How to start a new life? The role of chance in the life and fate of a person in the story of L. N

One day a strange incident happened to me that changed my life. Now there are unexplained phenomena: All my wishes come true! Absolutely everything - both good and bad.

Life changing event

It happened two years ago, on the feast of Epiphany. I was in countryside. At night, I was awakened by the barking of a dog. I woke up and looked at the time, it was about three in the morning. Light from a lantern came through the window. I looked out into the street and saw a man who had entered the yard and was moving in the direction of the house.

I remember this incident to this day.

The man walked up to the door, pulled the door handle, turned around and walked away, only not towards the exit, but towards the dog. I thought it was a thief, quickly dressed and went out. I turned to this man, asked what he was doing at night in my yard. In response, the man silently approached me.

I have never seen his face before. It was slightly stained with blood. This man looked at me, pulled out a key from his pocket and handed it to me with the words: "I brought you the key."

I angrily replied that I didn't need any key and told him to leave.

- Where will I go? the man asked.

I shouted, raising my voice, for him to go back where he came from. The man shook his head and left. I went back to bed and tried to sleep. About ten minutes passed, when I suddenly remembered that the key that this man brought me was really mine.

Exactly the same key with the same string I lost a month ago. “How does this person know that this is my key, that I have lost it?” Until dawn, I could not close my eyes, thinking about what it was.

global change

This experience completely changed my life. Something pushed me to something that I had never done before - I began to read a lot - books on esotericism, the development of intuition. I started taking various courses.

Somehow, by itself, I began to meditate¹, started working with affirmations². Especially often I said the phrase: "All my wishes come true."

And then inexplicable phenomena began to occur in my life. All my wishes began to come true - absolutely everything and in any case.

Both good and bad. It was worth thinking about something, as it immediately came true.

Since then, I ask to fulfill only the most secret desires and treat this with great care. I often think about that case and that person - who he was and where he came from. Perhaps the time will come and I will find out.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Meditation is a kind of mental exercise used as part of a spiritual-religious or health-improving practice, or a special mental state resulting from these exercises (

.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball" Morning that changed life

Can chance change a person's life?

Contrast as a technique that allows you to reveal the idea of ​​L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball"

Slide number 2. Lesson objectives:

1.Educational: show how the technique of contrast helps to reveal the idea of ​​the story. Continue with analysis artistic means who create pictures of the ball and execution.

2.Developing: develop an interest in fiction; .
develop the ability to analyze images - characters, taking into account author's position; the ability to highlight the main thing; compare and draw conclusions; develop monologue speech. - to cultivate respect and love for the person.

3. Educational: to cultivate the ability to listen carefully and hear, moral qualities personalities: mercy, humanity, sensitive attitude towards a person, rejection of violence against a person, kindness.

^ Lesson type: combined lesson. Generalization and systematization of the studied. Basic concepts: worldview, problems of being, despotism, despotism of power, moral renewal, moral responsibility of a person for everything that happens around.

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation, comparison table, recording of music by I. Strauss " viennese waltz», reference notes for each student, texts of Tolstoy's story, notebooks. Reflective map (self-assessment). What have you learned? What have you learned?

Problematic issues lesson:

^ 1. What did Ivan Vasilievich understand that foggy morning?

2. How have his views and feelings changed?

3. Why did this morning become decisive in his fate?

^ 4. What means and techniques, what words does Leo Tolstoy use to convey to the reader the answers to these questions?

During the classes. Knowledge update. Presentation.

^ I. introduction. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Slide number 3. Portrait of Leo Tolstoy. He wanted the truth he understood to become available to all people...

From time immemorial, man has felt the inner struggle of the evil and the evil within himself.

Help or refuse help? - Sympathize or condemn?

What determines the outcome of this struggle? We continue to look for the answer to this question on the pages of Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball".

Slide number 4. The 40s of the XIX - the time of the reign of Nicholas I. Stick discipline raged in the troops. Soldiers for any offense were flogged with whips or "chased through the ranks." The soldier was obliged to hit the punished with gauntlets on the naked body. The man was often beaten to death.

The writer was worried all his life by the thought of the lack of rights of the Russian soldier. Back in 1855, he worked on a project to reform the army, in which he opposed the barbaric punishment - "driving through the ranks." But the story goes far beyond a protest against the inhumane treatment of soldiers. The writer poses broad humanistic problems: “Why do some live a carefree life? And others drag out a beggarly existence? What is justice? Honor? Dignity?"

In the story you can hear the roll call of two eras. The one that Tolstoy directly depicts (40s of the 19th century, during the reign of Nicholas I), and the one that is invisibly present, defining the basic questions of being. Therefore, the writer restores the past to show that his horrors live in the present. He opposes violence and oppression, against inhuman treatment of people. Studying the work, we will try to give a correct assessment of the characters and events, to determine how relevant the story is today.

^ II. Work on the content of the homework quiz questions.

Student presentation on homework.

Slide number 5. Question number 1. How do you understand the words: “I was not me, but some kind of unearthly creature that knows no evil and is capable of doing only good”? (text, p.32).

The story is told on behalf of Ivan Vasilyevich, who begins it with a description of his beloved, Varenka. By the way he talks about her, we can conclude that even after fifty years he remembers her with tenderness, admiration, love.

“She was in a white dress with a pink belt and white kid gloves, a little short of thin pointed elbows, and white satin shoes.”

Before us is drawn an exalted being, almost an angel, and not a real earthly person. Especially in Varenka admires tenderness, sensitivity, kindness. Everything that happens at the ball, our hero perceives with enthusiastic tenderness. He is in love, fascinated by the atmosphere of the holiday, dinner party. Ivan Vasilievich next to his beloved Varenka: everything is filled with a feeling of happiness, youth, beauty. Our narrator is in the world of balls, holidays, falling in love with Varenka, without thinking about what is happening around him, in the country in which he lives. He is kind and decent, with a good soul.

^ Slide number 6. Question number 2. Colonel and Varenka. Father and daughter.

How do you understand the words: "I involuntarily connected her and him in one love feeling"? (text, p. 35).

At the beginning of the story we see a wonderful secular evening. Everyone has fun, the hero is fascinated by Varenka, her wonderful, kind, quiet father - the colonel. Varenka gives Ivan Vasilyevich a feather from a fan and a glove, the hero is in seventh heaven with joy. Love for Varenka liberated in Ivan Vasilyevich's soul all the latent ability of love. A particularly vivid impression was made on the hero by Varenka's dance with his father, a handsome, stately old man with the rank of colonel. This dance fascinated not only young man but also all the guests present. The beauty of Varenka and her father is emphasized by this dance. They are beautiful together, and after the dance, Ivan Vasilyevich is more and more sure that Varya is his happiness. He is inspired, he is in love, he is happy! He embraced the whole world with his love. He sees everything in iridescent colors Full of such magical feelings, he returns home and finds no place for himself there. He cannot sleep. He looks at things dear to him, remembers the girl's caressing eyes, hears her sweet voice.

“But most of all, he sees her paired with her father, when she moves smoothly around him and looks at the admiring spectators with pride for herself and for him.” (text, p. 36).

Tolstoy emphasizes the portrait resemblance of the colonel and his daughter: they have an affectionate, joyful smile. Of course, the father of his beloved is noble, kind. strong, handsome and decent person.

^ Conclusions on the content of the answers to the questions asked:

The first part of the story is devoted to acquaintance with the "respected by all" Ivan Vasilyevich. He talks a lot about himself, about his life, about his love for Varenka, which, without a doubt, was her strongest love.

In the second part of the story, the action develops at the ball of the provincial marshal. Ivan Vasilyevich is stunned by Varya's beauty and falls in love even more and more. From such wonderful feelings, he is ready to love everyone and everything. Everything in this world seems beautiful and delightful to him.

Returning home, Ivan Vasilievich does not find a place for himself. His loving soul requires action, his feelings are trying to break out. He must be close to his beloved! Even without seeing her, he wants to be close to the house where she lives. The hero goes outside.

^ III. Work on the content of the text. (Heuristic method: analysis of interrelated episodes, language and composition of the work, comparison of the behavior of the characters).

Slide number 7. LN Tolstoy broke the tradition in his story. Usually morning is a symbol of the beginning of something. In the story "After the Ball" this is the end of such a bright and strong love.

Events at the ball take place at night, with artificial lighting- means everything artificial, not real. In the morning the light is real so you can see true face. Truth can be revealed not in a noisy crowd, among masks and a sea of ​​champagne. A person should see this world, not covered with tinsel.

