Dürer's paintings about the nature of the hare. GCD for speech development “Composing a story based on the painting “Hare”

Date of creation: 1502.
Type: paper, watercolor and gouache.
Location: Albertina (Vienna).

young hare


A masterpiece of German Renaissance art "Young Hare", authorship Albrecht Durer, is one of the first works that reveals the theme of nature and the artist’s style. The animal is painted, like the later work “A Large Piece of Meadow” (1503, Albertina), in a hyper-realistic manner that gives believability.

The watercolor hare is an example of the detailed realism of the Northern Renaissance, a style that originated in 15th-century Flemish painting. One of the most famous representatives of this trend was Jan van Eyck (1390–1441).


Albrecht is also known for his woodcuts and a number of engravings, which his father, a jeweler, contributed to. In addition, Dürer has a series of innovative self-portraits, a passion for landscape design, plants and animals, which arose during his travels in Germany and Italy. Dürer's visits to Italy, by the way, gave the master an idea of ​​the popular techniques and trends of the Renaissance.

In the artist’s works one can see a synthesis of ideas and techniques of medieval painting and Renaissance art.

Description of work

Fragment of work

It is still not known whether “Young Hare” was created entirely in the workshop or whether the author made sketches of the animal in the wild and then completed the work indoors. Some art historians argue that the reflection of the window frame in the hare's eyes may prove the latter. However, the author is known for using reflections as a method of adding extra naturalness and realism to his characters. To many experts, it seems most likely that Dürer used a stuffed animal for painting, after making sketches and notes in the wild.

Of course, the hare's realism is impressive. To achieve this, Dürer employs a complex structure and impressive use of chiaroscuro. In addition to the fact that he managed to highlight the ears and every hair on the entire torso of the model, he also created the effect of warm golden light, giving vital energy to the hare.

Fragment of work

Initially, Dürer created an outline of the figure and then covered the work with brown paint. Subsequently, using a combination of dark and light strokes, I painted the fur using watercolor paints. The next step was to add small details, like the mustache and the reflection of the window in the eyes. After finishing working with watercolors, the master applied a series of strokes with gouache to give the fur the necessary structure. Finally a series of white highlights were added to give the animal some dimension.

Painting "Young Hare" updated: October 23, 2017 by: Gleb

Gulshat Imamova
ECD for speech development “Composing a story based on the painting “Hare”

Subject: Compiling a story based on a picture« Hare»

Educational area: Speech development

Target: Build skill make up descriptive sentences about the animal.

Program content:


Introduce children to some features of the life of a hare;

Learn make up a story according to the proposed plan, without deviating from the topic, without repeating the plots of his comrades;

To include in story description of the hare's appearance.


Continue learning how to select adjectives and verbs for a noun hare;

Achieve clear and distinct pronunciation of words and phrases;

Develop attention, thinking, memory, ability to use expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, gestures).


Cultivate interest in the world around you;

Foster friendly relationships between children.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “What kind of hares are they?”,

Consideration illustrations on the topic "Little Bunnies";

Reading poems about hares, solving riddles.

Methods and techniques:


Painting« Hare»


Imitation game « Hare» ;


Questions for children;

Artistic word.

Vocabulary work: rushes, rushes.

Material: picture on screen« Hare»

Progress of educational activities

Introductory part

V.: Guys, look, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them. Children, what a good day it is today. Do you agree? Smile like a cat in the sun, and now like a sly fox, and now as if you were given a little puppy, smile with all your heart. Girls and boys, in order to guess what we will talk about you need to guess the riddle. Listen carefully.

What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

Are your ears bigger than your head?

V.: You guessed correctly, this is a riddle about a hare. And in order to find out which hare let's play a game “Describe the hare”. (Playing with a ball in a circle) First, let's say what the character and appearance of the hare are. (Cowardly, cautious, fluffy, long-eared, soft, smooth, gray, fast, fleet-footed) And now what does he do? hare. (Runs, jumps, jumps, rushes, rushes, chews carrots, walks)

Main part

V.: Guys, look, I found an interesting one picture. Who do you see there? What is he doing hare? What time of year is shown in this picture? How did you guess that it was winter? What's the weather like?

