Who is Ryan Gosling dating now? Ryan gosling and his women

0 June 10, 2018, 11:28

Ryan Gosling

The family idyll has been going on for seven years, during which time the couple had two daughters, Esmeralda and Amada. But it turned out that the head of the family is the one who has the TV remote control in his hands.

In a recent interview on The Jimmy Kimmel Show, the actor jokingly admitted that he can't watch a basketball game on TV because his daughters are constantly watching the animated series Daniel the Tiger and his Neighbors.
I knew I was going to be on the show, so I was thrilled to be able to watch the game... But my daughters are two and three, so let's be honest, I don't watch anything right now that doesn't have a talking tiger in it.

In response to this, Kimmel advised Gosling to suggest that the children follow the ball in the game. After all, according to him, the only way he manages to watch matches with them.

In addition, the actor spoke about a shocking incident on the set of the new film "", in which he played the famous astronaut Neil Armstrong. Gosling suffered a first-degree concussion while training on a special device at NASA.

Ryan Gosling. Shot from the film "Man on the Moon"

He felt bad, but he wasn't sure what had happened to him. As a result, only after calling Eva Mendes, he turned to the doctor for help and this helped to avoid the possible unpleasant consequences of such an injury. Whether it was worth it or not, you can find out in cinemas on November 22, when the film will be released in Russian distribution.

Photo Splash News/IMDb/Gettyimages.ru

Ryan Gosling's wife Eva Mendes is no less popular than he is. The couple try not to advertise the details of their personal lives and are considered one of the most closed Hollywood couples.

Due to the lack of information about their family, rumors periodically appear in the press that they are on the verge of a divorce, but, despite all this talk, Gosling and Mendez are still together and even managed to become happy parents of two wonderful daughters - Esmeralda Amanda and Amada Lee.

Perhaps rumors of disagreements in the family of this acting couple appear due to the fact that Eva is jealous of her husband, who has been recognized more than once as one of the most desired men America.

Before meeting Eve, Ryan had several affairs, each of which could develop into more serious relationship, but that didn't happen.

For less than a year he dated famous actress Sandra Bullock, who was seventeen years older than her twenty-one-year-old boyfriend. Their relationship began during the filming of the film Kill Count, in which Ryan played a juvenile delinquent who tried to seduce Sandra's character, a law enforcement officer.

In the photo - Gosling and Sarah Bullock

As it turned out later, Gosling was not indifferent to the actress even before they joint work, but their relationship was doomed and Ryan's next chosen one was the young actress Rachel McAdams.

And this romance of the actor began on the set - they played the main roles in the film "The Notebook" and, although at the very beginning of work they simply could not stand each other and even reached violent scandals, a romance broke out between them, which lasted three years. However, due to the high employment of Ryan and Rachel, they were not able to see each other often, and the relationship gradually faded away. After parting, they made an attempt to reunite, but two months later they parted again and now forever.

Pictured: Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams

Over the next two years, Gosling was in search, and experienced several short-lived romances - with Kat Dennings, Blake Lively, Olivia Wilde, Emma Stone.

With Eva Mendes, who became civil wife Ryan Gosling, he met on the set of The Place Beyond the Pines, in which they played married couple. Gosling was not embarrassed by the fact that Eva was six years older, in his personal life there had already been a similar experience, and between partners on the set broke out whirlwind romance, flowing into a serious long-term relationship.

In the photo - Gosling and Eva Mendes

Before Ryan, Eva met with Peruvian director George Gargurevich, with whom she lived in a civil marriage for two years. Their relationship was strong enough, but for some reason they still broke up. Then Mendes met with some colleagues, among whom was actor Jason Sudeikis, but a serious romance between them did not work out.

Gosling and Mendes tried to hide their relationship and did not comment on it, giving rise to a lot of rumors about their romance, and when they stopped appearing together in public three years ago, everyone immediately decided that the couple had broken up. However, the reason was much happier - Eva gave birth to her first child.

