Why is the reconstruction of the Garden Ring going so slowly? How will gardening work after reconstruction?

The streets of the Garden Ring, Tverskaya and Bolshaya Lubyanka, Tverskaya Zastava Square and Lubyanskaya Square and most of the boulevards.

Major construction and installation work under the “My Street” program has been completed in almost 100 urban areas. Among them is the main street of the city - Tverskaya (from Nastasinsky Lane to Triumfalnaya Square), Tverskaya Zastava Square, Lubyanka Square, Bolshaya Lubyanka Street, Garden Ring, Boulevard Ring and most of the embankments. There, temporary wooden flooring was removed, protective barriers separating work areas were removed, and temporary signs warning about repairs were dismantled.

Now all these streets are completely open to pedestrians and cars. During the renovation, cable ducts were laid on them, where overhead wires were removed, and utility networks and storm drains were repaired and updated in those areas where it was necessary. The sidewalks of central streets, squares, boulevards and embankments were widened and lined with granite tiles. New asphalt and markings were made on the roads, the width of the lanes was optimized to standard values, and also removed, where possible, the so-called bottlenecks (bottlenecks).

Basic construction and installation work at most facilities has been completed. However, commissioning of street lighting systems and architectural and artistic lighting is still ongoing. In addition, the installation of navigation steles and signs, benches, bins and flower beds, tree tubs, repair of building basements, as well as the installation of stopping pavilions for public transport, drainage systems and a number of other related works are underway. As they said in the municipal services complex, this does not create any obstacles for pedestrians or motorists. The work will be completed by the end of September - mid-October. Then the landscaping of the streets will begin - planting large trees and lilacs, for which late autumn is also suitable for replanting.

“We plan to plant trees in late autumn, from November to December, when they are dormant. But most of the shrubs will be planted from March to May next year: they will take root better after winter, when the temperature will remain above zero,” said the city economy complex.

As part of the “My Street” program, more than five thousand trees will be planted in the capital’s squares and streets, as well as at the entrances to the city. More than 40 addresses were chosen for new plants. Birch, oak, elm, linden, maple and chestnut trees will appear in landscaped areas. In addition, mountain ash, apple trees, bird cherry, serviceberry, crimson and lilac trees will be planted there. These are exactly the trees that take root well in the urban environment and have previously been used to landscape the streets of the capital. The most stringent requirements will be imposed on suppliers: they will have to not only deliver and plant the plants in the ground, but also care for them afterwards. From 2017, the warranty period for each tree will be three years. All work, including replacement of unestablished plants, will be included in the contract price. At the same time, the costs of landscaping landscaped streets this year will not exceed last year’s. The supplier will be fully responsible for their adaptation to the urban environment.

After urban renovations, traffic patterns have changed on almost two dozen streets in the center of Moscow. Six new dedicated lanes appeared, intended only for public transport, and new parking lots for tourist buses were installed. New U-turns have been installed on Prechistenskie Vorota Square, Olimpiysky Prospekt and Zubovsky Boulevard. The infrastructure for the Kitai-Gorod transport park was created on Slavyanskaya Square. In addition, on the Boulevard Ring, one lane in each direction was created for cars to pass through. And they made a dedicated section for public transport. Where trams run, the tracks were separated with granite sides, and safe landing areas were made for passengers. Everything is aimed at making the city center more comfortable and accessible to public transport, and providing convenient walking routes to the sights of Moscow.

In 2017, as part of the program, streets and city squares with a total length of 65 kilometers are being improved.

On the night of April 22, 2017, Moscow entered a period of constant road repairs that will last until October. According to the press service of the capital's mayor's office, the established weather will allow the complex's specialists to begin replacing asphalt on key highways in the capital.

Repairs at MKAD interchanges and highways

“The planned road repair season will last until mid-October,” said Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing, Communal Services and Improvement Pyotr Biryukov. Repairs will be carried out at those facilities where the guarantee period asphalt concrete pavement. First of all, the asphalt will begin to be replaced on the direct route sections and interchanges of the Moscow Ring Road. These include the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Entuziastov Highway, Ryazansky Prospekt, as well as sections of the outer side of the Ring Road in the area of ​​4-6 km, 74-76 km, 104-106 km.

