The largest national parks in the world. The most beautiful national parks in the world

Today there are a large number of nature reserves and parks where everyone has the opportunity to admire untouched nature. As well as rare plants and animals.

We present to your attention 10 of the most unusual national park areas.


It traditionally opens any park rating, as it is the first national reserve in history, opened in the 19th century on the border of three American states. A significant part of its area is covered by frozen lava, since on its territory there is the largest volcano on the continent, in the crater of which Lake Yellowstone is located.

The park is one of the world's five geyser fields, but it is in nm that the bulk of them are concentrated, including the largest geyser called "Steamboat". Streams of its hot water burst out to a height that exceeds 40 meters. In addition, half of the world's geothermal springs are located here. Here you can find more than 2,000 different species of flora and hundreds of species of rare animals, including puma and grizzly bear. It is not surprising that this international reserve is under the protection of UNESCO.

The park is perfectly suited for tourists. They have hundreds of kilometers of walking paths, several roads for motor vehicles, campsites, museums, hotels and shops at their disposal.


This park is also a UNESCO heritage site located in Australia. It is considered the most popular place on the continent. Connoisseurs of archaeological antiquity can admire amazing rock paintings and examples of ancient writings.

Insect lovers will not remain indifferent to their diversity. Fans of animals, birds and reptiles will also have a lot of fun - because the cockatoo is rich in a huge number of rare fauna.

Due to the fact that the reserve is surrounded by high rocky mountains, favorable natural conditions are preserved here. The huge area: 2000 m long and 1000 m wide allows all the inhabitants of the park to feel as comfortable as possible.

Galapagos Islands

The name of this national park comes from the name of one of its inhabitants - the giant Galapagos tortoise. Another celebrity is the unique species of tropical Galapagos penguin.

Since 1990, the park has become an official whale and shark sanctuary. This is where you can watch these marine inhabitants in their natural habitat. The islands are home to eight hundred different species of shellfish, more than 140 of which are unique and not found anywhere else. This also applies to 17% of all existing Galapagos fish species, as well as up to 13 species of finches that live only in the archipelago. Visitors to the reserve can also see the only flightless cormorant on the planet.


This natural park, the main part of which is occupied by savannah, is located on the African coast in Tanzania.

The main outstanding feature of the Serengeti is its unusual and rich animal world. It is home to the world's largest population of lions, as well as more than 500 species of birds and about 3 million representatives of large fauna. Antelopes, elephants, cheetahs, rhinoceroses, zebras, giraffes - this is not a complete list of animals that can be observed at arm's length.

Thanks to the vast territory, animals have the opportunity for natural annual migration, escaping drought.

Plitvice Lakes

The reserve, located in Croatia, is one of the most beautiful national European parks. It owes its name to the 16 lakes located on its territory. All of them are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site, so swimming in them is prohibited. But anyone can admire the incomparable underwater world from special wooden floorings. The amazingly clear water of a bright blue color makes the landscape unreal and looks like a painting that came from the pen of a great master.

More than 100 waterfalls, the number of which is growing every year, and twenty natural caves add color.

You can only walk around the territory of the reserve on foot; traveling by transport is prohibited here.


This park is located in Indonesia and is famous for its inhabitants, who are protected by the Red Book - Komodo dragons. Tourists have a unique opportunity to visit the habitats of these prehistoric lizards.

In addition, Komodo is rich in rare species of fish, as well as unusual coral reefs. It's no surprise that divers from all over the world flock to admire the beauty of this place.

The territory of the reserve, included in the UNESCO heritage, includes a water plateau and three large islands, surrounded by countless small islets.


It is located in the southeastern region of Venezuela, bordering Brazil and Guyana. Its territory is huge - about 30,000 km2 and is comparable to the area of ​​Belgium.

The peculiarity of the reserve is its complete isolation from civilization thanks to the high mountains. It is connected to the outside world only by a few walking paths. It is impossible to get to the park by car. You have to use a boat, an airplane, or your own feet. But on the territory you will be greeted by well-equipped, comfortable hotels that offer a luxurious stay after long excursions.

Canaima is home to the Angel Falls, the highest in the world. Another interesting feature is the Pemon Indians who live on the territory of the reserve.

All this allowed UNESCO to include Canaima as a world heritage site.


This largest New Zealand park is considered the most rugged place in the South Island.

There are mountains over 27 km high, deep lakes, fast-flowing rivers and huge waterfalls. And the outflow of the park called Milford Sound, which stretches for 16 km, according to the writer Kipling, is the eighth wonder of the world.

Fiordland is rich in rare species of fauna and flora. Here you can find bottlenose dolphins and cockatoos.


