How old are the children of the Madonna. iron mom

Extravaganza woman and steel woman. So you can characterize the singer Madonna. Tough discipline, hard work, no whining. She makes high demands on herself and hopes that the children will follow her example. But they don't agree.

Madonna lost the other day litigation for a son. 16-year-old Rocco will live with his father, despite the efforts of his mother. The young man does not like the rules and regulations of the parent at all, and he rebelled. Madonna is shocked. How did it happen? Why until recently successful strategy pop divas didn't work?

Madonna herself lost her mother at the age of five. Madonna Louise Ciccone Sr. has died of cancer. Ciccone's large family was inconsolable, but two years later the singer's father, Tony Ciccone, got married. The stepmother raised 2 stepsons and 4 stepdaughters, faithful to the rather strict restrictions of Protestantism, and this could not but affect the character of the young Madonna. Subsequently, the singer frankly spoke about this press:

“I think my rebel character was finally formed when my father married a second time. I lost my mother, but for a while I myself became a mother to my father and brothers. Then they took it away from me."

G Odes later, she would write the song Oh, Father, which contains the lines: "You can't hit me anymore." Tony was outraged and didn't even talk to his daughter for a while.

In October 1996, Madonna herself became a mother. The father of her first child, a daughter named Lourdes Maria, was the coach and dancer Carlos Leon. Gossip that she used a man as a sperm donor, the singer indignantly denied, claiming that there was a happy accident.

“I have to work for someone,” Madonna said during pregnancy.-I need it. And that's something I can be proud of."

In August 2000, the pop diva had another reason to be proud - the son of Rocco. Not without incident, however. Madonna, who lived permanently with her husband Guy Ritchie in the UK, chose to give birth to an heir in an American clinic. “Have you seen those hospitals in England? They are as old as the Victorian style, ”the celebrity explained her choice.

Madonna raised her daughter and son strictly. Rigid daily routine: at 21:00 in bed. No TV shows. Modest clothing. Sweets only on holidays. Lourdes received her first iPhone when she was 15 years old. The singer did not hide this:

“Lourdes herself looked after her clothes, folded them. Made the bed in the morning. She wore the same clothes until she completed school assignments.”

Guy Ritchie had a completely different parenting style. He secretly spoiled the guys and tried to give them maximum freedom. Madge knew about this and even shared with reporters:

“I am a fan of discipline, Guy is a delinquent. When dad comes home, the kids get chocolate. I'm more practical."

In 2006, the family is replenished - celebrity couple adopts orphan David from Malawi. Guy and Madonna divorce two years later. In 2009, the singer adopted a girl, Mercy from Malawi, and unequivocally stated that she was no longer going to marry.

“I’d rather throw myself under a train,” the star joked. Children and creativity became the main things for Madonna.

And everything was fine until a few years ago there was a rebellion in the Madonna family. At first, Lourdes presented an unpleasant surprise - the paparazzi photographed the girl with a cigarette. Madonna had to not only talk to her daughter, but also give comments to the press.

“I wasn't very happy when I found out. But, to be honest, I don’t think that I am as strict with children as I should be. I think I might need to be tougher."

During the Rebel Heart tour, the star surprised by the admission that he had difficulty finding mutual language with his eldest son.

“He is completely unsatisfied with all my achievements. He just wants me to cook dinner for him."

At first frank confession took it as a joke. But over time, it became clear that Rocco was serious.

In December last year, the young man went to his father and refused to return. Categorically. The enraged star tried all the ways she knew to return the child and went to court. But in the end, she lost the case.

Now Rocco will live with his father and, if desired, communicate with his mother. Her tactic didn't work. Madonna acknowledges this. She wrote on Instagram last week:

“Sometimes successful moms have to be bitches…”

However, it is too early for Madonna to exaggerate. Lourdes still lives with her mother most of the time, studies and makes a career in the fashion business - the girl posed for advertising more than once fashion brands. David and Mercy do not give any cause for concern yet: the guys are happy to visit their native Malawi together with their foster mother, sometimes they participate in her charity events.

Madonna still has time to rethink her parenting rules. It seems that her usual attitudes with grown-up children do not work.

madonna, full name– Madonna Louise Ciccone (born 08/16/1958) – American singer, actress, director, philanthropist. Considered the most successful singer, which had a significant impact on contemporary music. Her album sales exceed 300 million copies. Winner of many awards.


