How to survive in a city without money. Is it possible to live without money and work - downshifting in Russia and subsistence farming

Are you familiar with money-related problems? Does the situation seem hopeless? Lack or lack of money is not a reason for depression! Many people are able not only to survive, but also to travel on virtually no budget. Even if there is not enough money for life, for food, in a civilized society there is a chance not only to live, but also to remain satisfied.

How to live without money in Russia

Job search

First you need to figure out why it turned out that there was not enough money.

  • It often happens that a person is not used to work and “doing nothing” is his main occupation. Such people, as a rule, have high self-esteem and are accustomed to believing that housing will be paid for on their own, food will come from somewhere, and money will somehow fall into their hands. It is most difficult for this type of person to transition to “adult” life and learn how to earn money.
  • There are also people who have lost their jobs and are trying to find a new one. However, the search drags on, sometimes even for several years. The situation also applies to cases such as lack of money in a young family. Lack of experience complicates the task of finding a job, however, the problem can still be solved. A person gets used to the fact that there are no vacancies and, instead of looking for work, begins to create a kind of constant search. Such people complain about their difficult fate, constantly create the image of a detective and, of course, never find a suitable position.
  • There is a third type of people - “creditors”. These people don't need money. At the right moment, they are able to find a relative, boyfriend or girlfriend who has money or a soul mate. Similar people never look for work and rarely need money. If you are one of these types of people, you can read the article

It is most difficult for people of these types to find work due to lack of desire. Fortunately, situations like this don't happen too often. There are other problems that anyone can face without knowing a certain way out. For example:

Not enough money to live until salary

Perhaps the person has not calculated his budget and funds before wages lacks. It also happens that salary is delayed. Regardless of the situation, you need to look for an alternative way out, for example:

  • Borrow. The best option would be to ask for a loan from loved ones who won’t rush you and won’t have to pay extra interest. If there are none, going to the bank may be the solution. If you borrow a small amount, the interest on payment will not be very noticeable.
  • Pawnshop. If you lack a large amount of money, and going to the bank is not an option, going to a pawnshop may be a solution. Gold can be purchased during a more profitable period, and in emergency situation it is this that can clothe and feed.
  • Ask for salary in advance. If the budget was spent much earlier than planned, you can ask the employer to pay part of the salary in advance. However, this method will work if the subordinate has a positive relationship with the employer. Not every boss will want to make this compromise.

How to survive without money without a job

If there is no permanent job and money is also running out, it’s time to find a part-time job.

  • On this moment there is no need to look for work in real world, since there is an opportunity to earn good money even through the Internet. Knowing languages, you can translate texts, having a certain skill - finding a vacant position. Even having literacy will help you find a well-paid job, for example, working as a copywriter or rewriter can create a stable income.
  • Hobby - work. Every person has a hobby that can help out in difficult situations. Manicurists can be given video lessons or get a job in a salon. Hairdressers, massage therapists, makeup artists, cooks, etc. are also always valued.
  • Experiments. If there is no opportunity to get a job, and the situation is extremely dire, it is worth remembering that students always need a subject for practice. IN training centers can get a free haircut or make-up done in an internet cafe free Internet. However, the consequences may not always be pleasing, since trainees are just learning and there is no guarantee that the experiment will be successful.

Minimum living expenses.

If there is money available, however, there is no work in sight, you need to learn to maintain the budget as much as possible while building.

  • First of all, you need to learn how to choose the right products. You will have to eat not always healthy, but satisfying foods. Despite the complexity of the situation, it is better to try to purchase the most harmless food.
  • Exchange. If a carefree life has been replaced by money and good prosperity hard times, it's time to get rid of some previously valuable things or make an exchange. Perhaps the second-hand store will accept some things for a large fee, which will be enough for both your salary and a new job.

As it turns out, surviving without money is not always a difficult and hopeless situation. If you plan your budget correctly, such a problem can be completely avoided, and by getting rid of unnecessary things you can ensure your normal life for a while. In extreme cases, income can always save you even in the most difficult situation. The main thing is to have a desire!

