The meaning of the name Yaroslav in children's style. Photo gallery: famous Yaroslavs

The ancient name Yaroslav is used to call girls in Russia and other Slavic countries. Now it is gaining more and more popularity.

Origin and meaning of the name Yaroslav

The energy of the name Yaroslav is quite solid; it contains solidity, balance, and perseverance. Linguists are considering several versions of its origin. According to one of them, this is the feminine form of the male name Yaroslav. Possibly means "bright glory" and "fierce": "strong", "powerful", "fierce".

A popular theory is associated with the personification of the Slavic holiday: Yaroslava - “glorifying Yarila.” According to the German linguist Max Vasmer, Yarila (Yarilo) comes from the Church Slavonic word “yara” (spring).

Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima write that in the ancient Slavic language “yar” is fertility, a life-giving force, which in large quantities is destructive. In this case, Yaroslava is “glorious for her vitality.”

Some people confuse the names Yaroslav and Yaroslavna - despite the similarities, they should be distinguished

Transliteration, nicknames, short and diminutive forms

When applying for a foreign passport, ordering goods in an online store or booking a hotel room, you may need to write your name in Latin: YAROSLAVA.

Diminutive and short forms of this name:

  • Rosya;
  • Glory;
  • Warbler;
  • Slavochka;
  • Slavunya;
  • Glory to;
  • Yarilka;
  • Yarina;
  • Yarinka;
  • Yarinochka;
  • Yarishka;
  • Yarka;
  • Yaroslavka;
  • Yaroslavochka;
  • Yarochka;
  • Yasenka;
  • Yasonka;
  • Yasochka;
  • Yaska;
  • Yasyunya;

Photo gallery: name options

Relatives and friends call the young singer Yaroslava Degtyareva Yasya Slavochka - this affectionate address suits Yaroslava and Miroslava Lesya - this is how Stepan Bandera called his wife Yaroslava Yara - the poetess Yaroslava Todurkina prefers this short form of her name Slava - this is not only the pseudonym of a popular singer, but also an abbreviation variant of the name Yaroslav The address Ros suits both Yaroslav and Yaroslav

Suitable middle names

Boris Khigir believes that for Yaroslava, born in winter or autumn, the middle names Alekseevna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna are suitable. In summer or spring - Vladimirovna, Pavlovna, Olegovna.

Yaroslava Dmitrievna has a firm, domineering, stubborn disposition. At the same time, she is cautious and fearful, quick-tempered and jealous, and loves to spoil the bones of her neighbors and colleagues. Yaroslava Igorevna is independent, independent, prudent, cunning, stubborn, sociable, charming. She is always the center of attention.

Middle names with hard articulation are called hard. They endow a person with an unyielding character and obstacles in life’s path. The owner of the same name, but with a soft patronymic, has a much easier fate.

Unsuccessful options: Robertovna, Rudolfovna.

Table: the name Yaroslav in other languages

Language Writing Pronunciation
ArmenianՅարոսլավ Yaroslav
Georgianიაროსლავ Yaroslav
Korean야로 슬라브
Hindiयारोस्लाव Yaroslav

Impact on fate and character

Boris Khigir in his book “Names and Fates” writes that Yaroslava gets her character from her mother. Yara is smart, insightful, and sociable. Hates cowardice, betrayal, deception. She has an infectious smile, the girl rarely gets discouraged. She enjoys life. Knows how to save money and make profitable investments. He has an original sense of humor and reacts sharply to criticism.

Thanks to Yaroslav’s active image, even in adulthood he looks younger than his years and keeps himself in good shape

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name

“I” at the beginning - purposefulness, sanity, passion. For a person with the first “I” in his name, the appreciation and love of others is important. Sometimes he can be quick-tempered and unpredictable.

“P” - assertiveness, narcissism, integrity.

“O” - conservative thinking, ability to handle money, amazing intuition, search for the meaning of life, deep emotions.

“S” - authority, common sense, loyalty, charm, ambition.

“L” - desire for physical comfort, love of good quality, beautiful things, talkativeness.

“A” - activity, hard work, organizational skills, creative approach to business, ambition, ambition.

“B” - inconstancy, creativity.

“A” at the end - touchiness, inability to accept criticism, arrogance, capriciousness.

Video: the meaning of the name Yaroslav


Baby Yara is growing up kind, unforgiving, brave, stubborn, calm, and inquisitive. He begins to walk early, but speaks later than his peers. She prefers to observe and silently draw conclusions. It is difficult to experience quarrels and separations from loved ones.

Responsible, obligatory. Because of these qualities, she is often chosen as class president. She goes to school with pleasure, quickly learns the material, and the girl enjoys studying. She copes with her homework easily, and also helps her friends, of whom she has many. He does housework willingly, without parental reminders. She decides who to be friends with.

Engaged in dancing or active sports to release excess energy. Hates loneliness, reaches out to mom and dad. I am guided by their instructions throughout my life.

Video: Yaroslava Degtyareva - “Cuckoo”

Youth and adulthood

Young Yaroslava is an independent, bright person. She chooses her specialty herself and successfully graduates from university. The girl dresses with taste and often becomes a trendsetter in her circle. But people are attracted not only by her appearance, but also by her rich inner world and ability to have interesting conversations.

