The creation of human hands!!! Creations not made by human hands.

History shows that everything large objects they are short-lived, something is always happening to them, and we will try to talk about it. Giant creations of human hands always have an unenviable fate. Here are some examples.

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Cannon "Dora"

At the end of the 30s, the German company Krupp began producing long-range 807 mm guns. The first such weapon was called “Dora”. It's a miracle military equipment could hit a target with multi-ton shells from a distance of several tens of kilometers. According to the original plan, the Douro was to be used to bombard the Maginot Line. But when the gun was completed (and this was 1942), this line no longer existed. Then the cannon was moved to another front to shell Sevastopol. To transport this colossus it took 4 trains and several thousand people.

It soon became clear that Dora was of little use at the front. It was not suitable for hitting long-distance targets, because at the end of the flight the projectile lost speed and could not even hit a ridiculous concrete wall. "Dora" was suitable only for shooting at close range. But they couldn’t use it to hit close targets, because the gun was too noticeable. After unsuccessful tests of the Dora at the front, it was returned to Bavaria, and then blown up when American troops were on the approaches to Germany.

What to say? Being big, it is difficult to hide from the enemy, and it is generally impossible to sneak up on him.

"Mississippi Panorama"

Artist John Banward, who painted the Mississippi panorama

IN mid-19th century, one American decided to go down the Mississippi River on a raft that he built with my own hands. Since he was not Yuri Loza, but an artist, he did not write a song about a small raft, but made sketches of everything he saw during his journey, which lasted 400 days. He then spent five years of his life painting the epic Panorama of Mississippi. This masterpiece stretched almost 500 meters in width and almost 4 meters in height. Those wishing to view this work of art spent two hours studying it. The artist took his work to many cities in America and earned a decent amount of money from its display, and then sold it to a museum. IN late XIX century, this epochal painting was lost in a fire. Such a huge painting could be looked at for hours, but taking it out of the burning museum was problematic. What to say? If you are big, people will not rush to save you; first of all, they will take the little ones out of the fire.

The Colossus of Rhodes

The island of Rhodes resisted the attempts of the Greeks to occupy it for hundreds of years. After one of the unsuccessful attacks of the Greeks, the inhabitants of the island wanted to thank the patron god of Rhodes, the god Apollo. The sculptor promised the Rhodians that he would build a huge bronze statue of Apollo, but he cheated. He did not make the entire statue bronze, but only the outer covering sheets. The sculptor made the frame of the statue iron, and threw stones inside. The whole thing was covered on top with bronze sheets with the contours of Apollo’s appearance.

The original height of the statue was 33 meters, but the sculptor, dissatisfied with his creation, added a meter to it several times. As a result, the cost of the statue exceeded all conceivable limits, the sculptor was ruined and committed suicide. And his creation, which turned out to be disproportionate, half a century later could not withstand the earthquake and collapsed, breaking at the knees. For almost another thousand years, the Colossus of Rhodes lay on the shore.

What to say? The madness of the creator and errors in calculations deprived the world of this gigantic creation of human hands.

This happened in 1912, when the Americans had not yet come up with the idea of ​​tightening the visa regime. In those days, everyone went to the USA. At that time, the problem of transporting passengers was acute. One rich American even established a prize that could be received by the creators of the most capacious ship. Shipbuilders entered the fray for this prize.

The company that built the Titanic a year earlier also took part in this competition. It was a gigantic ship with a displacement of 46,000 tons and a length of 270 meters. To launch this colossus into the water, 25 tons of lubricant were used for better passage ship along the gangway. The ship was of such gigantic proportions that for the symmetry of the picture they decided to attach another pipe to it, which became the fourth. There was no need for it, so the pipe was a fake one.

Everything about the ship's design was perfect, except for the three million rivets. They were made of an alloy that could not withstand the cold. An encounter with an iceberg would still have ended fatally, because the design of the liner had a double bottom and many waterproof compartments. The ice block destroyed only a few compartments; the rest should have kept the ship afloat, but unreliable rivets allowed water to break through. The ship sank to the bottom, breaking in half. And almost a century later, the hero of the famous Hollywood actor also went there.

What to say? There are so many details in a large structure that one cannot be sure of their perfection, and it is not possible to check everything.

Twin Towers

Build in Manhattan World shopping mall wanted in the middle of the last century, but construction was constantly postponed. The project was very serious, because it was necessary to build two identical buildings more than 400 meters high. However, 16 years after the launch of the project, twin towers, each 110 floors, already towered over the island. In those years, these were the tallest buildings on the planet.

There have been cases in US history when planes collided with high-rise buildings, so the new building was tested for aircraft resistance. But still, on September 11, 2001, after two planes attacked the towers, they could not resist. It's all because of the kerosene that was in the tanks of these planes. The burning fuel heated the steel structures of the towers to a very high temperature, and they did not withstand this test. If the coating of the structures had been fireproof, the buildings would not have collapsed.

