Why live on - after loss? Psychologist of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We live in this world to learn all the lessons that life gives us.

The question that will be addressed in our article is an existential question. What is hidden under this ornate word? Everything is very simple. The question about the meaning of life is a question to which every person should know the answer. Should know at least approximately. Meaning. What is meaning? Most often in our world this is the goal. The purpose of life. What is it and do the goals of different people differ? Is there one single goal for everyone? Let's think about these difficult existential questions together. So:

Why live?

Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this question. The fact is that modern science is not yet able to tell us about how our world works. Humanity knows a lot. And such sciences as physics, chemistry and mathematics made it possible to lift the veil that covers nature and the meaning of its existence. Thus, there is no answer to the question of why life exists and why does it exist?

In the course of human evolution, it turned out that he learned to understand that everything in nature is finite, including him. It was this thought that made our species so superior to all others. What is the meaning of life if it is not eternal? What should a person do to justify his own existence? This problem has not been solved, but people have found salvation in themselves.

Each person experiences his own individual experience, which cannot be repeated in any way by other people. Based on this experience, a person builds his life. And it is in him that he draws the meaning of his existence. What's all this for? And to the fact that every person can separate from nature and find in himself the meaning of his own existence. This is why a person lives.

Our life is filled with a huge number of events that happen to us every second. This is exactly what you can live for. Perhaps in the entire universe there is only one solar system that was able to form life from cosmic dust. It is even possible to live and enjoy life only by the fact (scientifically confirmed) that any person consists of the remains of a cosmic body, namely a super nova. We are all part of this incredible world. We need to be grateful that, in the combination of a huge number of factors, we received a piece of time that gave us vital energy. As one of the famous astrophysicists said: “We are the children of the stars.” We need to live, because we have no other choice and, for sure, there is only one chance that we have been given.

You need to live here and now, because this is the only reality. The past is an illusion that is caused by the work of our nervous system. Everything that was before no longer exists. All that remains are images of the past, pictures that have no material basis. The future is an illusion that thanks its existence, again, to the incredibly developed human brain. That is why every moment is a moment of life. This is why you need to live. You need to live to be here and now in the entire space of the universe and to be part of the overall whole.

In addition, even our Earth is so large that every person can find himself on it. Life around us constantly challenges us and it is up to us whether we take advantage of it or refuse it.

Therefore, the next time you, dear reader, ask yourself a question about the meaning of life, then think about the fact that even the universe does not know why it exists. It exists for its own sake. We think this is a worthy example to follow.

Because people are immersed in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, they rarely have the opportunity to stop for a while and think about why we live. In general, is it necessary to do this? Is it better to go with the flow without thinking about anything? It's much easier this way. But answering the question “why live?” It becomes much easier for a person to find the guidelines along which to move. Is it possible to understand why a person lives? Many have been searching for this answer for years.

A strange question: “Why live?”

That's right, weird! Why does it appear in our head? Who even needs to know why we live? After all, there seem to be no physiological prerequisites for the appearance of such thoughts. We live there and that's it! But no, the obsessive “why am I living” keeps popping into my head every now and then.

Since these thoughts visit almost every person, then dismissing them would be, at a minimum, irresponsible. For some, they become a problem, leading to apathy, depression, and sometimes even suicide. This means that it is vital for these people to find out, otherwise they simply will not want to do it further. But such cases, fortunately, are not so common, but bad moods or despondency visit people all the time. Therefore, the answer to the question “why do I live” can saturate every day with the missing colors and solve a number of other problems, including:

  • Be the master of your life;
  • Become happier and more cheerful;
  • Understand what you want, direct your efforts in the right direction;
  • Begin ;
  • Stay young and energetic longer.

Perhaps the list is not complete, but even for the sake of these points it is worth thinking about the question “why live.”

Is it easy to understand why people live?

It all depends on the specific situation, as well as the person. Sometimes it seems that someone finds the meaning of their existence from birth. For example, he becomes a hereditary doctor, builds a brilliant career, undergoes an internship abroad and everything is fine with him. But at one “wonderful” moment he breaks all social ties, goes somewhere to the mountains, becoming a hermit.

Can we hope for his return to life? Or should this step be regarded as a real return to one’s natural self? In any case, the answer to the question “why live?” was not obvious to him in all previous years.