She is confident in herself and will not allow anyone to push her into the shadows. Likes to have fun, make interesting acquaintances, and receive original gifts. Failures depress Yaroslav, but she does not give up, she fights to the end. Although he always acts in his own way, he knows how to admit his mistakes. Loves to give surprises.

The name Yaroslav appeared long before Orthodoxy, so it is not included in church calendars. At baptism, the girl is given a different name.

Mature Yaroslava is as honest and fair as in her youth. Practicality and balance, the ability to see things in perspective, hard work, and perseverance allow a woman to make her dreams come true. She always makes a plan, calculates her strength and capabilities before conquering the next peak. Having failed, he will still stubbornly try to solve the problem. In difficult situations, close people help Yaroslav out and provide moral and financial support.

Work and hobbies

As a child, Yara prefers active, team games: basketball, volleyball, football. She is also interested in brain teasers, charades, crosswords, puzzles, and chess. He reads a lot of books about our little brothers, as well as fairy tales.

Love for animals may motivate Yara to take up horse riding

Yaroslav chooses his profession according to his heart. A girl won’t be able to do something for long that doesn’t interest her at all. Thanks to the abundance of talents and hobbies, many roads open up for Yasya. She prefers to work in a team. Even if she has a separate office, its doors are always open.

She can be a programmer or engineer, since even at school she is making progress in the exact sciences. Perseverance, perseverance and the desire to finish what she started allow a girl to become a successful accountant, journalist, translator, and choreographer. More often than not, Yaroslava’s hobby develops into a profession. If you were fond of sports as a child, you can become famous in this field in the future.


Little Yaroslava is predisposed to bronchitis. It is advisable for the mother to breastfeed the baby longer, as her stomach often bothers her. In adulthood, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop; due to weakened immunity, it becomes easier to catch the virus. To prevent this from happening, Yara needs to eat right, follow a routine, exercise regularly, and avoid hypothermia. You should dress according to the weather, not your mood.

A.F. Losev argued that if a child is given an inappropriate name, he will experience internal discomfort. This is fraught with mental changes and a number of diseases.

Love and marriage

The charming, smart Yaroslava has no end to guys, and at first the relationship develops smoothly. She devotes herself entirely to her chosen one, becoming a loving and faithful companion. But only if she is sure that her feeling is mutual. The girl herself causes discord when she begins to create scenes of jealousy and strives to capture all the attention and time of her lover.

She is in no hurry to get married. Only after getting to know the man better and not finding any critical flaws will Yaroslava accept the marriage proposal. He may sacrifice his career for the sake of his family.

After the wedding, it is advisable for her and her husband to live with their parents for some time in order to learn how to manage a household. When Yaroslava masters the basics of cooking, her husband will quite sincerely say that her dishes are tastier than restaurant ones. At first, the girl is not very interested in intimate relationships, so the partner should devote more time to foreplay. But after the birth of a child, sexual appetite awakens.

It is highly undesirable for Yara to eat on the run or eat fast food

Yaroslava is a hospitable hostess and homebody. Family for her is a source of stability and confidence in the future. The husband does not mind that his wife rules the house, especially since she does it wisely and very delicately. This woman does not forgive betrayal. Divorce is endured steadfastly. She becomes her children's best friend, although she raises them strictly. Yaroslava has a sincere relationship with her mother-in-law.

Table: compatibility with male names in love and marriage

Name horoscope

Yaroslava-Aries is an adventurer and a restless person. This daring woman ignites men with her stormy temperament and infects those around her with a good mood. Ignores advice and listens only to himself, is distinguished by inconstancy and frivolity. She tends to fall in love at first sight, but avoids serious relationships.

Yara-Taurus is endowed with a subtle aesthetic sense; her home is warm, calm and cozy. Prosperity is important to her, and she strives for it with all her might. This woman’s husband will always be kind, fed and satisfied. The fuss tires her. She loves guests, but she rarely goes out to see friends.

Gemini is a sociable, courageous, active, ambitious, friendly person. Chaos reigns around her, she cannot sit in one place for a long time - the gypsy soul asks for travel, vivid impressions, new meetings and emotions. Yaroslava of this sign is inclined to make promises that she often does not keep, but her friends cannot be offended by her for long.

Yaroslava loves travel and adventures

Cancer is a fragile and vulnerable creature, but at the same time vindictive and vindictive. He prefers to relax in a calm home environment. The constellation endows Yaroslav with hard work, responsibility, and intelligence. A woman puts all the family burdens on her shoulders and literally blows away specks of dust from her lover, but can ruin the relationship with her desire to control his every step. Her jealousy is limitless.

Leo hates competitors in any area of ​​his life. She feels like a queen and expects appropriate treatment from others. This woman always gets what she wants and is susceptible to flattery and expensive gifts. She is a leader, a maximalist, and has unquestionable authority. Status, image, money are important to her.

Yaroslava-Virgo is demanding of herself and those around her, but at the same time she is kind and fair. She makes a gifted businesswoman. In everyday life and relationships, she values ​​simplicity and clarity. There is not a speck of dust in this lady's house. Sources of stress for Virgo are not only problems, but also routine, lack of change and new experiences.