The advent of children married couple Gosling-Mendez even stronger and happier. Eva devotes a lot of time to raising her daughters and tries to instill in them a craving for beauty from childhood. Since she grew up in a family of Cuban immigrants, Mendez often plays Cuban music to her daughters and speaks Spanish with them. Ryan also loves to communicate with her daughters and tries to give them as much attention as possible.

In the photo - Ryan Gosling with his daughter

He has been with Eva for six years now, but his feelings for his wife do not fade away. At the Golden Globe Awards in the nomination " Best Actor comedy and musical," Ryan Gosling delivered a touching speech from the stage, in which he said that he dedicates the victory to his beloved wife, who, while he was busy on the set, coped with life's difficulties. He also thanked Eva for their beautiful daughters and once again confessed his love to her.

Ryan Thomas Gosling is the first hottie in Hollywood who young nails acted in films and television programs. The boy could be seen in The Mickey Mouse Club, Are You Afraid of the Dark? and "Goosebumps", so he was quite popular and at the same time difficult teenager.

Ryan is currently famous actor and a popular musician in the United States, England and Canada. At the same time, Gosling is an exemplary family man and a loving dad, he is happy in his world with three princesses and is not going to change anything.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ryan Gosling

A whole army of fans of all ages are striving to find out what the actor's exact height, weight, age are. How old is Ryan Gosling can be clarified by knowing the date of his birth.

Ryan was born in 1980, so he was already thirty-seven years old. According to the zodiac circle, the young man received as a gift the sign of the vindictive, sexual, passionate, ambitious Scorpio.

The eastern horoscope endowed the man with character traits that are characteristic of the Monkey, namely, artistry, dexterity, intelligence, resourcefulness, sociability.

Ryan Gosling: photos in his youth and now are still the same photographs, but in later photographs young actor a beard, mustache or slight unshaven hair has already appeared. At the same time, over the years, even the hairstyle and luxurious wavy hair have not changed for the guy.

Ryan's height is one meter and eighty-five centimeters, but the guy weighs no more than eighty kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Ryan Gosling

The biography and personal life of Ryan Gosling are pages that have never been a terrible secret for his fans. The boy was born in London, but not British, but Canadian.

His parents were not related to creative world, but a handsome and talented boy with early years was in demand in the field of film and television.

Father - Thomas Gosling - worked as a traveling salesman who offered paper mill products almost around the clock.

Mother - Donna Gosling - worked as a secretary in a large Canadian company, so she was also often absent from home.
Sister - Mandy Gosling - older than Ryan, she is very close to her brother, so they often accompany him to the presentation of awards and other awards. She is not married and is related to the film industry.

Little Ryan was calm and bright child, but he had some deviations, as he suffered from dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. At the same time, the guy was very upset by the breakup of his parents, he hooligans, insulted neighbors and even threw knives at classmates, after which he was transferred to home schooling.

Mother was lucky to find a qualified psychologist who advised to enroll a talented boy in creative studio, so he got into the Mickey Mouse Club. The guy constantly caught the eye of the producers, he sang great and was incredibly artistic. From 1995 to 2002 he was a frequenter of the talent show, but to climb musical Olympus can not.

Filmography: films starring Ryan Gosling

Ryan made his debut in the children's horror films Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark? in 1995. Later, his filmography was replenished with films and TV series The Wonderful Journeys of Hercules, The Fanatic, The United States of Leland, The Diary of Memory, The Seal of Evil, The Youth of Hercules, The Place Beyond the Pines, The Big Short, La La Land, Blade Runner 2049.

Since 2008 he has been the creator and frontman musical group"Dead Man's Bones", and since 2014 he has been trying his hand as a director, filming the popular fantasy "How to Catch a Monster", for which he received two palm branches at the Cannes Film Festival.

Ryan Gosling's personal life was incredibly stormy and vibrant, he constantly started novels with fans, then with actresses. The guy met with the beauty Sandra Bullock, whom he met in 2002, but two years later he was noticed with another talented girl, Rachel McAdams. She disappeared from the actor's life three years after the first meeting, but remained Ryan's girlfriend.

Gosling has had relationships with Jamie Murray, Famke Janssen and an unconfirmed affair with Emma Stone.