Still, why do people live? Some – for themselves “beloved”, some – for others. Others choose serving a higher goal as the meaning of their existence, but the majority of people cannot answer the question “why live.” Is it so important if everything is already good? Probably, in this case, it’s not extremely important. It all depends on the emotional state of the person.

If everything suits him, he enjoys every day, and doesn’t bother himself too much, then looking for an answer to the question “why live” is not critical for him. Perhaps at the end of his life he will begin to introspect, but, most likely, even then this will not bother him much.

Why do people start thinking about the question “why live?”

Since this condition can occur at any time, it is important to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

  • Discrepancy between reality and desires;
  • Lack of positive emotions;
  • Problems in your personal life or at work;
  • Non-perception of a person by society;
  • The opinions of other people, their advice, reproaches, instructions.

Let's look at these cases separately.

Why live if reality is not pleasing?

A common cause of depression is when “I want” and “I can” are noticeably different. For example, a girl was taught from childhood that she was a princess. Accordingly, she shouldn’t exchange less than for a prince with a white Porsche, but, for some reason, in their village there is no better transport than the neighbor’s LADA “Kalina”. Instead of the prince, the local swineherd Vasily. It is clear that the universal question “why am I living” will settle in her head.

What to do in such a situation? There are two options: either I “want” to bring it down to the level of my “I can”, or expand my capabilities. For example, sell your father’s tractor and go with modest belongings to conquer the capital or regional center. Otherwise, depression will not go away, but will only progress.

Why live if there is no joy?

Positive emotions are largely due to complex biochemical processes occurring in our body. “Happiness” hormones are produced when certain stimuli appear. For example, a loved one, a favorite promotion at work, or a favorite ticket to a long-awaited resort. The essence of the reason is not so important, the main thing is the response of our body to it.

But in order for hormones to be synthesized, substances are needed from which they will be created. Vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. So, returning to life will directly depend on good nutrition. Chocolate, bananas, nuts, fruits, greens will help you get moving so that you can begin your daily routine with renewed vigor.

Why live if you have problems in love or at work?

Probably the most common reason for sad thoughts is related to personal or professional failures. In this case, advice suggesting letting go of the situation would be appropriate. Yours will return, and if it doesn’t return, then it wasn’t yours. This is equally true in relation to the chosen one, as well as a career promotion, a new customer, etc. The more we chase something, the more it runs away from us. Why does a person live if he is abandoned or fired? Because this is just one of the episodes of his life, after which new ones will come, perhaps even better ones.

Why live if they don't understand you?

The world is so diverse that everyone can find a place in it, regardless of their education, inclinations, preferences and skills. Here it is better to pose the question differently. Why does a person live with those who do not accept him? If someone is not appreciated at work, a girl regularly nags, and friends are trying to assert themselves at his expense, why are they all needed?

You can get a new job, find another company, wait for the next “arrow of Cupid”. As a last resort, you can go to another city or country. The world is limitless and full of possibilities. Why live where you are not comfortable? The main thing is to understand from whom a person is running, from others or himself?

Why live in a way that others don’t like?

Since childhood, we are surrounded by other people. Each of them has their own opinion and understanding of life. It is worth learning a simple truth - no one owes anything to anyone! We shouldn't adapt to others. Even if someone was born into a family of hereditary military men, he is not obliged to join the army if his soul does not lie in it. And, even more so, to graduate from a military academy, etc. Otherwise, after 10 or 20 years, the thoughts “why live?” may appear in his head, but it will be difficult to correct the situation.

It is impossible to answer the question unequivocally. Everyone must decide for themselves why to live. Whether to think about it or not is also an individual choice. If it seems that life has reached a dead end, it is not clear where to move next, it is better to put everything aside and ask yourself the question “why am I living?”, by answering which you can quickly return to life. But if such thoughts do not occur, you should not despair either. Perhaps this means that the person is living correctly.

Lack of joy, love, constant anxiety, lack of money and other problems at least once in life involuntarily raised the question in everyone: “Is life worth living?”

“I closed my eyes and felt myself begin to fall into a deep sleep. I felt an unusual lightness in my body, as if I was just a piece of fluff. Opening my eyes, I realized that I was floating in the clouds, the beautiful blue sky was right before my eyes. I looked down in surprise, not understanding what was happening.