Libra is an indecisive lady; it is difficult for her to make choices, even when it comes to dishes in a restaurant. He tries to cope with difficulties on his own and seeks help only as a last resort. Appreciates patient people who can withstand her temperament. Gets along well with the opposite sex.

Significant years of life for Yaroslava are those containing the numbers 14, 23, 32, 41, 50.

Scorpio is unbalanced, impulsive, hot-tempered, but knows how to keep her face. Believes that the best defense is attack. She is unpredictable, and her temperament can be compared to a natural disaster. She spares neither competitors in business nor rivals in love. She enters into a successful marriage with a Capricorn who is as persistent and purposeful as she is.

Sagittarius is a respected person in the team. She is kind and sympathetic, but does not allow anyone to sit on her neck. A man who decides to conquer this independent woman will have to try. The instinct of self-preservation in her coexists perfectly with a rich imagination and love for active recreation.

Yasya-Capricorn lacks lightness and romance; she does not know how to flirt. Faces life's adversities with steadfastness. Loves children, but does not spoil them. In relationships he values ​​harmony and openness. In a successful marriage, a woman's best friend is her husband. She is brave, sharp-tongued, and knows how to stand up for herself.

The compatibility of a married couple by name is an indicator of the similarity of temperaments, characters, and the prospects of the relationship. The most successful unions are those in which male names contain two names. For example, Ruslan and Svetlana, Lana; Yaroslav and Miroslava, Yaroslava, Slava.

Aquarius achieves success in any business. She is talented, charming, and has endless fans. She is attracted to ancient languages ​​and archaeology. A high level of sociability allows a girl to quickly adapt to any society. She knows how to earn and save money to spend it on hobbies, jewelry or travel.

Pisces - Yaroslav of this sign easily gets away with any tricks in childhood. She is receptive, dreamy, fair, unforgiving. She skillfully uses her feminine charm to achieve what she wants. For a long time he cannot start a serious relationship, although he has no shortage of gentlemen.

Table: astrological symbolism

How do the seasons affect a name?

Winter Yaroslava is fair, stubborn, ambitious, purposeful, resilient, and has enormous willpower. Can become a successful leader, make a career in the field of exact sciences. The December lady is afraid to be alone, but she feels comfortable in a house full of guests.

The autumn lady is prudent, thrifty, and judicious. Calculates all his moves in advance. Solve problems easily, enjoys sports, loves animals. Does not forgive deception, hates injustice.

Summer Glory never loses heart, has sparkling humor and gentleness of character. She is generous, resourceful and smart. The humanities suit her. The July girl considers her impressionability to be a weakness.

Vesennaya is a sentimental, impressionable, creatively gifted dreamer. She is easily offended - she gets offended even by trifles. She is eloquent and endowed with acting and literary talents. Loves compliments and praise. Yaroslava, born at this time of year, is suitable for professions that require artistry and the ability to establish connections with people.

Photo gallery: famous Yaroslavs

Yaroslava Bazaeva - the young star of the Russian TV series "Ship" Yaroslava Nikolaeva - actress, student of the "Premier Ballet Studio of Boris Moiseev" The sports diet of the athlete Yaroslava Nikolaeva includes chicken breasts and white fish Playwright Yaroslava Pulinovich wrote the script for the film "Yolki 5" Clairvoyant Yaroslava Fedorova gained popularity thanks to the television show “Battle of Psychics” Dubbing director Yaroslava Turyleva voiced Misha Polyakov in the film “Dagger” Yaroslava Stetsko was a political and public figure in Ukraine Tennis player Yaroslava Shvedova - winner of two Grand Slam tournaments in doubles Yaroslava Krasilnikova (YAROSLAVA) - Ukrainian singer and guitarist The author Yaroslava Lazareva writes in the genre of a mystical vampire romance novel


The poet Viktor Varkentin has a poem called “Yaroslava”:

Yaroslav, sunshine...
Know that there is no one more beautiful than you!
You have amazed me forever
She drowned me with a tender gaze.
Your name is so caressing
Doesn't let go of my feelings.
I hear your voice everywhere!
Yaroslava! I'm all yours.
How beautiful is the world of love,
Your cute features...
It’s impossible to explain all the embellishments
To know, to love to death.

Victor Varkentin

The Yaroslavs themselves also write poetry:

My tenderness for you is the London rains.
A tart, bluish fog that leaves a bitter taste in the throat.
Endless streets ahead
Strong caustic alkali.
All the roads of New York, yet untrodden,
And the huge bridges that obscured the pavement.
Puffy white clouds
Years wasted.
My tenderness is the elegance of my hands, the blackness of my pupils,
All the wrinkles on the eyelids, the fleeting moments.
Muddy wilds of dreams,
An explosion of fragments under the heart, painful and dull.
A punch to the gut.

Yaroslava Popova

Having slept furiously, I break into half of myself.
It blows in the ripe winter, in this region all the people are like owls.
The pointed sleeve turns into February
into weightlessness.
Spending Christmas to the bridge, I bend the route
and I’m no longer in a hurry, my legs are getting longer.
Children don’t know everything and that’s why they lie affectionately
as best they can.

Yaroslava Shirokova

Yaroslava rhymes with words such as “lava”, “glory”, “bravo”, “it has come”.

