) First, you need to be born with a bright soul, enjoy life and bring pleasure to others. This is probably why I chose the acting profession. If you noticed, I often play positive heroines, mostly in comedies. You will laugh, but two years ago I received a prize for my contribution to comedy at the “Smile, Russia” film festival, held in Astrakhan. Of the men, the award was given to Vladimir Zeldin, who was already 92 years old, and posthumously - to Evgeny Leonov. I came out like a girl, with a ponytail, a bow, and said: “I don’t even know how to feel in such a team.” It was very funny! The profession obliges you to look good and take care of yourself.

Do trendy diets and gyms help?

I hate-and-hate gyms! I have my own set of exercises. I go to all sorts of spa salons and love the bathhouse - an ordinary RUSSIAN, wet one. The bath cleans. I'm also going to do yoga. My daughter went to yoga, my friend, actress Vera Sotnikova, also does it. We recently vacationed with her, so Vera ran from the beach to her room, laid out a rug there and studied for an hour. I once knocked on her door and said, “Show me.” Interesting". She just blew me away. All muscles are stretched. I even have a book on yoga - it’s very interesting. With pictures. But there must be a coach who can tell you everything.

Do you like to eat?

I love it, especially at night. But I don't have breakfast. I love delicious food, I can’t eat just anything. I’d rather grab an apple or a pear, drink coffee with milk if I’m REALLY hungry, but I’ll wait until the hour when I get home, take a large piece of meat or a tasty piece of fish out of the refrigerator Squeeze lemon juice on it, and with a tomato

Are you a good cook?

Yes, but the days when I stood at the stove for a long time are gone. Now there is a catastrophic lack of time. I always cook dinner. If I cook borscht, it’s a huge pot, because it can sit in the refrigerator longer. My friends love my version of cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers, cutlets, and Odessa eggplant caviar. Everyone is tired of Caesar salad or shrimp in some sauce - there are plenty of them everywhere. Thank God, I’m not prone to being overweight, so I don’t follow any diets. The worst thing is losing weight. It happens, of course, when I gain one and a half to two extra pounds during a vacation. Then I sit down for green tea. I just drink it for a day or two, and the kilograms go away.

Sometimes directors require actors to gain weight for a specific role.

I had such a situation in Panfilov’s film “Valentina”. I had to gain 7 kilograms. We lived near Moscow, in some military unit, and there was a canteen there. I ate pasta with cutlets, which contained more bread than meat, and ate a lot of cakes. She cried, but ate. Then I lost weight very hard.

Do men admire you and women compliment you?

And women. Everyone says the same thing: “God, you look so good.” Once they came up to me in a store: “We are literally following you, you look SO much like one artist. True, many years younger than her” I nod my head in response, because if I start talking, they will definitely recognize me. This, by the way, is a minus for our cameramen, who cannot and do not want to film women of Balzac’s age. In order to get beautiful close-ups on the screen, a woman must be loved. There are, of course, operators - ladies' masters. I immediately start flirting and flirting with people like that. All my life I’ve been flirting with the film crew, making everyone laugh, and the work goes smoothly. Our profession is such that there must certainly be courage.

What are the incentives for this courage?

No incentives are needed here. Professionalism just kicks in when you have no right to be sour, tired, preoccupied. In general, loneliness mobilizes me. When you are left alone with yourself. At home, when I go to bed, I turn off all phones, even my mobile phone. The BEST medicine for any woman is sleep. If I don't get enough sleep, I can't work, I don't want to live. I’d rather be late somewhere, but I’ll get some sleep. If I’m tired and can’t sleep, and tomorrow I need to work or go on tour, I drink soothing teas, herbs, and half a sleeping pill. It’s especially difficult when moving. There is a performance in the evening and you need to get on the train to go to the next city. Now I’m heading to the Far East for 10 days. Oh! Time difference, distance and every day a new city. We are bringing a new enterprise, “The Kidnapping of Sabinyaninov.” My partner is the brilliant Lyudmila Gurchenko. In the spring we will come to Kyiv and Odessa.