When discussing beautiful nature reserves, one cannot help but recall Canada's own national park, founded in the 19th century after the creation of Yellowstone. It owes its origin to the construction of the railway, when workers accidentally stumbled upon terminal springs.

In the center of the park, at an altitude of about 14 km, is the city of Banff, which is the highest populated area in Canada. Thousands of tourists come here every year to admire the beauty of nature, glaciers, high mountains and coniferous forests.

Grand Canyon

This world-famous park is located on the Colorado Plateau in the US state of Arizona. According to scientists, it owes its origin to the Colorado River. It began to make its way into the rock millions of years ago. As a result, huge depressions were formed, about one and a half kilometers deep. A huge number of rocks of the most unusual colors never cease to attract the attention of tourists from all over the world. The bravest ones descend to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, which takes several hours. Most admire the beauty from numerous viewing platforms. Almost every vacationer tries to raft down the Colorado River in an inflatable boat.

Of course, it is simply impossible to list all the extraordinary parks on our planet. However, even visiting a few of them makes it possible to feel all the beauty and power of wild nature, and understand how much this beauty requires our protection.

Protecting natural societies appeared in the 16th century. However, the first national park was discovered only at the end of the 19th century in the USA. This truly high honor was given to the unique Yellowstone Plateau, rich in geysers and hot mineral springs, where Yellowstone National Park was opened in 1872. In 1916, the Service was created in the USA national parks. US national parks such as the Grand Canyon, Jasper, Olympic and others are now well known outside of North America.

The best nature reserves and national parks in the world

Since then, many have been discovered on all continents national parks. The first national park in Europe was created in 1914 in the canton of Grisons, Switzerland. Then in 1922 the Gran Paradiso National Park in Italy was opened. First national park in France there was Vanoise, created in 1963. It borders the Italian Gran Paradiso for 14 kilometers. There are seven national parks in France, three of which are located in the Alpine crescent that stretches from France to Austria. The Alpine Crescent also contains other famous national parks of the world: Berchtesgaden in Germany, Hohe Tauern in Austria, Stelvio in Italy and Triglav in Slovenia.

Yellowstone - US National Park

Yellowstone National Park- probably the most world famous national park. It is located on the border of the American states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. The park, founded on March 1, 1872, is famous for its numerous geysers, and Yellowstone Lake, one of the largest alpine lakes in North America, is located in the crater of the largest supervolcano on the continent. Therefore, most of the park is covered with solidified lava.

Yellowstone is home to nearly three thousand geysers, which is two-thirds of all geysers in the world. It is home to the world's largest Steamboat Geyser, as well as one of the most famous geysers in the world, Old Faithful Geyser. The latter throws jets of hot water to a height of more than forty meters, and the interval between eruptions ranges from 45 to 125 minutes. Besides Yellowstone, there are only four geyser fields in the world - the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka, as well as fields in Iceland, Chile and New Zealand.

In addition to geysers, the park is home to about ten thousand different geothermal springs, including hot and hydrogen sulfide springs and mud volcanoes. Yellowstone is home to half of all geothermal springs in the world. In addition, about two thousand species of plants grow here, and several hundred species of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish are found.

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Name " Plitvice Lakes" was first recorded in 1777, in 1949 the lakes received the status national park, and 30 years later they were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. There are 16 large karst lakes, 140 waterfalls, and 20 caves in the park. Moreover, Plitvice Lakes is one of the few national parks a world where new waterfalls are born every year. What is especially characteristic of the park is the color of the water. The pictures of the lakes look like a photo montage, but the water here really has an azure color. You can admire it from wooden decks, the total length of which reaches 18 km.

There are also walking routes throughout the park, the shortest of which takes two hours, and the longest takes eight. A boat also runs along the lakes, and mountain roads can be explored using an electric train with observation cars. It is strictly forbidden to swim in the lakes of the park, as well as to have picnics, make fires, and bring dogs. In addition, there is a unique beech and coniferous forest that has been preserved since ancient times and has the ability to regenerate itself.

Snowdonia, UK

Snowdonia National Park, located in north Wales, was created 60 years ago and became one of the three original national parks in England and Wales. The park owes its name to Mount Snowdon (1085 m), which is the highest point in Wales.

Unlike nature reserves in other countries, Snowdonia, like other national parks around the world, includes both public and private lands. Moreover, about 26 thousand people live in the park, while about 6 million tourists visit it annually. Snowdonia has 2,381 km of open footpaths, 264 km of trails for walkers and riders and 74 km of other open roads. Moreover, Mount Snowdon can be reached either along a picturesque 13 km long walking trail or by cable car. At the same time, the routes of several historical railways pass through the park.

