Reading circle for a modern preschooler. The modern child's reading circle

Evgenia Rakova
Children's literature and its specifics

Children's literature and its specifics

In the library for the kids

There are books in a row on the shelves.

Take it, read it and know a lot,

But don't insult the book.

She will open up the big world,

What if you make me sick?

You are a book - forever

The pages will be silent then (T. Blazhnova)

The emergence of children's literature is usually attributed to the 15th century, although real children's literature developed later.

The selection of a children's literature course from a world literature course is based on a specific category of reader. In the past, no special literature was created for children, but from general literary heritage the works that were included in the circle were highlighted children's reading.

Children's literature is usually called those works that are read by children and children from 0 to 15-16 years old. But it is more correct to talk about the circle of children's reading, because in this concept there are three groups :

1. These are books written specifically for children (for example, fairy tales by L. N. Tolstoy, poems by M. Yasny, Volkov)

2. These are works written for adult readers, but passed into children's reading, in other words, literature that has entered the circle of children's reading (for example, fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin, P. P Ershov, stories by I. S. Turgenev, A. P. Chekhov)

3. These are works composed by the children themselves, that is, children's literary creativity

Children's literature is the art of speech, which means it is an organic part of spiritual culture; therefore, it has qualities inherent in all fiction. It is closely related to pedagogy, since it is designed to take into account age characteristics, capabilities and needs of the child.

Children's literature is an undoubted part general literature, but still it represents a certain phenomenon. It is not for nothing that V. G. Belinsky argued that one cannot become a children’s writer - one must be born: “This is a kind of calling. It requires not only talent, but also a kind of genius.” A children's book must meet all the requirements for a book for adults, and, in addition, take into account the children's view of the world as an additional artistic requirement.

Strictly speaking, only literature for children can be called children's literature. Not all writers who tried to create works for children achieved noticeable success. And the point is not at all in the level of writing talent, but in his special quality. For example, Alexander Blok wrote a number of poems for children, but they did not leave a truly noticeable mark in children's literature, and, for example, many of Sergei Yesenin's poems easily moved from children's magazines to children's anthologies.

That is why it makes sense to speculate about the specifics of children's literature.

The issue of specificity has repeatedly become the subject of controversy. Even in the Middle Ages, they understood that it was necessary to write differently for children than for adults. At the same time, there were always those who recognized only the general laws of art and divided books simply into good and bad. Some perceived children's literature as pedagogy in pictures. Others believed that the difference between children’s literature lies only in the subject matter, they spoke about the accessibility of the content or about the special “ children's language" etc.

Summarizing the historical and modern experience of the development of children's literature, we can say that children's literature arose at the intersection artistic creativity and educational and cognitive activities. In it one can see special features aimed at education and raising a child, and how younger child, the stronger these features appear. Accordingly, the specificity of children's literature is determined, first of all, by the age of the reader. As the reader grows, so do his books, and the entire system of preferences gradually changes.

Next distinctive feature children's literature is the duality of children's books. Peculiarity children's writer is that he sees the world from two sides; from the position of a child and from the position of an adult. And this means that a children’s book contains these two points of view, only the adult subtext is not visible to the child.

And the third specific feature of a children's book is that it (the book) must have a special language, which must be specific, accurate, at the same time accessible and educationally enriching for the child.

I would also like to note that in a children's book there is always a full-fledged co-author of the writer - the artist. A young reader can hardly be captivated by solid letter text without pictures. This is also a feature of children's literature.

So, from all of the above we can conclude that the section of children's literature rightfully deserves the title high art, which has its own specifics, history, and its own peak achievements.

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Children's literature is art. As art, it is characterized by the expression of generalized ideas in a vivid form - in specific images.

Fairy tales, stories, poems form artistic taste, increase cultural level child. K.I. Chukovsky noted: “A child understands in his own way, and even if he makes mistakes, his impressions are so vivid and imaginative that there is no need to ground them.”

K.D. Ushinsky emphasized that literature should introduce the child “to the world popular thought, popular feeling, folk life, to the area folk spirit". These are works of oral folk art: riddles, counting rhymes, proverbs, sayings. When getting acquainted with works of oral folk art, we improve higher mental functions: auditory-verbal, visual memory, voluntary attention, creative thinking, enrich vocabulary, develop phrasebook, we form the skills of grammatically correct speech. Even before one year old, the baby begins to listen to the first nursery rhymes, songs, and consider them in book illustrations. At this age he is interested in rhythms and intonation.

