Tankman's Day is a holiday of strong men. When is Tankman Day celebrated in Russia?

Tank troops are an integral part of the Ground. They provide fire support, defensive and offensive operations, the actions of infantry units. The armament of the tank has great power and unique tactical and technical characteristics. Employees have their professional holiday.

When they celebrate

The event has no fixed date. Tankman's Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of September. It is not a holiday. In 2019, it falls on September 8th. The celebration in Russia at the official level began with the issuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The document was signed by V. Putin.

Who is celebrating

Employees of the tank units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under contract and conscription, officers, cadets, teachers of specialized educational institutions take part in the celebrations. The holiday is celebrated by everyone who has ever been in the ranks of this type of troops, designers, engineers, workers of factories and research institutes that develop armored vehicles. Their relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people join the events.

History and traditions of the holiday

Tankman's Day in Russia dates back to Soviet times. In 1946, the holiday was established as a tribute to the profession and to give the importance of these units in the victory over the Wehrmacht (the army of the German Empire) in World War II. For a long time, the event had a well-defined number.

The current date is determined by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days." In some cities, it was customary to hold parades on the streets demonstrating the technique. In the Russian Federation, the tradition of honoring tankers has been preserved.

On this day, celebrations are held in which employees and support staff take part. Officers, cadets, their relatives, friends, acquaintances and loved ones gather at the festive table. There are toasts, glasses clinking, congratulations, wishes of peace and health. The command presents awards, medals, certificates of honor, valuable gifts, notes of thanks in the personal files of tankers. Particularly distinguished ones are promoted in positions and ranks.

On Tanker Day 2019, cultural institutions of the Ministry of Defense hold concerts at which performances by creative groups with musical and song numbers are held. Television and radio stations broadcast programs and films dedicated to the history of the development of armored vehicles and tank troops. The programs contain stories and memories of military personnel, participants in the events of the formation of the Russian army.

About the profession

This military profession belongs to one of the most important and dangerous. Under the conditions of the use of high-precision weapons by the enemy, the survivability of the tank is no more than 2 shots, after which it will be detected and destroyed. This is an easy target for enemy aircraft and even infantry.

The path to specialists in armored vehicles lies through the service of a conscript or contract soldier or a higher educational institution. During this time, weapons, vehicle control, crew or units are mastered. The personnel of the tank includes a commander, a gunner, a driver, a loader. They report to the platoon leader. Everyone has a strictly defined responsibilities. The actions of tankers are regulated by the regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Tanker Day in Russia is celebrated on the second Sunday of September in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The holiday was established in order to revive and develop domestic military traditions, increase the prestige of military service and in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

Tankman's Day in 2017: what date is celebrated

history of the holiday

Celebrating the Day of the tankman began in Soviet times. In 1943, the largest tank battle took place in the battles near Kursk. A year later, on September 11, our divisions made a breakthrough in the ring of Nazi troops and threw back the enemy offensive in the operation known as the East Carpathian.

The holiday was established by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 11, 1946, to commemorate the great merits of the armored and mechanized troops in defeating the enemy during the Great Patriotic War, as well as for the merits of tank builders in equipping the Armed Forces of the country with armored vehicles, and was called the Day of tankers.

In the Russian Federation, since 2006, the holiday has become known as Tanker's Day. The date of the celebration remained the same - the second Sunday of September.

The history of Russian armored forces began about a hundred years ago. After the first British tanks appeared on the battlefields during the First World War, all European powers began to develop their own heavy mechanized weapons.

By order of the Main Armored Directorate of the Red Army at the Sormovo plant in Nizhny Novgorod, the first domestic tank was created and on August 31, 1920 went to sea trials, the prototype of which was one of the French Renault tanks. A total of 15 tanks were made.

The current date is determined by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days." In some cities, it was customary to hold parades on the streets demonstrating the technique. In the Russian Federation, the tradition of honoring tankers has been preserved.

Day of the tanker in our time

On this day, celebrations are held in which employees and support staff take part. Officers, cadets, their relatives, friends, acquaintances and loved ones gather at the festive table. There are toasts, glasses clinking, congratulations, wishes of peace and health. The command presents awards, medals, certificates of honor, valuable gifts, notes of thanks in the personal files of tankers. Particularly distinguished ones are promoted in positions and ranks.

