I can't bear to get married. How marriage agencies make money from being single

"connects lonely hearts since 1993, i.e. already 18 years old. The agency’s role is standard – introducing young (and not only young) people to start a family. They work here with Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region. Searching for new clients, receiving and consulting visitors, concluding contracts - at first glance, these are the usual requirements when hiring a manager. But as soon as we discussed the working conditions in more detail, something interesting emerged.

Computer and phone are your main assistants

Experience doesn't matter here. The main thing is computer knowledge, communication skills, and the ability to keep documentation (this cannot be taken away from me; my previous position was secretary).

A computer, a lot of folders and a telephone are your main tools,” said director Lyudmila, showing me her workplace.

The manager’s responsibilities,” she continued, “are to tell the potential client about our services, then set a time and date for the appointment, and, well, conclude a contract for six months. Would you like tea or coffee? – Lyudmila suddenly smiled. “We don’t have a secretary, so you yourself will also treat clients to these drinks,” she continued.

No problem, especially since I have experience.


So, we place advertisements on our website on the Internet and in the magazine. People often come to us based on recommendations. At the first appointment, you will conduct an interview and have the client fill out a questionnaire. Our questions are standard: age, education, height, weight, interests, wishes regarding a partner, etc.

I just nodded my head for now.

Once all wishes have been expressed, an active search begins. From our archive you will have to select candidates who best meet the customer’s wishes. But finding is still half the battle. Then you need to call the selected clients, tell them about the customer: what they are like, what their profession is, what impression they make. At the end you will find out whether it is possible to organize a date.

Well, what a damn “manager”! Lyudmila, apparently noticing my surprise, told me not to worry, that there was nothing complicated about it, they needed help.


After the first date,” says the director, “our manager should definitely call his client and ask how everything went.

People are different, as Lyudmila noted. Some people have to be told, for example, that there will be no second date, and tact should be shown here.

Naturally, our services are paid. Their cost depends on the tariff plan chosen by the client and ranges from 10,000 to 80,000 thousand rubles. The service contract is concluded for a period of six to twelve months. The manager gets his 16%.

Choose your husband for free

I figured that I could make some good money, plus my experience as a pimp and psychologist would come in handy (lots of practice with friends!). So, concluding an agreement even for 10 thousand every day, it comes out to about 32 thousand per month. The larger the contract amount, the better for me.

What about insurance, lunches, paid sick leave?

This is nothing. We can only offer a device based on employment if you pass the probationary period.

Well, can I get discounts if I want to find myself a groom?

This will be completely free for you. You have the base, look for a husband according to your taste, we are all for it.

It’s strange, because I still don’t have a soulmate (and this is at 28!).

Let's go international and you'll have a career

Is your career possible?

Quite. We are going to go international. For now we are dealing with Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region. There will be more work, we will need people with knowledge of English. How are things going with him?

“I speak English very well,” I smiled.

Applicant's opinion

In general, everything is good there, and it’s close to the metro (Mayakovskaya metro station, 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya st., 18), and you can make money, but the schedule didn’t suit you. From Monday to Saturday from 11 to 20 hours, closed Sunday and one during the week, floating. True, they also said that in the summer and throughout January there is a lull, you can also relax a little. Whether this will be the case in reality is unknown. What if it turns out the same way as with a service sales manager who also turned out to be a matchmaker.

Waiting for an interview: 5

Adequacy of requirements: 4

Employment conditions: 4

Interview impression: 4

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On the 1000ideas website we have repeatedly described interesting business ideas for monetizing such Internet projects as a social network or a dating site. In our recent article, we described in detail a simple business idea for monetizing a dating site built on Facebook users. And there are a lot of such original business ideas for making money from new Internet projects. But 42-year-old doctor from Brooklyn Matt Prager came up with an equally original idea on how to make money on existing dating sites.

He works as an intermediary, or so-called matchmaker, filling out the profiles of his clients and finding the best candidates for them. He even corresponds with potential candidates by mail, bringing things to a first date. In other words, from behind his computer screen, Matt Prager seduces unsuspecting but eager ladies on behalf of his male clients. For the latter, Matt always prepares so-called “cheat sheets”, describing in them the details of the correspondence so that, God forbid, they did not get into trouble on a date in person. And for a more effective result, Matt Prager always conducts interviews with his clients to better understand their purpose of dating and what kind of companion they are looking for.

Matt's clients are divorced men aged 30 to 46 years, who spend most of their time at work and do not have the opportunity for long-term communication on dating sites. Today, Prager has a little more than a dozen clients who bring him in addition to the doctor’s salary from $1,000 to $3,000 per month.

Prager finds his clients among his patients who turn to him for help as a doctor. At first, Prager didn’t like the idea of ​​meeting someone else by proxy. One of his patients approached him with this request. But then, after analyzing the situation and seeing this as an opportunity for a business with such an unusual concept, he assessed all the prospects of this area and took it seriously. People really need qualified help from a specialist who would guarantee results and do all the “dirty” and troublesome work for them.

