NTV launches a humorous program “Saltykov-Shchedrin show. NTV is opening the “Saltykov-Shchedrin show” Why was the Saltykov-Shchedrin show closed?

, Sergey Netievsky and Ekaterina Skulkina.

Saltykov-Shchedrin skillfully exposed the vices and shortcomings of society, which do not lose relevance from century to century. The hosts of the entertaining and humorous show will adopt its techniques - biting humor, irony and sarcasm. “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” is a completely new program format for modern Russian television. It contains smart satire, speaking truthfully and bitingly about the things that surround us. This is a very entertaining story, we will continue to strive to occupy a niche of programs and shows for viewers who care,” notes Timur Weinstein, general producer of the NTV channel.

The presenters will draw topics for the programs from videos sent by viewers - NTV stringers from all over Russia. The headings of the premiere edition of the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” will be: “Fools and Roads”, in which a hit parade of the “best” Russian pits will be presented, “An Inspector is Coming to Us”, where we will see footage showing how in some cities they prepared for the arrival of high government leaders. In the “Fact or Fiction” section, the presenters will try to guess which of the pictures is reality and which is photoshopped. And, of course, a map of the modern city of Glupov, which Saltykov-Shchedrin described almost 150 years ago in his work “The History of a City,” will occupy an important place in the program.

Alexey Kortnev, host of the Saltykov-Shchedrin Show

Presenters about the program

Alexey Kortnev: “The program is really sharp, satirical, otherwise we would not have taken the proud name of Saltykov-Shchedrin as the title. I have no doubt that the idea of ​​creating this television project was inspired by “Direct Lines with Putin,” where hundreds of people ask their questions and appeal to the president with complaints. It so happens that this is almost the only effective remedy in our country. So we decided that between these lines someone would disturb officials, governors and their local deputies! This is what our program was created for.”

Nikolay Fomenko: “I will try to be bold in our project, because I believe that such shows should either be bold or they should not exist at all. Why start this if you modestly say: “In one place, in one city there is a leader, and there is another street there. And on it... And it would, of course, be nice if it were removed...” In my life I have already seen all types of television, from Soviet to today, so in the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” I will try to talk about this, albeit cheerfully, but at the same time frankly!”

Ekaterina Skulkina: “I have been in this industry for 15 years and have long realized that a unique trait of a Russian person is to laugh in difficult situations. Solving some problems with the help of humor and satire is, it seems to me, the only way out. Therefore, I am very interested to take part in such a show, which will definitely be useful for the population.”

Sergey Netievsky: “Humor is an opportunity to improvise on topics that are important to the people of our country. We will joke about what is happening in large cities and regions, as Saltykov-Shchedrin did in his time. By the way, if I met him in person, I would say that in Russia they still drink and steal!”

Nikolai Fomenko, Ekaterina Skulkina and Sergei Netievsky, hosts of the Saltykov-Shchedrin Show program

Dmitry Kolchin: “When I found out about this program, I started leafing through the works of Mikhail Evgrafovich. I was surprised that in our time his satire could be relevant. Our program is not even a show, but rather a meeting of interesting people who talk about what really “soars” for them, like other residents of our Russia. It should be at least fun, and at most smart!”

Each new television season is marked by some kind of discovery. Or... closures

Information attacks on our country are becoming more and more painful and unscrupulous. When Russian TV stars were mostly lounging on the beaches, the insulting situation with the Rio Olympics was astonishing. Many of our athletes (even absolutely clean ones) were not allowed to participate in it, and every single Paralympic athlete was treated like this - unconscionably and inhumanely. And then it turned out that the impudent discriminator WADA allows someone (Americans, of course) to use not only doping, but almost drugs, and disqualifies someone (Russians, of course) for previously approved restorative drugs. European propaganda, and behind it domestic Euro-fans, consistently dehumanize Russia, its leaders and people, forcing us to be treated as non-humans. Russian television must meet a variety of challenges. Is it compliant? What is he doing? What is the opposite?

The energetic, offensive Irada Zeynalova in “Sunday Time” on Channel One was completely unexpectedly replaced by the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Expert”, a famous analyst, and now a politician, Valery Fadeev, who previously led a not too bright, not very crowded, relatively calm, “table” "The structure of the moment." He has little professional experience as a presenter (especially such a significant program as “Time”). Perhaps, on the First, the need to compete with Dmitry Kiselyov’s “News of the Week”, which “reigns” on Sunday political air from eight to ten in the evening and later, has irrevocably disappeared. However, viewers who are tired of the bright imagery and propaganda sharpness of the main TV journalist of “Russia 1” can take a little break from him in the shady analytical thickets of the First.