Family and children of Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling's family and children are his most beloved and congenial people, as they constantly support each other in sorrow and in joy. For example, Gosling surrounded his soulmate with care and love during pregnancy, and also supported when Eva Mendes' older brother suddenly died from oncology.
The guy was born into a family that was incredibly far from creative process, his parents never played on the stage of the theater or cinema. At the same time, the family was incomplete, because Gosling's father and his mother divorced as soon as the guy was thirteen.

Ryan often said that he lived in a women's team, so he not only learned to think like a woman and understand the fair sex. By the way, the guy's family was a believer, as true Mormons they forbade children to watch any TV programs and films, except for educational biblical ones and those that talked about wild nature.

Ryan's kids are very beautiful girls because they are mestizos, because French, English, Cuban, German, Scottish, Canadian blood flows in their veins. Esmeralda and Amada constantly go out with mom and dad, they are trendsetters in children's fashion in Hollywood.

Ryan simply adores children, he does not get tired of dedicating his awards and victories in the field of theater and cinema to them. He takes girls with him on trips and fills them with expensive and high-quality toys.

Ryan Gosling's daughter - Esmeralda Amada Gosling

Ryan Gosling's daughter - Esmeralda Amada Gosling - was born in 2014, she is a very active and incredibly athletic girl. Esmeralda looks like her mother, but she has a fatherly character.

The baby is very capable of learning foreign languages She speaks fluent English, Spanish and Cuban. At the same time, surzhik from all of the above languages ​​often appears in the speech of a little angel. The girl is engaged in the studio of folk Cuban dances and art school, while she tries herself in vocals.

Parents believe that the baby should learn something new, so they often travel with her to different countries peace. More than anything, Esmeralda Amada loves to listen to her mother's singing and those national Cuban dishes prepared by her maternal grandparents.

Ryan Gosling's daughter - Amada Lee Gosling

Ryan Gosling's daughter, Amada Lee Gosling, was born two years later than her older sister in 2016. The little beauty, on the contrary, looks like her star dad, but in character she went to mommy.

The girl loves the time when her dad is at home, because she does not get off his arms. Quite often, Amada with her sister and mother come to film set, where the baby amazes everyone with her smile and lively facial expressions.
The little girl smiles and tries to sing along to her mother when she sings Cuban songs for her, while Amada is crazy about puppet theater, many dolls from which are created by the grandmother.

Ryan Gosling's wife - Eva Mendes

Ryan Gosling's wife - Eva Mendes - appeared in Ryan Gosling's life in 2012, as young people met each other while filming The Place Beyond the Pines. Eva managed to tame the main womanizer of Hollywood, who, before meeting her, constantly changed partners. Among his love victories was Sandra Bullock and Emma Stone.

At the same time, the conversation that Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are getting divorced because of Emma Stone turned out to be the usual gossip. The fact is that the couple stopped going to various events and business receptions together, which immediately led to talk of parting. Everything turned out to be much simpler: in 2014, Eva was pregnant with her first daughter, so she took off wedding ring from a swollen finger and tried to appear less in public places.

It is worth noting that Eva is six years younger than Ryan, but this does not prevent young people from living together and even playing lovers in a movie. They try not to put their feelings on public display so that people are less envious of someone else's happiness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling's Instagram and Wikipedia have been with the young actor for quite some time, as fans wanted to know absolutely everything about him. The Wikipedia article is small, but quite informative, so it is possible to learn from it about his family and education, favorite film and color, personal and family life, filmography and awards.

At least 588 people signed up for the Instagram page, but the guy posted only nine uninformative posts, and then lost interest in social networks. At the same time, only those who are subscribed to his page can view personal and creative videos and photographs.