Many users do not know how to communicate effectively on such sites, as a result of which they “sit” for years in the same position - “on the waiting list.” And Matt Prager already has his own proven rules for successful communication on dating sites, which have helped to “match” not a single candidate. Matt's immediate plans are to expand his client base to include women. He is sure that women need qualified help from online matchmakers even more. According to him, women know how to sell themselves personally, but they don't know how to express it in words.

As for the ethical side of this unusual business, Matt Prager is sure that his clients, both men and women with whom he introduces them, are only grateful to him for such work. It not only saves their precious time, but also really helps them find a partner in life.

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Other marriage business ideas:

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  • Marriage business ideas: Wedding speech generator
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Anatoly Ivanovich Altukhov

Owner of the Marriage Agency from Anatoly Ivanovich

About your career path

I'm not a matchmaker. I am a teacher and I have a school here. I teach people how to please each other, how to get married and build conscious love. This started when I was 14 years old. Then they began to call me Anatoly Ivanovich. My father was a military man and a big boss in an Armenian city. Since we were almost the only Russians there, my mother helped local residents file complaints to Moscow. And I wrote letters for the Armenians to their lovers from other cities of the USSR. Because they were able to talk to the girls, but the telephone is very expensive, and they could not correctly express their thoughts on paper. And I did it for them. And in return they brought me eggs, lamb tenderloin, jam, cheese. Then I entered the Ryazan Airborne School, where I also helped my comrades with correspondence. I served, but then all this political and economic chatter began, and I came up with my own agency of one person, me, who gave people advice on intersexual relations. Not out of the blue - I've always been interested in this. And I am the kind of person who is always looking for something, finding out, and reaching the end of studying a question. And 14 years ago I registered the “Marriage Agency from Anatoly Ivanovich.”

About the contingent

I don’t take everyone, I have clear criteria. We have created a database that contains people with a certain status and social position. These are mostly very successful, wealthy men and women, with good education and their own businesses. In my database there are people from the Forbes list, Russian professors of the best foreign universities, factory owners, rich heirs of huge fortunes, deputies, and ministerial staff. But this does not mean that I am ready to work with everyone whose wallet is bursting with money. The amounts for my services are honestly stated in the contract, and the person must, first of all, be adequate. I had such a case. A lady of about fifty came to me, well-groomed, all of herself a fur storage unit: apartments, a four-story building in the center of St. Petersburg, cars and three children. And he says: “I want a man no older than 43 years old, no less than 180 cm, dark-haired, handsome, muscular, with an apartment of more than 300 meters, with at least two cars.” I tell her: “Oh-oh, well, this is not for me, bunny. I won't take you." She even jumped: “Why don’t you take it? I'll go complain! This is a violation of consumer rights!” “Good riddance,” I answer, “but we don’t have a market here.” Or the opposite situation. One Moldavian woman came to me. I gasped from the doorway. Under sixty, no waist, but too many hips, gold teeth, white, worn sandals. It turned out that she is a cook, she has no higher education, but she has an adult son. I honestly told her: “Dear, I can’t take you, but here are the addresses of other offices where they will help you.” And how she will scream! I almost went deaf. “Please understand,” I say, “the likelihood of a successful resolution of the issue in my case is very low.” And she proudly dumps stacks of dirty ten and fifty ruble bills onto the table. “Did you sell your house in Moldova?” - I ask. “Yes,” he answers. - And an apartment. I was only told to go to you.” Well, I had nothing to cover here. I took it. She was smart and tried very hard. And eight months later she married an elderly, intelligent doctor. I ask him: “How is she?” And he replies: “Yes, everything is wonderful - caring, affectionate, economical, only very impudent - she kisses me on the escalator in the subway!”

About working methods

I have developed separate programs for men and women. I studied a bunch of literature, and at the age of 60 I graduated from graduate school in psychology. Well, experience - I have about 4,000 clients in my database, and for every 1 woman there are at least 2 men - you’ll have to find such an extensive experimental laboratory. I test everything on them. I conduct trainings, consultations, explain in simple terms how men and women work. These are lessons: clients take notes, and then pass tests and exams to me. There are, of course, those who skimp on this matter, and their results are considered zero. They complain to me: look, you must! I don't owe a damn thing - I'm a teacher, not a pimp.

At first I did group classes, but quickly realized that this was wrong: everyone is different, everyone needs their own approach. And the same rules cannot be applied to 20-year-olds and 60-year-olds. There was a funny incident when I wrote universal detailed instructions on ideal behavior for a woman who wants to interest a man. I gave it to each of my clients. The result was not bad until one frightened guy came running to me: “Anatoly Ivanovich, what’s going on? I’m already dating a third girl, and they all do and say the same things, as if they are from the same chicken coop.” Then I decided to leave general rules in this instruction, and let the women come up with details, phrases, and views themselves.