On Tanker Day 2017, cultural institutions of the Ministry of Defense hold concerts at which performances by creative groups with musical and song numbers are held. Television and radio stations broadcast programs and films dedicated to the history of the development of armored vehicles and tank troops. The programs contain stories and memories of military personnel, participants in the events of the formation of the Russian army.

In mid-September of each year, our country celebrates Tanker Day - a holiday of people whose work strengthens the country's defense capability.

Relatives, friends, relatives will congratulate people dear to them on an important date. The event returns to the glorious history, honoring the memory of those who did not spare their lives and strength for victory during the war years.

All sorts of activities have been prepared for you to have a great time. Let the Day of the tanker be remembered by people as a peaceful and bright holiday.

Tank troops belong to the ground forces, being their most important part. They accompany the infantry, providing fire support.

With their help, military operations are carried out: offensive and defensive. A tank is a powerful military vehicle with unique tactical and technical characteristics.

history of the holiday

The holiday was established in Soviet times, in 1946. Immediately after the end of the war, on this day they paid tribute to the tankmen who took part in the Great Patriotic War, as well as to all those who produced excellent quality vehicles at the factories.

For a long period, the event was celebrated on a certain date - September 11th.

On this day, the extremely tense Military Carpathian operation was completed, Western Ukraine and Moldova were liberated.

The date of celebration that exists today was introduced in 1980, when, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the holiday became official.

In a number of large cities, parades of troops were held, accompanied by military equipment, which has been preserved in Russia to this day.

In Russia, Tankman's Day was established as an official holiday in 2006, after the issuance of a special Decree signed by V. Putin.

How to celebrate Tanker's Day

When tanks drove the enemy during the war years throughout the vast territory of the country, not a single tanker thought about where he was born - in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine.

There was a single tank crew in the country. Keeping the memory of those heroic days, this event is regularly celebrated.

Immediately after the victory over the enemy, when the front-line exploits of the tankers were still well-known, many knew and remembered them.

On the day of the celebration of the city of the Soviet Union in honor of the heroes, fireworks were fired from all guns.

Later, Tanker Day was celebrated more modestly, parades were held only in large cities, held on major holidays. But the tankers were just as revered by the people as before.

Tanker is one of the most dangerous professions. If the enemy uses ultra-precise weapons, the tank will be able to "survive" if it gets no more than 2 shots.

Otherwise, it will be destroyed. The tank is considered an easily accessible target pursued by aircraft and even infantry.

Today, Tanker Day refers to important events in the life of the military. Even 60 years ago, the holiday was treated in a special way, celebrating it on a grand scale.

Parades of tank columns marched in the cities, minting a step. In honor of the tankers, the evening sky was lit up with fireworks.

Today, on this day, everyone who served and is serving in the tank troops, as well as workers in the field of tank building, is congratulated.

Indeed, without designers who implement their innovative ideas, the Russian army would not be able to have powerful combat vehicles.

Many of the modern domestic tanks are superior in quality to the tanks of the developed countries of the world.

In Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, solemn events are held in which cadets, officers, employees and teachers of the corresponding profile participate.

Those who were related to the event in the past, for example, soldiers who served in tank troops, are also celebrating.

Soldiers who have long been de-furnished put on helmets dear to their hearts, celebrate an important date for them with joy and nostalgia.

The tank troops hold solemn events dedicated to the holiday.

This is a celebration not only of the military, but also of employees of research institutes and workers of factories related to armored vehicles.

Their loved ones, relatives, friends do not remain indifferent to the event, sharing the general joy and gathering at the festive table.

Under the clink of glasses, toasts are pronounced, warm words are said, wishes of peace, happiness, health.

The high command raises the military in ranks and positions. The leadership awards distinguished tankers with awards, medals, gifts, and certificates.

Every year, for 5 years, the historical and cultural complex "Stalin's Line" organizes the celebration of the Tanker's Day.

It is expected that guests from various countries will come to the celebration - about 20 thousand people.

Spectators will be able to see the parade of military equipment. A staging of a tank battle from the times of the Great Patriotic War, as well as the battle of the Afghan war, was organized.

Those present will enjoy the performances of musical groups from Belarus. Fun rides for adults and children will be open.

Those who wish can attend master classes: inflatable attractions, giant volleyball, trampolines.

Paintings of tanks made of clay, battles of valiant knights, contests, quizzes, game rooms will be presented.

Those who wish will take part in an intellectual sports game, which includes tasks for physical training, the ability to think logically, be attentive, and know history.