What happened in the morning? In the morning, the hero sees a terrible scene on the parade ground: the beating of a fugitive Tatar by soldiers under the command of the “kind” and charming father Varenka.

How and why was the state of emotion, delight, happiness that Ivan Vasilyevich experienced when he returned from the ball violated?

The state of tenderness, delight, happiness was destroyed by the sounds of “some other, cruel, bad music, then he saw“ something big, black ”, then“ he began to distinguish a lot of black people ”, then a soldier“ in black uniforms and, finally I saw "something terrible".

Musical composition"Drumroll"

- Which artistic technique based on the composition of the story?

Slide number 8. Literary reference. work with explanatory dictionary.

^ Contrast - opposition - stylistic device, opposition of phenomena and concepts. group work. Find and read passages from the story that reflect this technique.

The story "After the Ball" is built on the principle of contrast: a bright, colorful picture of a merry ball in a noble assembly is replaced by a harsh scene of painful punishment of a defenseless soldier who is driven along the parade ground through the ranks.

With the help of contrast, the author creates a special atmosphere, or aura, of the story. The case that changed the life and fate of the protagonist is based on contrast. The core of the work called “contrast” forms concentric circles around itself, thereby creating a work of art.

In the center of the work, in the foreground, is an event that played a decisive role in the fate of Ivan Vasilyevich. The story is built as a consistent and contrasting image of two episodes: a ball at the provincial marshal and the punishment of a soldier.

Opposed to each other, these episodes are organically connected with each other, as they develop a single artistic idea. It is easy to imagine that without the episode of torturing a soldier, the picture of the ball, although brilliantly drawn by the writer, would have lost all meaning. In the same way, the scene of the punishment of the soldier would not have looked so terrible, and the despair of the young student would not have been so deeply explained if this scene had not been preceded by a picture of the ball.

The main thing for the author was to show inner world his hero, the change of his feelings, his thoughts, his worldview in one morning: the shock of the hero from what he saw on a foggy morning. On the one hand - a feeling of infinite happiness, joy, love; on the other hand, the soullessness, duration and horror of what is happening. The part "After the Ball" although smaller in volume, but it carries the main content of the work: cruelty and evil are hidden behind the pomp and beauty, which are committed according to the law. What the narrator saw changed his life.

^ IV. Episode analysis. Work in groups (application of the method of dialogue technology).

Slide number 9. Contrast:

in the composition of the story - in the system of images - in descriptions - in language means

^ Slide number 10. Contrast as a compositional technique. Generalization.

The story has the following main parts:

introduction - at the ball - after the ball - conclusion

What feature of the composition did you notice? (Frame composition, “story within a story”.) - What do we call contrast? (Opposition, antithesis).

What is built in the story on the contrast? (Description of the events of the ball and after, the psychological state of the characters).

The story is framed. This technique is called "story within a story" because the work is written in such a way that we learn about the events from the narrator. Conclusions.

^ Slide number 11. Contrast as a compositional technique:

Ball - execution night - morning gaiety - gloom happiness - grief

Let's analyze the antithesis: happiness - grief Vocabulary work:

- In what lexical meaning is the word blessed?

“I was not only cheerful and contented, I was happy, blissful, I was kind…” (text, p. 32)

Blissful- 1. The definition of a person to whom God has rendered some kind of good deed, on which the blessing of God rested. 2. A laudatory epithet in relation to God. 3. The definition of a person who has acquired bliss or one who expects a similar state of perfect happiness in the future.

What definition fits our hero? The first definition fits our hero. The feeling of love for Varenka was strong and deep, so Ivan Vasilyevich felt happy man, blessed and kind.

- In what lexical meaning is the word "writhing" used?

“The procession began to move away, blows still fell from both sides on a stumbling, writhing man. The drums were still beating and the flute was whistling, and the tall, stately figure of the colonel with the punished was still moving with the same firm step ”(text, p. 38).

writhe - bend in cramps, convulsions.

Happy dreams of Ivan Vasilievich were dispelled by the scene of the terrible punishment of the fugitive Tatar, who was let through the line of soldiers armed with sticks. Varenka's father commanded the execution, that stately colonel who until recently had danced so sweetly with his daughter at the provincial marshal's. The harsh reality struck Ivan Vasilyevich. He could not and did not want to believe that next to the holiday there is pain, suffering, cruelty, injustice. The contrast helped the writer create an emotional atmosphere and show a fracture in the hero's soul. Conclusions.

^ Slide number 12. Contrast in the system of images:

Colonel - punished Guests at the ball - a crowd on the street

Hero at the ball - hero on the street

The colonel is punishable (text, pp. 37,38).

Tolstoy used the technique of antithesis, which can be seen on different levels: the colonel at the ball and after it, in the first case, a sweet and courteous person, in the second, a symbol of a cruel military machine, ruthless, not caring about anyone and not thinking about anyone.

Then the scene of the ball and the humiliation of a man.

The happiness of the protagonist and his disappointment.

Funny music mazurkas and the sounds of the drum and flute, under which the soldier was tortured.

^ Analytical conversation with elements of a dispute: Can it be argued that the colonel is a hypocritical and two-hearted person?

- How does Ivan Vasilievich tell about the suffering of a punished soldier?

(“a wrinkled face from suffering”, a back - “something so motley, wet, red. unnatural that I did not believe that it was a human body”).

- How does the colonel seem next to this tormented man?

("walks with a firm gait, self-confident", "ruddy face and white mustache with sideburns ..."); (“... The colonel then puffed out his cheeks, absorbing Fresh air, then slowly released it through a protruding lip ... "). – What did he do? (performed morning exercise).

(“a man, stripped to the waist, tied to the guns of two soldiers, wrinkled face, stumbling and grimacing in pain…”).

A bright, colorful picture of a merry ball is replaced by a harsh scene of painful punishment of a defenseless soldier, who, to the dry crackle of drums, is driven along the parade ground through the ranks. The author shows reverse side image of a magnificent and refined colonel. Conclusions.

^ Slide number 13. Contrast in the system of images

Colonel. - What conclusions about the colonel's spiritual qualities are suggested by observations of his attitude towards his daughter?

Why attentive and loving father turned out to be cruel to the soldiers? During the dance, the colonel shows in relation to his daughter spiritual qualities He sincerely loves her, takes care of her.

- What qualities of an officer does the colonel show in the scene of punishment on the parade ground? Tolstoy uses the technique specular reflection, because the colonel was reflected as in a distorting mirror: the same ruddy face, the same white mustache, the same suede glove. Now everything is legal again. He undoubtedly believes in the need for a cruel reprisal against the fugitive Tatar. And as soon as the undersized soldier lowers the stick not hard enough on the back of the punished, the colonel beats the "culprit" in the face. The behavior of the colonel showed cruelty. The Colonel is sincere both in the ball scene and on the parade ground.

What conclusions can be drawn from these observations? - What is the root of these contradictions according to Tolstoy?

The colonel is convinced that everything must be done according to the law. He is the way the narrator portrayed him: sincere in his relationship with his daughter, amiable with people of a certain circle. Perhaps, somewhere in the depths of his soul, while performing his duty, he has a feeling of pity for an unfortunate, humiliated person. We know from the text how he, probably ashamed, pretends not to recognize Ivan Vasilyevich. But this does not relieve him of guilt, but only to some extent explains his actions.

^ Ivan Vasilievich. - What is the role in life destiny Ivan Vasilyevich was played by chance? – Did the hero face a situation of choice? - How does the hero characterize his decision?

The contrast, which serves as the main compositional technique, is also manifested in the image of Ivan Vasilyevich. After all, it is he who serves as a link between two opposing passages of the story. If not for this figure, the two parts of one whole could not be connected. Only now, such a confrontation, which takes place not only before our eyes, but also in the soul of the main hero, has an impact on his fate.

The contrast helped the writer to create the emotional atmosphere of the episode, to show the fracture in the hero's soul. In place of tenderness and delight came shame and horror. The hero changed his mind about being a soldier. He had to pass these laws, this cruelty. But he could not participate in this horror, because he felt shame from one sight. Ivan Vasilievich, then still a very young man, saw that side of life that he did not know about. It was especially scary for him that the father of his beloved girl was involved in this horror.

The bright, joyful colors of the ball, the carefree fun of young people who are unaware of the existence of another, scary world, sharply set off gloomy picture, drawn in the second part of the story.

The contrasting image of the heroes, their psychological state, the environment in which they act, allow the writer to reveal the essence of their characters and at the same time expose the contradictions of tsarist Russia.