We teach everything here: how and what to talk about, how to look, how to walk, what to give, where to lead - but sometimes people don’t get it at all. Or the aunts send me their photographs to the database: against the backdrop of a Persian carpet stands a gloomy lady in a satin robe and plastic slippers. Well, what is it? Who needs it? The man is visual. He is looking for images. So you need to come up with this magical image and stick to it. The photograph should be taken on the days of ovulation, while being sexually aroused, not pretending, but being, and cheerfully looking directly into the lens.

About relationships between men and women

During my work, I learned a lot of new things, now I’m writing my third book - about life after menopause. After all, what happens to a woman closer to fifty? She ceases to be a woman. At 58 years old, she has more testosterone than a man of the same age. Her bones expand, she becomes more courageous and does not give a man energy, like a young woman, but takes it away. You need to be very wise at this moment to meet your half. Although, to the question of halves: meeting one hundred percent of your person, in general, is impossible. We came from one whole, monkeys are all bullshit. God created Adam in his own image and likeness, which translated means “man.” And Adam was God on earth. Adam had both masculine and feminine principles, just like God himself. And when God created Eve from Adam’s rib, he ceased to be God, his capabilities decreased significantly. It was a ten, but became a one. And a woman is, as people say, a zero without a stick. And so a man, in order to become God again, is looking for his woman. If he finds it, they will complement each other - and the result will be ten again. But the probability of this, taking all the circumstances into account, is 1 in 4,000,000. But God provided for this too and gave us two programs so that we would be fruitful and multiply. One is sexual attraction, endorphin love. And the other is romantic love, dopamine love. Both of these loves are transitory, so I teach my girls - don’t give it to a man right away, you need to tie him down first with your spiritual qualities. And then the basis is already created for building conscious love, which can last forever.

I'm married for the third time. She is 41, I am 64. And I understand perfectly well that I cannot leave her without sex. I know when she's menstruating, when she's ovulating, and I adjust accordingly. When ovulation occurs, by the way, you need to take special care of your wife and not allow any men to hang around. In general, a woman loves with her ears and receptors. So I call my wife and say nice words. In the morning, before work, I caress her - so that God forbid she experiences tactile hunger, in the evening I bring flowers or ice cream, and stroke her receptors again. Then we have sex at least once a week. You definitely need to prepare it first, and not rush into the vagina as quickly as possible. When a woman is ready, lubricant is released, this is a signal to begin the offensive. Well, if you finished first, bring the matter to the end with a woman, don’t be a pig. I get the greatest pleasure from giving pleasure to my wife.

I did not have relationships with clients; this is against my principles. There are enough women without clients. Now I am completely faithful to my wife. And before I had a lot of mistresses. And I loved everyone. My first woman was a random fellow passenger from the train. I was 19, she was much older, we spent 15 days together, and she shaped me as a man during these days. I was very lucky to have her. Then I fell in romantic love with the most beautiful girl in Ryazan. She was 15 years old, but I wanted to marry her and received special permission from the executive committee. We lived together for a year and a half, and then I woke up, put her on a train and sent her to my mother. And off we go, just like Casanova. Only his adventures lasted 20 years, and mine - 40. Casanova, by the way, helped me reveal one very important secret. I carefully studied his history and kept wondering why he stayed with all the women for such a short time. Well, he literally comes down 5-6 times and is already looking for new adventures. I still thought then: “But for sure - we jumped with a parachute in the Airborne Forces, and some soldiers refused to jump after the fifth or sixth time, there was some kind of refusal. Somehow it’s connected!” And when Casanova was over 30, he began to decline. He no longer stood at all. He started eating oysters - it didn't help. And by the age of 40 he had become completely impotent. I thought about it, picked up the archives, brought together various scientists and made a grand discovery. It's all about the condom! Casanova had a condom, made from a sheep's bladder, with ties. And he only entered into women in it. And when his penis withered, Casanova threw away this mutton bubble. And suddenly he sees that a beautiful woman is sending him pheromones. He began to move again. But the bubble was no longer there - and I had to enter the woman without it. And a miracle happened - he touched the capulin with his member. And capulin gave the brain a signal that the woman is fertile and that finally everything is happening in a human way. Because nature does not know a condom! And Casanova ended up staying with this woman. When I realized this, about condoms and capulin, I just went nuts. And he began to advise all his clients - do not enter a woman with a condom, get checked, check her - and have sex as intended by God. The number of marriages has jumped up sharply.

About the cost of services

All tariffs are listed on my website. There is one system for women, another for men. Because there are much fewer men, and they look after you, spend money on gifts, flowers and restaurants. For women, the amount is calculated depending on age - up to 25 years old it is 30,000 rubles, from 51 years old - 80,000. But this is a lifelong membership, once you pay - and until marriage. The same applies to men, but their pricing depends on the age of the woman he is looking for: if no more than 5 years younger - 15,000, and if 25 years younger - already 50,000. You can become a member of the VIP club, for this per year you need to pay an additional 100,000 rubles for both men and women. VIP is the latest information about new clients, some additional events and 24-hour support.