There’s a crowd of people around, what’s going on?” “I asked myself these questions.” It seemed like a figment of the imagination.

Death or just a dream?

“It seemed to me as if I was floating with the flow of the wind, and it would take me where I needed to go.

A moment later I found myself inside a huge building floating in the sky. It looked like a huge castle: high ceilings, dark walls, wide long corridors, many rooms, but no windows. The walls of the castle are stone and very thick.

There are a lot of people around, but there is no crowd. It is clear that someone has been here for a long time, some people communicate in a friendly manner, but there are also those who walk alone, meaninglessly wandering from room to room.

Along the way I met children, adults, and old people. It seemed to me that they were all waiting for something, apparently their time, but I had not yet been given the opportunity to understand this.”

What is happening there on Earth?

“Wandering along the corridors, I didn’t know where I was going or why, but I just walked. My feet themselves led me into a huge hall: the same high ceiling and dark, almost black walls.

In the middle stood a huge vessel filled with a blue liquid that looked like water. Coming closer, I looked into it, saw a crying mother, father, my husband, who could not find any reason to live without me.

Unable to see all this anymore, I moved as far away as possible. I was in great pain, confusion overwhelmed me and clouded my mind, I could not find a place for myself.

Still wandering along the corridors from room to room, I wandered into a room that looked like a tropical forest, very beautiful and as if illuminated by the sun, the only bright place here. But neither the greenery, nor the light, nor the sun any longer pleased me.

“Have you been to the “examination room” yet?” - they called out to me. Turning around, I saw my grandfather. As a child, I loved him madly, but here I did not feel the feelings that I experienced on earth.

“So this is what this place is where you see your loved ones and relatives! This is an observation room, and there you can see everything that happens on earth and how your relatives live. So I don’t live anymore!?”

With these thoughts, I left the tropical hall and went back to the dark corridors of the castle. I wandered around and looked at groups of people. “I wonder what they’re all doing here?” – I thought.

Some were running, some were laughing, and some were wandering mindlessly. There was a feeling that everything seemed to be the same as there, among the living.”

I understood what infinity is!

“In thought, I returned to the “examination room,” looked into the vessel and... it was as if I had been doused with water. For me, only a few minutes have passed, but 50 years have already passed on earth.

“How quickly time flies there! And it turns out I’ve been here for a long time!” - flashed inside.

I went up to the huge wall and leaned against it, my soul still did not find peace, I could not laugh and rejoice. While I lived, I could fix everything, change my life, correct mistakes, I dreamed, loved, rejoiced and cried. And now I can’t do anything, my feelings seem to have disappeared, I just exist, and I can’t change anything in my “life”…”

Is life worth living?

“Suddenly, I opened my eyes, as if someone had pushed me in the chest. I looked at the ceiling - I was in my bed, a loved one was snoring next to me, but in my soul there was a strange feeling, as if I had returned from the other world, and this experience of the other world lay like a stone on my heart.

I had this dream when I lost the meaning of life. Perhaps I was thinking about death, and the thoughts were deprived of the usual control, which allowed me to have this experience of awareness.

Previously, it seemed to me that the whole point of living was to have material goods and the ability to buy them, that is, to have money². But I couldn’t get them, although I worked and even tried to attract them with the power of thought. But nothing worked for me, I despaired and gave up. Question: “Is life worth living?” – appeared more and more often in my mind.

This realization experience showed me that as long as I am alive, I cannot give up. While I live, I can change a lot, correct mistakes, have children, start a family, buy a house, enjoy life, love and be loved...

Death does not provide a solution to all problems, it drives you into a dead end from which there is no way out, and there is no longer an opportunity to fix or change everything.”

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Underworld ( Otherworld, The World to Come, Kingdom of the Dead, That light, Another world) - the world into which people go after death, the abode of the dead or their souls (

Why does a person live? Family, work. It seems like a normal life. But at the same time, the feeling of meaninglessness, inner emptiness does not leave me... My head is spinning: “Why wine, cinema, millet, State Insurance receipts?” For what? For what? For what?

Why are we sent to this world? For what purpose? Who does this? Why specifically these parents? Who decides who is sent to whom? And in general, why does a person live?

By the concept of “meaning of life” I understand the inner meaning that is desired to be comprehended by the mind, the essence of life that justifies our existence. That is, a person tries to understand who he is, why he lives and what the purpose of his life is. Since everyone does this with their own mind, they receive answers in accordance with their natural properties - vectors.