V.: You chose interesting words and sentences about the hare. Guys, I have an idea, let's do it make up a story about a hare. Telling, be sure to use the words you named. At first tell me, How hare was going for a walk, what interesting things did he see in the forest, what was he like, what did he do, and think about what happened to him next. (It was a cold winter day. Hare I was sitting in a hole and decided to take a walk. Despite the cold weather, the fluffy was happy. He was jumping and running across the field. Hare I walked very carefully, because there are a lot of predators in the forest! But suddenly a wolf ran out from around the corner, hare got scared and ran home! came running hare home and warned his brothers and sisters not to go outside because there is an evil wolf there! And the wolf sat for a long time under the hare’s door. He waited for the bunny to come out, but he didn’t wait and left).

V.: You are very good told about the hare. Children whose story did you like it better?

V.: What name can you come up with for picture about a hare? ("Eared panties", "Bunny Bunny", "The Adventures of the Hare")

V.: You came up with very interesting names for picture. Well done.

Imitation game « Hare»

V.: Guys, let's play rabbits. I will be a mother bunny, and you will be my bunnies. Agreed? (The game is played in a circle)

Look, there's a hole in the ground -

This is a rabbit hole.

Straight from the hole the little animal

Showed her ear.

This the hare is sitting there

And he wiggles his ears.

The raven will shout, the fox will bark -

The hare presses his ears.

He is afraid of everyone in the forest,

He quickly hides in a hole.

Final part.

Q: Guys, what did we talk about?

D.: We solved the riddle. Played a game with a ball “Describe the bunny” And « Hare» . Made up a story based on the picture.

Q: What did you like most?

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"HARE" Watercolor

During one of his walks, which the painter called “the best medicine for soul and body,” Dürer picked up a tiny hare. The animal settled in the artist’s house, and one day Durer decided to paint it. But how can you make a timid hare sit still? The painter sat his restless model on a chair near the window and talked for a long time with the animal, hoping to calm it down in a gentle tone.

However, Dürer did not immediately manage to start painting the picture - the hare ran away at any suspicious rustle. The artist never managed to completely overcome the animal’s mistrust. But, probably, this is for the best, because the wary hare in the picture does not look drawn, but alive. He raised one ear, his tawny fur slightly ruffled, the window frame reflected in his dilated pupil. It seems that the animal is about to run away, and the reason for its flight can be not only some sharp sound, but also a sunbeam accidentally touching its fur.

Albrecht Durer. Hare, 1502.
Paper glued to cardboard, watercolor, gouache, whitewash, 25.1 × 22.6 cm
Albertina Museum, Vienna

Among the masterpieces of world art, the watercolor "Hare" by Albrecht Durer is notable for its modesty: small size, restrained colors, simple composition, insignificant subject. If we recall other “life studies” of the same Dürer, this little hare is not nearly as entertaining as a deer crowned with antlers, an owl with huge eyes, a dead bird with rainbow plumage, an exotic giant rhinoceros, or a fanged walrus. And yet, it is “The Hare” that to this day breaks records of popularity not only among Dürer’s works, but also among works of European art in general. Why has this watercolor captivated us for five centuries?

Albrecht Durer. Deer head. 1503

First of all, let's get to know the person being portrayed. This is the most common hare (Lepus europaeus), in Russian it is called a hare, in German - Feldhase (field hare) because of the animal’s commitment to open spaces. The original name of Dürer's watercolor is "Feldhase" (or "Junger Hase" - "Little Hare"), but more often this work is called "Dürer's Hare" - "Dürer-Hase". Moreover, the word “Hare” should be written with a capital letter in all languages, and not just in German, as required by grammar.