She was born in Bay City, Michigan, USA. Madonna's mother was her full namesake, and was of Canadian descent. She mainly did housework. Silvio's father had Italian roots, was an outstanding automotive design engineer.

By seniority, the girl was the third of six children. She studied at a Catholic school, with the exception of high school. From an early age she loved to dance.

During last pregnancy Madonna's mother was diagnosed with a malignant breast tumor. Being very religious, she decides to bear the child and refuses treatment until the birth. Having given birth, she dies a few months later, at that time she was only 30 years old.

Two years later, my father married a maid. Despite the fact that the family did not live in poverty, the stepmother introduced an austerity regime on everything: she sewed clothes on her own and used only semi-finished products.

In high school, Madonna attended regular school, where she got the opportunity to participate in amateur performances, school plays and musicals. She also did cheerleading. She was an outstanding student, for which her peers often disliked her, considering her a little strange. The modest girl also did not seek to make friends. In addition, at home she had to endure the antics of her older brothers who were addicted to drugs.

baby photo Madonnas

However, Madonna still had several close people. Among them are the poet W. Cooper, who studied with her at the same school, and her philosophy teacher. From her childhood, the singer took out a sharply negative attitude towards drug addiction and a peculiar one - towards God, who allowed the death of her mother. The turning point of his youth was the shocking dance performance of the fourteen-year-old Madonna at school party, after which the father put his daughter under house arrest. Her reputation as an exemplary excellent student is finally destroyed.

From the age of 15, the girl begins to study ballet. Her mentor, gay K. Flynn, had a crush on Madonna big influence. Together they attended exhibitions and concerts, as well as gay clubs. The appearance of the Madonna becomes sloppy and eccentric, and her behavior also changes. She made her first sexual experience public throughout the school. After graduating, she goes to the University of Michigan and learns to dance there, despite her father's desire to give her a medical or legal education.

The path to a career

The teachers were surprised by the endurance of Ciccone, she was described as a very capable student. However, after studying for a year and a half, she decides to leave for New York, where she hopes to get into the dance troupe of P. Lang. She succeeds, but her earnings do not allow her to rent a house. From malnutrition, she begins to weaken, and the dance director gets her a job as a restaurant cloakroom attendant. Later, Madonna becomes a model, and also poses in the nude genre.

Madonna in her youth

She then lived in a cheap criminal area, where she was once sexually assaulted. After that, he experiences depression, leaves the Lang troupe and attends dance auditions. On one of them, the Belgian producers of the singer P. Hernandez were noticed, who were able to appreciate not only the girl's dancing skills, but also her voice. Ciccone spends six months on a European tour of the singer, during which time he manages to endure pneumonia. She does not give in to the producer's persuasion to sing in the style of pop disco, preferring punk rock, and returns to America, where her abandoned boyfriend D. Gilroy is waiting for her.

Gilroy prepared Madonna as a musician: he taught her how to play several instruments and invited her as a drummer to his group. In 1980 she creates own team which did not last long. Then he collects the rock group "Emmy", in which he acts as a performer own songs and guitarist. Financial situation continues to be miserable.

A year later, Ciccone meets the owner recording studio K. Barbon leaves the group and signs a contract with her. The new manager saw in her future star, she decides that Madonna should perform without an instrument, but with a dance. Over time, their relationship worsens.


Together with old friend S. Bray, Ciccone writes several dance compositions, the record of which is given to the DJ of one of the clubs, M. Kamins. He arranges for Madonna to negotiate with S. Stein, the owner of Sire Records. Since then, the singer has become just Madonna. At zero cost and no photo of the singer, her first single "Everybody" proved to be quite popular, and she begins work on the album.

Ciccone early in his career, 1983

The first disc is released under the name "Madonna" in 1983 and contains several hits. Starts working with the singer former manager Michael Jackson F. Demann. The second album is released in a year and becomes the leader in the American album chart. The composition "Like a Virgin" has become a hit for more than one decade. In 1985, Madonna went on her first domestic tour, after which the number of her fans grew rapidly.

Then the first scandals arise around her. Photos of the naked singer from the past are published, after which the press begins to accuse her of participating in adult films. Madonna coped with the attacks of ill-wishers and continued to work. A new successful album is released in 1986. The appearance of the singer changes to Hollywood style. Acted in films, but unsuccessfully.