“There is no such person as Sadalsky in my life”

I watched an amazing enterprise where you and Sadalsky play.

I no longer work with Sadalsky. And I don’t even communicate, despite the fact that at one time we were very friendly. I can't even call it a scandal. There is simply no such person in my life anymore! We separated, and I don’t want to talk about him anymore.

Stas is a big brawler, but are you capable of causing a stir? They say a woman can make three things out of nothing: a salad, a hat and a scandal!

NEVER! I, unlike many others, do not need PR. I'm already afraid to go to the beach. There is no life. That’s why I wear dark glasses and a cap so that no one will recognize me. Of course, a kind attitude and human gratitude are pleasant. But they are torn to pieces. In addition, there are very obsessive fans. Hard.

Did you get along well with Gurchenko?

It was great working with Lyudmila Markovna, she is a wonderful partner, so lively and cheerful. I looked at her and thought: in some way we are similar. Probably in the ability to unite people around you. She never came to rehearsal in a bad mood. And how quickly Gurchenko learns the text. We just started rehearsing, and she already knows everything. I say: “Lyudmila Markovna, how did you remember so much text right off the bat?!” She, apparently so as not to offend me, replies: “Well, maybe because I’m musical, it’s easier for me to remember.” I think, God, but I teach and teach, and still nothing. And TV series are absolutely insane. Take “Dasha Vasilyeva,” which took 9 months to film. Our working day was 12 hours. 15 books were filmed, which means 15 scripts. And every day I had to learn

Are you planning to continue the series about Dasha Vasilyeva? This heroine suits you very well.

Perhaps it will. I really like Dasha too.

And they say you can’t stand to remember about the Manka Bond from “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”?

Hello! I have never said such a thing in my life. The first time I've heard. It was Sadalsky who hated the role of Brick, whom he played there. On the contrary, I told Stas that these are our best roles with him.

Did you agree to it right away?

It was a whole story. Govorukhin first invited me to play the role of Varya Sinichkina. I read the script and I really liked the episode with Manka. I asked the director to try me. But Govorukhin refused: “No, you’re not suitable, and from a purely external perspective, it’s not at all.” “And I don’t even want to audition for Sinichkina!” - I answered. So we parted. Time passed, and suddenly I received a telegram: “Confirmed for the role of Manka Bond without auditions!” I was terribly scared, but then somehow I managed to cope with God’s help. Not bad in my opinion. They still tease me about Manka Bond, and I’m happy.

Did you meet Vladimir Vysotsky for the first time on the set or did you know each other?

During filming. I've never been a fan of his because I don't like bard songs. At our institute, in the dormitory, the boys listened to Vysotsky’s tapes. But then I was a young sweet lady, and his masculine lyrics were not to my heart. And now I understand and love it. I even bought a book of his poems. Now, when I read, I perceive Volodya completely differently.

“I didn’t take my first fee for a long time, I said: “I don’t act in films for the money.”

In your biography, Larisa, it is written: born in Vienna. And it seemed to me that you were from Odessa

Dad was a military doctor. I lived in Vienna for up to a year and since then I have never been to my historical homeland (smiles). Dad served in one garrison, then in another, and then was demobilized, and we remained in Odessa, so my conscious childhood years (from the age of seven) were connected with this city. As a child, I was not raised at all; I somehow lived so easily with my parents. She didn’t bother me, she didn’t misbehave, she studied well. She wanted to be an artist so much that she spent all her free time in drama clubs. First at school, then she studied at the theater-studio of film actors at the Odessa Film Studio. After all, my mother is a failed actress. The war prevented her from graduating from the Institute of Music and Cinema. And then, after marrying my father, she traveled around the world. Apparently, her passion for cinema passed on to me. By the way, I am half Ukrainian - on my father’s side.

Do you understand the Ukrainian language?

Certainly. When I visit my relatives in Khmelnitsky, they speak Ukrainian among themselves, and I understand everything.

How long did it take to conquer Moscow?

I was very lucky. I got in without any problems and started filming straight from my second year. I ALWAYS had a lot of offers.