It is also necessary to note the colossal influence of works of oral folk art on the mental development of preschool children.
the main task parents - to know about their child’s literary inclinations in order to improve them.
It is important to note that reading together contributes to the formation of warm emotional relationships between mother and child.

While reading fiction Please pay attention to the following recommendations:

Read with expression, changing intonation depending on the character
- Show illustrations to the text as often as possible. This increases the child's interest
- Remove toys and objects that distract your child from sight. Try to read in a quiet, calm environment.
- Read aloud all your life! This need creates an interest in reading in your child.
- Children's books should be in a place accessible to the baby
- Sign up for a children's library, let your child participate in choosing books

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We teach nursery rhymes, poems, riddles with children, transfer them to children's creativity, in origami technique.
Children's reading should include books of a variety of topics and genres.
A child needs to discover the wealth of genres of literature. This will allow, on the one hand, to develop in a preschooler a breadth of reading interests, and on the other, selectivity and individuality of literary preferences.
Parents need to pay attention not only to the content of the work, but also to means of expression language - fairy tales, short stories and other works of fiction.
Children love fairy tales, folk and original. A fairy tale arouses love and persistent interest in a preschooler with its dynamism, vividness of images, mystery, unlimited possibilities for imagination and mental play.

Educational books about work, about technology, about things, about nature were included in children's literature. They allow children to reveal the multifaceted nature of the world in which they live, to show the essence of phenomena in a figurative form, and prepare a scientific understanding of the world.

Poems by S.Ya. Marshak about the creation of things “Where the table came from”, “A book about a book”.
K.D. Ushinsky “How a shirt grew in a field.” Encyclopedic book by Zhitkov “What I saw”.

Children's books have created a special type of book - a fun book for children.

She reveals to children the funny things in life, educates valuable qualities- ability to joke and laugh.
Works by K.I. Chukovsky, N.N. Nosova, V.G. Suteeva, S.Ya. Marshak, E.N. Uspensky and others.
The genre and thematic diversity of children's literature makes it possible to form individual reading interests and inclinations in children.

Children's reading circle designed to replenish children's literary horizons and increase their erudition.

Ambiguous in concept, multi-fluid and multi-layered, imbued with subtle humor and irony, they attract the child’s attention not only with the fun of the plot, but also with a deep thought that must be felt and understood, and upon revealing which the little reader feels satisfaction.

In the spotlight of modern writers inner world an adult and a child, a world of experiences, diverse relationships and feelings.

This is typical for the books of R. Pogodin, I. Tokmakova, E. Uspensky and other authors.

Children's writers confront children with the need to realize moral truths, choose a line of behavior, and take the right position in relation to other people, things, and nature.

Older preschoolers show a steady interest in “thick” books.

This is an anthology, works of domestic and foreign writers.

Dear parents!

Remember that a book is your good companion and best friend!

Children's literature is art. As an art, it is characterized by the expression of generalized ideas in a vivid form - in specific images.

Fairy tales, stories, and poems shape artistic taste and increase the cultural level of a child. K.I. Chukovsky noted: “A child understands in his own way, and even if he makes mistakes, his impressions are so vivid and imaginative that there is no need to ground them.”

K.D. Ushinsky emphasized that literature should introduce the child “to the world of folk thought, folk feeling, folk life, into the realm of the folk spirit.” These are works of oral folk art: riddles, counting rhymes, proverbs, sayings. When getting acquainted with works of oral folk art, we improve higher mental functions: auditory-verbal, visual memory, voluntary attention, creative thinking, enrich vocabulary, develop a phraseological dictionary, and form grammatically correct speech skills. Even before the age of one year, the baby begins to listen to the first nursery rhymes, songs, and look at them in book illustrations. At this age he is interested in rhythms and intonation.

It is also necessary to note the colossal influence of works of oral folk art on the mental development of preschool children.

The main task of parents is to know about their child’s literary inclinations in order to improve them.

It is important to note that reading together contributes to the formation of warm emotional relationships between mother and child.