Ryan Gosling was born into a family far from the world of cinema and had no connection with creative professions. The boy's mother, Donna, was a secretary, and his father, Thomas, worked at a paper mill. But there was almost no paternal support in Ryan's life: his parents divorced when he was a few years old. The mother single-handedly raised Gosling and his older sister Mandy and, I must say, was not soft with children. Donna was a very religious woman, a follower of Mormonism, but Ryan was the complete opposite in her disposition - the boy was restless, constantly bullying at school. Relations with classmates did not stick: Ryan often became the subject of ridicule and until the age of 14-15 he could not make friends in any way. Gosling even spent one year at home schooling, his mother gave him lessons. But this, according to Ryan, did him good: during this year he learned to be independent.

Ryan's dream of becoming an actor came about after watching the movie Dick Tracy with Warren Beatty and Al Pacino. From an early age, he often took part in public events: he sang at weddings with his sister, performed at talent competitions, and at the age of 12 he got into cast the famous Mickey Mouse Club. In this television program, Ryan starred for two years along with Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and other future stars. After that, he returned to his native Canada and starred in local television series such as Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Goosebumps and others.

Actor career

At the age of 17, Ryan Gosling left school to devote himself entirely to acting. Gosling went to New Zealand for the shooting of the adventure series "Youth of Hercules". But this was the last television project that the young actor then agreed to. He wanted to try himself on the big screen and play a more serious character.

It all started with an appearance in the film Fanatic, in which Ryan got the role of a young neo-Nazi Jew. Gosling's performance was praised by critics, and the picture received one of the main awards at the American Sundance Film Festival. Nevertheless, neither this role, nor the next few - in the films "Countdown of the Kills" and "The United States of Leland" - did not bring him real success.

The public recognized him thanks to the film The Notebook, in which Ryan starred in 2004. Together with Rachel McAdams they played romantic story based on novel of the same name Nicholas Sparks. The picture was loved all over the world. And although she did not win serious awards, she collected more than $ 100 million at the box office alone. Ryan and Rachel received the MTV Movie Awards for Best Kiss.

The Notebook paved the way for Gosling to Hollywood. He acted in the film "Stay" along with Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor, and then in Half Nelson, which brought the actor an Oscar nomination in the Best Actor category. "Fracture" and "Lars and real girl"- the last films in which Gosling played before a three-year break in his career.

Gosling experienced this pause hard: as the actor himself admitted, without work, he fell into depression. But returning to the movies brought Ryan more more success: for example, thanks to the film Valentine, he became a Golden Globe nominee for best male role in drama. This was followed by the tapes "This - stupid - love" with Mila Kunis (also, by the way, brought Ryan a Golden Globe nomination) and "The Ides of March", filmed by George Clooney. In 2013, he made his directorial debut with How to Catch a Monster, starring Christina Hendricks. leading role.

In addition to cinema, Ryan is engaged in music. In 2008, together with his friend Zach Shields, he created the Dead Man's Bones group and released an album. In addition, Gosling is associated with the restaurant business. The actor is a co-owner of Tagine, an institution that specializes in Moroccan cuisine.

Ryan Gosling's personal life

In 2002, Ryan Gosling began dating, who played with him in the Kill Count. They stayed together for only a year, and in 2004 the star began an affair with Rachel McAdams, who played the role of his lover in The Notebook.

The actor also had relationships with Famke Janssen, Jamie Murray and Blake Lively.

Ryan Gosling is a Canadian film actor who is often called "the most romantic hero of our time." The actor gained fame thanks to his participation in the melodrama The Notebook and filming in the Oscar-winning musical film La La Land. He has 2 Oscar nominations, a Golden Globe Award and an award from the US National Board of Film Critics. In addition to the acting profession, Gosling devotes time to music. He founded the indie rock band Dead Man's Bones, which has toured numerous times.

Childhood and youth

Ryan Gosling was born in London, Ontario, Canada. Thomas and Donna Gosling are Ryan's parents. The star also has elder sister Mandy.

In 2014, Gosling tried himself in a new capacity. In the film "Lost River" (in another translation - "How to Catch a Monster"), the Canadian participates as a director, screenwriter and producer. The creators demonstrated this non-commercial arthouse project at the Cannes Film Festival.

In 2016, the film "La La Land" was released with the participation of Ryan Gosling, in which the Canadian played Sebastian Wilder. In personal creative biography film actor took a special place. She got positive reviews critics, and the film will be called the best at the end of the year.