The consequences of the next economic crisis make us think about saving money. How to live without money when the salary is low, how to live without work - in fact, there is more than one way out: for example, you can use free services or resort to barter exchange, there will always be ways. Such options, which are actively developing today, allow predicament organize life without money for some time.

What to do if you don't have enough money to live

It is clear and known that anyone can live with finances, and learning how to live without money is a real art. Many people constantly find themselves in the situation: they just received their salary, and a week later it’s gone. The reason is often the inability to save, regardless of education: a person is not able to improve his financial situation and continues to be stuck with large sums debts

First of all, you need to learn how to manage your own finances, treat your money responsibly, and start spending less than what you earn. Every major purchase must be thought through regarding the need for acquisition and, especially, at the expense of credit resources. It is important to create a financial safety net for a rainy day in case of an unforeseen life event.

For solutions problematic situation There are fundamental approaches:

  • find opportunities and ways to live on a small salary, organizing life within your means;
  • find additional income;
  • Take advantage of free assistance and services options.

Budget planning

Lack of money for Everyday life has become the scourge of our time. What to do if there are not enough funds, and there is a constant shortage? It is necessary to change behavior and, above all, the way of consumption. To get out of the situation of lack of finances and constant debts, the basic rule should be the understanding that it is forbidden to spend more than you receive.

To organize expenses within the limits of income, it is necessary to take into account all financial items. It is necessary to record all income and expenses. This helps to be disciplined in matters of expenses, understand the cost structure, find ways to save, plan not only regular cost items, but also large acquisitions, taking into account financial forecast for the future.

Living according to your income should become a life paradigm: you shouldn’t buy things you can’t afford, even if your savings allow it. It is necessary to adequately assess the ratio of your own income and consumption, based on which you can reasonably plan your expenses. For example, for significant material purchases the cost should be approximately:

  • mobile phone – up to 40% of monthly income;
  • automobile- price new car be within the annual income;
  • housing– the cost is limited to six annual salaries.


Housing costs and utilities make up a significant part of total expenses. In the case of renting an apartment, such fees can be reduced by refusing to rent individual housing, and starting to look for accommodation, combining it with care for people who need outside care, or with security and supervision of the housing itself. Services of this kind are often in demand. In addition, there are options for finding a job that provides housing.

Achieving a reduction in housing and communal services costs is realistic and affordable. Save on electricity will help:

  • replacing previous incandescent lamps with energy-saving lamps with a longer service life and significantly lower energy consumption;
  • the use of local lighting (lamps) without the need to use general lighting;
  • switching devices (computers) to standby mode.

Reduce water consumption costs possible not only by installing a meter, but also by everyday means:

  • replace rotary taps with lever switches;
  • Do not open the tap at full power;
  • take a shower instead of a bath;
  • promptly eliminate water leaks from the toilet tank.

Talking about saving gas costs, to reduce them it is necessary:

  • install meters;
  • Make sure that when cooking food, the height of the flame does not exceed the bottom of the pan;
  • Keep in mind that when the bottom of the pan is deformed, gas consumption increases by half.


Saving on food does not mean compromising your diet. In order to save money on this expense item, you need to refuse catering services and cook yourself. When purchasing products, give priority to natural, healthy, necessary products, without frills, excluding semi-finished products that are expensive and unhealthy. Try to buy seasonal products at cheap prices and can preserve fruits and vegetables for the winter. Significant savings come from purchases at a discount at wholesale warehouses and sales during store sales. special promotions.