The development of speech. Work in notebooks. Self-answered questions. Conclusions.

^ V. Individual task.

Slide number 14. Observations over language means. At the ball.

Musical work by I. Strauss "Viennese waltz".

^ The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the buffet is magnificent

The hosts of the ball - a good-natured old man, a rich man - a hospitable man, his good-natured wife

Varenka - in a white dress, in white gloves, in white shoes, she has a laughing, flushed face and affectionate sweet eyes

The Colonel is a handsome, stately, tall, fresh old man, with a white mustache, white sideburns, with sparkling eyes.

^ Ivan Vasilyevich - satisfied, happy, blessed

What epithets are chosen to characterize the ball? (The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the musicians are famous.)

How does Ivan Vasilyevich feel at the ball? (Satisfied, happy, kind.)

Why does the hero see everything at the ball in such iridescent colors? (He is happy because he is in love.)

What color scheme uses Tolstoy to depict this scene? (Warm tones.) - What color dominates? Why?

What associations does White color? What can he symbolize? (Good),

^ VI. Student presentation. Individual task.

Slide number 15. Observations on linguistic means. Execution.

Street - something big, black, cruel, bad music

Soldiers - many black people, in black uniforms

^ Punished - bare to the waist, his back - something motley, wet, red, unnatural

Colonel - a tall military man, walked with a firm gait

^ Ivan Vasilyevich - it was ashamed, he lowered his eyes, his heart was almost physical, nauseating melancholy

Analytical conversation:- How and with what help does the author convey the gloomy picture of the second episode? (Using epithets, colors.)

Tolstoy helps not only to see, but also to hear the events taking place. (Slapping his feet in the snow, he slapped his back hard.) - Why did the author choose the same verb?

How does the state of the hero of the story change? (Shame and horror.)

At what point do Ivan Vasilyevich's feelings change? (Scene with the colonel.)

Why did the colonel hit the soldier in the face? (For the fact that he weakly hit the Tatar.)

What detail of clothing does the writer draw our attention to in this scene? (White glove.)

Do you remember what he said during the beating? (“Everything must be in accordance with the law.”) Tolstoy uses the technique of mirror reflection, because the colonel was reflected as in a distorted mirror: the same ruddy face, the same white mustache, the same suede glove. Now again "everything must be done according to the law."

By what law does the colonel live? By what law did he whip a soldier? (According to the law of military life.)

What side of military life did Ivan Vasilyevich see? What features appeared in the behavior of the colonel? (Cruelty.)

Why did Ivan Vasilyevich, having seen the scene of execution, change his mind about being a military man? (He had to accept these laws, this cruelty, but he could not participate in this horror, because he felt shame from one sight.)

We figured out how and why the views of Ivan Vasilyevich changed. But something else was revealed to the hero that morning. He found his place in life, because one of his interlocutors says: "No matter how many people would be good for nothing, if you weren't there."

Conclusions. The writer addresses sharply social conflict, which is expressed at the level of contrast composition (ball - punishment). Positive details in the first part of the story become negative in the second part. The beauty of the colonel makes Ivan Vasilievich, who watched the execution, disgust (protruding lip, pouting cheeks).

The writer resorts to the method of contrasting color matching (dominant white and pink colors are opposed to the red, colorful, unnatural appearance of the Tatar’s back), as well as contrasting sounds (the sounds of waltz, quadrille, mazurka, polka in the first part are dissonant with the whistle of the flute, the thump of the drum, the refrain repeated throughout the second part).

Happy dreams of Ivan Vasilievich were dispelled by the scene of the terrible punishment of the fugitive Tatar, who was let through the line of soldiers armed with sticks. Varenka's father commanded the execution, that stately colonel who until recently had danced so sweetly with his daughter at the provincial marshal's.

The harsh reality struck Ivan Vasilyevich. He could not and did not want to believe that next to the holiday there is pain, suffering, cruelty, injustice. The hero admits that "love has waned since that day," because the image of Varenka constantly resurrected in his memory the picture of "the colonel on the square."

(there was fog, it was dripping from the roofs, the snow was melting on the roads, there was a walk, a deserted lane, pedestrians and draft horses shaking their wet heads began to meet, cabbies slapping houses in their boots, seeming tall - everything was nice and significant).

^ We select single-root words (- zor - / - sp -):

Vision keen eye spectator outlook worldview contempt ENLIGHTENMENT

Which lexical meaning has the word "epiphany"? What kind of fog dissipated in Ivan Vasilyevich's head?

With the help of contrast, the author says that in one world a holiday and misfortune, happiness and tragedy coexist. Contrasting two scenes in contrast, Tolstoy, as it were, takes off the mask from outwardly prosperous and even elegant reality. The more festive, luxurious imagined the world student at first, the more unexpected, the more tragic was his insight. The spectacle that opened in the morning to the young man in love was truly monstrous. After what he saw in the soul of the hero, only horror remained. The writer reveals the contradictions of life in Tsarist Russia and at the same time shows the strength of Ivan Vasilyevich's experience, who saw the world from an unexpected angle.

^ Slide number 17 - Why did love leave? - Is Ivan Vasilyevich right when he considered Varenka involved in the evil committed by her father?

State the point of view of Tolstoy.

^ The development of speech. Written response to a question.

The inhuman reprisal against the runaway soldier shocked Ivan Vasilyevich and influenced his attitude towards Varenka. What the narrator saw destroyed his dreams and dreams, the underside of reality invaded him. intimate life, breaking the world, so carefully created by him. Ivan Vasilyevich gradually lost interest in Varenka, love faded away, he refused military career, but he was completely sure that the case turned his life upside down. The hero lives in harmony with his conscience, instructing his neighbors on the path of good.

^ Slide number 18. Why did Tolstoy change the story of the hero's life?

Initial version Final version

Ivan Vasilievich differs from many representatives of his class not only in his humanity, nobility, but also in his understanding of his responsibility for injustice in society and for everything that happens. We come to the conclusion that Ivan Vasilyevich was at the ball and Ivan Vasilyevich, having regained his sight, could no longer love Varenka after the ball, because he was already a person who had directly encountered evil, was horrified by this evil and did not want to take part in this evil, in fact - after the morning we have before us another, deeper and more responsible person. Sometimes non-participation in evil is also an act and, moreover, no less important than the fight against evil.

^ Slide No. 19 Roll-call of epochs in Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball".

40s of the XIX century (time of Nicholas I)

1900s - the time of Nicholas II ( modern to the author era)

XXI century (the era in which the reader lives)

^ Slide number 20. – In your opinion, has Leo Tolstoy's story “After the Ball” lost its relevance?

“Only honest anxiety, struggle and work, based on love, is what is called happiness ... and dishonest anxiety, based on self-love, is misfortune ...”

“In order to live honestly, one must tear, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again, and quit again: and always fight and lose. And peace is spiritual meanness "

Tolstoy is great not only as brilliant writer but also as a person, as a person. His whole life is a path of self-improvement, therefore he calls on a person to moral renewal, to fight against his shortcomings, to realize moral responsibility for your actions.

Ivan Vasilievich refused to live according to the "military laws" with their cruelty. He begins to understand the falsity of laws high society, to which Colonel B.

Tolstoy reveals the truth to both the hero and the reader: there is another law by which people have tried to live from time immemorial.

What is the law? (God.)

On what date does the story take place? ( Forgiveness Sunday- Clean Monday.

What does this holiday mean? (We must forgive everyone, repent.)

What phrase sounds in the memory of the hero throughout Clean Monday? (“Brothers, have mercy!”)

What do you understand by mercy? (Willingness to help, forgive someone out of compassion and philanthropy.)

Who heard the prayers of the Tatar? (Ivan Vasilyevich and a weak soldier, who was immediately punished for his compassion.)

What simple but important truth is revealed to the hero of the story on this holy day? How should one learn to live? (According to God's laws, compassionate, forgiving, loving people.)

This morning of Clean Monday changed the life of the hero. He became disillusioned with military service, as he saw all its cruelty, falseness secular life and realized that one must live according to Christian laws.

- What can affect a person's life?

- Do you agree that a chance, an accident can determine the fate of a person?

^ Summing up the lesson. - We think about the meaning of life. What do you think the author calls for, pushes us and the hero? - What simple but important truth is revealed to the hero on this holy day? How should one learn to live? According to God's laws, compassionate, forgiving people.

The theme of human responsibility for what is happening around is relevant to this day. Unfortunately, in our lives we have to deal with injustice and determine for themselves how to act in order to look decent in such situations.

Slide No. 21 Spiritual precepts of L.N. Tolstoy. Home mini-essay.