While reading fiction, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • - Read with expression, changing intonation depending on the character.
  • - Show illustrations to the text as often as possible. This increases the child's interest.
  • - Remove toys and objects that distract your child from sight. Try to read in a quiet, calm environment.
  • - Read aloud all your life! This need creates an interest in reading in your child.
  • - Children's books should be in a place accessible to the baby.
  • - Sign up for a children's library, let your child participate in choosing books.


We teach nursery rhymes, poems, riddles with children, and transfer them into children's creativity, into the origami technique. Children's reading should include books of a variety of topics and genres.

A child needs to discover the wealth of genres of literature. This will allow, on the one hand, to develop in a preschooler a breadth of reading interests, and, on the other, selectivity and individuality of literary preferences.

Parents need to pay attention not only to the content of the work, but also to the expressive means of language - fairy tales, short stories and other works of fiction.

Educational books about work, about technology, about things, about nature were included in children's literature. They allow children to reveal the multifaceted nature of the world in which they live, to show the essence of phenomena in a figurative form, and prepare a scientific understanding of the world.

Poems by S.Ya. Marshak about the creation of things “Where the table came from”, “A book about a book”.

K.D. Ushinsky “How a shirt grew in a field.” Encyclopedic book by Zhitkov “What I saw”.

Children's books have created a special type of book - a fun book for children.

She reveals to children the funny things in life, develops valuable qualities - the ability to joke and laugh.

Works by K.I. Chukovsky, N.N. Nosova, V.G. Suteeva, S.Ya. Marshak, E.N. Uspensky and others.

The genre and thematic diversity of children's literature makes it possible to form individual reading interests and inclinations in children.

Children's reading circle designed to replenish children's literary horizons and increase their erudition.

Ambiguous in concept, multi-fluid and multi-layered, imbued with subtle humor and irony, they attract the child’s attention not only with the fun of the plot, but also with a deep thought that must be felt and understood, and upon revealing which the little reader feels satisfaction.

The focus of modern writers is on the inner world of an adult and a child, the world of experiences, diverse relationships and feelings.

This is typical for the books of R. Pogodin, I. Tokmakova, E. Uspensky and other authors.

Children's writers confront children with the need to realize moral truths, choose a line of behavior, and take the right position in relation to other people, things, and nature.

Older preschoolers show a steady interest in “thick” books.

This is an anthology of works by domestic and foreign writers.

Remember that a book is your good companion and best friend!

At all times of human existence, people have shown special attention to works for children, considering them the most important in the formation of a person in a child.

Questions about the range of children's reading were raised in Russia in the 18th century, and in the works of N. Chernyshevsky, V. Belinsky, N. Dobrolyubov, L. Tolstoy in the 19th century.

But still, the urgency of the issue remains in modern Russia 21st century.

A person dealing with issues of children's reading must have comprehensive knowledge in the field of Russian folklore, and foreign creativity, writers of Russian and foreign children's literature. And also to form a circle of children's reading, it is necessary to have excellent pedagogical and psychological preparation. It is important for him to monitor the development trends of the children's literature market, children's book publishing, to read a lot himself and believe that artistic word can influence and influence a person.



Children's reading circle.

At all times of human existence, people have shown special attention to works for children, considering them the most important in the formation of a person in a child.

Questions about the range of children's reading were raised in Russia in the 18th century, and in the works of N. Chernyshevsky, V. Belinsky, N. Dobrolyubov, L. Tolstoy in the 19th century.

But still, the urgency of the issue remains in modern Russia of the 21st century.

A person dealing with issues of children's reading must have versatile knowledge in the field of Russian folklore, and foreign creativity, writers of Russian and foreign children's literature. And also to form a circle of children's reading, it is necessary to have excellent pedagogical and psychological preparation. It is important for him to monitor the development trends of the children's literature market, children's book publishing, to read a lot himself and to believe that the literary word can influence and influence a person.

So what is this children's reading circle? This is a range of works that children listen to, read and perceive. They were written, passed on by adults, and were understood and accepted by children. Children's reading circle includes:


Books for children,

Children's creativity,

Children's newspapers and magazines,

As you know, each year of a child’s life corresponds to certain works: nursery rhymes and four-line nurseries in early preschool age, to fairy tales and novels in older preschool age.

This begs the question: what does a child’s reading range depend on?:

Depending on the age of the child and his preferences. Thus, the youngest listeners prefer fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems written by a certain author to a certain book.

From the development of literature itself. What can I say, the state of the level of development of children's literature at the end of the 20th century remained at a low level, poems for children were practically not published, very few historical and realistic works, which did not contribute to the education of a versatile reader.