Search for additional sources of income

A good option to replenish your budget for both employed and unemployed people is to look for ways to earn extra money. There are quite a few options to choose from:

  • Earning money on the Internet(participation in paid surveys, typing and writing texts, training foreign language and translations, work as a coordinator-dispatcher, website creation).
  • Taxi driver services(if you have a car).
  • Domestic services (cleaning, repairs, services of a nurse, cook, courier, nanny, janitor, gardener).
  • Using a hobby as an income-earning activity(sewing, knitting, manicure, makeup, haircut).
  • Delivery of newspapers, posting advertisements.
  • Network marketing(cosmetics seller).
  • Collection of medicinal herbs for sale.
  • Applying to the labor exchange, there are always vacancies for seasonal work.

How to survive without money and work

There are many people who, having found themselves in a difficult situation, finding themselves without a source of income, have proven that it is possible to live without money, that well-being depends not on money, but on human relations. These are not people from African tribes, but ordinary civilized people who find themselves without finances. Freegans, hippies, wild travelers, representatives of religious communities and other people who were left without money or deliberately refused it, found their own ways to live without money.

Downshifting in Russia

To live for oneself, to renounce the desires of others - such an ideology is becoming popular not only in the world, but also in our country. Downshifting manifests itself in different ways, but all options are united by a common desire to abandon generally accepted material goods. For any life circumstances (change of worldview, personal problems, professional or financial crisis) people some for a while and some for life go on a trip to other countries or the Russian hinterland. There they often join religious groups, live in communes, and find like-minded people.

Subsistence farming

During all periods of crisis, a vegetable garden at a summer cottage and own farming in the village helped to survive. For many, especially retirees, growing own vegetables serves as the main source of diet. By doing homesteading seriously, and not for fun, you can fully supply your family with vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits for the summer and provisions for the whole winter, and earn more money from this by selling the fruits of your own labor.

Charity organisations

Religious help

Contact your church parish for help - effective way get help over an extended period of time. In addition to doing simple physical work, you can also receive support with things from parishioners. It is possible to contact representatives of other faiths. For example, Hare Krishnas are ready, without any documents, to host and feed homeless people who find themselves in a difficult situation and are looking for options on how to live without money.


It’s hard to live without finance, but the number of ways to survive with the development of communications is increasing, offering many new ways out. One of the simplest and most accessible is in-kind exchange. Gaining popularity in in social networks barter will help you exchange unused but in good condition items for food, food, or your ability to perform any service or work. In addition, this is a good way to rid yourself of unnecessary items.

What to do if you don't have money for food

Everyone has their own concept of “running out of money.” Some people don’t have enough for utility bills, others for gasoline, and for some the phrase sounds like a death sentence, especially if a woman supports a child alone: ​​there is no money even for food, that is, for basic needs. You can resort to urgent help by applying for a loan from a bank, microfinance organization or friends, but if they refuse everywhere, you need to look for other options.

Working for food

In an accessible way You can earn food in stores, cafes, by providing the services of a loader, a cleaner, or you can negotiate with the administration to give you expired products that are simply ready to be thrown away. You can go to a monastery, work in jobs that do not require special skills, work there weeding a garden, cleaning premises, on a farm, working off your modest food and housing - become a worker.

Participation in the volunteer movement

Volunteer programs are mostly available to everyone, but specific projects may have their own restrictive requirements and it is advisable to have certain professional experience to participate. However, in Russia the volunteer movement is increasingly gaining activity, and there will always be proposals for the need for unqualified and voluntary assistance to people and animals, natural landscapes and cultural values, where you can choose a program that suits you. At the same time, you need to understand the harshness of everyday life that awaits a volunteer.

How to survive until payday without money

Do without new acquisitions, give up entertainment and switch from a car to public transport This can be solved simply, but it is impossible to do without food purchases. In order to survive a week or two until payday, you need to have several safety options for how and where to get money before your next payday - if one doesn’t work, you need to have in stock to turn to another method and use it wisely.


This is the easiest way to get cash. It is wiser and more profitable to turn to relatives and close friends, from whom you can borrow money without interest and without strict repayment deadlines. The standard, but more expensive way is to get an interest-bearing loan from a bank or a loan from a microfinance organization using the “quick money” option with a simplified loan procedure.