In 1989, the next disc was released, already the second, produced by Madonna herself. Her performances turn into real shows, combining concert, theatrical elements, as well as ballet and video accompaniment. Becomes the object of new scandals, accused of plagiarism, anti-Semitism. At the same time, the singer's audience is expanding significantly, and they begin to compare her with Marilyn Monroe.

Blond Ambition World Tour (1990)


In 1992, Madonna opens a company in the entertainment industry and calls it Maverick. A new disc "Erotica" is released. The singer is perceived as the personification of sin, blasphemy and vulgarity. He aggravates the situation with his participation in the D. Letterman show, allowing vulgar behavior on television.

The 1994 album becomes a Grammy nominee. Madonna's performance style is complemented by R'n'B elements. Gradually, the attitude towards the singer softens. Her participation in the 1996 film "Evita" was highly appreciated, for her role in the film she received the "Golden Globe". At the same time, Madonna is fond of Buddhism, Kabbalah and yoga. In 1998, an album was released showing her spiritual transformation. "Ray of light" wins a Grammy.

Madonna in the new century

The beginning of the new millennium is accompanied by the release of the album "Music", a motion picture with the singer in leading role « Best friend and her move to the UK. In 2003, the next disc "American life" was released, which became the most unsuccessful in the singer's career because of her pacifist attitude. Madonna is accused of lack of patriotism, and her songs are banned from some American radio stations. The popularity of the singer falls somewhat.

In 2003, she tries herself as a writer for children. Her illustrated book, Roses of England, was received quite warmly, but was immediately followed by new scandal after kissing Britney Spears during a performance. Madonna tried to disown allusions to gay.

The 2005 album returns the singer to her former popularity. In 2008, the singer begins to work with young stars, releases the disc "Hard Candy". The same name is given to the network of fitness clubs opened by her in 2010. In addition, a clothing line for young people has been launched. The 2012 disc becomes even less successful than American life. However, the tour following the album is popular. In 2013, Madonna is named the highest paid singer. The release of the new album took place in 2015.

Madonna with her children

Personal life

There were many men in Madonna's life. She had relationships with L. Kravitz, W. Beatty, D. Rodman, E. Kiedis and others. She was married twice. The first husband was actor S. Penn. Family life passed under the vigilant attention of the press, was accompanied by scandals and beatings and lasted four years (1985-1989). In 1996, the singer gave birth to a daughter from her coach of Cuban origin K. Leon. She named the girl Lourdes.

In 1998, while visiting Sting, Madonna met her second husband, British director Guy Ritchie. Having become pregnant, she moved to London. In 2000, their son Rocco was born. After the wedding, the singer receives a new citizenship. The marriage lasted until 2008, the couple managed to adopt a boy from Malawi. In 2009, Madonna independently adopts a Malawian girl. Further, Madonna had affairs with men younger than her: fashion model H. Louis, dancer B. Zaibat. In 2015, information appeared in the press about the resumption of relations with her first husband.

Quick answer: 58 years old as of August 2016.

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone (Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone), better known to us as simply Madonna, is considered one of the most famous singers over the past few decades. She is an actress, director, screenwriter, dancer and writer. She is the most commercially successful singer in the world, having sold more than 100 million singles and about 250 million albums during her career.

The star was born in Bay City, Michigan, USA. Her father Silvio was Italian and worked as a designer for one of the American automakers. Mother Madonna Louise is descended from Canadian French. The born girl became the third child in the family (there were six in all). As she herself admits many years later, she was not loved at school and was generally considered a little crazy.

In 1963, her mother died of breast cancer and her father later married a maid who worked in their family. Then Madonna asked her father to send her to ballet school. After she graduated from high school, she entered the University of Michigan. At that time, she was still dancing, but after the university she planned to leave dancing. In 1977, she moved to New York, where at first she almost begged - she simply had no money.

In 1979, she formed her first rock band Breakfast Club with Dan Gilroy, and a few years later Emmy with Stephen Bray. It was these songs that New York DJ and producer Mark Kamins liked so much that he immediately brought Madonna with Seymour Stein, the founder of the record company Sire Records. And so began a full-fledged musical career Madonnas.

The first released single was called Everybody. It is interesting that initially the producers did not pin their hopes on him, but since there was very little time left before the release of the song, it was customary to release it into circulation. By the way, the photo of the singer was not placed on the cover of the single. As soon as the single entered the radio stations, it instantly became a super hit.