Grand Canyon, USA

The Grand Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world located on the Colorado Plateau, in the US state of Arizona. Its length is 446 km, and its depth reaches 1600 m. The canyon was cut by the Colorado River through limestone, shale and sandstone about 5-6 million years ago. These are perhaps the most complete geological outcrops in the world, representing the history of the Earth over 1.5 billion years. Moreover, the canyon continues to grow today.

About 2 million people visit the Grand Canyon Reserve every year, and the most popular among tourists is rafting down the Colorado on inflatable rafts. The climate on the plateau and at the bottom of the canyon differs sharply - when at the top it is about fifteen degrees Celsius, at the bottom of the gorge, among the hot stones, the temperature rises to plus forty. Therefore, most tourists prefer to admire the canyon from observation platforms located on its banks. After all, in order to go down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, it will take more than one hour.

Serengeti, Tanzania

Serengeti National Park is famous for the huge number of animals living in this territory. According to scientists, about five hundred species of birds and three million large animals live here. Moreover, a significant part of the animals (wildebeest and zebra) migrate annually from the north of the park, where drought sets in, to the south. With the onset of the rainy season in April-June, animals migrate to the west and north. It is also home to the largest population of lions on the planet of any national park in the world. The Serengeti is also home to thousands of elephants, gazelles, hyenas, hippos and rhinoceroses. And the name of the park in the Maasai language means “endless plains,” because most of the Serengeti is endless savannah.

Fiordland, New Zealand

Fiordland National Park- the largest in New Zealand, it occupies most of the mountainous southwestern part of the South Island. Here are the deepest lakes in New Zealand, and the mountains in this part of the island reach a height of 2746 meters. Fiordland is still one of the most inaccessible areas in New Zealand. In addition to picturesque fjords, waterfalls and rushing rivers, the park is famous for its rich flora and fauna.

Rare species of birds live in dense forests, for example, cockatoos. While visiting Fiordland, you might see bottlenose dolphins or penguins. One of the most popular places in the park is Milford Sound, which famous writer Rudyard Kipling called “the eighth wonder of the world.” The bay, about 16 km long, is surrounded by majestic mountains more than a kilometer high. Moreover, this is one of the wettest places on the planet: only every third day here is not marked by rain.

Iguazu, Argentina-Brazil

Name Iguazu Falls comes from the Guarani words y (water) and guasu (big). Legend has it that God wanted to marry a beautiful Aboriginal woman, but she ran away with her lover in a canoe. In anger, God cut the river, creating waterfalls, condemning the lovers to an eternal fall.

Today, a complex of 270 waterfalls has formed on the Iguazu River. Par is located on the border of the Brazilian state of Parana and the Argentine province of Misiones. The border between the countries is marked by the Devil's Throat waterfall, which is 150 m wide and 7000 m long. This is the largest waterfall in the complex. The height of the water fall on Igausa reaches 82 meters, but at most waterfalls it does not exceed 60 meters. You can view the waterfalls thanks to the bridges, the total length of which is about 2 km.

Banff National Park, Canada

The oldest Banff National Park Canada was founded in 1885. Two trans-Canada highways pass through the southern part of the park - a railway and a road. It was during the construction of the railway in 1883 that hot springs were accidentally discovered in caves on the eastern slopes of the mountains. Two years later, these places were recognized as unique and taken under protection.

The park was named " rocky mountain park"and became the first national park in Canada and the second created in North America, after Yellowstone National Park. Today it is one of the most visited national parks in the world. After all, here you can find everything that is associated with Canada: landscapes of extraordinary beauty and the smell of fir trees. There are glaciers, hot springs, hiking trails, and ski slopes. The center of the park is the highest settlement in Canada, the city of Banff, located at an altitude of 1463 m above sea level.

Torres del Paine, Chile

Torres del Paine National Park located in southern Chile, in Patagonia. The name of the park translated from the Araucan Indian language means “Blue Towers”. It is the three needle-shaped granite mountains, whose height ranges from 2600 to 2850 m, that have become the symbol of the national park. The highest point of Torres del Paine is Mount Paine Grande, whose height is 3,050 m.

There are two routes through the park. One of them takes 4 days, the second – about a week. Moreover, the park is one of the most visited tourist sites in Chile. After all, there are glaciers, high mountains, lakes, forests, many animals and birds live here, and you can even find orchids among the flowers.

Tatra Mountains, Poland-Slovakia

The two Tatra National Parks - one in Poland, the other in Slovakia - share a common border of 64 km. This is the highest part of the Carpathians, the length of which is approximately 60 km. These mountains were formed by glaciers, so the Tatras have many U-shaped valleys and mountain lakes with incredibly clear water. Green areas and bare rocks occupy more than a quarter of the national park.