Then the road workers will move on to facilities on the Third Transport Ring and the main outbound highways, as well as other city streets.

The work will be carried out at night with partial traffic restrictions.

According to the department, this season 18 million will be renovated throughout the city. square meters road surface. Most of the work will be carried out by the State Budgetary Institution " Car roads" Its workers will repair 10 million square meters. m of asphalt.

At all sites, curbstones will be replaced, manholes will be repaired, the existing road surface will be removed using cold milling, and new asphalt will be laid and markings will be applied.

The Garden Ring will be left without a strip during repairs

Serious Men at work have already begun on the Garden Ring. The capital department is responsible for them overhaul. Improvement began both internally and externally. external sides Garden Ring.

Traffic on Sadovoy will be limited - depending on the work, it will be impossible to drive in either one or four lanes.

At the same time, improvement work also began on the Boulevard Ring and in the Yakimanskaya embankment area. The work will last until the end of August. In this regard, traffic in the central part of the city will be seriously hampered, and parking spaces will be eliminated during the work.


Let us remind you that as part of the city improvement program, the capital’s authorities have already repaired 47 streets in 2015, and 61 highways in 2016. All major work was carried out between May and August, including the repair and widening of sidewalks and the relocation of communications.

The Traffic Organization Center (TCOC) warns about possible traffic difficulties in the central part of the city and an increase in road congestion up to 8-9 points in the morning and evening hours peak.


“The main difficulties will be observed on the Garden and Boulevard rings, as well as on the streets adjacent to them. In addition, most of the flow will move to the Third Ring Road, which is why additional difficulties in traffic movement on this highway are possible,” the data center said and asked motorists to use public transport to travel to the central part of the city to save time.

The data center assures that public transport is ready for the influx of passengers. At the same time, it is not recommended to use the city center for transit trips by car - it is better to use the Third Ring Road. In order not to get stuck in traffic jams for several hours, drivers will have to carefully choose detour routes, and in order not to be late for meetings, they will have to allow extra travel time.

Meanwhile, the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, apologized in advance to the city residents for the temporary inconvenience on his page on the VKontakte social network.

“The most active period of work begins, including on Boulevard and Sadov. The main work will be completed by September. Problems with traffic during this period will be quite serious. But in the end, we will get high-quality urban space in the city center, on its main streets,” Sobyanin wrote.

What is the Garden Ring? Is this a street? No, because it is impossible to live normally on it. Maybe this is the road? Not either - there is public transport there, there are shops in the houses and cyclists ride. So what kind of animal is this? It's just a sea of ​​asphalt.

It is the sea and asphalt. I wanted to draw an analogy with the Dead Sea, but it’s nicer there than on the Garden Ring. Fortunately, cosmetic work will be carried out on the ring this year: the roadway will be narrowed, backups will be made, landscaping will be done, and public transport will be brought to the surface.

Recently, reconstruction projects were posted on the government procurement portal, including the organization of traffic after the completion of work. I propose to put aside questions of price and quality of work, and look at the ring from the point of view of urban mobility and the quality of the city’s public spaces.

Pedestrians and public transport

I combined these two categories for a reason - they are interconnected: a pedestrian becomes a passenger only at the moment of entering the vehicle. That is why the term “last mile” exists - this is the distance from public transport to the final point of the route (and from the starting point to transport, respectively). Therefore, good public transport requires comfortable and safe street approaches.

Currently, the Garden Ring has an aggressive environment for pedestrians: noise, low quality air, dirt, inability to cross normally to the other side of the street, and so on. The picture is similar with public transport: there is no dedicated lane; due to tunnels and overpasses, stops are located far from metro stations and other hubs. In general, everything is sad. What will change?

New ground pedestrian crossings will appear across Sadovoye on Zubovsky Boulevard opposite RIA Novosti, Serpukhovskaya Square, near Dolgorukovskaya and Tatarskaya streets. This is good.

here the ground crossing appeared thanks to a new turn


a network of underground passages runs under the square - it was impossible to navigate correctly the first time. I want to kiss you for the new transitions in this place!

a new crossing on the left, after the introduction of through traffic for buses, it was a sin not to make a normal path for people

And the transition Carriage Row will be significantly ennobled:



Unfortunately that's all. Someday we will duplicate all the underground passages on Sadovoy with ground crossings, but for now this is how it is. The most offensive thing is about the crossing at the Kursky station - every third person is there with bags, there is a traffic light at the top, but still everyone is forced to suffer:

I suggest to every defender of underground passages to run with bags/bicycles/children through them. I think the rubbish will quickly get out of my head.