Video: Poem by Yaroslava Shirokova

The beautiful Slavic name Yaroslav endows its owner with a noble character, interest in her culture, and love of literature. Luck often smiles on this charming, energetic woman. Yara faces the blows of fate with her head held high.

The name Yaroslav is one of the most ancient names in Slavic history. It is widespread not only in our country, but also in many other countries of the world where there are Slavs, and has not lost its popularity for many centuries in a row. This is largely due to his noble origin. This name will probably retain its popularity for a long time. Next, we will try to find out in more detail about the origin of this name and its characteristics.

Yaroslava is a name of Slavic origin, and it has not only a feminine name form, but also a masculine one - Yaroslav. It is also double-rooted. The first root is “yar” and the second is “slav”. The designation of the first root is "strong", "hot" or "vigorous". But the full interpretation of the name can be defined as “strong”, “bright”, “endowed with vitality”. There are also other versions of the interpretation of the name, but they are not so common.

Yaroslava celebrates name days several times a year:

  • March 14th;
  • August 23;
  • November 9.

The important point here is that name day and angel day are not celebrated on the same date. Angel Day here exists only for male names.

What does it mean for a girl

What the name Yaroslav means for a girl is not difficult to determine. Little Yara is a very active girl. She has a lot of vital energy. She is never alone, since childhood she wants to be in a cheerful company. When Yaroslava is surrounded by many people, she feels safe, and as a child she even falls asleep quite calmly to the sound of conversations and the sound of music. Yara is also a very inquisitive girl. She wants to know everything and about everything. This quality manifests itself not only in childhood, but also in adulthood.

Yaroslava has many friends. She loves to make new acquaintances and quickly finds a common language with people. A distinctive feature of her character is that she loves to give gifts. Her loved ones are never deprived of attention. Moreover, she gives gifts not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. She becomes happy in her soul if someone is having fun. Sometimes she can show some stubbornness, but she will definitely listen to any comments and try to improve.

At school, the girl is distinguished by her diligence. She likes to get only good grades and therefore always does her homework and works in class. Moreover, he manages to help his classmates. She is also a great girl at home. She is always happy to help her mother clean the apartment or wash the dishes. She is a very diligent and hardworking girl. Since childhood, Yaroslava has loved animals, and often there is a real zoo in her room. In adulthood, this love can be transferred to the profession, and Yara will become a veterinarian.

As already mentioned, from childhood the girl infects everyone with her energy. She is very sociable and always strives to make as many friends as possible. People around her love to spend time with her, because in the company of this girl it is impossible not to get positive emotions. But Yara herself does not tolerate loneliness. She is always ready to go with friends to the cinema, park, cafe, but just not to spend the evening alone. In addition, she loves to travel and often goes on various adventures. This adds emotion to her already busy life.

If the life of this young lady becomes monotonous, then she begins to have fun herself. Usually such pranks are remembered not only by her, but also by everyone around her.

One of the best qualities of her character is that she always admits her mistakes, although she has traits such as stubbornness and self-confidence, but not in this case. She listens to those around her and tries to become better, to improve. Childhood innocence will never leave her character. Even as an adult woman, she will not give up watching her favorite cartoon or going to the zoo, because, as already mentioned, she has a great love for animals that grows with her.

Yara knows how to handle money. She doesn’t buy anything extra, and this girl always has something put aside in her piggy bank. All her purchases are thought out and calculated in advance. This does not mean that the girl is greedy or petty, no, rather, she is simply very neat and thrifty. She easily wins over others and has an excellent sense of humor. Such people are often called the “life of the party.”

The girl spends a lot of time in a team. This is her second family. People will never refuse to take a walk with her or sit in a cafe. They like her energy, enthusiasm, boundless optimism. A real blow for a girl would be a quarrel with her friends. She experiences such events hard and takes a long time to “depart.”

Problems at work also leave a lasting imprint on her soul. But any defeats only strengthen character. Yara doesn't stop. If something doesn't work out, she tries again and again. In her character there is a complete rejection of lies, betrayal or deception. This begins in childhood and accompanies the girl until old age.

Health Importance

As a child, she very rarely gets sick and has excellent immunity.. But with age, health can deteriorate noticeably. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur. This suggests that you need to watch your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. There is also a risk of catching some kind of infectious disease, which is also not the most pleasant. To avoid this, it is better to eat more vitamins to strengthen your immune system. And also avoid hypothermia.

Love and marriage

Family for Yaroslava is the meaning of her whole life. Since childhood, she has dreamed of getting married and having children. In her family, Yara feels protected and supported; here she really feels comfortable and warm. Since childhood, her grandmother and mother have instilled in her the qualities of a good housewife, teaching her how to run a household, so she turns out to be a good housewife. She is ready to sacrifice a lot in order to have a strong family, where love and harmony always reign.

A serious issue in a relationship is choosing a partner. He must be reliable, independent, be alone for life. Yara's marriage is always only for love. She condemns those women who marry for convenience. She will never betray her husband and expects complete reciprocity from him.

Her husband must have the following character traits:

  • prudence;
  • maturity;
  • strong financial position.