About difficult clients

It’s especially difficult for me with “milkmaids”. Not everyone immediately understands what I mean. One guy came to me, looked at the photos, and chose a girl. And the guy is too good, I tell him: “Don’t take her, she’s a milkmaid.” He was surprised because the girl was well-groomed and beautiful. "Milkmaid? - he asks again. “It’s a pity, I wish I had a higher education.” “So she has three of them,” I answer. “She’s a milkmaid because she milks men, but she doesn’t marry.” So “milkmaids” are unbearable. I have one woman in my database. She came in 2011, when she was 34 years old. Over the years I've dated a lot of guys. They are all handsome and rich. From one she got a house outside the city, from another she got an apartment on Krestovsky Island, from a third she got an Audi, and she keeps jumping around. I finally got her married last year. They cannot conceive children this way. Everything whistled.

I keep an eye on my guys and keep an eye on them. They come running to me with their joys and sorrows, they send photographs and gifts. One of them gave me a gold “Genius” badge. I never go to weddings.

About the agency staff

My agency has only two employees. Me and my constant assistant Lena. At one time I tried to create some kind of team, because there was a lot of work, extra hands would not hurt, but nothing came of it. Everyone is stupid, greedy, insensitive. One day one of my clients called me - I won’t name him, he’s too famous a person - and he yelled at me: “Ivanovich, what the..., I have a meeting here on government issues, and some lustful women are calling me on my mobile phone!” It turned out that one of my employees, bypassing the database and established rules, was selling the personal phones of the fattest geese. In general, I dispersed everyone. And Lena is smart and loyal.

Galina Karaseva

Moscow matchmaker

About choosing a profession

You know, everyone has their own path in life. I worked as a chief accountant for 13 years. At some point I realized that I was mentally tired of the difficult work and needed to look for myself. At first I thought of becoming a psychologist, but I did not have any specialized education. And so in the morning I quit, and at night I already wrote to all the marriage agencies that I wanted to try to become a matchmaker. And they took me to Impulse right away, and after a while they sold me the agency. That's how my business went.

First, of course, I had to study. In the process, you already begin to feel the people you work with, that you have a lot of them, that they ask you for advice, and this makes you more confident. At first you want to help everyone at once, but over time you begin to look at clients more neutrally, but look more closely at the problem that needs to be solved.

About the contingent

Completely different people come to us. Sometimes young people come in - boys and girls aged 20–22. The average age of clients is from 30 to 40. Everything depends on age. Young girls from 24 to 35 years old are more in demand in agencies; we hire them in unlimited quantities. We try not to take young people at a young age: at this time they are still busy searching for themselves, earning money for their future family, and getting a profession. If such people come to us, we recommend that they try to meet people on the street and in establishments. That's why we work with men from 28 years old. As a rule, they no longer go to clubs, they visited dating sites and didn’t like it, and that’s why they come to us.

Some clients have children and previous marriages. A marriage agency is a place where everyone comes for a serious relationship and to start a family. When a client comes to us, we talk to him. We ask about the history of the relationship, about why it has not yet been possible to start a family. The conversation lasts about an hour, during which time we can understand what a person declares and what he really wants - it happens that these things are different. When necessary, we conduct psychological testing with the help of a psychologist.

We definitely ask men about their current short-term and long-term plans. First of all, a man must succeed, create some kind of foundation for the family: housing, a constant income. Only by feeling confident can he start a family - that’s how he’s built.

A woman should simply be a woman, she should not have any super problems. She may not have housing, she may live with her parents. There are a lot of men who will take her to live with them, and this is right: a man should bring a woman to him, to his territory. If it happens otherwise, he does not feel like a man, and a imbalance occurs in the relationship. When his rear is not covered, love does not work. A man should not count on the money that a woman earns, because she can go on maternity leave, and it is necessary that nothing changes in their life and she does not have to beg for money for a child later.

About working with clients

Our girls have photo sessions, they are photographed by our photographer. In principle, we do not insist on a new shoot, and if a girl has really good photos, then we take them. Men sometimes send photos, and sometimes they post incognito. Then we select from the existing database those people who are suitable for each other. We introduce them and give them some advice as the relationship develops.

Mostly, of course, it is men who are active. If a woman calls and imposes herself, her self-esteem may suffer greatly from this. That's why men choose us, and often they pay attention only to appearance. There's nothing you can do about it. It happens that they have been interested in a certain type of appearance since childhood. Someone really listens to our advice on why it is worth communicating with this girl, maybe she is not so attractive in appearance, but at the level of values ​​and common interests she is a great fit. Such acquaintances are much more effective if they focus not only on appearance.

A man chooses a girl, we definitely tell her about him, send her photos, discuss whether it’s worth dating. Then she agrees, he calls her, they come to an agreement on their own, meet somewhere, give us feedback. We usually recommend, if there is no rejection, to meet at least a couple of times - the second time, with someone you already know, communication goes easier.