^ Fine live according to conscience love people be merciful

be kind, generous, patient

Badly act out of inertia be cruel, deceitful, despotic,

selfish, shifting responsibility to others

^ Work in basic notes:

Supplement the words of L.N. Tolstoy about the meaning of life, left to us by the writer as a testament:

The meaning of life in service people)

Live for oneself _________________________(it is forbidden)

It's spiritual _______________________(death)

I believe that the meaning of life of every person is to increase in oneself _____________________ (love, kindness)

The text has been restored. Reading text.

The development of speech. Answers to problem questions.

Reflective map (self-assessment)

What have you learned? What have you learned?

His Majesty Chance sometimes turns people's lives upside down: it makes them fall in love, quit uninteresting work, change habits and start all over again. Yielding to a sudden impulse and believing in the possibility of this very minute, you can greatly transform yourself and your existence! Don't believe? Read these 10 life stories that were collected on the Internet. They show us incredible, but such pleasant changes in the lives of people who have allowed chance to change themselves.

Case 1

I'm 30, I own a pub. I take the subway to work. Outwardly, such a huge bull. Once, at the exit of the car, I saw that one girl with a backpack could not squeeze herself out on her own. He decided to help her: he took the hood and went out with her. The next morning, I look, looking for me with my eyes in the car - so we traveled together for 2 months, I helped her get out. She let me listen to her music and generally behaved nicely and modestly, I even began to regret that she was only 15 years old. But one day it turned out that she did not go to school, as I thought, but to work in the Office social policy and she is 25. It turned out that I took an official out of the metro for 2 months by the hood. And it would have been the most epic failure in 30 years if she had not agreed to go to a cafe with me.

Case 2

What have I learned! When I was in 4th grade, before summer holidays we gave flowers to teachers, and I had a huge expensive bouquet. It was necessary to congratulate the teachers, but ... They were cruel and unfair! And I gave it to the one who really deserved it - the cleaning lady. But on next year we didn't see her. And now, 9 years later, a friend told me that she was his neighbor, and then she left school with happiness and opened her own business. She says I gave her hope.

Case 3

One night I heard something fall in the hallway. It turned out to be a book. It fell off the shelf and opened to a page titled "How to Lose Weight." I thought.

Case 4

Once I went to a club with a friend, I was sitting at the bar, a guy came up to me and said: “Come to me, I will show you my raccoon.” No, of course, they glued me, but this was the first time. It became interesting, I went. We arrive, he opens the door, and a REAL raccoon runs out to meet him! In general, we have been living together for several months now: me, the guy and the raccoon Garik.

Case 5

“Suddenly fate? And I’m not wearing makeup, ”I always repeated to myself. Until she broke her leg in two places, falling in the bathroom. I went to the emergency room with an unshaven leg, half-worn nail polish, in my grandmother's jacket and without a hint of makeup. I met my fate there - a guy with a broken arm and half-shaved beard. Together for 5 years.

Case 6

I dreamed of Berlin, but there was no money - I had been saving up hard for a year for a trip. On the last day I was walking down the street on the outskirts, I saw a barbershop and decided to get a haircut for myself as a keepsake. The hairdresser offered to cut me to his taste - to make a surprise, and I agreed. In an hour, he made my boring haircut so stylish that I was afraid to do it, because I considered myself not cool enough.
I went out, and across the road there was a clothing store, I decided to buy myself a super-brutal T-shirt for a new look. I bought a T-shirt, came home, looked like a week, decided to complete the image tough guy pump up. Already after 6 months I had quite athletic body and a girl fell in love with me for the first time. With the advent of the girl, there was not enough time, he learned how to properly manage it, and immediately increased efficiency at work.
After another 4 months, for my success, I was promoted to a manager, my income increased, I bought a car for myself, and with a girl they began to save up for a wedding. And yesterday I received a letter that my company accepted my application and I was being transferred to another office, which is located in Berlin.

Case 7

I was riding the bus for an exam and suddenly I hear inside myself: “Get off at this stop, go to a cafe, make a bridge.” I think what nonsense, I have an exam! The bus stops, something clicks inside me, and I get off. I go into a cafe, make a bridge and hear a man shouting something to me. I rushed, and the man behind me! He caught up and asks why the bridge was made in a cafe. And I say I don't know. He almost cried. A month ago, his family died in a car accident. He could not accept and decided to commit suicide. I dined and thought: “God, if you exist and I must continue to live, give me a sign.” And here I am.

Case 8

I am 35. At work I am a boss, in life I am a hermit. I don't have friends, but there is one constant habit: I go to the same pub, sit at the very back of the bar and just drink Guinness.
On a typical pub night, someone unexpectedly covered my eyes with their hands and asked, "Guess who?" The girl behind realized that she was mistaken and, apologizing, went to the other end of the bar. She was so young, light, with eyes like two big black beads - not like everyone else. I couldn't think anymore, and the Guinness suddenly became somehow bitter.
She had been waiting there all this time for someone, but apparently in vain. Like crazy, I began to figure out how to talk to her, but nothing came to mind. The bar was closing, she was getting ready. I ran out and, in view of the terrible weather and her sad appearance, offered to give her a ride home.
In the car, she chatted incessantly - there was so much life in her! I forgot to ask for her number, I came to my senses only at home. Came to the pub a week later, and there she was. Sitting in my place. I covered her eyes with my hands and asked, "Guess who?" She laughed and shouted, “I thought you would never come here!”

Case 9

I really liked one guy at the university, I liked it so much that I constantly imagined how we met with him and how then we live happily ever after. She imagined herself to the point that she confused reality with dreams - after the holidays, thinking about something of her own, she approached him and kissed him with the words: “I missed you so much!” By the slightly freaked out look of the guy, I realized that I was a fool. I apologized and ran away. He caught up with me, said that he did not understand what it was now, but he did not mind continuing.

Case 10

5 years ago, I dropped a bag of water from the balcony onto the head of a girl I didn't know. And yesterday I found out that 5 years ago my wife (and we met 3 years ago) went on a date with a man who was supposed to propose to her, but some bastard threw a bag of water on her from the balcony, and she could not come all so wet. Her boyfriend considered this a very frivolous attitude towards him, and they broke up. 5 years ago I crashed my current wife's wedding! Proud!

Good afternoon friends! Elena Melnikova is with you. Have you met absolutely happy people? Those that sparkle with a joyful smile and illuminate the world around with their eyes? There are few of them, but they do exist. I hope this article helps you become one of them.

Absolute happiness, which is based (based) on harmony with oneself, the world and the ability to gratefully accept everything that exists, is not only a gift, but also the daily work of the soul. This is the ideal we all aspire to. But the most important thing to understand is that our happiness is in our hands.

The components of happiness, of course, each has its own. But in any case, one cannot do without accepting oneself - one's personality and way of life.

Does everyone live the way they want? Alas... A lot of restrictions dictated by a sense of duty, financial problems, failures and stereotypes regularly build us a line of obstacles on the way to a dream. And we, resigned, continue to bend under the weight of discontent.

Humility good quality. And it, too, is a gift and spiritual work. But, as the Peace of Mind Prayer says, “Lord, give me peace of mind to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change, and give me the wisdom to tell one from the other.” . Therefore, do not forget that, in addition to humility, life is given to us for development and change. For the better.

“Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight” (V. G. Korolenko). “If you want to be happy - be it” (Kozma Prutkov).

We simply must hang these words at the head of our bed and confirm them with daily efforts to bring them to life. No pessimism. Without distrust in their own abilities. No fear of failure.

Phrases about the comfort zone, like a cocoon, twisted from stereotypes and habits and, like a web, dragging us into everyday life, have already become commonplace. I don’t feel like it, but I have to repeat them over and over again so that everyone thinks: “Is this how I want to live? Am I happy? Are you satisfied with the status quo? And what gives me true joy?

Do not think, I am by no means claiming that our everyday life is an annoying routine burden that needs to be thrown off as soon as possible. No, everyday life around us can also be beautiful, if only you merge harmoniously with it.

But, if you still feel that you live in discord with yourself, do not have the opportunity to realize your potential and as if you are living someone else's life, it's time to act. Boldly and decisively!

So how can you change your life for the better? Remember (what a sad word... No, don't forget!) your main dream. Tell yourself where and with whom you would like to live, what to do, what to think about before going to bed. Have you spoken? Now start walking towards your dream in small (or immediately large) steps.

To help you, I will give three stories from the lives of my friends. These people were able to step out of their comfort zone, challenge their habits, and set out to meet their desires. Some of them I have known for several years, some for several months, but well enough to admire their courage and readiness for change.

