Cymbals: history, video, interesting facts. The meaning of the word "cymbals cymbals definition

Dictionary Ushakov


cymba ly, cymbal, units no (from Greek kymbalon - cymbal). A musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which, when played, are struck with mallets.

Ethnographic Dictionary


(from the Greek kymbalon - cymbal), a stringed percussion and plucked musical instrument. trapezoidal flat body, when playing, set on your knees or on a table or hung over your shoulder on a belt, hit with two sticks, extracting a sound that does not fade for a long time

Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words of the 18th-19th centuries


, al , pl. An ancient musical instrument consisting of a box of metal strings, which is struck with two mallets.

* The orchestra played loud cymbals and trumpets. // Lev Tolstoy. War and Peace // *

Glossary of musical terms


(from gr. The kymbalon is a stringed percussion instrument of ancient origin. Modern cymbals are a wooden box in the shape of a trapezoid, on which the strings are stretched. The scale of cymbals is chromatic. The cymbals are played by striking the strings with wooden hammers. Cymbals are used as a solo and orchestral instrument in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(Polish cymbaly), a multi-stringed percussion musical instrument of ancient origin. They are part of the folk orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.

Ozhegov's dictionary

CIMB A LY, al. A musical instrument in the form of a box with strings, which is struck with wooden mallets.

| adj. cymbal, oh, oh.

Dictionary of Efremova


A stringed musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal
strings, which, when played, are struck with hammers.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


A stringed musical instrument, the strings of which are beaten with hammers with leather-covered heads. The box, in which metal transverse strings are stretched (usually number 34), has the shape of a truncated cone. Depending on the size of the instrument, the number of strings varies. The string structure is chromatic. Volume in large C. three octaves: from mi in the big octave to mi in the third octave. You can hit only two strings with hammers at the same time. For the duration of the sound, they make tremolo hammers. Parts for C. Written, as for the piano, on two lines in the keys salt And F. Improved C. have a pedal. C. is a favorite instrument in Hungary and Romania and is an integral part of every musical chapel there. This instrument should not be mixed with cymbaline, which consists of glass beakers placed on a wooden stand with straw. Glasses are beaten with hammers.


Trembita is a wooden pipe up to 4 meters long. Does not have vents or valves.

It takes 3-4 years to make trembita. Previously, it was made exclusively from tree trunks that had previously been struck by lightning, which gives trembita a unique sound. Carpathian trembitas are made of spruce (smereka) and the halves of the instrument are fastened without glue with dense rings of spruce branches. A horny metal muzzle - a squeaker - is inserted into the narrow end of the trembita. The melody is performed most often in the middle and upper register.

It is used to announce various events (the approach of carolers, weddings, deaths, funerals) with an appropriate invocative or sad melody, as well as for performing shepherd melodies. Its sound is heard at 15-20 km.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the trembita is the longest wind instrument in the world.

Sometimes trembita is included in orchestras.


The cymbal is a stringed musical instrument, the strings of which are beaten with hammers with leather-covered heads.

The box, in which metal transverse strings are stretched (usually there are 34 of them), has the shape of a truncated cone.

The string structure is chromatic. The volume in large cymbals is three octaves: from mi in the large octave to mi in the third octave.

You can hit only two strings with hammers at the same time. For the duration of the sound, tremolo is made with hammers.

The parts for the dulcimer are written, as for the piano, on two lines in the keys of G and F. Improved cymbals have a pedal.

A flageolet is a sound extraction technique that has been most actively used on cymbals in recent years. To extract it, you need to lightly touch the string with your finger at the place of its division into certain parts, and with the other hand make a “hit” with a stick or a pinch, simultaneously with the “hit” (pinch) quickly remove your finger from the string. “Flageolets” on cymbals can be extracted octave (sounds an octave higher), two-octave (sounds two octaves higher), fifths (a fifth sounds through an octave), fifths (a fifth sounds through an octave) and thirds (a third sounds through an octave).

Performance with a mute - "con surdino" - extracting a dry muffled sound. To perform the “mute”, the performer presses the desired string with his finger at the place where it touches the stand, and with the other hand strikes or plucks the string in the usual place. With the help of a slight shift of the finger in one direction or another, cymbalists can achieve different sound quality - deaf, dull and brighter.

One of the methods of sound production often used in folk performance is arpeggio - the performance of the sounds of a chord, harmony one after another, sequentially, both in ascending and descending order. The frequent change of chords suggests the dexterity of the performer's hands to muffle them so that one sound does not overlap with another.

A vivid expressive means when playing the cymbals is glissando (gliding) - this is a sliding transition from sound to sound, which is carried out by sliding a finger, nail or sticks along the strings in chromatic order.

Less often in cymbal performance, the vibrato technique is used. To perform this technique, you need to lower the string a little, and then, on the other side of the stand, press the string with your hand so that it vibrates. From the frequency of pressing vibrato can be rare and frequent.