Thanks to the acting profession, you probably learned to drive a car, ride a horse, and milk a cow?

Don't tell me about the horse. I'm terribly afraid of them! I didn’t have roles when I had to stand at the machine or milk a cow. I always played well-to-do ladies. And I didn’t get behind the wheel because my profession obliges me. You can't go anywhere without a car. Moscow is so hard to drive now, but there is nowhere to go. When I’m filming, they drive me, when not, I go myself. I have a two-door Mercedes coupe. Many people say: “Get a driver.” But I don’t like having someone sit and wait for me.

They say that directors save money on you, because you act in movies in your own outfits.

Very often, unless you have to fall in the mud or tear your dress. It's not the directors who save money, but the producers who don't give enough money for costumes. And I love expensive clothes. I don’t wear sewn clothes; they don’t fit as well as branded ones. That's why I only buy clothes from trusted brands. They last a long time and are very easy to combine.

And do you spend a lot of money on yourself, your beloved?

Who told you that I am my own favorite? I just don’t like myself. I spend A LOT! I must be dressed fashionably. I don’t look for discounts and don’t wait for sales to start. If I need something, I go and buy it. There are, of course, certain stores where I always get dressed. Naturally, they call me when discounts start: “Come, buy shoes not for a thousand euros, but for 500.” It's nice.

Did you also spend your first salary on outfits?

But of course! I was 15 years old when I starred in Alexander Pavlovsky’s film “Happy Kukushkin”. Then I received as much as 300 rubles. It was a lot of money, and I didn’t want to take it from the cash register. They called me from the accounting department: “Come, get the money,” and I answered: “No, I’m acting not for the money, but for the sake of art.” I was embarrassed to receive these miserable 300 rubles. And then, when I finally took them, I went to the famous Odessa push, where everything was sold. I bought high fashionable boots brought by sailors from abroad and some kind of raincoat. I've always been a fashionista!

The everyday life of criminal investigation officers is rarely fun; police officers see too much grief, suffering, and deception. But even in their practice, there are truly curious cases of the kind of “you can’t make this up on purpose.”

Version 1, tragic

One night, a young girl came to the duty station and filed a report of rape. Three men. This was not an ordinary case; the duty team went to arrest him. The first thing the operatives heard from the suspects who opened the door for them was: “Well, of course, we were going to go to you to write a statement” - ?!?!

Version 2, real

Three friends celebrated the birthday of one of them in a nightclub. The evening was a great success, we didn’t want to leave, so it was decided to continue the celebration at the birthday boy’s dacha. And to ennoble the male team, they invited a lady who worked in this establishment.

A friendly group arrived at the dacha, drank at the brotherhood to create a relaxed atmosphere, and then the gentlemen decided to go to the bathhouse to feel even more at ease. The girl refused to go with them.

When lovers of wellness treatments returned to the house, they found neither the lady nor the cell phones (the story happened back in 2000, when cell phones had just begun to appear, they were expensive, and some push-button “Ericsson” was an indicator of the incredible coolness of its owner), nor cash.

In a stressful situation, the brain begins to work in turbo mode: there is only one road from the holiday village to the city, the insidious hetaera could not go far. They quickly caught up with the fugitive in a car, took away all the stolen property, finally expressed everything they thought about her and went home.

Kill all enemies in one fell swoop

The girl turned out to be a tough nut to crack: her working time was wasted, the money she was flattered by (the stolen amount was considerable and significantly exceeded what a specialist would have received for her work) slipped out of her hands along with her cell phones. And in this case, what should I bring to the “mother”? - You can’t return empty-handed.

And a brilliant plan arose, how to beat all the enemies (and get money) in one fell swoop: go to the police, write a statement about rape and report it to greedy clients - let them be deeply impressed and pay for her to withdraw her statement.

Of course, after listening to this heartbreaking story from the indignant men, the operatives laughed and said in parting that for serious men to go around with prostitutes is undignified, ugly and generally dangerous to health. And that was the end of the matter.

Who are you, Manka-Bond?

