School competitions for boys by February 23.

Competitions for boys on February 23.

The celebration of February 23 seems to have no boundaries. Aside traditional day there are no real men left, starting with the smallest future defenders of the country and ending with male representatives “with experience”.
All are involved in various thematic events taking place in kindergartens, educational institutions, work teams. And all this is prepared for them by master entertainers - beloved and dear women. I always want to stand out with the originality and originality of competitions, so that pleasant memories remind me of holiday February, come up with the most funny ideas.
First, to prepare interesting scenario you need to know the age category and capabilities of the audience. Secondly, clearly define the time frame for the celebration. Thirdly, decide on the form thematic scenario. For example, a matinee, a competitive program, individual or team sports competitions, music program, theatrical performance, etc.
In addition, competitions are designed to identify the best players. In this regard, tasks are for accuracy, speed, strength, dexterity, etc. Intellectual and creative competitions are also often included.
We do not forget about inviting a competent jury, as well as certificates, diplomas and incentive prizes.

Competitions for kindergarten boys.

What do little robbers like? Of course, games of "war games", hide and seek, cars, planes. Based on these desires, you can come up with and conduct a series of funny contests for boys.
For example, the competition "Tanks". The participant needs to hit the “enemy tank” (toy tank) with a tennis ball. Hitting the target is a victory point for the player.
Competition "Pilots". The boys take turns trying to fly the paper airplane as far as possible.
Competition "Race". The competition is in pairs. Each of the two participants in the hands of a pencil-thin stick with a thread attached, about one and a half meters long. A toy car is attached to the other end of the thread. It is necessary, at the command of the host, to wind the thread around the stick until the entire thread is wound.
Ammunition Competition. Little blindfolded soldiers need to find on confined space"ammunition" - skittles. The winner is determined by the number of items found.
Competition "Demining". Participants will have a difficult task of attentiveness and speed. Task: from a pile of children's shoes (room shoes in kindergarten boys and girls) find and match matching pairs. The most dexterous becomes the best in this competition.

Competitions for boys of elementary grades.

Usually, competitions in grades 1-2 do not differ much from kindergarten ones in their complexity. The level can be raised by slightly complicating it by adding additional elements or movement, especially for grades 3-4.
For example, the competition "Sniper". It is necessary to carry without touching hands, balloon on a badminton racket to the indicated place and back. The competition requires skill and patience from the participant.
Competition "Secret card". This competition is more suitable for team competitions. Each group of participants is invited to put together a cut into pieces picture with an image military equipment e.g. tank, plane, etc.
Contest "Expert in military affairs". The participant must correctly and quickly put into the “military bag” of the proposed items only those that he will need “in combat conditions”. For example, binoculars, machine gun, grenade, smoke bomb, etc.

Competitions for boys of 5-7 classes.

The most restless and perky character falls on given age boys. And there is a big plus in this - they are ready to participate in almost everything that is offered to them.
Contest "Secret Message" The leader gives the team of boys a package with a task, in which there are cards with words. They need to be combined so that a proverb or saying on a military theme is obtained. The first team to succeed is the one that writes the correct text on paper and brings it to the presenter (or jury).
Competition "Dangerous goods". A rope is tied to a toy truck, and there is a glass of water in the back. It is necessary to carry, without spilling water, along a given route. The competition can be held as an individual one - for a personal offset to the participant. best result the completed task with the least amount of time and spilled water is considered.
"Competition" Minesweeper ". Draw an automaton on a piece of paper with your eyes closed. The speed, accuracy and accuracy of drawing are taken into account.

Competitions for boys in grades 8-11.