Albrecht Durer. Walrus head. 1521

Brown hares still live in abundance in Germany, and even 500 years ago it was the most common thing to encounter a hare. We have no reason not to trust the legend that Dürer, who loved to walk in the vicinity of Nuremberg, found a sick bunny (according to one version, he saved it from a flood), brought it home, went out and depicted it on a piece of paper. It is safe to add that the watercolor was created in summer, as evidenced by the brown fur coat of the “model” - in winter, the hare’s fur is much lighter. As evidence that Dürer worked with living nature, an expressive detail is cited: the window frame, depicted taking into account the curvature of the surface of the pupil, is reflected in the hare’s eye. Some art critics, however, are skeptical about the blissful legend about the rescued and tamed hare, which obediently posed for Dürer. Most likely, they believe, Dürer worked from memory, and borrowed the spectacular technique of reflecting a window frame in the pupil from Flemish painting. However, whether the hare was a living animal, a hunting trophy or a stuffed animal, it has rightfully gained immortality in the world of art.

Albrecht Durer. Self-portrait. 1500

The drawing is done masterfully. “What will remain unsurpassed is the eye, the sniffing nose, the drooping right ear and the upright left ear, the variety of hair, which on the ears is completely different than on the wet neck and back, not to mention the thread-like hairs of the mustache. What has remained unattainable is that highest degree of expressiveness when a work appeals not only to the viewer’s eye, but also to the same extent to the sense of touch, so that there is a desire to touch and run back and forth across the fur,” this is how German art critic Kuno Mittelstaed describes the watercolor. I really want to stroke it. Looking at him, we seem to feel the softness of the velvety fur, the warmth of the small body, we feel the pulse beating. We see literally every hair on the hare’s skin, but in Dürer’s work there is not a trace of tedious life-likeness - it really is life itself!

Kaisersburg Castle in Nuremberg.
Maybe Dürer picked up a hare somewhere here?

Perhaps not the whole secret of Durer's Hare's charm, but at least some of it is revealed in three words: watercolor, gouache, whitewash. Watercolor, known in the East since ancient times, was still new in Europe at the beginning of the 16th century. Dürer is one of the first European artists to work in this complex technique; he is called the founder of modern watercolor. A transparent soft watercolor drawing conveys all the richness of the color of a hare’s fur coat, here you can count a dozen shades: ocher-gray, brown, light brown, reddish, beige... Thousands of hairs are worked on top of the fluid watercolor with dense matte gouache, among which literally no two are alike: they gradually change in thickness and length depending on how the fur lies on the animal’s body. Scientists have found that using the most advanced computer programs it is impossible to simulate the skin of a hare better than Dürer did. And finally, thanks to the white applied with jeweler's fineness, the animal's body appears voluminous, its fur light and shiny.

View of Nuremberg from the wall of Kaisersburg Castle

Dürer chooses the most advantageous composition to present his “model” in volume. The image is placed diagonally with a three-quarter turn, the artist’s gaze is directed from above. Under the fluffy fur coat of the hare, one can feel the structure - a well-built and reasonably built skeleton, as if we see right through the animal.

Dürer's house in Nuremberg, where the artist lived since 1509.

Peering at nature with the delight of an artist and the equanimity of a scientist, Dürer seems to achieve the impossible: he combines the objectivity and accuracy of the “scientific manual” with emotionality, extreme detail with the integrity of the image. The hare is wary, sensitive, and at the same time trusting. For all his modesty and small size, he is full of peculiar dignity. If you decipher the message that the artist put into this drawing, it would sound something like this: “Here I am, a hare, an inconspicuous creature of God, but I am also part of this huge, complex, beautiful world, and I have a drop of its harmony and wisdom. Look look at me with affection, man, admire me, be kind to me!”

Dürer House Museum in Nuremberg

“The Hare,” in our opinion, is a work quite traditional in genre and fits within the framework of animal painting, but for its time it was truly innovative: the artist depicted JUST a hare. The drawing is completely free of religious symbols. This is not a fertile hare - a symbol of voluptuousness, and not a white hare, denoting victory over sensuality, which is depicted at the feet of the Virgin Mary, not a symbol of caution, cowardice, escape from sins, and so on. This is just an animal in itself, seen by the artist without the “packaging” of symbols, as if for the first time.

Chocolate "Durer's Hare"

However, watercolor, not endowed with symbolic overtones, acquired it regardless of the will of the author. Dürer's hare became associated over time with the Osterhase Easter Bunny. Easter cards and decorations with the image of Durer's hare, hare figurines and relief medals made of chocolate, repeating, with more or less accuracy, the prototype, are an invariable accessory of Easter days.