With new ones pedestrian crossings through secondary streets it is a little better: Dolgorukovskaya, Sretenka, Mira Ave., Kalanchevskaya, St. Basmannaya, V. Syromyatnicheskaya, Vorontsovo Pole.

Sadovoe and St. Basmannaya

In general, progress is slowly being made. But for the underground passage through the exit to the Yauza I want to scold for a very long time:

It would seem, why not do it well and remove the unnecessary underground tunnel across 2 lanes? Moreover, all other departures are normal. I just worked nearby and suffered a lot:

There will be new public areas for pedestrians. The biggest changes will be at the Krasnye Vorota metro station; now there is spontaneous parking:



And at Gorky Park:



We are expecting a big breakthrough in the work of public transport - bringing buses to the surface on Serpukhovskaya, Oktyabrskaya and Taganskaya Square. To do this, they will make new punctures, mini-dedicated lanes and stops. And all in order to bring the stops closer to the metro exits:

Oktyabrskaya, public transport trajectory is highlighted in purple

In the future I would like to bring out ground transport on Novy Arbat and Triumfalnaya Square.

mini-separate section in front of the traffic light on Zubovskaya Street

As a bonus, a new connection has appeared at the Paveletsky station - the bus will be able to immediately turn towards it from inside rings. Now we have to make a rerun of 2 km to turn around at Serpukhovskaya Square:

the trajectory of movement is highlighted in blue

It’s a pity that the tram triangle will not be restored so that trams from the Paveletsky station can turn to Chistye Prudy(and vice versa).

Spoiler for Sretenka: there will be an anti-hair stripe in the center. More precisely, she will return back - she was already there. There will be a good interchange hub at Sukharevskaya metro station:

An unnecessary backup will be removed from Samotyochnaya Square and public transport will be taken to the main route - there will be fewer lane changes and loss of time on maneuvers:




Bike paths? This is for the park. Zero.

Personal transport

For drivers there are two good news: the ring strip will be leveled and backups with parking will be made.





Due to constant changes in the number of lanes, bottlenecks and galloping motion were obtained. Just look at the transition from Zubovsky Boulevard with 17 lanes to 7 lanes on the Crimean Bridge. Now everywhere there will be 5 lanes of main traffic in each direction (except for bridges and tunnels), due to which traffic will move calmer and more evenly. It was even possible to narrow it down to three lanes - exactly three lanes in all tunnels and on overpasses, that is, these are the narrowest places on the ring. It is these bottlenecks that determine throughput whole ring.

In short, the ring should run better, despite the decline in the number of lanes.

in wide areas there will be backups with parking - Sadovoye is becoming one step closer to a normal street.

I have already partially said about RIA Novosti’s new turn. As well as about parking at the Red Gate and Gorky Park. In the latter case, it was removed due to a permanent tail that blocked one lane on the ring. As far as I know, there are plans to make parking somewhere else, but for now you can park at MUZEON.

All turns from Sadovoy have been given normal radii - now even without the brick sign it will be subconsciously clear that there is no turn here:

In general, adequate cornering helps calm traffic, so 90-degree turns are good decision for the streets. Smoother turns are more important on the highway than in the city.


Maybe I’ll repeat myself a little, but what’s really missing is: a dedicated lane on the Garden Ring; duplicating underground passages with surface ones; new connections and traffic lights; bike paths; tram; Sukharev Tower.

Serpukhov Square turned out very well - this is a breakthrough. The return of public transport to the surface is also a big deal; such a need has been talked about since the construction of these same tunnels and overpasses.

If now the Garden Ring is ten-point rating the usefulness of the street goes into the minus, then after reconstruction it will take a place between 3 and 4. Yes, the ring still won’t become a full-fledged street - the balance is heavily weighted in favor of cars with all the ensuing negative factors.

