Tatar name Rustam. The negative traits of his character include

Meaning of the name: Translated from Persian, the name Rustam means “mighty,” “great,” “giant.” And translated from Arabic it sounds like “powerful in body.”

Origin of the name: Rustam is a Persian name that is widely used in the Caucasus and among the Tatar peoples. The name Rustam was first mentioned in the Iranian-Tajik epic “The Book of Kings”, where the main character of the book was called Rustam. In Russia, many consider the name Rustam to be a derivative of Ruslan, but despite the similarity of the names, the characteristics of the names are completely different.
Other forms: Rustem, Rustan, Rusya, Arslan.

Men named Rustam do not celebrate name day.

Characteristics of the name

Those with the name Rustam can be described as a freedom-loving, bright, impulsive man with an unstable psyche. A man bearing this name is inclined to make risky decisions and never gives in to the influence of others.

In childhood, boys named Rustam are very active. They differ from other children in their special and unpredictable disposition. They have a changeable character. At school, Rustam is overly active; he often initiates conflicts and can get into fights over trifles. It is quite difficult for parents to raise Rustam; he loves to present surprises, so adults often do not know what this boy might do next. In his youth, Rustam loves to have fun, he is always open to communication, and never withdraws into himself. Young Rustam has a sharp mind, he loves to make non-standard decisions, which often surprises adults.

As a teenager, Rustam manifests a desire for thrills. He is often enjoys extreme sports. The owner of this name is strong in spirit and always thinks about possible consequences. Therefore very prudent and attentive, always thinks through every step before taking an action.

A man with this name loves to be the center of attention and has many friends. He loves to listen to compliments in his direction and easily adapts to any situation. Rustam has innate organizational skills, always strives for leadership, knows how to control his desires and rarely listens to the wishes of others. Rustam is an attractive man with good taste. He knows how to look after women, give them compliments, and is very sexy. However, Rustam’s numerous novels are a way to once again confirm his irresistibility.

Character of the name

Men named Rustam have a complex character, they are bright and narcissistic, and are rarely interested in the problems of other people. However, most men with this name are always welcome in any company, they are cheerful and organized, they love to hike, go fishing or hunting. Other people are very interested in spending time with Rustam. He is physically and mentally stable, hardy, self-sufficient and very stubborn. For all his qualities, Rustam is direct and easy to communicate with. He is a leader by nature. Sometimes he can be rude and unrestrained, and he can lose his temper. He is especially sensitive to comments addressed to him. Rustams are very impulsive and emotional men with the most active life position. They get along with people quickly. Rustam is a bright personality who loves to be a leader and does only what he likes. His actions are very difficult to predict, so many avoid friendship with Rustam, and his friends are always on the alert and do not know what to expect from this man in the next minute. In your decisions and actions Rustam is very brave, often takes risks, but not prone to adventure. He is very attentive and thinks through every step before making a decision.

“Winter” - hot-tempered, decisive;

“Autumn” - friendly, narcissistic;

“Summer” - impulsive, amorous;

“Spring” is sexy, strong-willed and strong.

Fate of the name

Little Rustam is growing up as an energetic and cheerful child. From a young age, he often shows leadership qualities and knows how to impose his opinion. Loves to be the center of attention, loves to subjugate the will of adults. Therefore, Rustam’s parents should not fall for his tricks, otherwise he will be able to completely manipulate them. Rustam always knows what he wants, he knows how to listen to the opinions of others, but only acts as he sees fit.

According to the characteristics of the name for Rustam is characterized by some impulsiveness and short temper. He has many friends, they are cheerful and sociable, and have good organizational skills. The owners of this name are very persistent and stubborn. They often set a goal for themselves, and, despite the obstacles that arise in life, they confidently move towards achieving it.

A man named Rustam has good appearance and devotes a lot of time to sports. They have well-developed willpower, so the owners of this name do not suffer from addictions.

The profession is often robbed at a young age. They do not know how to work half-heartedly, and always give their all. Such hard work in Rustam’s character allows him to successfully move up the career ladder. Rustam can achieve success in various areas of professional activity. They make good sports coaches, athletes, businessmen, and leaders.

