Russian surnames bringing wealth and glory. Names and surnames that bring people good luck are named

with the thought of yourself...magic and secrets

If you feel that you do not have enough energy to achieve what you want, you can think of a "second name" for yourself - and it will bring you good luck. Only it must contain one of the letters that make a person strong and tenacious.

It happens that something does not go well with a person in life, but it is not at all he himself or the evil old women who are to blame for this. evil eye", but on the contrary, the people to whom he is dearest of all in the world are his parents. And the "program" of his failures is laid at the very moment when they give the child a name.

What is a name? This is a phonetic set of sounds, a sound is a wave. A sound wave - and now it is proven by science - can most effectively affect the human body. Moreover, the sound wave influences the formation of certain character traits, generates certain spiritual qualities in people!

It is not for nothing that all Elenas are similar to each other in the same way that all Andreys are similar. And the most interesting thing is that a person is influenced not only by the name as a whole, but also by each of its letters!

For example, the letter A gives people a high ability to work.

The letter B generates a desire for risk, programs luck in risky ventures.

It develops in a person the desire and desire to plan his life.

Under the influence of the letter G, a person develops excellent taste and, at the same time, disgust.

The letter D generates the energy of the owner, and in its most active manifestation.

E endows a person with two opposite qualities: a thirst for intimate relationships and a desire for power.

The consonant Zh awakens in the character the desire for aesthetic completeness.

Z makes people corrosive, boring.

And brings wisdom and balance to the character.

The letter Y in the name makes its owner doubt his abilities.

K makes a person focused, immersed in himself.

The letter L provokes the desire for comfort and bodily pleasures.

M awakens in a person the desire to try everything on their own skin.

H is an insidious letter: it makes people become attached with all their heart to a person or a chosen job.

O introduces principles into the character, but at the same time conservatism, narrow-mindedness.

The motto of a man who has the letter P in his name is “I came, I saw, I conquered!”, However, he does not value his achievements at all: he needs victory for the sake of victory itself.

And for a person whose name contains the letter R, the motto could be the slogan "Not a step back!": This letter generates loyalty to the word and the chosen goal in people.

The consonant C in the name is always brilliance, sparkling, the ability to be charming.

The letter T symbolizes the passion for change, no matter what they concern: heart affections, work or furniture in the house.

The vowel Wu is a hidden cunning, the desire to hide one's true goals.

F is another letter that gives birth to an iron grip in a person. True, this grip is not active, but passive - a person does not achieve what he wants, but, as it were, takes it.

X - responsiveness to someone else's misfortune and other people's requests.

In a critical situation, people around always rely on a person whose name contains the letter C. He himself, in such circumstances, is capable of both high feat and cynical cruelty.

Those who have the letter H in their names are endowed with a heightened sense of justice.

The consonant Ш gives a person composure.

The vowel Y can make a person stubborn, "stubborn", and for the sake of his goal, he, sadly, is ready to do any evil, any violence.

The owner of the name, in which there is a vowel E, is an egoist of the highest standard.

The letter Yu simultaneously fulfills two fictions: it gives purposefulness and makes you look at the world through rose-colored glasses, it makes a person an incorrigible romantic.

The letter I gives rise to self-doubt in a person and often makes compromises.

Of course, people have always tried to give the child a name that brings good luck. And vice versa, they avoided giving such names, the owners of which suffered misfortunes. We have now stopped giving great importance the way we are called, but in vain! Our name is our problems (or lack thereof). It is believed that children should not be given the names of great martyrs (Nikita, Dmitry, Ekaterina, Marina, Anastasia, etc.). Such people have difficult fate and often there is no personal life. In addition, certain names correspond to the signs of the zodiac. This has been noticed for a long time and full compliance can be found in the "Saints".

But what about those who do not want and cannot change their "unlucky" "name to another - something that could bring him happiness and success? After all, how many papers need to be issued, how many people to explain why you are doing this! Is there way out in such a situation?Yes, there is!