She becomes everything to her family. She always helps her loved ones, even selects clothes for her husband and child, and always successfully, which speaks of the girl’s impeccable taste. She also has a good relationship with her husband’s parents, which is very rare. Her natural charisma and ability to find a common language with others helps her in this.


The girl is endowed with many talents, so any activity will be within her power. She is good with computers and can become a programmer. Yaroslava will also make a good teacher or doctor. The girl has been very capable since childhood and easily learns any science. Yara has a mathematical mindset, which can also leave its mark on her choice of profession. This will be a good accountant or banking employee.

Yaroslava is a creative person, which can come in handy if she wants to become a journalist, actress, translator, or maybe a stylist. Even her childhood hobbies can later become her lifelong occupation. Now we are talking about sports.

Talismans of Yaroslava

  • Patronizing planet - the Sun.
  • The most suitable zodiac sign is Leo.
  • The animal that will bring good luck is the pheasant.
  • A lucky color is scarlet.
  • Stone-amulet - amber.

Attention, TODAY only!

Recently, many parents have been looking for unusual names for their children. The female name Yaroslav is still very rare. Let's try to figure out what it means and what fate it will give to its owner.

History of the name

This wonderful name came to us from ancient times. Long before the advent of Christianity, Slavic tribes had a tradition of celebrating the end of winter on the day of the vernal equinox - March 21. Folk festivities and games were dedicated to one of the most revered pagan gods - Yarila, who symbolized spring, vitality and fertility. It is not for nothing that early young crops have always been called “spring crops,” and small lambs and calves that first went out to pasture are called “spring crops.”

Therefore, many historians believe that the meaning of the name Yaroslav should be understood as “glorifying Yarila” or “glorious like Yarilo.”

After the baptism of Rus', princes and other high-ranking officials began to give the name Yaroslav to their daughters. And since the worship of pagan deities was not welcomed, a new interpretation was invented for it, from the roots “bright” and “glory” - “covered with bright glory.”

Yaroslav's name day

There is no female name Yaroslav in the Orthodox calendar. Therefore, before the baptismal ceremony, the clergyman will invite the parents to choose any other Christian name.

This may be the name of a saint or great martyr, on the day of whose veneration the girl was born. In this case, she will celebrate the name day or the day of the guardian angel in accordance with the name of her heavenly patroness.

It is also possible to choose a male patron for a girl, for example, Saint Prince Yaroslav the Wise. In this case, the name day will be celebrated on March 5th.

Various forms of the name

If an adult woman is most often called simply Yaroslava, then the name for a girl should be more affectionate - for example, Yaroslavochka, Slavochka, Yarochka, Yarusya, Yarunya or Yarusechka.

The female name Yaroslava is also found in some other countries. You can find out how it will sound in different languages ​​from the table.

The name Yaroslav should not be confused with another female name Yaroslavna, which also recently appeared in use. By the way, by its origin, Yaroslavna is not a name, but a patronymic, which came from the same distant antiquity. For example, the queen of France and the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise was called Anna Yaroslavna, and the wife of Prince Igor, the hero of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” was Efrosinya Yaroslavna.

Famous namesakes

The fact that the female name Yaroslav is almost exclusive can be judged by the very short list of famous personalities who bore or are wearing it.

  1. Jaroslava Mozerova (1930-2006) – Czech doctor, artist, writer and politician.
  2. Yaroslava Iosifovna Stetsko (1920-2003) – Ukrainian political and public figure.
  3. Yaroslava Vyacheslavovna Shvedova (born 1987) is a professional tennis player who played for Russia and Kazakhstan.
  4. Yaroslava Aleksandrovna Pulinovich (born 1987) is a Russian playwright.
  5. Yaroslava Lazareva is a Russian writer, author of a popular series about vampires.
  6. Yaroslava Andreevna Nikolaeva (born 1995) is a Russian film actress.

Let's hope that thanks to the wave of popularity that has arisen, in a few years the list will be replenished with new famous women with the beautiful name Yaroslava.

The character and fate of Yaroslava

Filled with strong energy, the name Yaroslav makes its owner bright, noticeable and cheerful. A woman has a keen sense of beauty and is endowed with many talents that help her find her true purpose.


Little Yaroslavka is active and sociable.

She enjoys playing in the company of her peers, but also loves to be around adults, especially when they are having “smart” conversations. The girl is very inquisitive and tries to find an explanation for everything; she not only absorbs information, but also tries to analyze it.

The girl easily learns school material. She is attentive, diligent and disciplined, so she will never go to class unless she learns all the lessons by heart. Yarusya is a great neat person, there are never any marks in her notebooks, and the things in her briefcase are strictly in their places.

The girl has developed leadership qualities; she can be appointed class leader or elected to the school council. Yaroslavka’s character traits, such as honesty and justice, play an important role in this; she always takes the side of the offended and tries to protect them.

Little Yarunya's life is not limited only to home and school. She enjoys attending various clubs - dance, art or theater. In addition, the girl likes to play sports, and she will definitely enroll in some section.


Already in high school, the girl decides on her future profession and intensively prepares for entering a university. Yarochka loves animals, so she can become a veterinarian or livestock specialist. Her love for mathematics will allow her to choose a job as an auditor or economist. Success awaits the girl even if she decides to follow the creative “path” by enrolling in the Faculty of Journalism or the Theater Institute.