The flora of the Tatras consists of more than a thousand species of plants, and the chamois can be called a living symbol of the park. This is a small animal from the goat subfamily, weighing 30-35 kg, covered with thick hair. Despite conservation measures, these animals are still on the verge of extinction. The park also contains deer, wild boars, roe deer, as well as wolves, bears and lynxes. Thanks to its varied topography, the Tatra Mountains are a favorite holiday destination for ski lovers.

The real paradises of our planet are national parks, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, protected and preserved by man - this is an integral part of the wealth of the natural world. Striking with their relief beauty, they have a large range of plants and animals living in their characteristic territory. Huge areas with picturesque landscapes are open to tourists and travelers who want to leave in their memory positive emotions and impressions from visiting these amazing places. The most beautiful national parks in the world presented later in the article.

1. Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park(Yosemite) is a nature reserve with an area of ​​3081 km², located in the western Sierra Nevada mountain range in California, USA. The wide and abundant composition of natural attractions, as well as the large number of hiking trails and routes, allow it to be the second most visited park in the country.

Mighty granite cliffs, vast valleys and meadows are combined with fast rivers and blue lakes. Gorgeous waterfalls, dense groves and forests are an ideal find for lovers of natural beauty. The park is home to more than 250 species of vertebrate animals, the most famous of which are the baribal bear, gray fox, black-tailed deer, and red lynx. The vegetation is dominated by coniferous trees: fir, sequoia, and various pine families.

Yosemite Park attracts tourists with its most soulful and fabulous views on winter days, when frozen rivers and waterfalls along with snowy mountain ranges and forests give an unforgettable feeling of delight and tranquility.

In the US state of Arizona, it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful national parks in the world. Since 1979, it has been a center of beauty, peace and scenic grandeur. The asymmetrical forms of the park's exposed ancient rocks provide one of the most striking examples of soil erosion. The area of ​​the Grand Canyon is 4927 km².

The nature of the park is quite diverse, including forests and stone peaks of cliffs, overgrown with small bushes. Lodgepole pine, Utah juniper, and mountain oak are the numerically dominant trees present. The warm, sunny areas of the canyon are home to desert plants such as bananas, yuccas and cacti. Adapted to favorable living conditions, many species of animals have a wide composition characteristic of a given area. The most common mammals found are black-tailed deer, bighorn sheep, bobcats, coyotes, beavers, ground squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits and bats.

Divided by the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon is unparalleled for its panoramic views, impressive cliff sizes and unique landscapes. The rocks consist of layers of rocks of different ages, are perfectly preserved and clearly stand out in the walls of the canyon.

3. Banff Park

Canada's first and oldest national park is the Nature Reserve. Banff, having an area of ​​6641 km² and founded in 1885 in the province of Alberta.

The park is located on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains, which with their mighty snowy peaks inspire travelers and tourists from all over the world. Stone cliffs, clean mountain air, waterfalls, dense coniferous forests with crystal-clear lakes Louise, Peita, Bow and Moraine truly beckon with their beauty and grandeur. In some places there are several hot springs with mineral water, used by visitors for preventive and therapeutic procedures.

For wild animals such as bears, wolverines, goats and chipmunks, forest and mountainous areas have become a permanent habitat. The flora is represented mainly by evergreen trees and shrubs.

The city of Banff itself annually welcomes a huge number of lovers of outdoor activities and extreme sports. The Rocky Mountains are literally dotted with trails, slopes and roads for snowboarders, skiers, ATVs, sleds and snowmobiles.

4. Los Glaciares Park

Beautiful in Argentina Los Glaciares National Park known for its eternal glacial blocks and massifs, occupying almost a third of the entire territory. The park has existed since 1937, founded in the province of Santa Cruz and located along the border with Chile and the southern part of the mountain range on the Argentine side.

The picturesque and harsh region of ice covers an area of ​​4459 km² with complex relief cliffs up to 3.5 km. The name of the park comes from the huge ice cap, which is represented by 47 glaciers sliding from the Andes mountains to the Atlantic coast. Glacial margins usually end in small and large lakes.

The vegetation of Los Glaciares is represented by a variety of herbs, shrubs and trees that have the ability to tolerate fairly low temperatures. The largest population among animals is represented by herbivorous species: llama, Andean deer, guanaco, chinchillas. The main predator here is the mountain puma.

Tourists can visit the park's main features year-round, such as Mount Fitz Roy, Lago Argentino and Viedma lakes, and the great Patagonian Ice Sheet.

