Nastya Kamenskikh personal life. Kamenskikh continues his solo performances

More than ten years have passed since the dark-haired girl curvaceous and with her beautiful voice she quickly conquered the Ukrainian stage. In a duet with Alexey Potapenko (“Potap”), she sings simple, funny songs, the words of which instantly become catchphrases.

On May 4, 1987, a girl was born into the family of Lydia Kamensky and Alexei Zhmur, whom her parents named Anastasia. When the girl grows up and starts singing career, then decides to take maiden name mother. Since the surname “Zhmur” was not very suitable for the stage.

From childhood, Nastya grew up to the sounds of songs and music. Mom sang in the famous choir named after G. Verevka. My father played professional volleyball for some time, but then held administrative positions in the same choir where his wife performed.

Nastya's family was not wealthy. Thus, Kamenskikh recalled that sometimes she was not able to wear new clothes. However, the parents were able to “place” their daughter in a foreign child exchange program. Therefore, Anastasia went abroad for the first time at the age of five. First she lived in France. But most of all she liked living in Naples, Italy. She quickly learned to speak Italian and even the locals accepted her as one of their own. Nastya lived for some six months with an Italian family, for others with her parents.

When the girl was at home, she had no free time: regular school, music school, ballet and tennis lessons. As the singer herself says, such a busy schedule taught her to discipline and proper distribution of the working day. In 2004, she graduated from school and entered the university to receive a diploma in economics. But fate and the help of her parents made her a star of Ukrainian show business.

Nastya Kamenskikh: the beginning of a career

The first success was participation in the Black Sea Games 2004 festival. Moreover, the young performer not only sang the song, she became the winner of the festival’s Grand Prix. Nastya stood on the same stage with her idols - Eurovision winner Ruslana and the Okean Elzy group. A year later, Kamenskikh became the “discovery of the year” at the UBN Awards. To receive it, she went to the capital of the United Kingdom.

But the most important year was 2006. That year, young and ambitious Alexey Potapenko decided to create a new direction in music. He called it either “folk” or “collective farm r’n’b”. For his project, Potap was looking for a beautiful and preferably vocal vocalist. Friends advised him to pay attention to 18-year-old Nastya Kamenskikh, who had just released her first video for the song “What’s the Difference.”

When they met and talked better, they realized that their duet would make a great project.

Potap was responsible for almost everything. He wrote poetry, music, organized the shooting of videos. Nastya had to sing and dance effectively. This simple distribution of roles made them stars.

The first collaboration was the song and video “Without Your Love.” A shocking couple: gangster Potap and glamorous girl Nastya instantly climbed onto top places in all charts of Ukraine. A year later, at a song competition where Joseph Kobzon, Larisa Dolina and Igor Matvienko were on the jury, the duo won the grand prix.

In 2008 and 2009, Potap and Nastya’s first two albums, “Not a Couple” and “Don’t Love My Brains,” were released one after another. Success and popularity literally fell on the singers. Tours began in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries. At this time, videos for the songs “In Nature”, “ Die Nuts", "Why" and others. And the video “In Our Country” receives truly popular fame.

Almost every song of theirs created a real explosion. They were played on all radio stations, videos were played on all TV channels, and in clubs throughout the post-Soviet space people danced to their songs. Nastya and Potap are invited to star in New Year's musical films. Nastya's curvy figure appears on the pages of the most fashion magazines– “Playboy”, “Maxim” and others. Kamenskikh and Potapenko try themselves as TV presenters.

That is why we had to wait four whole years for the third album of the duet “Potap and Nastya”. At the same time, rumors appeared that each participant would go further on a solo path. However, the singers soon proved the opposite. “All in a Bunch,” which hit record store shelves in 2013, did not disappoint fans. The group has not lost its enthusiasm, drive and sense of humor. The top charts of the music charts are again occupied by “Nastya and Potap”.

IN next year Nastya begins to host her own program on the radio. In addition, one of the characters in the cartoon “The Seventh Dwarf” speaks in her Russian voice. Since 2015, Kamenskikh has been the coach of one of the children's song talent shows.

Also in 2015, preparing for the release of the album “Shield and Sword”, Nastya, Potap and Belarusian singer Bianca recorded a video “Doggy Style”. The clip came out very provocative. In order to prepare for the video, Anastasia studied with a choreographer for almost a year.

After the release of their fourth album, the singers decided to take up solo projects. However, they immediately explained that the duo does not cease to exist. In 2017, Nastya released her own video “#this is my night.” By the way, the words to the song were written by Potapenko. For Catholic Christmas 2017, the singer recorded a small album with Christmas songs from different countries.