The “International Sawmill” program with Tigran Keosayan made a strange impression. The NTV website says: “Every Saturday, Tigran Edmondovich, in his characteristic caustic manner, will analyze the events of world politics. Many will come under fire from his caustic comments, from journalists to political leaders. Thanks to Keosayan’s charisma and charm, the top topics of the week will instantly turn into humorous sketches, co-authored by his guests - popular actors, singers, officials and athletes..."

The task is understandable, but it is being carried out (under endless, very annoying sitcom laughter in the studio) so far not very well and is “instantly” disgusting.

There is too much of something, and something, on the contrary, is missing. The swagger is too much; There is not enough real wit, as well as successful witticisms. The famous film director and already experienced TV presenter, of course, is satirically pushing away from the Soviet “International Panorama”, which, by the way, was conducted by outstanding journalists worthy of all respect, but not mockery. In addition, Tigran Edmondovich is not too discriminating in his sarcastic remarks to everyone abroad. There are no objections to the substance of his merciless criticism of “world imperialism,” but in terms of form... It seems to me that we should not treat our “sworn partners” in the same way as they treat us and stoop to their level. And so flirting on air with “top” guests (like Maria Zakharova in the first episode), undermining her and her reputation, too. And when the presenter jokes flatly, for some reason constantly remembering his ethnic origin, it becomes somehow, really, uncomfortable - after all, NTV does not have such an indifferent audience as the “brotherly” channel TNT, and the “Armenian radio” of the jokes is not here very much passes.

Satire and humor are serious matters, Tigran Keosayan, of course, has a sense of humor and charming charisma, and therefore I hope that his program will improve over time: it will gain what is missing and get rid of what is superfluous. Moreover, NTV has experience in corrections.

Dear rakes of capitalism

At the end of the last season, the media harshly criticized the entewish satirical program “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”, as well as the humorous program from Channel One “MaximMaxim”. The last one - oh, have you really heard the criticism? - in the shameful form in which it existed, it ceased to exist - it was closed altogether. And the first, to everyone’s joy, has changed radically.

Exactly what was castigated disappeared from the show: the grimaces and mockery of Nikolai Fomenko - he and the other “extra” co-hosts are now no longer in the program. And also “pitty shallow topics”, replacing satire by sucking humor out of the finger. In the program named after the great satirist, there was neither Shchedrin nor his pain for our country, in which bungling and love of money grow on an astonishing scale. And what appeared? Not what, but who – Mikhail Zadornov.

Now Mikhail Nikolaevich sets the tone for the program. He abundantly and appropriately quotes aphorisms and phrases of the great Russian satirist, which are still contemporary. Complements Saltykov-Shchedrin with his topical Zadornovosti. It's both funny and painful to listen to. But since Zadornov loves Russia and is rooting for it, the feeling of mockery and mockery of the Motherland that slipped through in other issues is now gone! And the objects of satire here are different, much larger: even top officials are remembered, and not just some deputy governors.

Even the “sacred” is criticized, something that is not allowed on any channel - Russian television, which copies one Western show after another, with their themes, motives and hits.

Now in the program - I can’t believe my ears and eyes! - a Russian folk and Soviet song sounds lovingly performed by a jazz ensemble.

From the previous lineup of presenters, only musician and showman Alexey Kortnev and band member Dmitry Kolchin remained. And now they are both in place, they are in the right track, their eyes are shining, and their laughter is not forced. Kolchin acts in the satirical image of a modern swindler boss - and he succeeds well in this, and Kortnev, during the course of the program, composes satirical songs suitable for its main theme, which are performed in the finale. And the columnist for “fools and roads” Gera Gigashvili also sounded meaningful and perky. It even became a little scary: what if the NTV producers smoothed out or removed the “fear for the sake of the Jews” program, since it actually turns out to be very bold and sharp.

This is what happens when love appears in a satirical program.

They humiliate the people

The Bible says that when there is no love, the result is “a ringing brass and a clanging cymbal.”