Let's say, if you feel that you do not have enough energy to achieve what you want, you can think of a "second name" for yourself - and it will bring you good luck. Only it must contain one of the letters that make a person strong, tenacious, not wanting to retreat an inch from the conquered frontier - B, D, P, R, F, Z.

That is exactly what one girl, the loser Mila, did. She looked at herself in the mirror, and suddenly it dawned on her that she looked like a hairpin! Mila asked one of her friends to call her Hairpin (note that this nickname contains the consonant P, which generates in a person the desire to achieve the cherished goal with one powerful jerk). The nickname stuck, and the recent shy girl, unexpectedly for herself, suddenly put on a short skirt and, seizing the opportunity, sat on her boss's knees. "Intimacy after the wedding," confidently cut off the very Hairpin, who a month ago was ready to please anyone who casts an affectionate look at her. And the man willingly obeyed her. As the military say, "the fort was taken with one lightning throw"!

However, a "different" name can change the attitude of those around you, even if you yourself do not change at the same time. For example, it often happens that a man subconsciously reacts to a strictly defined image or behavior of a woman. Such a "program" in his subconsciousness is laid either by his mother or by the woman who aroused the first strong feeling in him.

But the betrothed may not have such character traits! In this case, the "second name" again comes to the rescue.

Olga fell in love with a man whose name was Oleg. As a rule, the owners of this name tend to marry a woman who is very similar to her mother. Oleg's mother turned out to be an extremely easy-going lady: her life was filled with travel, museums, shops, and visits. Olga herself, on the contrary, was a homebody, and this could become a serious obstacle to marriage.

The young woman thought and wondered what she would “break” in herself in order to become like her future mother-in-law. And she just came up with the nickname Tata - an abbreviation for her last name - the letters T, which just make a person easy to lift! And soon Oleg offered her a hand and a heart, while repeating that at last she became exactly the way he dreamed of seeing his "other half"!

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Money surnames

Money surnames in particular and surnames in general are of great interest to historians, ethnographers, sociologists, linguists, and anyone interested in the history of culture. Words related to money formed the basis of many surnames. Studying the history of money surnames allows you to touch the history of money itself, which has always played modern life important role in the lives of previous generations.

Money names are of interest to people in the occult sense, because with their energy they can help people in business, in attracting material well-being. Some people take a money surname as a pseudonym to attract success, fame, fame and of course money.

Below are the surnames, which are based on the names of money.

Money surnames

























Kalita(old Russian name money bag or money bag)











Monetchikov(coin minter)























But it is not a fact that a money surname necessarily has the energy of money and will help its owner in business. And vice versa. There are surnames that are in no way related to money by origin, but nevertheless have money energy and attract money.

On our site we offer a huge selection of names...

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

In our book "The Energy of the Name" you can read:

Name selection by automatic program

Name selection according to astrology, incarnation tasks, numerology, zodiac sign, types of people, psychology, energy

Name selection by astrology (examples of the weakness of this name selection technique)

Selection of a name according to the tasks of embodiment (goals of life, purpose)

Name selection by numerology (examples of the weakness of this name selection technique)

Name selection according to the zodiac sign

Name selection by type of people

Psychology name selection

Name selection by energy

What you need to know when choosing a name

What to do to choose the perfect name

If you like the name

Why you don't like the name and what to do if you don't like the name (three ways)

Two options for choosing a new successful name

Corrective name for the child

Corrective name for an adult

Adaptation to a new name

Our book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Money surnames

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NOVOSIBIRSK, March 20 - RIA Novosti. Many Novosibirsk residents have "happy" surnames. the day before international day happiness, RIA Novosti correspondent Elena Zhukova asked how such surnames affect their lives.

In 2012, the UN proclaimed March 20 as the International Day of Happiness to support the idea that the pursuit of happiness is a common feeling for all people on the planet. Also, according to the founders, the holiday is intended to show that happiness is one of the main goals of mankind.