Men take girls to cafes and restaurants. Conversations for an hour, an hour and a half, no more. We recommend leaving the meeting “a little hungry.” There are people who meet in the morning and for half a day, and the next day there seems to be nothing to talk about. Everything has already been said. And they say: that’s it, this person is not suitable for me. Why? “We walked down the street for three hours, and I realized that it wasn’t for me.” Why did you walk for three hours? You could understand it in half an hour. It seems to be interesting at first, then not interesting. It is necessary to dose communication a little so that there is understatement, and not to reveal the soul too much. Maintain reasonable personal safety.

Women, in principle, immediately understand whether a person is suitable for them or not. Men understand much more slowly. It happens, of course, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. But this happens rarely, because everyone is an adult, there is no such riot of hormones, you want to take a closer look. Over the years, a person develops some kind of caution. Although there are also clients who, even at 50 years old, immediately say: I want it! Recently, such a couple formed: he is 53, she is 45. And he had their first meeting, and she did, and they both really liked each other.

There are people who go for years. They usually want to “see everyone.” Some men are looking for some kind of freshness, novelty, some kind of childhood memory. Girls usually sign a contract once, and it turns out great. It didn’t work out - they don’t come anymore.

We have different contract options, including passive placement in the catalog, when we do not guarantee anything at all. The terms for which an agreement can be concluded are six months, a year and until the result. There is individual work. Somewhere we guarantee something, somewhere we don’t guarantee it, somewhere without restrictions, that is, until a person settles on someone. The minimum contract price for six months is 15 thousand rubles.

About the requirements for a potential partner

All girls want independent men with a sense of humor, those who are doing well in life. He doesn’t have to be rich, just a man with hands with whom you feel safe. As for the requirements for girls - everyone wants beautiful and young. Men under 40 want girls under 33–35 years old. They need the girl to be beautiful, slim, homely, cheerful. All people are a little vampires and want good things to lift their spirits. A sense of humor is a very important thing. In life there is a lot of negativity everywhere: from TV, the Internet, newspapers - so it is important to have a person with whom you can laugh and take your mind off everything.

About clients' appearance

I have a thing about eyebrows. I tell my clients: let’s get our eyebrows in order. There are girls with hairy arms, I send them for hair removal - go ahead and sing. Sometimes, of course, they get offended, but what can you do?

If overweight ladies come to us, we do not recommend that they lose weight, because this is a very difficult process. It’s just that in these cases we don’t undertake individual work, we explain: you have such and such characteristics, so the strategies for finding a partner will be different. If a person lives at the same weight for many years, it is unlikely that he will suddenly lose weight because we recommend it to him. They treat matchmakers like this: I pay you money, and you find me, I love myself that way.

It is stated in our contract that we do not look for candidates with a material income higher than that of our clients. Otherwise, you know, anyone came, paid money and bought a ticket to a happy life. It's naive. It happens to girls that there is a rich man, but we are not obliged to provide this. We'll find her equal or better if we're lucky. But we are not obliged to do this. Otherwise they came, paid three kopecks - and “give me the oligarch, I paid!”

About relationships between men and women

A successful relationship is a relationship in which a person tries to be better and develops. Every day he thinks about what else he can learn to improve the common space. A successful relationship is when both are looking in the same direction, no matter how trite it may sound.

As practice shows, the fastest people to find a couple are people who are interesting in communication, who look at life with optimism and listen to our advice. Of course, there are also dissatisfied clients - but we try to resolve disagreements, extend contracts, and offer new acquaintances.

About favorite cases in practice

We had a man, Sergei, he was 56, and we first introduced him to a woman who was 50. And he had the following request - younger, more expensive. Well, we introduced them, he liked her, but he decided to look further. She was upset because she liked him, but we introduced her to another man, whom she soon married. And Sergei returned and said: “I understood everything, I was a fool,” he sobbed, but she never returned. In general, there were Shakespearean passions here, almost “Eugene Onegin”.

A man came who was 81 years old. And around the same time - a 76-year-old woman. She asked: “Did I come late? I’m really tired of being alone.” And so I offered her several people, she didn’t like them. And then I introduced her to this 81-year-old man, after the meeting she calls and says: “You know, I liked this man so much, please don’t introduce us to anyone else, I really want everything to work out for us.” I called him back and asked: “How do you like this lady?” He says: “Yes, you know, a very nice woman. I’ll date her and see how it goes.” Three months passed, he called and read me poems dedicated to our agency, which he wrote himself. As a result, they have been living together for three years now and are very happy.

About attitude towards marriage agencies

Many of our clients are often embarrassed to tell relatives and friends that they are contacting a marriage agency. Even at a wedding, not everyone admits where they met. Both girls and men are embarrassed: they believe that they will make fun of them, say that there is something wrong with them, since they themselves could not get to know each other.