It is known that Ryan Gosling took piano lessons, memorizing music. According to composer Justin Gurvich, the artist could play all the parts shown in the film without the use of an understudy and special effects. Such efforts in preparing the tape proved to be justified. The Oscars are the most important event in world cinema.

In 2017, the attention of media representatives was riveted precisely to the actors who played the main roles in the film "La La Land" - Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. For a brilliant game, the stars received a large number of film awards, and this time the film was nominated for 14 nominations at once, in 6 of which she won. The film set a record for the number of nominations along with "" and "All About Eve".

In 2016, Ryan Gosling, along with participated in the filming of the comedy Goodfellas, such a stellar collaboration was remembered for the joint videos of the actors. Clips have appeared on the Web in which celebrities attend psychological counseling for couples experiencing a relationship crisis.

Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe (frame from the movie "Goodfellas")

The actors claim that after working together they cannot stand each other, and the psychotherapist appointed by the film studio is trying to figure out the reasons for this hostility. Soon there were 4 videos about the problems of Gosling and Crow: "Stress Management", "Confrontation", "Building Walls" and "Journey". With such videos, the filmmakers tried to draw the viewer's attention to the picture.

In March 2017, a melodrama with the participation of Gosling called "Song by Song" was presented. The musical drama is about the entangled love relationships that developed between two pairs of lovers. in a strange way Experiencing losses in their personal lives, these four become connected to each other. Together with Ryan, the main actors became,.

Already in October, the premiere of the fantastic film "" took place. The picture is very unusual in the repertoire of the Canadian, because Ryan had not previously appeared in the works of this genre, playing roles in melodramas. Here he reincarnated as a replicant, an artificially created person who cooperates with the police. His girlfriend was Joy (), who has no body and appears only in the form of a hologram.

Interestingly, the shooting took place in the strictest secrecy. The filmmakers were afraid of divulging information about the script before the premiere, so no performer was given full text to work on the role.

In April 2017, information appeared in the press that Ryan Gosling supported the film The Promise, in which we are talking about the Armenian Genocide, and also joined the #KeepThePromise campaign as part of the premiere. The plot of the picture takes place during the First World War, when the destruction of the Christian ethnic Armenian population living in the territory of the Ottoman Empire was carried out.

The film "The Promise" was created with the financial support of an American billionaire Armenian origin Kirk Kerkorian. The author of the picture is the director of the film "Hotel Rwanda" Terry George, and the main roles were played by Oscar Isaac and Charlotte le Bon. Admiration for the picture was previously expressed by prominent representatives of the world show business:, and others.


Ryan Gosling is a creative and loving experiments. Already at the peak of acting glory, he independently masters playing the guitar and piano. This was not enough for him, because in the future, Ryan, in the company of actor and producer Zach Shields, organizes the Dead Man's Bones group. The team focuses on the "Halloween" theme of the songs, and witches, ghosts, zombies, monsters and skeletons are the constant heroes of the texts of the group's compositions.

Dead Man's Bones - In The Room Where You Sleep

The guys experimented in the studio, trying to record new song. The composition In The Room Where You Sleep is the result of the team's work. The single was later made available for free download on the Internet, and a video clip for this track was also published.

Ryan and Zach were so captivated by the joint work that they wrote 11 more songs and released the Dead Man's Bones album at the end of 2009. And then they went on a tour of America, practically without rehearsing. In every city they hired a local for backing vocals. children's choir and improvised along the way. To warm up the audience before performances, Gosling and Shields held a competition for children's talents or showed puppet shows.

Personal life

The actor is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance. Ryan chooses the pictures in which he is going to participate, rather meticulously, based on his own preferences and beliefs. The film actor believes in prophetic dreams, loves magicians and loneliness, plays musical group and looking forward to old age.

Tall, stately (Ryan's height is 185 cm and weighs 82 kg) Gosling has always been popular with women. Ryan was in romantic relationship with several star ladies. A little more than a year lasted a relationship with a partner in the film "Countdown of murders"