5. Goreme Park

One of the ten most beautiful natural reserves in the world is a historical and unique place in the Turkish province of Cappadocia, which covers an area of ​​300 km² and is famous for its original landscapes with pointed rock formations resembling stone cones. The valleys of Goreme, formed as a result of volcanic eruptions and the influence of natural elements, have amazing and bizarre relief forms. The most famous valleys of Love, Red, Pink and Blue, deserve special attention as well as the local shrines of the park. The randomly scattered small rocks and peaks are made of tuff, a volcanic rock material that can be easily processed.

The collection of churches and monasteries constitutes an open-air museum with centuries-old history and culture. All religious institutions are accessible to visitors and are comfortable havens for all Christians.

Over the course of many years, residents of other countries who fled state oppression built many caves with winding passages in the high tuff hills, which later turned into a real city. Small villages and cave structures with their ancient past attract tourists from all over the world.

6. Namib-Naukluft Park

Namib-Naukluft National Park- the fourth largest reserve in the world, located in the heart of the African Namib Desert. The park's territory is about 50,000 km², located between the central high plateau and the vast plain.

The landscape design includes granite Naukluft cliffs with sparse vegetation, gypsum and quartz plains, as well as sand dunes and shallow canyons.

Due to the hot climate and lack of rain, which can last for several decades, the plant world has a small population. However, some endemic species, such as the Welwitschia tree, are quite adapted to arid areas. Among the animals, the most popular are large mammals: elephants, lions, rhinoceroses and ungulate species. Reptiles, birds and insects also predominate in large numbers.

The main attractions of the park are: the Sossusvlei clay plateau, Sesrim Canyon, Welwitschia Plains and the Dead Valley with the skeletons of dried trees. The desert region of Namib-Naukluft has little attraction for tourists, as difficult and long routes are combined with lifeless places and unfavorable conditions.

7. Swiss National Park

The most beautiful natural reserves include Swiss national park. It was founded on August 1, 1914 in the canton of Graubünden, and is a protected site with strict visiting rules for tourists. It covers an area of ​​172.4 km², which is located at an altitude of 1400 to 3175 meters above sea level. Switzerland's only nature reserve and the first park in Central Europe is located in the foothills of the Alps and the Engadin Valley.

Wide alpine meadows, snowy peaks, clear lakes and pine forests lure nature lovers from all countries with their splendor. There are 21 hiking trails in the reserve, each approximately 80 km long. Tourist routes provide the opportunity to see many species of various animals and a rich flora. Among the mammals there are brown bears, mountain goats, lynx, martens, and marmots. The fauna is represented by deciduous and evergreen forests, wild flowers and grasses, which have favorable conditions for life in the alpine terrain.

A visit to the park at any time of the year is wonderful in its own way, and walks in the fresh mountain air add an unforgettable dose of positivity to any visitor.

8. Torres del Paine Park

Known for its spectacular landscapes, forests, jagged rock peaks and scattering of waterways, the beautiful Torres del Paine National Park deserves the attention of every traveler who comes to southern Patagonia. Located in the Torres del Paine and Cuernos del Paine mountain ranges, the park occupies 2,420 km² of territory in southern Chile and is a biosphere reserve.

The granite snow-capped cliffs, as part of the sprawling Andes range, are dotted with glaciers, waterfalls, fast-flowing rivers and lakes with iridescent hues of color from the bright sunlight. The park's most unique features include Glacier Gray, the Horns, French Valley and the Tower Mountains.

Amazing landscapes with stony deserts, grassy tundras and plains, as well as a vast composition of flora and fauna give a combination of ideal beauty and harmony.

Among the wild animals in the reserve, the most common are pumas, skunks, foxes, guanacos and the Chilean deer, which is depicted on the country's coat of arms. The park is home to many birds, including birds of prey: hawks, condors, owls.

The vegetation here, as a decoration for any area, is represented by numerous mosses, shrubs, evergreen trees and colorful flowers and herbs.

Excellent conditions have been created for tourists to have a wonderful time in the reserve. Convenient routes and small wooden rest houses provide comfort and coziness during long journeys around the park.

9. Jasper Park

Picturesque Jasper national park, founded in 1907, is located in the Canadian province of Alberta. Occupying a total area of ​​more than 10,878 km², the park combines the mountain landscapes of the Main and Front Ranges, as well as the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

The main natural resources of the park are snow-capped mountains, river valleys, glaciers, roaring waterfalls, clear lakes and meadows. The glacier and waterfall, collectively known as Athabasca, together complete a colorful picture among the park's main attractions.