Use the services of a pawnshop

Pawn shop chains are common, and a trip to a pawn shop is not unusual. Renting out jewelry or equipment to get money can help many people out with finances before payday, but before using the service and signing an agreement, you must carefully read all the terms and conditions of the service so as not to say goodbye to your value later.

Ask for an advance at work

Among all the options, this method the most profitable and economical in terms of additional interest costs. If it is not abused, then the manager, as a rule, goes to meet the employee, especially if the employee is in good standing and does not violate labor discipline, and the boss is interested in him as a qualified specialist.

Become a donor

If you do not suffer from anemia, you have a healthy body, there are no surges blood pressure, then donation will be a good option for you to replenish your budget. Blood donation is practiced today as before. At one time, donors were given compensation payments in the form of a food package, but the system caused a lot of dissatisfaction and an outflow of participants, and modern donors were returned to their previous monetary rewards.

How to live a month without money

Left without funds, all thoughts and actions must be directed on how to earn money and where to get money. Possible ways:

  • sell any of the things ( Appliances, books, collectibles, jewelry). Perhaps second-hand stores will accept your items for a small fee;
  • contact social organizations for help;
  • rent out a corner, room or entire apartment for a while;
  • find additional work.

Find a job on the Internet

If you have access to the Internet, then the path to earning money is open. Many different options are available remotely via the Internet. interesting species activities:

  • sell your creative works;
  • write custom articles and stories;
  • engage in website design;
  • translate texts;
  • work as a telephone line operator, etc.

Make a hobby a source of income

While pursuing your favorite hobby, you can think about how your hobby can start generating income. You cook deliciously - become a cook at home, know how to do beautiful hairstyles - expand your circle of clients based on recommendations from your friends, write short stories - try your hand as a copywriter. If you think about it, everyone has an activity that can also bring successful financial results, monetary benefits.

Take advantage of free services

When looking for ways to live without money, there is an option to legally use services for which you don’t have to pay. For example, training centers for hairdressers and makeup artists often require models. You can update without spending a penny household chemicals and cosmetics, taking advantage of offers to participate in product testing, and the shipping of the test subject is paid for by the manufacturer himself.

Retail chains often hold presentations of products that can be sampled in sufficient quantities. Paying for the Internet can be replaced by using free communications in public places. Using savings cards when making purchases is beneficial by accumulating bonuses for subsequent payment for goods. It is possible to find a way out, the main thing is not to panic and not get used to this situation.


The ability to live beautifully and to the fullest often depends not on the amount of money, but on the ability to manage it and imagination. Living a beautiful and interesting life is easier than it seems at first glance. This benefit is not so much for the poor, with pretentious ambitions, as for poor people who love rich and interesting life.

1. Save money

How to live beautifully without money? We need to start saving and protecting them. Living beautifully on a small salary is accessible to everyone. It is worth assessing the level of your financial solvency and patching up unnecessary expenses. Determine your budget, which includes all income. Plan mandatory payments and expenses: utilities, food, transportation. Set aside at least 10% of your income in a nest egg. Try to reduce your expenses by writing down all significant expenses every day. Find a part-time job and additional sources of income.

2. How to travel a lot

A beautiful life is travel. You can travel without large quantity money. If you get a job as a volunteer in some organization, you can travel a lot for free. Good professions for this are a correspondent, driver, model, photographer, animator or hotel guide.

How to travel cheaply? Use low-cost airlines. Flights and hotel rooms are cheaper when you buy as early as possible. Flights with transfers are usually cheaper. Renting a car gives you a roof over your head and storage space for your things. Booking private accommodation is cheaper. Simple cafes on the outskirts of the city will be several times cheaper when compared to tourist hotspots. Many people offer discounts on tickets to different parts of the world. travel companies. You just have to wait for the moment and buy a hot tour.