The game involves the participation of 100, several people in each.

When is the holiday celebrated

Tanker Day is celebrated annually on the 2nd Sunday of September. It is not a day off.

Along with Russia, on the same day, the event is celebrated in Ukraine, Belarus.

Concerts will be held in the cultural premises of the Ministry of Defense.

Those present will listen to songs of the corresponding theme, see the musical numbers of creative groups.

On this day, films and programs will be broadcast, in which military personnel will take part.

They will tell about the history of the development of tank troops, as well as the events taking place in the Russian army.

For the first time the tank was developed by British designers. During the First World War, Russian specialists created the Porokhovshchikov tank and the Tsar Tank, which did not take part in the battles.

A Russian tank capable of fighting was assembled in 1920. It resembled the model produced by the French, but all the details for it were made in Russia.

At first, tank troops were called motorized units, and later they were renamed armored units.

After that, they changed their name more than once, until in 1960 they were dubbed tank.

The T-34 tank left a tangible mark on the history of the war. Legends were made about him in the battles near Stalingrad, on the Kursk Bulge.

What gift to choose and not to be mistaken

A military man is strong-willed and disciplined. Therefore, the gift should correspond to this type of people, differ in severity.

But the military, despite the strong male character, is not averse to laughing. They will be able to appreciate and cool presents.

Such a gift can be presented if you know the person well, and he is endowed with a sense of humor. You can give, for example, general's shoulder straps.

A present that will not offend and will definitely bring a smile - it can be, for example, a hat for a bath "Hot like in a tank."

You can donate collectible souvenir weapons, a picture of a tank or a disc containing a documentary film about achievements in the field of tank building.

A person whose work is aimed at the production of tanks will be pleased to receive a gift of a military theme.

Although he is not directly related to the military, he will be flattered that someone saw his contribution to strengthening the combat power of Russia.

Present any functional item, such as a book shaped like a tank. Order a cup for him with the inscription "For achievements in tank building."

If you want to give an unusual gift, then give a certificate that provides a trip to the BMP - 1, which includes an overview of the museum of armored vehicles.

A military person will be pleased to receive detailed miniature models of tanks as a present.

If you need an inexpensive gift for a friend or employee, then a keychain made in the form of a tank and containing a screwdriver will do.


Tankers are revered by the people with a special feeling. Courageous, strong and courageous people have always enjoyed a special location.

How touchingly in the companies they sing the songs “Tanks rumbled on the field” or “Three tankers”, which are still popular today.

The celebration of the Day of the Tanker raises the prestige of service in the Armed Forces, contributes to the revival, development and strengthening of domestic military traditions.

On this day, congratulations are accepted by that part of the population of the country, whose task is to ensure the defense and security of the state.

Russian tank forces remain one of the foundations of our country's ground forces. And Tankman's Day, along with, or remains one of the largest holidays for the Russian army as a whole. Tankman's Day does not have a specific date of celebration and is celebrated when a certain day off falls on the calendar. Let's figure out what date Tankman's Day is celebrated in 2018.

What date is Tanker's Day celebrated in 2018

Tankman's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September, and in 2018 it is - 9th of September. This order was introduced after the reform of the Soviet holidays, which was carried out in 1980. That reform affected many professional holidays, both civil and military, and for the convenience of celebrating them, these days, instead of a certain date, received a permanent “registration permit” on one or another day off.

history of the holiday

Tanker Day in the USSR appeared in 1946, immediately after the war, and it was celebrated until 1980 on the same day - September 11th. This date was chosen in the post-war period in memory of a very recent event - just two years earlier, on September 11, 1944, the tank forces of the Red Army played a key role in the East Carpathian operation, carried out by the forces of the 1st and 4th Ukrainian fronts. .

That operation was aimed at helping the Slovaks in their uprising against the German invaders, and for this it was necessary to immediately liberate Western Ukraine and enter Czechoslovakia. However, the strategic goal was not achieved, the Germans stopped the Soviet offensive and suppressed the uprising of the Slovaks. The Soviet army was only able to achieve a tactical victory, having liberated Western Ukraine during the operation.

The relative failure of the operation did not prevent immediately after the end of the war from appreciating it highly enough to coincide with it a new holiday - Tanker's Day.

Of course, during the war, Soviet tank troops achieved more significant victories, which is worth only the Battle of Kursk in July 1943. And the new holiday, which appeared in 1946, paid tribute to all tankers and other employees of tank and mechanized troops, as well as to all tank builders for their huge contribution to the common victory.