A man with this name is very amorous and popular with women. He is amorous and picky in choosing a life partner. In women he likes confidence and independence. His woman should be beautiful and smart. He very jealous, will not tolerate betrayal or deception. Due to his hot temper, it can be difficult for a woman to get along with Rustam, so his marriage may be upset. Rustam loves children very much, he takes care of his family and takes part in raising children. But he prefers to trust his wife with household chores.

Rustam's health often fails. Despite his healthy lifestyle, he often complains of heart and stomach problems.

Positive traits of the name

Rustam is generous, cheerful, hardworking. Has great willpower. This man can be called the soul of any company; he is sociable and sociable.

Negative traits of the name

Owners of the name are capable of showing aggression and temper, but only in cases where their pride is hurt. They will not tolerate betrayal and deception and will definitely take revenge on their offenders.

Meaning of the name Rustam: The name for a boy means “hero”, “giant”, “giant”. This affects the character and fate of Rustam.

Origin of the name Rustam: Persian, Tatar, Ossetian.

Diminutive form of name: Rustamushka, Rustik, Rustya, Rustichka, Rustamchik.

What does the name Rustam mean: The name Rustam is of Persian origin. It is mentioned in the Iranian-Tajik epics “Book of Kings”, “Book of Kings”, “Tsar-Book”. Rustam is the main character of these works. The meaning of the name Rustam in translation from the Tajik language means “powerful”. Variations of the name have changed over time. In particular, there are such names as Rustam, Rustam, Rustembay, Rustamkhan, Rustembek. It is interesting that among the Turkic peoples the name sounds like Arslan, while among the Russians it is a more recognizable version - Ruslan.

Angel Rustam Day: is not celebrated, since the name Rustam is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.


  • Element – ​​Earth
  • Color – Cloudy sky, Raspberry red
  • Metal – Zirconium
  • Wood – Mahogany
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Constellation – Taurus
  • Number – Nine
  • Food – Dairy products and meat
  • Animals – Lizard
  • Stones – Emerald

Characteristics of the name Rustam

Positive features: This man is distinguished by nobility, generosity and developed powers of persuasion. Rustam has a clearly expressed desire for independence, he protects personal freedom. He is quite capable of making any desire come true - just enough perseverance. This pragmatic and courageous person has an incredible charm that allows him to easily resolve complex issues. Always tries to act rationally, without paying too much attention to details. The man is active and easily leads others.

Negative features: Rustam is irritable and hot-tempered. Unfortunately for everyone, a man with this name often gets angry, likes to argue and sort things out, even to the point of fighting. It's all about the oriental, hot character. One cannot help but mention the extreme touchiness of this person, which can even lead to a complete break in the relationship. He can use his authority to intimidate. Sometimes he becomes extremely heartless.

Character of the name Rustam: As a child, Rustam exhibits such a quality as a tendency to command others. At the same time, he is characterized by impulsive and bold actions. Sometimes Rustam can be too emotional, but this is what allows him to become a leader in society. Sometimes the actions and intentions of the name Rustam are difficult to predict - he is quite impulsive and even prone to risk. However, if he makes a decision, he usually thinks it through carefully.

Rustam and his personal life

Love and marriage: Rustam makes every effort to win the attention of the object of his passion, but in family life he calms down. Professional employment will not allow you to devote enough time to your family and loved ones.

In love, he is sexual, but controls his desires. A supporter of equality, does not seek to dominate a woman. He sees sex as a way to establish himself, to feel like a real man. In intimate relationships, Rustam strives to experience the most intense sensations possible. He is very disappointed in love. After forty years, he becomes calm and more selective in choosing partners.

Compatibility of the name Rustam: The name's marriage with Gulia, Debora, Dina, Zemfira, Zinat, Rosa, Sati is successful. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Gella, Irma, Mirra, Selena, Elsa.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Rustam is endowed with business acumen by nature. He is lucky in his endeavors; he chooses a business that he enjoys doing. You shouldn’t waste time on an activity you don’t like; in such a situation, Rustam will not see success. It is advisable to immediately decide what he wants, and then systematically move towards his goal. This man will make an excellent actor, athlete, and director. Any profession that involves increased attention from others is suitable for him; this man loves to be in the public eye. Managers value Rustam; such a person is energetic and offers many ideas, each of which is reasonable and can bring profit.