So, the first story, slightly reminiscent of the tale of Cinderella

Alyonushka was born in an ordinary Nizhny Novgorod village in a friendly large family. Life never spoiled her, and therefore, from the age of 15, Alena got a job. At first it was a part-time job as an administrator in children's center, night shifts in the grocery store, then employment in a cafe and, finally, in a beauty salon and a fitness club.

By the age of 23, Alena was the administrator of a large shopping center and had dozens of people under his command. She liked the work, leading people was her vocation. Along the way, she worked as an administrator of a beauty salon and had the opportunity to look great for little money. But she knew it was temporary. I wanted more.

Live in Nizhny Novgorod, despite the closeness of relatives and the abundance of friends, seemed boring to her. Moscow more and more often beckoned our heroine, and one day she took a one-way ticket.
This story is not about how Cinderella conquered Moscow. This is a story about how Alena was looking for herself.

In Moscow, having wandered around friends for a month and eating more than one dog in search of rented housing, a brave girl found an inexpensive apartment in the center and a neighbor with whom they shared the rent. All this time she was looking for a job, but did not grab the first offer that came across. It must be a dream job. One for which it was worth going to the metropolis.

Finally, the girl got the position of project coordinator in a website development company. She had to learn a lot new information and fit into a tough team. However, if Alena coped with her duties perfectly, then the team was not easy. The superior men made it clear that, in addition to direct ones, Alena needed to perform some more duties. Alena did not bend.

The desire to change something in her life again bit her desperately. But the wise office worker endured two years to gain the necessary experience, and then changed jobs. Simply put, from customers moved to their own customers.

The new job gave much more satisfaction, but could not withstand the difficult economic situation. Department after department was closed. Alyona was made redundant.

And then, at one fine moment, circumstances (oh, great word!) developed in such a way that Alyona's skills helped her find. More precisely, the work itself found it. A friend, and part-time partner, recommended Alena to the contractors of the closing company. The salary was half as much, but the opportunity to work without visiting the office attracted me more than any money. Now Alena was engaged in Internet advertising.

Together with new job the girl traveled to her parents in the village, to friends in the country, and even to the Netherlands for an internship (yes, yes, remote workers have internships). WITH remote work Alena was able to organize her working day in accordance with biorhythms, desires and habits. I started practicing yoga and found time for business English courses.

But the story doesn't end there. Distant work instilled (or, say, finally instilled) in the girl a love of freedom and gave an understanding of the optimal organization of the work process. And Alyonka does not have organizational skills.

So, our heroine, having calculated all the risks in her mind (and whoever does not risk, you know yourself ...), organized her own company to create websites and related services. The business is developing, but, most importantly, it brings moral satisfaction. And it's worth it!

Elena is from small town Ivanovo region. Her father was a teacher, loved animals very much and even went on business with a tame piglet. Since childhood, Elena dreamed of working as a veterinarian.

But when it was time to go to college, her parents explained to Elena that a veterinarian is an extremely unprestigious profession and she would have to settle in the village forever and “twist the tails of cows on the farm.” Elena went to the pedagogical one.

Elena is an excellent teacher. Children love her for her conscientious work and cordial attitude. But life in a service apartment in Nizhny Novgorod did not appeal to a lover of nature and fluffy animals of all stripes. She and her husband already had a house in a small semi-abandoned village.

Near the hut, over the years rebuilt from something (and gradually turned into two-storey house), unprecedented flowers were already blooming, and future homemade preparations were growing. And one day chickens settled there.

And then it went like clockwork. Following the chickens, rabbits started up (it all started with one pair), then the incubator started working, and all this was clearly going to spend the winter. At first, Elena and Alexander visited their pets every weekend.

Each trip was perceived as an exciting journey to favorite places. And later, when Alexander retired, the couple decided to permanently move to their beloved village.

By that time, the children had already grown up, but the animals required more and more trouble. And the zealous owners decided to completely move to the village. Elena did not wait for her retirement. Instead, she made a suitable schedule for herself at work and travels to work in a city 120 km away every 4 days.

The city is tiring, but at the same time it is a place for buying feed and marketing agricultural products. And it cannot be counted, because sheep, goats and pigs appeared on the farm, and the total livestock has grown to such an extent that the number of “all together” is incalculable.

And let it be necessary to get up, as they say, before dawn, even if in the evening a pleasant ache is felt in the body, but every day the spouses meet with joy, and the children try to come to the village every free minute.

The third story is fantastic.

Sometimes, to find your way, you need to deviate sharply from it.

Anna is a very young girl, she is only 19. She grew up in Tatarstan. At the age of 17 she moved from hometown to the capital of the republic. She started her career from the bottom, but in big company. At one fine moment (and again an accident?), the manager urgently needed a person to replace him. Anyuta was given the following conditions: if she copes, she will remain in office. Anya did it.

By the age of 19, Anna occupied high position famous car company. The salary was enough to rent an apartment in the center of Kazan and not deny yourself anything. But the flip side of the coin is hard work, practically complete absence time for sleep and rest, - made itself felt. Increasingly, Anna asked herself the question: in the name of what is all this? The neurosis grew.

One night, Anya turned on the TV and watched a film about a woman who, in a critical situation, went out into the field, shouted everything that had accumulated in her soul, and after that she got her life back on track.

The way out has been found!

Without thinking twice, Anyuta threw on her coat, grabbed a handbag and called a taxi to the nearest wasteland. starry sky and the cold March night awaited her revelations.

At dawn, Anya walked to the house. The road was as silent and deserted as it had been at night, but the silence was the backdrop for condescending insights. Anya understood: now she wants to fly away.

The rising sun found Anya at the airport. Anya flew to the Crimea. Not coming home. Not collecting things. Not saying goodbye to anyone. And that's why the director's call was so far away ... So far away that Anyuta has not yet written a letter of resignation. She just left.

Arriving in Simferopol, literally, in what and with what she was (there was a passport, a pack of cigarettes and 5,000 rubles in her purse), Anyuta began to live according to the laws of countless romantic vagabonds: fleeting acquaintances, a complete separation from reality and boundless fun.

Having received free time Anya learned to appreciate every moment of it. Now she began to listen to herself and think about what kind of lifestyle suits her.

Friends took Anya sometimes for several weeks. But there came a moment when it was necessary to leave the most hospitable houses. Anya was not afraid. She was free as the wind. Without money. Mom only topped up her mobile account.

About the difficulties suffered on the way (and it was both rain and cold), Anna says this: “I spent the night in the most beautiful and picturesque places on the south coast and ate healthy food cooked in spring water.”

The most interesting thing is that the things that Anya sincerely needed came to her by themselves. People gave her summer dresses, a swimsuit, shoes, a blanket and even a tent. At that moment, when we met and sunbathed in Foros, swimming goggles (and this is not a metaphor) sailed to her - this summer's dream.

Anna: “My path was beautiful and unique. I was accompanied by mountains, the sea, beautiful people, animals and birds. In addition, music accompanied me.

My harmonica I received it as a gift in Fox Bay, where I learned to play. I played music on the embankments, which brought me enough money to buy food and cigarettes. I did not feel poor and unhappy for a minute.

Six months ago, at the beginning of my journey, I would never have thought that tens of thousands of kilometers of walking and hitchhiking would change my world SO drastically.”

Miraculous facts only confirm the idea that with the disappearance of the usual comfort, new opportunities open up for us. You just need to know how to use them.

Anyuta used it until she understood what she wanted from life: she would create and share her experience with others.

In August, Anya returned to her homeland. Competently prioritizing, she thought about choosing a profession (which will certainly be associated with creativity), and is currently going to go to China and India for inspiration. And I firmly believe that she will succeed.

These three beautiful women left a deep mark on my life. Each of them knows what he wants, and firmly goes to his goal. And, if suddenly the goals change, each will be ready for sharp turn. But all these goals can be reduced to one - harmony with oneself and happiness.

People who have changed their lives, despite fears, stereotypes and their own insecurities, are themselves changing in better side. At a minimum, they become more open, bold and determined. In addition, adapting to a new situation forces a change in thinking, improving its flexibility and expanding horizons. So, it's definitely worth a try.

I myself have repeatedly had to turn life 90, and sometimes 180 degrees. Break your own stereotypes, radically change your views and principles and, most importantly, follow them.