High school students increasingly prefer extreme competitions associated with the greatest release of adrenaline. In the conditions of the hall, of course, this is more difficult to achieve than conducting active sports outside the premises. But, nevertheless, the guys still have more than enough excitement!
Competition "Special task". It is offered for competitions between teams. Competition for speed and accuracy. The participant from the start line begins to move with his back, in a semi-squat in a given direction. Having reached the specified point, it turns to face the target (balloon), which must be hit with a dart. Popped balloon - one point.
Competition "Nimble cook". There is a potato in one part of the scene, a basketball hoop in the other. The participant needs to peel potatoes while the music is playing. If the music stops, he runs to the mark and from there he throws the ball into the basketball hoop 1 time. It returns to its original position again and so on until all the potatoes are peeled. The quality of the processed vegetable and the number of goals scored are evaluated.
Competition "Military ranks". The task for the contestants is to correctly distribute the cards by rank - from the lowest to the highest. The task is designed for the personal knowledge of the boys.

Every year with the advent of February, all Russian men prepare for the most important significant holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day. According to the established tradition, on this wonderful day, all representatives of the stronger sex “wait” for congratulations and gifts, from boys in kindergarten and school to male colleagues at work. For future and present defenders of the Fatherland, festive events, corporate parties at work, children's matinees for students of different classes - with fun games, funny humorous contests, sports competitions. As a rule, competitions for February 23 are selected diverse, taking into account the "audience", free space for entertainment, as well as the available "working" props. Of course everything organizational issues need to think ahead the event will take place well-coordinated and do not have to hastily solve various "unscheduled" issues. We bring to your attention the most cool ideas for contests on February 23, with which you can arrange fun party guys and men, giving them the opportunity to compete physically or intellectually. So, let's dilute the atmosphere of the main men's holiday with notes of fun and enthusiasm!

Fun contests for February 23 for boys in grades 5-7 at school, ideas and videos

Defender of the Fatherland Day at school is always interesting and fun. So, on February 23, the girl's "half" of the class congratulates the boys on their holiday, addressing everyone the warmest and my sincere congratulations. Alternatively, on the eve of the holiday, a wall newspaper is drawn up with photographs of all the boys or friendly cartoons(if there is a skillful “artist” in the class). In addition to giving gifts and organizing a "sweet" table, you can make entertainment program with fun contests - we have collected interesting ideas with video for boys in grades 5-7. However, in such cool entertainment All students will be happy to participate. Such fun contests for February 23 involve the definition of winners - they are entitled to prizes selected taking into account military theme holiday (cars, puzzles, key chains, embossed notepads).

Competition "We are a team!"

To participate in this competition, all participants are divided into pairs. Then, in each pair, one player needs to be blindfolded, and pins should be placed around at a certain distance from each other. The host notes the time and gives a signal. The blindfolded participant carefully moves forward, focusing on the prompts of the “partner”. The task can be complicated by changing the arrangement of pins for each new pair - after the participant is blindfolded. The team that knocks down the fewest pins wins. With the help of this cool competition, by February 23, children learn to cooperate and work in a team. And it's just fun and cool!

Contest "Secret Agents"

Boys often imagine themselves as super agents or scouts performing an important task behind enemy lines. We offer an interesting idea of ​​the competition for Defender of the Fatherland Day - to declare the guys secret agents and entrust them with the transmission of a secret encrypted message. All male participants are divided into two teams, and a captain is selected in each. According to the terms of the competition, the captain receives a task: to perform a series of movements in a certain sequence. For example, raise your hands up, clap your hands three times, sit down five times, touch your right ear with your left hand, and take your right hand to the side. The task of the captain is to exactly repeat the movements of the next player. That, in turn, transmits the "secret message" to the third participant, and so on until the end. The winner is the team that more accurately and quickly transmitted the "encrypted report" to the last "secret agent".

Cool funny contests for February 23 for men in the office, ideas with video

For many, work takes up most of the Everyday life, and we sometimes see colleagues more often than with some relatives. The tradition of celebrating holidays in the circle of the native team is extremely “tenacious” - so on February 23, the female half of the office is preparing in a solemn atmosphere to congratulate men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. How to surprise male colleagues on February 23? During "table" breaks, you can arrange cool contests and games that will cheer up the whole team and set them up for a carefree and festive mood. We offer some ideas with video organization funny contests by February 23 for the male part of the team.