The biography, of course, is rich: a prostitute, and even steals in petty ways, slander, tries, if possible, to avoid work, but at the same time get her own benefit. All of these are links in one chain, fitting into a clearly defined pattern of behavior characteristic of only one type of woman. As Yuri Burlan says in his trainings on system-vector psychology, only owners of the skin vector can follow this path. It is they who, having a naturally slender, beautiful body, a quick mind, an instant reaction and, most importantly, the concept of benefit as a priority, become prostitutes under certain conditions.
All these qualities, with proper development, would help a girl, especially if she also has a visual vector, to eventually become an excellent athlete, dancer, beloved teacher, successful businesswoman or muse, inspiring her chosen one to create brilliant works or accomplish great feats.

And if these innate properties were suppressed and did not develop, the picture is exactly the opposite. All the same dexterity, flexibility, resourcefulness remain, but remain in an archetypal state, and the mind will now be enough not to organize the work of the company as efficiently as possible or to play the role in the play most sensitively, but to how to weigh in on the buyer in the market, What kind of scam can you come up with to make money quickly or how to make the most of your body as an asset by becoming a prostitute.

And as a result, instead of Thais of Athens, Isadora Duncan, Irina Rodnina, the girl will grow up to be a trader on trust, Sonya the Golden Hand or Manka the Bond, who is “a lady who is pleasant in all respects, but does not want to work and generally leads an antisocial lifestyle.”

Why does this happen this way and only this way, which does not allow the natural properties of people with the skin vector to develop, and as a result, it is Manka who grows out of the girl, and not Thais at all, or, for example, Fox becomes Fox, although he could have become Zheglov - the answer is given system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written using materials

Larisa Udovichenko is called one of the most beautiful actresses of Soviet cinema. The tender, subtle, noble beauty of the actress captivated viewers throughout the vast Soviet Union. “Mothers and Daughters”, “Golden Mine”, “Married Bachelor”, “Mary Poppins, Goodbye!”, “And It’s All About Him”, “The Most Charming and Attractive”... Over 45 years in cinema, Larisa Ivanovna has played more than 120 roles!

In an interview with Sloboda, Udovichenko told what role she considers her favorite, why she starred in the remake of “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and how she keeps herself in great shape.

— Larisa Ivanovna, you are an academician of the Russian cinematographic award “Nika” and you watch a lot of movies. What was the last thing you saw that you liked?
- I’m in love, I think this is a great painting by Stanislav Govorukhin - “The End of a Beautiful Era.” She has already received the prize for best director at the Golden Eagle. It’s a pity that Vanya Kolesnikov didn’t receive the prize for best actor, he plays just wonderfully. There are so many close-ups of him: beautiful, noble, even aristocratic. This film will also be on Nika. Watch it - it's a joy!

Schoolgirl Larisa Udovichenko, 1970

— One of your latest works is the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” How do you feel about such remakes?
- Very bad. I agreed to star in it only because my partner was Gena Khazanov. I wanted to mess with him. I haven’t watched the film and won’t watch it, as if it never happened (laughs). My role was played by Nina Grebeshkova, whom I know. She is a charming woman, we talked a lot. Regardless of anything, I wanted to play with Khazanov and be in Grebeshkova’s shoes.

— You starred in four seasons of the detective story about Dasha Vasilyeva. Have you read Dontsova’s novels?
- God forbid! (Laughs). I haven’t read any detective stories at all, except for Agatha Christie and Sebastien Japrisot. And when producer Igor Tolstunov offered me the role of Dasha Vasilyeva, I said that I hadn’t read anything about Dontsova. He promised that I would like it and brought two books. And I just went on vacation with them. I started reading several times, but put it aside - it didn’t work! I look around, and on the beach everyone is reading Dontsova’s detective stories (laughs). I think - maybe I don't understand something. I started reading deeper. And then I got so involved! And now, when I have nothing to do, sometimes I read Daria’s novels. I rest behind them. Dontsova herself is an intelligent woman, she has soft humor and a non-scary plot, all with positivity and hope for a good ending. This is wonderful.

Daria Dontsova and Larisa Udovichenko.