What to say? Giant objects attract terrorists and other unbalanced citizens like a magnet. Each of them wants to become famous by destroying something majestic.

Kaapadokia. Türkiye. Rainwater washed away soft rocks. As a result, amazing formations appeared, similar to the creations of human hands. Locals they are called "fairy chimneys". Many caves were used by ancient people as dwellings, chapels, and graves.

The Northern Island of Ireland, also known as the "Sleeping Giant" and "Dead Man".

Indian head in Colorado.

Human profile of a rock on the California coast.

The "Lost City of Peru" on the eastern slope of the Andes was initially considered the work of a vanished civilization. A careful study of the stone blocks showed that they were the result of physical and chemical erosion.

A heart carved by Mother Nature on the rocks of Uluru in Australia.

In Caithness, on the east coast of Scotland strong winds and the waves of the sea “hewed” the rocks so that they became like man-made walls.

The Giant's Pavement in Northern Ireland appeared as a result of the eruption of volcanic rocks and their subsequent weathering.

Profile of an Elder in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. glaciers sculpted this gigantic sculpture 12 meters high and 8 meters wide.

Near Gujarat, in India, you can see the “ruins of ancient temples.” In fact, the architect of these columns is nature.

In Varna (Bulgaria) you can see a natural formation similar to a stone forest. This stone forest was "planted" by Mother Nature.

New Zealand Moeraki stones are also very similar to the creation of human hands. In fact, the process of formation of these stones was identical to the process of growth of a pearl inside a shell. In the Paleocene, a fragment of rock or tree began to become overgrown with limestone and covered with sedimentary rocks. Then coastal erosion freed these rocks from sediment and exposed them to the intelligent inhabitants of the Earth.

Again Cappadocia (Türkiye). Erodes tons of soft volcanic rocks, leaving stronger ones. These "fairy chimneys" dotted with caves present a very unusual sight.

Yonajuni Monument. The stone arena, terraces and other buildings are still the subject of debate whether they are artificial or natural formations. Divers from all over the world come to the shores of Japan to admire this with their own eyes. grandiose creation nature or unknown civilization

Nature is capable of this too. Erosion has carved patterns into the stone that resemble a fishing net.

The terrestrial analogue of the Martian sphinx of natural origin. This sphinx is located in national park Hingol (Pakistan). The “sculptor” of this sphinx is wind erosion.

Philip Jones and Martin Hill with their natural circles

Nature plays main role in the works of these artists, since half of each sculpture is the work of nature, namely the reflection in the water. Philip and Martin are true masters of land art, specializing in creating round eco-sculptures on the water surface.

Since all sculptures are made from natural materials and are completely dependent on environment, the “life” of these creations is quite short. Some can stand until the lighting changes, others - as long as there is balance and calm.

Thus, the eco-sculpture “Ice Circle” lasted on the water for about two minutes, as the ice began to quickly melt in the warm water. In this way, artists try to draw public attention to the problem of environmental degradation.

At Lake Taupo, New Zealand, Martin and Philip constructed the Stone Circle. The material for the installation was pumice.

The artists built the eco-sculpture “Synergy” from stems, connecting them together with linen thread.

Spencer Biles with his "fairytale forest"

UK artist and sculptor Spencer Byles creates amazing eco-sculptures in a forest in France. Some areas of the forest have been transformed by the artist into charming tunnels. For his works, Spencer is used exclusively natural materials so that his work is in harmony with the environment.

To realize the idea of ​​​​creating a “fairytale forest”, Biles needed a year of painstaking work. In the forest, near the municipality of La Colle-sur-Loup, over the course of a year, the sculptor created mysterious amulets, tunnels and circles.

The artist believes that it will be interesting to walk through the forest and discover an amazing creation, as if created by nature itself.

The thing about Byles' eco-sculptures is that they are not durable and will be disposed of where they are installed.

Stone mosaics by Dietmar Wurworld

Land art master Dietmar Wurworld creates extraordinary mosaics using stones and leaves. The artist’s goal is to create the impression that nature itself has created unprecedented sculptures. These colorful creations blend harmoniously with nature and look quite beautiful.

When creating mosaics, Ditmar strictly adheres to geometric shapes. The sculptor most often installs his works on the river bank.

"Flower Sculptures" by Sally Smith

Like other eco-sculptors, Sally Smith creates short-lived, but nevertheless original and very beautiful installations. Sally's work is predominantly made of flowers, branches, foliage, and also stone.

Andy Goldworthy - "tamer" of the stone

This artist is used for his works, both with delicate flowers and large boulders. Andy makes most of his compositions with his own hands, and when it comes to stone, he resorts to using technology. Goldworthy is considered the founder of the art of stone balancing.