Durer's hare, hand-cast from elite chocolate.

However, even outside of Easter symbolism, the image of “Dürer’s Hare,” as they say, has gone to the people. Not only the perfection of the drawing played a role here, but also its small size, the possibility of high-quality reproduction, and finally, the theme itself - a cute animal that people relate to with sympathy. Over the five centuries of its existence, the hare has been copied and reproduced by artists many times. There was a time when a framed image of Dürer’s hare created coziness in almost every German living room (and such a reproduction hangs above my desk; I often look at it when I’m composing something)).

With the development of mass tourism, the hare migrated to covers, bags, computer mouse pads, and turned into figurines of all colors, sizes, and materials. The famous German company Steif at one time produced a soft toy called Durer's Hare.

Durer's hare. Steif soft toy and souvenir bag

As an enormously swollen symbol of mass culture, the famous hare attracted the attention of the modern sculptor Jürgen Hertz, thanks to whom in 1984 the shocking and, of course, impressive sculptural composition “The Hare” appeared on the ancient square in front of the Dürer house-museum in Nuremberg. On a low granite pedestal lies the torn carcass of a huge hare with a dead amber eye directed into the sky. The fat body of the hare is surrounded by the fragments of a collapsed box, which has become too small for her; smaller hares are crawling out of the holes in the carcass, either swallowed by the hare and striving for freedom, or devouring her, and most likely, both together. In front of the toothy mouth lie gnawed bones (however, they can also be mistaken for plant stems). The creepiest detail is that under the clawed paw the toes of a person consumed by the monster are clearly visible. The second part of the composition reminds of Dürer - a tiny figurine of Dürer’s hare, polished to a golden shine, installed on a separate pedestal. Protesting against the hype around a work undergoing disastrous metamorphoses, Hertz also warns us against a consumerist attitude towards nature: in response to violence, it turns innocent animals into dangerous, disgusting mutants. The paradox is that Hertz’s sculpture, in turn, became a landmark of Nuremberg, reproduced on postcards, while the popularity of Dürer’s Hare did not decrease at all.

Jurgen Hertz. Sculptural composition "Hare" in Nuremberg. 1984

In 2002, the Hare solemnly celebrated its 500th anniversary, and, since the original drawing is in the Albertina Museum in Vienna, returned to Nuremberg in a very unusual way. In the summer of 2003, the grandiose installation “Dürer’s 7000 Hares”, designed by sculptor Ottmar Hörl, was placed on the Market Square. 7,000 green plastic hares, seated in strict order, filled the area, which, according to eyewitnesses, resembled either a lawn or vegetable beds. In contrast to the gloomy sculpture of Hertz, the idea of ​​​​incessant replication of the Nuremberg masterpiece is interpreted by Hörl with fun and humor.
It remains to say a few words about the original drawing, which is kept in Vienna as the greatest treasure. Unfortunately, the drawing is shown to viewers infrequently, and recently it has not been taken to even the most prestigious exhibitions. The condition of the paper and paints glued to the cardboard is such that the “Hare” must comply with strict temperature conditions and not be exposed to even low light.

Ottmar Hoerl. Installation "Dürer's 7000 Hares" in Nuremberg. 2003

In the halls of the Albertina, the best copy of “The Hare” in the world is on display, and the original can be seen no more often than once every 5-10 years. This spring, “The Hare” participated in the exhibition “Foundation of the Albertina. From Durer to Napoleon,” but if you were not in Vienna at that time, do not be upset and wait years until the next appearance of Durer’s Hare to fans.

British Virgin Islands $10 coin
in 2010 in the series "Masterpieces of Art"

Albertina art critics, in response to complaints, advise simply turning on the computer and finding an image of Durer’s watercolor on the website http://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/project/art-project Thanks to the Google Art Project program, they say, you can view watercolors in excellent quality as much as you like without damaging the work. You will see every hair, every claw of the hare and the reflection of the window frame in his gentle eyes. Well, Dürer would probably be pleased...