— Is it true that your dream is to star with Nikita Mikhalkov?
- Everyone dreams about this! But I starred in his Russian-Italian film “Hitchhiker”. Then I went to the filming of the film “Urga - Territory of Love” and lived there for two and a half months. I had to play Tatiana, who lives there with a Chinese child. We filmed in the Mongolian and Chinese steppes. Nikita Sergeevich was so fascinated by this that the Russian part of the film left, and the Mongols were filmed. But we all lived as a friendly family, I cooked food on electric stoves - it was impossible to live on a Chinese one. It was like during the war (laughs).

Beautiful Larisa Udovichenko, 1975

— Which shoots do you remember with particular warmth?
- Where there are good directors and actors, of course.
— I thought you would answer that this is the “Meeting Place...”
- You know, “The meeting place...” is fate, it’s not even discussed! This is the role of my life, as it turned out. I really love this picture. And Stanislav Govorukhin is my favorite director and friend.

Moreover, I was first offered to play the role of Varya Sinichkina, Sharapov’s beloved. But I didn't want to. It's too lyrical and correct.

And when Govorukhin called me, I immediately told him that I wanted to play Manka Bond. At first he refused: “No, you don’t look suitable. Look at yourself - small, lyrical, infantile. Which of you is an experienced prostitute?!” And then he agreed: “I thought: if you want it that way, it means you’ve come up with something for yourself, so I decided to try it.” I was very nervous! Vladimir Vysotsky and Vladimir Konkin helped me with all their might. And all the same, I was nervous and tense, but... You know, actors have this term “impudence from pressure.” It just came out of me, thanks to which the result turned out the way it did.

“The meeting place cannot be changed,” 1979.

— Do you have a secret on how to remain feminine, slim and beautiful?
- I try not to let myself go, I keep within limits, I monitor my weight, not allowing it to rise above 57 kg. I can live on celery soup for a week. It's easy because you can add something every day: vegetables, fruits, boiled lamb, wild rice. In a week, without fasting, you can get rid of two kilos. But then, if you don’t control yourself, they will quickly return. Now we were driving from Alma-Ata so tired, I didn’t sleep at night, I took a pill to fall asleep. I arrived home, and a few hours later I was leaving for Tula. I fell asleep and didn't eat. And on the way to you I ask: “Stop, let me eat at least some sausage!” (laughs). We stopped at a cafe, there were such delicious sausages with white bread and cucumbers, and even strudel. There was so much joy!

The play “Marry Me!”, with Sergei Kolesnikov. Tula, February 2016

From the Myslo dossier
Larisa Ivanovna Udovichenko
Born on April 29, 1955 in Vienna (Austria).
Graduated from VGIK.
Lives in Russia and France, has an apartment in Nice.
She was married to film director Andrei Eshpai (now the husband of Evgenia Simonova), pianist Gennady Bolgarin.
Family: daughter Maria (b. 1988).

On March 29, director, actor, screenwriter, producer Stanislav Govorukhin turned 80 years old. As a director, he shot 23 films, and most of them became events in the cinematic world.

“The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”, “Ten Little Indians”, “Bless the Woman”, “The Russia We Lost”, “The Voroshilov Shooter”, “The End of a Beautiful Era” - these and others the ribbons became Govorukhin’s calling card.

But the most famous and quoted film for several generations remains the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” The five-part film, based on the Weiner brothers’ novel “The Age of Mercy,” appeared on television in 1979 and attracted the attention of viewers. Zheglov and Sharapov became folk heroes, the personification of justice.

The editors of the site have collected phrases from their favorite picture, which are no longer just scattered into quotes, but turned into aphorisms.