Happiness is rare

There are not so many Novosibirsk people with surnames derived from the words "happiness", "luck", "joy". According to the Civil Registry Office for the Novosibirsk Region, from 1925 to the present, 169 births of children with the following surnames have been registered in the region: Udachin (a), Successful, Successful, Successful, Happy, Happy, Happy, Radostin (a), Radostev (a) and Fortune.

Moreover, the most common of these surnames is Radostev. 58 Radostaevs were registered in the region during this period. And the most rare surnames- Lucky, Lucky, Success.

A third of Novosibirsk use their appearance to be successful at workA third of Novosibirsk residents at least once in their lives used their attractiveness in order to achieve the location of their superiors, colleagues or clients, the recruiting portal HeadHunter reports on Wednesday following a study.

“At work, they believe that I really bring it (luck). With such a surname, interviews are easier. As my boss says, he didn’t even have questions after reading my resume - to take or not to take. Only because of the surname it was possible," Fortuna explains.

The interviewee notes that unusual surname gives some advantages in other situations. For example, traffic police officers become softer, studying documents, customs at the airport passes without delay.

“I don’t buy a lottery, I took a ticket several times, but alas. In a casino, they somehow accidentally gave me chips, threw them at random and won, but that’s all,” Fortuna said.

Schoolgirl Anastasia Udachina, in turn, says that her surname regularly helps in life and causes good mood those around.

"Once my new teacher gave me good mark just because I'm beautiful and lucky surname! Or, when I went to buy a kitten, the seller accidentally heard my last name and gave the kitten away for free,” says Udachina.

Christmas tree, elephants and tickets became exhibits of the Museum of Happiness in Novosibirsk"Happy World Map" Christmas tree, a horseshoe, birds, an umbrella of happiness, elephants, exotic amulets, toys became exhibits of the Museum of Happiness that opened in Novosibirsk. RIA Novosti correspondent Maria Kormiltseva visited him, made a wish and found out how he managed to collect such a collection.

Her namesake Yulia Udachina, who works in the field of trade, on the contrary, believes that the surname does not bring her any success.

“There was no special reaction, but they said that with such a surname you definitely bring good luck. I didn’t notice much luck. On the contrary, relatives giggle that they forgot to “not” sign to the surname, ”she smiles.

Another "lucky" Novosibirsk resident Alexander Radostev, who works in the information technologies, says that his surname adds curiosities to life.

"Funny situations happened when I walked sad or gloomy and met someone. In general, a fairly frequent super-witty argument to me," Why are you so gloomy, you are Radostev! Rejoice!". The surname helped to exchange a few words with the examiner on such an abstract topic and quickly figure out how to find mutual language", he says.

At the same time, Radostev notes that sometimes his last name is less interesting than his middle name, Jose. According to him, his surname is his mother's, and his Spanish father came to Russia to study at Moscow State University, then worked in Novosibirsk. They decided not to decline the patronymic, so that there would be no Khoseevich.

Happiness sound

Psychotherapist Alexander Butskikh notes that all words and phrases affect people in a certain way. There are many examples when, because of a surname, especially in childhood, complexes arise in people.

“With the surname Fortuna, Schastlivtsev, of course, there can be concessions, preferences, and a person can feel worthy. But besides the surname, there is a lot of everything, how a person will cope with his inner feelings, because there may be inconsistencies with such a surname. For example, he is a janitor works with the surname Schastlivtsev," Butskikh said.

Changing a last name to a happier one can certainly help a person feel more confident, he says, but it's too straightforward a way to boost self-esteem and doesn't always work.

“The strongest influence on a person is dissonant surnames that are associated with some kind of abusive words. As a rule, he is teased in childhood and he has to defend his surname. In this regard, the fighting qualities of such a person develop quite strongly. If he cannot do it overcome, then the surname will play against the person," explains psychotherapist Igor Lyakh.