In fact, there is no place for people to meet each other, because everyone has been separated. Men, if they go to cafes, bars and restaurants, they do not meet girls there in order to get married. They don't look for wives in restaurants and cafes. This is a serious opinion that many men express to us. Girls go everywhere just to find someone, but many do not understand that there will be no serious relationship after meeting in a club. Dating sites are a dump; many people encounter crime there. But everything is secure with us: we check passports and sign contracts with everyone.

Where else can people meet? Girls are afraid to introduce their young men to their beautiful friends, and rightly so, because anything can happen in life. Sometimes, without even thinking about it, an unmarried girlfriend can intrigue and please a young man so much that the couple breaks up. Without any malicious intent. I have a woman friend whom a friend entrusted to “guard” her man after going on a business trip for a month. Well, she protected him, married him - and that’s it.

It happens that we refuse services: sometimes suspicious people come. During the hour that our conversation lasts, a lot can be found out. You can feel it when a person is being disingenuous. If we have doubts, we do not enter into an agreement.

There are mentally ill people, this is also immediately obvious. In such cases, we say that we cannot help.

About existing couples

We recommend that couples not date for more than a year: if after this period a man does not propose, it means that something does not suit him in this relationship. But in fact, women choose if they have the data to do so. A woman must have intelligence - not intelligence, but a woman's mind; she must be able to cheer up a man so that he flies home from work on wings.

If a relationship doesn't work out, we try to find out what happened. It happens that they cheat, it happens that women stop taking care of themselves and take a man for granted. But they need to be inspired constantly, otherwise if they lose inspiration, then their wings are broken and they no longer want anything. There are women who “drag” their men: they earn money, the man sits on his neck, the woman throws him off her neck and comes to us. A lot of time has been lost, but I want to be loved again.

A man should earn money, and a woman should provide comfort. Of course, a woman can work, no problem, but she should not emphasize it - this is women's wisdom. We need to give a man the opportunity to feel like a breadwinner. The main thing is to be able to remain silent in some places, assent in others, in others make a stupid face, but not always: so that the man understands that there is no fool next to him.

As you know, meeting a decent person who, like you, consciously wants to start a family, is not easy. It often happens that neither meeting friends of friends, nor going to clubs and restaurants, nor casual acquaintances on social networks bring results, and then people decide to take, sometimes, a risky step - they turn to matchmakers or register on dating sites. In this article we will answer several questions:

  1. How to avoid falling for scammers?
  2. How to get my money back?

Online dating

This method of dating has the main advantage over matchmakers or marriage agencies - a huge number of potential people to meet. But this side of the coin also has a downside - dating sites attract a wide variety of scammers from marriage scammers to matchmakers. And in most cases, photographs of applicants do not match their real appearance.

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Cheating by matchmakers

Mostly women and men over 30 who are busy with career advancement turn to matchmakers while others were dating, getting married and enjoying the birth of children. The ratio of men and women turning to matchmakers or agencies is 40 to 60. This is due to the fact that it is easier for girls and women to turn to a matchmaker than stubborn men.

Numerous shows and reviews from friends have created the impression that resorting to the services of a matchmaker is a smart step towards family success. Moreover, many women are sure that a pimp with extensive experience will take great pleasure in improving their personal lives. But unfortunately, the number of people who are trying to make money from someone else’s loneliness is only increasing.

Modern pimps know where to find their clients. Mostly, pimps can be found on dating sites and social networks.

As in marriage agencies, modern matchmakers check documents, ask about the reason for the application and the criteria for choosing the ideal soul mate. Rarely, cooperation agreements are concluded, but the matchmaker does not give a 100% guarantee of marriage. It only promises to provide the required number of candidates within a certain period of time.

Even if a woman gains your trust, you must always be on alert. Matchmakers and various marriage agencies are aimed at pumping money from the client for any, even the most insignificant services.

Let's consider the schemes of deception by matchmakers:

  1. The person makes an advance payment, then the matchmaker enters into a “pseudo-contract” with him. For some time (it is different for everyone), the matchmaker promises to find a match. But time passes, and the long-awaited dates never happened. Afterwards, the “matchmaker” changes the number or puts the applicant on the “black list” and disappears.
  2. The matchmaker concludes an agreement at a cheap rate. According to its terms, the matchmaker is obliged to arrange 3 dates. The applicant meets with 3 candidates, but in fact none of them are suitable, since they are either not the right height or have bad habits, such as drunkenness. But then the matchmaker makes an exclusive offer - a VIP contract for a period of 1 year. Naturally, there is no guarantee here, but the cost of services doubles.
  3. The same contract is concluded with a cheap tariff and 3 dates. But in this case, instead of drunkards, handsome, fit men come. The trick here is that the applicant does not meet certain criteria (appearance, hobbies, etc.). Then the matchmaker offers a VIP contract for 1 year, again without a guarantee of marriage. The price doubles.
  4. The matchmaker may combine the two previous methods, but the essence will remain the same - leading to the conclusion of a VIP contract.
  5. Fraudsters can also manipulate tariffs. For example, the minimum price for choosing a candidate based on a photo, but if you add to the photo and take into account the interests of both parties, then the price does not double, but becomes ten times more expensive.
  6. Long-term contract lasting more than six months. In this case, matchmakers take their time, almost never make appointments, and if they do, either a macho man or a person completely unsuitable for the applicant comes along. Afterwards, the matchmaker leads to the conclusion of a VIP contract.
  7. Matchmakers post the applicant's profile on the Internet. Thus, a person is deprived of privacy, which can lead to unfavorable exposure to scammers and other scammers.
  8. They can also provide a list of phone numbers for dating. This proposal will lead to nothing, since there was not even a selection based on photography. Basically, it turns out that the people who received the call from the applicant are not aware of the events taking place and, like the applicant, suffered at the hands of scammers.
  9. Matchmakers often, under the guise of a date, provide girls for all sorts of celebrations as escorts, thereby earning even more money from them and putting them at risk.
  10. "Left profiles." Here, the matchmaker, in order to appear as an experienced specialist in his field, represents a wide base of candidates. Here the client was shown profiles of people who either already lived in a happy marriage, or people from the Internet. If the applicant was interested in any of the proposed questionnaires, the matchmaker found many different reasons.
  11. In order to arrange a connection between a client and a foreigner, the matchmaker will pump out money until the last minute. Here, even Skype calls can be paid separately. But any person who speaks English can be a foreigner.
  12. Getting to know gigolos and kept women. As a rule, matchmakers are not the most conscientious people. Their base, at best, consists of a quarter of “their” people. In turn, these candidates charm clients, but then begin to extract all the money from them and more. “Our” people begin to ask for money in loans, and then disappear from the life of the applicant. But the gigolo and the matchmaker then divide the proceeds among themselves.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to bring such scammers to justice, since the contract, in most cases, is drawn up for the provision of “information” services. But despite all the “buts,” it is still possible to win the case if the victim turns to an experienced lawyer.

Rules to help you avoid falling for scammers:

  1. Any famous matchmaker has his own website or social page. networks, so we advise you to read reviews about her work on the Internet.
  2. Do not throw away the contract, checks and receipts - this may be useful during legal proceedings.
  3. Avoid free services. Basically, the applicant will only waste his time, but he will still have to pay a considerable amount.
  4. Don't turn to matchmakers who promise to find the love of your life in just a week. According to statistics, a suitable candidate is selected within at least several months.
  5. Any self-respecting matchmaker has her own small office, and does not exist only on the Internet.
  6. As a rule, experienced and well-known matchmakers advertise in newspapers and other sources.
  7. The client should insist on concluding the contract. Read the contract carefully and slowly, paying attention to the fine print. If the matchmaker is trying to distract the client, then he should be wary.
  8. The seriousness of the matchmaker can also be judged by conversation or correspondence. If she does not name the cost of her services and offers to come to her home or office, then she is most likely a scammer.
  9. An experienced matchmaker will accept even the most difficult clients. These are considered clients with children, difficult life situations, and advanced age. If the matchmaker makes a strict selection based on age and beauty, then she will most likely offer you to potential husbands, and not select a spouse for you.
  10. Matchmakers love to show their newly-made clients photos of happy families that were created by her hand. Do not admire, since such information can only be provided with the written permission of the couple. The client needs to inquire about the availability of such permission.
  11. The client should carefully read the terms of the contract, since it may indicate the exact number of applicants that will be offered to the client. But the number of meetings, as a rule, is not specified there. If you do notice the number of meetings, this means that the matchmaker is practicing decoy candidates who, after several dates, will decide that the client is not suitable for them. Here the matchmaker’s goal will not be to find a suitable match, but to extract as much money from the client as possible.

Where can I go for help?

If the applicant has suffered from the fraudulent actions of a black matchmaker, there is no need to hesitate, but immediately contact the police. Despite the fact that at first the situation does not seem hopeless, there is a possibility that after involving an experienced lawyer and trial, a decision will be made in favor of the client.

One of the most common crimes in Russia is fraud. Punishment for the act under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation can vary from 10 years with penalties up to 1,000,000 rubles. There is no law specifically for marriage scammers and matchmakers, but there are rules that relate to fraud - 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud”. The article examines acts aimed at appropriating funds and property through deception and abuse of someone else's trust. But unfortunately, it is not always possible to classify the criminality of the act, since basically, the injured party is embarrassed to admit that they were deceived. In most cases, victims of such scammers knowingly transfer money and other valuables, lend money without a receipt, and there are also cases of property census. The latter cases refer to dummies (“their own”) who are offered by the matchmaker. So they work together and are ready to “con” the client before selling the property and other things. Receiving funds under a fictitious agreement or contract for work and services that were not actually performed or were performed, but to a lesser extent, is also considered fraud.