At the same time, the company thought about releasing the first album, but in order not to waste money, it was decided to release another single. So, Madonna wrote a song called Burning Up, which also broke into the lead among other compositions.

The first album under the name Like A Virgin (“like a Virgin”) became calling card Madonnas. It has become so popular that even now it continues to be in steady demand! After that, such successful records as True Blue, Like a Prayer, Blond Ambition Tour ... The latest album at the moment is a record called MDNA, which was very warmly received by critics. The audience also received her well - she managed to visit the top of the charts of many charts. Stars such as Benni Benassi, Michael Malih, William Orbit, Demolition Crew and so on took part in the recording of the songs.

Currently, Madonna continues to release albums, record video clips, play movies and even invent her own line of clothes. It is worth noting that her concerts are a very defiant show. For example, not so long ago she bared her breasts at one of her concerts. However, this is just part of the show, not least thanks to which the singer is so popular.

She has three children: Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon born in 1996, Rocco Richie born in 2000, and adopted child David Banda born in 2005.

Madonna's daughter Lourdes Leon is best known for her famous mother. The pop diva named her child in honor of the French city of Lourdes, which, according to her, her mother always wanted to visit. Unlike star mom Lourdes avoids publicity and prefers to lead a more private lifestyle.

Biography of Lola

Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon (abbreviated as Lola) was born on October 14, 1996. It happened at the Good Samaritan Clinic in Los Angeles. The girl's parents are Cuban fitness trainer Carlos Leon and popular singer Madonna (Lourdes is her first child). At that time, the diva was 38 years old.

According to funds mass media it is known that childbirth lasted about 16 hours. Madonna steadfastly endured a protracted physiological process, and after some time a Cuban took her and her child from the hospital. Lourdes' parents met while the singer was jogging, and separated seven months after the baby was born. Carlos Leon keeps in touch with his daughter all the time and thanks the pop diva for Lourdes.

In addition to Lourdes, Madonna has 4 daughters and 2 sons. Rocko John Ritchie is the half-brother of our heroine and Madonna's own son, born in marriage to British director Guy Ritchie. The rest of the children are natives of the African Republic of Malawi adopted or adopted by the singer at different times.

Rebellious spirit

When the girl was not yet 18 years old, heated discussions flared up around her person. This was due to the fact that she, while on vacation with friends in France, was seen smoking illegal substances.

A little later, after completing her studies at school, Lourdes went on vacation to Cannes and was again seen by the paparazzi while smoking forbidden plants. One can only guess how then the popular pop diva reacted to such rebellious behavior.

Girl's hobbies

Madonna's daughter (the girl's photo is posted in the article) has been fond of fashion design since childhood. Lourdes takes an active part in the joint family business, curating the youth clothing brand Material Girl.

On this moment she is a college student at the University of Michigan, where her mother also received her education. Prior to that, the girl attended the LaGuardia School of the Arts. In addition, Lola periodically tries herself as an actress, practicing her skills. theatrical art, singing and dancing, and also starred in commercials. Not so long ago, she became the face of Stella McCartney perfume.

At a young age, a girl could put on sneakers to the knee and combine them with leggings of any color, while decorating her head with a knitted hat, and carrying a bag in her hands. The stepfather of Lourdes, Guy Ritchie, could stop the violent childhood fantasy. Visiting with him social events, she looked like a princess, not like an erratic hooligan.

It is known that in adolescence, the girl, together with Madonna, launched a clothing line, which played a significant role in shaping her sense of style. Thanks to this, Lourdes has become a true fashionista who is aware of all the latest trends, but in addition, she tries to follow and trust her own taste.

It was at this time that Madonna's daughter began to criticize her parent's clothes without hesitation. According to the girl, her mother had unfeminine, sometimes even tasteless things in her wardrobe. She shared her thoughts and ideas about fashion and beauty on a personal blog, calling herself a designer, blogger, and also the daughter of a pop queen.

After launching a clothing line with her mother, the girl began to wear more feminine dresses, lace blouses, and also prefer pumps and other elements of a real lady's wardrobe. However, it is worth noting that Lola did not completely abandon her passion for leather jackets and rough boots, on the contrary, she learned to harmoniously combine various rock star accessories in her outfit, creating a daring but concise style.