In the new program “About Love” on the First, it is not there, or it is certainly not romantic, not sacrificial, not all-consuming, but calculating, philistine. It’s as if the producers were thinking and thinking about how to put together something in between the vulgar but rated “Let Them Talk,” “Let’s Get Married,” “House 2,” and they came up with it.

The highlight of the program is the presenters. This is a young lady and a bully. Cord and overseas princess. Georgian princess Sofiko Shevardnadze and St. Petersburg vulgar Sergei Shnurov.

A camera installed in an apartment spies on the pair of “lovers” living there, like guinea pigs, then the studio shows footage of them hugging or fighting, and then psychologists, matchmakers and presenters discuss how these “rabbits” will “ build love."

Who loves whom here? The unfortunate characters are the creators of the program? Yes, they filmed it and forgot about it, the broadcast was over, and screw them! What kind of love and especially philanthropy? The price of this love is in the answer to the question: what is the fee of the dull and boorish tradesman Shnurov, who without swearing, yelling and shocking is zero, which is what he showed in the program “About Love”? And why is all this with “cordless” moral guidelines being imposed by Channel One?

Ksenia Larina, on the air of Echo of Moscow, exclaimed verbatim in her hearts about this program: “They are humiliating the country! Such talk shows humiliate the people!” Coming from a radio host previously unnoticed in patriotism, this was powerful.

And why was the granddaughter of Eduard Amvrosievich Shevardnadze, who did a lot for the collapse of the USSR, invited to host the show on the main Russian channel? Or unknown to the general Russian audience, except for listeners of the same “Echo of Moscow”, where the lovely Sofiko started, cooler than Oprah Winfrey? Or does she love Russia so selflessly that she strives to teach love to its wretched inhabitants? She doesn’t understand that she’s participating in another “House 2”? Why do we need such Oprahs?

Third position

The premiere on “Russia 1” was very interesting. Finally, the spouses became co-hosts. The attacking, loud, energetically (sometimes too much) articulating Olga Skabeeva and the professional, mobile, diplomatic Evgeniy Popov had their own programs, now they are united in “60 Minutes,” balancing and complementing each other.

In the first episode I was surprised... no, not by the participation in the program of Michael Bohm, who has already become somehow familiar - the “affectionate Misha” from the American fairy-tale forest, not by the caricatured fanfare Jacob Koreyba, looking at whom one cannot help but recall Pushkin’s “puffy Poles”. And of course, not our usual experts, the same on all channels, but the fact that in addition to Russian and anti-Russian, a third position appeared, which was embodied by military expert Semyon Bagdasarov.

Speaking about the clash of interests of the United States and Russia, he dared to criticize our political leadership for the lack of consistency in Syria (and one must think, not only there).

Essentially, it's a lack of patriotism. It is necessary not to conclude a truce, which plays into the hands of the enemy, but to finish him off, bring him to his knees, and then only agree on something. The presenters were somewhat dumbfounded, Bagdasarov’s colleagues objected. But it was felt that many in their hearts agreed with him. Moreover, we lack consistency, certainty and inflexibility not so much in foreign policy as in domestic policy. However, maybe this is all election rhetoric.

Of course, important changes in the country (and, of course, on TV) will occur after September 18. What premieres will there be? We'll see soon.

Why the new NTV show “Saltykov-Shchedrin” failed to repeat the success of “ProjectorParisHilton”, the site was looking into.

Nikolai Fomenko, Alexey Kortnev and three former Kaveen players (Skulkina, Netievsky, Kolchin) became the hosts of NTV’s new satirical project “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”.

They threatened with a verb to burn out the vices of Russian society... It didn’t work out, not only to burn them out, but also to simply ignite them. What the channel itself calls “a completely new format” - jokes about our reality - has already been on TV. Both in the recent past (“ProjectorParisHilton”), and, as it now seems, a long time ago (“Dolls,” not to mention “The Wick”). Zhvanetsky (“Country Duty”) is still on the air on Rossiya 1. But it happens only once a month. On Monday night.

“Saltykovo-Shchedrintsy”, although there are five of them, although they were awarded a much more favorable time (Saturday evening), but cannot do even a hundredth part of what their predecessors managed. The presenters diligently pretend that they want to bite the officials harder for one place. But how can you bite someone if you feel an invisible bridle with your skin? Only what is possible is possible. Make fun of the mayor of Omsk, who already suffered during the direct line with the president. Make a hit parade of bad roads (this is generally a nice thing - the lower you take, the more likely it is not to get dangerously close to the top). Kick Tsereteli and Zhirinovsky, who he cast... And this is all, NTV believes, and these are the main vices that make up the acute problems of society.