In 10 years, when they start demolishing overpasses and tunnels, giving priority to public transport and bicycle paths, the street will live in a new way, and photographs of Zubovsky Boulevard from 2016 will be shown to children along with a film about Frankinstein.

We'll start the demolition from the Park of Culture - the first overpass appeared there - the first one it will go under the bucket! And on Samotyochnaya Square we will make a Moscow

The global scale and scale of repairs and alterations is visible to everyone - the entire center of Moscow has been dug up, torn apart, blocked and filled with all kinds of equipment for more than three months. It would seem that everything could have been done on such a scale a long time ago, but... the end of the work is still far away.
And the reason is so banal...

Recently I moved to Sadovaya and every day from the balcony I can watch the progress of work on Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya - how nests for trees are made, and how cable channels are laid, and how they are laid paving slabs, and how they change the asphalt at night.
Well, and, accordingly, draw certain conclusions and get an unambiguous answer about at least one of the significant reasons why all this has been going on for several months and will last at least another month. Although there is good examples, when large-scale reconstruction of some streets was carried out at a cosmic pace with minimal inconvenience for the city, its residents and drivers.

To illustrate my findings, over the course of one day, I took periodic photographs from the same vantage point of the construction sites where I observed workers. I marked with green arrows those who are doing something, and with red arrows those who are kicking their dicks, husking seeds or just sleeping.

Look at the photo below and everything will become as obvious to you as it is to me.

First location. 6 Stooges. Everyone was red (doing nothing), sitting for an hour or more and just chatting.

Second location. 7 dunces and 1 conscious one is digging a hole. Most are either chatting on the phone or chatting among themselves.

Third location. 12 dunces and 2 conscious ones who lay the tiles. Scratching with tongues again

The fourth location, on the opposite side of the street. Clearly a different team - the color of the vests is different, and the approach to work is different. All 6 are working

The neighboring plot is there. Three more, all working. Looking ahead, I will say that these workers almost always, when I went out to take control photographs, worked, unlike everyone else

The fifth location is 10 meters from the previous one. An already familiar picture - 5 hard workers scratching their tongues.

Another 10 meters to the side. Three more slackers

Another 20 meters. And 12 more slackers.

And 4 more loafers 20 meters from the previous ones.

An hour has passed. I shoot from the camera at the same locations.
There is barely a glimmer of life in the first location. There are already two workers and both are busy with something

Four comrades move slowly from first to third. Apparently they need labor...

Yes, there really is an influx of people here. As many as 6 are working and 14 are scratching their tongues...

Fourth location. And again everyone is working there, just like an hour ago. All 7 workers.

Fifth location. Nothing changed. Four slackers against one conditionally doing something

Another two hours passed.
On the first two people appeared, two were doing something, another five were very tired and were resting from idleness.

On the third, nothing changes - there are still a lot of people and still no one is doing anything, all 13 people.

At the fourth location, apparently, there is a short smoke break. Four are resting, five continue to work. They were joined by four people from the fifth location. True, they are messing around, just like in the previous place.

If we add up the dry numbers, we find out the following:
- 35 people were seen working
- 95 people were resting, doing nothing, almost three times as many.
I understand that people should have a break, and I fully admit that at some moments I found myself on resting teams. But, I repeat, I watch this construction site every day, I constantly see how a few workers work, while the majority fool around, taking short breaks to work in this process.
At the same time, there are areas, as I said above, where people work all the time, whenever they go out to the balcony to look.

Below general plans and highlighted areas where the locations are located:
to the left of Sadovoy are the first and second locations, to the right is the fifth with several points

By right hand from Sadovoy is the third, on the left is the fourth with the most class-conscious workers.

In general, everything is still in progress at Sadovoy.
I am sure that soon it will become very beautiful here and the reconstruction is not in vain. I just wish this construction and traffic jam hell would end soon...


- The streets in the city were dug up again due to repairs. Muscovites are complaining.

Of course, motorists and pedestrians are concerned about the inconvenience. On the websites of the Moscow government, citizens can leave their comments (see “ Feedback"). But we do landscaping not for a year, not for two, but for several decades in advance. Such global work has not been carried out in Moscow since the 30s. Therefore, you can wait 2-3 months.