Despite her solid intellectual potential, our heroine can refuse higher education and become a hairdresser, dressmaker or flight attendant. In any case, with her diligence, commitment and ability to see things through to the end, she will earn respect and achieve success.

Yaroslava's organizational skills will help her start her own business. In addition, our lady is a little tight-fisted in financial matters and never throws money away, preferring to invest it in the development of the enterprise. It is not surprising that Yaruni’s company will always prosper, and she will become wealthy at a fairly young age.

The owner of the name Yaroslav always has many friends. Thanks to her excellent sense of humor and eloquence, she easily becomes the life of any company. A woman knows how not only to work, but also to relax in style. She loves parties, fashionable get-togethers, country picnics and always takes an active part in organizing them.

As the head of the company, Yara organizes corporate parties for her employees and celebrates birthdays with them. She loves to give gifts, which she always chooses carefully. Therefore, all employees are simply delighted with their boss and work with special zeal.

Yaroslava has excellent aesthetic taste and always looks brand new. She knows how to choose fashionable and beautiful clothes for herself, regularly visits a hairdresser, cosmetologist and massage therapist.

Love and family

Possessing an attractive appearance and a whole “bouquet” of advantages, a woman named Yaroslava attracts men’s gaze. But she is jealous and perceives each next gentleman as her property, trying to control all his steps. Guys don’t like this too much, so Yarochka’s love stories are always short-lived.

In addition, our heroine feels a little constrained in intimate relationships and does not consider sex the main component of love. Her sensuality can fully reveal itself only under the guidance of an experienced and patient man.

Yaroslava gets married quite late. As a husband, she will choose an older person with a strong but flexible character. In the family, he will play the role of a formal leader, while in fact the reins of power will be concentrated in the hands of our heroine. But she will do this so skillfully that the man will not feel a catch and will be sure that he makes all the decisions himself.

The owner of the name Yaroslava is a wonderful housewife and an unsurpassed cook.

Guests are always welcome in her house, and even her mother-in-law is delighted with her friendly and caring daughter-in-law. Yara adores children and becomes not just a mother to them, but a real friend to whom they confide all their secrets and dreams.

Name compatibility

A woman named Yaroslava approaches any issue responsibly and pedantically. Choosing a spouse will also be no exception. Before walking down the aisle, Yarochka will once again weigh the pros and cons, and also check the names for compatibility.

As a rule, Yaroslava’s husband feels cozy and comfortable in the family. The only thing that can irritate him is our heroine’s jealousy. She will keep all her husband’s movements under control and will never let him go alone to any event or on vacation.

Health and hobbies

Yaroslava has a strong and resilient body. Even ordinary childhood illnesses bypass her. This is facilitated by sports and a healthy lifestyle, which our heroine will always be faithful to.

Yara prefers active recreation and teaches her family members to do it: they go hiking, travel through the mountains, swim in rivers or seas. And sometimes they just make family outings outside the city, where they run around a lot and play outdoor games.

The main character traits of Yaroslava

For all the positivity of our heroine, she also has negative qualities. She is stubborn and often defends her point of view, realizing that it is wrong. In addition, Yaroslava is selfish and tries to subordinate everything to her interests. The remaining pros and cons are collected in the table.

Parents who decide to give their daughter the beautiful name Yaroslav will in no way go wrong. After all, together with the name, they will give her an amazing life filled with joy, success and happiness.

The name Yaroslav is very ancient and has its roots deep in Slavic history. In many countries where Slavic peoples live, this name is widespread due to its noble origin. This is one of the few ancient Slavic names that have not yet lost their relevance and have not disappeared from use.


If you believe historians, the name Yaroslav was formed from two words - “yar” and “slav”. "Yar" means "hot", "strong", "energetic". In the ancient Slavic language there was also the word “yar”, which literally translates as “fertility”.

Based on this, the name can be interpreted as “glorious with vitality,” “strong,” “bright.” There is another version, thanks to which it can be argued that the word “yar” refers specifically to a woman and means “light” or “bright”.

Name day

But you should know that Yaroslav’s name day and Angel’s Day are different holidays. On Angel Day, the name day of the male name Yaroslav is celebrated.

For girls

Since childhood, Yaroslava has strived to be in cheerful company. She will feel safe around people and will have trouble falling asleep in noisy environments. Yaroslava is growing up as an inquisitive child; she wants to know everything in the world. She will retain this quality even into adulthood.

Yaroslava makes friends easily, she finds a common language with everyone. The girl never skimps on gifts for her family and friends; she likes to give gifts even for no reason. Despite her slightly stubborn character, Yaroslava will always listen to comments from the outside.

At school, Yaroslav attaches great importance to grades, so she tries to study properly and helps her classmates. Since childhood, Yaroslava has been accustomed to doing household chores; she is hardworking and always helps her parents. Yaroslava is very good with animals, so she may have a desire to become a veterinarian.


Yaroslava boasts of her energy and curiosity. She is very sociable and makes friends easily. Yaroslava cannot stand loneliness and meeting friends is always a holiday for her. Yaroslava loves travel, various intrigues and adventures.

If nothing fun and exciting happens in a girl’s life for a long time, then she herself comes up with adventures that will be remembered for a long time not only by her, but also by those around her.