The tradition of celebrating Tanker's Day in the post-war years was artillery volleys, which were given in honor of the holiday in all the capitals of the Soviet republics, as well as in cities such as Leningrad (modern St. Petersburg), Stalingrad (modern Volgograd), Chelyabinsk, Gorky (modern Nizhny Novgorod ), Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk (modern Yekaterinburg), Kharkov, Omsk, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok.

Modern tank troops of Russia

Modern tank troops, which will celebrate their holiday on September 9, are three tank brigades, two tank divisions and four tank regiments as part of motorized rifle divisions in four military districts of the country. In addition to the tank forces based in Russia, the official locations of the Russian tank forces are military bases in Tajikistan and Armenia.

The tank battalions that are part of the naval forces stand apart - one battalion for each of the four Russian fleets.

According to official data from the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian army has 2,700 tanks in service in 2018, and another 17,500 units are in storage.

The Day of the Tanker is also a holiday for workers of machine-building plants that produce modern tanks and other mechanized military equipment. Basically, such enterprises are located in the Urals - engines for tanks are produced by the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, and the tanks themselves are produced by Uralvagonzavod in Nizhny Tagil. Components for tanks are produced by various enterprises in other cities of the country.

The professional holiday Tankman's Day 2018 is usually celebrated on the second Sunday of the first autumn month. The holiday appeared immediately after the Second World War as a symbol of the feat of the representatives of the profession during the Battle of Kursk and in other tank battles.

Tank troops are an integral part of the Ground. They provide fire support, defensive and offensive operations, the actions of infantry units. The armament of the tank has great power and unique tactical and technical characteristics. Employees have their professional holiday.

When they celebrate

The event has no fixed date. Tankman's Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of September. It is not a holiday. In 2018, it falls on September 9th. The celebration in Russia at the official level began with the issuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The document was signed by V. Putin.

Read congratulations on the day of the tanker

Who is celebrating

Employees of the tank units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under contract and conscription, officers, cadets, teachers of specialized educational institutions take part in the celebrations. The holiday is celebrated by everyone who has ever been in the ranks of this type of troops, designers, engineers, workers of factories and research institutes that develop armored vehicles. Their relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people join the events.

History and traditions of the holiday

Tankman's Day in Russia dates back to Soviet times. In 1946, the holiday was established as a tribute to the profession and to give the importance of these units in the victory over the Wehrmacht (the army of the German Empire) in World War II. For a long time, the event had a well-defined number.

The current date is determined by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days." In some cities, it was customary to hold parades on the streets demonstrating the technique. In the Russian Federation, the tradition of honoring tankers has been preserved.

On this day, celebrations are held in which employees and support staff take part. Officers, cadets, their relatives, friends, acquaintances and loved ones gather at the festive table. There are toasts, glasses clinking, congratulations, wishes of peace and health. The command presents awards, medals, certificates of honor, valuable gifts, notes of thanks in the personal files of tankers. Particularly distinguished ones are promoted in positions and ranks.

On Tanker Day 2018, cultural institutions of the Ministry of Defense hold concerts where performances by creative groups with musical and song numbers are held. Television and radio stations broadcast programs and films dedicated to the history of the development of armored vehicles and tank troops. The programs contain stories and memories of military personnel, participants in the events of the formation of the Russian army.

About the profession

This military profession belongs to one of the most important and dangerous. Under the conditions of the use of high-precision weapons by the enemy, the survivability of the tank is no more than 2 shots, after which it will be detected and destroyed. This is an easy target for enemy aircraft and even infantry.

The path to specialists in armored vehicles lies through the service of a conscript or contract soldier or a higher educational institution. During this time, weapons, vehicle control, crew or units are mastered. The personnel of the tank includes a commander, a gunner, a driver, a loader. They report to the platoon leader. Everyone has a strictly defined responsibilities. The actions of tankers are regulated by the regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


Happy Tanker Day, I congratulate you!
And I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart
That I only wish you the best
And let everything be on your shoulder.

And I wish you good luck
Both in the service and in life simple.
Let all your tasks be solved
And let the world be filled with beauty.

I congratulate you on the Day of the tanker!
I wish that even in a hilly area
The tank did not lose its speed,
Gunner to shoot without a miss.
So that the armor is always strong,
And so that your hand remains strong.

Your tanker will cheer up.