  1. If the client is not satisfied with the matchmaker’s services, and upon request she does not return the money, then it is necessary to fill out a statement and contact the police. If the information provided by the client is confirmed after verification, then the police will begin an investigation into the activities of the matchmaker, who is engaged in misleading citizens.
  2. If the services were not provided in full, then the client also needs to provide factual evidence. To do this, the victim must have an agreement in his hands, a receipt (if any) with a signature that confirms the receipt of funds by the fraudster.
  3. It is necessary to collect all documents confirming that the misappropriation of funds by an individual or organization occurred illegally. Here the victim can present a contract or agreement, checks, and other payment documents. If the client finds the same victims who suffered from the black matchmaker, then it is worth writing a collective statement and immediately going to court.
  4. If the victim transferred money using an online wallet, then you first need to contact the support service of this service. It is necessary to provide copies of correspondence, confirmation of payment and other documents. Then, after the payments are verified, the client will either immediately return the money or block the matchmaker’s account and hand the case over to the police.

What to do if you were deceived on the Internet when meeting someone?

If the matchmaker’s deception occurred using the global network, then in Russia this type of crime is dealt with by the Federal Security Service for the management of computer and information security.

In order to punish an online fraudster, you need to contact law enforcement agencies. The victim can file a complaint orally or in writing. You should clearly indicate all the circumstances of the act, indicate the website address, the scammer’s account, and email address. mail, payment documents, printouts from current accounts and online wallets.

Help from a lawyer or lawyer

If you do become a victim of deception by matchmakers or marriage agencies, you should seek help from a lawyer or advocate who specializes in protecting persons who have been subjected to fraudulent acts. Basically, the outcome of a particular case will depend on the lawyer.

Our highly qualified specialists have all the necessary knowledge and capabilities to effectively protect the injured party. Extensive experience and an individual approach allow our lawyers to achieve the best results.

By contacting us and concluding an agreement, you will receive reliable and high-quality defense in your case.

Important! For all questions about deception when dating on the Internet, if you don’t know what to do and where to go:

Call 8-800-777-32-63.

Lawyers on issues of online dating fraud, and lawyers who are registered on Russian Legal Portal, will try to help you from a practical point of view in this matter and advise you on all issues of interest.

"Marriage business course for matchmaker and matchmaker ONLINE" special offer for those who doesn't want to work in an office, have a large staff; who prefers to work alone but earn a lot, who likes to advertise “Your personal matchmaker” or simply “Matchmaker”, who does not like officialdom in communication and prefers a more homely and informal environment; for those who want become a class matchmaker VIP or “personal marriage agent”. For matchmakers who want to work via the Internet. For mobile people who know how to communicate with people and want to become a Modern Matchmaker of the 21st century.

Lesson 1

Why - MATCHmaker? Who is this matchmaker? Making an action plan for the next 6 months.Legal registration of your activities. My own accountant. Choose the tax system yourself. Other organizations that you should definitely visit. Preliminary marketing calculations. Your expenses. Preliminary “List of Your Services”. Your “business plan”. Typical beginner mistakes. Where to get a customer database for a good start.

Lesson 2
Advertising is the engine of progress. Does a matchmaker need advertising? Where to advertise. Let's learn how to write advertisements. Is it possible to do without advertising for SVAKHE. When and when not to advertise. How to make advertising most effective. Free advertising. Low-budget advertising.

Lesson 3

How to formalize your relationship with the Client. Do you need a contract? What information about the Client do you need? How to determine at first glance what kind of “bird” is in front of you. How to distinguish a potential Client from a person who likes to visit all companies. What kind of Clients are there and how to behave with them. What else will be useful to you in your work? Where to get VIP clients and who they are - VIP client? How to become a matchmaker VIP class. Does the matchmaker need an office?

Lesson 4

Do you need a website? How to make a website with your own hands (everyone can do it!). What should be on your website. What not to do. Where to place your website. How else can you use your site? Website advertising on the Internet. To pay or not to pay for a website? What services can you offer on the site? What not to do. How to attract using the Internet VIP - clients. How to find VIP clients WITHOUT Internet. Do you want to work only with oligarchs? Assess your chances!

Lesson 5

Learn more about your services. Who pays: man or woman. What prices for services should be set. A pleasant surprise upon completion of work with a VIP Client. How to reward clients. How to get new clients using existing clients. Client programs. Telephone service. Romantic travel , why not? First romantic date and other paid services.

Lesson 6

TO What additional services not related to the marriage business can a MATCHER provide? How to conclude cooperation agreements with those who are not involved in the marriage business? Does a matchmaker need partners? How to expand the range of services provided? Who should you not work with?

Lesson 7

Strategy for success. How to bring success closer. Useful tips from the experience of “experienced” people. Positive and negative examples. How important is photography? How to make every Client happy. For love, all ages are submissive. Stories from life. Necessary skills and abilities for a MATCHmaker. Other additional and useful information.

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