Appearance of a girl

In addition to fashionable images, Madonna's daughter recently attracted public attention with her appearance. She began to wear wide, thick and very shaggy eyebrows (by the way, the pop diva herself wore these at the dawn of her youth).

At such a young age, Lola has a large number of tattoos on her body. An arrow-circle is located on the hand, the words “dad” and “mother” are applied on the fingers. On the finger is a large R, stuffed in honor of her half-brother named Rocco, as well as the name "Merci" (that is the name of one of her adoptive sisters). On the inside of the thigh is an image of the letter W, possibly denoting the capital letter of the name of the new boyfriend Lourdes, who Lately accompanies the girl everywhere.

Also, many drew attention to the armpits of Madonna's daughter. Lola stopped caring for them, and the public began to get the impression that the girl was even proud of it. She, not embarrassed by her unshavenness, posted photographs with unkempt armpits for everyone to see.

It is worth noting that Madonna herself, like her daughter, supported the popular in in social networks vegetation trend. Prior to this, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Gigi Hadid and other Hollywood stars have already boasted of unshaven armpits.

Singer Madonna is the real queen of the American stage. Moreover, she boasts not only that she sings. Madonna is also a fashion designer, director, producer and an acclaimed writer. It is true that they say talented person talented in everything. And the life story of this woman, one might say, is a direct embodiment of a dream. Madonna's story shows that self-confidence and hard work will help you rise to the top, even if you are at the very bottom. One of the main facts about her is that Madonna was able to become a real sex symbol of the last century.

Currently, the outrageous singer has not lost her popularity and charisma. As a result, she was and remains one of the richest women in the world with the appropriate level of influence.

Madonna is a singer with character. And even despite her not the youngest age, this versatile creative person still has an impressive army of fans, not only among men, but also among women. The latter, by the way, are most often interested in what the performer's height, weight, age are. How old is Madonna - one of the most popular questions regarding the singer. Especially considering how popular plastic surgery is among American stars.

We inform you that this year Madonna is going to celebrate her sixtieth birthday. But the fact that she was able to maintain such a level of activity is not surprising. After all, in her youth she was a cheerleader, even despite her small stature. With a height of 163 cm, she now weighs 54 kg. Madonna's photo in her youth and now is easy to find on the net - she was and remains a very beautiful woman.

Biography and personal life of Madonna

The full name of the singer is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. She was born in August 1958. Her father, Silvio Ciccone, worked as a design engineer at the Chrysler car factory. And my mother - Madonna Louise Ciccone - took x-rays.

The girl was a modest honors student, but this role was shattered to smithereens at the school talent competition when Madonna turned 14. She went on stage in a swimsuit, and her body was smeared with fluorescent paint. Dance to the song bands The Who turned out to be very cheeky. She lost the competition, was put under house arrest at home, and at school she was called a whore for a long time. Madonna herself recalled that then on the stage she “found herself” and realized who she should be. And the concept of “shy whore” stuck with her in her career.

The debut album "Madonna" was released in the summer of 83 and received mixed reviews from critics. Most of them reproached the aspiring singer for being too sexual and claimed. She won't last long on stage.

The biography and personal life of Madonna has always attracted a lot of attention from fans. The woman is already known for what she had great amount romantic relationship and she was only married twice. Moreover, often, men were younger and even much younger than herself. Madonna never had a happy and strong relationship.

Filmography: films starring Madonna

The filmography of the actress replenished quite rapidly, but this part of the career did not develop as well as the musical one.

Madonna can be seen in such films as "Visual Search", "Shanghai Surprise", "Broadway Bloodhounds", "A Dangerous Game" and others.

Madonna's family and children

In the life of Madonna there were countless novels with different men public and not. Some were even a few years younger, but the age difference never bothered the singer, and she calmly appeared with her boyfriends in front of the camera. Madonna's family and children are a rather sensitive topic. Officially, the artist was married to actor Sean Penn, director Guy Ricci. But both marriages ended up in painful breakups.

Meanwhile, Madonna gave birth to only one of her two own children while she was married. She gave birth to a son from Guy Ricci, but her daughter became an "illegitimate" child from her personal trainer Carlos Leon. The singer was in a relationship with him a few years before her marriage to Ricci.