Cymbals- a stringed musical instrument of the percussion family, has the shape of a trapezoid with strings stretched over it. The extraction of sound occurs when two wooden mallets are struck. Cymbals have a rich history. The first images of a relative of the chordophone cymbals can be observed on a Sumerian amphora of the 4th-3rd millennium BC. e. A similar instrument was depicted in bas-relief from the First Babylonian Dynasty in the 9th century BC. e. It depicts a man playing with sticks on a wooden seven-stringed instrument in the form of a curved arc.
The Assyrians had their own triganon instrument, similar to primitive cymbals. It had a triangular shape, was nine-stringed, the sound was extracted with the help of sticks.
Cymbal-like instruments existed in Ancient Greece - monochord, China - zhu.
In India, the role of the dulcimer was performed - santur, the strings of which were made from munja grass, and played with bamboo sticks. By the way, according to the historian N. Findeisen, gypsies brought cymbals to Europe. It was this nomadic people in the 5th century AD. began his exodus from India, joining the ranks of Little Russians, Belarusians and other Slavic tribes.

Simultaneously with the spread, the design of cymbals was improved. The instrument began to change shape and size, the quality of the strings also changed, if at first they were stranded or intestinal, then in the 9th century in Asian countries they began to use copper alloy wire. In the 11th century, metal wire began to be used in European countries.

In the XIV century, the medieval nobility showed particular interest in these musical instruments. Each lady of the upper class tried to master the game on them.
Period XVII-XVIII century. in history, the cymbals are inextricably linked with the name of Pantaleon Gebenshtreit. With the light hand of the King of France, Louis XIV, the new name "pantaleon" is assigned to the instrument in honor of the great German cymbalist.

In the 18th century, composers began to introduce cymbals into the opera orchestra. An example is the opera "Ban Bank" by Ferenc Erkel and the operetta "Gypsy Love" by Ferenc Lehar.

The Hungarian master V. Shunda played an important role in improving the cymbals; he increased the number of strings, strengthened the frame, and added a damper mechanism.
At the courts of Russian princes, cymbals appeared at the end of the 15th century. In 1586, Queen Elizabeth of England made a gift to Russian queen Irina Feodorovna in the form of musical instruments. Among them were cymbals inlaid with gold and precious stones. The beauty and sound of the instrument simply captivated the queen. Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich was also a big fan of cymbals. Cymbalists Milenty Stepanov, Tomilo Besov and Andrey Andreev played at his court.
During the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the famous cymbalist Johann Baptist Gumpenhuber entertained the court nobility with his virtuoso playing, surprising everyone with the purity of his performance.
Great recognition, cymbals received in the lands of Ukraine, entering the music of folk art. The strings in the cymbals were first pulled one by one, two for every tone, or even three - choirs of strings. Cymbals had a range of two and a half to four octaves.

There are two types of cymbals: folk and concert-academic. Their sound fits perfectly into the playing of a large orchestra.

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The meaning of the word cymbals

cymbals in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal


and. pl. musical instrument: metal strings are beaten with hooks; a genus of small goose.

Star. cymbals, a type of copper plate. With cymbals (with trumpets) a wedding, and without cymbals (without trumpets) a wedding!

Kind of a roar, for cleaning of grain bread. Not to the hands of the cymbals got. Cymbal strings. Zimbalist, dulcimer, who plays them. Polish Jews, and even Volosh gypsies, are the best cymbal players. cymbal, play the cymbals;

vyat. joke, scoff.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


cymbal, unit no (from the Greek kymbalon - cymbal). A musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which, when playing, is struck with hammers.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Al. A musical instrument in the form of a box with strings, which is struck with wooden mallets.

adj. pimbral, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


pl. A stringed musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which, when played, are struck with hammers.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


CIMBALS (Polish cymbaly) is a multi-stringed percussion musical instrument of ancient origin. They are part of the folk orchestras of Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.


(Polish cymbały, from Greek kýmbalon ≈ cymbal), a stringed percussion musical instrument. It consists of a flat trapezoidal wooden body with strings stretched over the top deck. The sound is extracted by striking 2 wooden sticks or mallets on 2-5 chorus metal strings. The mi range is large ≈ mi of the third octave. C. ≈ an ancient instrument (there are images on ancient Assyrian monuments); in Western Europe it has been known since the 18th century, it was most widely used in Hungary and Slovakia. C. are related to Moldavian tsambal, Armenian santur, Georgian santuri, Uzbek chang. Improved at the end of the 19th century. (Hungarian master V. Shunda) chromatic C. formed a family (prima, viola, bass, double bass); are part of the orchestras of folk instruments. In Russia, 17th century C. was called the harpsichord.

Lit .: Modr A., ​​Musical instruments, M., 1959, p. 80≈82.



Cymbals- a stringed percussion musical instrument, which is a trapezoidal deck with stretched strings. The sound is produced by striking two wooden sticks or mallets with expanding blades at the ends.

Distributed in Eastern European countries such as Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia. A similar instrument is found in China, India and other Asian countries.