Favorable climatic conditions in the Jasper Nature Preserve have created a permanent habitat for a large composition of animal and plant life. The extensive forests contain varieties of evergreen trees that are quite common in these areas, such as larch, yellow and Weymouth pines, Engelmann and Douglas fir, and juniper.

Among the animals, the largest populations are grizzly bears, wolves, moose, beavers, wolverines, deer, and Canadian lynxes.

Canada's largest natural site delights its visitors with the opportunity to organize various activities - fishing, sports game events, extreme sports, hiking and horseback riding, biking and canoeing, rafting, as well as many other recreation options depending on the choice of visiting guests.

10. Zhangjiajie Park

Zhangjiajie- one of the most beautiful national parks in China. It is located in the scenic area of ​​Wulingyuan and is the first national forest reserve in China, founded in 1982. The park has become world famous for its landscapes with lush subtropical forests, clear mountain streams, caves and more than 3,000 quartzite rocks resembling tall stone pillars up to 200 m high.

Zhangjiajie's area is about 479.15 km². Thanks to the humid climate and vegetation, the quartzite rocks scattered throughout the park are the result of centuries of erosion.

The complex topography, deep ravines, as well as heavy rainfall and dense forests, provide excellent habitat for animals and plants. The park has 116 species of vertebrates, about 720 species of plants and trees, as well as 30 rare endemic flora and fauna.

There are more than a hundred large and small karst caves in the mountain ranges. There are convenient walking paths for tourists, as well as a glass bridge on Tianmen Mountain at an altitude of 1430 m. The park has unique natural attractions such as Tianzi Mountain and the Heavenly Gate, Suoxi Valley, Golden Whip Stream and Yellow Dragon Cave.

The nature of planet Earth is amazingly diverse and rich. However, throughout the existence of civilization, man has interfered with the natural formation and laws of wild nature. Back in the 19th century, people realized that it was necessary to take measures to preserve many natural formations, as well as certain types of flora and fauna. Thus, today we have the opportunity to admire the perfect creations of nature, as well as see rare species of endangered animals or plants, and all this in natural conditions, where humans do not interfere. So, we present to your attention ten of the most picturesque national natural parks in the world.

1. Yellowstone National Park

The first national park in history was opened in the United States at the end of the 19th century. This is the famous Yellowstone Natural Park, located on the border of three US states. This biosphere reserve has international status and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Yellowstone Plateau is rich in thermal springs and geysers that emit hot jets to a height of over 40 meters. There are only five geyser fields in the world, one of which is Yellowstone. However, exactly half of all the thermal springs on the planet are concentrated here. Yellowstone Lake is located in the crater of the world's largest volcano. Over two thousand different plants grow here, as well as several hundred species of animals, including the grizzly bear, American bison, and puma. The park contains hotels, campsites and shops, there are museums and information centers, several paved roads and about 2 thousand km of marked trails.

2. Grand Canyon in Arizona

The USA is also home to one of the deepest canyons on the planet - the Grand Canyon in Arizona, on the Colorado Plateau. This canyon was formed by the constant flow of the Colorado River through limestone and various rocks, sandstone and shale. It was formed more than five million years ago, and represents the geological history of the planet in cross-section. It is the mesmerizing beauty of the multi-colored layers of rocks that attracts more than 2 million people here every year. The depth of the canyon is more than 1.5 thousand meters; to get down to the very bottom, tourists will need more than one hour of time. Moreover, the climate at the bottom of the canyon and at its top is strikingly different - while at the top it will be about 15-20 degrees warm, at the bottom the temperature can rise to as much as 40 degrees. Therefore, tourists prefer to explore the beauty of the canyon from observation platforms, and rafting on the Colorado River on inflatable boats or rafts is the most popular.

3. Plitvice Lakes in Croatia

The Plitvice Lakes Nature Reserve in Croatia is considered the most beautiful national park in Europe. And. There are about 16 lakes in the park that have an amazing color - bright blue, which is why all the photos of the reserve look like a photo montage. There are also about 20 caves and more than 140 beautiful waterfalls; by the way, there are more and more waterfalls every year. There are routes for pedestrians throughout the park, traffic is prohibited here, and you can admire the amazing underwater world through the clear azure water from wooden decks built especially for visitors. Swimming is prohibited in the lakes of the reserve; they are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The park also contains rare and unique types of vegetation that have been preserved since ancient times.

4. Iguazu National Park

On the border of Argentina and Brazil there is Iguazu National Park, the main attraction of which is the beautiful waterfall of the same name. The name of the park translates as “Big Water”, and this is not surprising. This is a real park of waterfalls, of which there are more than 270. The nature of the park is reminiscent of the Amazon tropics; there are several levels of growing forest, striking in its beauty and lush vegetation. You can travel around the park and explore the waterfalls right in your swimsuit, because there is no escape from the splashes of the waterfalls. For inspections there are special bridges, passages and observation platforms. From the heights of the waterfalls you can go down by jeep or boat to their feet.