In his opinion, such surnames as Radostev, Schastlivtsev and the like can influence a person if, along with the surname, parents put into the child the idea that he is their happiness, and then psychologically the child feels the love of his parents, and through this mechanism a person can feel happier for absolutely no reason.

"The second option for acquiring such surnames is when a person takes a pseudonym for himself, changing a previously unsound or unsuccessful surname to a euphonious and more successful one. Then this act is conscious for him. A surname can affect if a person believes in it, and this is associated with positive emotions" , - says Lyakh.

There is a fairly widespread belief that a change of name entails a change in Fate. And changing the surname can also make adjustments to the character of a person.

What is the difference between the number of the name and the number of the surname

Thanks to the knowledge of numerology, it is easier to decide on such important things as a purpose in life: your date of birth will indicate it. But there is also the number of the name that reveals you as a person - all the character traits and inclinations that you show in Everyday life. In fact, this is how others, friends and loved ones see you. The number of the surname carries information of a slightly different kind. Having calculated it, you can understand what you inherited from your ancestors and parents, what information you received from them, and what features your family has endowed you with. Indeed, today the leading psychics speak about the strength of the family.

How to calculate the number of the last name

Each letter of the alphabet is replaced by a specific number. The letters A, I, C, b are the number 1; B, Y, T, Y correspond to the number 2, and the letters B, K, Y and L - to the number 3. The number 4 replaces the letters G, L F, E; the number 5 in numerology defines the letters D, M, H, and Yu; 6 is indicated instead of the letters E, H, C, Y. The letters E, O and X correspond to 7; Zh, P, W - 8. The last single digit, 9, is indicated instead of the letters З, Р and Ш.

Write your last name in numbers and add them up. For example, the surname Semin will be written as 1+7+5+1+6=20. The result obtained must be reduced to a single number, so 2 + 0 are added and it turns out 2. This is the number of the surname.

The meaning of the number of the surname

1: speaks of uniqueness and unity, manifestations of the characteristics of a leader. Family bonds strong enough, which is reflected in your inner sense of connection with them. The manifestation of strong-willed aspirations is largely laid down by your parents.

2: is associated with receptivity and a passive beginning, therefore, from all family values, you convey feelings and emotions to each other, while in communication you can strive to choose those who are able to empathize. Sometimes the influence of the surname can be expressed in the desire to go against the grain.

3: in numerology, this number is associated with the merging of opposites, which results in something harmonious and stable. Thanks to your surname, you have enough high level adaptation in life. It is this number that can be realized in life in the best way.

4: a conservative number that can become an obstacle to the release of new ideas. At the same time, such a surname number gives you the ability to bring things to mind and give the final result or shape to projects. Surely now you are largely repeating the actions of your parents or even older family members. If 4 is your karma number, it indicates a strong attachment to the family.

5: you may have heard about what a rebel your father, grandfather or great-grandfather was. You may even find a similar trait in yourself. This figure is associated with development and self-affirmation in society. From your parents, you were given the ability to feel and understand your body.

6: including two triples, the number 6 can manifest itself both extremely positively and extremely negatively. On the one hand, your parents gave you such important human qualities like empathy and the ability to help people. On the other side. By succumbing to bad influences, you can become very spoiled.

7: your family almost certainly carries the ideals and ideas that have been striving for generation after generation. Such a stubborn struggle sometimes seems pointless, because there is no limit to perfection. But it is precisely by striving for it that you are closest to the goal. You also inherited a great mindset from your parents.

8: representatives of your family have passed on to you their industriousness and also a piece of a happy Destiny: the work of the number 8 always finds development and reward, becomes paid according to the efforts made. You are also the bearer of such a quality as justice.

9: A number that combines the diversity of everything possible: impulsiveness and generosity, unconditional talent and contradictions. You might think that each member of your seven is somewhat self-centered, but at the same time, after careful observation, it becomes clear that by your example you can also help others to become better.