Ferenc Erkel was the first to introduce dulcimer into the opera orchestra - in the opera "Ban Bank". This instrument was also used by Ferenc Lehar - in the operetta "Gypsy Love" cymbals accompany the violin solo.

Examples of the use of the word cymbals in the literature.

Almost immediately the horns sang, thundered cymbals, and already, breaking through the ranks of the advanced regiment and bypassing, the first Horde horsemen rushed at them.

First you pierced me with your lousy arrow, then you smashed me cymbals and now you ask for something else?

Drum first, then cymbals began to beat the rhythm, and all the dancers began to squat to the beat.

At almost any hour, in the parking lot or on the move, a violin and flute melody was wove around the wagons, cymbals, zithers and drums - sometimes playing along with each other, sometimes playing by themselves.

Drum roll sounded, fanfares sang, rang cymbals flutes shrieked.

What are cymbals? This is a stringed percussion instrument. It has a flat trapezoidal body with stretched strings. The strings must be struck with wooden sticks to produce sound. This is just a brief description of the cymbals. The history of their development and application is very interesting. A further description of this musical instrument will help to understand in more detail the meaning of the word "cymbals".


Cymbals are divided into two varieties: folk and concert-academic. In the course of its existence, this musical instrument has changed and improved.

The article by R. V. Podoinitsyna "On the interdependence of the development of musical instruments and performing style" compares the shape, size and details of the construction of folklore and improved cymbals ("Prima").

Both of these instruments are in the form of a regular isosceles trapezium. According to the size of the body, folk cymbals can vary.

Folklore cymbals have three, and sometimes two stands: on the right side - bass; on the left side - voice. They divide strings into fifths and fourths. As a result, a scale appears, which consists of three registers. Above, next to the main stands, there is a small additional one, which is designed for one row of strings. Professional cymbals have six supports: two main and four additional (lower and three upper), which divide the strings into intervals (seconds, thirds and fifths).

Instruments differ among themselves in the number of rows of strings, the number of strings in one row, their length and section. Folk cymbals most often have a scale of 2-2.5 octaves. It is based on diatonic with chromaticism of some steps. The academic instrument has a more extended and chromatic scale.

Features of sound extraction

What are cymbals in folk and professional performance?

Professional cymbals are placed on the floor in front of them, while folk cymbals are held on their knees. Sound extraction is carried out with the help of sticks - special hammers, which in folk practice are called "hooks".

Both professional and folk performers hold the hammers between their fingers (index and middle), the rest of the fingers are gathered into a fist. The hammers of folk performers are not sheathed with anything, the musicians play with wood on metal. Professional music is more demanding to perform. Dynamic and timbre variety of sounds is necessary. Therefore, the hammers of academic cymbal players are sheathed with suede, while using a little cotton wool. Hammer sheathing is a defining moment in sound production. If it is too hard, the sound is harsh and unpleasant. On the contrary, if it is too soft, the sound is unclear, deaf.

What are cymbals in folk tradition

Folk cymbals are distinguished by the following characteristic features:

  • open strings are not muffled;
  • the right and left hands have strict functionality: the right hand performs the melody, the left - the accompaniment;
  • hammers are not sheathed;
  • when playing, the cymbals are placed on their knees, or they are held on a special suspension.

The need to improve the tool

The design and artistic function of folk cymbals, which were used in rural areas, did not change. The improvement of professional cymbals depended on the social environment. In an urban environment, the familiarization of performers with professional academic art, as well as the requirements for professional performance, led to the need for the reconstruction of this musical instrument. Subsequently, this was reflected in the performance level.

Tool reconstruction

Cymbals are a musical instrument that has been repeatedly modified in order to improve.

D. Zakhar and K. Sushkevich were engaged in the reconstruction of the cymbals of the folk tradition in the 1920s. They brought the sound of this instrument in line with the requirements of academic performance.

In the process of reconstruction, the cymbals underwent the following changes:

  • the range expanded to three octaves;
  • the internal structure of the instrument has changed, the acoustic characteristics have improved, the timbre has become more saturated;
  • the shape and arrangement of the hammers have changed, including the opportunity to use the technique of muting the sounding strings, which made the performance more expressive;
  • the entire range of the instrument was completely chromatized in translational motion, which facilitated the technical side of the performance;
  • a whole family of cymbals was created: prima, alto tenor, bass and double bass.

Definition of cymbals as modern instruments

After reconstruction, cymbals began to be widely used both on the concert stage and in educational and pedagogical practice. As a result, the performing and pedagogical skills of musicians playing this instrument were formed and began to actively develop. Composers have created an interesting repertoire for cimbalists of various levels of training.

What are cymbals used in modern practice? In the mid-1960s, it became necessary to reconstruct the instrument in order to free up the body of the performer. The manner of playing, in which the musician held the cymbals on his knees, limited his technical capabilities. As a result, the tool began to be installed on three legs, which are screwed into its body. It became possible to fully use all the registers of a musical instrument, which contributed to the development of the performing technique of cymbals.