Why does a person live? Everyone has their own answer

There are only eight vectors, and they differ in everything, so the owners of each vector have their own meanings in life, typical, determined by the desires of the innate vector.

Therefore, millions of people do not ask questions about the meaning of life, because for them the answer is obvious. For the audience, this is love. “How can you live without love? - they will be surprised. “Only love can answer the question “why does a person live?”, and only a lover has the right to be called a person!”

For people with the anal vector, this is family, children, home. “How can you live without a family? Without family there is no happiness and meaning in human life!” - they are perplexed. There are also those for whom the meaning of life is career and wealth - these are people with the skin vector. And then there are people with a muscle vector, for whom bread is everything. To grow bread, build a house, plant gardens - that’s why a person lives.

All these people have no time to think about the questions of existence. They have their own worries, their own joys and sorrows. Only people with a sound vector are doomed to search for answers to eternal questions. Who am I? Why do I live? What is the purpose of my life? Thinking is their purpose in this world.

I am one or more vectors that determine not only the psyche, but also appearance, demeanor and even gaze.

The subconscious is hidden from us, overshadowed by consciousness and therefore guides our actions unnoticed by us. We perform some action, driven by unconscious desires, and then our consciousness comes up with rationalizations for them so that our actions look expedient. Thanks to system-vector psychology, it becomes possible to look beyond rationalizations and understand the true reason for what is really happening to us. To understand the hidden things that live within us. The question “why does a person live?” appears in a completely different light.

The combination of the body, subconscious and consciousness, including the type of thinking (each vector has its own), memory, knowledge and skills, creates a personality.

Why does a person live? Change of generations

Each person leaves an imprint on the general psyche. Each, even the smallest “brick,” adds experience, knowledge, experienced feelings and makes our common piggy bank richer - this allows the next generations to be born smarter and more developed.

This is very noticeable in modern children; they seem to be born with a lot of knowledge that is inaccessible to some adults. So, a baby, not yet learning to speak, already knows how to operate a computer, while his grandparents spent a lot of effort and time mastering this device, and some never succeeded.

Each of us, asking the question “why does a person live?”, does so in the hope of finding happiness and satisfaction. This happens in the process of realizing the structure of one’s “I”, one’s vectors, one’s true desires, one’s psyche. The result is harmony between the world inside and the world outside.

These questions are fundamental for sound engineers. Why are we born, live, how it turns out, and then die? Was it worth being born if life flies by in an instant, and we are all doomed to death?

What is death? One moment there was a person - and now they are talking about him “body”. Why and where does the soul go? Who or what is leading this process? Why does a person live? What is the soul? Where does it come from? When and how does it enter our body?

Most people don't think about death. They simply have no time, and there is no such interest! Only the sound people always remember death and are not afraid of it. This is how their mental structure is structured - they are asked to think about issues of life and death. Thinking is their specific role, for which sound engineers are given a powerful tool in the form of abstract thinking.

They are able to realize their potential, becoming brilliant scientists, philosophers, creators of religions, musicians, poets. If the sound person is not developed enough or is not busy searching for the meaning of existence, then his inner world is filled with emptiness. The larger the emptiness, the more difficult it is to get out of it, and there is nothing to take out.

A person plunges deeper and deeper into himself and finds no thoughts or meanings there. There is no answer to the question “why does a person live?” This leads to depression, which can result in suicide. The sound artist considers suicide an act of liberation from the body, along with the suffering inherent in the body. Most of the suicides committed occur among people with a sound vector, who cannot live if they are unable not only to find the meaning of life, but even to look for it.

Sound seekers also suffer and are disappointed, because they cannot find answers to their questions either in esotericism or in religion, much less in music or poetry. Only spiritual development can satisfy them.

Spirituality often means religiosity or the desire to understand high art. In system-vector psychology, spiritual development is understood as self-knowledge, which includes the ability to understand the desires of other people and feel them within oneself as one’s own.

Why do we live? For adults, this question seems naive. And indeed, teenagers ask them more often. They have a heightened sense of death, which gives rise to a feeling of the meaninglessness of existence. It cannot be said that then this completely leaves the person and he lives only with specific concerns and problems, and eternal questions fade into the background. No, even if not in the form of an eternal question, but this thought does not come to any of us very rarely.