Madonna's son - Rocco John Ricci

Son of the Madonna - Rocco John Ricci - own son and the second child of the singer, whom she gave birth to in 2001, being in her second marriage to director Guy Ricci. The boy grew up like all children, studied well at school. But, like many children of famous parents, Rocco developed behavioral problems as he grew older. Drinking, nightclubs and all that goes with it. Until, in the end, everything ended in a grandiose scandal, the cause of which was that Rocco is a drug addict.

It is now known that 17-year-old Rocco found a job as a courier, lives separately from his mother and even entered into a relationship with a girl named Kimberly Turnbull.

Adopted son of Madonna - David Banda Malave Ciccone-Ricci

Madonna's adopted son, David Banda Malave Ciccone-Ricci, was adopted by the couple in 2005. A black boy from Malawi immediately attracted attention from the press. And the reason was that the process of adopting a child from Africa turned into a real scandal.

When all the documents were prepared, and Madonna was about to pick up the child, the boy's relatives suddenly showed up, who wanted in every possible way to prevent the singer from taking David away from Malawi. But in the end, everything ended well, David Ciccone-Ricci still found for himself new house and a big family.

Madonna's Daughter - Lourdes Maria Ciccone

Madonna's own daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone, became the first-born of the artist and her "illegitimate" child. The singer gave birth to a girl from her personal trainer Carlos Leon, with whom at that time she was simply in a relationship. But the wedding, although unplanned, still did not take place. As a result, the girl stayed with her mother.

Now she is 21 years old. Like her older brother, the girl attracts the attention of the press for not the most pleasant occasion. Previously, a beautiful and extravagant girl, who was even called the “mini-Madonna”, completely stopped monitoring her own appearance, thereby becoming a real find for the yellow press.

Adopted daughter of Madonna - Mercy James Ciccone

Another one stepdaughter Madonnas - Mercy James Ciccone was also taken to the opera from Malawi, Africa. Recall that from the same place and Foster-son Artists - David. But the registration of guardianship of the girl began after the singer's divorce from her last husband.

It is worth noting that even in this case it was not without scandals. In many newspapers, the news of yet another unexpected custody was called a "case for the sale of children." And the thing is that in Malawi at that time it was forbidden to give children under the care of foreign "parents". However, Mercy also left for America with Madonna and now lives with her star mother.

Madonna's ex-husband - Sean Penn

Madonna's ex-husband, Sean Penn, and the singer herself met back in 1985, when the performer was in a relationship with singer Prince. It happened on the set of one of the artist's videos, and the woman quickly became interested in an actor who was a couple of years younger than her. They got married that same year, but the marriage fell apart four years later.

It is known that some time later, Penn made his way into the house of the singer and brutally killed her. But Madonna managed to escape and get to the police station. Penn denied the beating, although the woman's injuries spoke for themselves. The singer asked not to start a criminal case, as her ex has always poorly controlled anger.

Madonna's ex-husband - Guy Ricci

Madonna's ex-husband - Guy Ricci - met the future in 98, at a party at the singer Sting. In the process of communication, it turned out that the novice director was ten years younger than the artist, and he came to the party only to get to know Madonna, because he knew in advance that she would be there.

They got married in 2000, and very soon the singer gave birth to Guy's son. Five years later, the couple adopted a boy from Africa. Their marriage lasted eight years. True reason the divorce is still unknown, but there are rumors that the man was simply fed up with his wife's strong passion for bondage. But there were no official statements.

When the singer was just starting her career, none of the fans even thought to doubt natural beauty this woman. But the years passed, and the woman did not age. Hot photos of Madonna before and after plastic surgery are easy to find on the Internet.

A photo in a bathing suit, for example, or pictures allegedly leaked to the network where the singer is naked. Although officially the fans were presented only practically bare chest Madonnas. The performer herself completely denies the fact of surgical intervention, but medical specialists agreed that the singer did a facelift and nose job. In addition, he does not disdain the famous "beauty injections".

Instagram and Wikipedia Madonna

Instagram and Wikipedia Madonna exist in full. The singer's official Instagram profile contains photos from magazine covers, photos with her children, nature shots and announcements of future performances. In total there are about 3.5 thousand photos and videos. And subscribed to the page of the performer 11.5 million fans.

As for Wikipedia, there you will see brief information about herself and her family, and complete list awards and a lot of information about the formation of a career. Up to release chronology music albums. In any case, this information will be interesting and useful to all fans of this outrageous artist.