Gleb Zheglov (Vladimir Vysotsky)

  • Well, dear criminal citizens, let's get down to business!
  • What's all the noise and no fight?!
  • This is the MUR, not the Institute of Noble Maidens!
  • A thief should sit in jail! I said!
  • Whoever is lucky will have a rooster laying eggs, and a bird like you will lay eggs on mine too!
  • You are not conscious, you have lost your conscience.
  • All! The ice has broken. Now he will begin to repent.
  • Well, check it out... She's Anna Fedorenko... She's Ella Katsnelbogen... She's Lyudmila Ogurenkova... She's... She's Isolda Menshova... She's Valentina Poneyad.
  • Now Brokeback! I said: Hunchback!
  • Law and order in the country is determined not by the presence of thieves, but by the ability of the authorities to neutralize them
  • Yes, you really are crazy, Smoked! For Zheglov to take your filthy money, well, then what to talk to you about?
  • You had the chance to entrust yourself with the famous Manka-Bond, a pleasant lady in all respects, but she doesn’t want to work, but, on the contrary, leads an antisocial lifestyle.
  • Don’t swear, Manya, you’ll ruin my young man.
  • She is a redhead, often hangs out with various men in restaurants, and dyes her hair with streptocide.
  • It's time for you, Smoked, to go to the logging site or build some kind of canal. In my opinion, you've lived in the city, Smoked.
  • Fox is the one and only witness. As they say, for all times and peoples.
  • You lived your thirty years and all the time you ate something, drank heavily, slept sweetly...
  • And you, stupid one, mocked me. Here's a proverb: don't be alarmed while it's quiet...
  • What a face you have, Volodya! Oh and the face! It's scary to watch.
  • Volodya Sharapov (Vladimir Konkin)

    Still from the film "The meeting place cannot be changed"

  • If the law is crushed once, then another, and then the holes are subsequently plugged with it, as you and I please, then this will no longer be a law, but a brush.
  • Cats wag their tails with pleasure. This, however, does not mean that if you twist their tails, they will enjoy it.
  • The most expensive thing in the world is stupidity, because you have to pay the most for it.
  • He will be taller than me, slender, in a word, the kind women like, brown-haired, a dimple on his chin, a straight nose.
  • Should I kill myself or should I get a certificate from the police that I don’t serve them?
  • Well, dear citizens, well, comrade mazuriki!
  • Dad, can I eat a little? After government grub, your abundance is painful to look at.
  • You are disgusting people, women! There your man is steaming on a bunk, and you have squeezed five pieces, cutting down his life at the root.
  • A man from Fox came and rammed the news.
  • To me! The savings book is for me. She will warm my heart when we climb into the basement together.
  • Hunchback (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan)

    Still from the film "The meeting place cannot be changed"

  • You took your chances, you bastard! I told him, I said: taverns and women will lead to zugunder!
  • Let's drink, have a snack, and talk about our sorrowful deeds.
  • You have one thing to do now: get out of here alive. For this you will try your best.
  • Sit down, Blotter. Sit down, don't flash.
  • I believe good luck awaits us. We are going to a holy cause. Helping a friend out of trouble.
  • You can't fool grandma! She sees with her heart.
  • Volodenka, I’ll bite you with my teeth! Do you hear, Volodenka?
  • To hell with you, bank!
  • There’s probably a whole office in Petrovka issuing such certificates.
  • We have doubts that you, dear man, are a snitch.
  • Brick (Stanislav Sadalsky)

    Still from the film "The meeting place cannot be changed"

  • Wallet, wallet!.. What wallet?!
  • You have no methods against Kostya Saprykin!
  • Based on the putty, it looks like a fraer, but not a fraer, that's for sure. He needs to cut a man off so he can blow his nose.
  • I don’t know how it is in your prison, but here they will immediately cut out your tongue for asking unnecessary questions.
  • Nothing, come on, have fun, have fun, boss! Come on, have fun, nothing! It will soon be my turn.
  • Comrades, why is this being done, they are twisting the arms of the front-line soldier!
  • Manka-Bond (Larisa Udovichenko)

  • –O-ligation or A-ligation?
    - O-ligation. What? What bond?
    - "I, Manka-Bond..."
    -Are you crazy?!
  • Just tell me, I’ll be faithful to you all my life. You're a guy no matter what.
  • There is no help or support from anyone, but you are only trying to hurt me more, to make my life, which is already in shambles, even more terrible.
  • And treat the lady with a match, citizen boss.
  • They don't let the conservatory finish!
  • Don't show off, you trash!