From the selection of literature for children's reading. In the funds of city and rural libraries, from books in families, big influence The time itself in which the child lives has an impact.

The range of children's reading cannot be the same for everyone, and should not. After all, a child is able to choose a book for himself, even the smallest one, based on its attractive cover and illustrations.

An educational program that is carried out in preschool institution, contains a specific list of recommended literature for children to read, according to age category.

Along with this, there is family, home reading. This is a variable part of reading, which depends on knowledge of children's literature, taste, preference, education of parents, and it plays a positive role in preserving the uniqueness of the child-listener, the child-reader.

In the circle of children's reading, there are a number of works that are mandatory, without which preschool childhood It's impossible to imagine. These are works that have been tested by many generations of readers, classic works:

Folk tales,

Works by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, A. Barto, N. Nosov,

Fairy tales by C. Perrault, H. Andersen, A. Lindgrend.

V. G. Belinsky argued that children have a special perception of what they hear about the importance of the role of books in raising a child. After all, the “wrong” book can lead to distortion moral ideas, will destroy aesthetic feelings, and about your place in the world around you.

Preschoolers perceive art out of context: they can animate inanimate objects, change works at their discretion, making it the hero of themselves or their friends. A book you like has an effect on a child strong impression, and he uses the plot in his games, lives by them, and includes them in his real life.

Literature, as a form of art, helps in raising a competent listener and reader, but it should be remembered that it will be better perceived when a special emotional atmosphere is created, the child’s mood for reading a book.

Children should have a designated time for reading, and there should be no interruptions or distractions. Children need to be explained that they cannot read while eating, in transport, or on the go. You shouldn't read the same book over and over again. When reading, you should take your time and pronounce sounds and letters clearly and clearly. Adults must remember that it is unacceptable to force a child to listen if he is tired, distracted, or wants to change his activity. Only an attentive, caring attitude towards preschoolers and a careful choice of reading a particular work will lead to the desired result.

When choosing a children's reading range, special attention should be paid to:




The dynamics of the plot

The educational value of the work.

So what should be included in children's reading?

All types of literature:

Prose (epic), poetry (lyrics), drama, fiction;

Folklore genres - folk fairy tales, lullabies, nurseries, nursery rhymes, chants, sentences, fables-reversals, children's folk songs, horror stories;

Popular science genres (encyclopedias);

Works of literature of the peoples of the world.

The subject matter of the works should be as varied as the reader requires:


Children's game, toys;

Nature, fauna;

Relationships between children and adults; family, duty to parents and relatives; internationalism; honor and duty to the Motherland;

War and heroism;

Historical periods;

Man and technology.

It is important to take into account gender differences between children. For girls, you need to read books about feminine virtues, about running a home, and about women's destiny. Boys will be interested in literature about courage, courage, heroes, travel, inventions, and people’s behavior in difficult situations.

Children's literature is an intrinsically valuable type of verbal artistic creativity that plays important role in the development and upbringing of a child. V. Lunin noted: “I must confess to you that I am writing not for you, but for myself!”

It is at the age of 4-5 years that it is determined who will be a reader in the future and who will not. At this age stage, it is especially important to introduce the child to the golden fund of children's books. The best editions The collections “Russian Fairy Tales” and “Once Upon a Time” were recognized.

Among poetic works for children 4-5 years old, it is advisable to purchase, first of all, works of classics of children's literature. Among them are works by A. Pushkin, N. Nekrasov, A. Blok, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, V. Berestov, I. Tokmakova. Great success Children use poems and stories by E. Uspensky, S. Kozlov, A. Barto, E. Blaginina.
Among the stories and fairy tales of Russian writers, the leading publications are the works of K. Ushinsky (stories and fairy tales “For Children”) and L. Tolstoy (“For Children” and “ABC”). N. Nosov’s stories “The Living Hat”, “Bobik visiting Barbos” are very loved by children aged 4-5 years.

Children of this age can relate to Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales "Thumbelina", "The Steadfast" tin soldier", Brother Grimm "Musicians of Bremen".
More than one generation of 4-5 year old children has grown up reading the picture book “The Adventure of Pif” and Kipling’s fairy tale “The Little Elephant”.
Among best books about living nature should be called “Big and Small” by E. Charushin, many editions of the works of V. Bianchi and V. Sladkov.