Therefore, I developed some algorithm of actions for a cardinal upheaval in fate:

  1. Drop all fears. If that doesn't work, think about your biggest fear and make sure it's not so bad after all. (For example: the worst thing that can happen if I change my job (move to another area) is that I will have very little money. But this is not the worst thing, because in a pinch I can get such and such a position, but in general, I write articles (and some of you bake cakes or sew clothes) to order).
  2. Don't know where to start? Take the first step. Convince yourself that this is only the first step, which will not affect anything, does not oblige you to anything, and, in which case, everything can be ended here. In fact, your first step affects a lot, and by taking a step, you will move to a new level of consciousness and achieve your own goal, which you can no longer refuse. Moreover, if you are on the right track, then see for yourself how everything starts to work out from the first step. In the future, of course, there will be difficulties, but the biggest difficulty - to decide on changes, is already behind us.
  3. Treat the difficulties that arise in your path as tests and tempering of character. Believe that all of them were sent down to you in order to show your true capabilities. In addition, do not forget that overcoming obstacles, coupled with drastic changes, in no time relieves depression caused by routine and everything that develops against its background. Proven in my own skin!
  4. When most of the way has already been covered, there is no point in stopping. But it always makes sense to adjust plans along the way. The main thing at the same time is not to break the contract with the dream.
  5. Ask the Lord for help in business. If you don't believe in God, ask people. Support, advice, a small favor. Ask and it will be given to you.
  6. Praise yourself for small but significant accomplishments. Think further. Think about how things can be improved. And believe in success.

Be happy, dear readers! Don't be afraid of change!

Rassolova Ludmila Nikolaevna

L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball" Morning that changed life

Can chance change a person's life?

Contrast as a technique that allows you to reveal the idea of ​​L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball"

Slide number 2. Lesson objectives:

1 .Educational: show how the technique of contrast helps to reveal the idea of ​​the story. Continue work on the analysis of artistic means that create pictures of the ball and execution.

2 .Developing: develop cognitive interest in fiction; develop skills teamwork students in combination with group and independent work; develop the ability to analyze images - characters, taking into account the author's position. Develop associative imagination and logical thinking, linguistic flair, a sense of the beauty of the language.

3. Educational: to cultivate the ability to listen carefully and hear, the moral qualities of a person: mercy, humanity, a sensitive attitude towards a person, rejection of violence against a person, kindness.

Lesson type: combined lesson. Generalization and systematization of the studied. Basic concepts: worldview, problems of being, despotism, despotism of power, moral renewal, moral responsibility of a person for everything that happens around.

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation, comparative table, recording of the music by I. Strauss "Viennese waltz", supporting notes for each student, texts of Tolstoy's story, notebooks. Reflective map (self-assessment).

Problematic questions of the lesson:

1. What did Ivan Vasilievich understand that foggy morning?

2. How have his views and feelings changed?

3. Why did this morning become decisive in his fate?

4. What means and techniques, what words does Leo Tolstoy use to convey to the reader the answers to these questions?

During the classes. Knowledge update. Presentation.

I. Opening remarks. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Slide number 3. Portrait of Leo Tolstoy. He wanted the truth he understood to become available to all people...

From time immemorial, man has felt the inner struggle of the evil and the evil within himself.

Help or refuse help? - Sympathize or condemn?

What determines the outcome of this struggle? We continue to look for the answer to this question on the pages of Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball".

Slide number 4. The 40s of the XIX - the time of the reign of Nicholas I. Stick discipline raged in the troops. Soldiers for any offense were flogged with whips or "chased through the ranks." The soldier was obliged to hit the punished with gauntlets on the naked body. The man was often beaten to death.

The writer was worried all his life by the thought of the lack of rights of the Russian soldier. Back in 1855, he worked on a project to reform the army, in which he opposed the barbaric punishment - "driving through the ranks." But the story goes far beyond a protest against the inhumane treatment of soldiers. The writer poses broad humanistic problems: “Why do some live a carefree life? And others drag out a beggarly existence? What is justice? Honor? Dignity?"

In the story you can hear the roll call of two eras. The one that Tolstoy directly depicts (40s of the 19th century, during the reign of Nicholas I), and the one that is invisibly present, defining the basic questions of being. Therefore, the writer restores the past to show that his horrors live in the present. He opposes violence and oppression, against inhuman treatment of people. Studying the work, we will try to give a correct assessment of the characters and events, to determine how relevant the story is today.

II. Work on the content of homework questions.

Student presentation on homework.

Slide number 5. Question number 1. How do you understand the words: “I was not me, but some kind of unearthly creature that knows no evil and is capable of doing only good”? (text, p.32).

The story is told on behalf of Ivan Vasilyevich, who begins it with a description of his beloved, Varenka. By the way he talks about her, we can conclude that even after fifty years he remembers her with tenderness, admiration, love.

“She was in a white dress with a pink belt and white kid gloves, a little short of thin pointed elbows, and white satin shoes.”

Before us is drawn an exalted being, almost an angel, and not a real earthly person. Especially in Varenka admires tenderness, sensitivity, kindness. Everything that happens at the ball, our hero perceives with enthusiastic tenderness. He is in love, fascinated by the atmosphere of the holiday, the dinner party. Ivan Vasilievich next to his beloved Varenka: everything is filled with a feeling of happiness, youth, beauty. Our narrator is in the world of balls, holidays, falling in love with Varenka, without thinking about what is happening around him, in the country in which he lives. He is kind and decent, with a good soul.

Slide number 6. Question number 2. Colonel and Varenka. Father and daughter.

How do you understand the words: "I involuntarily connected her and him in one love feeling"? (text, p. 35).

At the beginning of the story, we see a beautiful secular evening. Everyone has fun, the hero is fascinated by Varenka, her wonderful, kind, quiet father - the colonel. Varenka gives Ivan Vasilyevich a feather from a fan and a glove, the hero is in seventh heaven with joy. Love for Varenka liberated in Ivan Vasilyevich's soul all the latent ability of love. A particularly vivid impression was made on the hero by Varenka's dance with his father, a handsome, stately old man with the rank of colonel. This dance fascinated not only the young man, but also all the guests present. The beauty of Varenka and her father is emphasized by this dance. They are beautiful together, and after the dance, Ivan Vasilyevich is more and more sure that Varya is his happiness. He is inspired, he is in love, he is happy! He embraced the whole world with his love. He sees everything in iridescent colors Full of such magical feelings, he returns home and finds no place for himself there. He cannot sleep. He looks at things dear to him, remembers the girl's caressing eyes, hears her sweet voice.

“But most of all, he sees her paired with her father, when she moves smoothly around him and looks at the admiring spectators with pride for herself and for him.” (text, p. 36).

Tolstoy emphasizes the portrait resemblance of the colonel and his daughter: they have an affectionate, joyful smile. Of course, the father of his beloved is noble, kind. strong, handsome and decent person.

Conclusions on the content of the answers to the questions asked:

The first part of the story is devoted to acquaintance with the "respected by all" Ivan Vasilyevich. He talks a lot about himself, about his life, about his love for Varenka, which, without a doubt, was her strongest love.

In the second part of the story, the action develops at the ball of the provincial marshal. Ivan Vasilyevich is stunned by Varya's beauty and falls in love even more and more. From such wonderful feelings, he is ready to love everyone and everything. Everything in this world seems beautiful and delightful to him.

Returning home, Ivan Vasilievich does not find a place for himself. His loving soul requires action, his feelings are trying to break out. He must be close to his beloved! Even without seeing her, he wants to be close to the house where she lives. The hero goes outside.

III. Work on the content of the text. (Heuristic method: analysis of interrelated episodes, language and composition of the work, comparison of the behavior of the characters).

Slide number 7. LN Tolstoy broke the tradition in his story. Usually morning is a symbol of the beginning of something. In the story "After the Ball" this is the end of such a bright and strong love.

Events at the ball take place at night, with artificial lighting - it means everything is artificial, not real. In the morning, the light is real, so you can see the true face. Truth can be revealed not in a noisy crowd, among masks and a sea of ​​champagne. A person should see this world, not covered with tinsel.

What happened in the morning? In the morning, the hero sees a terrible scene on the parade ground: the beating of a fugitive Tatar by soldiers under the command of the “kind” and charming father Varenka.

How and why was the state of emotion, delight, happiness that Ivan Vasilyevich experienced when he returned from the ball violated?

The state of tenderness, delight, happiness was destroyed by the sounds of “some other, cruel, bad music, then he saw“ something big, black ”, then“ he began to distinguish a lot of black people ”, then a soldier“ in black uniforms and, finally I saw "something terrible".

Musical piece "Drumroll"

What literary device is used as the basis for the composition of the story?