3. Luxury car

Which beautiful life without a luxury car? Many people would like to buy themselves a luxurious, expensive sports car or something from the executive class, but do not have enough money. Often you can buy yourself something simpler, but more rare. Some car models look more expensive than they actually are. It's worth taking a look at used cars from 10 years ago. Such cars look solid and quite fresh. Good choice there will be Chrysler Sebring, Porsche Cayenne, Audi A8, Cadillac CTS, Range Rover, Volkswagen Touareg.

4. Buying things

How to live beautifully without money? Only save and buy at favorable prices. Almost all stores have sales, and buying online is even more profitable. You should keep track of seasonal discounts, promotions and sales of old collections. High quality clothes and famous brand will last longer than cheap clothes. Buying things at a second-hand store - too a good option savings. Many high-quality and discreet things look expensive and elegant, which is to your advantage.

5. Promising hobbies

Some hobbies attract a lot of interesting and rich people. Hobbies for tennis, sailing, snowboarding, horse riding, golf, and hunting provide many positive and promising acquaintances. In addition, passion for such a hobby gives its participant elitism. Don't forget about the gym. This is now mandatory for a successful person.

6. Social parties

Go out into the world so you can be seen more often. Take photos and selfies with interesting places visited. Often exhibition openings, presentations and premieres are free. This allows you not only to see a new place, but also to get to a free buffet. There are a lot of creative people in such places.

How to walk beautifully and without money? Going to a restaurant, cafe or other place requires money. If you don’t want to leave all your money there, then eat at home in advance before going to a restaurant. There you can only buy coffee or alcohol, citing diet or a full state.

A beautiful life should be captured. Instagram and other social networks are a mirror of your life. Regularly post photos of travel, parties and other exciting events. Then everyone will be sure that you live an interesting and rich life. They will invite you to different places more often and they will try to make friends.

7. Expensive appearance

For luxurious appearance It's not about the money, it's about the neatness. Try to always be neat and have shiny shoes. Look a little smarter than what is present in this place. A man should pay attention to blazers. It looks appropriate at a fancy party and semi-formal events. A blue blazer is a classic in any men's wardrobe and always looks appropriate. Good shoes, a watch and a wallet complete the dandy look.

How to live beautifully without money? Easy if you want. It doesn't depend so much on your salary and finances. When you lead a colorful and interesting life, you notice that you become more successful. Such a life expands the horizon of thinking, introduces promising people and gives motivation for self-improvement.

Unfavorable events happen in the lives of many people. financially periods when the question of how to live without money at least for some time arises. If your salary is not enough until the end of the month, a lot of debt has accumulated, and it becomes more and more difficult to support your family, you have to look for a way out.

In such cases, it is hardly worth counting on the state; it is most reasonable to rely on your own strength.

Cash required to modern man primarily in order to pay for housing and buy food. There are also many other expenses that will be difficult to do without - these are the cost of clothing, travel on public transport, the purchase of medicines and much more.

Is it possible to feed a family without spending any money at all? There are some ways save as much as possible and significantly reduce expenses:

Start growing your own vegetables and fruits at your dacha.

Get a job as a home nurse (free roof over your head).

Get a job as a cook in a canteen, as a nanny in a kindergarten (free food).

Buy clothes at a second-hand store. There are also numerous charities that give it away for free.

How to live without money until salary?

What to do if your salary is not coming soon, but there is almost no money left? If you know some secrets, it is quite possible to get out of this situation:

First, you should carefully check all your pockets and bags; there could very well be several bills lying around.

Reduce your list of expenses to a minimum, leaving only the essentials. It’s better to buy something you can do without the next time your financial situation improves.

Children will have to be fed inexpensive but satisfying foods; desserts and other excesses should be avoided altogether.

Forget about places Catering and cook at home using the ingredients you have in stock.

If a person lives alone, you can temporarily move in with your parents.

Place a tenant in one of the rooms and pay for utilities with the amount received.

Think about what things you can safely sell (books, old clothes, household appliances, etc.).

How to survive a week until payday?