5. Serengeti Park in Tanzania

The African continent is also home to quite a few national natural parks; the Serengeti Park in Tanzania is considered one of the oldest and most beautiful. The name of the park translates as “Endless Plains”, and its main attraction is the animal world. It is here that there are more than three million large animals, many of which are on the verge of extinction, as well as over 500 species of rare birds. The plains and savannas of the park are considered the best place on earth to observe the life of lions and cheetahs, antelopes and giraffes, elephants and rhinoceroses, as well as many other animals in natural conditions. The Serengeti Park is home to the largest population of lions on the planet.

6. Snowdonia National Park in Wales, UK

No less interesting for lovers of natural beauty and attractions is the Snowdonia National Park in Wales, UK. It is one of the first three national parks in the country and was created about 60 years ago. The name of the park comes from the name of Mount Snowdon, 1065 meters high, the highest point in Wales. The park occupies a quarter of the entire territory of Wales and is home to about 20 thousand people. The park has many lakes, including the largest in Great Britain, as well as unique flora and fauna. There are more than 2 km of hiking trails, as well as about 200 km of trails for horseback riding. Historical railways run through the park.

7. Kakadu National Park

The most beautiful place on the green continent of Australia is considered to be Kakadu National Park, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The park's territory extends 100 km in width and 200 km in length. Here you can find thousands of species of animals, birds and reptiles. Kakadu Park is also a real find for entomologists - more than 1000 species of various insects live here. The park is surrounded by high rocky mountains, which seem to protect it from the world of civilization and allow nature to rule here. In addition to mountains, there are forests and steppes, caves and waterfalls, rivers and lakes. There is a lot of interesting things in the park for lovers of antiquities - ancient writings and rock paintings were found at archaeological excavations. Today, Kakadu Park is the most visited nature reserve in Australia.

8. B Ulkans on the Hawaiian Islands

No less interesting will be a visit to the Hawaiian Volcanoes Volcano Park on the Hawaiian Islands. It is here that the most active active volcano on the planet, Kilauea, is located, the last eruption of which began in 1983 and continues to this day. A scientific observatory monitors the activity of the volcano, and tourists are allowed to visit the park. The volcanic national park was founded at the beginning of the 20th century and covers an area of ​​about 1,300 square kilometers. Here you can see the results of volcanic activity and processes thousands of years ago, which, in fact, formed the islands of Hawaii in the middle of the ocean. Moreover, there is a unique ecosystem here, rare plant species grow, including fern forests, and many species of animals and birds live here.

9. N Komodo National Park in Indonesia

Asia also has many natural attractions that need protection and protection. For this purpose, Komodo National Park in Indonesia was created. It includes three large islands and many small ones, as well as a water area. Only here is the ancient species of Komodo dragons, which are also called Komodo dragons, found, and the park itself is included in the UNESCO list. During the activity of prehistoric lizards, the species of which is included in the Red Book, excursions are conducted for tourists to their habitats. The underwater world amazes with its brightness and colorfulness; there are many coral reefs and rare species of fish. There are excellent conditions for snorkeling, diving and snorkeling.

10. Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Belarus

It is worth mentioning the oldest nature reserve in Europe - Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Belarus. The reserve was known as a national park, or protected natural area, back in the 15th and 16th centuries. The park is included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. The main wealth of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is considered to be coniferous-deciduous forests, which have retained their original appearance. In addition to natural attractions, historical monuments have been preserved here - the sites of primitive man, fortresses and even a palace. Hotels and recreation centers have been built here for tourists.

The American television channel CNN has compiled a rating of the 30 most beautiful national parks in the world. The evaluation criteria were the beauty of nature and picturesque places, safety and hospitality of local residents. The TV channel noted that US parks are not included in the rating.