Slide number 8. Literary reference.

Contrast - opposition - a stylistic device, opposition of phenomena and concepts.

The story "After the Ball" is built on the principle of contrast: a bright, colorful picture of a merry ball in a noble assembly is replaced by a harsh scene of painful punishment of a defenseless soldier who is driven along the parade ground through the ranks.

With the help of contrast, the author creates a special atmosphere, or aura, of the story. The case that changed the life and fate of the protagonist is based on contrast. The core of the work called “contrast” forms concentric circles around itself, thereby creating a work of art.

In the center of the work, in the foreground, is an event that played a decisive role in the fate of Ivan Vasilyevich. The story is built as a consistent and contrasting image of two episodes: a ball at the provincial marshal and the punishment of a soldier.

Opposed to each other, these episodes are organically connected with each other, as they develop a single artistic idea. It is easy to imagine that without the episode of torturing a soldier, the picture of the ball, although brilliantly drawn by the writer, would have lost all meaning. In the same way, the scene of the punishment of the soldier would not have looked so terrible, and the despair of the young student would not have been so deeply explained if this scene had not been preceded by a picture of the ball. .

The main thing for the author was to show the inner world of his hero, the change of his feelings, his thoughts, his worldview in one morning: the shock of the hero from what he saw on a foggy morning. On the one hand - a feeling of infinite happiness, joy, love; on the other hand, the soullessness, duration and horror of what is happening. The part "After the Ball" although smaller in volume, but it carries the main content of the work: cruelty and evil are hidden behind the pomp and beauty, which are committed according to the law. What the narrator saw changed his life.

IV. Episode analysis. Work in groups (application of the method of dialogue technology).

Slide number 9. Contrast:

in the composition of the story - in the system of images - in descriptions - in language means

Slide number 10. Contrast as a compositional technique. Generalization.

The story has the following main parts:

introduction - at the ball - after the ball - conclusion

What feature of the composition did you notice? (Frame composition, “story within a story”.) - What do we call contrast? (Opposition, antithesis).

What is built in the story on the contrast? (Description of the events of the ball and after, the psychological state of the characters).

The story is framed. This technique is called "story within a story" because the work is written in such a way that we learn about the events from the narrator. Conclusions.

Slide number 11. Contrast as a compositional technique:

Ball - execution night - morning gaiety - gloom happiness - grief

Let's analyze the antithesis: happiness - grief Vocabulary work:

- In what lexical meaning is the word blessed?

“I was not only cheerful and contented, I was happy, blissful, I was kind…” (text, p. 32)

Blissful- 1. The definition of a person to whom God has rendered some kind of good deed, on which the blessing of God rested. 2. A laudatory epithet in relation to God. 3. The definition of a person who has acquired bliss or one who expects a similar state of perfect happiness in the future .

What definition fits our hero? The first definition fits our hero. The feeling of love for Varenka was strong and deep, so Ivan Vasilyevich felt like a happy person, blissful and kind.

- In what lexical meaning is the word "writhing" used?

“The procession began to move away, blows still fell from both sides on a stumbling, writhing man. The drums were still beating and the flute was whistling, and the tall, stately figure of the colonel with the punished was still moving with the same firm step ”(text, p. 38).

writhe - bend in cramps, convulsions.

Happy dreams of Ivan Vasilievich were dispelled by the scene of the terrible punishment of the fugitive Tatar, who was let through the line of soldiers armed with sticks. Varenka's father commanded the execution, that stately colonel who until recently had danced so sweetly with his daughter at the provincial marshal's. The harsh reality struck Ivan Vasilyevich. He could not and did not want to believe that next to the holiday there is pain, suffering, cruelty, injustice. The contrast helped the writer create an emotional atmosphere and show a fracture in the hero's soul. Conclusions.

Slide number 12. Contrast in the system of images:

Colonel - punished Guests at the ball - a crowd on the street

Hero at the ball - hero on the street

The colonel is punishable (text, pp. 37,38).

Tolstoy used the technique of antithesis, which can be seen at different levels: the colonel at the ball and after it, in the first case, a nice and courteous person, in the second, a symbol of a cruel military machine, ruthless, not caring about anyone and not thinking about anyone.

Then the scene of the ball and the humiliation of a man.

The happiness of the protagonist and his disappointment.

Cheerful music of the mazurka and the sounds of the drum and flute, under which the soldier was tormented.

Analytical conversation with elements of a dispute: Can it be argued that the colonel is a hypocritical and two-hearted person?

- How does Ivan Vasilievich tell about the suffering of a punished soldier?

(“a wrinkled face from suffering”, a back - “something so motley, wet, red. unnatural that I did not believe that it was a human body”).

- How does the colonel seem next to this tormented man?

("walks with a firm gait, self-confident", "ruddy face and white mustache with sideburns ..."); (“... The colonel either puffed out his cheeks, taking in fresh air, then slowly let it out through his protruding lip ...”). – What did he do? (performed morning exercise).

(“a man, stripped to the waist, tied to the guns of two soldiers, wrinkled face, stumbling and grimacing in pain…”).

A bright, colorful picture of a merry ball is replaced by a harsh scene of painful punishment of a defenseless soldier, who, to the dry crackle of drums, is driven along the parade ground through the ranks. The author shows the reverse side of the image of a magnificent and refined colonel. Conclusions.

Slide number 13. Contrast in the system of images

Colonel. - What conclusions about the colonel's spiritual qualities are suggested by observations of his attitude towards his daughter?

- Why an attentive and loving father turned out to be cruel towards the soldiers? During the dance, the colonel shows spiritual qualities towards his daughter, he sincerely loves her, takes care of her.

- What qualities of an officer does the colonel show in the scene of punishment on the parade ground? Tolstoy uses the technique of mirror reflection, because the colonel was reflected as in a distorted mirror: the same ruddy face, the same white mustache, the same suede glove. Now everything is legal again. He undoubtedly believes in the need for a cruel reprisal against the fugitive Tatar. And as soon as the undersized soldier lowers the stick not hard enough on the back of the punished, the colonel beats the "culprit" in the face. The behavior of the colonel showed cruelty. The Colonel is sincere both in the ball scene and on the parade ground.

What conclusions can be drawn from these observations? - What is the root of these contradictions according to Tolstoy?

The colonel is convinced that everything must be done according to the law. He is the way the narrator portrayed him: sincere in his relationship with his daughter, amiable with people of a certain circle. Perhaps, somewhere in the depths of his soul, while performing his duty, he has a feeling of pity for an unfortunate, humiliated person. We know from the text how he, probably ashamed, pretends not to recognize Ivan Vasilyevich. But this does not relieve him of guilt, but only to some extent explains his actions.

Ivan Vasilievich. - What role did chance play in the life of Ivan Vasilyevich? – Did the hero face a situation of choice? - How does the hero characterize his decision?

The contrast, which serves as the main compositional technique, is also manifested in the image of Ivan Vasilyevich. After all, it is he who serves as a link between two opposing passages of the story. If not for this figure, the two parts of one whole could not be connected. Only now, such a confrontation, which takes place not only before our eyes, but also in the soul of the main hero, has an impact on his fate.

The contrast helped the writer to create the emotional atmosphere of the episode, to show the fracture in the hero's soul. In place of tenderness and delight came shame and horror. The hero changed his mind about being a soldier. He had to pass these laws, this cruelty. But he could not participate in this horror, because he felt shame from one sight. Ivan Vasilievich, then still a very young man, saw that side of life that he did not know about. It was especially scary for him that the father of his beloved girl was involved in this horror.

The bright, joyful colors of the ball, the carefree fun of young people who are unaware of the existence of another, terrible world, sharply set off the gloomy picture drawn in the second part of the story.

The contrasting image of the heroes, their psychological state, the environment in which they act, allow the writer to reveal the essence of their characters and at the same time expose the contradictions of tsarist Russia.

The development of speech. Work in notebooks. Self-answered questions. Conclusions.

V. Individual task.

Slide number 14. Observations on linguistic means. At the ball.

Musical work by I. Strauss "Viennese waltz".

The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the buffet is magnificent

The hosts of the ball - a good-natured old man, a rich man - a hospitable man, his good-natured wife

Varenka - in a white dress, in white gloves, in white shoes, she has a laughing, flushed face and affectionate sweet eyes

The Colonel is a handsome, stately, tall, fresh old man, with a white mustache, white sideburns, with sparkling eyes.

Ivan Vasilyevich - satisfied, happy, blessed

- What epithets are chosen to characterize the ball? (The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the musicians are famous.)