Now Anastasia continues to participate in various television projects: “X-Factor”, “Make the Comedian Laugh.” Children". Kamensky leads own channel O healthy way life on YouTube. Here she shares the secrets of how she lost weight. The singer also launched her own line sportswear NKsport.

Personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh

Kamenskikh has been recognized more than once as one of the most beautiful representatives of domestic show business. Therefore, it is not surprising that special attention is paid to her personal life. However, if Kamensky does not refuse to take part in an erotic photo shoot, then sharing the secrets of his privacy the singer is in no hurry.

Only one romance of the singer is known for sure. Kamenskikh met a guy named Vladimir Dyatlov while still a student. The couple broke up after the young man transferred from the capital to a Nikolaev university. Nastya and Vladimir are still friends and were even godparents to one child - the daughter of their mutual friends.

On this moment Nastya's heart is free. However, throughout the twelve years of joint work, both journalists and fans suspected that there was a connection between Kamensky and Potapenko that was greater than just friendship. The rumors especially intensified after Potap broke up with his wife. Alexey’s mother also added fuel to the fire, saying that Nastya is a real muse for her son.

In 2016, journalists saw a ring on the ring finger of the star’s left hand. Then they decided that the singers were already engaged. Everyone was waiting for loud announcements about the future wedding. But none of the duo said anything like that. Nastya is prone to being overweight. Therefore, every time she gained weight, fans believed that Kamensky was pregnant. And each time the singer denied the information.

A bright star in domestic show business is this beautiful and sexy girl. The biography of Nastya Kamenskaya is not indifferent not only to fans of her vocal talent and artistry, but also to those people who simply love to look at her flawless figure, expressive facial expressions, mischievous curls and dance steps.

The future star was born in the Ukrainian capital on May 4, 1987. Her parents, Lydia Kamenskikh and Alexey Zhmur, worked in the well-known choir named after Grigory Verevka. Therefore, little Nastya was familiar with art from childhood and saw it from the inside. Nastya Kamenskikh, biography, height, weight of whom everyone is interested in today, has been independent since childhood. At the age of five she went to study in France and then to Italy. She graduated at fifteen music school(piano class), and also seriously studied ballet. In 2004, he began his studies at the Wisconsin International University at the Faculty of Foreign Economics. Although the classes took place in Ukraine, they were conducted in English.

Nastya Kamenskikh: biography and other facts

The personal life of a super popular star has always remained a taboo topic. Nastya happily talks about her career, plans for the future, new songs, but not about her relationships with the opposite sex. No one has ever seen Nastya’s boyfriend, and most often she appears in public in the company of Potap or Eva Bushmina. But such a secret only fuels the public’s interest in it.

The creative biography of Nastya Kamenskaya began in 2006 with the first solo video"Who cares". It was filmed with the support of the Music-Motors production center. At the same time, the girl met Alexei Potapenko, a famous showman and musician. At this time, the amazing duet “Potap and Nastya” was formed, which already in 2007 became the absolute winner at the Sochi “Five Stars” competition.

Each new song, the next video was received with delight by the public, became hits, and their new albums sold in huge quantities. Young people danced to intricate melodies, even the more respectable audience sang choruses of their favorite compositions. The biography of Nastya Kamenskaya is closely connected with Potap, because these two do not look so good apart from each other. But together they create such an explosive mixture that no one can remain indifferent.

The favorite of millions takes part in various shows (“Two Stars”, “Zirka + Zirka”, “Star Factory Russia - Ukraine”), becomes a presenter, tries herself in acting and plays main role in the musical “Little Red Riding Hood”, filming for Playboy. Readers of the magazine “Viva!” named her in 2009 beautiful woman countries.

The biography of Nastya Kamenskaya has one more blank column: the girl is not married and has no children. True, every now and then rumors appear in the press that she is pregnant, the paparazzi print pictures that depict a star with very curvaceous figures. However, these are always “canards” that are refuted over time.

Be that as it may, I would like to wish this charming girl family well-being, great and sincere love, and also creative success. After all, who, if not the public, is looking forward to new hits.

Nastya Kamenskikh's star lit up throughout the CIS in 2006, when she began collaborating with Ukrainian musician Alexey Potapenko, better known as Potap. He was looking for a vocalist to record the chorus for his song and Nastya was recommended to him. A beautiful, talented girl was just starting her musical career.

In 2005, she received the “Discovery of the Year” award in London, and a year before that, the Grand Prix at the Black Sea Games festival. Having recorded one track, Potap, with his producer flair, decided not to part with the girl and proposed a joint project, which today everyone knows under the name “Potap and Nastya”. Today the duo has already recorded three albums and each of their tracks or videos immediately tops all the charts in Russia and Ukraine.