Business and career: Rustam's financial situation is quite stable. In addition to the money earned, many representatives of this name can receive a loan, which will be spent on the development and expansion of the business.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Rustam is the owner of good health, and he has almost nothing to complain about. You should only be wary of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially as you get older. If a man does not want such problems, he should follow a proper diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Rare but accurate visits to the doctor will also not hurt.

The fate of Rustam in history

What does the name Rustam mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Rustam is a hero of the Persian folk epic, who was the central figure of the work “Shahnameh”.
  2. Rustam Sagdullaev is an Uzbek director and actor who played one of the roles in “Only Old Men Go to Battle.”
  3. Rustam Raza - bodyguard, Mameluke, squire of Emperor Napoleon.
  4. Rustam Nugaev is a professional boxer who competes in the light weight category.
  5. Rustam Valiullin is a biathlete from Belarus, a member of the Belarusian Olympic biathlon team at the Olympics in Salt Lake City and Turin.
  6. Rustam Kasimdzhanov is an Uzbek grandmaster, chess player, FIDE world champion (2004).
  7. Rustam Shari - Ukrainian and Soviet gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, two-time Olympic champion.
  8. Rustam Duloev is a Russian, Tajik, Italian opera singer.
  9. Rustam Dzortov is the leader of the militants of Ingushetia.
  10. Rustam Aydin ogly Mamedov is a football player of Azerbaijani origin.
  11. Rustam Tariko is a Russian businessman, owner of the Russian Standard holding.
  12. Rustam Ismailov – Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR, Honored Scientist of the Azerbaijan SSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences.
  13. Rustam Khamdamov is a Russian and Soviet screenwriter, director, creator of an original metaphorical, associative, visual cinematic language.
  14. Rustam Tsynya is a football player from Ukraine.
  15. Rustam Tofyat ogly Ragimov is a former Soviet referee and football player.
  16. Rustamhoja “Rustam” Rakhimov is a boxer who competes in the amateur, flyweight category. Prize-winner of the European Championship, Olympic Games, World Championship.
  17. Rustam Balov is a football player who plays as a midfielder.
  18. Rustam Minnikhanov - President of Tatarstan, Russian politician and statesman.
  19. Rustam Fakhrutdinov is a Russian and Soviet football player who played as a striker.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Rustam is inclined towards equality and does not seek to dominate his woman; he himself is open in his feelings and desires and demands the same openness from her. In intimate relationships, he strives to experience the most intense sensations possible; he loves long foreplay and exquisite erotic caresses. If his partner meets his wishes, Rustam is haunted by happy memories for several days after such intimacy. If an attempt at sexual contact fails, he does not experience particularly unpleasant feelings, but he does not want to have repeated contact with this partner, fearing a new fiasco. Rustam loves variety in sex, but not quantitative, but qualitative, he loves his partner to tell him during intercourse

kind words, talked about her erotic sensations, even asks her about it. He sees sex as a way to assert himself, to feel like a real man.

“Winter” Rustam, unlike others, is somewhat despotic, strives to subjugate a woman to himself, to impose his style, and most often he succeeds. His passion is so great that it is capable of crushing any stubborn woman, especially since he subjugates a woman with persistence, affection, delicacy, and an indomitable desire for mutual pleasure. Can bring his partner to ecstasy; to the feeling of “merging with the universe.” If Rustam is disappointed in love, his grief knows no bounds. He always regrets losing his beloved, and even more - his hopes. After time has passed, he may try to restore relations with his ex-girlfriend or replace her with a new one. After forty years, Rustam becomes calmer, more selective in his feelings towards women.

According to Higir

Persian name (hero).

These are people who do well only what they like. These are bright personalities, impulsive, emotional, they have the nature of a commander. They are interested in some subject only when they are sure that they can take the steering wheel into their own hands.

Rustam's nervous system is somewhat unstable, his behavior is often a mystery, you never know what he might do in the next minute. He is inclined to make risky decisions, which is more likely explained by his courage than by his adventurous nature. He never feels afraid of a new beginning, an unfamiliar task, acting according to the rule: the main thing is to get involved in battle.

Rustam is little influenced, although he listens carefully to his friend’s advice. He has no number of friends, his sociability knows no bounds. He gets along with people quickly, but just as quickly he can, often under the influence of a momentary impulse, break all ties, which he will later regret.