1. First place in the ranking was given to Iguazu Falls National Park in Argentina. It is believed that the waterfalls on the Iguazu River, surrounded by tropical nature, are one of the most beautiful and spectacular places on Earth. (Photo: REUTERS/Jorge Adorno).
2. Los Glaciares National Park in Argentina took second place in the ranking. 30 percent of the park's territory is covered with ice, which is why it is also called the Patagonian Glacier Park. (Photo: 123 RF).
3. Third place: another National Park of Argentina - Nahuel Huapi, which is located in the Andes at an altitude of 767 meters above sea level. (Photo: 123 RF).
4. Fourth place: Gandoca-Manzanilla National Reserve in Costa Rica.
5. Fifth place in the ranking: Tikal National Park in Guatemala. It includes one of the largest and most famous archaeological sites in the world - the most important center of the Mayan civilization, Tikal. (Photo: 123 RF).
6. Sixth place in the ranking: Rapa Nui National Park, which is located on Easter Island (Chile) and is famous for its stone sculptures - moai. It is believed to be the most geographically remote inhabited island in the world from other islands and lands. (Photo: 123 RF).
7. Seventh place: Torres del Paine National Park located in the Chilean part of Patagonia. According to scientists, the park is 11 million years old. (Photo: 123 RF).
8. Eighth place: Canaima National Park, located in southeast Venezuela. This is where the tallest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls, is located. (Photo: Flickr/Heather Thorkelson)
9. Ninth place: Galapagos Islands National Park in Ecuador. The famous Galapagos tortoises, which give the islands their name, are the longest-living animal record holders - they live for more than two hundred years. (Photo: 123 RF).
10. Tenth place: Cairngorms National Park in Scotland. The park has extensive heathland where birds nest. (Photo: Flickr).
11. Eleventh place: Goreme National Park in Turkey, which is also an open-air museum - there are 350 Byzantine churches carved from the rocks. (Photo: 123 RF).
12. Twelfth place: Tatrzansky or Tatra National Park is the only high-mountain park in Poland, created to protect unique mountain landscapes, flora and fauna. (Photo: Marek Podmokly/ Agencja Gazeta).
13. Thirteenth place: Croatian Plitvice Lakes National Park, which includes 16 beautiful karst lakes connected by waterfalls. (Photo: 123 RF).
14. Fourteenth place: Victoria Falls National Park - located on the Zambezi River in Zambia. (Photo: 123 RF).
15. Fifteenth place: Kruger National Park is the oldest park in South Africa, which is part of the Kruger to the Canyons Biosphere Reserve. (Photo: 123 RF).
16. Sixteenth place: Namib-Naukluft National Park in Namibia. Covering almost 50,000 square kilometers of mostly desert, it is one of the largest protected areas in the world. (Photo: 123 RF).
17. Seventeenth place: Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe. Even in the dry season, there is a lot of moisture here, which is very important for the ecosystem and animals. (Photo: Flickr/ninara).
18. Eighteenth place: Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda, on its territory there are many water cascades that waterfowl love. (Photo: 123 RF).
19. Nineteenth place: Halgurd Sakran National Park in Iraq, which includes Mount Halgurd with a height of 3607 meters. (Facebook/press materials).
20. Twentieth place: the deserted Ein Avdat National Park in Israel, which protects the beautiful areas of the canyon, inhabited in the times of the first Christians by monks and Nabateans. (Photo: 123 RF).
21. Twenty-first place: Zhangjiajie National Park in China. This is where the famous movie Avatar was filmed. (Photo: 123 RF).
22. Twenty-second place: Naejangsan National Park in South Korea - it is especially beautiful in the fall. The park is hidden in the Naejangsan Mountains south of Seoul. (Photo: 123 RF).
23. Twenty-third place: Pagsanhan Gorge National Park in the Philippines. It includes the largest waterfalls in the country. According to legend, before the waterfalls appeared, two twins lived in this place. One day, after a severe drought, one of them died, then the second twin climbed high rocks and began to curse the gods, when suddenly a spring began to flow from under his feet, which laid the foundation for the waterfalls. (Photo: 123 RF).
24. Twenty-fourth place: Minneriya National Park in Sri Lanka, whose main pride is its large population of elephants. (Photo: 123 RF).
25. Twenty-fifth place: Sundarbans National Park - a tiger and biosphere reserve in India. (Photo: 123 RF).
26. Twenty-sixth place: Bannerghatta National Park in India. Part of the park is a nature reserve, where more than a hundred species of birds, many mammals (including elephants, bears, leopards) and insects are strictly protected. There is also an animal rescue center here. (Photo: Flickr/Nisha D).
27. Twenty-seventh place: Bandhavgarh National Park, home to the largest population of tigers in all of India. (Photo: 123 RF).
28. Twenty-eighth place: Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park in Australia. The famous red-brown mountain Uluru (Ayers Rock) changes its color depending on the angle of light. (Photo: 123 RF).
29. Twenty-ninth place: Blue Mountains National Park in Australia. The name “Blue Mountains” comes from the blue eucalyptus trees growing on the slopes of the mountains. (Photo: 123 RF).
30. Thirtieth place: Paparoa National Park in New Zealand, the main attraction of which is the pancake limestone cliffs, as well as beautiful caves. (Photo: 123 RF).