As for the selection of children's books for the elder preschool age, that is, for children 6-7 years old, it contains great place It is occupied by scientific, artistic and popular science literature, encyclopedic books, photo books on various fields of knowledge.
If we talk about folklore publications, they have been enriched with collections of riddles and proverbs. These include the collection of riddles "Clever Ivan, the Firebird and the Golden Grain." As for collections of fairy tales, among many others we can highlight the colorful translated book “Treasures fairy tales"and collection" golden book best fairy tales peace."
From poetic works in home library for preschoolers, you should first of all have the works of classical poets - A. Pushkin, V. Zhukovsky, F. Tyutchev, A. Maykov, I. Bunin, A. K. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin. It is recommended to introduce “Fables” by I. Krylov into the reading circle of children aged 6-7 years, many of which will be studied at school. The point of preliminary reading is not to understand the moral of the fables (that will come later), but to touch the sample of native figurative speech.
Next to the poetic heritage of K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, B. Zakhoder, S. Mikhalkov, V. Mayakovsky, A. Barto, collections of poems by S. Cherny, D. Kharms, T. Sobakiia, M. Boroditskaya should be on the bookshelf of preschoolers , R. Makhotina, M. Yasnova it is very important that the child gets to know them before school.
Many collections of stories and fairy tales by writers have been published for preschoolers. different countries. To fairy tales and stories of Russians writers of the 19th century peka, already recommended for reading by children 4-5 years old, a fairy tale by S. Aksakov is added " The Scarlet Flower", "Alenushkin's Tales" by D. Mamin-Sibiryak, "The Frog Traveler" by Garshin, "Town in a Snuffbox" by V. Odoevsky. Among the stories we can recommend "Theme and the Bug" by N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, "The Jump" by L. Tolstoy, "White Poodle" by A. Kuprin, "Kashtanka" by A. Chekhov. Among the writers of the 20th century, parents should pay special attention to P. Bazhov (" Silver hoof"), B. Zhitkov ("Stories about Animals"), A. Tolstoy ("The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"), M. Zoshchenko ("Selected Stories for Children"), K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit". A kind of bestseller children's reading is A. Volkov's book "The Wizard emerald city" - free retelling of the book American writer Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz.
Among the writers of the second half of the 20th century, V. Dragunsky with his "Deniska's Stories", V. Golyavkin with his "Notebooks in the Rain", N. Nosov with the famous "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", E. Uspensky firmly entered the circle of children's reading for preschoolers with “Crocodile Gena” and “Uncle Fedor”, T. Alexandrova with “Kuzka”. In addition, the “classics” of children's reading also include the works of other writers, among whom one cannot fail to mention Sergei Kozlov and his book “Hedgehog in the Fog.” For preschoolers, the writer G. Tsiferov and his book “The Story of a Pig” are interesting.
As for the fairy tales of foreign writers of the 19th century, children are mainly recommended the fairy tales of E. T. A. Hoffmann ("The Nutcracker and mouse king"), V. Gauff ("Little Muk", "Dwarf Nose"), D. Harris ("The Tales of Uncle Remus"), C. Collodi ("The Adventures of Pinocchio"). Among the writers of the 20th century, I would like to mention R. Kipling with his fairy tales. A real gift for children would also be the voluminous book by A. Milne “Winnie-the-Pooh and Everything-Everything-Everything and Much More.”

More than one generation of preschoolers has grown up reading D. Rodari’s book “The Adventures of Cippolino.” Children aged 6-7 years already have access to one of the most famous works Astrid Lindgren "Three stories about the Kid and Carlson." It is impossible not to mention one more book - the book of the Austrian writer F. Selten "Bambi." A special place in the lives of people of different generations is occupied by the fairy tale of M. Maeterlinck " Blue bird". Having read it at least once, parents will certainly want to have the book in the house to bring their child the same joy that they themselves experienced when reading it in childhood.
As noted above, for children 6-7 years old the range of educational books published is significantly expanding, in particular about the world around them. Classics of such literature are recognized as I. Akimushkin, V. Biapki, M. Prishvin, N. Sladkov, E. Charushin, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, etc., who managed to reveal to the child the life of forests, seas, rivers, sky and earth, animals and insects, they have become a kind of encyclopedias that introduce the child to different areas knowledge