- How does Ivan Vasilyevich feel at the ball? (Satisfied, happy, kind.)

Why does the hero see everything at the ball in such iridescent colors? (He is happy because he is in love.)

What color scheme does Tolstoy use to depict this scene? (Warm tones.) - What color dominates? Why?

What associations does the color white evoke in you? What can he symbolize? (Good),

VI. Student presentation. Individual task.

Slide number 15. Observations on linguistic means. Execution.

Street - something big, black, cruel, bad music

Soldiers - many black people, in black uniforms

Punished - bare to the waist, his back - something motley, wet, red, unnatural

Colonel - a tall military man, walked with a firm gait

Ivan Vasilyevich - it was ashamed, he lowered his eyes, his heart was almost physical, nauseating melancholy

Analytical conversation:- How and with what help does the author convey the gloomy picture of the second episode? (Using epithets, colors.)

Tolstoy helps not only to see, but also to hear the events taking place. (Slapping his feet in the snow, he slapped his back hard.) - Why did the author choose the same verb?

How does the state of the hero of the story change? (Shame and horror.)

At what point do Ivan Vasilyevich's feelings change? (Scene with the colonel.)

Why did the colonel hit the soldier in the face? (For the fact that he weakly hit the Tatar.)

What detail of clothing does the writer draw our attention to in this scene? (White glove.)

Do you remember what he said during the beating? (“Everything must be in accordance with the law.”) Tolstoy uses the technique of mirror reflection, because the colonel was reflected as in a distorted mirror: the same ruddy face, the same white mustache, the same suede glove. Now again "everything must be done according to the law."

By what law does the colonel live? By what law did he whip a soldier? (According to the law of military life.)

What side of military life did Ivan Vasilyevich see? What features appeared in the behavior of the colonel? (Cruelty.)

Why did Ivan Vasilyevich, having seen the scene of execution, change his mind about being a military man? (He had to accept these laws, this cruelty, but he could not participate in this horror, because he felt shame from one sight.)

We figured out how and why the views of Ivan Vasilyevich changed. But something else was revealed to the hero that morning. He found his place in life, because one of his interlocutors says: "No matter how many people would be good for nothing, if you weren't there."

Conclusions. The writer refers to a sharply social conflict, which is expressed at the level of a contrasting composition (ball - punishment). Positive details in the first part of the story become negative in the second part. The beauty of the colonel makes Ivan Vasilievich, who watched the execution, disgust (protruding lip, pouting cheeks).

The writer resorts to the method of contrasting color matching (dominant white and pink colors are opposed to the red, colorful, unnatural appearance of the Tatar’s back), as well as contrasting sounds (the sounds of waltz, quadrille, mazurka, polka in the first part are dissonant with the whistle of the flute, the thump of the drum, the refrain repeated throughout the second part).

Happy dreams of Ivan Vasilievich were dispelled by the scene of the terrible punishment of the fugitive Tatar, who was let through the line of soldiers armed with sticks. Varenka's father commanded the execution, that stately colonel who until recently had danced so sweetly with his daughter at the provincial marshal's.

The harsh reality struck Ivan Vasilyevich. He could not and did not want to believe that next to the holiday there is pain, suffering, cruelty, injustice. The hero admits that "love has waned since that day," because the image of Varenka constantly resurrected in his memory the picture of "the colonel on the square."

(there was fog, it was dripping from the roofs, the snow was melting on the roads, there was a walk, a deserted lane, pedestrians and draft horses shaking their wet heads began to meet, cabbies slapping houses in their boots, seeming tall - everything was nice and significant).

We select single-root words (- zor - / - sp -):

Vision keen eye spectator outlook worldview contempt ENLIGHTENMENT

What is the lexical meaning of the word "insight"? What kind of fog dissipated in Ivan Vasilyevich's head?

With the help of contrast, the author says that in one world a holiday and misfortune, happiness and tragedy coexist. Contrasting two scenes in contrast, Tolstoy, as it were, takes off the mask from outwardly prosperous and even elegant reality. The more festive, luxurious the student imagined the world around him at the beginning, the more unexpected and tragic his insight turned out to be. The spectacle that opened in the morning to the young man in love was truly monstrous. After what he saw in the soul of the hero, only horror remained. The writer reveals the contradictions of life in Tsarist Russia and at the same time shows the strength of Ivan Vasilyevich's experience, who saw the world from an unexpected angle.

Slide number 17 - Why did love leave? - Is Ivan Vasilyevich right when he considered Varenka involved in the evil committed by her father?

State the point of view of Tolstoy.

The development of speech. Written response to a question.

The inhuman reprisal against the runaway soldier shocked Ivan Vasilyevich and influenced his attitude towards Varenka. What the narrator saw destroyed his dreams and dreams, the wrong side of reality invaded his intimate life, breaking the little world he had so carefully created. Ivan Vasilyevich gradually lost interest in Varenka, his love faded, he abandoned his military career, but he was completely sure that the case had turned his life upside down. The hero lives in harmony with his conscience, instructing his neighbors on the path of good.

Slide number 18. Why did Tolstoy change the story of the hero's life?

Initial version Final version

Ivan Vasilievich differs from many representatives of his class not only in his humanity, nobility, but also in his understanding of his responsibility for injustice in society and for everything that happens. We come to the conclusion that Ivan Vasilyevich was at the ball and Ivan Vasilyevich, having regained his sight, could no longer love Varenka after the ball, because he was already a person who had directly encountered evil, was horrified by this evil and did not want to take part in this evil, in fact - after the morning we have before us another, deeper and more responsible person. Sometimes non-participation in evil is also an act and, moreover, no less important than the fight against evil.

Slide No. 19 Roll-call of epochs in Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball".

40s of the XIX century (time of Nicholas I)

1900s - the time of Nicholas II (modern era to the author)

XXI century (the era in which the reader lives)

Slide number 20. – In your opinion, has Leo Tolstoy's story “After the Ball” lost its relevance?

“Only honest anxiety, struggle and work, based on love, is what is called happiness ... and dishonest anxiety, based on self-love, is misfortune ...”

“In order to live honestly, one must tear, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again, and quit again: and always fight and lose. And peace is spiritual meanness "

Tolstoy is great not only as a brilliant writer, but also as a person, as a personality. His whole life is a path of self-improvement, therefore he calls a person to moral renewal, to fight against his shortcomings, to realize moral responsibility for his actions.

Ivan Vasilievich refused to live according to the "military laws" with their cruelty. He begins to understand the falsity of the laws of high society, to which Colonel B.

Tolstoy reveals the truth to both the hero and the reader: there is another law by which people have tried to live from time immemorial.

What is the law? (God.)

On what date does the story take place? (Forgiveness Sunday - Clean Monday.)

What does this holiday mean? (We must forgive everyone, repent.)

What phrase sounds in the memory of the hero throughout Clean Monday? (“Brothers, have mercy!”)

What do you understand by mercy? (Willingness to help, forgive someone out of compassion and philanthropy.)

Who heard the prayers of the Tatar? (Ivan Vasilyevich and a weak soldier, who was immediately punished for his compassion.)

What simple but important truth is revealed to the hero of the story on this holy day? How should one learn to live? (According to God's laws, compassionate, forgiving, loving people.)

This morning of Clean Monday changed the life of the hero. He became disillusioned with military service, because he saw all its cruelty, the falsity of secular life and realized that one must live according to Christian laws.

- What can affect a person's life?

- Do you agree that a chance, an accident can determine the fate of a person?

Summing up the lesson. - We think about the meaning of life. What do you think the author calls for, pushes us and the hero? - What simple but important truth is revealed to the hero on this holy day? How should one learn to live? According to God's laws, compassionate, forgiving people.

The theme of human responsibility for what is happening around is relevant to this day. Unfortunately, in our lives we have to deal with injustice and determine for themselves how to act in order to look decent in such situations.

Slide No. 21 Spiritual precepts of L.N. Tolstoy. Home mini-essay.

Fine live according to conscience love people be merciful

be kind, generous, patient

Badly act out of inertia be cruel, deceitful, despotic,

selfish, shifting responsibility to others

Work in basic notes:

Supplement the words of L.N. Tolstoy about the meaning of life, left to us by the writer as a testament:

The meaning of life in service people)

Live for oneself _________________________(it is forbidden)

It's spiritual _______________________(death)

I believe that the meaning of life of every person is to increase in oneself _____________________ (love, kindness)

The text has been restored. Reading text.

The development of speech. Answers to problem questions.

What have you learned? What have you learned?

Reflective map (self-assessment)

What have you learned? What have you learned?