Competition "Photoshoot in a gas mask"

Such a cool contest will require pre-training- you need to stock up on a pair of gas masks. All male participants are divided into two teams, which are located on both sides of the table. The presenter with an assistant stand at a distance of about 10 meters from the participants - they have cameras in their hands. At the signal of the host, the first player of each team puts on one of the gas masks lying on the table, and in this form runs up to the “photographer” for a picture. Then the participant of the "photo shoot" returns to his team and passes the gas mask to the next player. The essence of this cool competition is to finish the fun "photo shoot" in gas masks as quickly as possible. From the received photos, you can later make a collage and admire the result with the whole team.

Kitchen attendant contest

Such "culinary" competitions on February 23 will remind many men of the "charms" of military service. So, women can present their male colleagues with a “surprise” - a “high-speed” potato peeling contest. The participants of the competition are also given knives and a large tuber - it is assumed that they will have to peel the potatoes for speed. However, unexpectedly, the presenter offers to arrange a competition for the knowledge of dishes from this popular vegetable. Men take turns naming potato dishes, trying to remember as many as possible. The most erudite "cook" is declared the winner and receives a cool prize - here the imagination is unlimited!

Table contests and games for corporate parties by February 23, cool with video

In honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the management of companies and firms presents their employees with a pleasant "surprise" - a festive corporate party in banquet hall restaurant or cafe, in nature. Each of these options has its own advantages, but many prefer to gather in their native “working” walls. Indeed, at such an entertainment event, colleagues can have fun in an informal setting, get to know each other better and even make friends with each other. To the script corporate party you can turn on cool contests for February 23 with a slight “touch” of humor. Of course, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, men will rightfully be in the spotlight - however, all employees can take part in some competitions. Here you will find interesting video ideas for corporate competitions by February 23 - creative inspiration to you!

Competition "Charming Pilots"

By February 23, the main participants in this cool competition will be three groovy men-merry fellows - there are such men in every team. Before the “flight”, the presenter delivers a parting speech about the responsibility of the pilots to the crew and passengers, the ability to inspire confidence in themselves, as well as the professionalism of the real “masters of the sky”. According to the terms of the competition, the task of the "pilots" is to lure on board as much as possible more women from the hall. How to do it? With the help of charm and male charms, brave "pilots" "recruit" the crew and passengers from among the employees. The winner is the “pilot” who has attracted the most female colleagues to his side - everyone chooses the method and means of “attracting” himself.

Contest "Guess who drinks vodka"

To hold such a contest-raffle, you can attract any number of players, and from the details you will need transparent glasses with straws - according to the number of participants. 150 grams of liquid is poured into each glass. At the beginning of the competition, the host announces that only one of the glasses contains vodka, and the rest - pure water. The participants then begin to drink through the straw, trying not to show what they are drinking. The rest of those present at this time try to guess by appearance players who have alcohol in their glass. When the glasses are empty, the presenter "reveals the cards" - it turns out that there was vodka in all the glasses!

Funny contests for February 23 in kindergarten with dads, ideas, videos

On the holiday of February 23, morning performances are held in kindergartens with the invitation of parents - mothers and fathers of children. Such recreational activities cannot be imagined without fun funny contests and games in which boys and their dads can take part. We have selected interesting ideas from videos for contests for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, which will appeal to both children and parents.

Competition "Fishermen"

Boys and dads can take part in this cool competition - fishing enthusiasts will especially like entertainment. Each participant puts on a belt with a thread tied to it, to which a pencil (“fishing rod”) is attached. Since it is winter in the yard, the "fishermen" go for winter fishing - the hole in this case is presented in the form of the neck of an empty bottle. The winner of the competition is the one who first hits the “fishing rod in the hole”.

Competition "Best Sniper"

The competition will require three-liter jar filled with water in which a glass is placed. Then the host invites children and dads - their task is to get a coin into a glass from a distance of several steps. At first glance, everything is simple, one difficulty is that the trajectory of the coin is constantly changing due to the liquid in the bank. The most accurate sniper is declared the winner of the competition and receives a prize - coins that are inside the jar.

Ideas for cool contests for guys on February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day for any guy or man is a significant and important holiday. To this significant date you can arrange an entertaining event with cool contests that will “dilute” traditional table gatherings. For our courageous defenders - best ideas competitions on February 23!