Living without a salary for one week is not that difficult. The easiest option is to ask for an advance. If you have a short commute to work, you can refuse public transport and come to the office on foot - this will only benefit your health.

It is recommended to find an additional source of income (if you have a car, you can earn extra money as a taxi driver or courier) - if you have a desire to work, there will be an opportunity. Many people are hindered by simple laziness and complete absence initiatives.

What to do if you don't have enough money

If you are constantly short of money, and you don’t want to give up many of the benefits of civilization, you should look for a way out. The most reasonable thing in this situation:

By giving up expensive housing and moving to a more modest apartment, significant cost savings are guaranteed.

Take part-time jobs or find a better paying job.

Talk to your boss and convince him to increase your salary.

Learn to make money on the Internet and devote your free time from your main job to it.

Many in such situations begin to think about where to go to live from Russia without money. Not the best solution, since starting everything from scratch in a foreign country, and even without funds, will be very difficult.

You can try to go live in a village without money and feed your family through subsistence farming. It is important to understand that for this you will have to work tirelessly.

How to live without money for a woman with a child

A woman who is left alone with children, and even without money, has a particularly difficult time in life. This is already banal survival, and not the pursuit of financial well-being. How to start new life without need and to live without money with a child - main question who cares for a single mother.

If a woman has parents, it would be wise to turn to them for help; the support of loved ones at such moments is extremely important. They will help with raising the baby while the mother earns money, and besides, there will be a roof over her head for which she does not have to pay.

Of course, you will have to work more and spend less, find additional sources of income and save on many things.

How can a woman live without money without a permanent job?

If it is not possible to get a job permanent job, and you really need money, you can:

Get a job as a consultant in an online store. This kind of work can be done remotely, which means it’s perfect for mothers with small children.

Turn your passion or hobby into work - knitting things to order, sewing clothes, painting pictures, baking cakes. There are many options; another advantage of this kind of income is that you don’t have to pay high taxes.

It is good to marry a wealthy man.

How to live without money and housing

There are people who consciously manage without money and housing, and at the same time feel quite good. They constantly travel without spending a penny on it (they use hitchhiking), spend the night in hostels or with new acquaintances, and eat what they are treated to.

If this option does not suit you, you need to register with the labor exchange, find the most affordable housing (this could be a room in a dorm), get a job seasonal work. Money and food cannot appear out of thin air; it all has to be earned.

How to live without money at all

If a person has no money at all and is deprived of the ability to earn it, he should contact one of charitable organizations who provide assistance to the poor. IN in this case don't count on good conditions or excesses, but they will provide shelter and food there.

It seems like a strange question, but, unfortunately, it worries almost everyone, because even a lazy person can live with money, but if there is none at all, then what?

After all, living without money is an art. After the crisis, many began to save, denying themselves everything, sometimes even getting into serious debt. Large companies are closing, jobs are regularly being cut, utility bills and loans are rising, and we have to tighten our belts.

You can talk for hours about how to learn to live without money, but in practice these proposals do not work at all. Of course, some craftsmen do not look for work at all, sit on their parents’ necks, and constantly think about how to learn to live without money. To do this, it’s worth at least sometimes lifting your butt in search of work, and start earning money, developing independently, making plans for life and not denying yourself anything. But there are also those who live in “ eternal search: looking for a job, a good life, well-being. But, unfortunately, this does not happen, it will not come by itself! To achieve these goals you need to work hard, and for more than one year. As they say, “water does not flow under a lying stone,” so only with your own efforts can you achieve true values and well-being.

But, if you find yourself in a situation where you are simply physically unable to earn normal money, this article is definitely for you. There is no point in calming down and setting you on the right path; I would like to suggest some points as an interlocutor, tell real stories from the lives of others. After all, each of us has once found ourselves in such situations when a serious issue was resolved - how to live without money ?