Knowing your birth number, you can also find out who you were in past life. Answering this and many other questions will help you. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.06.2016 05:15

Name numerology is a whole department of the ancient science of numbers and their energy. To every name...

The expression “As you call a yacht, so it will float” is largely true not only for ships, but also for people. People tend to be divided into those who believe that the name can determine the fate, and those who consider this statement nonsense. It is rather difficult to agree with both points of view, but some facts of the influence of names on the fate of a person cannot be denied, VZGLYAD reports. However, all these facts are connected not with the mysterious influence of rock, but with public opinion or prejudice. Sociologists say that people whose last name begins with the letter of the first half of the alphabet are much luckier in life. The answer is simple - the self-esteem of people who open a list in a school magazine or an institute list of students helps to feel better and “advanced” among their peers. The names of the five richest people in the world - Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Alison, Karl Albrecht - confirm this rule, as do the names of most of the leaders of the G8 countries. Further more. From school and university, young people go to later life where they are expected numerous lists: a list of speakers hired, residents in the entrance, an electoral list, and each of them is alphabetized. How much does this affect people, because you can just ignore it? It turns out that it does: for example, English doctors found that patients whose last name begins with the letters of the last third of the alphabet are three times more likely than others to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. It's not just about health, it's also about business. Specialists from several American universities in Georgia and San Diego say that girls with bright and attractive names can count on major success in the world of show business, but the business world will be closed to them. That is, Gina or Melanie will never become specialists in prestigious clerical work, but Maria or Sarah have names that are quite suitable. However, this approach is not unique to Americans. Jonas Jonaitis, a resident of Vilnius, applied to the court to be compensated for the damage caused by the use of his name in government documents. In Lithuania, the combination of this name and surname is similar to the Russian "Ivan Ivanov", and 45-year-old Jonaitis is terribly tired of answering numerous questions. “When I fill out documents, they tell me that I need to write my first and last name, and not write off from the sample. Business partners do not take me seriously, when signing any document I have to present an identity card,” Jonaitis complained. He demanded to pay him about 55 thousand dollars and continue to prohibit the use of his name as a model. The Lithuanian court accepted the exhausted citizen's application, but has not yet made a positive decision on this issue. A boy was born in Sweden, whom happy parents named after their favorite search engine - Google. Some believe that since there is such a name, it cannot be changed, but the most determined ones fight fate and try to change their lives by changing their name. Of the inhabitants of the CIS countries, the citizens of Ukraine are especially decisive, where every year the names change from 10 to 20 thousand people, and sometimes this is due to the political situation in the country: in 2006, three men changed their surname to the surname of Yushchenko, one Yulia Tymoshenko appeared and one Yanukovych. New Rousseaus, Suvorovs, Stendhals and Socrates also appear, and sometimes it is simply difficult to follow the logic of those who want to change their surname: for example, citizen Lisitsa was renamed Lissitsu, and citizen Gogol preferred to be called Bulgakov in the future. Ukrainians also do not bypass historical characters - a new Darwin has appeared in Crimea, Muller has appeared in Kyiv. But two citizens changed their fate in the most radical way: one changed his surname from Bezbozhny to Bozhny, and the second from Nevdahi (“loser”) to Vdakha (“lucky”). The influence of the Internet is increasingly reflected in the names of people living in real world. It all started with harmless names of pets like Gigabyte (which usually spoke of their voracity), but here's another example: on September 12, 2006, a boy was born in Sweden, whom happy parents named after their favorite search engine - Google. It is also interesting that the parents fully share the responsibility for this name with the child: since the boy's father is a Lebanese named Walid, by tradition, the names of the children and parents will be connected. That is, parents will now be called Abu Google Kai and Emm Google Kai (father and mother of Google). I wonder what he will say about his unusual name Oliver Google Kai himself when he grows up and starts using the Internet.