Contest "Protect the Orange"

The host chooses two participants from among guys and men. Each is given a spoon - you need to clamp it in your teeth, and place an orange or an egg on top. Under the terms of the competition, players must try to throw off the opponent's orange, while keeping the fruit on their spoon. Hands "use" during the game is prohibited.

Competition "Check for accuracy"

At the end of the February 23 party, a lot of empty beer cans are gathering - it's time to arrange a competition for accuracy. Banks are placed in one line, and the participants shoot at the "target" with bullets from a children's Chinese pistol. Who knocked down the most cans, he won.

Funny contests for February 23 - a great opportunity have fun, as well as test the dexterity, courage and strength of men and guys. On our pages you will find interesting ideas for contests by February 23 - for boys at school and kindergarten, men in the office, corporate parties at work. Such cool contests for February 23 will bring a “touch” of humor and fun to the strict atmosphere of the holiday. Have a good holiday!

The facilitator should prepare several songs on military topics and songs that mention the military or their ranks. These songs include: “But I love the military”, “No one writes to the Colonel”, “Oh, what a man was”, “A soldier is walking down the street”, “Junior Lieutenant” and so on. The host turns on the song, whoever quickly guessed which song sounds, he raises his hand and calls his version. If it turns out to be correct, the guest gets a point. In the end, whoever has the most points gets their prize.

Real men

The participants are blindfolded and each in turn is seated at the table. For each participant, certain instruments are laid out, which the participant must guess. Real men must certainly learn all or at least most of the tools. Set example: screwdriver, tape measure, chisel, pliers, concrete drill, nut, plastic dowel; hand drill, bolt, wood drill, nail puller, level, caliper and so on.

Spy memory

The host selects several participants who are ready to become spies. All participants are tested one by one. For each of them, the presenter quickly shows up to 10 pictures with different images, for example, a bottle of champagne, a tiger, a pen, a pistol, a helmet, a tank, a butterfly, and so on. Then the participant must list all the objects seen from the pictures in right order. Whoever does it without mistakes deserves a prize.

Can be one

Among the men, they choose the very best who can do push-ups on one arm and sit on one leg. Which of the men does more push-ups than the rest receives a prize, and the prize will also go to the one who can sit down more than the rest.

Squeeze all the juice out of the enemy

Each participant receives half a lemon and imagines that this is his worst enemy. On the “start” command, each participant begins to squeeze “all the juices” out of his opponent into a separate glass. The participant who can squeeze more juice out of the enemy in a minute will be the winner.

Step march!

It's simple: the host turns on a song, for example, "Katyusha", the guys line up and start marching, but not just, but on squats. Which of the men can hold out until the end of the song - receives a prize.

army kitchen

This joke contest. The host puts raw, unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that you have to peel potatoes. But, when those who wish are nevertheless chosen, they are invited to take turns naming potato dishes. The one whose dish is the last will win.

Back to back

Men compete in pairs in a back-to-back standing position. At the command of the leader, each of the participants tries to force out his opponent from the circle (drawn in chalk), while you can only act with your back. The winner gets applause and a prize.

hit the target

Everyone can participate in the competition, but in turn. The participant stands in the center of the hall, a drawing with a cannon is attached to his back for interest, and this cannon will shoot with crumpled sheets of paper. A cardboard box is located at a certain distance from the participant. The participant must, from three attempts, get a crumpled sheet of paper or a small ball into the box, while standing with his back. The facilitator can give two clues, for example, to the left or to the right. Whoever hits the target wins the prize.

One, two, fire!

For this competition, the host must prepare (download from the Internet) the sounds of a shot of various weapons (tank, machine gun, bazooka, hail, and so on). The leader turns on the sound, whoever raised his hand first, he answers. For the correct answer - a point, and whoever has more points is the winner.