It’s a pity, but there are more and more such people, every second family goes beyond the poverty line. After all, the income of our citizens does not compare with their real expenses. How much does it cost to pay for utilities? Even if you are lucky and have your own square meters, this does not mean that you can live normally. Almost all salaries and pensions of citizens go to pay off utilities. What can we even say about quality food, medicines, and normal clothes. Many have already forgotten about have a good rest, a banal trip out of town or going to the movies with friends.
To feed their families, men go abroad, thereby losing important years to spend with their loved ones. Moreover, they don’t pay as much abroad as before; visiting foreigners there are considered slaves who are ready to work for days for pennies. In rare cases, earning money abroad is successful, and the man takes his wife and children with him forever.

What should pensioners, disabled people, orphans, and teenagers who are left alone do? How to learn to live without money, because there is no opportunity to earn money yet, you don’t want to steal, and you can expect help from outside for years.

There is no point in borrowing , because there will be nothing to give! For a while, you can ask relatives or friends for a small amount until your salary or pension, but next month you will have to save even more, because you will have to pay back what you borrowed. Going to a pawnshop and handing over your only family value for a couple of hundred rubles is also not an option, because that’s all you have.

Or maybe donate your organs to a donor campaign? Can! But after this, you will begin to have such health problems that all your earnings will be spent on treatment. It is possible that during organ removal you will begin to bleed and will never return to reality; the risks are very high. All this is very sad and scary. Only crazy people would do such a thing! But blood donation is possible, and such a procedure is even very beneficial for health. Moreover, you can earn good money for such a good deed. Therefore, if everything is fine with your health, and the doctor gives the go-ahead for such donations, then you can regularly receive a certain amount for a portion of your own blood. +1 to your karma, and your wallet has also been replenished.

Spend it at home general cleaning! Collect waste paper plastic bottles, scrap metal, and other tinsel that just dangles under your feet, but can be useful to many manufacturing companies.

Do you have a lot of unnecessary things? Collect all excess items and take them to a thrift store, or place an advertisement for sale on the Internet. Although not very large, but financial investments you will have them soon. Even though it’s used, good things are sold out instantly.

Do you have a special talent, a good hobby? Try to make a profitable business out of this! This could be the sale of products from various materials, handmade as they say. You can draw portraits to order, embroider, write songs. Such things are very valuable in modern world and are appreciated. In addition, you can take courses, after which you can work as a manicurist, become a good hairdresser, makeup artist, cook, nanny, cleaner for rich people or a cosmetics seller. By the way, skillful housewives are quite successful in selling their preparations: baked goods, custom-made cakes, dinners... whatever! The main thing is to think over the concept of this business, which is more suitable for your contingent. A man can be a master or a hired worker.

Modern technologies allow you to get ahead. The Internet provides great opportunities, so try it and see if you get lucky. In addition, there are many labor exchanges that provide the opportunity to earn money remotely. If you have a normal computer and a constant Internet connection, this perfect option for you. Try yourself as an author: during the first couple of years, write reviews, learn to write articles, translate texts, take part in paid surveys, create your own websites. This is a very profitable business, which over time can bring a decent fortune.

By the way, if in difficult times you don’t have the finances even to take care of yourself, sign up as a model nail salon or hairdressing school. There are many people who want to be in the role of applied material, but sometimes you can get to the right place.

Don't forget to save! If finances appear, immediately distribute everything to the last penny. Buy normal, healthy food, no excess, cook at home, don’t buy various preparations from stores. Take only the essentials, vegetables and fruits - in season, buy in wholesale places, take advantage of sales in stores.

By the way, if you have a dacha or relatives from the village help, then you may already have excellent provisions, which will be enough to get by on difficult days.

It is possible to live without money, but it is better to try to earn extra hard-earned money, because it will never be superfluous.
There are many options, you need to weigh everything carefully, and a white streak in life will definitely begin. The main thing is not to give up, because weak and weak-willed people will never get what they want. There is no need to be a beggar or constantly go into debt, because this is the last thing you can do.

Fight, look for options, and you will finally find happiness! After all, in a country where money rules everything, it is almost impossible to live without finances!