- Do you know what happens on the dug-up streets?

I check it every day. Our employees are assigned to specific areas to monitor the quality of repairs. We also monitor these works through the city video surveillance system. Now we are going to install additional cameras so that everyone can watch the street renovations online on the Moscow government website mos.ru.

- Why expand sidewalks at the expense of roads? There are always traffic jams there...

6 - 7 years ago in Moscow it was impossible to walk on the sidewalks, especially in the center. It was impossible to drive on the streets. If you parked your car, then you couldn’t get it out of the traffic jams that collected on the sidewalks and roads. Now we are “opening” the sidewalks for pedestrians. Look at Tverskaya. There is more space, restaurants and verandas began to open one after another, people relax and communicate.


This year, the “My Street” program includes sites freed from unauthorized construction. While there are vacant lots there. Near the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station, drivers park their cars on the site of a demolished restaurant.

We will carry out landscaping at all sites where the squatter building was demolished. We will plant parks and put up benches. For City Day, we will pave the area near the entrance to the Barrikadnaya metro station with new granite tiles. Trees and bushes will appear here. We will create a large park with benches near the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station. We will also plant additional trees near the high-rise building. There will be no parking here.

- Will new walking routes open?

We will completely remake Lubyanka Square and connect it with a single walking route with Ilyinsky Square, Old and New Squares, Slavyanskaya Square, Kitaygorodsky Proezd, Varvarka and the park in Zaryadye. From the park you can then go out onto the floating bridge over the Moscow River.


- Repairs have begun on the Garden Ring and driving has become even more difficult.

We will block one or two outer lanes. The currently closed lanes on both sides of the road will later become a pedestrian zone. The number of lanes will remain the same due to the narrowing of their width to the permissible 3.25 meters (some lanes on Sadovoy are now 3.5 - 5 m wide. - Author). As practice has shown, the speed of movement in traffic increases, and the number of accidents decreases.

- When will it all end?

All major work on “My Street” must be completed by City Day (this year it is celebrated on September 9. - Author). We plan to complete the installation of cable ducts, granite paving, and installation of curbs in July. We will start planting trees at the end of October - beginning of December. As environmentalists note, seedlings take root better this way.

- IN next year renovation again?

The program is due to end in 2018. It is currently being discussed whether to continue it further.


- They say that the storm drains on the streets being repaired will not withstand heavy rains again?

Some streets in the historical part of the city do not have a drainage system at all. And where it exists, communications physically fail. Last year we had abnormal rains and the streets were flooded. Of course, we drew conclusions and monitored existing utility networks. This year we are laying new drainage pipelines and installing additional gratings. First of all, on the Garden and Boulevard Rings, on the embankments, on Kitaygorodsky Proezd, next to Zaryadye Park. At the same time, we make sure that no construction waste gets into the storm drain. After all, the gratings ended up in the street improvement area.


This year, under the “My Street” program in the capital, 82 streets, embankments, entrances to the city and areas near Moskovsky will be renovated central ring. The list includes Tverskaya (from Nastasinsky Lane to Triumfalnaya Square) and 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya streets, the Garden and Boulevard Rings, ancient streets near the park in Zaryadye, the museum quarter on Volkhonka, the new Khokhlovskaya Square with a preserved fragment of the White City wall, Tverskaya Zastava Square in front of the Belorussky Station with a restored tram line.

Twelve embankments in the center of Moscow will turn into interconnected walking routes near the water. Among them are Krasnopresnenskaya, Goncharnaya, Prechistenskaya and other embankments.


Why are the tiles poorly laid in some places?

Regarding poor-quality tile laying, I admit that in some areas this is possible. But we react quickly. Under warranty obligations, the contractor is obliged to correct violations at his own expense within two years.

- That is, no money is spent from the city budget on repeated repairs?

In no case. The contractor corrects all violations at his own expense under government contracts.


Additional information on the “My Street” program, as well as basic news about street improvement, can be read in a special section of the Moscow government website ().

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All about street repairs in the center of Moscow. Away on Radio TVNZ- First Deputy Head of the Department of Capital Repairs of Moscow Alexey Belyaev