In Nastya’s personal life, everything is vague - Nastya Kamenskikh’s husband has not yet appeared in the artist’s life, but she is periodically credited with romantic relationship with Potap, although he has been happily married for a long time. In 2013, Nastya was credited with pregnancy due to her appearance on the “New Wave” in a very tight dress that indicated a rounded tummy. However, the singer’s pregnancy turned out to be just a rumor, and from excess weight Nastya got rid of it quite quickly. She admits that music occupies the main place in her life and there is no time left for men yet.

Personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh has always been shrouded in mystery, and the singer reacts extremely negatively to all questions from journalists regarding her life off stage. Such secrecy gives rise to many rumors and gossip, most of which have nothing to do with the truth. They say that keeping the details of her personality secret is one of the conditions of the contract concluded by Nastya with her producers, which the singer honestly fulfills. Nastya started studying music very early - at the age of six she entered a music school, and at fourteen she graduated from it in piano class. Another serious hobby of Kamensky was ballet, to which she devoted several years of her life. Despite the fact that her hobbies predicted for her creative career, after school, Nastya entered the Ukrainian department of the Wisconsin International University, USA, at the Faculty of Foreign Economics.

In the photo - Nastya and Potap

But she couldn’t give up her creativity forever, and after receiving the Grand Prix of the Black Sea Games festival, she decided to start a serious musical career. The singer gained real popularity after meeting Alexey Potapenko, with whom she organized the group “Potap and Nastya”. Potap, who has an excellent sense of humor, is not averse to intriguing the audience by telling the details of Nastya Kamenskaya’s personal life, but you shouldn’t take them seriously, because many of them are a figment of his imagination.

There are always a lot of fans around the charming singer who are not averse to offering her their hand and heart, but she tries to turn everything into a joke, because she doesn’t want to tie the knot yet. But one romance in Kamenskaya’s personal life was quite serious, and could well have led to a wedding. She had a young man from the city of Nikolaev - Vladimir Dyatlov. They met while Nastya was studying at the university. The young people were classmates and immediately after meeting they began dating.

Later, Vladimir had to transfer from a Kyiv university to the National University of Shipbuilding named after. Makarov in Nikolaev, but the distance of half a thousand kilometers was not a hindrance to the relationship. From Kyiv, where she lived with her parents, Nastya went to Nikolaev, and Vladimir came to see her every weekend. True, over time, both were tired of these travels, the relationship gradually faded away, and the love between Nastya and Vladimir gradually turned into friendship. They still communicate and remain close people.

Personal life, sports, diets, difficult periods in life. Nastya admitted that for a long time She was unsure of herself and even turned to a psychologist for help, because she was “eating” her worries with food. The singer managed to overcome her complexes - the artist pulled herself together, took up sports, changed her lifestyle and changed both externally and internally. So, from 78 kilograms, Nastya managed to lose weight to 62.

The artist does not hide that she is a very gentle, kind and reliable person. And the most important thing in life for her is love.

“The most important thing for me is love. She conquers everything. And I will endure, suffer, suffer, but for the sake of love I am ready to do anything. A million percent. This is stupid, perhaps, but for some reason it seems to me that this is such a cool feeling that, in principle, you can do anything for it. I'm for love. And ready to go to the end. “I’m crazy in this regard,” Nastya admitted.

The artist also spoke about her personal life. The singer admits that she does not like to talk about her relationship, because she had bad experiences in the past. However, at the meeting, Nastya still said that now her heart is not free and she is happy in her relationship.

“When I had an accident, I was dating a guy named Vova. Now I adore him, I love him, he is my friend. Then I made my relationship public. She showed and told everything. And we parted with him. There were, of course, different reasons, but then one person told me that happiness loves silence. When you have a family and want children, it’s better that no one knows this. Now I advise everyone that not only publicly, but even girlfriends and friends do not need to tell. Now I am a very loving person, very happy. I'm fine with this. I think that over time you will learn everything about my personal life, but for now I want to protect it and get away from it myself,” admits the artist.

Nastya also spoke about the duet with Potap. The singer noted that at the beginning of their career they often quarreled, but over 10 years they learned to accept each other as they are.

“The duet was created by the universe. By chance we started singing a song and everyone really liked it. But we had confrontations at the very beginning. We are both very similar: we are both Taurus, both very creative. It happened that for two months we went on tour every day and didn’t talk to each other, we lived in different hotels so as not to catch each other’s eyes. Behind the scenes, we literally sent each other on our way. But at some point we realized that people really like our work. And we must do this for the sake of people, not for ourselves. And we started working. And the most important thing is that we still talk about it, we are proud of our achievements. Everyone has their place: Potap is smart, Nastya is beautiful. We sing funny, cheerful songs. Now this is truly our pride,” said the singer.