So I fuss, the man thinks, I earn money, I climb the career ladder, I am respected, I have some achievements, I helped someone, I loved someone, but now I see: everything passes, and love passes, money disappears like dust , children rarely go to the newly built dacha (they have their own companies and businesses), the circle of friends is thinning, merits will sooner or later be forgotten, the wife has become irritable... Then why was all this? So much effort and hope, so much seduction and grief. Why, when only death awaits ahead?

To tell the truth, no one has an answer to this childish question (and all philosophical questions are childish). For a religious person, it is resolved naturally, since he believes that he will live after death, and in accordance with his earthly way of life. But there are few true believers. For most, the resurrection of Christ is only a metaphor - beautiful and meaningful - but not a reality. And then it is impossible to seriously believe in the afterlife.

It turns out that love, if a person is filled with it, displaces this painful and insoluble question

Bright minds answer this question, but these answers are either vague or disappointing. I remember Makarenko’s letter to a teenager who, on the verge of hysteria, asked him: what is the meaning of life? Anton Semenovich, with rare frankness for a Soviet teacher, answered that the question of meaning lies exclusively in the field of biology, and it does not exist in human life. Goethe answered the same question that the meaning of life is in life itself. Great, the genius is apparently right, but still, how can you apply this to your own existence? Leo Tolstoy wondered about this question until his old age, suffered terribly (all the answers were intermediate) and could not calm down.

It is impossible to answer this question, but you can get out of the field of its oppressive attraction. Often ordinary and, as they say, simple people succeed in this. Not because this topic is beyond the strength of their intellect (it, as I already said, is beyond the strength of any intellect). But they know how to love business (the most ordinary thing), they know how to love children and then grandchildren to the point of self-forgetfulness, dissolve in their joys, troubles and illnesses, love for their life partner does not fade over the years, but turns into a feeling of a fortunate and dear relationship.

They greet the death of a loved one with open crying, and tears, oddly enough, wash away grief faster than the melancholy driven inside. Such a person perceives each new day as a gift and loves sticky notes before he has time to think about the meaning. But what can I say, do lovers really care about the meaning of life?

It turns out that love, if a person is filled with it, crowds out this painful and insoluble question; there is simply no room left for it. One might say - not love, but interest, but a passionate interest, completely absorbing. It is impossible to say that this solves the issue. But I didn't say that. However, it is possible to remember such a question-free state as correct. And with the next influx of depression, try to return to it.

Perhaps love for life, a sense of harmony is a special gift that is not given to everyone

It's difficult. Because in life losses, disagreements, and illnesses are inevitable. We are not always enthusiastic and loving. It is impossible to return them artificially. But in life there is always something worth loving. I don't know if this can be learned. Perhaps love of life, a sense of harmony is a special gift that is not given to everyone. But at least you need to know what's going on. Sometimes this feeling is similar to a religious revelation, although it is not necessarily directly related to religion.

I will give an episode from the life of the wonderful artist Anatoly Zaslavsky, which amazed me. He was an art school student. I read a lot, in particular, by Leo Tolstoy and was also tormented by the question of the meaning of life. Life was not very cheerful, his friend had just been deprived of his student card, he had to go into the army, and there he, unable to hold on to the crossbar for more than a few seconds, would die. And then suddenly... I quote an oral history:

“Suddenly, this looks like mystical affairs, but nevertheless it is so... If it weren’t for Yashka, I would have thought it was a hallucination. Because suddenly everything became highlighted. ...Here lay all sorts of dirty rags from our students. Well, everything was lying around, everything was careless, and everything was in no way necessary or excellent. But everything suddenly came to light with some kind of inner... not even physical light, but with meaning. In general, it became incredibly wonderful, it became so good. Everything just became clear to me.

The main thing is that I have had such explosions of pleasure before, but they were exalted. And this was completely different, such calm acceptance. I suddenly realized that everything that was lying like that lay perfectly in its place, that nothing needed to be moved, that the world was covered in absolute harmony, absolute freedom and harmony, nothing could be changed, because everything was perfect. ...And even then I realized that if this feeling passed, then I would remember that it was true, that indeed the world is absolutely proportionate, harmonious and endlessly glows with its somehow composition.”