These are active, dynamic people. They are fond of sports and make good progress in this area. In order to achieve some heights in life, they need to carefully choose the area of ​​application of their strength: they are not those who are ready to do anything - these are men who, let us remind you, do only what they love well! Rustams are sexy, but their sexuality is controlled by reason. A successful couple for Rustam should be a girl named Irina, Raisa, Renata, Marina, Rimma, Rosa, Lola.

The name Rustam is widely popular in Muslim powers and among eastern peoples. In Russia, such a name is rare, and future parents are not eager to name their sons that way. Although the designation of the name carries a strong message to its owner.

Name and its meaning

Rustam is found in Tatar, Ossetian, Kazakh and Persian languages. He personifies Muslim culture:

in Persia means “giant”, “giant”;

in Arabic - “hero”.

among the Tajiks - “powerful”.

The meaning of the name combines positive and negative traits. Rustam is magnanimous, noble, generous, loyal and diligent. He has the gift of persuasion, is very independent, striving for freedom. At the same time, he can be cruel, aggressive, touchy and intolerant. He tries to suppress people with his authority.

Despite the characteristic nationality of the name, it sounds acceptable with Russian surnames and patronymics.

Diminutive derivatives of the name: Rustya, Rustik, Rusya, Rustamchik, Rustamushka.


In his childhood, Rustamchik was a fidget. The changeability and unpredictability of nature remains with him throughout his life.

Winter Rustam is an emotional and impulsive person. It's dangerous to argue with him. Zealously adheres to the chosen guidelines. Not afraid of responsibility.

Vesenny is an adventurous person, thirsting for adventure. Too assertive and risky. He performs well in a variety of martial arts.

Summer is incredibly stubborn. At the same time, he is a gallant and charming gentleman almost from the cradle. However, he easily gets along and disagrees with people.

Autumn - sets goals and definitely achieves them. Rustam, meaning “winner,” must become the best in the business he has chosen.

And yet the main secret of this name lies in its unpredictability and some inadequacy. But all his risky actions are actually quite well thought out.

The matured Rustam becomes the unspoken leader in the company. People are drawn to him, although he never singles anyone out. In life he is highly practical, proactive and courageous.


This name predetermines the future for its owner. A born commander and organizer, he must lead people or run a business. He is always in the leading roles, not to stroke his vanity, but because of the characteristics inherent in him.

Rustam can connect his fate with military affairs, police service, and entrepreneurship.

The main thing for him is to decide on his preferences. Chooses a professional path in such a way as to receive money for the work done, and not just sit through everyday work. Such passion for business helps you quickly climb the career ladder. This is also due to the fact that Rustam does not like to be subordinate.

Name day

This name does not appear in Christian church lists. But Rustic Angel Day is usually celebrated on March 9 and December 19.


Rustem, meaning hero, has the same gigantic body strength.

Most susceptible to:

  • heart disease;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • joint diseases;
  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • headaches;
  • viral infections in childhood.


The owner of this name is sexy, but with a sober mind. He is popular among young ladies, so he is in no hurry to get married. The male name Rustam will pair well with Irina, Lola, Marina, Raisa, Renata, Rimma, Rosa, as well as with oriental female names: Gulia, Deborah, Dina, Zemfira, Zinat, Sati.


The stone is heliotrope.

Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

Element - Fire.

Color - golden.

The name Rustam is of Persian origin. It is most common in countries with Muslim religion, so when choosing it, the nationality of the child is important. Parents believe that if they give this name to their son, he will be strong and powerful like a giant. There is some truth in this, since translated from the Persian language it means “a man of gigantic proportions.”

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Rustam is endowed with such qualities as nobility, generosity and justice. He has the power of persuasion, strives for independence and personal freedom. Sometimes he suffers because of his impulsiveness and painful pride.

Origin and meaning

For the first time, the name Rustam began to be used in Tajik scriptures, calling it the hero in the “Tsar-Book”, so that it corresponded to the literal translation, namely the adjective “powerful”. From the Turkic language the name is translated as “hero, strongman, man with a powerful physique.” In the Tatar language it means "lion".

Over time, new variants appeared, such as Rustambek, Rustemdzhan, Rustem, Rustemkhan and the Turkic - Arslan. The latter was adopted by the Orthodox and began to call their sons the estate Ruslan, which is customary in our time.

Given the Muslim origin of the name, a person does not have a guardian angel or patron, whose day is celebrated according to the Catholic or Christian calendar.