The facilitator invites each contestant to write down eight adjectives on a piece of paper. Then, having distributed the text to them, he suggests inserting these adjectives in place of the missing words and reading the note received. The text may be as follows: “Yesterday in ..... a dream ..... artilleryman Ivanov argued with ..... artilleryman Petrov that he would immediately knock out 100 ..... enemy tanks. Immediately, without waking up, Ivanov in ..... battle applied all his ..... experience and ..... took revenge on ..... the enemy with a blow. The military commander wins - the author of the funniest note from the front.

The guys are divided into teams, in which girls can also be present. Each team receives a sheet with dates. In 5-10 minutes, the guys should remember these dates and write what wars took place in these years, for example, 13-15 centuries - the wars of the Mongol Empire, 1917-1923. - Civil War in Russia, 1914-1918 - World War I, 1939-1945 - World War II and so on. The team that fills in all the dates correctly or, if not all, then the most, will receive a prize.

Strength in the legs and calm in the head

Each boy stands still, a textbook is placed on his head. At the start command, the guys begin to squat. Whoever can sit down more in one minute and not drop the student at the same time, he will win. If the textbook is dropped, the count starts again. Therefore, you need to act confidently, calmly and dexterously, like a real soldier.


The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people (girls can also take part). The first team members receive a task sheet in which one or two phrases (the same for all teams) are written, for example, "In the spring, in the month of March, ours must hold the defense from the north-western side, having adequately stood to the bitter end." On the “start” command, the first participants open the envelope with the task sheet, read it and pass the phrase orally into the ear of the second participants, trying to keep the whole phrase verbatim, the second pass it on to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on until the last participants. The team in which last member the first to be ready to pronounce a phrase from the task sheet and do it verbatim, will become the winner.

Stop! Who goes?

Each of the guys in turn becomes a soldier who is blindfolded. The rest of the guys take turns quietly passing by the participant, and he, in turn, must listen carefully and prevent the “enemy” from entering his squad. The participant who manages to feel and catch more than the rest of the "spies" will win and receive a prize.

Our boys are our heroes

Girls classmates confer and distribute to each one whom she (several girls can) will or will show, but not just show, but in the role of some kind of hero. For example, Sasha is Batman, and one of the girls calls Sasha to the board and says: you are strong, brave, brave and always ready to help, just like... and shows Batman. And Sasha has to guess who he is. Spectators-classmates can help with hints. Heroes can be different: from cartoons, fairy tales, movies, history, mythology, and so on.

Strong, fast, agile

The boys are divided into pairs. In each pair, the guys either cross their arms or take each other's hands so that another person can sit on them, like on a chair. Each pair of boys gets 5 girls per class. At the same distance from each pair there is a line beyond which the boys must move the girls. At the “start” command, the boys squat, the first girl sits on their crossed arms and the boys deliver the girl beyond their line, after which they return back for the second girl. The pair of boys that will get their girls over the line faster than their rivals will be the winner.

Military chronology

Participants are provided with a piece of paper and a pen. In front of them, on a board, they write the names of famous commanders of different times, for example, Tutankhamun, Macedonian, Ivan the Terrible, Zhukov, and so on. The task of each of the participants is to arrange the commanders in the correct chronological order faster than the others. Whoever can do it gets the prize.

obstacle course

2-3 participants are needed, more can be. There is an obstacle course in front of each participant, after a certain distance there is a chair on which there is a sign indicating what needs to be done, for example, at the first stage - squat 5 times, at the second - push off the floor 2 times, at the third - load a gun (toy ), on the fourth - remember and sing a couple of lines from military song, on the fifth - jump rope 20 times and so on. Which of the participants will be able to overcome the obstacle course the fastest, he deserves a prize.

Let's continue the phrase

The leader in turn tells each of the participants a phrase from a military theme, which should be continued. Boys who fail to continue are out of the game, and boys who give correct and quick answers will receive prizes. For example: “Aty-bats, they were walking ...” - soldiers; “Step up...” - quietly; “To the left, step ...” - march; "Rota, ..." - rise and so on.

February 23 is a special holiday for both women and men. On this day, they congratulate the present and future defenders who protect the state and people. All the importance of the celebrated event should be understood and realized even by schoolchildren from a very early age.