Yaroslava knows how to admit her mistakes, despite her excessive stubbornness. A girl named Yaroslava will watch cartoons with interest at any age, and she is also crazy about animals. Yaroslava treats money very carefully and will never spend it on trifles. The girl is sociable and knows how to win over others, has a good sense of humor, and is insightful.

Yaroslava, born in the winter months, is vulnerable and very susceptible. Loneliness is her biggest fear and brings her to tears.

She always feels at home in a team. People love her boundless enthusiasm and optimism. Yaroslava has a very hard time with quarrels and partings with friends; professional failures also become a heavy blow for her.

Despite her defeats, the girl still tries to correct the situation with all her might. Yaroslava cannot stand deception, lies and betrayal. This trait is present in her character throughout her life.

If Yaroslava was born in the autumn months, then her main hobby may be sports. “Autumn” Yaroslav loves to compete with others and often wins. She loves animals, so she can choose equestrian sport, combining two of her favorite things at once. Yaroslava studies well, quickly mastering new material. Does not accept lies and tries to avoid dishonest people.

“Summer” Yaroslav can be very impressionable, but she is afraid to show it in public. He tries to get rid of this character trait and considers it his disadvantage. She is interested in doing household chores and is a good housewife. Loves to receive guests. Yaroslava will be faithful to one man all her life, but she is the leader in the family. She is a little jealous, but tries not to advertise it.

Yaroslava, born in spring, is a very creative and dreamy person. Overly sentimental, any event can make her cry. She loves literature and often writes poetry or stories. He has musical talent and quickly masters almost any instrument. Yaroslava has good acting skills, thanks to which she quickly becomes the soul of any company. The “spring” Yaroslava has every chance of achieving success in the creative field.


Since birth, Yaroslava has had good health and stable immunity, thanks to her activity and high vitality. However, as she ages, she may have gastrointestinal problems and may also be susceptible to infectious diseases. Therefore, Yaroslav needs to watch his diet and not be in the cold for a long time.

Yaroslav can be transmitted hereditary diseases from parents or more distant relatives. Moreover, these diseases can appear at any age.


Yaroslava will be happy in an alliance with Gleb, Arkady, Eduard.

Yaroslava will have a tense and short relationship with Semyon, and...

Marriage and family

From an early age, Yaroslava dreams of starting a family. Family is the most important thing for her; it is in it that she feels completely protected and happy. From childhood, she is instilled with family values, taught to be a housewife and an exemplary wife. In order to find harmony and comfort in her family, she is ready to sacrifice a lot.

Yaroslava takes the choice of her future husband very seriously; she must be completely confident in the person and in their future family life. She marries solely for love and does not accept arranged marriages.

For the role of her husband, she chooses a reasonable, mature and financially secure man. Yaroslava will take care of the image of her family, so any purchase of a new thing does not bypass her.

She happily selects clothes for her husband and children. From the very beginning, her relationship with her husband’s parents is very successful, in which her charisma and sociability help her.

In public, she always stays close to her man and does not leave him unattended, as she is a little jealous. Yaroslava is a very exemplary wife, a loving mother and an excellent housewife. She knows how to create a special and loving atmosphere in her home, is friendly and does not tolerate conflicts.


Yaroslava is very gifted and can choose almost any profession for herself. Technical professions related to computer networks, such as a programmer or design engineer, are perfect for her. The girl will cope well with the profession of a teacher or doctor.

Yaroslava's mathematical mind will allow her to work as a bank employee or accountant. Creative Yaroslavs will do an excellent job as a translator, stylist, journalist or tourist guide. Yaroslava can easily turn her hobbies into a profession - take up professional sports, in which she will achieve considerable success.

We know many names that have a “pair” that can be both male and female, for example, Anastas and Anastasia, Oleg and Olga, Yaroslav and Yaroslava.

The origin of the last two names is Slavic. The meaning of the name Yaroslav and its female version consists of two words - “yar” and “slav”. For a man it means “possessing glory” or “glorious in his strength,” for a woman it means “glorious in his life-giving power.”

Slavic origin allows us to give slightly different “translations” into the modern language of the male and female versions of the name, because the word “yar” in Ancient Rus' was the name for the life-giving power of the sun, and “yar” meant strength and spiritual power.

In addition, it is believed that “paired” names help ensure that the fate of their bearers develops successfully in terms of family relationships, and the owners of “unpaired” names are more suitable for prayers and spiritual practices, but not interaction with a partner.

In short, a boy or man with the name Yaroslav is most often called Yarik or Slava. The abbreviated name of a girl or woman is Yarilka or Yasya, Slava or Yarochka.

The diminutive options for both boys and girls can be the same - Rosya or Slavunya. Diminutively, Yaroslava and Yaroslava can also be called by very similar short names - Slavik and Slavusya, Yarus and Yarusya.

To understand what “Yaroslav” means for the bearers of the name, you need to consider different aspects:

  • What are Yaroslavs like in childhood?
  • How does their character change during adolescence and adulthood?
  • What activities are more suitable for Yaroslavs?
  • What should they pay attention to to maintain their health?
  • How lucky are they in love and marriage?