And the “costs” of the crisis, theft and corrupt patriots are, apparently, such little things that are not worth talking about. Although Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote about them. And about the ruble: “It’s not scary if they give fifty dollars for a Russian ruble in Europe. You’ll be scared when you get punched in the teeth for it.” And about thieves: “Railroads all over the world are used for transportation. And with us it’s also for theft.” And about pseudo-patriots: “There are “tomboys” who say: the state, but think: free pie,” “They started talking about patriotism. They probably stole again.” As they say, feel the difference - where is Saltykov-Shchedrin and where are the showmen performing under his name.

And if only the topics mattered. Urgant and Tsekalo are no more stupid than Fomenko and Kortnev. They didn't bother either. But what sparks were struck from what was permitted? You'll rock! And the jokes of the hosts of “Saltykov-Shchedrin” amuse only themselves. They are shaking with laughter for an hour (or are they pretending to laugh?) in silent bewilderment on the other side of the TV. And if the frontmen of the show sometimes succeed in something (Fomenko and Kortnev worked together in “Both-on!”), then why the other three are sitting in the studio is a mystery. Is it really just to giggle?

On modern Russian TV there has been only one relatively successful attempt to revive satire in prime time - “Cartoon Personality” (aired on Channel One). But this project eventually reached the mice, that is, the pop stars: Pugacheva-Galkin-Baskov-Volochkova. For this, the author of “Dolls” Viktor Shenderovich called “Cartoon” “an imitation of satire.” So, “Saltykov-Shchedrin” does not even reach the level of imitation. Maslyakov would not have accepted a team with such a level of humor into HSE even for their beautiful eyes.

The idea of ​​a satirical show in itself is excellent. But, so to speak, untimely. “Spotlight” proved: even when nothing is possible, something is still possible if you act subtly. And if it doesn’t work out subtly, then it’s better not to start. So as not to discredit either ourselves, or the genre, or Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The premiere of the entertaining and humorous program “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”, filmed in the genre of social satire, will take place on NTV on April 30, 2016. According to the channel's press service, the program will be hosted by Nikolai Fomenko, Alexey Kortnev, Dmitry Kolchin, Sergei Netievsky and Ekaterina Skulkina.

The presenters will draw program topics from videos sent by viewers - NTV stringers from all over Russia. The headings of the premiere edition of the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” will be “Fools and Roads”, in which a hit parade of the “best” Russian pits will be presented, “An Inspector is Coming to Us”, where we will see footage showing how in some cities they prepared for the arrival high government leaders. In the “Fact or Fiction” section, the presenters will try to guess which of the pictures is reality and which is photoshopped. And, of course, a map of the modern city of Glupov, which Saltykov-Shchedrin described almost 150 years ago in his work “The History of a City,” will occupy an important place in the program.

“The Saltykov-Shchedrin Show is a completely new program format for modern Russian television,” notes Timur Weinstein, general producer of the NTV channel. - It contains smart satire, speaking truthfully and bitingly about the things that surround us. This is a very NTV story, we will continue to strive to occupy a niche of programs and shows for viewers who care.

“The program is really sharp, satirical, otherwise we would not have taken the proud name of Saltykov-Shchedrin as the title,” Alexey Kortnev is sure. - I have no doubt that the idea of ​​creating this television project was inspired by “Direct Lines with Putin”, where hundreds of people ask their questions and turn to the president with complaints. It so happens that this is almost the only effective remedy in our country. So we decided that between these lines someone would disturb officials, governors and their local deputies! This is why our program was created. Her calling, as people say: “Pike in the sea so that the crucian does not sleep.” So we will be such a pike.

“I will try to be bolder in our project, because I am sure that such shows should either be bold, or they should not exist at all,” says Nikolai Fomenko. - Why start it if you modestly say: “In one place, in one city there is a leader, and there is another street. And on it... And it would, of course, be nice if it were removed...” In my life I have already seen all types of television, from Soviet to today, so in the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” I will try to talk about it, albeit cheerfully, but at the same time frankly!

Broadcast weekly on Saturdays at 22.00.