The competition can be used both for a team competition and for a game where each participant has his own individual right to win. The facilitator reads to the boys excerpts from the works that they have been learning for school year, and the children should name the author of the lines they heard.


This competition is based on the rules of arm wrestling. It can be included in a team competition, for example, as a competition for captains, or it can be held as a competition for individual participants.


The competition is perfect for individual competition. The boys are given sheets of paper, from which they should make airplanes for themselves as soon as possible. The competition begins at the command of the leader. The winner is the boy (boys), whose airplane turned out to be the most perfect and of high quality.

There is also an opportunity to hold a whole range of competitions with airplanes. For example, in the first, ask the boys to make them, in the second - to decorate, in the third - to fly, in the fourth - to go through obstacles with the airplane, etc.


Competition for team game. Two boys are invited to participate, their task is to alternately name the brands of cars known to them. The one with the best knowledge in this area wins.

"Mini Basketball"

The competition is suitable for both individual and team competition. To conduct it, all team members are asked to stand in a column. Each participant, when his turn comes, is given two nuts. Two meters in front of the first participant is a bucket. The first participant starts the game, the task of each is to get the nuts into the bucket. After the attempts made by the first team, the second team is invited to the competition. As a result, for each hit, the team receives 1 point.


For the competition, teams or individual participants are provided with small puzzles (large or small, as well as their number depends on age). Who put the puzzle together correctly for more a short time he won the competition.

According to the method of this game, you can hold similarity contests. For example, parse ballpoint pens and ask the boys to fold them for speed. Also in the competition, you can use a designer or other items that can be quickly expanded and then folded. It will be nice if music plays during the execution.

Contests for February 23 should be applied differently. They may have a cheerful, funny character, require intellectual knowledge or demonstrate the valiant skills of schoolchildren. Many children especially like funny contests on February 23rd.

"Nature lover"

Each boy pulls out an envelope in which he finds a card with the name of an animal. The task is to name what kind of animal it is, its main characteristics and place of residence. The most complete and thorough answer gets the first place.


Every gentleman should be able to make compliments. Two girls and two boys are invited to the competition. Little men should alternately say beautiful compliments to their ladies. The more gallant and eloquent gentleman wins.

"Tug of War"

The competition requires a long and thick rope. A red ribbon is tied in the middle. A line is drawn between the two teams, as well as one more line at a distance of 1 meter from the main one on each side. Participants stand on their sides and take the rope in their hands. The task of the teams is to pull the middle of the rope to their side so that the opponent crosses the center line.


Command task. Participants must find the item using maps and clues. Schoolchildren receive the first hint card from the leader, all subsequent ones get it thanks to their own mind and ingenuity. Tasks can be in the form of riddles, plans of the area, where the next clue or hidden object will be marked with a circle or a cross.


The boys are provided with pencils and sheets of paper. Each of them should draw one of their classmates on the sheets. After completing the task, all the portraits are placed along the board and the audience must guess who exactly is depicted in each of the drawings.

"Bag jumping"

If the competition is held for individual participants, each of them is provided with a bag in which, after the start signal, he must jump to the indicated line as quickly as possible. If the game is a team game, each is given one bag.

The first participants, on a signal, jump into the bag and jump to the indicated line and back (you can go around the ball), passing the baton to the next player. The team that crosses the distance first wins.

Cheerful tankmen

Team competition. In front of each team is a stand with a paper. The task of the participants is to draw a tank on the drawing paper one by one with their eyes closed. Each person can only complete one element. The eyes of the participants are tied immediately before the exit. Whoever has the most accurate drawing wins the competition.

"Eat an apple"

Two participants are invited for the competition. Girls stand on a chair and hold on outstretched hand apples hanging from a stick on a string. The task of the boys is to eat the hanging apple faster.

Cool contests for February 23 can be offered to come up with the children themselves, as creative work. As a result, the most interesting options and include them in competitive program school competitions for the men's holiday.

When organizing a competitive program, you need to take into account all age features children. Children are very fond of contests and games, so choosing contests for schoolchildren of different plots, there is no doubt that children will enjoy the event.