Children's pranks

The origin of his name leaves a very noticeable imprint on the character of little Yaroslav. As a rule, such boys have a bright personality, they like to be leaders and defend their own opinion, even if it concerns how to make Easter cakes in the sandbox. He is alive, like mercury, restless and naughty.

The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy is fully manifested at school age, when his own view of the world comes into conflict with the views of his teachers. The latter often appeal to the child’s parents, but these educational measures are not able to shake his views. At the same time, Yarik’s character is such that his views can be influenced through a confidential but reasoned conversation.

At the same time, Yaroslav shows a remarkable interest in school subjects; he learns to read and write earlier than many of his peers, and reading books gives him pleasure. At the same time, little Yarik loves his parents to read to him before bed. He is often very observant and attentive to details, which does not interfere with his sociability and communication with a large circle of friends with whom he loves to play at home.

The character of little Yaroslava is very similar to that of a boy, but it also has its own characteristics. Yasya is also very active - a real “perpetual motion machine”, sociable, and at the same time she knows how to find a common language not only with her peers, but also with her elders. Very often the favorite of grandparents.

The name Yaroslava endows its owner with the same thoughtfulness and stubbornness in defending her position as the owner of the male version of the name. The girl is characterized by curiosity; she likes to listen to interesting and informative stories from older relatives. Yasi’s rather stubborn nature does not prevent her from objectively assessing and taking into account constructive criticism from a young age.

In a children's group - in kindergarten or in elementary school - Yarochka quickly finds her place. She may not be the ringleader, but the child’s sociable nature and ability to “build bridges” with people will not allow her to become an outcast.

If Yasya was born in winter, her perseverance will border on stubbornness; if in the spring, she will be able to make the right impression on others if she wants; if in the summer, her quick wit and sense of humor will distinguish her favorably among her peers; if in the fall, she will be very practical, especially in terms of finances .

Adult interests

When Yaroslav grows up, his parents can fully feel what the name Yaroslav means. His external features may be as soft as his mother’s, but he inherits his father’s character, and in adolescence this character also acquires steel strength. It is very difficult to force Yarik to do something, he can only be convinced, and his parents have influence on him only if they have managed to win the trust and affection of their son.

Student life with its paucity of everyday excesses is not a problem for Yaroslav - philosophical questions in his youth occupy him much more than the dilemma of eating rolled oats or pea porridge for lunch. He knows how to get by with a minimum of things and live in almost Spartan conditions. Life's difficulties are not able to overcome his character.

At the same time, for the adult Yaroslav, the opinion of others, and especially friends, about his person and the results of his thoughts and works is very important. If he understands that the results are not brilliant, the moral support of his friends is very important to him at this difficult moment. Attachment to friends also determines his behavior with animals - most often Yaroslav chooses a dog as a pet.

The name Yaroslav does not allow a girl to complain about fate when she has to overcome difficulties. Her diligence and hard work will force her to capitulate to any, even the most difficult, problem. Commitment and independence make her a good student in high school and at a university or college.

The love of reading acquired in childhood greatly facilitates her student life. In the student group, Yasha is also helped by the fact that she loves and knows how to play - it doesn’t matter what it is: a sports game, a logic game or an amateur performance. Despite the fact that Yasya is constantly surrounded by a group of friends, the support of her parents is very important to her.

The name Yaroslav gives its bearer independence and the desire to follow her goal. And if she has already decided to study at a certain university, then she will do everything to enroll there and complete her studies to obtain a diploma. Preferably until red.

Adult Yaroslava retains her insight and at the same time her sociability. She is practical, she likes to run the house, and at the same time she is very thrifty; the word “spender” can be applied to anyone, but not to her. In addition, he knows how to get along well with colleagues.

Work and love

Yaroslav's fate depends little on what profession he chooses: he can become a teacher or a carpenter, an engineer or a musician, an artist or a builder. At the same time, the desire to penetrate the secrets of the world, read a lot and learn new things will continue to be of great importance for Yaroslav. At the same time, it is quite difficult for him to achieve career heights, because, despite his integrity, he does not like to conflict, and as a result, he achieves success only through hard work.

The name Yaroslav suggests that its owner will always get along well with figures and numbers, and therefore accounting and programming, design and auditing may be suitable professions for her. In her place, Yaroslava will be both in the profession of a translator and as a pediatrician. Thanks to her analytical mind, ability to communicate and sense of style, the ability to attract attention, she moves up the career ladder much easier than her “partner” by name - a man.

As for health, the Yaroslavs of both sexes are heroes from birth. But good physical activity will be important for both Yaroslav and Yaroslava - they need physical education classes and an active lifestyle.

In family life, fate may throw a not very pleasant surprise at Yaroslav the man. Despite his thriftiness and good relationship with his wife, his first marriage may end in divorce - for various reasons. Most often, Yaroslavs marry twice.

But for a woman, the name Yaroslav helps in finding family happiness; as a rule, these ladies do not know problems in relationships not only with their husbands, but also with their mother-in-law. Their house is always well-kept, and their husband and children are not only well-fed and cheerful, but also stylishly dressed. True, Yaroslava is no stranger to jealousy, but this also has its advantages - she usually goes to evening events with her husband, and this only contributes to family happiness. Author: Olga Inozemtseva