Famous people named Rustam

History includes many famous personalities bearing the name Rustam:

  • Kasimdzhanov is an Uzbek chess player and grandmaster.
  • Athletes Aydin ogly Mamedov (football player of Azerbaijani origin), Valiullin (biathlete from Belarus, member of the Olympic team), Sharipov (Soviet and Ukrainian gymnast).
  • Duloev is a Tajik, Russian and Italian opera singer.
  • Sagdullaev is an Uzbek director and actor who played one of the roles in the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle.”
  • Khamdamov is a Russian Soviet screenwriter and director.
  • Tariko is a Russian businessman, owner of the Russian Standard holding.
  • Ismailov - Academician of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences.
  • Minnikhanov is the President of Tatarstan.
  • Raza - Bodyguard, Mameluke and squire of Emperor Napoleon.

Astrology and numerology of the name

According to astrology, the name belongs to the sign Capricorn, its patron planet is Saturn. From her, the owners of the name receive patience, composure and responsibility, and a tough character. Wards of Saturn often suffer from problems with the spine and joints, but usually become long-lived.

The element of the name Rustam is Earth.

Other symbols and talismans:

  • Lucky day of the week- Saturday.
  • Season- winter. Boys born during this period are luckier in life.
  • Name color- black and dark gray. To attract good luck, Rustam should stick to this color scheme in clothes and interiors, adding dark red shades to it.
  • Totem animals- donkey and camel, which are distinguished by their endurance and resistance to external influences.
  • Tree- cypress. It is recommended to make protective amulets from it.
  • Plant- ivy. It needs to be planted to protect the house from envy and other negative energy.
  • The mystery of the name (meaning of the name)- "mighty hero."
  • Name number- 3. A “troika” person has a rich inner world, subtle taste and a sense of humor.
  • Talisman stone- onyx, lapis lazuli and obsidian. They fight illness, give confidence and attract good luck.

Impact on character

From childhood, the boy Rustam begins to command those around him. This is an active, strong and cheerful child, at times he can be emotional and impulsive. His actions are difficult to predict, but his parents know that he will not harm himself due to stubbornness, since he likes to think things through carefully.

During her school years, Rustam was the leader and leader, but does not forget about her academic performance. He is not an excellent student, but he won’t be a poor student either. The boy goes in for sports and achieves excellent results in it.

As a teenager, Rustam already knows what he wants from life and begins to prepare to implement his plans. He has many hobbies, but he needs each of them to bring not only positive emotions, but also material benefit.

Rustam grows up earlier than his peers. Looking at him, his friends copy his manners and behavior.

Growing up, the guy tries to behave with dignity and restraint, but his explosive character causes concern both to those around him and to the owner of the name himself. He is afraid of being disappointed in people and for this reason he rarely gets close to anyone. Rustam often pushes people away, fearing excessive affection and dependence.

The name influenced the character of its owner, giving the man the following traits:

  • diligence;
  • loyalty;
  • nobility;
  • courage;
  • generosity;
  • responsibility.

The guy also has negative traits, such as:

  • aggressiveness;
  • rigidity;
  • touchiness;
  • intolerance;
  • thirst for power.

He often takes risks and is not afraid of responsibility. People respect him, are afraid of him and hold him up as an example. Rustam is not afraid of difficulties, but, on the contrary, challenged and stimulated to action.


The fate of a man with this name of Muslim origin is not easy. But since Rustam is not afraid of difficulties, he always achieves what he wants and maintains his reputation as an honest person.

The man does not tolerate pressure from outside, and his name played an important role here. His success depends on self-confidence and the mood with which he takes on a new business.

Interests and hobbies

A guy named Rustam is constantly on the move, loves sports and everything connected with it. He often does it professionally, achieving fame and great rewards.

The man understands new technologies and creativity. This versatile person can achieve high results thanks to his passions and ability to work in a team.

Personal life

Rustam is strongly attached to his mother, who is for him the ideal image of his future wife. He has a hot and fickle temperament. The guy has been attracted to the fair sex since childhood and knows how to approach each of them.

If he falls in love, his chosen one has little chance of refusing. He charms, lures the girl into the net of male charm and subjugates her to his will.

Rustam expects obedience and submission from his chosen one, as required by Islam, but at the same time he wants to see a strong and passionate person next to him.